Various Panoramic Photographs of Camps and Locations,

Scope and Content Note

Images in this collection have been arranged alphabetically by fort or camp name. Due to the varying sizes of panoramic photographs, images of one location may be present in several different folders.

Most of these images are identified with the name, state and year the photograph was taken. Several images also have written notes about the functions of various buildings or where different regiments were stationed within the camp. The panoramic photographs are in alphabetical order by the name of the camp. For ease of use, the finding aid has been organized by state, then camp.

Miscellaneous camps and locations include unnamed camps, and an end-of-war celebration in Chicago. Also included are photographs from overseas, both Europe and Asia. Several photographs from Europe feature France and Germany from World War I, many with short captions about military actions taken in the surrounding area. Featured areas include Belleau Wood and Argonne, as well as a few towns in Germany. An image of American barracks in China features the barracks and some of the surrounding Tientsin, China.