Singer Manufacturing Company Records, 1850-circa 1975

Administrative/Restriction Information

Access Restrictions

Records which are less than forty years old may only be used with the permission of the secretary of The Singer Company. As of 1993 this officer may be contacted at the North American Corporate office, 131 McNab Street, Markham, Ontario, Canada, (416) 475-2670.

Acquisition Information

Presented by the Singer Manufacturing Company, New York, New York, and Stamford, Connecticut, 1961-1990; the New York State Historical Association, Cooperstown, New York, 1961; Robert B. Davies, Moorhead, Minnesota, 1987; and Myer Skoog, Brainerd, Minnesota, 1989. Accession Number: M61-120, M61-120-1, M75-3, M77-384, M81-579, M87-277 (portions not processed), M87-301, M89-292, and M90-241

Processing Information

Processed by Robert Davies, 1962. Additions processed and prepared for filming by Lee Grady, Lynn Lubkeman, Virginia Fritzsch, Cynthia Knight, and Carolyn Mattern, 1990-1993.