1. | Manuscripts |
2. | Editions and Facsimiles |
3. | Other Works |
National Library of Iceland (Landsbókasafn Íslands). |
Arnamagnæan Institute (Iceland) (Stofnun Árna Magnússonar á Íslandi). |
University of Iceland, Main Building (Háskóli Íslands, Aðalbygging). |
Of the works by Jónas translated in this collection, many survive in autograph copies. Most of these copies are found in the following four manuscript collections, all of which are presently located in Iceland:
KG 31 a |
KG 31 a II |
KG 31 a III |
KG 31 b I |
KG 31 b IV |
KG 31 b V |
In addition to these four major manuscript collections, the following sources contain autograph copies of texts translated in the present work:
Landsarkivet for Sjælland, Skiftedocumenter, Protokol 1, Nr. 147.A. og B., 1850-51. Among the items in this collection of letters to Brynjólfur Pétursson is Jónas's letter of 18-22 February 1842, which contains one of two surviving copies of "At an Old Grave, 1841" ["Á gömlu leiði 1841"] and one of two surviving copies of "The Style of the Times" ["Aldarháttur"].
Ny kgl. saml. 2004 fol. II (in the Royal Library in Copenhagen). This contains a copy of "Bjarni Thorarensen" which once belonged to Páll Melsteð and was given to the Royal Library by his nephew Bogi Th. Melsteð.
Ny kgl. saml. 3282 4to (in the Royal Library in Copenhagen). This contains the only surviving autograph copy of "To Mr. Paul Gaimard" ["Til Herra Páls Gaimard"]. Its provenience is the same as that of the previous item.
JS 402 4to (in the National Library of Iceland). This contains the only surviving autograph copy of "A Toast to Iceland" ["Íslands minni"]. The manuscript once belonged to Jón Sigurðsson.
Lbs. 3402 4to (in the National Library of Iceland). This contains a copy of "Bjarni Thorarensen." On its provenience see KJH310.
Private ownership: One of two surviving copies of "The Style of the Times" ["Aldarháttur"] is in the possession of Jóhann Briem (Reykjavík).
Þjms. 12172 (in the National Museum of Iceland). Jónas's travel journal from the summer of 1841. It contains the earliest surviving copy of "Bjarni Thorarensen" and also the poem "Bjarni, Goodbye!" ["Skáldið mitt var skjótt í leik"]. On the provenience see KJH305.