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Creator | Item information |
Pabst Brewing Company (Milwaukee, Wis.) | Title: Pabst Brewing Company Records, 1873-197-?
, 1873-1940
Quantity: 60 cubic ft. (80 volumes, 12 boxes) 1 oversize folder 1 film reel 1 digital files (21.7 GB) Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 161 Abstract: Collection documents the administrative and financial history of the Pabst Brewing Company and its various subsidiaries. The earliest records date from the incorporation of the Phillip Best Brewing Company in 1873 and continue through 1889, when the company name changed to the Pabst Brewing Company. The majority of the records predate 1940. |
Pabst Theater | Title: Pabst Theater Collection, 1865-2007
Quantity: 54.4 cubic ft. (108 boxes) 8 oversize folders Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 260 Abstract: The collection was assembled by the staff of the Pabst Theater in order to document the history of the building and performances staged there, including those of its predecessor on the site, Das Neue Deutsche Stadt-Theater. It contains two extensive series of files on performances—one arranged alphabetically, the other chronologically—as well as series of programs and playbills, news clippings, photographs, and posters. It consists of original materials as well as reproductions, generally photocopies, created by the Pabst Theater staff from the holdings of Milwaukee-area repositories. |
Pabst, Joseph R. | Title: Joseph R. Pabst Papers, 2002-2013
Quantity: 5 cubic ft. (12 boxes) plus additions of 2 cubic ft. (2 boxes) Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 292 Abstract: This collection documents Joseph Pabst's philanthropic support of numerous organizations, mostly LGBT-related, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The collection includes correspondence, donation information, photographs, and information about the organizations that Pabst supported. |
Pacific Coast Association of Pulp and Paper Manufacturers | Title: Pacific Coast Association of Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Record of Negotiations, 1945-1964
Quantity: 2.0 c.f. (2 record center cartons) and 1 reel of microfilm (35mm) Call Number: M65-252; Micro 2084 Abstract: Mimeographed “Record of Negotiations” between the International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers, the International Brotherhood of Paper Makers (later the United Papermakers and Paperworkers), and, in 1964, the Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers, and the Pacific Coast Association, 1945-1964, along with proceedings of a 1952 wage conference. The 1945-1948 Record of Negotiations are on microfilm, but the relevant tables of contents are in the paper portion of the collection. Several of the volumes are present as photocopies. |
Pacifica Foundation | Title: Pacifica Foundation Records, 1949-2006
Quantity: 23.0 cubic feet (12 archives boxes and 19 records center cartons); plus additions of 44.4 cubic feet, 22 tape recordings, 3 discs, 100 photographs, 57 negatives, 12 transparencies, and 1 poster Call Number: U.S. Mss 153AF; Audio 1585A; MCHC84-003; M85-573; M87-309; M2016-067 Abstract: Records of the Pacifica Foundation, a non-profit foundation which pioneered listener-sponsored broadcasting and which operates five FM stations: KPFA, Berkeley, California; KPFK, Los Angeles, California; WBAI, New York City; KPFT, Houston, Texas; and WPFW, Washington, D.C. Coverage is best for programming and operations of the individual stations; these files include a fairly comprehensive collection of program guides for KPFA, KPFK, and WBAI, and operational material chiefly for KPFA and KPFK. Also pertaining to KPFA are 19 cartons of partially-processed news scripts, 1963-1973. Although the remainder of the collection pertains to Pacifica in general, there is little documentation on overall policymaking. Also included is material concerning investigations of Pacifica by the U.S. Senate and the FCC over alleged communist infiltration and the use of obscenity on the air. |
Packard, Frederick, 1827- | Title: Frederick Packard Papers, 1857-1864
Quantity: 0.8 c.f. (2 archives boxes) Call Number: Green Bay Mss 13 Abstract: Papers of Frederick Packard, Appleton, Wisconsin, attorney, consisting of correspondence received (1860-1861) and letterpress copy books pertaining to legal cases and legal affairs; and a ledger describing lands sold for taxes in Outagamie County, 1859-1864. |
Pädagogisches Institute Darmstadt | Title: Pädagogisches Institute Darmstadt Collection, 1948-1953
Quantity: .4 cubic ft. (1 box) Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 246 Abstract: Small collection of materials, dating from 1948 to 1953, sent from students and faculty of the Pädagogisches Institute Darmstadt, Germany, to Milwaukee State Teachers College. Contains an excerpt from a German student's diary (not translated into English), photographs of the students and campus, photographic postcards of various cities in Germany including before-and-after World War II photographs of Berlin, and a small scrapbook of photographs. A listing of articles relating to the institute that were published in the Milwaukee State Teachers College newspaper Echo, is available in the Archives' case file along with the finding aid. Ask an archivist for details. |
Padrutt, Arthur L., 1917-1992 | Title: Arthur L. Padrutt Papers, 1941-1981
Quantity: 3.4 c.f. (9 archives boxes) Call Number: Eau Claire Mss CS Abstract: Papers of Padrutt, a former Republican legislator (1941-1956) from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, and member of the Public Service Commission (1956-1975), consisting primarily of chronologically arranged constituent correspondence. Some of the correspondence concerns legislation requiring that stray animals be turned over to medical laboratories for research. The speeches document both his legislative career and his tenure on the PSC. |
Padway, Joseph A., 1891-1947 | Title: Joseph A. Padway Papers, 1916-1940, 1946
Quantity: 1.2 c.f. (3 archives boxes) and 2 reels of microfilm [35mm] Call Number: Milwaukee Mss 6; Milwaukee Micro 40; Micro 940 Abstract: Papers, 1916-1940, 1946, of a labor lawyer, Wisconsin state senator and Milwaukee County judge. Padway became chief counsel for the Wisconsin State Federation of Labor in 1915 and for the American Federation of Labor in 1938. In addition he was politically active in Wisconsin as a Socialist until the mid 1920's, and as a Progressive thereafter. The papers contain subject files pertaining primarily to his political activities, personal interests, and travel; and scrapbooks covering his legal interests and more noteworthy cases. |
Page, Arthur Wilson, 1883-1960 | Title: Arthur Wilson Page Papers, 1908-1960
Quantity: 34.0 c.f. (81 archives boxes, 5 volumes, 1 package) and 14 photographs Call Number: U.S. Mss 51AF; PH 2671 Abstract: Papers of a public relations and business consultant, including correspondence, articles and addresses, appointment books, some records of organizations which he served, and a Page family history. Correspondence, primarily 1918-1960, comprises the bulk of the collection and provides excellent material on his public relations work for educational institutions and foundations, his government service, and his work as a consultant to business. Continuing interest in education is revealed in material on the Farmers Educational and Development Fund and Harvard University. During the 1940's the letters include many references to his chairmanship of the Joint Army-Navy Committee on Welfare and Recreation, which culminated in the formation of the USO. Correspondence from the 1950's contains many references to the problems of big business and transportation and to the organizations which he served as public relations consultant including the American Telephone & Telegraph Co., the Employers Labor Relations Information Committee, Mayo Clinic, and Radio Free Europe. Between 1948 and 1960 work to improve the image of the railroad and steel industries figures prominently in the correspondence. Significant correspondents include William H. Baldwin, Bruce Barton, Omar N. Bradley, Thomas D'Arcy Brophy, Nicholas Murray Butler, James F. Byrnes, J. Lawton Collins, James Bryant Conant, Elmer Davis, Pendleton Dudley, Allen W. Dulles, John Foster Dulles, Dwight D. Eisenhower, James V. Forrestal, Christian Herter, Herbert Hoover, Estes Kefauver, David Lawrence, Trygve Lie, Walter Lippmann, George C. Marshall, Frank E. Mason, Earl Newsom, Richard Nixon, John J. Pershing, Theodore Roosevelt, Henry L. Stimson, Lowell Thomas, Sinclair Weeks, and Wendell L. Willkie. Additional files containing reports and related papers document his work as chairman of a Presidential advisory committee on transportation in 1955 and as project director for the New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Rapid Transit Survey in 1956-1957. The collection also contains minutes of the executive and finance committees of the Carnegie Corporation, 1951-1958; articles and addresses, 1927-1960; and appointment books. |
Page, Charles A., 1838-1873 | Title: Charles A. Page Papers, 1865-1882
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box) Call Number: U.S. Mss U Abstract: Chiefly official and personal correspondence of Charles A. Page while he served as United States consul at Zurich, Switzerland. Included are a letterbook of correspondence, 1865-1869, to Secretaries of State William H. Seward and Hamilton Fish; business and financial letters to his brother George H. Page relating to the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company; letters to George from Charles' widow, Mrs. Grace Coues Page, as a stockholder in the company; a genealogy of the Page family; and ephemera including Page's 1869 pamphlet entitled The Naturalization Question. |
Palmer, Charles Bennett, 1844-1909 | Title: Charles Bennett Palmer Papers, 1862-1900 (bulk 1861-1876)
Quantity: 0.6 cubic feet (2 archives boxes) Call Number: Mss 821 Abstract: Papers, mainly 1861-1876, of Charles Bennett Palmer, an educator and journalist who lived in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Nebraska. Included are letters from friends from Berlin, Wisconsin, who served with him in the First Wisconsin Cavalry and the First Wisconsin Heavy Artillery during the Civil War. Some letters from Berlin and numerous other locations around the country relate to Civil War homefront conditions. Later correspondence was received from Palmer and Kiefer Family relatives and friends whom he met while a student at Antioch College. Some letters from this period relate to the activities of a friend who served on a Customs Service ship during the 1860s. Also part of the collection are seven diaries containing brief notes about Palmer's activities during the 1880s and 1890s. |
Panel of Americans, Inc. | Title: Panel of Americans Records, 1941-1962
Quantity: 1.3 c.f. (4 archives boxes) Call Number: Mss 179 Abstract: Records of a national organization founded in 1942 by university students of varied backgrounds to promote racial and religious harmony. The relationship of the national office in New York City to the two dozen local panels during the 1950s is most heavily documented. Also present is information on personnel, fund raising, the organization of the national council in 1953, and special support received from the American Jewish Committee. Types of documentation in the collection include correspondence, press releases, working papers of the national office, and files on the organization and activity of local panels, fund-raising programs, and training conferences. |
Panganiban, Miriam | Title: Hutchins and Fosnot Photographs, circa 1870s-1922
Quantity: 37 photographs Call Number: PH 6228 Abstract: Photographs preserved by Miriam Panganiban, concerning relatives of the Kennan Hutchins family in various Wisconsin cities, and concerning John Fosnot of Reedsburg and Madison, Wisconsin, who served during the Civil War in Company A, 19th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment. Included are 19th Regiment reunion photographs and images of Fosnot at work; views of Hutchins family members picnicking, traveling by car, and posing on outings and by their homes; and landscape views. Most of the Hutchins family images are postcards and some contain written messages, primarily to Kennan or Herrick Hutchins and their wives, living at 310 Nicollet Avenue in Menasha, Wisconsin. |
Panken, Jacob, 1879-1968 | Title: Jacob Panken Papers, 1916-1964
Quantity: 9.0 c.f. (21 archives boxes) and 1 reel of microfilm (35mm) Call Number: Mss 424; Micro 751 Abstract: Papers of Jacob Panken, the first socialist judge elected in New York City who was also known for his controversial decisions on the Domestic Relations Court bench and for his outspoken participation in socialist, labor, and Jewish organizations. Included is biographical material; correspondence; typewritten copies of his speeches; legal documents relating to his career; a subject file including notes, drafts, correspondence, and reviews of his books, The Child Speaks; the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and Socialism in America; papers on the custody case of Michael and Robert Meeropol, the children of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; files on his use of bibliotherapy with juvenile delinquents; and microfilmed clippings both by and about Panken. |
Pankiewicz, M. Emil (Mikolat Emil), 1909- | Title: M. Emil Pankiewicz Papers, 1917-1980
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box, 1 oversize folder) and 1 reel of microfilm (35mm) Call Number: Milwaukee Mss 71; Milwaukee Micro 36; Micro 915 Abstract: Papers of Pankiewicz, a Milwaukee journalist and real estate agent who was active in the Polish National Alliance and in the resettlement of World War II refugees. Included are correspondence, printed documents, programs, convention records, and scrapbooks of newsclippings regarding Pankiewicz, his wife Emilia, and her father, Jozef Kosciuk, a noted actor in Milwaukee Polish theater and film productions in the 1910s and 1920s. Included are a few playbills and descriptions of productions at the Pulaski Theatre (Teatr Pulaski), Nowosci Theater, and the Lincoln Theatre, and performances by the Polish Dramatic Club, and an advertising poster for the film Halka (1925). |
Panzer, Mary | Title: Mary Panzer Papers, 1981-2004
Quantity: 26.0 c.f. (26 record center cartons) and 1 tape recording Call Number: M2008-072; Audio 1517A Abstract: Files of Mary Panzer, a Republican who served in the Wisconsin State Assembly (1980-1993) and Wisconsin State Senate (1993-2004) representing Wisconsin's 20th Senate District, which includes the city of West Bend. Panzer's Assembly committee assignments included the Joint Committee on Finance and the Legislative Council Commission on Tax Delinquent Contaminated Land. Her Wisconsin Senate committee assignments included the Joint Committee on Finance, Joint Committee on Information Policy, and the Governor's Commission on Juvenile Justice. The bulk of the collection consists of bills, correspondence, and subject files. Also present are subject files of two of her staff members. |
Pardee, Aurel Baker, 1886-1962 | Title: Aurel Baker Pardee Papers, 1910-1949
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box and 1 oversize folder) Call Number: Mss 155 Abstract: Correspondence, diaries, and miscellaneous papers of Aurel Baker Pardee, a Red Cross, Army, and later public health nurse from Eagle, Wisconsin. Most of the correspondence deals with her nursing career with the Red Cross in Kiev, Russia, in 1915, and with American military hospitals in Vittel and Compeigne, France, 1917-1919. The bulk of the material dates from 1914-1924. Two diaries cover her return trip from Russia via Siberia in the fall of 1915 and her service in France beginning with her voyage to Le Havre from New York in October, 1917, and ending in September, 1918. There is a collection of her examination papers from the Illinois Training School for Nurses, 1911-1912; a Nurse's Case Record, 1913-1914; two humor booklets from World War I; and passports and travel documents. |
Paris American Committee to Stop War | Title: Paris American Committee to Stop War Records, 1961-1975
Quantity: 7.8 cubic feet (7 record center cartons and 1 flat box), 23 reels of microfilm (35 mm), 42 audio recordings, 25 photographs, and 17 pieces of ephemera Call Number: Mss 587; Micro 875; Audio 1405A; PH Mss 587 Abstract: Records of Paris American Committee to Stop War (PACS), an anti-Vietnam war organization founded by Americans living in Paris in 1966, and papers collected subsequent to PACS's dissolution in 1968 by Maria Jolas, a founding member. Included are such administrative records as minutes and notes of meetings, correspondence, financial records, membership cards and papers, newsletters, committee files, ballots and election documents, news clippings, and dissolution papers. Subject files have been arranged in pre- and post-dissolution series. There are also literature and correspondence files concerning other United States and European anti-war and peace organizations, photographs, and ephemera. |
Paris Township Preservation Committee (Kenosha County, Wis.) | Title: Paris Township Preservation Committee Records, 1970-1975
Quantity: 1.4 c.f. (4 archives boxes) Call Number: Parkside Mss 61 Abstract: Records of a group of citizens in Paris Township, Kenosha County, Wisconsin, protesting designation of the township as a possible site for the location of a projected nuclear power plant by the Wisconsin Electric Power Company. From January 1973 to June 1974 the group engaged in activities to demonstrate the community's united opposition to the proposed facility, and to have Paris Township removed from consideration for the site. The records include the Committee's membership list, petitions, correspondence with the Wisconsin Electric Power Company, public officials, and others, copies of press releases and other public communications, newspaper clippings, and materials related to lobbying for state power plant-siting legislation. The collection also includes miscellaneous literature related to nuclear power issues generally, originating from anti-nuclear groups operating at the national or regional as well as the state or local levels. |
Parizek, William J., 1919-2008 | Title: William J. Parizek Papers Physical Description: 0.4 cubic feet Call Number: MSS 122 Abstract: William J. “Boober” “Mr. Baseball” Parizek, was born in La Crosse, Wis., in 1919. He was known locally as one of the most knowledgeable people when it came to local baseball history. Parizek played both baseball and softball and served as a coach over most of his 88 years of life. His day job was working at the U. S. Post Office in La Crosse. Parizek died in a La Crosse, Wis., nursing home in 2008. The collection of materials includes clippings, notes, correspondence, photographs and other miscellaneous items about La Crosse, Wis., baseball and softball teams and players, the most notable being Edward “Koney” Konetchy, a La Crosse local who made it to the big leagues with the St. Louis Cardinals. His induction into the Wisconsin Athletic Hall of Fame was presented posthumously in La Crosse in 1962 and is represented in the collection with banquet programs, photographs of the event at the Mary E. Sawyer Auditorium, and a reel-to-reel and later reformatted digital version of the evening’s proceedings. There is also some La Crosse basketball and local history represented as well. |
Park West Redevelopment Task Force | Title: Park West Redevelopment Task Force Records, 1963-1983
Quantity: 9.6 cubic ft. (10 boxes) 1 oversize folder Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 47 Abstract: Records of a non-profit organization created for urban redevelopment of the Park West Freeway corridor in Milwaukee. Includes committee meeting minutes, correspondence, maps, news clippings, photographs, project proposals, reports, and research studies. The collection documents the administration and staff of the Park West Redevelopment Task Force (PWRTF) and provides a detailed picture of its planning, strategies and proposals for land redevelopment. Executive Director David C. Hoeh and Assistant Director Brigid Sullivan-Flynn created the majority of the records, which pertain largely to their tasks of identifying areas for redevelopment, finding a suitable developer, and obtaining sustained funding for their endeavors. Hoeh's correspondence files contain his letters, proposals, and reports to and from city and state officers, community groups, and developers. The annual reports of the PWRTF provide a succinct overview of the organization's activities. The collection contains detailed and extensive grant applications and reports in the files for the Milwaukee Community Development Agency, Milwaukee Department of City Development, Milwaukee Economic Development Administration, Urban Development Action Grants, and Wisconsin Department of Local Affairs and Development. The photographs found in the collection provide excellent images of the Park West area, including aerial views, and pictures of homes. Sanborn maps of the area provide details on the types of housing and buildings. |
Park, Dorothy | Title: Dorothy Park Photographic and Film Collection, circa 1900-circa 1955
Quantity: 212 photographs (1 archives box of prints and 4 small boxes of negatives), 247 transparencies (8 small boxes), and 3 films Call Number: PH 4905; CA 754-CA 756 Abstract: Photographic prints, lantern slides, and negatives, primarily 1900-1905, collected by Dorothy Park, a former member of the staff of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, and several home movies shot by her brother. The photographs not only depict the Allen and William Park families, who resided at 1114 and 1128 East Johnson Street, Madison, Wisconsin, but also the William Barckhan family who resided at 1150 East Johnson Street, and, to a lesser extent, the William Van Deusen family and other unidentified sources. |
Park, J. Charles | Title: J. Charles Park Papers, circa 1960-circa 1995
Quantity: 7.0 cubic feet (7 records center cartons), 5 tape recordings, and 2 photographs Call Number: M2000-100; Audio 1912A Abstract: Papers of J. Charles Park, a professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, who specialized in the study of modern American right-wing groups and movements. The research files primarily document specific topics or particular organizations with a politically conservative focus, such as paramilitary groups, parents' groups, and religious organizations. Especially well documented are the issues of the Equal Rights Amendment and parental concerns on education, including school prayer, sex education, and creationism vs. evolution. A small amount of material documents left wing groups. |
Parker, Arunah A., 1824-1854 | Title: Arunah A. Parker Papers, 1843-1853
, 1871
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box including 5 volumes) Call Number: Platteville Mss O Abstract: Three diaries, 1846-1849, letters to his family in Vermont, and a letterbook kept in Pennsylvania by Parker, a Lancaster, Wis. attorney, recounting his experiences as a surveyor in Wisconsin and giving information on the social and political life of Lancaster and his interest in copper mining in Pennsylvania. Parker's surveying work was done between the Black and Trempealeau rivers under James E. Freeman, U.S. deputy surveyor. |
Parker, Harriet | Title: Harriet Parker Wisconsin Postcard Collection, 1908-1972
Quantity: .4 cubic ft. (1 box) Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 174 Abstract: A collection of 282 Wisconsin postcards collected by Harriet Parker. Many of the postcards do not have writing on them. Some were sent to the Parker family; others are from elsewhere. A number of the cards contain reminiscences from the 1950s. |
Parkinson, Ethelyn M., 1906-1999 | Title: Ethelyn M. Parkinson Papers, 1953-1999
Quantity: 3.8 c.f. (10 archives boxes) and 0.1 c.f. of photographs (1 folder) Call Number: Mss 951; PH 6539 Abstract: Papers of Ethelyn M. Parkinson, a Green Bay, Wisconsin freelance fiction writer, who contributed children's fiction and comic strips to a number of juvenile trade journals, and adult fiction to various literary publications, from the early 1950s until her retirement in 1983. The collection documents her professional life including correspondence between Parkinson and her editors and publishers, as well as fan mail, 1953-1966; some scant biographical material that includes publicity material as well as Parkinson's obituary, 1961-1999; manuscripts, published and unpublished short stories, and original storyboards and storylines for her comic strip “Lane Allen's Diary”; teaching materials from Parkinson's short story workshops at Green Lake Extension School, Green Lake, Wisconsin, 1957-1963; and assorted publications containing her stories and comic strips, 1953-1967. |
Parks, Rufus, 1798-1878 | Title: Rufus Parks Papers, 1837-1858
Quantity: 1 reel of microfilm (35mm) Call Number: Micro 734 Abstract: Record book kept by Rufus Parks, the first land officer in Wisconsin Territory, who later was active in politics and served as superintendent of schools in Summit, Wisconsin. Included are records of land purchases and registrations (giving purchaser's name, section, and amount paid), accounts (including item prices), and copies of letters concerning the formation of school districts, common grain storage facilities, and difficulties with the federal government. |
Parks, William R. | Title: William R. Parks Papers and Photographs, 1880-1937
Quantity: 1.2 cubic feet and 6.7 cubic feet of photographs and negatives Call Number: M78-210; M2019-047 Abstract: Ledgers, negatives and photographs, 1880-1937, made by William R. Parks of Iola, Wisconsin, including studio portraits; views of Iola, including the Iola Cancer Sanitarium; scenes of South Dakota, and images of the Parks family. Ledgers include some client information, but primarily document the day-to-day expenses and business of operating the studio. |
Parkside University League | Title: Parkside University League Papers, 1947-1979
Quantity: 1.3 cubic feet (1 archives box and 1 flat box) Call Number: UWP Manuscript Collection 8 Abstract: These papers document the Parkside University League, a social association that was originally organized by female staff and faculty members at the Racine Extension to promote social relations among its members and to cooperate with the students and staff of, first, the Racine Center, and later, the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. This collection contains correspondence generated by the organization, publicity, drafts of the constitution, and files pertaining to various public events sponsored by the group. Also included are publications such as directories, newsletters, yearbooks, and scrapbooks. |
Parsons, Albert Richard, 1848-1887 | Title: Albert Richard Parsons Papers, 1876-1893
Quantity: 0.2 cubic feet (4 folders in black box) and 1 reel of microfilm (35 mm) Call Number: U.S. Mss 15A Box 1; Micro 523 Abstract: Papers of Albert Richard Parsons, a Chicago anarchist executed after the 1886 Haymarket bombing; including correspondence concerning his imprisonment and execution; notes he took during his trial; and clippings and broadsides concerning the trial, speaking tours of Mrs. Lucy (Gonzales) Parsons, the International Working People's Association, and the 8-hour day movement in Chicago. |
Partnership for Democracy (U.S.) | Title: Partnership for Democracy Records, 1971-1992
Quantity: 14.8 c.f. (13 record center cartons and 7 archives boxes) Call Number: M94-314 Abstract: Records of Partnership for Democracy, known from 1971 to 1989 as the Youth Project, an important funder (and technical advisor) of community-based projects for social change throughout the United States. The collection documents the group’s work and the financing of social action, and contains analytical and descriptive information on a broad range of groups and projects throughout the country. |
Partridge, Charlotte Russell, 1882-1975; Frink, Miriam, 1892-1978 |
Title: Charlotte Russell Partridge and Miriam Frink Papers, 1862-1980
Quantity: 31.5 cubic feet (69 archives boxes and 6 flat boxes), 9 tape recordings, 6.3 cubic feet of photographs (15 archives boxes and 1 lantern slide box), and 1 film reel (16 mm) Call Number: Milwaukee Mss 167; PH Milwaukee Mss 167; Audio 1318A; Audio 1330A; AD 921 Abstract: Papers of Charlotte Russell Partridge and Miriam Frink, who in 1920 co-founded the Layton School of Art in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and shared their personal and professional lives for fifty-five years. The collection contains the personal, professional, and civic papers of the two women with a focus on Wisconsin art, artists, and art education. Included are institutional records, photographs, slides, lantern slides, and 16 mm film footage of the Layton School of Art and Layton Art Gallery; administrative records and photographs of Wisconsin Depression-era federal art projects which Partridge directed; reference files of Wisconsin art exhibits and artists; and records of Wisconsin art organizations. There are materials pertaining to Frank Lloyd Wright and his 1930 architectural exhibit at the Layton Art Gallery. |
Partridge, Charlotte Russell, 1882-1975 | Title: Charlotte Russell Partridge Collected Papers, 1918-1968
Quantity: 3.4 c.f. (9 archives boxes) Call Number: Milwaukee Mss ED Abstract: A collection of ephemeral materials concerning art groups and art-related subjects in the United States, Wisconsin, and Milwaukee, preserved by Charlotte Partridge, director of the Layton Art School, Milwaukee. The collection consists of clippings, announcements, brochures, bulletins, catalogues, and reports, with much of the material coming from mass mailings. Much information is included on art education, museums, the American Federation of Arts, and the Milwaukee Art Center. |
Paschal, Scott, collector | Title: State Sanatorium Postcards and Newsletters, 1905-1957
Quantity: 0.8 c.f. (2 archives boxes) Call Number: M2011-068 Abstract: Photographs and postcards, 1905-1957, both labeled and unlabeled, relating to the State Sanatorium for tuberculosis located in Wales, Wisconsin. Included are copies of the Sanatorium's monthly newsletter, The Beacon, from April 1945 to June 1957, and the newsletter of the Wisconsin Anti-Tuberculosis Association, The Crusader, from October 1946 to March 1952. Postcards of the Wisconsin State Industrial School for Boys in Waukesha are also included. |
Passet, Joanne | Title: Joanne Passet Graduate School Journals Quantity: 0.25 Linear Feet One half-size letter document box. Two notebookes and typed journal entries. Call Number: uac109 Abstract: This collection contains the journal entries of Historian Joanne Passet written while she was a doctoral student at UW-Madison from 1995-1999. They describe her coursework, interactions with faculty including Linda Gordon, Jeanne Boydston, and Paul Boyer, and graduate student life. It includes two hand written journals from 1993-1996 and typed journal entries from 1997-2000, as well as correspondence pertaining to the donation of the journals and providing some context. |
Patchin Family, | Title: Patchin Family Papers and Photographs, Quantity: 2.2 linear ft. of papers (three archival boxes and three flat boxes), 0.1 linear ft. of photographs (1 folder), and 0.1 linear ft. of paper prints (1 folder). Call Number: WVM Mss 1386 Abstract: Correspondence, military papers, and photographs pertaining to Augustus and James Patchin, father and son from Wyocena, Wisconsin who served with Wisconsin regiments during the Civil War. Augustus enlisted in 1861 with Company D, 10th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment and served until being wounded and captured at the Battle of Chickamauga (Georgia) in 1863. He spent several months as a prisoner of war at Libby Prison (Virginia) before being released and mustered out of service in December 1864. Augustus's son, James, first enlisted with Company B, 40th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment and then reenlisted with Company I, 47th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment. Most of the correspondence is letters written by Augustus and James home to their family while they were serving in the war. The letters from Augustus generally discuss military life, his thoughts on military service, the health of the men of his company, and descriptions of southern landscape. He frequently asks for letters and supplies from home, mentions his desire to return home from the war soon, and continues to dictate how to perform daily tasks on the farm. Augustus mentions participating in the Battle of Perryville (Kentucky) and the Battle of Stones River (Tennessee) in two letters (October 12 and 16, 1862 and January 7, 1863), and mentions the putrid smell still at the battlefield of Stones River nearly two months later. The letters also include his thoughts on Copperheads, his disgust over the management of the Army, and his feeling that he is doing his duty by serving in the war. Letters written by Augustus from Libby Prison are significantly shorter in length, with one letter stating he was only allowed to write six lines (February 7, 1864). They mention that he is healing from his wound, ask for supplies to be sent, and that he hopes to be released soon as part of a prisoner exchange. Correspondence written by James includes comments about drill and training, casualties among his fellow soldiers, and his thoughts on military life. One letter (April 17, 1865) describes how two soldiers from Illinois were court marshaled for celebrating the death of Lincoln. Another letter (July 8, 1865) mentions that he felt the Black residents of Tennessee were more intelligent and harder workers than the white residents, and that "a man that curses the Negro does not know as much as he ought to about things in general." Letters written to Augustus, before James enlisted, center around the health of the family, ask for farming advice, and mention his own desire to serve in the war. The collection also includes letters written to Augustus from his wife, Margaret, and from his niece, Mary McDougall. Letters from Margaret discuss life on the farm in Augustus's absence and the general health of the family. She frequently states that she longs for his return, and writes about the stress placed on her from running the farm and caring for the children. One letter (April 16, 1863) mentions that she was upset at being called a war widow by neighbors and hopes that he will return soon. Letters from Mary update Augustus on the family, neighbors, and wish him a safe return home soon. She also frequently mentions the need for the war to end so the soldiers can arrest the Copperheads in Wisconsin. Other correspondence include a few letters written by other relatives, neighbors, and fellow soldiers. One interesting letter was written to James from his cousin Clarence Burnett. The letter states that Burnett witnessed Confederate prisoners being transported to Camp Randall in Madison, Wisconsin. He also mentions seeing three cars of wounded soldiers returning to Wisconsin after the Battle of Shiloh, and a cannon captured by the 14th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment during the same battle. Additional manuscripts include a pass from performing duty issued to James, pay vouchers issued to Margaret from the Volunteer Aid Fund, and a religious talisman carried by Augustus. Photographs include two copy prints of images of Augustus. One image is of him standing in full uniform and the other was taken sometime after his service. Transcriptions of the letters were done by Wisconsin Veterans Museum staff and have been included in the collection. |
Patrick Cudahy Strike and Plant Closing of 1987-1989 Oral History Project | Title: Patrick Cudahy Strike and Plant Closing of 1987-1989 Oral
History Project Records, 1994
Quantity: .6 cubic ft. (2 boxes) 38 digital files (20.5 GB) Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 123 Abstract: Collection consists of oral history interviews with administrators and workers at the Patrick Cudahy meatpacking plant in Cudahy, Wisconsin who were on strike from 1987 to 1989. Dr. Michael Gordon at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee conducted the interviews in 1994. For each interviewee there is a cassette recording and abstract of the interview. The topics discussed include family background; job history at Patrick Cudahy; working conditions; attitudes towards the company, the strike, and scab labor; and how the strike lasted for two years. Of particular interest for details about the financial and working conditions of the plant, and strike strategies are the interviews with Cudahy President Roger Kapella, Director of Human Resources Daniel Habighorst, and United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local P-40 President Mark Rosenbaum. |
Patrick M. Quinn, 1942- | Title: Patrick M. Quinn Papers, 1968-1974
Quantity: 0.8 c.f. (2 archives boxes), 2 tape recordings, and 6 photographs Call Number: Mss 510; Tape 779A; PH Mss 510 Abstract: Papers of social activist Pat Quinn that document his anti-Vietnam War and labor efforts in Madison, Wisconsin, between 1968 and 1974. The papers concern his involvement with the Madison Area Peace Action Council, the Madison Committee to End the War in Vietnam, and Local 171 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, and consist of correspondence, leaflets, press releases, printed matter, and clippings. On tape is a 1974 interview, the transcript of which is also in the collection, that concerns his assessment of the origins and growth of the anti-war movement in Madison. The photographs document a 1973 Memorial Day anti-war march sponsored by the Madison Area Peace Action Council. |
Patrick Small Papers | Title: Patrick Small Papers, 2011-2022
Quantity: 3.5 cubic ft. (2 boxes) Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 391 Abstract: Collection consists of protest materials and slogan relating to city, county, and state protests from 2011-2022 including Act 10, the Walker recall, Evers special session, and county park privatization. The collection contains one accession, Accession 2021-061, Patrick Small Papers, 2011-2022. |
Patrick, John, 1907- | Title: John Patrick Papers, 1944-1959
Quantity: 0.8 c.f. (2 archives boxes) Call Number: U.S. Mss 9AN Abstract: Papers of a playwright and screenwriter, including drafts of plays, scripts, correspondence, some playbills, and copies of foreign editions of his work. Insights into the writer's craft are provided by numerous notes, insertions, and corrections in Patrick's hand on such plays as The Hasty Heart (1945) and The Story of Mary Surratt (1947), but for his Pulitzer Prize-winning work The Teahouse of the August Moon (1953), there are only brief notes on dialogue, playbills, photographs, and clippings. Included with the documentation of his career as a screenwriter are drafts, treatments, and extensive correspondence relating to location problems, censorship. and difficulties with actors' rights and perogatives encountered during the filming of The World of Suzie Wong (Para., 1960). |
Patrons of Husbandry. South Greenville Grange No. 225 (Outagamie County, Wis.) | Title: Patrons of Husbandry. South Greenville Grange No. 225: Records, 1873-1973
Quantity: 0.8 c.f. (4 archives boxes) and 1 reel of microfilm (35mm) Call Number: Green Bay Mss 74; Green Bay Micro 17; Micro 715 Abstract: Records of an Outagamie County, Wisconsin farm organization which sponsored educational and social events and promoted legislation beneficial to agriculture; including minute books, membership records, and news clippings, photographs, and other scrapbook materials. |
Patrons of Husbandry. Tibbets Grange No. 762 (Walworth County, Wis.) | Title: Patrons of Husbandry. Tibbets Grange No. 762: Records, 1947-1994
Quantity: 4.6 c.f. (1 record center carton and 9 archives boxes) Call Number: Whitewater Mss BX Abstract: Records of a Walworth County, Wis. agricultural and social organization that sponsored educational and social events and promoted legislation beneficial to farmers. Organized in 1947 under the sponsorship of the Fairfield Grange, the Tibbets Grange held its meetings at the Sugar Creek Town Hall. The collection includes a complete set of record books containing meeting minutes; scrapbooks (containing photographs, clippings, and ephemeral items) documenting community service activities; reports of the Home Economics Committee; Women's Activity reports; lecturer's bulletins and project books; a dues account book; newsletters; quarterly reports to the Wisconsin State Grange; information about rituals; membership participation records; and other miscellaneous material. |
Patrons of Husbandry. Wisconsin State Grange | Title: Patrons of Husbandry. Wisconsin State Grange Records, 1875-1991
Quantity: 1 reel of microfilm (35mm); plus additions of 5.2 c.f. and 7 photographs Call Number: Micro 128; M94-002; M2007-038 Abstract: Records of the Wisconsin State Grange, an order of the Patrons of Husbandry. The Patrons of Husbandry was founded as a farmers' lodge on December 4, 1867, in Washington, D.C., to encourage farm families to band together for their common economic and political well-being. The collection documents many of the Grange's activities and the beliefs and attitudes of its members from early on in the organization through the 1980s. Included are administrative, financial, and membership records, in conjunction with committee materials, correspondence, board reports, legislative action files, and other project files. |
Patronsky, Mark | Title: Mark Patronsky Papers and Still Images, Quantity: 0.4 linear ft. (2 archives boxes) of papers, 0.8 linear ft. (2 archives boxes) of photographs, 0.8 linear ft. (4 negative boxes) of negatives. [3069 original images] Call Number: WVM Mss 1341 Abstract: Papers and still images pertaining to the service of Mark Patronsky, a Madison, Wisconsin, resident who served with 1st Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery, and 2nd Battalion, 92nd Field Artillery during the Vietnam War era of the Cold War. He was drafted after graduating from college and was deployed with a nuclear-capable artillery unit in Germany. The bulk of the collection consists of quality black and white negatives, contact sheets, and photographs taken by Patronsky during his service. The images capture Patronsky's cynical view of army life and document recreational activities while stationed at Fort Hood (Texas) and River Barracks, Giessen, Germany. Military related images include shots of artillery pieces, military equipment, and soldiers during field exercises. Other images depict landscapes and base photographs and recreational activities. Additional images depict his basic training and induction, along with his college graduation and some anti-war protests at Indiana University. Of particular interest is a photograph set showing a Christmas display that utilized a tank for Santa's sleigh and an attack helicopter for Rudolph. Manuscripts include a typed memoir from Patronsky that recounts his experiences in the service and provides context to the still images. Ephemeral documents include his short timers calendar, training material, and various military-related items. |
Patterson, Robert, 1753-1827 | Title: Draper Manuscripts: Robert Patterson Papers, 1758-1855
Quantity: 0.6 cubic feet (3 volumes) and 1 reel of microfilm Call Number: Draper Mss MM; Micro 1034 Abstract: Papers of Robert Patterson, a soldier, magistrate, and legislator from Virginia and Kentucky, and frontier settler and founder of Georgetown and Lexington in Kentucky, and Dayton and Cincinnati in Ohio. Included are papers relating to his military and business careers, as well as his personal life. |
Patterson, William J. (William James), 1880-1955 | Title: William J. Patterson Papers, 1894-1954
Quantity: 2.0 c.f. (6 archives boxes) Call Number: Wis Mss SO Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, diaries, and speeches of William J. Patterson, a railroad man who served in the Interstate Commerce Commission's United States Bureau of Safety and as commissioner of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 1939-1953. Diaries describe his work on the railroads in the Dakotas and the southwestern United States (1901-1913), and his travels around the country as a railroad safety inspector, director of the Bureau of Safety, and ICC commissioner. Personal correspondence includes discussions of railroading with others interested in transportation problems. Professional correspondence deals largely with the ICC and includes letters from General Carl R. Gray, director of the Military Railway Service in Europe, 1944-1945. In the collection are also some papers from the files of W. P. Borland, who preceded Patterson at the ICC, including some correspondence, 1903-1912, and speeches, memoranda, and opinions on the Safety Appliance Act, 1903. |
Patton, Adell, 1936- | Title: Adell Patton, Jr. papers Quantity: 3.56 cubic feet 2 record cartons, 1 letter document box, 2 custom sized boxes Collection materials include papers, slides, photographs, and audio cassettes. Call Number: uac66 Abstract: Materials in the Adell Patton, Jr. papers were created between 1970 and 2016. This collection consists of lecture notes and slides created and used by Adell Patton in courses he taught at the University of Missouri; oral histories on audio cassette with medical practitioners, predominately from African countries; notes Adell Patton took on sources consulted in the creation of his work "The Ningi Chiefdom and the African Frontier: Mountaineer Culture of Resistance to the Sokoto Caliphate, ca. 1800-1908" as well as photographs and professional correspondence. |
Paul Bunyan Logging Camp | Title: Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Records, 1935-1983
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box) and 38 photographs Call Number: Eau Claire Mss CV; PH 6468 Abstract: Records of a tourist destination in Carson Park (Eau Claire, Wis.) established by the Kiwanis Club in 1934 depicting a logging camp such as would have existed in the Eau Claire area in the late 1800's. The records primarily document the move and reconstruction of the camp between 1981 and 1983 at which time it was moved to the other side of Carson Park so that it was closer to the Chippewa Valley Museum. Included are plans and correspondence for the reconstruction, primarily dealing with finances and fundraising, Paul Bunyan drawings produced for the Camp by Mead Sales Company, and photographs taken of the camp before it was moved. |
Paul, George H., 1826-1890 | Title: George H. Paul Papers, 1834-1889
Quantity: 3.8 c.f. (14 archives boxes) Call Number: Wis Mss CQ Abstract: Papers of George Howard Paul, a member of the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1874-1890, and postmaster at Milwaukee during President Cleveland's first administration. The collection relates generally to the Democratic Party in Wisconsin, and to university affairs, especially the building program and the resignation of President John Bascom. Correspondence of Paul with his wife who remained for a time in Vermont, and with other relatives and friends there, contains information about the early history of Kenosha, Wisconsin, home life, and Vermont's Burlington Sentinel, of which Paul had been publisher. The collection touches upon the Barstow-Bashford controversy; state and local political figures and campaigns, especially those of 1852 and 1872; reimbursement of the builders of the State Capitol after the disaster of 1882; the Potter Law and injunction suits of the 1870's; National Civil Service Law in the 1880's; and investigation of the Milwaukee County Insane Asylum in the 1880's. Letters of Congressman Charles A. Eldredge concern relations between President Johnson and Congress in 1866. |
Paulson, Belden H., 1927- Sell, William H., 1938-2022 | Title: Belden H. Paulson Papers, 1951-2015
William H. Sell Papers, 1938-2022
Quantity: 2.4 cubic ft. (6 boxes) 1 videocassette 2 digital video files (1.83 GB) Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 230 Abstract: This collection contains the papers of Belden H. Paulson, a leader in citizen action, economic improvement, and sustainable living in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. Records include teaching materials, topical and work files, and documentation of a self-sufficient living institute. These papers document his career outside of the UW-Milwaukee Center for Urban Community Development. |
Paulson, Bernard J., 1889-1971 | Title: Bernard J. Paulson Papers, 1905-1994
Quantity: 10.8 c.f., 400 photographs, 82 negatives, 44 transparencies, and 3 films Call Number: PH 4899; PH 4900; PH 4901; PH 4902; WHi (P2); M88-217; AC 537; AC 538; CB 099 Abstract: Papers of Bernard J. Paulson, a Milwaukee advertising executive, entrepreneur, inventor, and writer, documenting both his business career and his personal life. The papers include the personal correspondence and financial records of Paulson, Getta Broughton, and other members of his family; records of early work as a salesman and writer for the International Harvester Company in Montana and Chicago; and limited business correspondence, financial records, client records, and advertising copy from a number of Milwaukee advertising agencies with which Paulson was associated, 1921-1961. The collection also includes drawings, correspondence, and patent records for other many items invented by Paulson, three 16mm home movies, 1957-1959, and photographs and negatives showing family activities, Paulson company products, and International Harvester machinery. |
Paulson, Duane | Title: Duane Paulson Papers, 1966
Quantity: 0.1 cubic feet (1 folder) and 3 oversize maps Call Number: River Falls SC 371 Abstract: Papers documenting the successful attempt by farmer Duane Paulson and others to purchase the Chicago and North Western Railway Company right of way between Hudson and River Falls, Wis., and thereby avoid development of the corridor; including correspondence, deeds, and three oversize maps showing the right of way. |
Pawlinski, Jeffrey A.; Milwaukee (Wis.). Common Council. |
Title: Jeffrey A. Pawlinski Aldermanic Records, 1990-2004
Quantity: 7.5 cubic ft. (22 boxes) Call Number: City of Milwaukee Archival Collection 86 Abstract: Records of Common Council Alderman Jeffrey A. Pawlinski, who served Milwaukee's 13th District from 1996-2003. Collection contains correspondence, reports, subject files, ordinance copies/drafts, handwritten notes, clippings, and publications. |