Joseph L. Baron Papers, 1910-1960

Container Title
Subseries: L
Box   362
LaBar, Henry J., Mrs., 1945
Note: Baby announcement.
Box   362
LaBerge, M., 1934-1938

Location: Paris, France.

Notification that dresses have been selected for her approval.

Box   362
Labor Party, 1920

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Stenographic report of addresses at convention of the Labor Party held in Carmen's Hall, Chicago, Illinois, on July 12, 1920.

Box   363
LaBoyteaux and Company, 1929

Location: New York, New York.

Fire insurance policy.

Box   363
Lackner, Herman, undated

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Acceptance of dinner invitation.

Box   363
Lacy, Mary H., 1921

Location: Coronado, California.

Notification that Mrs. McCormick cannot have house until March 1.

Box   363
Lacy, Sterling Byrd, Mrs. (Mabel Linn), 1923-1927
Note: Congratulations on presenting an eloquent paper.
Box   363
Ladd, W.M., 1913
Note: Report on man named Charles who refuses to be instructed in the care and lubrication of Mrs. Blaine's automobile.
Box   363
Laehr, Margaret, 1929

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Request that Mrs. Blaine find position for caretaker who has just recuperated from a sickness.

Box   363
Laessle, Albert, 1918

Location: Germantown, Pennsylvania.

Notification that the positive of a mask will be sent to her.

Box   363
Lafayette Memorial Inc., 1924

Location: New York, New York.

Request for contribution. Pamphlet.

Box   363
Laflin, Louis Ellsworth, 1899

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to dine.

Box   363
Laflin, Louis Ellsworth, Mrs. (Josephine Knowland), 1900-1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Lake Forest, Illinois.

Plan for establishing Lake Forest branch of Parker School.

Box   363
La Follette, Philip F., 1937

Location: Madison, Wisconsin.

Copy of his radio speech on President Roosevelt's judicial reorganization plan delivered 1937 February 27.

Box   363
La Follette, Robert, 1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for contributions to the La Follette-Wheeler campaign fund.

See also: Progressive Conference, 1931 March 11-12.

Box   363
La Follette's Magazine, 1926-1928

Location: Madison, Wisconsin.

Acknowledgement of her remittance for subscription.

Box   363
LaFreniere, Ida, 1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Offers services as soloist at receptions.

Box   363
Lagelbauer, Ernest, 1949

Location: New York, New York.

Request for financial assistance to promote the production of his kinematic jet aircraft propulsion system and his S.T. Gas Dual Turbine System. Report by Purdue University on the S.T. System.

Box   363
LaGuardia, Fiorella H., 1946

Location: New York, New York.

Stenographic report of an address by him entitled “Something New in International Relations: The Food and Agricultural Organization” delivered before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1946 October 23.

Box   363
Lahr House, 1909

Location: Lafayette, Indiana.

Telegram with one word - “yes.”

Box   363
Laidlaw, James Less, Mrs. (Harriet B.), 1914-1944

Location: New York, New York.

Request for donation to equal suffrage campaign, 1914.

Copy of poem “Valor” by her.

Request that Mrs. Blaine become a member of a committee for the League of Nations Association.

Box   363
Laine, Patty M., 1914-1943

Location: Cohasset, Massachusetts; Toronto, Canada.

Thank you notes for Christmas gifts.

Telegrams and short notes concerning business matters connected with Blaine homes at Cohasset and Toronto.

Box   363
Laing, Gordon J., 1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Stenographic report of an address by him entitled “The Buried Cities of Roman Africa” given in Chicago, 1925 February 24.

Box   363
Laing, Mary E., 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter expressing gratitude for having brought into reality the great work of Colonel Parker.

Box   363
Laing, Thad. R., 1944

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Compliment for her publicized expressions of faith in President Roosevelt from Democratic Precinct Committeeman.

Box   363
Laid and Lee, 1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Recommendation of new spelling book for Chicago school.

Box   363
Laird and Son, 1917

Location: Aiken, South Carolina.

Wire describing five cottages for rent.

Box   363
Lairy, John S., Mrs., 1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Attempt to induce Mrs. Blaine to sponsor a radio series which would treat problems prevalent between adults and children.

Box   363
Lake Bluff Orphanage, 1929

Location: Lake Bluff, Illinois.

Requests for donations.

Box   363
Lake, Clara L., 1939

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request that Mrs. Blaine enable her to present lecture on Yugoslavia at Parker School.

Box   363
Lake Clear Inn, 1940

Location: Lake Clear, New York.

Bill for boat carry.

Box   363
Lake County, Illinois, 1914-1915

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Real estate taxes for 1914 and 1915.

Box   363
Lake County Law and Order League, 1923

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois; Highland Park, Illinois.

Request for financial assistance to elect A.V. Smith States-Attorney.

Box   363
Lake, Esther Everett, 1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to become a member of the National Americanization Association.

Box   363
Lake Farm Inc., 1948

Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Request for donation. Pamphlet.

Box   363
Lake Forest Art Institute, 1899

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Notification of meeting.

Box   363
Lake Forest Auto Sales, 1927-1942

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Bills and receipts for automobile services.

Box   363
Lake Forest Cab and Livery, 1933-1940

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Bills and receipts for cab service.

Box   363
Lake Forest Cemetery Commission, 1942

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Receipt for burial of George B. Wilson.

Box   363
Lake Forest, City of, 1913-1950

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Request for donation to fund for Belgian children.

Tax assessments.

Receipts for water bills.

Box   363
Lake Forest College, 1909-1952

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Requests for donations.

Box   363
Lake Forest Community Council, 1932

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Thank you note for wood from her estate.

Box   363
Lake Forest Country Fair and Horse Show Association, 1917

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Request for contributions to charities of Lake Forest instead of Horse Show because of the war.

Box   363
Lake Forest Fire Proof Storage Company, 1917

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Bill and receipt for moving.

Box   363
Lake Forest Fuel Company, 1934

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Request that they may be allowed to serve Mrs. Blaine.

Box   363
Lake Forest Garden Club, 1947

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Request to store equipment for flower show on Mrs. McCormick's property in Lake Forest.

Box   363
Lake Forest Hardware, 1928-1938

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Bills and receipts for hardware.

Box   363
Lake Forest Hospital, 1950

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Bill and receipt for services rendered to George Paulson.

Box   363
Lake Forest Ice Company, 1915, 1925-1929

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Solicitation for moving business. Bills for mineral water and ice.

Box   363
Lake Forest Improvement Trustees, 1935-1950

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Letters pertaining to quarterly interest received by Mrs. Blaine. Transcription of a telephone conversation with Mrs. Blaine's secretary asking Mrs. Blaine to cash her checks, which had been accumulating for years.

See also:

  • Aldis and Company
  • Aldis, Graham
  • Chapman, John A.
Box   363
Lake Forest Lumber Company, 1915-1948

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Bills. Several requests for overdue payments.

Box   363
Lake Forest Materials Company, 1942

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Bills for feed and straw.

Box   363
Lake Forest Motor Express, 1925-1932

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Trucking bills.

Box   363
Lake Forest News Service, 1925-1948

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Newspaper delivery bills.

Box   363
Lake Forest Plumbing Company, 1935

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Bill for plumbing equipment.

Box   363
Lake Forest Sheet Metal Shop, 1936

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Saw repair bill.

Box   363
Lake Forest University, 1902 June 4

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Invitation to installation of Rev. R.D. Harlan as president of Lake Forest University.

Box   363
Lake Forester, 1933

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Bills for printing of want ad and letterhead.

Box   363
Lake Geneva Garden Club, 1937 June 9

Location: Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

Request for contribution to a wild flower award to be made in honor of the late Mrs. Charles L. Hutchinson.

Box   363
Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Transportation Company, undated
Note: Invitation to the launching of the steel passenger steamship Manitou, 1893 May 20. Apparently not accepted.
Box   363
Lake Michigan Land Company, 1898-1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for Mrs. Blaine to comply with her part in selling the company. Also form letters pertaining to routine business.

Box   364
Lake Mills Holstein Breeders' Consignment Sale Company, 1919

Location: Lake Mills, Wisconsin.

Presentation of information requested by Mrs. Blaine pertaining to the sale of cattle from her estate.

Box   364
Lake Shore Catering Company, 1911-1912

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Cake and bread bills.

Box   364
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company, 1895-1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Freighting bills.

Box   364
Lake Shore Motor Service, 1926-1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Freight bills.

Box   364
Lake Shore National Bank, 1929, 1949

Telephone conversation, 1929, requesting Mrs. Blaine to open an account.

Telephone conversation, 1949, requesting an appointment with Mrs. Blaine for J.R. Frey, President of Bank.

Box   364
Lake Shore Safe Deposit Company, 1941-1952

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for safe deposit box rentals. Several transcripts of telephoned requests for overdue payments.

Box   364
Lake Shore Tire Company, 1913-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for tire supplies. Several requests for overdue payments.

Box   364
Lake Street Property Owners' Association, 1928 March 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter asking opinion on proposed improvements in lighting on Lake Street.

Box   364
Lake View Automobile Company, 1908 March 3

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipted bill for automobile supplies.

Box   364
Lake View Woman's Club, 1904-1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for Mrs. Blaine to speak to Club.

Box   364
Lakewood Development Corporation, Chicago Office, 1926

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Information requested by Mrs. Blaine pertaining to tours to Florida.

Box   364
Lamar, C.F., 1917

Location: Atlanta, Georgia.

Two telegrams informing Mrs. Blaine that arrangements had been made for distribution of her gift of approximately one hundred thousand copies of the President's message.

Box   364
Lamarche, George E., 1912

Location: Atlanta, Georgia; Huntsville, Georgia.

Telegrams in the name of the Austin Organ Company attempting to get contract to build organ in Huntsville. Apparently got the contract.

Box   364
Lamb, Benjamin B., 1887-1892, 1900-1917
Note: Personal, very friendly letters. An article by Lamb from the Sunday Tribune (1910) dealing with Frederic Remington. Two copies of letters sent by Lamb to several Senators and Representatives asking support for Senate Bill 311, pertaining to some expenditure by the University of Illinois (1909).
Box   364
Lamb, Benjamin B., estate of, 1916-1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Lamb's will and reports on the disposal of his estate. In his will, Lamb selected Emmons Blaine as a trustee. Also a telephone conversation regarding sale of Quaker Oats stock from the estate.

See also:

  • Ames, Herbert T.
  • Bentley, Cyrus
  • Burnham, John and Company
  • Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank
  • Farwell, F.C. and J.V.
  • First National Bank, Mansfield, Pennsylvania
  • Fisher, Boyden, Kales and Bell
  • Fisher, Walter T.
  • Home for Destitute Crippled Children
  • Illinois Society for Mental Hygiene
  • Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness
  • Lamb, Sophia
  • Lobdell, Edward L. and Company
  • National City Bank, Chicago, Illinois
  • United Charities
  • Visiting Nurse Association
  • Winship, Mr., Federal Court Building
Box   364
Lamb, James H., Company, 1901 April 15

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Letter to Cyrus H. McCormick asking him to comment on enclosed sketches of the senior C.H. McCormick, Leander McCormick, and Robert McCormick for Lamb's Biographical Dictionary of the United States.

Box   364
Lamb, McGregor and Company, 1918 July 19

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Letter to H.W. Faville, manager of Milford Meadows Stock Farm Company, pertaining to prices and shipment of feed ordered by Faville.

Box   364
Lamb, Nina G., 1901 December 7
Note: Letter emphasizing the abilities of a Miss Heinrich, a singer.
Box   364
Lambert, Richard H., M.D., 1946-1950

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Letters pertaining to the health of Stanley McCormick, and continuing in friendly fashion after his death.

Box   364
Lambert, Richard H., Mrs., 1947-1949

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Friendly, personal letters.

Box   364
Lamont, Corliss, 1949 May 29

Location: Seattle, Washington.

Telegram expressing common interest with Mrs. Blaine, and suggesting a meeting between the two.

Box   364
Lamont, Thomas W., 1932 February 23

Location: New York, New York.

Telegram from Lamont's secretary, explaining he is in Bermuda and will not return for fortnight.

Box   364
La Montagne, Mrs., 1907 March 21
Note: Wedding announcement of her daughter, Kate, to Nicholas M. Butler on March 5, in New York.
Box   364
Lampe, Ellen, 1931, 1932
Note: Cards expressing thanks for gift of roses, and other gifts, and for discussion of Miss Lampe's difficulties.
Box   364
Lamport, Frederick W., 1892, 1895
Note: Acceptance of invitation from Mrs. Blaine, 1892, and an invitation to Mrs. Blaine to attend the Bachelor's Ball.
Box   364
Lamson and Hubbard, 1940 September 7

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Letter and bill regarding a raccoon coat purchased by Mrs. Roger Lee and her son.

Box   364
Lander, Louise, 1899 September 2
Note: Request for an audience with Mrs. Blaine pertaining to recitals.
Box   364
Landers, Arthur, 1930
Note: Letters to Mrs. Blaine thanking her for opera and symphony tickets, and asking her support in his study of conducting.
Box   364
Landfear, Mary E., 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter and telephone conversation asking financial support for Huguenot College, South Africa.

Box   364
Landhaven School, 1949-1951

Location: Camden, Maine.

Letters from Rev. Michael Millen thanking Mrs. Blaine for financial aid and record of telephone calls in which he tried to get in touch with Mrs. Blaine.

Box   364
Landis, H.M., 1915

Location: Tokyo, Japan.

Return of voucher for prepaid telegram, and news of a religious institution in Tokyo.

Box   364
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 1948

Location: Logansport, Indiana.

Acceptance of invitation from Mrs. Blaine, and thanks for a book and an invitation sent by Mrs. Blaine. Approval of a luncheon for “Wallace.”

Box   364
Landon, Alfred, 1938 December 10
Note: Transcript of a radio discussion by Landon of the forthcoming Lima Conference.
Box   364
Landon, Henry Hutton, 1914
Note: Invitation to the marriage of Agnes Hutton to Moses Pyne Jr., on October 20, in New York City.
Box   364
Landreem, Grace Warren, 1933 July 23

Location: College of William and Mary, Virginia.

Gratitude to Mrs. Blaine for treatment of Kathleen.

Box   364
Landsberg, Clara, 1901 June 18

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to Miss Flora Cook of the Chicago Institute, applying for position teaching German.

Box   364
Landstreet, F.S., 1892 June 20
Note: Telegram extending sympathy upon death of Emmons Blaine.
Box   364
Lane, Anne W., 1921 April 21

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter expressing pleasure at knowing Mrs. Blaine, and enclosed poem.

Box   364
Lane, Edward, 1949-1951

Location: Madison, Wisconsin; Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Letters and telephone calls attempting to gain Mrs. Blaine's financial aid in appealing the murder conviction of Milton Babich. Also many unsuccessful telephone calls trying to arrange an interview.

Box   364
Lane, Edward, Mrs., 1930 February 22

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Invitation to attend talk by Louisa King.

Box   364
Lane, Franklin K., 1919 February

No material.

See also: American Women's Victory Dinner and Conference, 1919.

Box   364
Lane, James Arthur, Mrs., 1948
Note: Announcement of marriage of daughter, Martita Frances to Arthur Farewell Tuttle Jr.
Box   364
Lane, John, Company, 1913 May 26

Location: New York.

Receipted bill for miniatures.

Box   364
Lane Photo Service, 1944 August 22

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   364
Lane Quarry Company, 1917 June 30

Location: Hingham, Massachusetts.

Bill for rock.

Box   364
Lang, Alice Roberts, 1949 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Plea for financial aid to Goucher's Women's College.

Box   364
Lang and Boecherer Employment Bureau, 1899 March 3

Location: New York.

Request for information about Bridget Mooney, a former cook.

Box   364
Lang, Della, 1949 January 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter explaining that she (Della) had been denied access to YWCA.

Box   364
Lang, Lillian B., 1911 April 5

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter stating that Miss Lang had received from the Clerk of the District Court of Idaho a deposition and cross-interrogation to be submitted to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   364
Lang, Ossian H., 1902 March 5

Location: New York.

Request for information and estimation of Frances Parker, for a publication.

Box   364
Lang, William J., 1930 October 29

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Solicitation of business.

Box   364
Langdon, F.A., 1941
Note: Telephone conversations asking for Mrs. Blaine's advice on an attempt to nationally popularize opera.
Box   364
Langdon, Lucille, 1911
Note: Photograph.
Box   364
Lange, Christian L., 1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address on the League of Nations.

Box   364
Lange, Hans, 1938 January 31

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to chamber music concert.

Box   364
Lange, Oscar, 1944

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address on the subject of Poles in Russia.

Box   364
Langer, William, 1949

No material.

See also: Civil Rights Congress, 1949 March.

Box   364
Langford, H. Ayliffe, Mrs., 1903-1910
Note: Personal letters. Mrs. Blaine at one time bought some pictures from Mrs. Langford.
Box   364
Langford, W.D., 1948 September 27

Location: Mexico.

Letter explaining discovery of a chemical cure for cancer.

Box   364
Langhorne, Chiswell Dabney, 1917
Note: Announcement of granddaughter Nancy Keen Perkins' marriage to Henry Field.
Box   364
Langhorst, Henry F., M.D., 1912 March 9

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Bill for services rendered maid.

Box   364
Langhorst, Henry F., Mrs., 1911 June 8
Note: Request for Mrs. Blaine to be patroness at Boys' Club Carnival. Not answered.
Box   364
Langill and Company, 1953 December 15
Note: Telephone conversation offering Mrs. Blaine stock for sale.
Box   364
Langille, D.N., 1908 August 31

Location: York Harbor, Maine.

Receipted bill for room, board, and garage fees for C. Gustafson.

Box   364
Langkafel and Company, 1905

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Receipted bills for livery.

Box   364
Langley, Mary E., 1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter asking support for program to aid the “educated, refined woman suddenly bereft.”

Box   364
Langley, Robert, 1938-1942

Location: Amesbury, Wiltshire, England.

Three letters from a sub-lt. in Royal Navy before, during and after a tour of active duty. Long letter of July 1941 quite descriptive of England's role in the war up to that time.

Box   364
Langley-Kramer, Lora, 1938-1941

Location: Aviemore Post Office, Inverness-shire, Scotland.

Telegram arranging meeting in 1938. Two letters in 1941 telling about her life and a little about wartime England.

Box   364
Langton, E., 1944
Note: See also: United National Association Congress, 1944 January 14-15, Proceedings.
Box   364
Langworthy, B.F., Mrs. (Mary Lewis), 1918, 1921, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter about interview about the Jolly Tar Club. Telephone memo on conversation with her and Mrs. Bagshawe about the Women's Committee of the Coalition Ticket (1921). Letter inviting Mrs. Blaine to join her in talking to a Mr. Rennie Smith, an Englishman about foreign affairs.

Box   364
Langzettel, Marion B.B., Mrs., 1898

Location: New York, New York.

Letter from a friend about hiring a governess (for Emmons). Enclosed is a letter of application from one applicant she knew.

Box   364
Lanier, Henry W., 1913
Note: Letter accompanying books and pamphlets about a summer camp and winter school seeking her help in pupils.
Box   364
Lansburgh, S. Laz, 1933

Location: San Francisco, California.

Announcement of the marriage of daughter, Anne.

Box   364
Lansbury, George, 1936
Note: See also: Emergency Peace Campaign, 1936 April 2, May 5.
Box   364
Lansdowne Supply Company, 1919

Location: Lansdowne, Pennsylvania.

Bill for coal.

Box   364
Lansing, Robert, 1919

Location: Washington, D.C.

Telegram about collection of funds for the starving in Vienna.

Box   364
Lansing, Sarah Treatway, 1890

Location: New York, New York.

Note accompanying four shirts bought by Miss Virginia McCormick for her sister and mother.

Box   364
Lantern League of the Old North Church, 1936

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Invitation to join that society for the protection of the historic monument against the danger of fire.

Box   364
La Parola, 1940

Location: New York, New York.

Letter from an Italian language, anti-fascist and labor newspaper seeking funds to continue publishing.

Box   365
Lapin and Rohrhof, 1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Copy of letter from them about sale of property at Grant and Clark.

Box   365
Lapp, John A., 1944-1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telegram in support of Wallace's nomination for Democratic Vice President, 1944.

Letter about meeting of Citizens' Schools Committee.

Letter about speakers for School Committee.

Box   365
Lapsley, Jane, 1929

Location: Bedford, New York.

Thank you note.

Box   365
Lapsley, John Willard, Mrs., 1929

Location: Bedford, New York.

Announcement of marriage of daughter, Katharine.

Letter inviting Mrs. Blaine to the informal wedding.

Box   365
Laquerbe, Jules, 1887

Location: Paris, France.

Bill for clothing

Box   365
La Rabida Jackson Park Sanitarium, 1935-1943

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Two telephone memos about magazine subscriptions. Letters from various officials about her recent contribution to the organization, in honor of Emmons Blaine. Copy of the La Rabida Times, 1940 June. Continued literature about work and financial needs of sanitarium.

Box   365
Laracy, K&E, 1910-1916
Physical Description: 8 folders 

Location: New York, New York.

Letters inquiring after the fit of the clothes imported and made for Mrs. Blaine. Bills for clothes bought in 1910-1911 totaling $2,455. Variety of letters about the clothes to be made. Samples of cloth. Remaining seven folders contain similar material. In addition, the 1915 folder contains drawings.

Box   366
Lardner, Ring, Jr., 1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo about activities of the Un-American Activities Committee.

Box   366
Large, Josephine, 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter from Mrs. Blaine's music teacher about time of lesson.

Box   366
Larimer, Robert S., Mrs. (Edwina Pope), 1936-1939

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters from a saleswomen for Christmas cards and maids' aprons.

Box   366
Larimore and Company, 1905

Location: New York, New York.

Bills and card from apothecary.

Box   366
Larimore, Joseph W., 1934

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Four bills for services in June.

Box   366
Larkin-Weber Recitals, 1913

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter from musical duo seeking bookings.

Box   366
Larned, Emma S., 1889-1918

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Personal correspondence, largely luncheon invitations. One letter deals with a petition to get a bus to run to the North Side on the better throughfares.

Box   366
Larned, Julia, 1899

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for note of sympathy.

Poem entitled “God's Answer” by Julia Larned.

Box   366
Larned, Walter C., 1902

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Announcement of marriage of daughter Frances.

Box   366
Larned's History of Ready Reference, 1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter inquiring about unpaid bill for set.

Box   366
LaRoy, Evelyn, 1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo accepting invitation.

Box   366
Larrabee, Caroline, 1902-1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Four letters, two about becoming a teacher in the Francis W. Parker School, two in answer to invitations of the Senior class.

Box   366
Larrabee, Carrie, 1877

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Card regretting she could not accept Miss McCormick's invitation. This might be Caroline Larrabee.

Box   366
Larrabee, Jane, 1909-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Notes in answer to the invitations of the Senior class of Francis W. Parker School.

Box   366
Larrison, Eleanor R., 1900

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter in search of a position for a kindergarten assistant she knew.

Box   366
Larsen, L., 1904

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Bills from a laundry.

Box   366
Larsen, Mabel, 1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill and letter of appreciation from registered nurse who cared for Mrs. Blaine.

Box   366
Larson, Anna, 1935-1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Two letters of appreciation for gifts and a bill for work done by this cook.

Box   366
Larson, Arthur, 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memo on telegraph boy's visit to collect bill.

Box   366
Larson, Augusta, 1923-1925

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Letter in appreciation of gifts, receipt and bill.

Box   366
Larson, Bertha, 1922-1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters from and memo of interview with old employee of Mrs. N.F. McCormick and Miss V. McCormick seeking employment to put children through school.

Box   366
Larson Brothers, 1919-1920

Location: Highland Park, Illinois.

Bills for garage and motor service.

Box   366
Larson, Emma, 1945

Location: Batavia, New York.

Three letters of thanks from wife of hospitalized man whom Mrs. Blaine befriended.

Box   366
Larson, Ole, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipts for wages.

Box   366
Larson, Sophia J., 1891-1892

Location: St. Paul, Minnesota.

Two notes of thanks for Christmas gifts.

Box   366
Larson-Dingle Printing Company, 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter and bills for printing of the World Citizens Association.

Box   366
Larssen, E., Mrs., 1923

Location: New York, New York.

Two letters asking for aid for Danish sister-in-law, who lost resources during panic.

Box   366
Larsson, Tage, 1943-1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters from employee while on military duty.

Wages scale, 1936-1949.

Box   366
LaSalle Extension University, 1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter and brochures describing work and seeking Mrs. Blaine's participation as a stockholder.

Box   366
LaSalle Hotel, 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for rooms.

Box   366
LaSalle National Bank, 1952

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo about inquiry about former employee.

Box   366
LaSalle School Culture Society, 1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to attend school program.

Box   366
Lasaref, Michel, 1923-1926

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and telephone memos from handyman at Blaine household. Letters from Europe and Florida while out of employee of Mrs. Blaine.

Box   366
Lasaref, Vladimir, 1923

Location: Emporia, Kansas

Telegram of thanks.

Box   366
Lasell, Ruth Lyon, 1930-1935

Location: Pasadena, California.

Two personal letters from acquaintance.

Box   366
Lash, Z.G., 1906

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Telegram about renting cottage on Bohemia Island.

Box   366
Lasker, Loula D., 1929

Location: New York, New York.

Business letter seeking interview.

See also: The Survey, Paul U. Kellogg.

Box   366
Laski, Harold Joseph, 1948-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter after luncheon at Roosevelt College. Clipping from New York Times, Sunday, 1950 March 26, about his life.

Box   366
LaSource, Roscoe Grover, 1938-1947

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Invitation to the marriage of daughter, Phyllis. Letter thanking her for note of condolence. Long letter touching on her work for world government and his need of money to support himself. He had been handyman at one of the McCormick's California estates.

Box   366
Lassahn, H., Mrs., 1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter from an aged women about the death of Virginia McCormick and the life of the aged.

Box   366
Lassen, A.L., 1935
Note: See also: New England Congregational Church Forum, 1935 February 24.
Box   366
Lassett, J.B., Mrs., 1906

Location: Louisville, Kentucky.

Long plea for help from a women supporting herself, son and ailing mother.

Box   366
Lasswell, Harold D., 1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

See also: League of Women Voters, Illinois, 1928 March 10.

Box   366
Last, John, 1932-1948

Location: Lake Mills, Wisconsin.

Materials from the manager of the farm. Letter prior to his appointment suggesting what his predecessor was doing wrong with the dairy herd. Projected plan for management of the farm, apparently submitted in support of application for position. A bill for eggs for Blaine residence. Letter of thanks for gift from Mrs. Blaine. Christmas card.

Box   366
Last, John, Mrs., 1936

Location: Lake Mills, Wisconsin.

Letter of congratulation for Mrs. Blaine's radio broadcast of October 31, 1936.

Box   366
Latané, John H., 1912-1914

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Professor Latané engaged in an examination of the local papers in Virginia in an effort to determine for Mrs. Blaine whether Robert or Cyrus invented the reaper. These letters describe the extent and expense of his work in considerable detail.

Box   366
Latané, John H., Mrs., 1936

Location: Lexington, Virginia.

Letter accompanying clippings about early history of the reaper which she felt the McCormick collections deserved.

Box   366
Lathan, Carl R., 1925, 1944

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of thanks to Mrs. Blaine for her part in the success of the Progressive Voters Council.

See also: Chicago Association of Commerce, 1925 April 1, report of the luncheon meeting.

Box   366
Latham, Melva, 1905, 1921

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Two letters, one about her mailing an enclosure to the Chicago Institute's trustees as part of the F.W. Parker Memorial Committee work and one declining to give a contribution to the Memorial for Dr. Favill.

Box   366
Lathrop, Alanson Peckham, 1915

Location: New York, New York.

Invitation to the wedding of marriage of daughter Gertrude.

Box   366
Lathrop, Barbour, 1900

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Three letters from a personal friend crippled by a bout with gout. Frank opinions about society, co-education, and friends.

Box   366
Lathrop, Bryan, 1889-1916

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Large personal correspondence, including wedding announcements, invitations, and various letters of thanks for personal gifts. Several letters discuss Mrs. Blaine's support of the Chicago Orchestra. Several letters deal with the Chicago Housing Association. Letter about helping Italian earthquake sufferers. Letter about Society for the Prevention of Blindness. Letters about the specifications for Nettie Fowler McCormick's house, 1915.

Box   366
Lathrop, Bryan, Mrs. (Helen L. Aldis), 1892-1933

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Letters of sympathy at Emmons Blaine's death in 1892. Various invitations and letters of thanks. Frequent letters commenting of the work of various women's clubs in Chicago to which they belonged. A “begging” letter for the Children's Memorial Hospital in 1908; one for the orchestra; the bulk of the correspondence, however, covers personal matters, mutual sympathy, and interests.

Box   366
Lathrop, Caroline Mather, 1884-1891

Location: Oswego, New York.

Letter of sympathy for a family death in 1884. Letter in 1891 about the possibility of being appointed a guide for the Chicago World's Fair.

Box   366
Lathrop, Julia C., 1900-1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thanks for tickets for lectures by Mr. Geddes, 1900. Acceptance of opportunity to act on Tenement Committee of the City, 1900. “A Visit to Stirling Asylum” by Julia Lathrop, reprinted from the American Medical Journal, 50 (1908 May 30), 1774-1777. Request that Mrs. Blaine join the trustees of the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 1908. Thanks for her gift of $2500, 1909. Letter about administration of Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 1910. Letter accompanying letter from London board of trade. Call for payment in 1910 of money subscribed to school in 1909. Three page statement of the need for a central statistical bureau for the various Chicago charities and social agencies, 1912. Memorandum Remarks at Founder's Day Luncheon, National Congress of Mothers, Washington, D.C., February 17, 1913, about the merits and difficulties of a widow's pension law. A dozen letters written while serving with the Department of Labor's Children's Bureau, largely dealing with the Bureau and Mrs. Blaine's interest in it. Request for $2700 to fill Chicago alumni's pledge for Vassar. Request that Mrs. Blaine take part in a testimonial for Florence Kelley, 1924. Letter discussing the entrance into the League set forth in the Bok prize plan, 1924. Letter about the support of an Association for the Ratification of the Child Labor Amendment.

See also:

  • Addams, Jane, Miss, 1929 January 20, report of dinner in honor of Miss Addams
  • U.S. Department of Labor, Children's Bureau, 1919 May 19-20
  • Conference of Child Labor Standards
  • American Women Victory dinner and conference, 1919 February 12-13
  • Chicago Regional White House Conference, 1931 October 30-31, regarding child health and protection
  • Hull House, 1932 May 6, memorial service
Box   366
Lathrop, J.H., Mrs., 1893

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Wedding announcement for daughter, Florence.

Box   366
Latin American Institute, 1946

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memo of telephone call from Miss Gardner of Institute, speaking for Director, Dr. Angel, asking if Mrs. Blaine interested in renting floor space in building they occupied.

Box   366
Latin American Refugee Fund, 1940

Location: New York, New York.

Two letters and two brochures from the proponents of campaign to aid European, primarily German exiles in Central and South America.

Box   366
Latour, J.A., 1931

Location: Saranac Lake, New York.

Bill for ice sold to Levi Betters.

Box   366
Lau, Max, Mrs., 1939

Location: Montague, Michigan.

Memo of telephone call asking about Miss Cooke's sailing.

Box   366
Lau, Willy H., 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter accompanying design of fire screen and set.

Box   366
Laudin, Mrs., 1913

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memo on interview. Women sought to gain aid in publication of manuscript.

Box   366
Lauer, Frank, 1898-1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for hardware and repair work.

Box   366
Lauer, J.H., 1910-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Four letters requesting small gifts to help this frequently sick and unemployed bookkeeper. One letter that he found a job through her help. One attached notation suggesting that Mrs. Blaine referred him to the United Charities.

Box   366
Laughlin, Clara E., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter from social worker running "The Interior" asking Mrs. Blaine to repeat her generosity of the previous year by giving toward the children's Christmas.

Box   366
Laughlin, Mary, 1939-1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter and telephone memo about Mrs. Blaine's payment of bill for replacement of chairs she ordered from a hotel in Switzerland.

Box   366
Laukart, May DePuy, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter accompanying ticket for a series of five lectures on opera by Miss Henriette Weber of the University of Chicago Lecture Association.

Box   366
Laurabee, Merle, 1946

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Letter of thanks for Christmas gift to one who played piano for Mr. Stanley McCormick.

Box   366
Laurel Avenue Greenhouses, 1929

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Bill for cuttings.

Box   366
Laurel House, 1892-1893

Location: Lakewood, New Jersey.

Bills for mid-winter stay at Laurel house, and letter about proposed stay.

Box   366
Lauren, Newton B., and Company, 1925-1926

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter and telephone memos on possibility of buying or leasing property on South Water Street.

Box   366
Laurence, Michael, 1948

Location: New York, New York.

Two telegrams and a letter from a close friend of Tom (no last name given), a voice student in New York, whom Mrs. Blaine was considering supporting. Laurence was quite concerned lest Tom's career be blighted for lack of help.

Box   366
Laurie, May Emmons, Mrs., 1933

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Laurie's unemployed son was a descendant of Judge Emmons, James G. Blaine's friend for whom he named his son and Anita McCormick's future husband. Mrs. Laurie wanted Mrs. Blaine to interview and recommend him for a job.

Box   366
Laurinburg Normal and Industrial Institute, 1933

Location: Laurinburg, North Carolina.

Letter seeking a gift to help pay the school's teachers' salaries for the coming year. School paper and newspaper clipping enclosed.

Box   366
Lauzon, Mary Tracy, 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Three letters and a poem lauding Mrs. Blaine from a widow, the mother of two boys and destitute.

Box   366
Laveccha Studio, 1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter from studio about a Rubens and another even older painting. Would Mrs. Blaine inspect them?

Laves, Walter H.C., 1936-1945
Physical Description: 5 folders 
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois.
Box   366
1936 January-June
Note: Laves served as Director for the Mid-West Office of the League of Nations Association. Most of the letters and reports discuss meetings and financial details of the organization's operation with members of the executive committee. Occasional letters discuss the current international situation and its impact upon their programming. Three-page report to President James T. Shotwell, 1936 February 4. Detailed report to executive officers, 1936 April 14. Lists of contributors, 1936 April 28. Occasional newspaper clippings enclosed.
Box   367
1936 July-December
Note: Statement of policy, 1936 July 9. Report to the Executive Committee, October 22. A suggested program for the winter. Address by Laves before the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations, 1936 November 13, on the subject of “Can the League Survive?” Considerable correspondence as above.
Box   367
1937 January-September
Note: See also: National Committee on the Cause and the Cure of War, 1937 January 26-29. Report to the Members of the Executive Committee, 1937 January 19, suggests the seriousness of the international situation. Rest of material discusses details of programing.
Box   367
1937 October-December
Note: Letters in support of President's announced policy of 1937 October 5. Pamphlet, Chicago World Trader, calling for proper relation with rest of world in order to support city's economic wealth. Annual report for the year 1936-1937.
Box   367
Note: Correspondence, memos and reports for the year 1938 comprise the bulk of the material in this folder. Three personal notes in 1939. Letter, 1945, from Laves, serving as an administrative consultant on International Affairs in the Bureau of the Budget, commenting on San Francisco work.
Box   367
Laves, Walter H.C., Mrs. (Ruth), 1936-1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Christmas cards, notes of thanks for gifts, and personal letters.

Box   367
LaVina Inc., 1944-1946

Location: LaVina, California.

Bills and letters for the sanatorium care of Mrs. Ruth Loftus.

Box   367
Law Enforcement League, 1899
Note: See also: Waterman, S.S. Agt. (L. 1899 September 14)
Box   367
Law Mortuary, 1943

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Bill for the funeral of John E. Sweeney.

Box   367
Lawes, Lewis E., 1940

Location: Ossining, New York.

Letter seeking aid in his support of the Boys' Athletic League at Christmas time.

Box   367
Lawler and Degnan, 1930-1933

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Detailed statement of the activities and costs of the settlement of the estate of Stanley McCormick. Copy of telegram, 1933, stating that Lawler was seriously ill.

Box   367
Lawler, Felix and Hall, 1937-1941

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Letters, bills, and various reports and papers pursuant to the company's handling of the social security act and the California unemployment reserve act matters of the estate of Virginia McCormick. Pictures of the bluff at Quelindo.

Lawler, Oscar, 1928-1947

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Lawler was West Coast legal counsel for Mrs. Blaine and Harold McCormick.

Box   367

Includes communications, legal reports and briefings for Edwin Cassels prior to 1929 court hearing over custody of Stanley McCormick, ward of Mrs. Blaine and Harold McCormick. Mrs. Katherine McCormick, wife of Stanley McCormick, contested the guardianship of Mrs. Blaine and Harold McCormick and wanted sole guardianship.

See also:

  • Baker, Hostetler and Sidlo
  • Griffith and Thornburgh
  • Heaney, Price and Postel
  • O'Melveney, Fuller and Meyers
  • Winston, Strawn and Shaw
Box   367

Report of meetings of Board of Guardians, and medical reports on condition of Stanley McCormick.

Report from Lawler to Cassels on events in Stanley McCormick's case, including consultation with Judge Crow of California court and dispute among guardians over care of Stanley McCormick.

Correspondence regarding Mrs. McCormick's negative attitude to all actions of guardians and physicians.

Copy of petition to court by Mrs. McCormick requesting discontinuance of services of Dr. Richards, resident physician, and requesting for a medical internist for psychiatric care.

Correspondence about land slide on McCormick property on Roosevelt Highway, California.

Petition to court for appointment of specialists to review medical treatment of Stanley McCormick, and legal steps concerning letter.

Box   367

Lengthy correspondence about protection of land on estate of Mary Virginia McCormick.

Miscellaneous correspondence about activities concerning anonymous threats to Miss Walker, secretary of Mary Virginia McCormick estate.

Expense accounts of Oscar Lawler, 1932-1936.

Correspondence about replacement of Dr. Ophuls as one of the Board of Guardians.

Box   367-368
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Correspondence concerning tax returns, pension and social security matters of employees, and miscellaneous financial matters.

Correspondence about appraisal of California estates.

Box   368

Further correspondence about condition of California property, and recommendations for repair and upkeep.

Correspondence regarding estate of Mary Virginia McCormick, deceased.

Personal correspondence.

Box   368
Lawler, Oscar, Lawler-Walker correspondence, 1939-1941

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Correspondence about employee payrolls and social security information.

Box   368
Lawler, Oscar, Mrs. (Hilda Brode), 1929-1942

Location: Beverly Hills, California.

Personal correspondence.

Box   368
Lawrence, Clark J., 1928-1953
Physical Description: 9 folders 

Location: Palm Beach, Florida; Chicago, Illinois; Europe.

Mr. Lawrence was Mrs. Eleanor Gooding Blaine's second husband. These folders contain mostly personal correspondence between Mrs. Blaine and members of the Lawrence family. Also miscellaneous letters, memos, accounts and estimates of various property and buildings of the Blaine family. One folder includes photographs of Mr. Lawrence, and another press clippings.

Lawrence, Clark J., Mrs. (Eleanor Gooding Blaine), 1917-1957
Note: Eleanor G. Blaine, was Mrs. Blaine's daughter-in-law, wife of Emmons Blaine Jr. These folders contain mainly personal correspondence. Also included are various court petitions, expense accounts, reports on estates, bills, and receipts. There is also one folder of photos and a folder of press clippings.
Box   369
Physical Description: 10 folders 
Box   370
Physical Description: 9 folders 
Box   370
Lawrence College, 1909

Location: Appleton, Wisconsin.

Letter of information about annuity gifts.

Box   370
Lawrence, Edward F., Mrs. (Mary A. Ballentine), 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of recommendation for Henry W. Hill, architect.

Box   370
Lawrence, Frank R., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to daughter's wedding.

Box   370
Lawrence, Frank, Mrs., 1909-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for aid to Emergency Relief Association.

Box   370
Lawrence, Fred, 1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you note.

Box   370
Lawrence, F.S., 1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter concerning possible support for U.S.-Canadian scientific expedition.

Box   370
Lawrence, Frederic J., 1908

Location: Falmouth, Massachusetts.

Information about houses available for summer rental.

Box   370
Lawrence, F. Walter, 1903, 1929

Location: New York, New York.

Receipts for jewelry accessories.

Box   370
Lawrence, Gloria Ferguson, 1940-1951

Location: New York.

Personal correspondence.

Box   370
Lawrence Hall, 1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Appeal for financial aid.

Box   370
Lawrence, Harold W., 1929-1933

Location: Merritt Island, Florida; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Personal correspondence.

Box   370-371
Lawrence, John B., 1923-1953
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Personal correspondence.
Box   371
Lawrence, Katherine, 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acceptance of dinner invitation.

Box   371
Lawrence, Mary, 1929-1930

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Palm Beach, Florida.

Personal correspondence.

Box   371
Lawrence, Maude A., 1929

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone inquiry about Mrs. Blaine's possible sponsorship of music recital.

Box   371
Lawrence, Sarah, College, 1938-1941

Location: Bronxville, New York.

Correspondence from Constance Warren about educational activities of the school, and a printed catalog of its purpose and work.

Box   371
Lawrence, S.W., 1908

Location: Woods Hole, Massachusetts.


Box   371
Lawrence, Theodore B., 1908-1910

Location: Glen Ellyn; Chicago, Illinois.

Letters of appreciation, and acceptance of dinner invitations.

Box   371
Lawrence, Willora Box, 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of appreciation for support of son, Theodore.

Box   371
Lawson, Andrew, 1939

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you note.

Box   371
Lawson, Andrew Werner, 1942

Location: Englewood, New Jersey.

Announcement of daughter's marriage.

Box   371
Lawson, George Franklin, 1927

Location: St. Augustine, Florida.

Announcement of daughter's marriage.

Box   371
Lawson, N.O.

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   371
Lawson, Victor F., 1904-1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter pledging support of Daily News for Robert McCormick's candidacy for alderman, 1904. Several letters of appreciation. Copy of report of a memorial meeting for Mr. Lawson, 1925, at the city club.

Box   371
Laymen's National Committee, 1942

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone requests for appointment with Mrs. Blaine.

Box   371
Lea, James, I., 1896

Location: Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Acknowledgment of letter of inquiry about care of dogs.

Box   371
Leach, A.B., and Company, 1916-1923

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone inquiries about bonds.

Box   371
Leach, Arthur H., 1916-1920

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters of inquiry about Mrs. Blaine's criticism of sketches of McCormick family for National Cyclopedia of American Biography.

Box   371
Leach, A.H., 1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of change in positions with jewelry firm.

Box   371
Leach, Belle S., 1900

Location: Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Request for information on domestic science for talk at Women's Club.

Box   371
Leach, L.L., and Sons, 1894

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Copy of architects' statement of expenses.

Box   371
Leach, Margaret, 1927-1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal correspondence.

Box   371
Leader, The, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Appeal for aid for official democratic state organization.

Box   371
Leading Women of America, 1938

Location: New York, New York.

Request for short biography for inclusion in book Leading Women of America.

Box   371
Leaf, C.F., Oil and Manufacturing Company, 1907-1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   371
League of American Sportsmen, 1903-1912

Location: New York, New York.

Program of the League as well as request for contributions to Game Protective Fund and support of program against automatic and pump guns in hunting.

League to Enforce Peace
Note: Location: New York, New York; Chicago, Illinois.
Box   371

Formation of the League and its proposed program (with enclosures of pamphlets); request for support and financial contributions.

Reports of Henry Baird Favill Committee to establish a Department of Preventative Medicine and Hygiene at the University of Chicago.

League to Enforce Peace Dinner - Speeches by A. Lawrence Lowell and Charles C. Michener.

Formation of Illinois Branch of League to Enforce Peace; appointment of Mrs. Blaine to vice-chairman.

Box   371
1919 January-June
Note: Invitation to League of Nations Congress for the Great Lakes District; appointment of Mrs. Blaine to State (Illinois) Executive Committee; request that Mrs. Blaine devote her time to speaking on behalf of League; correspondence pertaining to State Convention in Springfield, Illinois.
Box   371
1919 July-December
Note: Request that Mrs. Blaine use her name to support projects of the League; continued requests for financial contributions.
Box   371
Note: Several personal letters; letters pertaining to work of the League.
Box   371
League of Free Nations Association, 1918-1920

Location: New York, New York.

Program and future projects of LFNA and requests to support organization with her name and financial aid.

Box   371
League of Nations Commissioner-General, 1939-1940

Location: New York City, New York.

Invitations to attend the leagues' Pavilion and Exhibit at the New York Worlds' Fair.

Box   371
League of Nations, 1925-1943

Location: Geneva, London.

See also:

  • Feis, Herbert
  • Hudson, Manley O.
  • International Federation of League of Nations Societies
  • Zimmern, Alfred
Box   371
League of Nations, Geneva News, 1930-1938

Location: Geneva, Switzerland.

Summary and reports on progress of League.

Box   371
League of Nations Association, California, 1923-1930

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Program and activities of California League with pamphlet, “Relation of the United States to International Affairs.”

Box   371
League of Nations Association, Connecticut, 1939

Location: Waterbury, Connecticut.

Expression of views concerning the Hull proposal on neutrality and automatic arms embargo urging Mrs. Blaine to take action on this matter.

League of Nations Association, Illinois, 1920-1941

See also:

  • American Foundation (American Peace Award)
  • Blaine, Anita McCormick
  • Caldwell, R.J., 1925 August 10
  • Chandler, Henry P.
  • Danskin, James H.
  • Eichelberger, Clark N.
  • Elting, Victor
  • Forstall, James T.
  • Hudson, Manley O.
  • Illinois League of Women Voters, World Court Committee
  • Jennison, Florence T.
  • Laves, Walter H.C.
  • League of Nations Association - New York
  • Magnusson, Leifer
  • Morley, Felix
  • Moulton, William B.
  • Page, Kirby
  • Reckill, Ernest (audit reports)
  • Schields Pictures Corporation
  • Van Dusen, Henry P.
  • World Court Committee of the Council of Christian Churches
  • Wright, Quincy
  • Zimmern, Alfred

Printed matter:

  • League of Nations - Geneva
  • League of Nations Association - New York
  • Hudson, Manley P.
  • Women's National Democratic Club, 1926 February
Box   371
Note: Program of plans and objectives of League of Nations Non-Partisan Association of Illinois, minutes of meetings, selection of officers, financial statements, etc.
Box   372
Note: Report (printed matter) League of Nations, 1927 November 25-26.
Box   372
Note: Reports of activities of organization, speaking engagements, pledges of financial aid from Mrs. Blaine acknowledged and accepted.
Box   372
1931 January
Note: Printed report - Annual Convention League of Nations Association, Hotel La Salle, Chicago, Illinois, 1931 January 22-24.
Box   372
Note: Invitation to Model Assembly of League of Nations at University of Chicago; report of Political Committee of Ninth Annual Convention, correspondence pertaining to financial support.
Box   372
Note: Financial and budget reports of the Association, report from the Director to Executive Committee for 1936 April 1-November 30.
Box   372
Note: Reports of activities of Mid-West office of League of Nations Association to the Executive Committee, 1936 December 1-1937 October 31; reports of meetings; First Mid-West Model League of Nations Council held at the University of Wisconsin, 1937 December 3-4.
Box   372
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Reports from the Director of Mid-West Office of League of Nations Association to Executive Committee; Association Program, 1938-1939; and financial statement, 1937 September 1-1938 August 31.
Box   373
Note: Executive Committee and financial reports, minutes of meetings 1939.
Box   373
League of Nations Association, 1941

Location: New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Invitation to attend a session at Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey to discuss Post War International Organization.

League of Nations Association, New York, 1923-1945
Physical Description: 30 folders 
Note: See also: List of 46 cross references to be found in Folder dated 1923.
Box   373
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Printed matter pertaining to activities of League. Letters requesting Mrs. Blaine to form nucleus of Chicago Speaking Bureau, minutes of Meetings of Council of the League of Nations Non-Partisan Association.
Box   373
Note: Minutes of meetings of Executive Committee. Banquet of the League of Nations Non-Partisan Association, 1945 October 26, Hotel Astor, New York City, New York.
Box   373
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Minutes of meetings of Board of Directors, reports of work accomplished by various departments, correspondence pertaining to publication of books, pamphlets, etc.
Box   373
1932 January 1-16
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Round tables and business sessions of League of Nations Association, Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, 1932 January 14-16.
Box   374
1932 January 17-December
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Resolutions, reports of meetings and activities; annual report July 1931-July 1932; joint report by the Special Committee to the Board of Directors 1932, tenth annual convention; “It Will Take Time” / by Elihu Root.
Box   374
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Speakers notes, resolutions of Tenth Annual Convention, Geneva News Letter, pamphlet, “Italy and Ethiopia.”
Box   374
Note: See also: de Madariaga, Salvador, 1936 February 21.
Box   374
Physical Description: 7 folders 
Note: Printed matter: The International Scene, reports and Branch News reporting on issues and activity of the League.
Box   374-375
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: Manifesto of League, Summary of Proceedings National Conference of Secretaries; Branch News and International Scene reports.
Box   375
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Outline of the objectives and program of the League of Nations Association, annual conference of the League of Nations Association, 1940 January 30, Hotel Biltmore, New York City, Meetings of Executive Committee, New York City, 1941.
Box   375
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Report of Education Committee, Mrs. Blaine elected as charter member of United Nations Association. Pamphlet, World Organization; Dumbarton Oaks Proposals.
Box   375
League of Nations Associations, Pennsylvania Branch, 1932

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Thanking Mrs. Blaine for successful Ninth Annual Convention which she made possible.

Box   375
League of Nations Association, 1937

Location: Washington, D.C.

Policies regarding Chino-Japanese conflict.

Box   375
League of Nations News Bureau, 1920

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Interest in subscription.

Box   375
League of Nations Union, 1921-1923

Location: New York City, New York.

Formation of branches.

Box   375
League of Neighbors, 1923-1925

Location: Elizabeth, New Jersey.

Project and plans of the League; request for support and financial contributions.

Box   375
League for the Organization of Progress, 1931

Location: Yellow Springs, Ohio.

Aims of the League, with requests for support and enclosures. Printed pamphlets.

Box   375
League for the Protection of Immigrants, 1909-1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Financial assistance.

Box   375
League of Women Voters, Chicago, 1927
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Notes for conference on Education for World Citizenship under auspices of the Chicago League of Women Voters Forum and the Association for Peace Education, Congress Hotel, 1927 March 12.
Box   375
League of Women Voters, Cook County, 1930-1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitations to League benefits; request for Mrs. Blaine's name and services.

League of Women Voters, Illinois, 1921-1949
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois.
Box   376
1921-1924 April
Note: Mrs. Blaine appointed delegate to third annual convention; Conference on Economic Aspects of International Affairs appointed by League of Women Voters and Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1924 April 11-12, City Club of Chicago.
Box   376
1924 May-1927
Note: Fourth annual convention, 1924 November 20-21; Conference on Cause and Cure of War; receipt of Good Citizenship Bond by Mrs. Blaine, action of World Court Committee.
Box   376
Note: Conference on the Study and the Teaching of International Relations under the auspices of the Forum of the League of Women Voters and the Association for Peace Education, 1928 March 10, Congress Hotel, Chicago, Illinois.
Box   376
League of Women Voters, Lake Shore, 1926-1948
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Notices of meetings.
Box   376
League of Women Voters, New York, 1924
Note: Location: Hotel Astor, New York City, New York. Fifth annual convention of New York League of Women Voters, 1924 November 18.
League of Women Voters, Washington, D.C.
Box   377
Note: The Enfranchisement of Women: An Opportunity. Purpose and program of the League of Women Voters. Addresses of Hon. Herbert Hoover and Lord Robert Cecil at Fourth Annual Convention, Des Moines, Iowa. April 9-14, 1923 correspondence pertaining to financial contributions.
Box   377
Note: Eighth national convention of the National League of Women Voters, Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois, April 23-28, 1928.
Box   377
Note: Data concerning auxiliary income fund; activity and financial reports (with printed enclosures); memorials to Carrie Chapman Catt and Katharine Ludington.
Box   377
Leahy, Nora, 1909
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Purchase of tickets for benefit dance.
Box   377
Leaming, Donovan R., 1940
Note: Location: New York City, New York. Receipt for dental services.
Box   377
Leaming, Stanley, 1926
Note: Location: No address. Receipt for tuning piano.
Box   377
Leavner, J., undated
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Receipts for delivery of newspapers.
Box   377
Leary, John, 1907
Note: Location: New York City, New York. Correspondence pertaining to a proposed solution to the Child Labor problem and to proposed government ownership of railroads.
Box   377
Leavens, Dickson H., Mrs., 1943
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Personal note.
Box   377
Leavitt, Leslie Westbrook, Mrs. (Margaret Blatchford Bliss), 1914
Note: Location: Poughkeepsie, New York. Personal notes.
Box   377
Leavitt, Polly Marston, 1926-1927
Note: Location: Medford, Massachusetts. Correspondence concerning medical and funeral expenses of Miss Lee.
Box   377
Lebanon University, 1916
Note: Location: Lebanon, Ohio. Telephone conversation concerning interview.
Box   377
Leblanc, Ludovic, 1918
Note: Location: Paris, France; Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Receipt for purchase of picture, and thank you note (in French).
Box   377
Lebott and Company, 1919-1941
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Bills and business correspondence.
Box   377
Lebret, R. Carlos, 1947
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Personal.
Box   377
L'echo des Deux Mondes, 1904
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Receipts for magazine subscriptions.
Box   377
Leckie, Walter N., Mrs., 1936-1939
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Personal letters from a former teacher of the Francis Parker School.
Box   377
Lecroat, Edouard, 1902
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Pertaining to teaching of French at Francis Parker School (in French).
Box   377
Lecture Reporting Service, 1941-1944
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Telephone conversation for interview and receipt.
Box   377
Leddy, Thomas Bayard, 1923
Note: Location: Coronado, California. Personal letter.
Box   377
Lederle Laboratories, 1926-1935
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Invoices, statements, other business correspondence pertaining to purchase of Bacillus Acidophilus Milk.
Box   377
Ledwith, Adelade Matilda Gibson, 1931-1933

Location: San Francisco, California.

Two letters requesting a loan of $30 each time as an old friend of the family.

Box   377
Lee, A.G.

Location: Denton, Texas.

An appeal to support a colony to be established in the geographical center of the U.S. and called Philanthropy. It would contain the International Political Specialists School and the World's Diatheic Institute.

Box   377
Lee, Alice, 1903-1926

Location: Killdare, Huntsville, Alabama; Toronto, Canada.

Letters by Miss Mary Virginia McCormick's attendant reporting her general progress.

Thanks expressed for taking care of the cost of an operation.

Records of phone conversations with Miss Evans.

Thank you note from Patty M. Lane.

Receipt of $6860 acknowledged. Also repeated acknowledgements of semi-annual stipends for support after Mary Virginia left her care. For a period in 1922 there are weekly reports on Miss Mary who is again in her care.

See also:

  • Ewin, Hannah Jane
  • Leavitt, Polly Marston
Box   377
Lee, Arthur L., 1937-1949

Location: Paris, France; Brookline, Massachusetts.

Invitations, thank you notes, etc. Announcement of engagement and of birth of child.

Box   377
Lee, Arthur Lyman, Mrs. (Rosamond Brooks), 1948-1949

Location: Arlington, Massachusetts.

Thank you notes for presents and birthday card.

Box   378
Lee, Chen-Pien, 1947

Location: Nanking (Nanjing), China.

Request to join World Citizen's Association.

Box   378
Lee, Edward T.
Note: See also: Better Government Association, 1925 March 20.
Box   378
Lee, Florence P., 1892

Location: Washington, D.C.

Pious note of good cheer.

Box   378
Lee, Frances Glessner, 1927-1928

Location: Littleton, New Hampshire; Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding invitations.

Box   378
Lee, Ivy L., 1923

Location: New York, New York.

Economic bulletins, concerning reconstruction after World War I. Reprints of addresses by Stanley Baldwin and Professor Gustav Cassel (“The Real Devastation Which Lies Behind the Economic Chaos in Europe”).

Box   378
Lee, Joseph, 1906-1930

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Regarding the organization of local and national playground associations. Also notices to the members of the Committee of the Graduate School of Education regarding appointments.

Box   378
Lee, Katherine McLane, 1891-1893

Location: New York, New York.

Condolence and personal notes.

Box   378
Lee, Robert E., 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Question regarding renovation of some small property owned.

Box   378
Lee, Robert E., Hotel, 1931

Location: Lexington, Virginia.

Receipts paid.

Lee, Roger I.
Box   378
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Medical advice, prescriptions, bills. Extended discussion of Dr. Kempf's treatment of Stanley McCormick.
Box   378
Physical Description: 4 folders 

Chatty and often platitudinous essay included: Prophecy, Medical and Otherwise. In the course of this he says, “History has gone streamlined and modern. It has adopted the syncopated dissonance of modern music together with the surrealistic neo-impressionistic tendencies of modern art.”

Bills. A letter about a nurse who needs financial help to cover a necessary sanitarium visit. Mrs. Blaine does help her, as she did once before. Arbitration of very minor family quarrels. An address on “psychic science” in England.

He sends a pamphlet of addresses by Conant.

Many letters concerning the mediumship of Mrs. Rodgers, written by many people who have had sessions with her.

Off-prints of articles by R.I.L.

Box   378
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Bills and statements concerning Tom McDuffie.

Two copies of the AMA journal that cover announcement of election of Lee to presidency.

Box   378
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Largely bills and notes relating to Tom MacDuffie, to Mrs. Blaine's general health. Passing reference to her care of Stanley. A request for a short term loan of $35,000 to buy a house. Reference to the care of Evelyn Cummings. Transactions regarding Mrs. Rodgers, the medium.
Box   379
Lee, Roger I. and Mrs. Lee photographs
Box   379
Lee, Roger I., Mrs., 1926-1949
Physical Description: 4 folders 

Location: Brookline, Massachusetts.

Thank you notes and assorted social small change.

Box   379
Lee, Roger I., Jr., 1937-1948
Note: Thank you notes and social arrangements: vacations, dinners, parties, etc.
Box   379
Lee, Roger I., Jr., Mrs., 1949
Note: Thank you note.
Box   379
Lee, Sylvanius George, Mrs., 1939-1942

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Solicitation of loan by Vassar Alumni Association and follow up thanks for a gift of $10,000.

Box   379
Lee, William H., 1906
Note: Bills from druggist.
Box   379
Lee, William T., 1937-1947

Location: Brookline, Massachusetts.

Thank you notes and social arrangements.

Box   379
Lee, William T., Mrs., 1947-1948
Note: Thank you notes for presents.
Box   379
Leeds, Hill, Barnard and Jewett, 1932-1942

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Engineering negotiations concerning the Quelinda Estate, belonging to Mary Virginia McCormick, and measures to prevent landslides.

Box   379
Leeds, William Bateman, 1902-1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Arrangements concerning renting of residence at 344 Erie Street.

Box   379
Leeds, William Bateman, Mrs., 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Concerning renting of above residence.

Box   379
Leerburger, Benedict A., 1926

Location: New York, New York.

Reminder to pay bill for hat.

Box   379
Lees, Dora, 1914-1916

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Thanks from an Evangelist for a contribution.

Box   379
Leesley Brothers, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for trees from nurserymen.

Box   379
Leete, Robert S., and Company, 1913-1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for stationery and office supplies.

Box   379
LeFavre, Caroline, 1904, 1911
Note: Vague arrangements with this lecturer on “mental” subjects.
Box   379
Leffingwell-Millard Inc., 1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for dresses.

Box   379
Leftwich, John C., 1910

Location: Boley, Oklahoma.

Request for a contribution to “Creek-Seminole Agricultural University.”

Box   379
Leftwich, Vernon, 1930

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Arrangements about orchestrating “An American in Paris.”

Box   379
Legal Aid Society of Chicago, 1906-1916
Note: Requests for contributions and in 1916, notification of election of Mrs. Blaine to the Board of Directors.
Box   379
Legendre, James, 1916

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana.

Wedding invitation.

Box   379
Legge, Alexander "Alex", 1919-1933

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Carbon copy of a letter, 1919, to Harold McCormick about keeping International Harvester plant running during switchmen's strike.

Letter approving of her withdrawal from a “muck-raking” organization the name of which is not mentioned.

Carbon copy of letter to Stanley McCormick informing him of the general progress of International Harvester Company and of the success of Stanley's policies of labor relations.

Plans for preparation of a centennial celebration of the invention of the reaper.

See also: Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Box   379
Legge, Alexander, Mrs. (Katherine M.), 1915-1924

Location: Pasadena, California.

Thank you notes. Sympathy note. Telegrams regarding health of Alexander during siege of illness in California.

Box   379
Legge, Katherine, Memorial Association

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thanks for a memorial building. Album of photographs.

Box   379
Legge, Roy A., 1933

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thanks for condolences.

Box   379
Legislative Committee for Mediation of Labor Disputes, 1941

Phone message with Mr. Boering of the Legislative Committee for Mediation of Labor Disputes.

He says, “We are working with the industrialists to make it unlawful to strike in Illinois without due notice.” Asserts the American Way over the methods of reds, communists, CIO, who are taking advantage of the situation. Cites success of the bill in Minnesota, when passed by Governor Stassen.

Mr. Chas. W. Vail, the mediator, leaves the following phone message: “This law has stopped strikes absolutely in Minnesota; strikes tie up our defense program.”

Box   379
Legislative Voters League, 1910-1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Plea for contributions. Pamphlet running down the records of members of State Legislature is included. Asked for her suggestions on their weekly bulletin. Repeated requests for funds.

Box   379
LeGrand, Jules, 1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Dental bill.

Box   379
LeGro, Fanny C., 1899

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Principal of James G. Blaine school requests a memorial piano.

Box   379
Lehman Brothers, 1939

Location: New York, New York.

Desire to handle Mrs. Blaine's investments. Apparently no response.

Box   379
Lehman, Herbert H., 1944

Location: Washington, D.C.

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Association (UNRRA). Thanks Mrs. Blaine for her interest in UNRRA, and informs her that WCA might be able to help in some manner or other.

Box   379
Leicht, Edward A., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Application for admission of son, Albert Edward, to Francis W. Parker School.

Box   379
Leighton, Marshall W., 1903

Location: Washington, D.C.

Refusal of position of Chief Sanitary Inspector of the City of Chicago.

Box   379
Leighton, Mary, 1911, 1918

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Magazine subscription solicited by indigent daughter of defunct Scottish nobleman.

Box   379
Leighton, William Alexander, 1912

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A plea for financial support of Elmer L. Williams campaign for Illinois State Legislature.

Box   379
Leigliere, Theresa de la, 1903

Location: Elmhurst.

Thanks and invitation.

Box   379
Leis, Henry P., 1926

Location: Saranac Lake, New York.

Bill for tuning piano.

Box   379
Leiser, Clara, 1941

Location: New York, New York.

Request to use her name as sponsor, with others (including Dorothy Canfield Fisher) of a letter contest: “Young Europe in America.” List of other sponsors included.

Box   379
Leitch, Mary, 1931 June

Open letters to the editors of the Christian Century. An appeal for the Christian churches to straighten out the nationalist crises in India between Gandhi and Britain.

Open letter to Dr. Carl S. Patton urging him to get the churches to arrange that the government offer an acre of land to each of the unemployed.

See also: International Reform Federation.

Box   379
Leiter, L.Z., Mrs., 1889, 1918

Location: Newport, Rhode Island.

Personal friends discussed, plans, comings and goings.

Box   379
Leitz, E., Inc., 1935

Location: New York, New York.

Guarantee on a Leica camera.

Box   380
Leland, Gertrude A., 1915
Note: Negotiations regarding the McNally house.
Box   380
Lelli, Anna, 1935

Location: Glencoe, Illinois.

Appointment to meet at Lake Shore Club.

Box   380
Leman, J.H., 1897

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you note.

Box   380
Lemke, Gesine, Mrs., 1898

Location: Brooklyn, New York.

Bill for cooking lessons given to the cook.

Box   380
Lemieux, Pierre, 1950-1951

Location: Montreal, Canada.

Request by Montreal City Assessor (in personal campaign for World Government) for financial assistance. ENCL: Universalism, the Ideal State / by P.L. Montreal, 1934.

Box   380
Lemkau, Paul V., 1946

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Letter concerning competence of Dr. R.H. Lambert.

Box   380
Lemmer, John G., Mrs. (Ruth Cusack), 1949

Location: Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Repeated requests from a stranger for a loan of $15,000 to enable her to get a start in the antique business.

Box   380
LeMoyne, Louis V., 1899-1918

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for a subscription to help Hull House. General letters by LeMoyne as Secretary of the Investigating Committee of the City Homes Association.

Box   380
Lenne Inc., 1935

Location: New York City, New York.

Personal business announcement.

Box   380
Lennon, Harry, 1942-1944
Note: Attempts to contact Mrs. Blaine and obtain loan of $300 for unspecified purpose.
Box   380
Lennon, Milton B., 1930-1943

Location: San Francisco, California.

Statement of state of mental health of Stanley McCormick. Granting of permission for Mrs. Blaine to see Stanley McCormick. Reports on his progress. Many thank you notes for Easter and Christmas presents.

Box   380
Lennon, Milton B., Mrs., 1930

Location: San Francisco, California.

Thank you notes.

Box   380
Lenroot, Irvine L., 1926

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Court copy of address by Senator Irvine L. Lenroot before the Chicago Bar Association on “The Legal Aspects of the World Court.”

Box   380
Leon, Albert, Mrs., 1884?

Location: New York, New York.

Newspaper clipping account of massacre of Christians by Arabs in Alexandria.

Wife offers husband's services as lecturer.

Box   380
Leonard, Ellen, 1943-1944

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Social invitations.

Box   380
Leonard, Henry, Mrs., 1911, 1923

Location: New York, New York.

Phone record. An attempted interview to enlist Mrs. Blaine in unspecified political cause. Wedding announcement, 1923.

Box   380
Leonard, J.P., Company, 1933

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Account of interview with salesman of National Recovery Act stickers for envelopes.

Box   380
Leonard, W.C., and Company, 192?-1941

Location: Saranac Lake, New York.

Bills and negotiations for camp supplies.

Box   380
Lerner, Leo, 1942-1951

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Items from Sheridan Center Booster, a paper edited by LL.

Note of congratulation for contribution to Mrs. Chang Kai-Shek, and further clippings criticizing Chicago Tribune.

Letter regarding educational books of Mr. W. Russell Shull. Invitation to testimonial banquet for Marshall Field, attended by Henry Wallace, B.J. Sheil, and Charles La Follette. Copies of papers with a Christmas poem of A.B.'s on front page. Request for $100 for Independent Voters of Illinois. Invitation to dinner with H. Wallace.

See also: Progressive Voters Council.

Box   380
Lerner, Leo, Mrs., 1944

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you note.

Box   380
Lerner, Max

Bound copy of address by Dr. Max Lerner before the Chicago Sunday Forum, 1939 January 8. Subject: “Political Prospects for 1940.”

See also: “Town Meeting of the Air,” 1938 February 3.

Box   380
Leron Inc., 1932-1946

Location: New York, New York.

Bills for linens and Christmas gifts.

Box   380
Leschin Inc., 1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Tailor bill.

Box   380
Leslie, George Hampton, 1912

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding invitation.

Box   380
Leslie, John, 1918?
Note: Dinner invitation accepted.
Box   380
Leslie-Judge Company, 1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Collection agency notices (phone records) for $4 bill due.

Box   380
Leslie, Margaret, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Offer to dance at parties.

Box   380
Leslie's Weekly, 1901-1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for photograph for publication. Projected article on Cyrus McCormick.

Box   380
Lesser, Mr., 1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Offer to sell art objects.

Box   380
Lester Costume Company, 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Charges for rental of an Opera Cape.

Box   380
Lester, Francis E., 1903

Location: Mesilla Park, New Mexico.

Offer to supply Native American Indian Drawnwork, rugs, etc.

Box   380
Lester, Muriel, 1936-1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bulletins in pacifist addresses by “The Jane Addams of England.” Newsletters from Shanghai and Hong Kong. Invitation to join her crusade.

Box   380
Lester, Sophia K., 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Application for employment.

Box   380
Lester, William E., 1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding invitation.

Box   380
Letang Inc., 1936-1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Shoe bills.

Box   380
Letterman, Emma, 1912

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for personal assistance from old woman and her mother.

Box   380
Letz, Bertha, 1913

Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Reminiscence and invitation.

Box   380
Leubrie, Nina, 1909-1912

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Class reunion transactions.

Box   380
Levan, Amy, 1948

Location: Lebanon, Pennsylvania.

Request for $100 to study in Chicago for a vacation period.

Box   380
Levanger, Minnie, 1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you note.

Box   380
Leverett Kearton Ltd., 1936-1940

Location: London, England.

Bill for transportation service.

Box   380
Leverone, Nathaniel, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Synopsis of a play “When Chicago Was Young.”

Levey, M.J.

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

On offer of books by a bookbinder. Notices of finely bound books and limited editions. Bills for many expensively bound volumes of classics, and obscure works.

Box   380
Box   381
Box   381
Levey Theatrical Cleanser and Dyer, 1905

Location: New York, New York.

Business notice.

Box   381
Levi, Irene, 1918

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation accepted.

Box   381
Levi, James, Mrs., 1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone attempt of a woman to see Mrs. Blaine put off by secretary.

Box   381
Levin, E., 1913

Location: New York, New York.

Correspondence concerning purchase of linens.

Box   381
Levin, Samuel

See also: Mullenbach, James, 1935 June 21.

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for her support of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, by appearance at dinners, letters to the Federal Communications Commission concerning an FM station, etc. Information about the Sidney Hillman Foundation.

Box   381
Levine, Isaac Don
Note: See also: Town Meeting of the Air, 1958 February 3.
Box   381
LeVino, Albert Shelby, Mrs., 1930

Location: Hollywood, California.

Former student of Francis Parker School who has helped found its counterpart in Hollywood, invites Mrs. Blaine to see it.

Box   381
Levinson, A.M., 1924-1946

Location: New York, New York.

Negotiations about the purchase of furs.

Box   381
Levinson, Salmon, Mr.
Note: See also: International League for Peace and Freedom, 1924 May 19-31. Symposium: The Outlawry of War.
Box   381
Levitt, Victor, 1949

Location: New York, New York.

Concerning participation in unspecified project.

Box   381
Levoy Studios, 1945-1946

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Bills for interior decoration.

Box   381
Levy, Beryl Harold
Note: See also: United Nations Association Congress, 1944 January 15.
Box   381
Levy, Emile, Mrs.

An attempt to found a south side branch of the Francis Parker School. Also a testimonial to Mrs. Blaine.

See also:

  • Department of Labor, Children's Bureau, 1919 May 20
  • Chicago Urban League, 1936 February 6
Box   381
Levy, Mark, and brother, 1923

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A offer of property for sale.

Box   381
Levy's, M.F., State Market, 1900-1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Butcher bills.

Box   381
LeWald, Mr., 1914-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Attempts to speak with Mrs. Blaine over the phone.

Box   381
Lewando's, 1892, 1915

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Cleaning bills.

Box   381
Lewine, Harry L., 1930

Location: New York, New York.

Request that insurance bills be paid.

Box   381
Lewis, Ada M., 1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Notice of the meeting of a Woman's Club.

Box   381
Lewis, Arthur, 1920

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A lecture in criticism of the views of Sir Oliver Lodge.

Box   381
Lewis, B.J., 1947

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Thank you note.

Box   381
Lewis and Conger

Location: New York, New York.

Bills for house furnishings.

Box   381
Lewis, David J.
Note: See also: Progressive conference, 1931 March 11-12.
Box   381
Lewis, David Robert, 1923

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding announcement.

Box   381
Lewis, Dean, 1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Medical bills.

Box   381
Lewis, Eliza Adams, 1920

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana.

Telegram to Mrs. Slade in the care of Mrs. Blaine.

Box   381
Lewis, F.E., 1905

Location: Malone, New York.

Bill for outing.

Box   381
Lewis, Frank, 1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Call to sell photos to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   381
Lewis, F.S., and Company, 1934

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Phone conversation regarding sale of investments to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   381
Lewis, Fredrick, 1941

Location: Pasadena, California.

A request to establish a chamber music festival as a memorial to Mary Virginia McCormick.

Box   381
Lewis, Herbert, 1943

Location: Pasadena, California.

Thank you note.

Box   381
Lewis Institute, 1910-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Regarding a vocational school for working boys.

Box   381
Lewis, James Hamilton, 1920, 1936
Note: Letter of congratulation. Address given before Chicago Council on Foreign Relations.
Box   381
Lewis, Judith, 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Application for position as secretary.

Box   381
Lewis, Lewis R., 1907-1908

Location: Shelbyville, Indiana.

Request for employment as household helper by a principal of a High School.

Box   381
Lewis, Lewis V., 1946

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Business call regarding Chicago terminals.

Box   381
Lewis, Lillian, 1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Application for position.

Box   381
Lewis and Kitchen, 1911-1913

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for heating and plumbing work on Francis Parker School.

Box   381
Lewis, O.F., 1908

Location: New York, New York.

Copies of articles on the treatment and prevention of Tuberculosis.

Box   381
Lewis and Pullos Company, 1927-1928

Location: Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Bills for groceries

Box   381
Lewis, Rice and Son Ltd., 1906

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Hardware bills.

Box   381
Lewis, Robert M., 1949

Location: New Haven, Connecticut.

Wedding invitation.

Box   381
Lewis, Samuel R., 1914-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters regarding payment of Lewis and kitchen bill and arrangements for work on a new house.

Box   381
Lewis, Thomas Henry, 1921-1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and advice for the medical care of Miss Ruth Campbell.

Box   381
Lewis, Traverse, Mrs., 1910-1911

Location: Paris, France.

Request for interview regarding the Ada Leigh homes for young Christian women in Paris.

Box   381
Lewis and Simmons Inc., 1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for a painting by C.F. Dratz.

Box   381
Lewis and Valentine Company, 1924

Location: Ardmore, Pennsylvania.

Offer to move some big trees.

Box   381
Lewis, Willis E., 1892
Note: Condolence telegram.
Box   381
Lewis, W.O., 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

An appeal to Mrs. Blaine as a member of the School Board for a new neighborhood public school.

Box   381
Lewis-Smith Studio, 1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Regarding photographs to appear in Fashion Arts magazine.

Box   381
Lewisohn, Adolph, 1923-1931

Location: New York, New York.

Appeals for contributions and support for National Committee of Prisons and Prison Labor.

Box   381
Lewisohn, Sam A., 1940

Location: New York, New York.

Off-print of article in Michigan Alumni Quarterly.

Box   381
Lewiston Journal

Location: Lewiston, Maine.

Request for an interview on her work in the Chicago School System.

Box   381
Li, Tien Lu
Note: See also: Federal Council of Churches, 1941 December 16.
Box   381
Libby, E.L., 1921

Location: Wells, Maine.

Bills for furniture.

Box   381
Libby Printers, The, 1945

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for funeral service of H.A. Walker.

Box   381
Liberal Digest

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for an interview and refusal.

Box   381
Liberal League, 1924

Location: New York, New York.

Appeals for her support for an organization bent on bettering U.S. governmental set-up, and for encouraging U.S. participation in the League of Nations.

Box   382
Liberal Republican League of Massachusetts, 1922

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Thanks for support of League against Henry Cabot Lodge, and for League of Nations entry. Made generous financial gifts.

Box   382
Liberian Consulate
Note: See also: Westbrooks, Richard K.
Box   382
Liberty and Company, 1938

Location: London, England.

Bills and catalogues.

Box   382
Liberty Cleaners Inc.

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Business solicitations.

Box   382
Liberty Mutual, 1954

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to Mrs. Gilbert Harrison concerning insurance.

Box   382
Liberty War Association for Medical and Surgical Relief, 1918

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

An appeal for a contribution from an organization whose aim is to cure minor medical defects so that otherwise eligible young men can enter the army.

Box   382
Libman, David, 1903-1904
Note: Bills for the delivery of The Tribune.
Box   382
Library Americana, 1900-1901

Location: New Haven, Connecticut.

Appeals for her support.

Box   382
Library Bureau, 1903-1927

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   382
Library of International Relation, 1935-1953

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Newsletter. Address by A. Evans and Miss H. Hopkinson, “The International Labor Office.”

Newsletters and invitations to lectures on topics on the International Political scene, etc. Request for financial aid.

See also:

  • Ballard, Ernest S., Mrs.
  • Bentley, Richard
  • Bowe, Augustine, Mrs.
  • Cassels, Edwin H.
  • Clark, John, Mrs.
  • Cook, John Brown
  • Elting, Victor
  • Field, Henry
  • Hale, William B., Mrs.
  • ReQua, Eloise
  • Worthy, John C.
Box   382
Lichtenberg, A.J., 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for financial support of the Moody Institute to spread the gospel among “the dark people.”

Box   382
Licht, Laura, 1912

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you note.

Box   382
Lichtenstein, Walter

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you notes.

See also: League of Women Voters, 1924 April 12.

Box   382
Lichtenstein, Walter, Mrs., 1943

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you notes.

Box   382
Lickerman, N., and Company, 1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Real estate broker attempts to buy a lot.

Box   382
Liegler and Company, 1909

Location: New York, New York.

Communications regarding use of manuscript.

Box   382
Liebling, Leonard, 1925

Location: New York, New York.

Composer sends along a piece of music.

Box   382
Life Extension Institute, 1918

Location: New York, New York.

Offer for medical plan of preventive medicine.

Box   382
Life and Labor, 1911-1918

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for financial support for the magazine published by the National Women's Trade Union League of America.

Box   382
Liggett, J.W., 1910-1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for telephone work.

Box   382
Light of Ages, 1937
Note: Attempt to sell tickets for drama.
Box   382
Lightfoot, Gano, 1938-1944

Location: New York, New York.

Interviews over World Citizenship and The American Committee for Non-Participation in Japanese Aggression, 1939.

Box   382
Lightford, Alice, 1943
Note: Received from Mary Virginia McCormick. Pension fund $1,000.
Box   382
Lightford, Steve, 1943
Note: Recommended from Mary Virginia McCormick pension fund $3,000.
Box   382
Lightner, Milton C., 1892
Note: Condolence card.
Box   382
Ligon, Virace Massie, Mrs., undated
Note: Sends letters of William Stanley McCormick.
Box   382
Ligue du Nord Contre La Tuberculose, 1918?

Location: Paris, France.

Request for money for visiting nurse work in Northern France.

Box   382
Ligue Fraternelle des Enfants de France, 1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Attempt to sell tickets to a benefit performance.

Box   382
Lill, George, Coal Company, 1908-1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for coal.

Box   382
Lill-Robinson Coal Company, 1910-1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Coal bills.

Box   382
Lillard, M.F., 1930

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

An attempt to sell a painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, 1696-1770.

Box   382
Lillard, Mary F., 1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Interview for a secretarial position.

Box   382
Lillie, Frank Rattray, 1926-1927

Location: Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Wedding invitations.

Box   382
Lillywhites Ltd.

Location: London, England.

Bills for boating supplies.

Box   382
Limestone College, 1944

Location: Gaffney, South Carolina.

Request for an appointment to discuss a gift to the school. Catalogue is enclosed.

Box   383
Linberg, Mrs., 1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request (granted) for $10 for medicine for a poor woman.

Box   383
Linberg, Edward Armin, Jr., Mrs. (Sally Byram Perry), 1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acceptance of social invitation.

Box   383
Lincoln, Abraham, 1855

Location: Springfield, Illinois.

Copy from original manuscript of a letter of advice to a young lawyer.

Box   383
Lincoln, Abraham, Center, 1909-1943

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Two separate groups of letters in this dossier: a series from Jenkin Lloyd Jones dealing with the publication of the Theodore Parker essays and with permission to use the like of Cyrus McCormick in a sermon; also are a series of requests for financial support of the institution after the death of Mr. Jones.

Box   383
Lincoln, Abraham, Foundation, 1929-1930

Location: Frankfort, Kentucky; New York, New York.

Appeals for support of an organization that is to attempt to inculcate the principles of a united world, and the brotherhood of man. John Dewey is an active supporter. The organization is to build a University in Bronxville, New York for 250 special students.

Box   383
Lincoln, Abraham, School, 1943-1946

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Appeals for support of the institution, which is internationalistic and an opponent of race prejudice in America.

Box   383
Lincoln, Alice N., 1901-1903

Location: Manchester and Boston, Massachusetts.

Concerning the improvement of tenement housing in Chicago and elsewhere.

Box   383
Lincoln Center Magazine and Book Dispensary, 1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of Benefit Concert and letter of appreciation.

Box   383
Lincoln Centre Shop, 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   383
Lincoln Community Church, 1924

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Acknowledgement and appreciation for gift of land.

See also: McCormick, Cyrus. H., II, 1924 August 28.

Box   383
Lincoln Farm Association, 1909-1910

Location: New York City, New York.

Letters requesting support, and certificates of membership in the association which constructed Lincoln Farm Memorial Building and Park.

Box   383
Lincoln, Frank, Mrs. (Bertha Coombs Wean), 1904

Location: Montague, Michigan.

Request for assistance in gaining appointment of a woman to the Board of Education.

Box   383
Lincoln, George E., Mrs., 1900

Location: East Somerville, Massachusetts.

Letters of request and appreciation for financial aid.

Box   383
Lincoln, Harry W., 1922

Location: Cohasset, Massachusetts.


Box   383
Lincoln Highway Association, 1913

Location: Detroit, Michigan.

Requests for support of construction of natural highway.

Box   383
Lincoln Historical Fund Campaign, 1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request to contribute $100 to save the Barrett Lincoln Collection.

Box   383
Lincoln Institute of Kentucky, 1916-1924

Location: Louisville, Lincoln Ridge, Kentucky; Chicago, Illinois.

Letters of information about work of this school for African American youth and requests for interviews about possible aid.

Box   383
Lincoln, Jack, 1918

Location: New York.

Letter of sympathy.

Box   383
Lincoln, Jacob, 1897
Note: Letter of appreciation
Box   383
Lincoln, John L., 1889-1905

Location: New York; Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence about breeding and caring for dogs. Miscellaneous personal letters.

Box   383
Lincoln, Mary Todd, Memorial, 1911

Location: New York.

Letters of support and appreciation for construction of memorial building by Mrs. Blaine at Sayre College. One letter from William O. Stoddard, close friend of Mary Todd Lincoln, affirming her loyalty and character during Lincoln's presidency.

Box   383
Lincoln Memorial Hall, 1910-1911, 1929

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for support and announcements of dedication of memorial.

Box   383
Lincoln Memorial University, 1907-1929

Location: Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.

Correspondence, reprints of newspaper articles, certificates of honor and appreciation for support of school for mountain people of Tennessee, Virginia and other areas.

Box   383
Lincoln Memorial University Endowment Association, 1909-1919

Location: New York.

Correspondence urging Mrs. Blaine to become an honorary regent through contribution.

Box   383
Lincoln Mills of Alabama, 1922-1926

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Request for exchange of property and appreciation for gift of additional land.

Box   383
Lincoln Motor Car Company, 1930-1935

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Detroit, Michigan.

Inquiries as to possibility of Mrs. Blaine's purchasing new automobiles.

Box   383
Lincoln Park Livery Company, 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Offer to furnish team and driver.

Box   383
Lincoln Park Police Social and Benevolent Association, 1933-1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Inquiries and requests for financial support of families of policemen injured or killed in performance of duties.

Box   383
Lincoln, Robert J., 1896-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal correspondence from the son of Abraham Lincoln.

Box   383
Lincoln Street Institutional Church, 1926-1927

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for contributions to day nursery and other activities.

Box   383
Lincoln University, 1899, 1922

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Letters of information toward possibility of contribution to work of the college for African American youth.

Box   383
Lincoln Warehouse and Van Company, 1905-1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   383
Lincoln-Gardner Laboratory, 1918-1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Medical bills and receipts.

Box   383
Lincoln-Jefferson University, 1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters of information about home education course in classics.

Box   383
Lincoln-Trice Memorial Normal and Industrial Institute, 1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for aid to school.

Box   383
Lind, John E., Mrs. (Elizabeth Lois Case), 1905

Location: Ludington, Michigan.

Letter of appreciation for gift.

Box   383
Lind and Severin, 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   383
Lindberg, Anna, 1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal correspondence.

Box   383
Lindberg, E.J., 1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone requests for interview concerning the library of the McCormick Seminary.

Box   383
Lindall, C.O., Mrs., 1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for financial aid for St. John's English Lutheran Church.

Box   383
Lindeman, G.H., 1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of appreciation for medical care.

Box   383
Lindemann, George, 1901-1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   383
Lindenan, Mary, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request from former employee's wife for reinstatement of her husband.

Box   383
Lindenmeyer Brothers, 1926-1932

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.


Box   383
Lindenwood College, 1906-1910

Location: St. Charles, Missouri.

Requests for possible support of preparatory school for girls.

Box   383
Linderman, Eugene D., 1950

Location: Hot Springs, South Dakota.

Request for copy of McCormick coat of arms, and interesting letter about family genealogy from a Spanish-American war veteran.

Box   383
Lindgren, Gustaf Linus, 1948

Location: South St. Paul, Minnesota.

Invitation to daughter's wedding.

Box   383
Lindgren, Idin R., 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of introduction to woman appointed to collect funds for Swedish famine victims, from Swedish vice-consul.

Box   383
Lindgren, Rose, 1937-1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you notes for Christmas gifts.

Box   383
Lindheim, Irma, 1943-1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York.

Correspondence from woman active in settling European refugee children in Palestine. Reference to Henry Wallace Children's Village in Israel.

Box   383
Lindholm, S.G., 1900

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence about activity in sweatshop investigation for Jane Addams and Mrs. Blaine.

Box   383
Lindley's, 1934-1936

Location: Los Angeles, California.


Box   383
Lincoln, Julian B., 1914-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter and enclosed list of lectures on travel, art and philosophy.

Box   383
Lindsay, Charles R., III, 1935

Location: Wayne, Illinois.

Invitation to the Wayne Hunt.

Box   383
Lindsay, Kathryn P., 1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request from Humane Society to protest treatment of horses by Illinois Express Company.

Box   383
Lindsay, Merle, 1937

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah.

Notice of forwarding handmade bracelet made by inmate of Utah State Prison for price of $20.

Box   383
Lindsay, Michael, 1938

Location: Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania.

Copy of detailed account of his experiences in North China, with insightful analysis of Communist and other guerilla activity, organization and tactics against Japanese.

Box   384
Lindsay, Margaret L., 1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of appreciation for making Mrs. Blaine's box at concert available for Francis Parker School.

Box   384
Lindsay, Samuel McCune, 1904-1935

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York; Washington, D.C.

Correspondence concerning enforcement of Illinois Child Labor Law; appointment of Federal Commission on Industrial Relations and opposition to President Taft's proposal concerning one which was considered ineffective. Correspondence about and copy of resolution presented to Congress by Committee on War Charity and Social Work to exempt contributions to charities from taxation. Request for support and financial aid of International Labor Organization Committee.

Box   384
Lindsay, Thomas Poultney, 1933

Location: Southborough, Massachusetts.

Invitation to daughter's marriage reception.

Box   384
Lindsey, Ben B., 1905-1919

Location: Denver, Colorado.

Correspondence about administrative and probationary work of Denver Juvenile Court and problems of school and delinquent children. Two copies of his address, “The School and The Court.”

See also: U.S. Department of Labor-Children's Bureau, 1919 May 19-20.

Box   384
Lindsey, W.E., Mrs., 1917

Location: Washington, D.C.

Telegram suggestion about printing of war message for mass distribution.

Box   384
Lindstedt, Algot, Mrs., 1924-1933

Location: North Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you notes.

Box   384
Lindstrom, L., 1916

Location: Illinois.


Box   384
Lingle, Kendall Ide, 1935

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of appreciation and information about work of Citizens' Campaign Committee to detect and prevent election frauds.

Box   384
Lingnan University, 1928

Location: New York City, New York.

Letter of information from trustees about appointment of new American Director of Chinese college with enclosed pamphlet describing its aims and methods.

Box   384
Linn, Howard, 1914-1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal correspondence.

Box   384
Linn, Howard, Mrs. (Lucy McCormick Blair), 1903-1950
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Lake Forest, Illinois; Groton, Massachusetts.

Personal correspondence from a cousin of Mrs. Blaine. One folder of press clippings.

Box   384
Linn, James Weber, 1927

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to daughter's wedding.

See also: Progressive Education Association Conference, 1937 October 28-30.

Box   384
Linn, William Robert, 1915-1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to daughter's marriage to Cyrus McCormick and various personal correspondence.

Box   384
Linn, William Robert, Mrs. (Nellie Butler), 1918-1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of sympathy on Emmons' death.

Box   384
Linneman, J.C., 1939

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Receipt for orthopedic supplies.

Box   384
Linscott, Charles C., 1892

Location: Bar Harbor, Maine.

Receipt for food.

Box   384
Linthicum, Charles C., 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipt for $9,000 in payment for lot of 285 acres in Lake Forest, Illinois.

Box   384
Linton, Ralph, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Article reprint from The American Mercury, 1937 April, entitled “One Hundred Percent American.”

Box   384
Lions International, 1940-1942

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence concerning release of money donated to Toronto City government for building of a boys' club to be used instead for conversion of old building into hostel for Canadian servicemen.

Box   384
Lipman, David I., 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of thanks for copy of speech and report delivered at Progressive Lawyers Club.

See also: Progressive Lawyers Club, 1937 January 16.

Box   384
Lippincott, J.B., Company, 1907

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Announcement of forwarding of several sample copies of books on physiology.

Box   384
Lippincott, J. Bertram, Mrs. (Joanna Wharton), 1918

Location: Bethayres, Pennsylvania.

Letter of sympathy on death of Emmons Blaine.

Box   384
Lippincott, Sallie, 1941

Location: La Jolla, California.

Personal note.

Box   384
Lippmann, Walter, 1941

Location: Washington, D.C.

Regrets at inability to come to Chicago.

Box   384
Lipson, I.B., Mrs., 1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to speak on Child Welfare Exhibit at meeting of Council of Jewish Women.

Box   384
Lisle Fellowship, 1946-1950

Location: New York.

Requests for interviews and financial support of fellowship program. Copy of report on work of the program in Japan.

Box   384
Lisle, William, 1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of appreciation for New Year's Eve party.

Box   384
List, Josef, 1948

Location: Austria?

Personal letter in German.

Box   384
Liston, Nellie C., 1900

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for information about continuing school education.

Box   384
Literary Digest, 1903-1936

Location: New York.

Receipts and correspondence concerning subscription bills.

Box   384
Lithuanian Consulate
Note: See also: Dauzvardis, Petras.
Box   384
Litsinger, Edward Robert, 1930-1932

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitations to wedding and receptions for daughter.

Box   384
Littell, Blaine, 1934-1948

Location: New York.

Personal correspondence.

Box   384
Littell, Philip, Mrs. (Fanny), 1926

Location: New York.

Thank you note.

Box   384
Littell, Robert, 1924-1950

Location: New York.

Personal correspondence and various letters about American aid to Britain prior to our entry into World War II. Also copy of article by Littell on atom bombing of Hiroshima in Reader's Digest.

Box   384
Littell, Robert, Mrs. (Anita Blaine Damrosch), 1915-1950
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York.

Personal correspondence from Mrs. Blaine's niece. One folder of photographs.

Box   384
Littell, Walter D., 1939-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York.

Personal correspondence.

Box   384
Little, A.E., Company, 1930-1932

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Receipts for stationery and art materials.

Box   384
Little, Brown and Company, 1906-1927

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Correspondence, bills and receipts for books.

Box   384
Little, Charles George, Mrs., 1943-1953

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

Invitation to dinner for aldermanic candidate; and invitation to daughter's wedding.

Box   384
Little Company of Mary Hospital, 1938-1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone requests for interviews about possible assistance.

Box   384
Little Gallery, 1934

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   384
Littlefield, C.C., 1921-1927

Location: Newfields, New Hampshire.

Receipts for antiques.

Box   384
Littlejohn, Maud, 1892
Note: Location: Garden City, California.
Box   384
Little Russia Corporation, 1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipts for dinners.

Box   384
Little Sisters of the Assumption, 1938

Location: Paris, France.

Request for interview and appreciation for past support.

Box   384
Little Sisters of the Poor, 1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for assistance.

Box   384
Little Symphony of Chicago, 1931

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipt for instrumental ensemble.

Box   384
Little Wanderer Day Nursery, 1931-1935

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Appeals for assistance.

Box   384
Littwitz, Max, Inc., 1911-1951
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Location: New York.

Correspondence, receipts, and statements of account from linen and laces dealer.

Box   384
Lively, L.J., 1897

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of information about receipt of maps.

Box   384
Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company of New York, 1917-1921

Location: New York.

Fire insurance policies for Hubbard Woods property.

Box   385
Livingston, Louis J., 1920-1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for opportunity to show photographs to Sir Oliver Lodge, guest of Mrs. Blaine. Enclosed endorsements of skill and artistry of photographs.

Box   385
Livingston, Marie, 1950-1952

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipts for nursing service.

Box   385
Livingston Shop, 1923

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   385
Livingston, William, 1889

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Regrets at inability to visit.

Box   385
Llewellyn, Edward, 1927

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipt for musical entertainment.

Box   385
Lloyd, Andrew J., Company, 1913

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.


Box   385
Lloyd, Arthur Selden, 1913

Location: Madison, Connecticut.

Invitation to daughter's wedding.

Box   385
Lloyd, E.E., Paper Company, 1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of presenting of watermarked picture of Col. Lindbergh to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   385
Lloyd, E.M., Mrs., 1901-1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence and receipts for heat and utilities.

Box   385
Lloyd, F.E.J., 1911-1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for personal assistance and some support for building a home for men without families. Several letters of recommendation from Grace Wilbur Trout.

Box   385
Lloyd, Henry Demarest, 1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to meet Mr. and Mrs. William Bross Lloyd.

Box   385
Lloyd, Hy D., Mrs. (Jessie Bross), 1896

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal letter introducing her sons to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   385
Lloyd, Lola Maverick, 1939

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Acceptance of invitation to meeting of Chicago Committee of World Citizens Association.

Box   385
Lloyd, William B., Jr., 1939-1950

Location: Winnetka, Illinois; Chicago, Illinois; Geneva, Switzerland.

Letters of criticism and protest at World Citizens Association's support of Allies in 1939-1941 and its whole position of supporting war as a method of achieving its aims. Protests “Anglo-Saxon white-man's burden” view allegedly held by organization. Letter criticizing undemocratic international politics of League as a possible cause of anti-democratic regimes before World War II, and suggestions about making International Labor Organization effective by extending safeguards for labor to all countries. Letter about world citizenship celebration in France, 1950.

Box   385
Lloyd, W.H.S, Company, 1922-1933
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Receipts for decoration materials.
Box   385
Lloyd-Jones, Jane, 1901-1903

Location: Hillside, Wisconsin.

Letters of information about summer school and camp for children.

Box   385
Lloyd-Smith, Wilton, Mrs. (Marjorie Fleming), 1915-1953
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York.

Personal correspondence and one folder of press clippings about suicide of Wilton Lloyd-Smith, 1940, prominent corporation lawyer, public figure and philanthropist.

Box   385
Lloyd's Property Owners Association of Chicago, 1930-1931

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence about representing Mrs. Blaine in property cases arising out of widening of State Street in Chicago.

Box   385
Lobas, Rene
Note: See also: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1924 May 19-31.
Box   385
Lobdell, A.C., 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Inquiries about and receipts for installation of lightning rods.

Box   385
Lobdell, Edwin L., and Company, 1914-1920

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Information about investments and stocks in American Shipbuilding Company and Union Manufacturing and Storage Company.

Box   385
Locard, Frederic, 1907

Location: Homewood, Illinois.

Letter of information about previous request for assistance.

Box   385
Lochard, Metz, 1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone request for interview.

Box   385
Locke, Clinton, Mrs., 1892-1913

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Lockehaven, Michigan.

Personal correspondence.

Box   385
Locke, Edwin A., 1925

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Medical report on Mrs. James W. Adams.

Box   385
Locke, Isaac, and Company, 1907-1913

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.


Box   385
Locke, Josephine C., 1897-1898

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence urging support for Col. Parker and the cause of public education.

Box   385
Lockhart, Gordon, 1939

Location: Perthshire, England.

Receipts for golf equipment.

Box   385
Lockhart, Gordon, Mrs., 1939

Location: Perthshire, England.

Letter of appreciation.

Box   385
Lockhart, R.H. Bruce, 1939

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Text of address entitled, “Guns or Butter,” before Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1939 January 28.

Box   385
Lockwood, B., 1892

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal note.

Box   385
Lockwood, Belva, Fund, 1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for forwarding of check.

Box   385
Lockwood, Elizabeth, 1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for and receipts for payment of services as typist.

Box   385
Locomobile Company of America, 1908-1923

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence and receipts for auto work.

Box   385
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1901

Location: Washington, D.C.

Personal letter accepting invitation to speak in Chicago on John Marshall and letter of appreciation for hospitality.

Box   385
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Mrs., 1904

Location: Washington, D.C.

Personal note of appreciation.

Box   385
Lodge, Henry Cabot, II, 1940

Location: Washington, D.C.

Telegrams noting Mrs. Blaine's opinions, but holding that U.S. must build up its defenses rather than enter the war on the side of the Allies.

Box   385
Lodge, Norah, 1937-1947

Location: England.

Personal correspondence from daughter of Sir Oliver Lodge.

Lodge, Oliver, 1920-1940
Note: Copies of lectures, correspondence with admirers during 1920 lecture tour of the United States. Further personal correspondence and reprints of several addresses and articles on psychical research. One folder of photographs and a folder of press clippings.
Box   385
1920 January-February 19
Physical Description: 5 folders 
Box   386
1920 February 20-1940
Physical Description: 7 folders 
Box   386
Press clippings
Box   386
Box   386
Lodge, Oliver, Mrs., 1920

Location: New York; England.

Personal correspondence.

Box   386
Loeb, Hugo I., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Inquiry as to possible purchase of busts of eminent men for use by school.

Box   386
Loeb, Robert H., Jr., 1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for interview about publishing book on the Un-American Activities Committee investigation of Hollywood, and possibility of financial support from Mrs. Blaine.

Box   387
Loeber, Ann, 1937 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Accepts Mrs. Blaine's dinner invitation.

Box   387
Loeber Pontiac Inc., 1951 July-August

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Specifications and bill for auto repair.

Box   387
Loehr, Leon L., 1924-1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Concerning Henry Baird Favill Memorial fund. December 26, 1924 acknowledges two checks for $25,000 on behalf of Mary V. McCormick and Stanley McCormick.

See also:

  • Bancroft, E.A.
  • Dudley, E.C.
Box   387
Loesch, Frank J., 1902-1942

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

The Francis Parker School; Chicago public education; Special Grand Jury investigation of 1928, Chicago politics and election frauds.

Box   387
Loesch, Frank J., Mrs., 1929 April

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Phone conversations concerning benefit for Chicago Presbytery.

Box   387
Loesch, Joseph B., 1906, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Montrose, Colorado.

Two notes accept and decline invitations from “the Twelfth Grade” and “the Senior Class.”

Box   387
Loesch, May Browning, 1937 September

Location: Cooperstown, New York.

Declines invitation to Mrs. Blaine's grandchild's debut. Recalls “those old days.”

Box   387
Loftus, E.M., 1940 January
Note: Recommends and encloses announcement of Mighty Muscles, an attack on radicalism, by Winslow Dickson.
Box   387
Loftus, Edward A., Mrs., 1935-1945

Location: Pasadena, Los Angeles, California; Chicago, Illinois.

Letters from a semi-crippled arthritic for whom Mrs. Blaine paid medical and hospital bill for a decade.

Box   387
Logan, Ellen, 1902 February
Note: A note thanking Mrs. Blaine for a gift to Logan child, Emmons.
Box   387
Logan, Frank G., 1901 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Declines to support a cause for which Mrs. Blaine was soliciting. No detail.

Box   387
Logan, Frank G., Mrs., 1936-1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Conversations concerning a “Sanity in Art” crusade; note on World Foundation.

Box   387
Logan, John A., Mrs., 1908, 1911

Location: Washington.

Encloses note from one Otto Wiecker, artist, calling attention to the availability of a portrait of James G. Blaine. 1911 letter asks sketch of Mrs. Blaine for Mrs. Logan's planned book “The Part Taken by Women in American History.”

Box   387
Logan, J.W., 1916-1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Asks for two dollars in payment for a packing job.

Box   387
Logan, W.A., 1902-1907

Location: Cimarron, New Mexico; Elmhurst, Illinois.

Letters concerning K ranch.

Box   387
Logeman, Robbins, undated

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Accepts invitation of “the Senior Class” to a luncheon.

Box   387
Loger, Mary Manys, 1937-1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation; sympathy note; request for support for a trip to Germany.

Box   387
Loliger, O., 1938

Location: Lucerne, Switzerland.

Comments on photos of Loliger's wife and daughter.

Box   387
Lowman, Katharine, 1911 May

Location: La Grange, Illinois.

Asks support for an International Institute designed to free Spain's women from the “despotism of church and state.” The school was founded by a Mrs. Alice Gordon Gulick. Request refers to “Madame McCormick” and “Miss Addams” for supporting recommendations.

Box   387
Loncos, Mr., 1932 September

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Tries to interest Mrs. Blaine in a collection of brocade, tapestry and velvet.

Box   387
London Auto Supply Company, 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill and letter for auto repair.

Box   387
London Casino, 1938

Location: London, England.


Box   387
London Daily Sketch, 1941 November
Note: Paper sending 100 copies of “each article” and enrolling Mrs. Blaine on subscription list.
Box   387
London Modeling Company, 1903 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Firm wants to make a model for Blaine.

Box   387
London Spiritualist Alliance Ltd., 1937

Location: London, England.

Booklist, transcripts of hearings, receipts for prices of hearings with mediums.

See also: Phillimore, Mercy, secretary of the Alliance.

Box   387
Long, Miss Alves
Note: See also: National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War, 1937 January 26-29, Twelfth Annual Conference.
Box   387
Long, Arthur J., 1949 October
Note: Young man wants loan to go to Yale. Telephone conversation.
Box   387
Long, Carl, 1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Phone conversation concerning monkey cage at Parker School.

Box   387
Long, Elsa S., 1934

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for room and board for Lena Olsen.

Box   387
Long Island Church Society, undated
Note: Solicitation for church building on Long Island, New York.
Box   387
Long, Karl, 1912 June
Note: Accepts the invitation of the Senior class of the Parker School.
Box   387
Long, Matthew D., 1941

Location: Saranac Lake, New York.

Attempts to interest Mrs. Blaine in property for a summer home.

Longmeadow Hounds

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills, announcements of hunts, etc.

Box   387
Box   387
Box   387
Long, Robert, and Sons, 1916
Note: Receipted bills from Plumbing, Gas and Heating contractor, of Toronto, Canada.
Box   387
Longan, Anna, 1948 September

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Conversation. Attempts to sell Mrs. Blaine a “large unusual shell.”

Box   387
Longfellow National Memorial Association, 1908-1909

Invitations from Washington and Chicago to become a regent of the association. A diploma naming Mrs. Blaine as an honorary regent.

See also:

  • Carnegie, Andrew
  • Chief Justice Fuller, U.S. Supreme Court
  • Henry Cabot Lodge
  • Morgan, J.P.
  • Roosevelt, Theodore
Box   387
Longmans, Green, and Company, 1906-1908, 1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York.

Letters urging spelling books and books on history and government published by Longmans, Green, and Company for use in Chicago's public schools.

Box   387
Longstreet Memorial Association, 1949 May

Location: Marietta, Georgia.

Letter and pamphlets soliciting contributions for a memorial for Gen. James Longstreet.

Box   387
Longstreth, Edward, Mrs., 1938 April

Location: New York.

Thanks Mrs. Blaine for opportunity to attend the World Foundation Conference. Expresses hope that ideas of the conference will take hold in America.

Box   387
Longyear, Robert, 1910 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Declines invitation from “the Senior Class.”

Box   387
Lonnquist, Axel, 1936 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thanks Mrs. Blaine for accomplishments of “the recent political campaign.”

Box   387
Lonson, Mr., 1921 January 28

Location: New York.

Tries to interest Mrs. Blaine in a collection of table linen.

Box   387
Looby, William B., Mrs., 1946

Location: Melrose Perk, Illinois.

Thanks Mrs. Blaine for dinner in honor of son's birthday.

Box   387
Look, George C., 1908

Location: Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Bill for groceries, crockery, etc.

Box   387
Loomis, Charles H., 1905 November

Location: New Haven, Connecticut.

Sends Mrs. Blaine, “At the request of Chauncey McCormick,” copies of “Rely on Eli,” Yale football marching song.

Box   387
Loomis, Daphne, 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Applies for position as secretary.

Box   387
Loomis, Henry P., Mrs. (Julia Stimson), 1911, 1917-1918

Location: Tuxedo Park, New York; New York City, New York.

Wedding invitation. Request for cooperation in an Allied Bazaar held by an organization seeking foster parents for the children of France's war dead. Condolences for the death of Mrs. Blaine's son.

Box   387
Loomis, John Mason, 1897

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Dinner invitation.

Box   387
Loomis, John Stebbins, Mrs. (Margaret White), 1947

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

One letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for leading the Loomises to a medium through whom they “contacted” their daughters. A second letter encloses the jacket from a copy of J.B. Rhine's The Reach of the Mind.

Box   387
Looney, T.D., 1900

Location: Clear Forks, Virginia?

Asks contribution to pay debt on church building.

Box   387
Lopez, Lelia, 1937

Location: The Hague, Holland.

Postcard from traveler in Europe describing vacation.

Box   387
Lorber, Herbert J., 1946

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Asks support for the Chicago Opera Company.

Box   387
Lorch, Emil, 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Lorch, an architect, claims that the study of pure design is the best study for an architect. He asks Mrs. Blaine to contribute toward the founding, of a school of architecture at the University of Chicago. To support his case, he encloses copies articles concerning his work from the Chicago Journal and the Inland Architect and News Record.

Box   387
Lord, A.H., 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests to borrow money.

Box   387
Lord and Burnham Company, 1900

Location: New York.

Architectural firm sends proposals for plan of a greenhouse.

Box   387
Lord, Daniel M., 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Recommends James M. Miner, psychology professor at the University of Illinois, who plans to chaperone boys at the St. Louis World's Fair.

Box   387
Lord, Frank B., 1921, 1924

Location: Washington.

1921 letters concern the publication of several documents of the Wilson administration in a book and ask Mrs. Blaine to take 100 or more to aid the cause. The 1924 letter opines that the Democratic Convention will end in a deadlock and asks for Mrs. Blaine's views on the best “dark horse.” Lord also asks Mrs. Blaine to buy stock in his magazine Democracy.

Box   387
Lord, Gertrude V., 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Asks to be allowed to call to sell life insurance.

Box   387
Lord, Robert H., 1926
Note: Copy of address given to Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1926 February 13, entitled, “The Prospects for Poland Predicts a 'Glorious Future.'”
Box   387
Lord, Russell, Mrs., 1938
Note: Mrs. Lord, just returned from Paris, passes on the compliments of a Madame de Braglie, who formerly played with an orchestra in Chicago and became friendly with Mrs. Blaine. A second note encloses a letter from Madame de Braglie to Mrs. Lord.
Box   387
Lord and Taylor, 1892, 1925-1927

Location: New York.

Miscellaneous bills and correspondence over returned items.

Box   387
Lord, William S., 1918

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for towels, linens, etc.

Box   388
Lord, W. St. Clair, Mrs., 1898, 1906

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

1898 letters purely personal. Recall good times as duet at the piano. Thanks Mrs. Blaine for gift. The 1906 letter asks for references to help Mrs. Lord get music pupils.

Box   388
Lorehn, Olle J., 1902

Location: Houston, Texas.

Plans an industrial college for girls and asks for picture of Parker School, floor plans, and other information.

Box   388
Lorenzen, A.F., 1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Lorenzen, interested in the reelection of FDR and in the Kansas City Journal Post, asks to run an ad in the paper for Mrs. Blaine. A second letter congratulates Mrs. Blaine on her radio talk.

Box   388
Loring, Anna S., 1892

Location: Salem, Massachusetts.

Condolences on Mr. Blaine's death.

Box   388
Loring, John Alden, undated

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Wedding invitation.

Box   388
Loring, Margaret F., 1897-1903

Location: York Harbor, Maine.

Notes arranging and trying to arrange meetings for concerts.

Box   388
Loring, Sally Pickham, 1892
Note: Letters concerning the birth of the child of Margaret (Loring?) and her family affairs. Letter of condolences on Mr. Blaine's death.
Box   388
Loring, Stella Dyer, 1895-1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitations. Request for aid for son-in-law in a vocational education venture.

See also: Warner, George Coffing.

Box   388
Lorraine Company, 1916

Location: New York.

Hotel bill.

Box   388
Lortac, Robert, 1918-1919

Location: St. Louis, Boston.

Condolences on loss of Mrs. Blaine's son. Lortac, an artist, seeks to have Mrs. Blaine buy a painting. Pamphlet: “Catalogue: War Paintings by Soldiers of France.”

Box   388
Los Angeles Art Association, 1937

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Asks permission to show some of Mrs. Blaine's paintings in Los Angeles showing. Encloses clipping from L.A. Times to support request.

Box   388
Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 1926

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Letter concerns the American Reforestation Association and its plan to create a national society to be known as the American Green Cross. Asks Mrs. Blaine to become an incorporator.

Box   388
Los Angeles, County of, 1943, 1945

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Regarding estate of Mary V. McCormick. Acknowledges Mrs. Blaine's check for $11,956.30 for the estate and requests an additional check for jewelry included in the estate. List of property involved is enclosed.

1945 letter asks information pertaining to the application for Old Age Security of a former employee of Mary Virginia McCormick.

See also: Corell, Ludwig.

Box   388
Los Angeles Creamery Company, 1916

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Milk bill to Mrs. C.H. McCormick.

Box   388
Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, 1936

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Asks for subscription.

Box   388
Lothian, Lord, 1940
Note: Cable from “Fowler, Secy.” to arrange a meeting between Mrs. Blaine and Lord Lothian. Copy of Lord Lothian's address to the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1940 January 4, “The War in Europe,” a pro-British but not inflammatory address.
Box   388
Lothrop, A.M., 1906, 1909, 1912

Location: Washington.

Letters concerning Mrs. Blaine's rental of Lothrop's camp in the Adirondacks. In 1912, the camp was rented; the letters concerned mainly with boats, furniture, guide, etc.

Box   388
Lothrop, Frederic L., 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Attempts to interest Mrs. Blaine in $50,000 life insurance for her son.

Box   388
Loucks, W.C., 1896

Location: Omaha, Nebraska.

Letter addressed to “Dear John.” Concerns a newspaper clipping describing how Harold McCormick sat at the bedside of dying employee.

Box   388
Louis, Joe, 1941

Location: Greenwood Lake, New York.

Louis, fighting against “prejudice and intolerance,” asks for subscription to the Department of Race Relations of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ.

Box   388
Louise et Cie, 1889-1897

Location: New York.

Milliners' statements, receipted bills, etc.

Box   388
Louise, Madame, 1923

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Hat shop receipt.

Box   388
Louisville Herald, 1904

Location: Louisville, Kentucky.

Encloses copy of Herald's article regarding Mrs. Blaine's recent paper on education. Asks for copies of any future writings on education.

Box   388
Lovell, Frank B., 1905

Location: Libertyville, Illinois.

Letter addressed to Mr. C.C. Copeland discusses the stringing of telephone wires past or on Mr. Copeland's property and seeks to assure him that they will not decrease the value of his property.

Box   388
Lovell, Lucinda S., 1895

Location: Montecito (Santa Barbara), California.

Discusses presents for Mrs. Blaine's sister and other family affairs at Montecito.

Box   388
Lovejoy, Owen R., 1914-1925

Location: New York; Memphis, Tennessee; Springfield, Missouri; St. Petersburg, Florida; Chicago, Illinois.

Lovejoy, a member of the National Child Labor Committee, writes several times asking Mrs. Blaine for contributions. Telegram, 1925 January 25, offers Mrs. Blaine a trusteeship. 1922-1925 correspondence discusses Child Labor amendment. Other letters concern state regulation of child labor and investigations supported by the committee.

See also:

  • Illinois Child Labor Committee Report, 1926 October 15, p. 10
  • National Child Labor Committee
  • Conference on Child Labor Standards
  • U.S. Department of Labor-Children's Bureau, 1919 May
Box   388
Lovett, Ella A., 1899

Location: New York?

Letter from Miss Lovett to Miss Winifred Quimby of Healdville, Vermont, concerning voice training for Miss Quimby.

Box   388
Lovett, Robert Morss, 1926-1951

Location: New York; Puerto Rico; Chicago, Illinois.

Lovett, chairman of the Tennessee Evolution Case Defense Fund asked Mrs. Blaine for a contribution on April 23, 1926. On May 4, 1939 he tried to arrange a meeting between Mrs. Blaine and Eric Muggeridge on behalf of the Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign. On June 26, 1979 he asks for a contribution for the Chicago Civil Liberties Committee. On December 28, 1950 asks for a loan to enable Lovett to continue working for the repeal of the McCarran Act.

See also:

  • Illinois League of Women Voters, Report of Conference on Economic Aspects of International Affairs, 1924 April 12
  • Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, address: “Changing Attitude Toward War in English Literature, 1924 May 19-31
  • Nation Club, The, of Chicago, anniversary dinner, 1928 May 16
  • National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War, Twelfth Annual Conference, 1937 January 26.
Box   388
Lowden, Frank Orren, 1901-1931

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Alexandria Bay, New York; Washington; Springfield, Illinois; Oregon, Illinois.

Early letters concern “useful work” in which Mrs. Blaine is involved; in one, Lowden contributes $200. Letters dated April 3, 1909, and May 29, 1917, concern legislation and provision for draft registration in which Mrs. Blaine was interested. Letter dated April 16, 1923, declines to join the League of Nations Non-Partisan Association, indicating reasons in an enclosure. Miscellaneous announcements, invitations.

Box   388
Lowden, Frank Orren, Mrs., 1915

Location: Oregon, Illinois.

Declines invitation for husband.

Box   388
Lowe, John Williamson, 1907, 1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

1907 letter tries to arrange visit for friend's son with Mrs. Blaine's son.

1914 telephone memo concerns purchase of a ton of coal?

Box   388
Lowell, A. Lawrence, 1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Copy of Lowell's address to the League to Enforce Peace, 1917 January 6. Proposes a league of nations to save the peace after the war is over.

Box   388
Lowell, Forrest Taft, 1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Congratulates Mrs. Blaine on radio address of October 31.

Box   388
Lowell, H.P., 1903

Location: Augusta, Maine.

Jeweler's bill.

Box   388
Lowell, John, 1908

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Recommendation of “Mr. Evan's School” in Mesa, Arizona.

Box   388
Lowell, John, Jr., 1909-1910

Location: Flagstaff, Arizona.

Lowell, a staff member at the Evans School and one of Emmons' teachers, writes Mrs. Blaine several times to request a contribution toward a billiards building for the school, to thank her for a contribution, etc. His letters always contain some mention of Emmons' affairs at the school.

Box   388
Lowell, Mark W., 1939

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

This is a copy of a letter from Lowell to Porter regarding a meeting of “the Board of Guardians” in Los Angeles, 1939 March 20.

See also: Porter, Dr. Langley.

Box   388
Lowenhaupt, Mrs., 1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo, 1916 April 12. Mrs. Lowenhaupt, a director of the City Homes Association, tries to interest Mrs. Blaine in a plan of the Chicago Woman's Aid to organize a Central Housing Conference Committee.

Box   388
Lowenstein, Dorothy, 1920

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Dorothy, a fourteen-year-old, reports a talk by one Sir Oliver Lodge on atomic physics and the universe.

Box   388
Lower North Centers Inc., 1945-1946

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Solicitations from a slum-improvement group attempting to improve the African American neighborhood bounded by Chicago and Larrabee Avenues and Division and Wells Streets.

Box   388
Lower North Community Council, 1921-1935

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Appeals for funds from community improvement group

Box   388
Lowery, Mrs., 1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Interview. Tries to interest Mrs. Blaine in readings in psychology, palmistry, phrenology and astrology.

Box   388
Lowes, Elizabeth, 1924
Note: See also: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Indianapolis conference, 1924 May 19-31.
Box   388
Lowney, Belle, 1927

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Asks for singing audition.

Box   388
Lowrie, Clinton Woods, Mrs. (Mildred Elizabeth Zenos), 1910-1912, 1944?

Location: Chicago, Illinois; St. Paul, Minnesota.

Accents two invitations of “the Senior Class.” 1944 letter thanks Mrs. Blaine for portrait of Mrs. Blaine's mother sent to Mrs. Lowrie's mother.

Box   388
Lowry, Frank, 1949
Note: Telephone memo and interview regarding a movie of the Holy Land, which Mr. Lowry wants to produce. He asks Mrs. Blaine to contribute.
Box   388
Lowry Institute and Industrial School, 1901-1907

Location: Maysville, South Carolina.

Appeals for financial assistance.

Lowry, William, and Company

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Dairy bill and order blanks, etc.

Box   388
Box   388
Box   388
Lowthorpe School of Landscape Architecture for Women
Note: See also: Choate, Mabel.
Box   388
Lucas, Frank B., Mrs., 1917

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Two telegrams and a letter enclosing several newspaper clippings redistribution of the President's war message on registration day in Oklahoma City.

See also: Shaw, Dr.

Box   388
Lucas, Mary, undated
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois. Destitute widow appeals for aid.
Box   388
Lucas, Miss, l912

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepts invitation of “the Senior Class.”

Box   388
Lucas, Scott W., 1938, 1941, 1947

Location: Washington.

Lucas, now an Illinois Congressmen, assures Mrs. Blaine he will work to keep the nation out of “foreign entanglements,” 1938 January 7. Telephone memos regarding an appointment with a Mr. George Ranney “in connection with anti-Communism,” 1947 June 10.

Box   388
Luccock, Emory W., 1942

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

Declines invitation to attend a meeting, at Mrs. Blaine's home. Luccock was the pastor of First Presbyterian Church.

Box   388
Luce, Elizabeth, 1926

Location: New York.

Letterhead: Charles E. Merrill Company, Publishers. Discusses plans for “the biography,” on which Mrs. Blaine suggested that Miss Luce work.

Box   388
Luce, Henry R., 1917-1947

Location: New Haven, Connecticut; New York; Indianapolis, Indiana; Cleveland, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois.

The bulk of correspondence concerning Time is from 1922 end is concerned with the inception of the magazine and Mrs. Blaine's purchase of stock in it.

Several letters concern China. In 1940 February 15, Luce, chairmen of the finance committee of the associated Boards of Christian Colleges in China, sends a copy of pamphlet, “The Story of Christian Colleges of China.” In 1941, Luce was deeply involved in an effort to raise $5 million “for the relief and morale of China.”

Congratulated Mrs. Blaine on Emmons' marriage, 1917 December 3; reveals Luce's coming marriage to Lila Hotz, 1923 October 8. Miscellaneous memos, telegrams, etc.

See also Time officers:

  • Madden, Briton
  • Sudler, Cuthbert
  • Crowe, E.R.
  • Davison, Henry P., Jr.
  • Griffin, William V.
Box   388
Luce, Henry R., Mrs. (Lila Ross Hotz)
Note: See also: Tyng, Lila, Mrs.
Box   389
Luce, Henry Winters, 1915-1936

Location: Pittsburg, New York; Peking (Beijing), China; Chicago, Illinois.

Luce was a China missionary connected for a time with Peking University. He had, prior to her death, been friendly with Mrs. Blaine's mother. Much of the correspondence is concerned with Mrs. Blaine's family, but most of the letters are about Peking University. There are several pamphlets on Christian education in China in general and on Peking University in particular. Urges Mrs. Blaine to put up a large center building to be known as McCormick Hall in honor of her mother, 1924 May 8. Contains extensive arguments in favor of McCormick Hall, 1925 February 21. Changes the plea to a request for endowment, 1928 May 21.

See also:

  • Fosdick, Harry E.
  • Leighton Stuart
Box   389
Luce, Henry Winters, Mrs. (Elizabeth Root), 1940

Location: Haverford, Pennsylvania.

Seeks to arrange meeting for daughter Elizabeth and Mrs. Blaine.

Box   389
Ludington, Katharine, 1923-1931

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Washington; Santa Barbara, California; New York.

Treasurer of the National League of Women Voters. Most of the letters and telegrams are pleas for contributions and pledges. There is some minor discussion of the League's activities, especially for the League of Nations and the World Court.

See also: Hibbard, Mrs.?

Box   389
Ludlow, Lois, 1940

Location: Washington.

Representative from Indiana's Twelfth Congressional District. Thanks Mrs. Blaine for a telegram, 1940 May 31.

Box   389
Ludlow, Mary E., 1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipted bill for arts and crafts shop.

Box   389
Ludwig, Catherina, 1906-1907

Location: South Haven, Michigan.

Bills for fruit, preserves.

Ludwig, Emil
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois.
Box   389
Note: Address at Temple Shalom, Chicago, 1935 November 18, on “The Fate of Europe 1914-1940.” Predicts a world war unless the United States steps into the European situation and helps to keep the peace.
Box   389
Note: Address before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1936 November 25, on “The Crisis and the Coming War.”
Box   389
Note: Address before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. German character in the next war, 1937 October 27.
Box   389
Ludwig, M.H., 1926-1933

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Ludwig, a Toronto lawyer, handled by the McCormick estate's defense against a claim by Dr. Frank Abbott for services to Mrs. Blaine's sister. The only other matter covered in the correspondence is a proposal of Cyrus M. McCormick to put up an apartment hotel in Toronto, 1926 June 30.

See also:

  • Abbott, Frank, Dr.
  • Ballantyne, A.W.
  • Beemer, A.A.
  • Brown, Alan, Dr.
Box   389
Luhnow, Christian C., 1941

Location: New York.

Editor and publisher of Trusts and Estates: The Journal of Capital Management. Encloses an article entitled “Conquest by Planned Trade.”

See also: Basch, Antonin.

Box   389
Luitzman, Betsy, 1942

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Thank you note for afternoon engagement.

Box   389
Lukens, Herman T., 1907-1943

Location: California, Pennsylvania; Chicago, Illinois; Norristown, Pennsylvania.

Teacher at Parker School. Arranges meeting with Miss Flora J. Cooke, 1907 April 15. Concerns Pacific trip taken by Lukens and wife, 1922 October 15. Asks Mrs. Blaine for information about schools on Chicago's West Side in her youth, 1937 March 4. Other correspondence deals with Lukens' annuity from the school and his efforts at family history after leaving the school. Miscellaneous notes to the Senior class.

Box   389
Lumley, James, 1924

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Request for funds for a camp from a 14-year-old.

Box   389
Lund, Adolph, Mrs., 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Asks for loan to secure Western lands; plans to use the profits off the land to work with children in Chicago.

Box   389
Lund, Laura, 1933

Location: California?

Telegram giving whereabouts of Mrs. Thomsen.

Box   389
Lundberg, C.J., 1916-1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Piano tuner: miscellaneous statements, receipts.

Box   389
Lundberg, Ellen, 1941-1942

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for massages for Mrs. A. Julian.

Box   389
Lundberg, Godfrey, Mrs. (Eleanor Jewett), 1900-1943

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Champaign, Illinois; Madison, Wisconsin; Traverse City, Michigan; California?; Winnetka, Illinois.

1900-1913: two letters from a six-year-old and a young lady.

1913-1917: extensive correspondence covering college years at the University of Illinois and a summer session at the University of Wisconsin. Largely concerned with money matters, giving detailed accounting of expenses. Miss Jewett was a student of agriculture, and spent a number of pages in several letters defending, her choice of a career and discussing her coarse work.

1921: announces marriage to Godfrey Lundberg, a fellow employee on the Tribune. After marriage, correspondence dwindles to cards.

Box   389
Lundberg and Tefft, 1920

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for tuning piano.

Box   389
Lunde, Laura Hughes, 1932, 1937
Note: See also:
  • Chicago Association for Child Study and Parent Education, 1932 March 12
  • Progressive Education Association Conference, 1937 October 28-30.
Box   389
Lundell, Harry Paul, 1948

Location: Northbrook, Illinois.

Pastor of Village Church of Northbrook. Attempts to interest Mrs. Blaine in a new building for the church, which will serve all Protestant sects.

Box   389
Lundgreen, Robert, 1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipted bill for bicycle repair.

Box   389
Lundgren, Alice M., 1944

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Inquires on behalf of a friend, who formerly taught at the Parker School, about eligibility for a pension.

See also: Stephens, Etta M., Mrs.

Box   389
Lundgren, S.A., 1891

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipt for payment for “treatments to date.” Lundgren was a doctor.

Box   389
Lundoff-Bicknell Company, 1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Builders. Putting up a building on property adjoining Mrs. Blaine's and asks permission to take down a garden wall to ease construction. Phone memos.

Box   389
Lunn, Henry, 1926

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address before the Liberal Club and other organizations, 1926 March 15, “Factors for World Unity.”

Box   389
Lurkins and Weeks, 1911-1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Milliners' bills, statements, etc.

Box   389
Luscombe, Walter Otis, 1908

Location: Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Dealer in staples, feed, fuel; livery stable: bills.

Box   389
Luscombe, Walter Otis, Jr., 1938

Location: Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Wedding invitation.

Box   389
Lush's, 1943

Location: Del Monte, California.

Bills for household items.

Box   389
Lusk, Anna H., 1905

Location: Camp Comfort?

Request to borrow typewriter and a note of thanks for the loan.

Box   389
Lusk, Graham, 1912

Location: Camp Comfort?

Offers to sell camp on St. Regis Lake.

Box   389-390
Lusk, William B., 1901-1949

Location: Paul Smith's, New York; New York City, New York; Montreal, Canada; Belfast, Ireland; Norton, Ridgefield, Connecticut; London, England; Chicago, Illinois.

1901-1905 correspondence is concerned chiefly with camping in the Adirondacks. There is some discussion of parish matters, for Lusk was a minister responsible for several mission churches in the Adirondacks. There is also a good deal of discussion of Lusk's mental state and his religious problems. In summer of 1905, Lusk opened school.

At the end of 1905, Lusk announced his coming marriage to Edna Bright (December 19). For several months before and after, he was undergoing a mental crisis trying to reconcile Darwinism and the Higher Criticism of the Bible with his religion. These years in the mountains are in Lusks pamphlet, “Memories of the early days of St. Regis' Presbyterian Church,” enclosed in his letter of 1945 September 1.

There are a number of letters from Belfast, where Lusk went to attend college after nearly breaking with his church over the issue of Darwinism. On returning from Belfast in 1908, Lusk ran into hard times and most of the correspondence is concerned with Mrs. Blaine's efforts to help Lusk pay for the illnesses of his wife, infant daughter, and himself.

From 1915 to 1949, Lusk was Rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. Most letters concern his own family affairs and reminiscences of the years 1901-1905 in the Adirondacks. The reminiscences often concerned Emmons, whose birthday was a ritual among the circle involved in the camp years.

In 1925, Lusk went to England for a meeting of the Toc H society, a YMCA-like organization growing out of World War I. Lusk became American representative of Toc H (abbreviation for Talbot House) in America and later joined the group's effort to raise funds for the British War Relief Society (1940 June 25, 1940 November 7) and from 1942 through 1948 in the effort to raise funds to reconstruct All Hallows Chapel in London, headquarters of the Talbot House Group.

See also:

  • Beeching, Mr.
  • Brownlee, A.A.
  • McCormick, C., Miss
  • Roosevelt, Alice
  • Trowbridge, “Willie”
  • Wallace, Henry
  • White, William A.
Box   390
Lusk, Willaim B., Mrs., 1924-1948

Location: Ridgefield, Connecticut.

Thank you notes for dinners, gifts, etc. Arrangements for meetings. Letters concerning education of the Lusk children, to which Mrs. Blaine contributed.

See also:

  • Lusk, William B.
  • Lusk, William B., Jr.
Box   391
Lusk, William B., Jr., 1925, 1939-1940, 1942

Location: Ridgefield, New Haven, Connecticut; New York City, New York.

Child's letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for entertaining him in New York.

Letters from college concerning loan for $975 made by Mrs. Blaine.

Telegram announcing engagement to Adelaide Storer.

See also:

  • Lusk, William B.
  • Lusk, William B., Mrs.
Box   391
Lustig, Theodore, 1910
Note: Thank you note for unnamed gift.
Box   391
Luther, Frank W., 1940-1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo asking, phone number of Harold McCormick. Copy of article by Luther in The Tattler, a Chicago magazine, mentioning Mrs. Blaine. Condolences on the deaths of Harold McCormick and Mrs. Blaine's sister.

Box   391
Christ Norwegian Lutheran Church, 1907-1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Appeals from pastor J.H. Meyer to help pay for church lot and building.

Box   391
Logan Square Norwegian Lutheran Church, 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Appeals (same as Christ Norwegian Lutheran Church).

Box   391
Nazareth American Lutheran Church, 1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Asks Mrs. Blaine to contribute toward the church's new parish house.

Box   391
St Andrew's English Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Asks Mrs. Blaine to help church reduce debt.

See also: Holman, Alfred.

Box   391
Trinity Evangelica1 Lutheran Church, 1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo: request for donation.

Box   391
Unity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Asks donation for new building.

Box   391
Lutkin, P.C., 1910

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

Asks Mrs. Blaine to attend performance by Lutkin's choir at the Parker School

Box   391
Luttrell, James V., 1932

Location: Saranac Lake, New York.

Bill for laboratory examination of water at Camp Huntington.

Box   391
Lutz, Bertha, 1925

Location: Rio de Janeiro.

Wishes Mrs. Blaine a happy New Year and success in her work for Pan Americanism.

Box   391
Lutz, J.E., 1898

Location: Knoxville, Tennessee.

To Cyrus H. McCormick concerning the Armstrong home, which he apparently was considering purchasing.

Box   391
Lutz, Ralph Haswell, 1932
Note: See also: Institute of World Affairs, dinner meeting address, “The European War Debts,” 1932 November 28.
Box   391
Luzzi, Giovanni, 1912

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address delivered at 675 Rush Street on aid to the Waldensians, a religious group in Piedmont, northern Italy.

Box   391
Lybyer, Professor, 1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address delivered at Orchestra Hall, 1925 February 22, on American influence in the Near East.

Box   391
Lychenheim, Marion, 1909, 1912, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepting and rejecting invitations of the Senior class.

Box   391
Lychenheim, Morris, 1901

Location: Buffalo, New York.

To Cyrus Bentley concerning applications for admission to the school.

See also: Goldzie, Mr.

Box   391
Lydston, G. Frank, 1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thanks Mrs. Blaine for a “little book on China.”

Box   391
Lyle, Herbert S., 1923, 1925

Location: Washington College Tennessee.

Lyle, President of Washington College in Tennessee, and a friend of Mrs. Blaine's mother, writes once to give condolences on Mrs. McCormick's death. The 1925 letters are appeals for donations to Washington College.

Box   391
Lyle-Samuel, Alexander, 1932

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Writes to thank Mrs. Blaine for the tone in which she turned down a request.

See also: Barnes, Clifford.

Box   391
Lyman, A. Julian, 1917

Location: Asheville, North Carolina.

Attempts to rent Mrs. Blaine a home in Asheville.

See also: Messrs. Peace and Elliman.

Box   391
Lyman, Arthur, 1907-1908, 1912

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Realtor. Bill for rent for cottage at Land's End, Rockport, Massachusetts; attempts to rent and sell property.

Box   391
Lyman, Arthur, Mrs., 1939-1940

Location: Waltham, Massachusetts.

Thank you note. Invitation.

Box   391
Lyman, Jane, 1906

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Thank you note for Christmas gift.

Box   391
Lynch, Daniel, 1904-1905

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Washington Livery Stable. One letter correcting bill. Another giving names of drivers in employ.

Box   391
Lynch, J.E., 1912

Location: Hamilton, Ontario.

Note addressed to Mr. Hendry telling of loss of blue prints. Typescript suggestions and changes about construction of a house and stables.

Box   391
Lynch, R.A., 1906
Note: See also: Canada, Customs, Collection Office, 1906.
Box   391
Lynch, Thomas J., 1923-1925

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Tree specialist. Correspondence and bills for care of trees.

Box   391
Lynde, Samuel Adams, II, 1938

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Telegram declining invitation.

Box   391
Lynde, Samuel Adams, II, Mrs. (Eleanor Wilson), 1937, 1939

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Accepting, declining, invitations.

See also: Lynde, Samuel Adams, II.

Box   391
Lynes, A.M., Mrs. (Reba Gorham), 1911

Location: Montecito, California.

Asks Mrs. Blaine to assist in sending the son of a Mr. Brandburg, “the superintendent of your Mother's place,” to the Bradbury school in Montecito.

Box   391
Lynn, Mrs., undated

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipted bill for knitting. “Work done thru McCormick Playground.”

Box   391
Lynn, Jane, 1942

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Thanks Mrs. Blaine for dinner, entertainment. Other signatures: Gertrude, John, Raymond, Lynn; Kenneth F. Griffith and Marjorie Lynn Griffith.

Box   391
Lynn, John-Fred, Mrs., 1942, 1946

Location: Chicago, Lake Village, Illinois.

Telephone memo accepting invitation. Wedding invitation.

Box   391
Lynn, Justin Raymond, 1937

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana.

Wedding announcement.

Box   391
Lynn, Justin Raymond, Mrs., 1936, 1943
Note: Thank you notes for evening, for gift.
Box   391
Lyon, Alice, 1898
Note: Asks donation for the Aiken Cottages, Aiken, S.C., a “sanitarium for incipient pulmonary disease.”
Box   391
Lyon, Don, 1943

Location: Pasadena, California.

Receipt and letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for gift of $1,300 from Mary Virginia McCormick Pension Fund.

Box   391
Lyon, Eldridge Merick, 1903-1935

Location: Redlands, California.

Wedding invitations, greeting cards, obituary notice, 1935 September 30.

Box   391
Lyon, Eldridge Merick, Mrs. (Clara Grout), 1897

Location: Maine, Massachusetts.

News of illnesses and deaths of friends and relatives.

Box   391
Lyon, Eldridge Merick, Mrs. (Mabel Salter Bliss), 1935

Location: Redlands, California.

Thanks Mrs. Blaine for message and flowers on the death of Eldridge Merick Lyon.

Box   391
Lyon, Eliza Sinclair, 1890-1993

Location: Bar Harbor, Maine.

Birthday greetings, congratulations on Emmon's birth, condolences, etc.

Box   391-392
Lyon and Healy, 1895-1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Dealers in music. Bills, correspondence, statements, advertisements concerning musical instruments, piano tuning and repair, phonographs and records, etc.

Box   392
Lyon, Isaac, Mrs. (Maria D. Merick), 1882-1909

Location: Detroit, Michigan; Redlands, California; Port Huron, Michigan.

Cousin of Mrs. Nettie Fowler McCormick. Correspondence concerned mainly with family affairs, often of bygone days.

1906 November 15: “Recollections of Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick, by Mrs. Lyon, Given at the Request of Mr. Cyrus H. McCormick,” a typewritten pamphlet of about ten pages on Mrs. McCormick's youth.

Box   392
Lyon, Jeannette S., 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acknowledges payment for services.

Box   392
Lyon, Leland, 1889
Note: Declines invitation to wedding.
Box   392
Lyon, Paulina Harriette, 1899, 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

1899: sends Mrs. Blaine application blanks and asks cooperation in membership drive for Woman's Athletic Club.

1904: tries to see Mrs. Blaine and expresses chagrin at being refused appointment.

Box   392
Lyon, Samuel B., 1900

Location: New York, White Plains, New York.

Lyons, Medical Superintendent, Society of the New York Hospital, Bloomingdale, made arrangements for European trip in 1900 for Mrs. Blaine's sister. The correspondence concerns the trip.

Box   392
Lyon, Thomas R., Mrs., 1914, 1920

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Asks Mrs. Blaine to contribute toward expenses of missionary activities of Fourth Presbyterian Church. Invitation.

Box   392
Lyons, Mr., 1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

See also: Hull House, 1938 February 7; Report of Citizens of Chicago on Relief Situation. Represented relief administration in Chicago.

Box   392
Lyons, John F., 1942

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thanks Mrs. Blaine for Christmas greeting.

Box   392
Lyons, Leverett, 1944
Note: See also: United Nations Association Congress proceedings, 1944 January 14-15.
Box   392
Lyons, M.H., 1934

Location: Ravinia, Illinois.

Bill for anesthesia for Alex Hansen.

Box   392
Lyons, M.H., 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for overtime for electrical work.

Box   392
Lyons Republican Company, 1912

Location: Lyons, New York.

Advertisement for book, Betts-Roosevelt Letters: A Spirited Discussion, published by Lyons Republican Company.

Box   392
Lyttelton, Alfred, Mrs., 1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address at the Casino Club, 1922 May 14, at meeting of the English Speaking Union, on affairs of the English Speaking Union.

Box   392
Lytton, Henry C., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters concerning contribution by Lytton toward Mrs. Blaine's project for a Municipal Lodging House.