Rev. John H. Twombly, of Boston, next became president of the institution. But loving the pulpit more than the presidency, resigned in 1874, and Doctor John Bascom, of Williams College, succeeded him. For thirteen years, great years for the University, President Bascom directed the affairs of the institution. He was a great teacher, an inspirer of men; and on the great themes of religion and philosophy a thinker of singular power and sincerity. He believed in the moral law with his whole soul, and was a reformer who had always the courage of his convictions. Nearly six hundred graduates went out from the University during his administration, rejoicing in the uplift he gave them, glad in the vision of a life of intellectual and moral power devoted to the betterment of men. President Bascom brought in co-education. Since the reorganization, the young women had graciously been allowed to recite in University Hall; but not with the young men. Segregation, after the manner of Chicago University, had been the order of things; but under President Bascom's direction the young men and women recited together, as they now recite and probably always will recite in the old University, unless crab-like the world goes backward. These thirteen years were years of expansion and permanent development. The income was increased from time to time. An Agricultural Experiment Station and a School of Pharmacy were established. A new Science Hall was built in 1875, costing $80,000, and when it was burned eight years later the legislature gave them a new Science Hall and laboratories and machine shops, costing over $400,000. This fairly represents the growth of the scientific department of the University, and of the attitude of the people toward higher secular education. |
Doctor John Bascom |
Science Hall 1880 |