Joseph L. Baron Papers, 1910-1960

Summary Information
Title: Joseph L. Baron Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1910-1960

  • Baron, Joseph L., 1894-1960
Call Number: Milwaukee Mss 173; Milwaukee Micro 45; PH Milwaukee Mss 173; Micro 1035

Quantity: 9.0 c.f. (23 archives boxes), 23 reels of microfilm (35 mm), and 13 photographs

Archival Locations:
UW-Milwaukee Libraries, Archives / Milwaukee Area Research Ctr. (Map)
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Papers of Joseph L. Baron, a Wisconsin Reform rabbi whose Milwaukee rabbinical career at Temple Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun spanned the years 1926 to 1960. The collection documents his school years at Columbia University, the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, and Hebrew Union College from 1910 to 1920, and highlights the many achievements of his rabbinical career (1920-1960). Included is information on the establishment of synagogues in Madison and Waukesha, Wisconsin, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and the establishment of the Milwaukee Round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the Milwaukee Jewish Council, the Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning, the Wisconsin Jewish Archives, and the Department of Hebrew Studies at the University of Wisconsin. Baron's skill as an author and editor is also reflected in the collection; among his many publications are five books: Death in Jewish Folk Religion (1932), In Quest of Integrity (1936), Candles in the Night (1940), Stars and Sand (1943) and A Treasury of Jewish Quotations (1956). The Correspondence spans the years 1910 to 1960 and includes exchanges with such luminaries as Archibald MacLeish, Sinclair Lewis, Carl Van Doren, Clifford Morehouse, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Rabbi David de Sola Pool, Louis Marshall, and Judge Charles L. Aarons. The entire collection is available both in original form and on microfilm.


There is a restriction on access to and use of some of this material; see the Administrative/Restriction Information portion of this finding aid for details.

Language: English

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Joseph Louis Baron was born in Vilno, Poland (then Lithuania), May 27, 1894, one of the five children of Hirsch Leib and Ida Rachel Baron. In 1907, Baron came with his family to America where they settled in New York City. Being the son of a rabbi, Baron was well educated before his arrival in America. While living in New York, he attended the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Yeshiva and then spent five years at Columbia University where he received a B.A. in 1914 and an M.A. in 1916. While pursuing his Master's degree at Columbia, he also studied at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. During his student years Baron helped found the national youth organization of Young Judea, served on the staff of the New York Board of Education and contributed articles to several New York newspapers and magazines.

In 1916, Baron entered Hebrew Union College and continued his graduate work at the University of Cincinnati. While there, he edited the Hebrew Union College Monthly and organized the Young Judea Council of Cincinnati and the Jewish Center of Norwood, Ohio. During his junior year, World War I broke out and Baron was called to Temple Sholom of Chicago to relieve Rabbi Abram Hirshberg, who served in the U.S. Army Chaplaincy for several months. Baron also conducted weekly services at Bellaire and Zanesville, Ohio.

Baron was ordained in May 1920. He spent the next three successive summers studying problems of social service under Rabbi Stephen S. Wise in the Free Synagogue of New York City. In 1932, he ended his formal education with a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago.

Baron's first pulpit after ordination was that of Tri-City Temple Emanuel which served the Jewish residents of Davenport, Iowa, and Moline and Rock Island, Illinois. During his six-year tenure, he established the Tri-City Jewish Charities, the Tri-City Scribe, the Ezra School, the Emanuel Religious School, the Davenport Lodge of B'nai B'rith, and the Council of Jewish Youth Clubs. He also was involved with extension work for the students of the University of Iowa and helped found Congregation Judah of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. It was during this time that the Union of American Hebrew Congregations adopted Baron's plan for a system of adolescent youth clubs now known as the National Federation of Temple Youth.

In September of 1926, Baron left Davenport to assume the position of Associate to Rabbi Samuel Hirshberg at Temple Emanu-El (later Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He remained in Milwaukee until his death in 1960.

During Baron's 35 years in Milwaukee, he was extremely active in temple, community, and state activities. At the Temple, he established a temple office, a library, a museum, and the Temple Bulletin. He also modernized the religious school, designed the pattern for the stained-glass windows in the temple sanctuary, and organized the Temple Brotherhood. For the Milwaukee community, he taught philosophy at the local State Teachers' College and later the University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee; he helped establish the Milwaukee Round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the Milwaukee Jewish Council, the Milwaukee Chapter of the American Jewish Committee, and the Yavneh School for Unaffiliated Jewish Children; and he served on various boards and committees including the Social Planning Committee of the Milwaukee County Council of Social Agencies, the Religious Committee of Centurama, Abraham Lincoln House (later the Milwaukee Jewish Community Center), Federated Jewish Charities, the Jewish Welfare Fund, Boy Scouts, YMCA, and YWCA. On the state level, Baron helped establish a number of synagogues and organizations including Temple Beth El in Madison, Temple Emanu-El in Waukesha, the Wisconsin Rabbinical Association, the Wisconsin Conference of Liberal Synagogues, the Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning, the Wisconsin Jewish Archives, and the Department of Hebrew Studies at the University of Wisconsin. He also served on the Governor's Commission on Human Rights.

Aside from all of these activities (the list not being all-inclusive), Baron was on the Jewish Chautauqua Society Lecture Tour to university campuses for several years. He served on boards related to Hebrew Union College and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, as well as others including the Yiddish Scientific Institute, the Academic Committee of Hebrew University, the American Arbitration Association, the Religious Committee of Columbia University, the Jewish Statistical Bureau, and the United Jewish Appeal. Baron also pursued scholarly activities; besides publishing several articles in journals and encyclopedias, he was the author of five books: Death in Jewish Folk Religion (1932), In Quest of Integrity (1936), Candles in the Night (1940), Stars and Sand (1943), and A Treasury of Jewish Quotations (1956).

After a long series of illnesses, Baron was made rabbi emeritus of his congregation in 1951. He remained active, continuing his scholarly pursuits and serving his congregation through pastoral duties, until his death on July 12, 1960. He was survived by his wife, Bernice S. Baron, and his children, Rachel Baron Heimovics and John Herschel Baron.

Scope and Content Note

The Rabbi Joseph L. Baron Papers have been arranged into seven major series: Correspondence, Diaries, Minutes, Proceedings, Literary Productions, Subject Files, Miscellaneous, Biographical Material, and Scrapbook Material.

Spanning the years 1910 to 1960, the CORRESPONDENCE series is the largest and richest in the collection. It is divided into four sub-series: Family, Personal, Professional, and Literary. The Family sub-series includes chronologically arranged correspondence between Baron and his parents, Hirsch Leib and Ida Rachel Baron; his three sisters, Sophie Baron Levinsohn, Frieda Baron Boorstein, and Anna Baron; his brother, Samuel Baron; and his nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law, and sister-in-law. The Personal sub-series contains correspondence between Baron and close personal friends and acquaintances and is also arranged chronologically. The Professional sub-series, which is arranged alphabetically by correspondent, includes pastoral, congregational and organizational correspondence, as well as ethical queries and responses from rabbinical colleagues and prominent scholars and theologians. The Literary Correspondence is arranged by title and thereunder alphabetical by correspondent. Included in this sub-series is correspondence with publishers, promoters, and fellow authors. Several foreign languages occur throughout the entire series including the following: Yiddish, Hebrew, German, French, and Polish. All names found in the Professional Correspondence and Literary Correspondence, as well as prominent names found in the Family Correspondence and Personal Correspondence can be located through the use of the Name Index at the end of this finding aid.

The DIARIES, MINUTES, PROCEEDINGS series is divided into two sub-series: Personal and Professional. Included in the Personal sub-series are diary leaves spanning the years 1914 to 1933. The Professional sub-series includes diary leaves, minutes, and proceedings documenting the activities of various institutions and organizations including the W.P.A. Advisory Committee, Wisconsin Conference of Liberal Synagogues, Wisconsin Rabbinical Association, Temple Emanu-El--Milwaukee, Milwaukee Jewish Committee, and the Yavneh School for Unaffiliated Children.

Included within the LITERARY PRODUCTIONS series are the following sub-series: Manuscript Materials, Articles, Reports, Compositions, and Orations. All of the sub-series are arranged alphabetically by title with one exception: the Orations are further divided into Sermons, Addresses, Lectures, and Eulogies. The arrangement of the Sermons is chronological.

The SUBJECT FILES contain course notes, jottings, quotes, and clippings on various topics which were collected and saved by Rabbi Baron to be consulted for later use in sermons, classroom lectures, speeches, and other scholarly pursuits. They are arranged alphabetically by topic.

The MISCELLANY includes calendars, membership cards, certificates, circulars, flyers, announcements, invitations, programs, temple bulletins, clergy copies of marriage licenses, proof sheets, and other ephemeral items.

The BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL consists of one folder and includes biographical sketches and vitae used primarily for introducing Rabbi Baron at speaking engagements.

The SCRAPBOOK MATERIAL includes clippings spanning the years 1914 to 1960 and a scrapbook containing clippings, programs, and announcements spanning the years circa 1918 to circa 1941.

Related Material

Other materials related to this collection may be found in the following two collections: the Records of the Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning (Milwaukee Mss 132) and the Wisconsin Jewish Archives Collection (Wis Mss 1SJ).

Administrative/Restriction Information
Access Restrictions

Researchers desiring to consult Family Correspondence (Box 1 and Box 2) must obtain written permission from the donors. This requirement is in effect until June 30, 2022.

Use Restrictions

Written permission from the donors is required by any individual seeking to publish or quote at length from any unpublished manuscripts in the collection.

Acquisition Information

Presented by Mrs. Bernice S. Baron of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Rachel Baron Heimovics of Longwood, Florida, and John Herschel Baron of New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1961, 1963 and 1982. Accession Number: M61-158, M63-84, M82-248

Processing Information

Processed by Sara Shutkin in 1984.

Contents List
Milwaukee Mss 173
Series: Correspondence
Box/Folder   1/1-9
Reel/Frame   1/1-1173
Box/Folder   1/10-13
Reel/Frame   2/1-351
Box/Folder   2/1-5
Reel/Frame   2/352-471
Box/Folder   2/6
Reel/Frame   2/472-637
Subseries: Personal
Box/Folder   3/1-9
Reel/Frame   3/1-934
Box/Folder   4/1
Reel/Frame   4/935-993
Box/Folder   4/2
Reel/Frame   4/1-96
Box/Folder   4/3
Reel/Frame   4/97-152
Subseries: Professional, 1910-1960
Box/Folder   4/4-12
Reel/Frame   4/153-940
Box/Folder   5/1-10
Reel/Frame   5/1-1007
Box/Folder   5/11
Reel/Frame   6/1-95
Box/Folder   6/1-10
Reel/Frame   6/96-1077
Box/Folder   7/1-9
Reel/Frame   7/1-1018
Box/Folder   7/10
Reel/Frame   8/1-169
Box/Folder   8/1-9
Reel/Frame   8/170-1070
Box/Folder   8/10-11
Reel/Frame   9/1-273
Box/Folder   9/1-10
Reel/Frame   9/274-1143
Box/Folder   9/11
Reel/Frame   9/1144-1154
Subseries: Literary
Box/Folder   10/1
Reel/Frame   10/1-5
In Quest of Integrity, circa 1936
Candles in the Night, circa 1940
Box/Folder   10/2-4
Reel/Frame   10/6-359
Box/Folder   10/5-7
Reel/Frame   10/360-715
Box/Folder   10/8
Reel/Frame   10/716-851
Stars and Sand, circa 1943
Box/Folder   10/9
Reel/Frame   10/852-990
Box/Folder   10/10
Reel/Frame   11/1-103
Publication, A-Hn
Box/Folder   11/1
Reel/Frame   11/104-258
Publication, Ho-W
Box/Folder   11/2
Reel/Frame   11/259-331
A Treasury of Jewish Quotations, circa 1956
Box/Folder   11/3
Reel/Frame   11/332-396
Box/Folder   11/4
Reel/Frame   11/397-552
Box/Folder   11/5
Reel/Frame   11/553-598
Bridges of Paper, circa 1945
Box/Folder   11/6-8
Reel/Frame   11/599-1076
Box/Folder   12/1
Reel/Frame   12/1-79
Box/Folder   12/2
Reel/Frame   12/80-150
Unpublished Essay Anthology, undated
Box/Folder   12/3
Reel/Frame   12/151-166
Unpublished Letters and Documents Anthology, undated
Box/Folder   12/4
Reel/Frame   12/167-298
Unpublished Anthologies--General, undated
Box/Folder   12/5
Reel/Frame   12/299-391
Unpublished Parable Collection, undated
Box/Folder   12/6
Reel/Frame   12/392-394
Series: Diaries, Minutes, Proceedings
Subseries: Personal
Box/Folder   12/7
Reel/Frame   12/395-427
Diary Leaves: 1914-1924, 1926-1927, 1933
Subseries: Professional
Box/Folder   12/8
Reel/Frame   12/428-434
Diary Leaves: Rabbi's Fund Activities, 1944-1947
Box/Folder   12/9
Reel/Frame   12/435-448
W.P.A. Advisory Committee, 1941
Box/Folder   12/10
Reel/Frame   12/449-461
Wisconsin Conference of Liberal Synagogues, 1940-1947
Box/Folder   12/11
Reel/Frame   12/462-478
Wisconsin Rabbinical Association, 1946
Temple Emanu-El--Milwaukee,
Box/Folder   12/12
Reel/Frame   12/479-499
Brotherhood, 1938, 1941, 1946
Box/Folder   12/13
Reel/Frame   12/500-506
Library and Museum, 1940-1941
Box/Folder   12/14
Reel/Frame   12/507-574
Religious School, 1936-1949
Box/Folder   12/15
Reel/Frame   12/575-584
Ritual Committee, 1927-1933
Box/Folder   12/16
Reel/Frame   12/585-601
Milwaukee Jewish Committee, 1933-1937
Box/Folder   12/17
Reel/Frame   12/602-686
Pirche Zion Organization, 1910-1911
Box/Folder   12/18
Reel/Frame   12/687-691
T.A.G. Club, undated
Box/Folder   12/19
Reel/Frame   12/692-694
Wisconsin Jewish Academy, undated
Box/Folder   12/20
Reel/Frame   12/695-718
Yavneh School for Unaffiliated Children, 1929-1932
Series: Literary Productions
Subseries: Manuscript Materials--Published
Box/Folder   12/21
Reel/Frame   12/719-793
Candles in the Night, circa 1940
Box/Folder   12/22
Reel/Frame   12/794-845
Stars and Sand, circa 1943
Box/Folder   12/23
Reel/Frame   12/846-860
A Treasury of Jewish Quotations, circa 1956
Subseries: Manuscript Materials--Unpublished
Box/Folder   12/24
Reel/Frame   12/861-878
More Candles in the Night, undated
Box/Folder   12/25
Reel/Frame   12/879-1116
Bridges of Paper [Poetry Anthology], undated
Box/Folder   13/1
Reel/Frame   13/1-170
Bridges of Paper (continued)
Box/Folder   13/2
Reel/Frame   13/171-179
Essay Anthology, undated
Box/Folder   13/3
Reel/Frame   13/180-202
Letter and Document Anthology, undated
Box/Folder   13/4
Reel/Frame   13/203-217
Oration Anthology, undated
Box/Folder   13/5
Reel/Frame   13/218-222
Drama Anthology, undated
Between the Holy Lines: A Compendium of Spiritual and Moral Comments on the Bible
Box/Folder   13/6
Reel/Frame   13/223-340
Genesis-Deuteronomy, undated
Box/Folder   13/7
Reel/Frame   13/341-400
Judges-Ezra, undated
Bible Translation
Box/Folder   13/8
Reel/Frame   13/401-520
Introduction-Page 100 of Genesis, undated
Box/Folder   13/9
Reel/Frame   13/521-640
Page 101 Commentary-Page 80 of Exodus, undated
Box/Folder   13/10
Reel/Frame   13/641-758
Pages 81-187 of Exodus and Commentary, undated
Box/Folder   13/11-12
Reel/Frame   13/759-945
The Word in Season [Bible Anthology], undated
Parables, undated
Box/Folder   14/1
Reel/Frame   13/946-1059
Box/Folder   14/2-10
Reel/Frame   14/1-824
Box/Folder   14/11
Reel/Frame   14/825-931
Draft 1
Box/Folder   15/1
Reel/Frame   14/932-1040
Draft 1
Box/Folder   15/2-10
Reel/Frame   15/1-989
Draft 1-4
Box/Folder   16/1-8
Reel/Frame   16/1-1099
Draft 4-6
Box/Folder   17/1-3
Reel/Frame   17/1-448
Draft 6
Subseries: Articles
Box/Folder   17/4
Reel/Frame   17/449-479
Achod-Ha'Am, undated
Box/Folder   17/5
Reel/Frame   17/480-493
“Battle with Bigotry,” circa 1940
Box/Folder   17/6
Reel/Frame   17/494-496
Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) Yearbook, 1930 May 12
Box/Folder   17/7
Reel/Frame   17/497-500
“The Challenge of Jewish Culture,” 1929
Box/Folder   17/8
Reel/Frame   17/501-509
“Clubs for Religious Education,” 1925
Box/Folder   17/9
Reel/Frame   17/510-513
“Death in Jewish Folk Religion,” 1932
Box/Folder   17/10
Reel/Frame   17/514-524
Editorials: Milwaukee Journal, Israelite, Nowmy Polskie, undated
Box/Folder   17/11
Reel/Frame   17/525-539
High Holy Day Messages from Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, undated
Box/Folder   17/12
Reel/Frame   17/540-542
“History and the Jew,” 1956
Box/Folder   17/13
Reel/Frame   17/543-555
“The Immigrant,” 1923
Box/Folder   17/14
Reel/Frame   17/556-567
“The Jewish Bible,” 1927
Box/Folder   17/15
Reel/Frame   17/568-587
For Newsletter of Chalutzai Zion Club, circa 1910-1916
Box/Folder   17/16
Reel/Frame   17/588-589
“The Passing of a Great Jewish Sage” [Dr. David Neumark], 1925
Box/Folder   17/17
Reel/Frame   17/590-591
Review of Jacob Raisin's Book in Jewish Social Studies, circa 1953
Box/Folder   17/18
Reel/Frame   17/592-597
“Shinto Versus Torah,” 1942
Box/Folder   17/19
Reel/Frame   17/598-600
“The Synagogue and Scientific Method,” 1937
Box/Folder   17/20
Reel/Frame   17/601-630
For Temple Emanu-El--Milwaukee Bulletin, undated
Subseries: Reports
Box/Folder   17/21
Reel/Frame   17/631-648
American Jewish Tercentenary, circa 1954
Box/Folder   17/22
Reel/Frame   17/649-678
Annuals for Temple Emanu-El--Milwaukee, 1930-1946
Box/Folder   17/23
Reel/Frame   17/679-949
CCAR Special Committee on Adult Education, 1947 June 27
Subseries: Compositions
Box/Folder   17/24
Reel/Frame   17/950-972
For B'nai Zion Club--Hebrew Translation of Two English Stories: “Daniel” and “The Princess in the Forest,” undated
Box/Folder   17/25
Reel/Frame   17/973-988
“C. J. Hebbel in Italy,” 1912
Box/Folder   17/26
Reel/Frame   17/989-994
“Characteristics of Men and Women Which Seem to be Admired in Emily Bronte's Novel,” 1914
Box/Folder   17/27
Reel/Frame   17/995-1009
Charity: “Two Projects in Jewish Education,” 1923
Box/Folder   18/1
Reel/Frame   17/1010-1030
“Crusades,” undated
Box/Folder   18/2
Reel/Frame   17/1031-1047
“Elizabethan Literature,” undated
Box/Folder   18/3
Reel/Frame   18/1-8
“Evils of Life as Shelley Saw Them,” 1914
Box/Folder   18/4
Reel/Frame   18/9-59
“Folk Religion of the Jews,” undated
Box/Folder   18/5
Reel/Frame   18/60-122
“Golden Rule,” undated
Box/Folder   18/6
Reel/Frame   18/123-130
“Humanitarian Interest in DeQuincy,” 1913
Box/Folder   18/7
Reel/Frame   18/131-147
“A Digest of J. Wellhausen's Medina Before Islam,” undated
Box/Folder   18/8
Reel/Frame   18/148-154
“Leigh Hunt,” 1914
Box/Folder   18/9
Reel/Frame   18/155-164
“The Love of Beauty in Keats' Poems,” 1914
Box/Folder   18/10
Reel/Frame   18/165-172
“Loyalty and Devotion in R. Southey's Poems,” 1913
Box/Folder   18/11
Reel/Frame   18/173-198
“Moses Mendelssohn and His Relation to Lessing's Laokoon,” 1912
Box/Folder   18/12
Reel/Frame   18/199-203
“My Idea of Race,” undated
Box/Folder   18/13
Reel/Frame   18/204-211
“The Preparatory Disciplines,” undated
Box/Folder   18/14
Reel/Frame   18/212-219
“Realism in Scott's Novels,” 1914
Box/Folder   18/15
Reel/Frame   18/220-226
“Romanticism in Byron,” 1914
Box/Folder   18/16
Reel/Frame   18/227-235
“The Reviewer's Standards of Criticism,” 1914
Box/Folder   18/17
Reel/Frame   18/236-258
“The Servant of the Lord,” undated
Box/Folder   18/18
Reel/Frame   18/259-278
Hebrew Translation of Shakespeare's The Tempest, undated
Box/Folder   18/19
Reel/Frame   18/279-284
“Theory of Evolution on Basis of Mind Activity”
Box/Folder   18/20
Reel/Frame   18/285-293
“The Theory of Ideas,” 1913
Box/Folder   18/21
Reel/Frame   18/294-301
“Types of Characters Described by Jane Austen,” 1914
Box/Folder   18/22
Reel/Frame   18/302-310
“Wordsworth's Interest in Human Life,” 1913
Box/Folder   18/23-26
Reel/Frame   18/311-809
Box/Folder   19/1
Reel/Frame   18/810-1065
Box/Folder   19/2-7
Reel/Frame   19/1-716
Box/Folder   20/1
Reel/Frame   19/717-868
Box/Folder   20/2
Reel/Frame   19/869-1039
Undated, A-G
Box/Folder   20/3-4
Reel/Frame   20/1-297
Undated, H-W
Box/Folder   20/5
Reel/Frame   20/298-358
Undated and Untitled Fragments
Box/Folder   20/6
Reel/Frame   20/359
Keren Ha-Yesod Banquet, 1922 March 20
Box/Folder   20/7
Reel/Frame   20/360-362
“The Meaning of Religion”
Box/Folder   20/8
Reel/Frame   20/363-368
“Modern Judaism--Its Traditions and Its Ideals,” “undated”
Box/Folder   20/9
Reel/Frame   20/369-388
“New Humanism,” undated
Box/Folder   20/10
Reel/Frame   20/389-393
“Peace & Brotherhood” (Before World Fellowship of Faiths, August 29, 1933)
Box/Folder   20/11
Reel/Frame   20/394-398
“Sororities,” undated
Box/Folder   20/12
Reel/Frame   20/399-449
For Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning, undated
Box/Folder   20/13
Reel/Frame   20/450-541
Adult Classes, circa 1936-circa 1948
Box/Folder   20/14
Reel/Frame   20/542-551
“Love and Marriage,” 1958 November 17
Box/Folder   20/15
Reel/Frame   20/552-593
Eulogies, circa 1929-circa 1947
Series: Subject Files, 1910-1960
Box/Folder   20/16
Reel/Frame   20/594-603
Death and Funerals, undated
Box/Folder   20/17
Reel/Frame   20/604-655
Democracy and Religion, circa 1939
Box/Folder   20/18
Reel/Frame   20/666-680
Displaced Persons, circa 1947
Box/Folder   20/19
Reel/Frame   20/681-758
Einstein, Albert, circa 1922
Box/Folder   21/1
Reel/Frame   20/759-823
Ethics, undated
Box/Folder   21/2
Reel/Frame   20/824-830
Foreign Countries and Jewish Population, undated
Box/Folder   21/3
Reel/Frame   20/831-839
German-American Bund Prosecution, 1941
Box/Folder   21/4
Reel/Frame   20/840-843
History of Davenport, Iowa Jewish Community, undated
Box/Folder   21/5
Reel/Frame   20/844-913
The Jew in Drama, circa 1927
Box/Folder   21/6
Reel/Frame   20/914-967
Judaism, undated
Box/Folder   21/7
Reel/Frame   20/968-975
Liberalism and Tolerance, circa 1925
Box/Folder   21/8
Reel/Frame   20/976-991
Literature, circa 1931
Box/Folder   21/9
Reel/Frame   20/992-1007
Literature, Criticism, circa 1922
Box/Folder   21/10
Reel/Frame   20/1008-1019
Literature, Jewish, undated
Box/Folder   21/11
Reel/Frame   20/1020-1038
Lithuania, 1920
Box/Folder   21/12
Reel/Frame   21/1-18
Marriage and Divorce, undated
Box/Folder   21/13
Reel/Frame   21/19-28
Music and Religion, undated
Box/Folder   21/14
Reel/Frame   21/29-82
Mysticism, undated
Box/Folder   21/15
Reel/Frame   21/83-105
New Testament, undated
Box/Folder   21/16
Reel/Frame   21/106-125
Palestine, circa 1928
Box/Folder   21/17
Reel/Frame   21/126-237
Peace, undated
Box/Folder   21/18
Reel/Frame   21/238-351
Philosophy, circa 1920-circa 1942
Box/Folder   21/19
Reel/Frame   21/352-418
Philosophy, Jewish, undated
Box/Folder   21/20
Reel/Frame   21/419-547
Philosophy, Religious, undated
Box/Folder   21/21
Reel/Frame   21/548-561
Poetry of Israel, undated
Box/Folder   21/22
Reel/Frame   21/562-568
Politics, undated
Box/Folder   21/23
Reel/Frame   21/569-585
Prayer, undated
Box/Folder   21/24
Reel/Frame   21/586-636
Race and Culture Minorities, undated
Box/Folder   21/25
Reel/Frame   21/937-735
Religion and History, undated
Box/Folder   21/26
Reel/Frame   21/736-786
Religion and Psychology, undated
Box/Folder   21/27
Reel/Frame   21/787-840
Religion and Science, undated
Box/Folder   21/28
Reel/Frame   21/841-869
Religious Topics, undated
Box/Folder   22/1
Reel/Frame   21/870-873
Responsa, undated
Box/Folder   22/2
Reel/Frame   21/874-920
Ritual, Baron's, circa 1945-circa 1956
Box/Folder   22/3
Reel/Frame   21/921-922
Russia, undated
Box/Folder   22/4
Reel/Frame   21/923-941
Sabbath, circa 1928
Box/Folder   22/5
Reel/Frame   21/942-946
Socialism, undated
Box/Folder   22/6
Reel/Frame   21/947-953
Spiritual Emphasis Week, 1943 September 7
Box/Folder   22/7
Reel/Frame   21/954-1015
Talmud, undated
Box/Folder   22/8
Reel/Frame   21/1016-1044
Theology, undated
Box/Folder   22/9
Reel/Frame   21/1045-1047
Tolerance, undated
Box/Folder   22/10
Reel/Frame   22/1-88
Wit, undated
Box/Folder   22/11
Reel/Frame   22/89-123
Women, circa 1924
Box/Folder   22/12
Reel/Frame   22/124-132
Yiddish Press, circa 1924
Box/Folder   22/13
Reel/Frame   22/133-140
Zionism, undated
Series: Miscellany
Book Catalogues and Book Reviews
Box/Folder   22/14
Reel/Frame   22/141-148
General, circa 1943
Box/Folder   22/15
Reel/Frame   22/149-267
Candles in the Night, circa 1941
Box/Folder   22/16
Reel/Frame   22/268-352
Stars and Sand, circa 1943
Box/Folder   22/17
Reel/Frame   22/353-364
A Treasury of Jewish Quotations, circa 1957
Box/Folder   22/18
Reel/Frame   22/365-398
Calendars, 1918, 1922, 1923
Box/Folder   22/19
Reel/Frame   22/399-424
Cards and Miscellany, undated
Box/Folder   22/20
Reel/Frame   22/425-451
Central Conference of American Rabbis/Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Publications of, 1936, 1937, 1957, 1959
Box/Folder   22/21
Reel/Frame   22/452-458
Certificates, Citations and Awards, 1923, 1932, 1936, 1941-1948
Box/Folder   22/22
Reel/Frame   22/459-494
Circulars and Flyers, 1924-1925, 1934, 1937, 1943, 1947
Box/Folder   23/1
Reel/Frame   22/495-514
Clergy Copy of Marriage Licenses, circa 1921-circa 1927
Box/Folder   23/2
Reel/Frame   22/515-550
Jewish Ritual, Pamphlets Containing, undated
Box/Folder   23/3
Reel/Frame   22/551-629
Military Records, Draft Cards, 1917-1918
Box/Folder   23/4
Reel/Frame   22/630-554
Organization Membership Cards and Certificates, 1919-1929, 1934
Box/Folder   23/5
Reel/Frame   22/555-663
Pirche Zion Organization, 1910-1911
Programs and Announcements
Box/Folder   23/6
Reel/Frame   22/664-759
Temple Emanu-El--Milwaukee, 1926-1957
Box/Folder   23/7
Reel/Frame   22/760-787
Iowa, 1920-1926
Box/Folder   23/8
Reel/Frame   22/788-843
Miscellaneous, 1937, 1940, 1956-1960
Box/Folder   23/9
Reel/Frame   22/844-859
Pre-ordination (Ohio and New York), 1916, 1917, 1920
Box/Folder   23/10
Reel/Frame   22/860-981
Wisconsin, 1926, 1935-1938, 1950, 1954-1960
Box/Folder   23/11
Reel/Frame   22/982-999
Publisher and Printer Proof Sheets, Galley Proof, 1947, 1959
Box/Folder   23/12
Reel/Frame   22/100-1011
Rabbi Baron's Torah Fund--Announcements, Flyers, 1949, 1954-1959
Box/Folder   23/13
Reel/Frame   22/1012-1037
School Records, Report Cards, Certificates, 1910-1920, 1928-1932
Temple Bulletins
Box/Folder   23/14
Reel/Frame   22/1038-1050
Emanu-El--Davenport, Iowa, circa 1956
Box/Folder   23/15
Reel/Frame   23/1-208
Emanu-El--Milwaukee, Wisconsin, circa 1939-circa 1960
Box/Folder   23/16
Reel/Frame   23/209-277
Yearbooks from the Tri-City Jewish Charities, 1921-1926
Box/Folder   23/17
Reel/Frame   23/278-313
Series: Biographical Materials
Series: Scrapbook Material
Box/Folder   23/17
Reel/Frame   23/313A-314A
Clippings, 1914-1960
Box/Folder   23/17
Reel/Frame   23/314-421
Scrapbook, circa 1918-circa 1941
Appendix: Index to Correspondence

This index includes all names--personal, publication, corporate, institutional, and organizational--and some subjects which occur in the Professional Correspondence and the Literary Correspondence; it also contains prominent names occurring in the Family Correspondence and the Personal Correspondence. They are in one alphabetical listing. Listed with the entries are dates indicating when the correspondence occurred. Following each entry is an indication of the box and folder where the correspondence is found within the collection.

Name Date Box Folder
A. & C. Black Ltd. 1942 10 10
A. C. Armstrong & Son 1942 10 10
Aarons, Judge Charles L. 1927-1950, 1957 4 4
Aarons, Judge Charles L. 1931, 1936 3 9
Aarons, Judge Charles L. 1937 5 6
Aarons, Judge Charles L. 1942 5 7
Aarons, Judge Charles L. 1944 12 4
Aarons, Lehman C. 1954 6 4
Aarons, Rose 1938 4 4
Aarons, Rose undated 4 3
Abbey, Rev. Merrill R. 1947-1951 4 4
Abington Press 1958 12 5
Abraham Lincoln House 1926-1927 4 4
Abrams, Rabbi Samuel J. 1926 8 11
Academy for Higher Jewish Learning 1958 4 4
Adam Meldrum & Anderson Co. 1940 9 4
Adamic, Louis 1939 10 2
Adler, Dr. Cyrus 1916 3 2
Adler, Dr. Cyrus 1922 3 7
Adler, Dr. Cyrus undated 10 2
Adler, E. P. 1923-1942 4 4
Adler, Margaret 1945 11 6
Adler, Phillip D. 1926-1958 4 4
Adler, Phillip D. 1954 6 4
African World 1942 10 10
Agar, Herbert 1941 4 4
Agar, Herbert 1941 10 9
Agar, William M. 1942 8 3
Agudath Achim, Synagogue-Braddock, Pennsylvania 1916 3 2
Agudath Achim, Synagogue-Braddock, Pennsylvania 1917 3 3
Agus, Jacob B. 1956 4 4
Albright, W. F. 1955 4 4
Albright, W. F. 1955 6 7
Alcalay, Aron 1939 10 2
Alcalay, Zacharia 1939 10 2
Aldrich, Guy V. 1943 4 4
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) 1937 4 4
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) 1940 10 8
Alfred A. Knopf Inc. 1955 11 4
Alk, Abe. A. 1955 6 7
Alkali, Dr. 1944 11 6
Allied Jewish Campaign 1930 4 4
Allison, Alma S. 1940 10 8
Alpert, Meyer 1946 8 9
Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity 1940 10 8
Amdur 1954 6 4
American Academy for Jewish Research 1929 4 4
American Academy of Dramatic Arts 1921 3 6
American Arbitration Association 1942 4 4
American Association for an International Office for Education 1944 4 4
American Baptist Publication Society 1957 12 5
American Christian Palestine Committee 1957 4 4
American Club 1939 4 4
American Committee for the Relief of Yeminite Jews 1939-1946 4 4
American Council for Judaism 1942, 1945-1946 4 4
American Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs 1938-1942 4 5
American Friends of Hebrew University 1936-1960 4 5
American Friends of Mexican Indian Jews 1944 4 5
American Friends of the Alliance Israelite Universelle 1949 4 5
American Fund for Palestinian Institutions 1942-1945 4 5
American Gentile Club in Behalf of Local and Foreign Jewish Refugees 1944 4 5
American Hebrew 1941 10 9
American Hebrew 1942 10 10
American Interprofessional Institute 1934-1937 4 5
American Jewish Committee 1933-1938 4 6
American Jewish Committee 1937 10 8
American Jewish Committee 1938 10 2
American Jewish Committee 1938 10 5
American Jewish Committee 1939-1960 4 7
American Jewish Committee 1953 6 3
American Jewish Committee 1955 6 6
American Jewish Congress 1942 10 10
American Jewish Historical Society 1943 10 10
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 1933-1958 4 8
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee-Junior Division 1933-938 4 8
American Jewish Relief Committee 1923 4 8
American Jewish Tercentenary 1955 April-1957 March 4 10
American Jewish Tercentenary 1954 January-1955 March 4 9
American Jewish World 1941 10 9
American Judaism 1958 4 11
American Judaism 1958 12 5
American League for the Defense of Jewish Rights 1933 4 11
American Legion 1925 4 11
American Library Association 1942 4 11
American Oriental Society 1937 4 11
American Polish Information Service 1945 4 11
American Pro-Falasha Committee Inc. 1935 4 11
American Red Cross 1943 4 11
American Red Mogen Dovid for Israel 1957 4 11
American Society for Technion 1957 4 11
American Torah Shelemah Committee 1943 5 7
American Youth Congress 1937 4 11
American Zion Commonwealth Inc. 1923 4 11
American-Scandinavian Foundation 1944 11 6
Anshe Lebovitz Men's Club 1927 4 11
Anti-Defamation League 1937 10 5
Anti-Defamation League 1937-1945 4 11
Anti-Defamation League 1940-1941 10 8
Anti-Defamation League 1943 11 2
Anti-Defamation League 1957 12 5
Appelbaum, Rabbi Saul B. 1958 4 11
Apresian, Stepan Z. 1944 11 6
Argentina 1942-1946 12 4
Argentine Republic Chair at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1940 4 11
Argus Book Shop 1936 10 1
Aronin, Ben 1957, 1958 4 11
Asheville, North Carolina 1915 4 11
Ashley, Charles D. 1954 6 4
Associated Press 1942 10 10
Association Press 1942 10 10
Athens, Georgia 1920 April 20-May 31 4 11
Atlanta Constitution 1942 10 10
Atlantic Monthly Press 1942 10 10
Auerbach, Rabbi Selig 1954 6 5
Avni, Abraham 1963 12 5
Avukah undated 4 11
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation 1954-1955 5 1
B'nai B'rith 1937, 1949 5 1
B'nai B'rith 1939 10 2
B'nai B'rith 1943 11 2
B'rith Kodesh, Temple-Rochester, New York 1925 December-1926 June 5 1
Badt-Strauss, Dr. Bertha 1944 11 6
Baeck, Rabbi Leo 1949-1951 4 12
Baeck, Rabbi Leo 1954 11 3
Baeuermilvy, L. 1937 4 12
Baginsky, Paul H. 1939 4 12
Bahai 1941 12 4
Baker, Frank E. 1932-1941 4 12
Baldwin, I. L. 1954 6 4
Balinski, Stanislaw 1944 11 6
Bamberger, Dr. Fritz 1941 12 4
Bamberger, Dr. Fritz 1941-1942 10 9
Bamberger, Dr. Fritz 1948, 1951 4 12
Bamberger, Rabbi Bernard 1944 11 6
Bamberger, Rabbi Bernard 1944, 1951 4 12
Bang, Rev. August L. 1944 11 6
Banks, Edgar J. 1937-1938 5 7
Baptist Young People, Milwaukee Association of 1935 4 12
Barack, Rabbi Nathan A. 1957 4 12
Bardell, Dr. Ross H. 1945 4 12
Barman, Rabbi M. M. 1927 4 12
Barnouw, Prof. A. J. 1944-1945 11 6
Barnouw, Prof. A. J. 1947 12 4
Baron, Dr. Salo W. 1942, 1944, 1954 4 12
Baron, Dr. Salo W. 1945 5 7
Baron, Dr. Salo W. 1946 12 4
Baron, Dr. Salo W. 1947 6 3
Baron, Dr. Salo W. 1954 6 5
Baron, Dr. Salo W. 1955 6 6
Barton, Dr. Bruce 1957 12 5
Barton, Rebecca C. 1951 4 12
Bass, Meyer 1958 4 12
Battle, George Gordon 1927 4 12
Baum, Harold 1941, 1943 5 7
Baum, Mrs. Meta T. 1927 3 8
Baum, Mrs. Meta T. 1929 5 5
Baum, Mrs. Meta T. 1934 3 9
Baum, Mrs. Meta T. undated 4 12
Baumblatt, L. P. 1944 4 12
Baumrind, Rabbi Harold 1947 4 12
Bay, Dr. J. Christian 1945 11 6
Bazel, Solomon N. 1923 4 12
Beacon Press 1961 12 5
Beale, Rev. Arthur S. 1934 4 12
Beckman, N. Henry 1936 10 1
Behrman, Louis 1942-1943 4 12
Ben Dov, Raphael 1916 3 2
Ben Ezra, Elijah 1944 11 6
Bender, Albert M. 1940 10 8
Berg, Dr. Kurt N. 1940 4 12
Berger, Charles I. 1943 11 2
Berger, David 1939 4 12
Berger, Marshall 1959 11 5
Berger, Maurice W. 1956 4 12
Berger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1943 4 12
Berger, Rabbi Julius 1940 10 8
Bergman, Rabbi Leo M. 1951 4 12
Berguer, M. 1940 10 2
Berk, Bernard 1954 6 5
Berkowitz, Mrs. H. C. 1956 4 12
Berkowitz, Rabbi Henry 1919 4 12
Berkson, J. B. 1918 4 12
Berlin, Meyer 1919 4 12
Berlstein, Dr. Alfred 1944 11 6
Berman, Rabbi Jeremiah J. 1944 11 2
Berman, Rabbi Morton M. 1937 10 2
Berman, Rabbi Morton M. 1938-1939 4 12
Bernadete, Prof. M. J. 1944 11 6
Bernstein, Meyer M. 1944 9 4
Bernstein, Rabbi Philip S. 1939, 1942, 1951 4 12
Bernstein, Rabbi Philip S. 1944 11 6
Berwald, John 1923-1925 4 12
Bessman, Leonard 1959 4 12
Beth Hillel, Temple-Kenosha, Wisconsin 1956 4 12
Beth Israel, Congregation-Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1958 4 12
Beth-El, Temple-Madison, Wisconsin 1956 4 12
Beth-El, Temple-Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1932 4 12
Betlinski, Rev. Joseph 1945 12 4
Bettan, Rabbi Israel 1922, 1940, 1951 4 12
Bettan, Rabbi Israel 1956 12 5
Bickel, Dr. S. 1942 10 9
Biddle, G. E. 1943 12 2
Biemiller, Rep. Andrew J. 1949-1950 5 1
Billikopf, Jacob 1923, 1927, 1933, 1944, 1948 5 1
Billikopf, Jacob 1939 8 7
Billikopf, Mrs. Jacob 1951 5 1
Bilmanis, Dr. Alfred 1944 11 6
Birenholtz, Manny A. 1954 6 4
Birenholtz, Manny A. 1955 6 6
Birk, Mrs. Benjamin F. 1935 5 6
Birnbaum, B. H. 1916 3 2
Birnbaum, B. H. 1917 3 3
Bisland, Margaret 1943 12 3
Bitker, Bruno V. 1957 5 1
Blachschleger, Rabbi Eugene 1957 11 5
Black, Helen 1945 5 1
Blackwell, B. H. 1940 10 5
Blaine, William 1954 6 4
Blank, Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon 1944 11 6
Blank, Mrs. Amy 1944 11 6
Blaustein, Jacob 1956 11 3
Blaustein, Jacob 1956 11 5
Bloch Publishing Co. 1942 10 10
Bloch, Charles 1942 10 10
Bloch, Dr. Joshua 1917 3 3
Bloch, Dr. Joshua 1918 3 4
Bloch, Dr. Joshua 1919 3 5
Bloch, Dr. Joshua 1937-1938 10 2
Bloch, Harry D. 1926 5 1
Bloch, Harry, Jr. 1954 6 4
Block, Isadore 1948 5 1
Block, Sam 1954 6 5
Bloom, Rabbi Herbert I. 1944 11 6
Blumberg, Alex 1923 3 7
Blumberg, Nate J. 1954 6 4
Blumenthal, Joseph 1920 5 1
Bogen, Boris D. 1918 5 1
Bohn, Mayor John L. (of Milwaukee) 1946 5 1
Bohrod, Aaron 1948, 1958 5 1
Bonnier, Albert 1939 10 5
Bornstein, Hy 1924 5 1
Bornstein, Hy 1933 5 4
Borowsky, Samuel J. 1913-1914 3 1
Borowsky, Samuel J. 1917 3 3
Borowsky, Samuel J. 1918 3 4
Borowsky, Samuel J. 1919 3 5
Boruszak, Nathan 1956 11 5
Brace, C. L. 1942 10 10
Brady, John 1924 5 1
Brand, Richard 1939 8 7
Braude, Rabbi William G. 1956 11 5
Braun et Cie 1943 10 10
Braun, Walter H. 1935 5 1
Brav, Rabbi Stanley R. 1940 10 8
Brav, Rabbi Stanley R. 1951 5 1
Bredow, John F. 1920 5 1
Breinan, Reuvan 1928 5 1
Brewer, Anita 1941 12 4
Brickman, Rabbi Jay R. 1955-1960 5 1
Brickner, Rabbi Barnet 1918 3 4
Brickner, Rabbi Barnet 1919 3 5
Brickner, Rabbi Barnet 1923-1925, 1941 5 1
Brierton, Harold E. 1954 6 5
Brierton, Harold E. 1955 6 6
British Broadcasting Co. 1942 10 10
British Information Services 1943 10 10
Brodey, Rabbi Arthur 1954 6 4
Brodey, Rabbi Arthur 1954 6 5
Brodey, Rabbi Arthur 1957 5 1
Brodson, Sidney 1958 5 1
Brody, Mrs. Philip 1957 5 1
Bronstein, Rabbi David 1923-1924 5 1
Broude, Burt C. 1933 5 5
Broude, Burt C. 1934-1936 5 6
Broude, Irene 1933 5 5
Broughton, ______ undated 5 1
Brown, Joyce 1940 10 8
Brown, Pastor Edwin A. undated 5 1
Brown, Rabbi Mendel 1939 10 2
Browne, Rabbi Lewis P. 1918, 1923-1925 5 1
Browne, Rabbi Lewis P. 1940 10 2
Bruce, Frank 1935 5 1
Bruce, William George 1935 5 1
Brundage, James A. 1958 12 5
Bruzkus, Dr. Julius 1945 11 6
Bucholz, Mrs. Frederick H. 1949 5 1
Buffalo, New York 1940 10 8
Bugenstein, Louis 1954 5 1
Builders of Israel 1915 3 1
Bullock's 1940 10 8
Bundschuh, Elkan 1922 5 1
Burchell, H. Louise 1931 5 1
Burnstein, Rabbi Alexander J. 1939 8 7
Burton, Ina E. undated 5 1
Cagan, Morris A. 1954 6 4
Calabi, Dr. Guiseppe 1945 12 4
Calisch, Rabbi Edward N. 1921, 1933 5 2
Calisch, Rabbi Edward N. 1939 10 2
Camp Moriah 1933 5 2
Canadian Baptist 1957 12 5
Canadian Jewish Congress 1938 10 2
Canadian Jewish Congress 1944 11 2
Canton Hebrew Congregation (Canton, Ohio) 1920-1923 5 2
Caplin, Samuel 1920 3 6
Cardozo, Rabbi D. A. Jeshurun 1944 11 6
Carl Fischer Inc. 1945 5 2
Carleton College 1944 11 6
Carroll College 1940 5 2
Cashdan, Rabbi Louis J. 1942, 1958 5 2
Cashdan, Rabbi Louis J. 1939 10 2
Cass, Rabbi Samuel 1940 10 2
Catholic Association for International Peace 1937 5 2
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 1921, 1957 5 2
Cedarbaum, Rabbi David I. 1957 5 2
Central Council of Social Agencies of Milwaukee 1928 5 2
Centro Macabeo de Cuba 1940 5 2
Ceolenecue, Mrs. E. N. undated 5 2
Cerminara, Angelo undated 5 2
Chatto & Windus 1942 10 10
Chicago Daily News 1942 10 10
Chicago Examiner 1942 10 10
Chicago Public Library 1944 11 6
Chicago Round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews 1936-1937 5 2
Chicago Sinai Congregation 1942 5 2
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway 1926 5 2
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Co. 1922-1923 5 2
Children of Israel, Congregation-Athens, Georgia 1920 4 11
China, Republic of undated 10 2
Chinese Embassy 1939 10 2
Chodos, Rabbi Israel 1944 5 2
Chorowski, Rabbi Ralph 1954 5 2
Chorowski, Rabbi Ralph 1954 6 5
Christiansen, Rev. M. G. 1945 11 6
Christiansen, Rev. M. G. 1945 12 4
Churun, David 1937 10 2
Clarke, Jack 1957 12 5
Clingen, N. J. 1939 5 2
Coffee, Rabbi Rudolph I. 1940 10 8
Coffee, Rabbi Rudolph I. 1921 5 2
Coffin, Henry S. 1941 5 2
Coffman, Helen R. 1920, 1921, 1925 5 2
Cohen, Alfred M. 1918 3 4
Cohen, Alfred M. 1925, 1938 5 2
Cohen, Arthur A. 1961-1962 12 5
Cohen, Bernice 1954 6 4
Cohen, Caroline 1928 5 2
Cohen, Dolcissina 1928 5 2
Cohen, Esther S. 1941 9 2
Cohen, Gabriel 1944 5 2
Cohen, Jacob 1919 3 5
Cohen, Joan Harriet 1940 5 2
Cohen, Melvin S. 1955 6 6
Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. 1927 5 2
Cohen, Nathan M. 1940 10 8
Cohen, Rabbi Aaron 1926 5 4
Cohen, Rabbi Henry 1940 10 8
Cohen, Rabbi J. X. 1941 5 2
Cohen, Rabbi Samuel M. 1914 3 1
Cohen, Rabbi Samuel M. 1916 3 2
Cohen, Rabbi Samuel M. 1939 5 2
Cohen, Rabbi Samuel M. 1940 10 8
Cohen, Rabbi Simon 1945 5 2
Cohen, Rabbi Simon 1956 11 5
Cohn, Norman 1958 5 2
Cohn, V. L. 1935 5 2
Cohodas, William L. 1950 5 2
Cohon, Prof. Samuel S. 1932, 1949 5 2
Coleman, Edward D. 1938 10 2
Coleman, Mrs. Marion 1944 11 6
Coleman, Prof. A. 1944 11 6
Collette, James 1922 5 2
Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1942 10 9
Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1942 10 10
Columbia City, Indiana 1924 5 2
Columbia Pictures Corporation 1944 10 8
Columbia University Press 1942 10 10
Columbia University 1944 5 2
Columbus, Ohio 1922 5 2
Commentary 1948-1950 5 2
Common Council for American Unity 1940 5 2
Common Sense 1942 10 9
Compton, Arthur H. 1942 10 9
Concordia College-Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1935 5 2
Conference on Jewish Relations 1953 5 2
Congregational Club-Milwaukee 1928 5 2
Congress Bulletin 1942 10 10
Connolly, J. V. 1938 5 2
Conry, Joseph A. 1939 5 2
Contemporary Club-Davenport, Iowa 1923-1927 5 2
Cook, Mathilde V. 1942 5 2
Copelin, Robert S. 1940, 1945 4 1
Copelin, Robert S. 1945 11 2
Copelin, Robert S. 1957-1959 4 2
Copernican Quadricentennial Committee of Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1943 5 2
Corper, Dr. H. undated 5 2
Corrigan, Monsignor Joseph M. 1942 10 10
Council of Hebrew Speaking Organizations (New York, New York) 1915 3 1
Council of U.S. Veterans Inc. 1938 5 2
Counselbaum, Mrs. A. B. 1942 10 9
Courier Journal 1942 10 10
Coutinho, Arno 1937 10 2
Creighton, Beatrice 1944 5 2
Croatian Publishing Company 1937 10 2
Cronbach, Dr. Abraham 1933 5 2
Crown Publishers Inc. 1955-1958 11 4
Cudahy, John 1943 5 2
Curlander, Edward H. 1942 10 10
Curti, Merle 1947 5 2
Curtis, Brown Ltd. 1942 10 10
Czech-American National Alliance 1923 5 2
Czechoslovak Government Information Service 1946 12 2
Czecho-Slovak Minister 1940 10 5
Czechoslovak National Council of America 1942 10 9
D. Appleton & Co. 1942 10 10
Daily Hebrew Journal 1942 10 10
Dakin, Pastor E. LeRoy 1940 5 3
Dakota Wesleyan University 1945 5 3
Dalven, Rae 1945-1946 5 3
Danish Consul General 1944 11 6
Danish Consulate 1937 10 2
DasGupta, Kedernath 1941 10 9
Davenport Chamber of Commerce 1922 5 3
Davenport Council of Americanization 1926 5 3
Davenport Missionary Alliance 1923 5 3
Davenport Public Library 1923 5 3
Davenport Relief Association 1923 5 3
Davenport Women's Club 1922, 1925 5 3
Davidson, Dr. Gabriel 1943 5 3
Davidson, Dr. Israel 1915 3 1
Davidson, Dr. Israel 1922 3 7
Davidson, Louis B. 1952 11 3
Davis, Prof. Moshe 1958 5 3
Dawe, Vernon 1954 6 4
Dawson, Coningsby 1940 10 5
Day, Beth 1957 12 5
De Haas, Jacob 1923, 1933 5 3
De Sola Pool, Rabbi David 1918, 1936 5 3
De Sola Pool, Rabbi David 1918 3 4
Dejany, Aouney W. 1947 12 4
Demmel, Roland F. 1948 11 2
Department of Synagogue and School Extension 1920 5 3
Des Moines Ministerial Association 1921 7 8
Deutsch, Dr. G. 1918 3 4
Deutsch, Dr. G. 1920-1921 3 6
Deutsch, Dr. G. 1920-1921 5 3
Deutsch, Dr. Solomon 1943 12 4
Deutsch, Mrs. G. 1922 5 3
Deutsch, Nathan 1944 9 4
Deutsch, Nathan 1956 6 7
Dial Press 1942 10 10
Diamond, Dr. Joseph 1943 5 3
Dienstag, Jacob I. 1956 11 3
Dodd, Mead & Co. 1940 10 5
Dodd, Mead & Co. 1942 10 10
Dona, Sarah B. 1944 11 6
Donath, Oscar 1939 10 2
Doppelt, Fred 1958 5 3
Dorf, Dr. A. T. 1944 11 6
Doubleday, Doran & Co. 1939-1940 10 5
Doubleday, Doran & Co. 1942-1943 10 10
Drabinowicz, Stanley 1940 11 6
Drake, E. F. A. 1932 5 3
Drama Inc. 1958 5 3
Dresner, Minnie 1923 3 7
Dresner, Minnie 1924-1926 3 8
Dressler, Belle Jaffee 1938 8 7
Dressler, David 1928-1929 5 3
Drizari, Dr. Nelo 1944 11 6
Dropsie College 1941 5 3
Dubin, Rabbi Maxwell H. 1944, 1951, 1958-1959 5 3
Duffield & Co. 1942 10 10
Duker, Dr. Abraham G. 1956-1957 5 3
Dulka, John 1943 5 3
Dushkin, Dr. A. M. 1918 3 4
Dutton and Company 1939 10 5
E. P. Dutton & Co. Inc. 1942 10 10
Eder, Howard 1938, 1958-1959 5 4
Efros, Dr. Israel 1918 3 4
Efroymson, Meyer 1940 5 4
Egelson, Rabbi Louis I. 1924 7 9
Egelson, Rabbi Louis I. 1931, 1942, 1951 5 4
Egelson, Rabbi Louis I. 1947 5 6
Ehrenpreis, Dr. Wiktor J. 1944 12 4
Ehrenreich, Dr. B. C. 1944 11 2
Ehrenreich, Dr. B. C. 1951 5 4
Ehrman, Joseph 1933 5 5
Ehrman, Joseph 1946 5 7
Eisen, Eugen L. 1926 5 5
Eisenbeth, Chief Rabbi Maurice 1945 12 4
Eisendrath, David B. 1955 6 6
Eisendrath, Juliet 1920-1928 5 4
Eisendrath, Rabbi Maurice N. 1920-1958 5 4
Eisendrath, Rabbi Maurice N. 1940 10 8
Eisendrath, Rabbi Maurice N. 1941 10 9
Eisendrath, Rabbi Maurice N. 1956 11 5
Elbogen, Prof. Ismar 1940 12 4
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania 1920 5 4
Ellis, Rabbi Milton 1935 5 4
Elmaleh, Rabbi Leon H. 1940 5 4
Emanu-El Theological Seminary Association 1916 3 2
Emanu-El, Congregation-Waukesha, Wisconsin 1955 9 4
Emanu-El, Temple-Davenport, Iowa 1920-1938 5 4
Emanu-El, Temple-Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1925-1933 5 5
Emanu-El, Temple-Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1934-1960 5 6
Emanu-El, Temple-Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Brotherhood 1926-1943 5 7
Emanu-El, Temple-Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Library and Museum Committee 1927-1943 5 7
Emanu-El, Temple-Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Religious School 1934-1948 5 7
Emanu-El, Temple-Yonkers, New York 1922, 1925 5 8
Emergency Committee in Aid of Political Refugees from Naziism 1935 5 8
Emergency Peace Campaign 1936, 1943 5 8
Employment for Jewish Youth 1936 5 8
Enderis, Dorothy G. 1948 5 7
Endzweig, P. 1916 3 2
Enelow, H. G. 1924, 1928 5 8
Engel, Irving M. 1947-1948 5 8
Englander, Dr. Henry 1911 3 1
Englander, Dr. Henry 1916 3 2
Englander, Dr. Henry 1917 3 3
Englander, Dr. Henry 1918 3 4
Englander, Dr. Henry 1919 3 5
Englander, Dr. Henry 1919 3 5
Englander, Dr. Henry 1920-1926 5 8
Englander, Dr. Henry 1927 5 4
Enzer, Dr. Norbert 1947-1948 6 3
Enzer, Dr. Norbert 1952 5 8
Epstein, Dr. Baer 1923 5 8
Epstein, George M. 1958 5 8
Epstein, Louis M. 1917 3 3
Epstein, Mrs. Baer 1923 5 8
Epstein, Saul 1914-1915 3 1
Epstein, Saul 1916 3 2
Erlebacher, Albert 1960 5 8
Ernest Benn Limited 1942 10 10
Esselin, Alter 1936, 1954, 1957 5 8
Essrig, Rabbi Harry 1958 5 8
Ettelson, Harry W. 1956 11 5
Ettelson, Rabbi H. N. 1926 8 11
Ettenheim, George P. 1934-1947 5 6
Ettenheim, George P. 1936 5 7
Ettenheim, George P. 1938-1940, 1945 5 8
Ettinger, Samuel 1954 6 4
Eugene Field Society 1937 5 8
European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, Commission on 1945 5 8
Evans, K. E. 1922 5 8
Ewing, R. H. 1938 5 8
Fantle, Willard 1955 6 6
Farrar and Rinehart 1939-1941 10 5
Farrar and Rinehart 1942 10 10
Fechheimer, Carl J. 1933 5 5
Fechheimer, Carl J. 1942, 1957-1959 5 9
Fechheimer, Carl J. 1954 6 5
Fechheimer, Mrs. Carl J. 1927-1928 5 9
Fechheimer, S. Marcus 1920 3 6
Feder, Dr. Sara 1956-1957 5 9
Federated Jewish Charities of Milwaukee 1926-1937 5 9
Feibelman, Rabbi Julian B. 1958 5 9
Feigr, Gregory 1938 10 2
Fein, Marvin M. 1943 5 7
Feinberg, Rabbi Abraham L. 1951 5 9
Feinstein, Bob 1938 10 2
Feldman, Rabbi Abraham J. 1920 4 11
Feldman, Rabbi Abraham J. 1926 8 11
Feldman, Rabbi Abraham J. 1932, 1958 5 9
Fellman, Dr. David 1953 6 3
Fellman, Dr. David 1954 6 4
Feraru, Leon 1914 3 1
Feraru, Leon 1919 3 5
Feraru, Leon 1938 10 2
Feraru, Leon 1944 11 6
Feuerlicht, Rabbi Morris M. 1934 5 9
Finberg, Dr. S. Andhil 1956 11 5
Finder, Leonard V. 1938 10 5
Finder, Leonard V. 1940 10 8
Fine, Dr. Jacob 1954 6 5
Fineberg, Dr. S. Andhil 1955, 1957 5 9
Fineberg, Rabbi Solomon A. 1940 10 8
Finerman, I. 1939 10 5
Finerman, N. 1939 10 2
Fineshriber, Rabbi William H. 1922, 1924, 1933 5 9
Fineshriber, Rabbi William H. 1926 8 11
Fineshriber, Rabbi William H. 1938 10 5
Fink, Rabbi Joseph 1939, 1951 5 9
Finkelstein, Louis 1940, 1944-1945 5 9
Finnish Book Concern 1939 10 2
Firestone, Milton P. 1925 5 9
Fischel, Dr. Walter 1937 5 9
Fischel, Dr. Walter 1941 10 9
Fischel, Rabbi Henry A. 1954 6 4
Fischel, Rabbi Henry A. 1954 6 5
Fischel, Rabbi Henry A. 1955 6 6
Fisher & Unwin 1942 10 10
Fisher, Rabbi Kalman N. 1955 5 9
Florsheim, Mrs. Edwin S. 1939 5 9
Florsheim, Seymour L. 1920 5 9
Flox, J. O. 1924 5 2
Fogel, Arthur 1954 6 4
Fogel, Cpl. Ephim G. 1944 11 6
Folkman, Rabbi Jerome D. 1958 5 9
Foreign Language Information Service 1938 5 9
Fosdick, Harry Emerson 1939 10 2
Foster, Rabbin Solomon 1958 5 9
Fox Duffield & Co. 1942 10 10
Fram, Rabbi Leon 1918 3 4
Fram, Rabbi Leon 1919 3 5
Fram, Rabbi Leon 1920 3 6
Fram, Rabbi Leon 1920-1926, 1951, 1956 5 9
Francis, Mrs. Joseph G. 1959 5 10
Frankel, Gustave 1954 6 4
Frankel, Gustave 1954 6 5
Frankel, Hiram D. 1922-1923 5 10
Frankel, Rabbi Benjamin M. 1918 3 4
Frankel, Rabbi Benjamin M. 1919 3 5
Frankel, Rabbi Benjamin M. 1924 5 10
Franklin Institute 1938 5 10
Franklin, Harold 1938 10 2
Franklin, Pearl 1923 5 10
Franklin, Rabbi Leo M. 1917, 1925 5 10
Franklin, Rabbi Leo M. 1919 3 5
Franklin, Rabbi Leo M. undated 4 3
Franzblau, Dr. Abraham N. 1938-1939, 1948 5 10
Franzblau, Dr. Abraham N. 1942 5 7
Fred, Dr. Edwin B. 1954 6 4
Fred, Dr. Edwin B. 1953 6 3
Fred, Dr. Edwin B. 1955 6 6
Fred, Dr. Edwin B. 1955 6 7
Fred, Dr. Edwin B. 1956 11 5
Fredenburgh, Jean L. 1944 11 6
Free Synagogue (New York, New York) 1920 5 10
Freedman, May R. 1928 5 10
Freehof, Rabbi Solomon B. 1924, 1942, 1944, 1950-1954 5 10
Freehof, Rabbi Solomon B. 1926 8 11
Freehof, Rabbi Solomon B. 1956 11 5
Freiberg, Dr. Albert H. 1939 5 10
Freiberg, J. Walter 1920 5 10
Frensdorf, Kurt 1940 8 7
Freschel, Edward 1928 5 10
Freudenfeld, J. 1927 5 10
Freudenthal, Dr. Joseph 1938 5 10
Freund, Rabbi Iser L. 1925, 1937 5 10
Fribourg, Francis B. undated 5 11
Friedenwald, Dr. Harry 1939 8 7
Friedland, H. A. 1918 3 4
Friedlander, Theodore 1944 5 11
Friedman, Dr. William S. 1924 5 11
Friedman, Lee M. 1938 10 5
Friedman, Melvin 1940 10 8
Friedman, Mrs. Isidor 1944 5 11
Friedman, Rabbi Benjamin 1958 5 11
Friedman, Rabbi Herbert A. 1951-1954 5 11
Friend, Judge Hugo M. 1954 6 4
Friends of Europe 1936 5 11
Friends of the Yiddish Scientific Institute 1929-1944 5 11
Frisch, Rabbi Ephraim 1936 10 1
Frisch, Rabbi Ephraim 1937-1938, 1951 5 11
Fromkin, Morris 1945 7 8
Furie, Dr. William B. 1956, 1958 5 11
G. T. Foulis & Co. Ltd. 1942 10 10
Gaer, Joseph 1952 11 3
Galante, Prof. A. 1938 10 2
Galliner, Helmut 1938 10 2
Galliner, Helmut 1941 10 9
Gameran, Dr. Emanuel 1927, 1951 6 1
Gameran, Dr. Emanuel 1938-1939 10 5
Gameran, Dr. Emanuel 1941 12 4
Gameran, Dr. Emanuel 1942-1944 12 2
Garrett & Massie 1937 10 2
Gastor, Dr. Theodor H. 1945 12 2
Gastor, Dr. Theodor H. 1955 6 7
Gatlin, Delores 1939 6 1
Gavrilovitch, Oscar 1938 12 4
Gelbart, Gershon 1957 11 5
Gelberman, Rabbi Joseph 1946 12 4
Gellman, Alvin W. 1938 5 4
General Necessities Corporation 1922 6 1
Geo. H. Doran Company 1942 10 10
George Allen and Unwin 1939-1940 10 5
George Washington Memorial Library 1953 6 1
George Williams College 1951-1952 6 1
George, Monfred 1944 11 7
Gerard, James W. 1943 11 2
Gerig, Prof. John L. 1944 11 7
Gildesgame, L. L. 1959 6 1
Gilkey, Charles W. 1939 6 1
Gill, Norman N. 1940, 1954 6 1
Ginsberg, Louis 1944 11 7
Ginsberg, Louis 1956 11 3
Ginsburg, Bernard 1926 3 8
Ginsburg, Roderick A. 1939 10 2
Ginsburg, Roderick A. 1944 12 4
Ginsburg, Roderick A. 1944, 1946 11 7
Ginsburg, Roderick A. 1946 12 2
Gittelsohn, Rabbi Roland B. 1951 6 1
Glasner, Rabbi Samuel 1943 6 1
Glassberg, Benjamin 1927 6 1
Glazer, Rabbi B. Benedict 1951 6 1
Glicenstein, Enrico 1930 6 1
Glick, L. 1937 10 2
Glicksman, Nathan 1933 6 1
Glueck, Nelson 1932, 1936-1940, 1947-1958 6 1
Glueck, Nelson 1954 6 5
Glueck, Nelson 1955 6 6
Gluska, Zacharia 1948-1950 6 1
Golb, Norman 1958 6 1
Gold, Walter L. 1939 8 7
Goldberg, A. G. 1938 6 1
Goldberg, Charles L. 1941, 1952 5 6
Goldberg, Charles L. 1946, 1948 5 7
Goldberg, I. E. 1940 6 1
Goldberg, Rabbi Joshua L. 1940 8 7
Goldberger, Paul L. 1943 12 2
Goldburg, Rabbi Ariel L. 1929, 1958 6 1
Goldburg, Rabbi Robert E. 1960 6 1
Goldenberg, Samuel 1958 6 1
Goldenson, Rabbi Samuel H. 1933 6 1
Goldenson, Rabbi Samuel H. 1935 5 6
Goldenson, Rabbi Samuel H. 1939 8 7
Goldfarb, Max 1955 11 3
Goldfien, Irving 1947 6 1
Goldman, Joseph 1958 6 1
Goldman, Rabbi Alex J. 1960 6 1
Goldman, Rabbi Solomon 1917 3 3
Goldman, Rabbi Solomon 1920 3 6
Goldman, Rabbi Solomon 1951 6 1
Goldmann, Leo 1955 6 6
Goldsmith, Edgar L. 1934 6 1
Goldsteane, I. 1938 10 2
Goldstein, Dr. Israel 1946 6 1
Goldstein, Fanny 1939 10 2
Goldstein, Fanny 1944 11 7
Goldstein, N. B. 1926 5 5
Goldstein, N. B. 1941 6 1
Goldstein, Rabbi Sidney E. 1920 5 10
Goldstein, Rabbi Sidney E. 1934, 1936, 1949 6 1
Goldstick, Isidore 1942 10 9
Gollancz, Victor 1945 6 1
Gonski, Casimir 1932 6 1
Goodland, Governor Walter S. 1945 6 1
Goodman, Fred 1957 6 1
Goodman, Harry B. 1932 6 1
Goodman, Kenneth 1953 6 1
Goodman, Rabbi Abram V. 1940 10 9
Goodman, Rabbi Philip 1949, 1959 6 1
Goodsit, Dr. Alfred H. 1947, 1949 6 1
Goodwill Industries 1956 6 1
Gordis, Rabbi Robert 1958 12 5
Gordon, Rabbi Julius 1947 6 1
Gordon, Rabbi Samuel H. 1926 5 4
Gordon, Rabbi Theodore H. 1942 5 7
Gordon, Rabbi Theodore H. 1944, 1948, 1951 6 1
Gorfinkel, Joseph A. 1954 6 5
Gorin, Rabbi Paul 1947 5 6
Gottschall, A. W. 1935 6 1
Governor's Commission on Human Rights 1945-1949 6 1
Governor's Conference on Education Beyond the High School 1958 6 1
Gradwohl, Bernard S. 1943 11 2
Gradwohl, Bertnard S. 1944 6 1
Granison, Rabbi Abram M. 1945 5 7
Grayzel, Dr. Solomon 1939-1940 10 5
Grayzel, Dr. Solomon 1941-1943 10 10
Grayzel, Dr. Solomon 1942-1945 12 2
Grayzel, Dr. Solomon 1943 11 2
Grayzel, Dr. Solomon 1943, 1951, 1954, 1960 6 1
Grayzel, Dr. Solomon 1944 11 7
Grayzel, Dr. Solomon 1950-1956 11 4
Greely, Helen Hoy 1937 6 1
Green, Dr. Alan S. 1943 6 1
Greenblath, Herbert 1954 6 4
Greenwald, Mrs. David 1934 5 6
Greenwald, Mrs. Oscar 1942, 1947 6 1
Grigaitis, Dr. Pius 1944 11 7
Grigaitis, Dr. Pius 1944 12 4
Grombacher, G. F. 1959 6 1
Gross, E. L. 1942 6 1
Grossek, Rev. John Gabriel 1944 6 1
Grossek, Rev. John Gabriel 1944 11 7
Grossman, David 1955 6 1
Grossman, Frank 1945 6 1
Grossman, Rabbi J. B. 1916 3 2
Grossman, Rabbi Louis 1918 3 4
Grossman, Rabbi Louis 1921 6 1
Grossman, Robert 1958 6 1
Gruen, Rabbi Iwen 1939 6 1
Gummerus, Elizabeth 1939 10 2
Gustafson, Dr. Alric 1944 11 7
Gutstadt, Richard E. 1940 10 5
Gutstadt, Richard E. 1941 10 9
Gyro Club-Davenport, Iowa 1922, 1926 6 1
Haber, Prof. William 1939 6 2
Hale, Salo 1940 10 2
Halkin, Simon 1953 11 3
Halper, B. 1921 6 2
Hamilton, R. N. 1945, 1949, 1951 6 2
Hammerschlag, Robert S. 1957 6 2
Hanna, Rev. John B. 1939 6 2
Harcourt, Brace and Co. Inc. 1940 10 5
Harcourt, Brace and Co. Inc. 1942 10 10
Harkness, Dr. Gorden F. 1924 6 2
Harlow, Prof. Ralph S. 1944 11 7
Harman, Avraham 1953 11 3
Harper & Brothers 1942 10 10
Harris, Mrs. Cora L. 1946 6 2
Harris, Rabbi Samuel J. 1922, 1923 6 2
Harrison, Mrs. Mortimer A. 1949 6 2
Hart, Edward M. 1925 5 8
Hart, M. B. C. 1935 5 7
Hart, Rev. Charles A. 1945 12 4
Harvard University Press 1942 10 10
Haugen, Prof. Einar I. 1944 11 7
Hauser, Otto Robert 1932 6 2
Havill, Clara Z. 1937 5 7
Haydon, Dr. Eustace A. 1957 6 2
Haydon, Dr. Eustace A. 1957 12 5
Heath & Co. 1942 10 10
Heavenrich, Herbert S. 1942 5 6
Hebrew Studies, Department of (at U. W.) 1947-1953 6 3
Hebrew Studies, Department of (at U.W.) 1954 January-September 6 4
Hebrew Studies, Department of (at U.W.) 1955 January-May 6 6
Hebrew Studies, Department of (at U.W.) 1955 June-1958 6 7
Hebrew Studies, Department of (at U.W.) 1954 October-December 6 5
Hebrew Union College Alumni Association 1934-1960 6 8
Hebrew Union College Library 1944 11 7
Hebrew Union College 1928, 1938-1945, 1952-1958 6 8
Hebrew Union College 1936 10 2
Hebrew University Library 1937-1954 6 9
Hebrews in Milwaukee High Schools 1945 6 2
Heemskerk, J. 1935 6 10
Heifetz, B. D. 1943 5 7
Heifetz, B. D. 1946 5 6
Heifetz, L. 1957 6 10
Heifetz-Tugman, Milhah 1928 6 10
Heilbronner, Herbert 1949 5 6
Heineman, Stella 1940 10 2
Helfaer, Evan P. 1954 6 5
Helfaer, Evan P. 1955 6 6
Helfgott, Dr. M. A. 1925 3 8
Heller, Belle 1931 6 10
Heller, Mrs. Nathan M. 1926 6 10
Heller, Nathan M. 1956 6 10
Heller, Rabbi Bernard 1918 3 4
Heller, Rabbi Bernard 1919 3 5
Heller, Rabbi Bernard 1920, 1921 3 6
Heller, Rabbi James G. 1926 8 11
Heller, Rabbi James G. 1943, 1951 6 10
Heller, Rabbi Max 1919 3 5
Heller, Rabbi Max 1920 4 11
Heller, Rabbi Max 1920-1927 6 10
Helvig, Clara Cook 1925 6 10
Hendee, State Senator Kirby 1957 6 10
Henderson, Daniel M. 1944 11 7
Henry Holt and Company 1942, 1943 10 10
Herbert, Dr. Edward 1938 10 2
Herbst, R. K. 1943 6 10
Hersh, Emil 1954 6 4
Hertz, Emanuel 1939 6 10
Hertz, Emanuel 1939 10 2
Hertz, Rabbi J. H. 1937 10 2
Hertz, Rabbi Richard C. 1934, 1942, 1946, 1956-1959 6 10
Hertz, Rabbi Richard C. 1954 6 5
Herzberg, Max J. 1919 3 5
Heschel, Dr. Abraham J. 1940, 1941 10 9
Heschel, Dr. Abraham J. 1959 6 10
Hess, Robert A. 1940 10 5
Hilfman, Edith Y. 1926 3 8
Hilfman, Edith Y. 1956, 1958 4 2
Hill, Prof. Henry Bertram 1957 6 10
Hill, Ruth 1933, 1934 6 10
Hillman-Curl 1942 10 10
Hinrichsen, Fred A. 1926 6 10
Hirsch, Ben 1940 10 8
Hirsch, Emil G. 1922 6 10
Hirsch, Louis 1954 6 4
Hirshberg, Rabbi Arthur M. 1954 6 4
Hirshberg, Rabbi Samuel 1919 3 5
Hirshberg, Rabbi Samuel 1922, 1924, 1926-1932, 1941 6 10
Hirshberg, Rabbi Samuel 1925, 1926 5 5
Hirshberg, Rabbi Samuel 1947 4 1
Hispanic Society of America 1944 11 7
History Round Table-Davenport, Iowa 1922 6 10
Hoan, Mayor Daniel W. (of Milwaukee) 1932, 1935, 1937 6 10
Hoas, Bishop Francis J. 1943 6 10
Hochman, Chaplain Jacob 1944 11 7
Hochman, Chaplain Jacob 1944 12 4
Hodes, Barnet 1943 10 10
Hodes, Barnet 1944 6 10
Hogue, Rev. Meredith M. 1945, 1950 6 10
Holman, Bernard 1946 8 9
Holmes, John Hayes 1942 10 10
Holmes, John Hayes 1943 11 2
Holtzman, W. L. 1923 6 10
Homann, Mrs. Carl J. 1944 11 7
Honor, Dr. Leo 1942 5 7
Hook, Sidney 1942 6 10
Horwitz, Isac 1944 11 7
Horwitz, Simon 1955 6 7
Horwitz, Simon 1956 11 5
Houghton Mifflin Co. 1942 10 10
Houghton Mifflin Co. 1943 12 3
Hourwich, Isaac H. 1923 6 10
Howe, Mrs. Marion 1942 10 9
Huch, Frau Ricarda 1940 10 5
Huizinga, Dr. Henry 1940 10 8
Humanist 1933 6 10
Humanities Research Institute 1958-1960 6 10
Hunterberg, Max 1939 10 2
Hunterberg, Max 1942 10 10
Hurst, Fannie 1956 11 3
Hurwitz, Henry 1919 3 5
Hurwitz, Henry 1931, 1938-1939, 1951-1952 6 10
Hurwitz, Henry 1940 10 2
Hurwitz, Maximilian 1927-1928, 1934 6 10
Hurwitz, Rabbi Samuel D. 1940 6 10
Hurwitz, Rabbi Samuel D. undated 10 8
Hutchinson & Co. 1939 10 5
Hutchinson & Co. 1942 10 10
Hutchinson, Paul 1940 12 4
Hyman, J. Jesse 1955 6 6
Hyman, Mrs. M. (Ray) 1918 3 4
Hyman, Mrs. M. (Ray) 1920, 1921 3 6
Hyman, Mrs. M. (Ray) 1922, 1923 3 7
Hyman, Mrs. M. (Ray) 1924-1927 3 8
Hyman, Mrs. M. (Ray) 1956, 1958, 1960 4 2
Hyman, Mrs. M. (Ray) undated 4 3
Idelsohn, Prof. A. Z. 1926 7 1
Inaugural Pictures Corporation 1941 7 1
Independent Book Corporation 1940 10 5
India, Government of-Bureau of Public Information 1941 12 4
Ingraham, Dean M. H. 1955 6 6
Interfaith Broadcast Series 1945-1947 7 1
International Publishers 1942 10 10
Iola, Hyman 1919 3 5
Isaacs, Lewis M. Jr. 1957 7 1
Isaacson, Rabbi Isadore 1926 8 11
Isacson, Rabbi 1923 7 1
Israel, Rabbi Edward 1940 10 8
Israel, Temple-Minneapolis 1922 March-April 7 1
Isserman, Rabbi Ferdinand 1957-1958 7 1
J. B. Lippincott Company 1942 11 1
Jaakson, Ernest (Estonia) 1944 11 7
Jacard, David 1939 10 2
Jacob, Rabbi Ernest I. 1944 7 2
Jacob, Rabbi Ernest I. 1944 11 7
Jacobs, Dr. Maurice R. 1920, 1951 7 2
Jacobs, Dr. Maurice R. 1938-1940 10 6
Jacobs, Dr. Maurice R. 1940-1944 11 1
Jacobs, Dr. Maurice R. 1943-1945 11 2
Jacobs, Dr. Maurice R. 1946-1947 11 7
Jacobs, Dr. Maurice R. 1955 6 6
Jacobs, Emanuel L. 1954 6 5
Jacobs, Emanuel L. 1955 6 6
Jacobson, Rabbi Solomon 1939, 1941 7 2
Jameson, Samuel Haig 1940 10 9
Jenney, Ray Freeman 1943 11 2
Jensen, Dr. Ellis E. 1940 10 8
Jewish Biographical Bureau 1926 7 2
Jewish Book Council of America 1958-959 7 2
Jewish Book Fair-Detroit, J. C. C. 1956 7 2
Jewish Braille Institute of America Inc. 1941 10 8
Jewish Chautauqua Society 1939-1951 7 2
Jewish Chronicle of London 1938 7 2
Jewish Chronicle of London 1938 7 8
Jewish Chronicle of London 1939 10 2
Jewish Chronicle of London 1942 11 1
Jewish Community Center of Milwaukee 1955-1956 7 2
Jewish Community Center of Milwaukee 1956 11 5
Jewish Community Office-Davenport, Iowa 1927-1933 7 2
Jewish Culture Fund 1928-1932 7 2
Jewish Education Association 1927-1929 7 2
Jewish Information Bureau 1937-1938 10 2
Jewish Information Bureau 1940 7 2
Jewish Institute of Religion 1942 11 1
Jewish Library Bureau 1919 April-May 7 2
Jewish News 1943 11 2
Jewish Publication Society of America 1922, 1943 7 2
Jewish Social Research, Bureau of 1921 7 2
Jewish Social Studies 1954-1955 7 2
Jewish Spectator 1942 11 1
Jewish Statistical Bureau 1935-1953, 1955 7 3
Jewish Student Congregation-University of Missouri 1926 7 4
Jewish Theological Seminary of America 1940, 1954 7 4
Jewish Tribune 1922 7 4
The Jewish Veteran 1940 10 8
Jewish War Veterans of the United States 1939 7 4
Jewish Young Men's Association-Rochester, New York 1926 7 4
Jewish Youth of America, League of 1918 7 4
Jinarajadasa 1946 12 4
Joffo, David Paul 1955, 1959 7 4
Johnson, Willard 1940 10 8
Jordan, S. Burnett 1921 7 4
Josefberg, Dr. I. E. 1952 11 3
Joseph, Edward C. 1940 7 4
Joseph, Edward C. 1940 10 8
Josolowitz, Samuel 1942, 1945 5 7
Journal of Commerce 1937 10 2
Journal of Commerce 1942 11 1
Joyce, Pvt. Joseph B. 1941 7 4
Judah, Temple-Cedar Rapids, Iowa 1926-1928 7 4
Judah, Temple-Chicago 1925 7 4
Judell, Philip 1929, 1932 5 5
Judell, Philip 1935, 1937 5 6
Judischer Central-Verein E. V. 1937 10 2
Jung, Dr. Moses 1942 10 9
Junior Hadassah 1940 10 8
Kader, Dr. Boris M. 1945 12 4
Kadushin, Rabbi Max 1932 3 9
Kadushin, Rabbi Max 1941 7 5
Kaelter, Wolfgang 1937 10 2
Kagan, Rabbi Henry E. 1941 10 9
Kagan, Rabbi Henry E. 1957 7 5
Kahn, Isaac W. 1921 7 5
Kaiser, F. P. 1942 11 1
Kaleko 1943 11 7
Kalenich, Wayne 1944 11 7
Kander, Ruth 1946 7 5
Kanof, Dr. Abram 1959 7 5
Kaplan, Dr. Louis 1955 11 3
Kaplan, Dr. Louis 1955, 1957-1958 7 5
Kaplan, Dr. Louis 1958 12 5
Kaplan, Julius 1934 7 5
Kaplan, Lewis G. 1944 11 7
Kaplan, Mrs. Harry G. 1940 10 8
Kaplan, Nathan D. 1937 7 5
Kaplan, Rabbi Israel L. 1951 7 5
Kaplan, Rabbi Jacob H. 1918 3 4
Kaplan, Rabbi Jacob H. 1920 7 5
Kaplan, Rabbi Mordecai 1918 3 4
Kaplan, Rabbi Mordecai 1928, 1933, circa 1945 7 5
Kaplan, Rabbi Samuel 1930 7 5
Kaplan, Rachel 1928 7 5
Karten, David 1957 7 5
Kass, Dr. Jacob P. undated 7 5
Kates, Adolph H. 1946 12 4
Katter, Nafe 1957 7 5
Katz, A. Raymond 1941, 1944, 1947-1948, 1951 7 5
Katz, Alan 1957 5 6
Katz, Irving I. 1944 11 1
Katz, Irving I. 1945-1946, 1948, 1955 7 5
Katz, Isador 1926-1927 7 5
Katz, Lawrence S. 1943 11 2
Katz, Mrs. A. L. 1940 8 7
Katz, Nathan 1940 12 3
Katzenstein, Hans 1938 10 2
Kaufman, Rabbi Jay 1958 7 5
Kaufman, Walter A. 1944-1946 11 7
Kauvar, C. E. H. 1940 10 8
Kay, Howard 1953, 1958-1959 7 5
Keiser, Samuel 1916 3 2
Keiser, Samuel 1917 3 3
Keiser, Samuel undated 4 3
Kempner, Dr. Stanislav 1919 3 5
Kempner, Dr. Stanislav 1920, 1921 3 6
Kepler, Prof. Thomas S. 1937, 1941, 1945-1946 7 5
Keren Hayesod 1922-1923 7 5
Kesselman, Janet 1932 7 5
Kesselman, Louis M. 1933 5 5
Kesselman, Louis M. 1946 7 5
Keyfitz, Dr. Isadore 1955 6 6
Kibrick, Dr. Salvador 1940 4 11
Kiell, Norman 1941 7 5
Kiell, Norman 1956 11 5
Kiev, Rabbi I. Edward 1958-1959 7 5
Kiley, Rev. Moses E. 1940 7 5
Kirkconnell, Prof. Watson 1944 11 7
Kisch, Prof. Guido 1944, 1958-1959 7 5
Kisch, Prof. Guido 1946 12 2
Kisch, Prof. Guido 1956 11 3
Klabouch, John V. 1939 7 6
Klanfer, Dr. Maximilian 1939 8 7
Klass, Ann Traxler 1926-1927 7 6
Klass, Mr.and Mrs. Raymond N. 1926 7 6
Klass, Raymond N. 1926-1927 7 6
Kleinlerer, Dr. David 1944 11 7
Kleinlerer, Edward D. 1941 10 9
Kleinman, Rabbi Solomon F. 1959 7 6
Klotsche, J. Martin 1948, 1956 7 6
Knieger, Bernard 1957 12 5
Kobler, Beulah D. 1935 8 9
Kohana, Dr. M. A. 1958 7 6
Kohler, Dr. Kaufmann 1916 3 2
Kohler, Dr. Kaufmann 1918 3 4
Kohn, Dr. Samuel E. 1939 7 6
Kohn, Hans 1939-1940 7 6
Kohn, Lillian 1946 7 6
Kolmas, Harry R. 1943 7 6
Konop, J. G. 1939 10 2
Konop, J. G. undated 7 6
Kopald, Rabbi Louis J. 1928-1929 7 6
Korgueff, Prof. S. 1932 7 6
Korn, Rabbi Bertram W. 1948 7 6
Kornfeld, Dr. I. 1957 7 6
Kosover, Mordecai 1938 10 2
Kotsuji, Dr. Abram S. 1941, 1945 7 6
Krass, Rabbi Nathan 1927 7 6
Krassovsky, Prof. C. T. 1945 10 8
Krauss, Dr. Samuel 1938 8 7
Kreymborg, Alfred 1944-1945 11 7
Kridl, Prof. Manfred 1944 12 2
Krim, Rabbi Abba I. 1933, 1939 7 6
Krimsky, Dr. Joseph 1924 7 6
Kripke, Rabbi Myer S. 1938 7 6
Kripke, Rabbi Myer S. 1940 10 8
Kristianpoller, Dr. Alex 1933 3 9
Kristianpoller, Dr. Alex 1933-1934, 1938 7 6
Kristianpoller, Dr. Alex 1939 8 7
Krolfifer, Rev. Julius F. 1924-1925 7 6
Kronenberger, Dr. Fritz 1940 8 7
Krug, Richard E. 1960 7 6
Kruger, Dr. Daniel H. 1958 12 5
Kvist, Anton 1944 11 7
Kyllonen, Rev. Edwin A. 1944 11 7
L. B. Fisher Publishing Corp. 1942 11 1
Labowitch, David 1926 7 7
LaFollette, Governor Philip F. 1935 7 7
Laide, Rabbi of Naples, Italy 1932 7 7
Lamfrom, Leon B. 1933 5 5
Lamfrom, Leon B. 1954 6 4
Lamm, Louis 1932 7 7
Landa, Bjarne E. 1939 10 2
Landman, Isaac 1919 3 5
Landman, Isaac 1937 7 7
Landman, Rabbi Solomon 1920-1921, 1926, 1930 7 7
Landsberger, Franz 1940 10 2
Landsberger, Franz 1940 10 9
Landsberger, Franz 1940-1941 8 7
Lane, Elias 1930, 1956 7 7
Lane, John 1939-1940 10 7
Langbein, Mr. and Mrs. 1920 7 7
Langbein, Mrs. Sophie 1921, 1926 7 7
Langer, Prof. Rudolph E. 1954 6 4
Langer, Prof. Rudolph E. 1954 6 5
Langer, Prof. Rudolph E. 1955 6 6
Langer, Prof. Rudolph E. 1957 7 7
Lapidus, Harry 1925-1926 7 7
Lappen, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. 1926 7 7
Laserson, Prof. Max M. 1943 10 9
Lauterbach, Prof. Jacob Z. 1918, 1940 7 7
Lauterbach, Prof. Jacob Z. 1940 11 7
Lawrence, Gunther 1958 7 7
Lawrence, John S. 1955 7 7
Lawrie, Lee 1943 11 1
Lawrie, Lee 1943 11 2
Lazaron, Rabbi Morris J. 1923, 1933 7 7
Lazaron, Rabbi Morris J. 1926 8 11
Lazaron, Rabbi Morris J. 1953 11 3
Lazaron, Rabbi Morris J. 1957 11 5
Lazarus, Edna Y. 1922 5 2
Lazarus, Fred, Jr. 1954 6 4
Lazenby, John C. 1940, 1948 7 7
Leacock, Stephen 1936 7 7
League for Labor Palestine 1935 7 7
Lefkowitz, Rabbi David 1926 8 11
Lefkowitz, Rabbi David 1926, 1929, 1933, 1951 7 7
Lehman, Senator Herbert 1956 11 3
Leibenson, David H. 1954 6 5
Leibsohn, Charlotte 1927 7 7
Leipziger, Rabbi Emil W. 1933, 1946, 1951, 1956 7 7
Leiser, Clara 1936-1940 7 7
Lelyveld, Rabbi Arthur J. 1953 4 2
Lesser, J. H. 1920 4 11
Levi, Rabbi Aaron 1926 8 11
Levi, Rabbi Gerson B. 1932 7 7
Levi, Rabbi Harry 1935 7 7
Levich, Mrs. Alice 1923 7 8
Levin, Harry L. 1921, 1923 7 8
Levin, Meyer 1958 7 8
Levin, Moe 1924 7 8
Levinger, Rabbi Lee J. 1941 10 8
Levinson, Dr. A. 1930 7 8
Levinson, Leah 1938 8 7
Levitan, Solomon 1937 7 8
Levitats, Isaac 1954 7 8
Levner, Sidney A. 1935 7 8
Levor, Mrs. Rachel 1923-1926 7 8
Levy, Al and Doris 1956 7 8
Levy, Amelia 1945 7 8
Levy, Carrie B. 1958 7 8
Levy, Irving 1955 6 6
Levy, Rabbi Felix A. 1924-1929, 1936, 1944 7 8
Levy, Rabbi Felix A. 1926 8 11
Levy, Rabbi Felix A. 1935 5 6
Levy, Rabbi Felix A. 1938 8 7
Levy, Rabbi S. 1939-1940 10 2
Levy, Rabbi S. 1943 11 2
Levy, Raphael 1937 10 2
Levy, Sherwin 1956 7 8
Levytype Co. 1942 11 1
Lewis, Rev. John 1936 10 1
Lewis, Sinclair 1940 10 2
Lewisohn, Ludwig 1937 10 2
Library of Congress 1938 10 2
Library of Congress 1939-1940 10 7
Library of Congress 1944 11 7
Library of Congress 1946 7 8
Lieberman, Albert B. 1942 7 8
Lieberman, Dr. Benjamin 1939 5 6
Lieberman, Dr. Joshua Loth 1946-1948 7 8
Lieberman, Joan 1957 7 8
Lieberman, Mrs. Joseph 1957 7 8
Limitation of Armaments 1921 7 8
Lind, Herbert H. 1940 7 8
Lind, Herbert H. 1940 10 8
Linfield, Dr. Harry S. 1935-1946, 1952, 1955 7 3
Linfield, Dr. Harry S. 1936-1937 10 2
Linfield, Dr. Harry S. 1941-1942 10 9
Linfield, Dr. Harry S. 1944 11 7
Linfield, Dr. Harry S. 1956 11 3
Linley, Helen 1946 7 8
Lipschutz 1939 10 2
Lipsky, Eleazor 1956 11 3
Lipsky, Sylvia 1920 7 8
Lissack, Pamela 1943-1944 7 8
Lissauer, Herman 1930 7 8
Lithuanian Representative 1920 7 8
Litman, Alexander 1926 7 8
Little Theatre Inc. 1938 7 8
Little, Brown & Company 1942 11 1
Living Church 1943 11 2
Livingston, Prof. Arthur 1940 10 7
Lloyd, Patrick 1940 10 8
Loeb, Joseph 1939 8 7
Loeb, L. 1926 5 5
Loewi, Victor 1954 6 4
Loewi, Victor 1955 6 6
“Logos” 1939 10 2
“Logos” 1939 10 7
London Daily Express 1942 11 1
Londow, E. J. 1915, 1916 7 8
Longmans, Green & Co. 1940 10 7
Longmans, Green & Co. 1942, 1943 11 1
Lopez, Dr. Robert S. 1941 7 8
Lopez, Dr. Robert S. 1941 10 9
Lopez, Dr. Robert S. 1944 11 7
Lopez, Dr. Robert S. 1944-1945 12 4
Lord, Clifford L. 1958 7 8
Loss, Dr. Hyme 1942-1943 10 9
Loss, Dr. Hyme 1943 7 8
Loss, Dr. Hyme 1943 11 2
Lowdermilk Dinner 1945 7 8
Lowdermilk, W. C. 1944 7 8
Lowenberg, Mrs. Florence 1922-1923, 1925 7 8
Lowenthal, Marvin 1937 10 2
Lucas, John A. 1939, 1945, 1948 7 8
Lucky Seven Club 1927 7 8
Luhman, George B. 1942 7 8
Lupton, Dr. Dilworth 1942 11 1
Lupton, Dr. Dilworth 1943 11 2
Luria, Dr. Max A. 1942 11 7
Lurie, Sholom 1955 7 8
Lyon, Mary 1943 11 1
Lyons, Rabbi Alexander 1918 3 4
MacFarlane, Dr. Eileen W. Erlanson 1940 10 8
MacFarlane, Dr. Eileen W. Erlanson 1940 12 4
Macht, Rabbi Wolfe 1919 3 5
Mack, Hon. Julian W. 1922 7 9
MacLeish, Dr. Archibald 1944 11 7
MacMillan Company 1942-1943 11 1
MacMillan, Helen B. 1944 11 7
Magnes, Dr. Judah L. 1918 3 4
Magnes, Dr. Judah L. 1924 7 9
Mahler, Dr. Raphael 1945 7 9
Mahler, Dr. Raphael 1945 12 2
Maites, H. L. 1940 10 8
Mallan, Lloyd 1944 11 7
Mallin, Ruth 1920 3 6
Malmon, M. 1948 7 9
Manchester Guardian 1942 11 1
Mandelbaum, David G. 1939 10 3
Manilla 1924 7 9
Manis, Nate 1954 6 5
Manitowoc, Wisconsin 1944 7 9
Mann, Dr. Robert W. 1954 6 5
Mann, Leo 1948 7 9
Mann, Prof. Jacob 1925 7 9
Mann, Rabbi Louis L. 1926-1948 7 9
Mann, Rabbi Louis L. 1931 3 9
Mann, Rabbi Louis L. 1935 5 6
Mannheimer, Rabbi Eugene 1920-1942 7 9
Mansoor, Dr. Menahem 1955 6 6
Mansoor, Dr. Menahem 1955-1958 6 7
Mansoor, Dr. Menahem 1955-1960 7 9
Mansoor, Dr. Menahem 1957 11 5
Mansoor, Dr. Menahem undated 12 5
Marcus, Ben D. 1954 6 4
Marcus, Ben D. 1959 7 9
Marcus, Dr. Jacob R. 1920-1959 7 9
Marcus, Dr. Jacob R. 1937, 1939 10 3
Marcus, Dr. Jacob R. 1940 10 8
Marcus, Dr. Jacob R. 1942 10 9
Marcus, Stephen H. 1959 4 2
Marcuson, Rabbi Isaac E. 1921, 1948 7 9
Margalith, H. 1941 10 8
Margold, Charles W. 1917 7 9
Mark, Rabbi Julius 1956 11 5
Markowitz, Rabbi Samuel H. 1939, 1958 7 9
Marks, Rabbi Samuel 1920 7 9
Marmor, David I. 1952 11 3
Marquette University Library 1935, 1937 7 9
Marseille, Dr. Walter W. 1944 7 9
Marshall, Louis 1918 3 4
Marx, Alexander 1938 10 3
Marx, Groucho 1957 12 5
Masserman, Paul 1927 7 9
Mateus, Gertrude 1941 7 9
Mathews, Prof. Basil 1943 11 1
Matsoff, Jules 1954 6 4
Mattuck, Rabbi Israel 1944, 1951 7 9
Matzner, Rabbi David J. 1955 6 7
Matzner, Rabbi David J. 1955-1958 7 9
Mayer, Louis 1955 6 6
Mayer, Rabbi Harry H. 1940 10 8
Mayer, Rabbi Harry H. 1940 11 7
Mayer, William 1940 10 3
Mayer, William 1940 11 7
Mayerberg, Rabbi Samuel S. 1940, 1946, 1955, 1958 7 9
McClurg Company, Publishers 1939-1940 10 7
McConnell, J. 1943 11 2
McCormick, Anne O'Hare 1943 11 2
McCreary, Rev. George B. 1945 11 2
McDonald, James G. 1951 7 9
McIntyre, Mrs. A. B. undated 7 9
McLaughlin, Leo 1942 11 1
McMasters, William H. 1933 7 9
McMurray, Rep. Howard J. 1943 11 2
Meiklejohn, Alexander 1932 7 9
Meissner, Edwin B., Jr. 1957 7 9
Meissner, Harry V. 1927 7 9
Meissner, Harry V. 1928 5 7
Mendelsohn, Rabbi S. Felix 1925-1926, 1951 7 9
Mendelson Fund 1960 7 9
Menorah Association 1922, 1952 7 9
Menorah Journal 1926-1944 7 9
Menorah Journal 1939 10 7
Menuhen, Moshe 1915 3 1
Methodist Youth Conference 1934 7 9
Metropolitan Milwaukee War Memorial Inc. 1946 7 9
Metropolitan Museum of Art 1943 11 1
Mexico City Herald 1942 11 1
Meyer, Rabbi Myron M. 1926 7 9
Meyerowitz, Rabbi Jacob 1921, 1923 7 9
Meysels, Lucien and Simone undated 7 9
Meysels, Lucien O. 1958 12 5
Michael, Max G. 1920 4 11
Michelstetter, Donald 1954 6 4
Michigan, University of, Library undated 12 2
Mielzinck, Jac 1937 10 3
Mihelic, Joseph N. 1947 12 4
Milhaud, Madeleine 1944 11 7
Milwaukee Athletic Club 1926 7 10
Milwaukee Auditorium Board 1936 7 10
Milwaukee Centurama 1946 7 10
Milwaukee Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy 1958 7 10
Milwaukee Committee on Public Information about Jews and Judaism 1938 7 10
Milwaukee Council of Churches 1938-1948 7 10
Milwaukee County Community Fund and Council of Social Agencies 1936, 1940 7 10
Milwaukee County Historical Society 1959 7 10
Milwaukee Downer College 1935, 1937, 1939 7 10
Milwaukee Jewish Community Center 1940 10 8
Milwaukee Jewish Council 1938-1945, 1959 7 10
Milwaukee Jewish National Fund 1926 7 10
Milwaukee Jewish Welfare Fund 1938-1960 7 10
Milwaukee Journal 1938, 1956 7 10
Milwaukee Journal 1942 11 1
Milwaukee Junior Chamber of Commerce 1939 7 10
Milwaukee Minister's Fellowship 1944 7 10
Milwaukee Public Library 1935 7 10
Milwaukee Public Schools 1935 7 10
Milwaukee Sentinel 1942 11 1
Milwaukee Talmud Torah 1926-1929 7 10
Mimpui, Jacob S. 1942 12 2
Minda, Rabbi Albert G. 1919 3 5
Minda, Rabbi Albert G. 1927, 1944, 1946, 1951, 1958 7 10
Minda, Rabbi Albert G. 1939 10 3
Minnesota, University of, Librarian 1944 11 7
Mirsky, Samuel K. 1954 6 5
Mischkind, Rabbi Louis A. 1919 3 5
Mischkind, Rabbi Louis A. 1925 7 10
Mitana, T. 1944 7 10
Mittelman 1954 6 4
Mizpah, Temple-Chicago 1943 11 2
Mizpah, Temple-Chicago 1958 7 10
Modder, Montagu 1939 10 3
Modern Library Inc. 1940 10 7
Moehlman, Dr. Conrad Henry 1939-1940 8 1
Moehlman, Dr. Conrad Henry 1942 11 1
“Moledeth” Committee 1914-1915 3 1
Monsky, Henry 1943 8 1
Montague, Prof. W. P. 1916 3 2
Montefiore, Claude G. 1919 3 5
Montefiore, Claude G. 1923 8 1
Mordell, Albert 1945 12 4
Morehouse, Clifford P. 1937 10 3
Morehouse, Clifford P. 1937-1938, 1940 8 1
Morganthau, Henry 1917 3 3
Morgenstern, Dr. Julian 1918 3 4
Morgenstern, Dr. Julian 1918, 1922-1951 8 1
Morgenstern, Dr. Julian 1926, 1933 5 4
Morgenstern, Dr. Julian 1935 5 6
Morgenstern, Dr. Julian 1940 10 8
Morgenstern, Dr. Julian 1943 11 2
Moritz, Mr. and Mrs. Sol. 1920-1921 8 1
Morska-Glas, Irene 1945 12 4
Mosenfelder, Mrs. Amelia 1921 8 1
Mosher, Herman A. 1958 5 6
Mosher, Herman A. 1958 8 1
Moskowitz, Moses 1938 10 3
Mount Sinai Congregation-Wausau, Wisconsin 1944 9 4
Mount Sinai Hospital-Milwaukee 1938, 1956 8 1
Mount Zion Hebrew Congregation 1921 8 1
Moyer, Henry S. 1945 8 1
Muchin, Jacob 1954 6 4
Muchin, Jacob 1954 6 5
Muelle, Jorge C. 1957 12 5
Mueller, Hon. A. C. 1920 8 1
Mueller, Walter 1937 8 1
Mullen, D. Robert 1954 6 5
Mullen, D. Robert 1955 6 6-7
Mullen, D. Robert 1955 6 7
Munksgaard, Dr. Ejnar 1939 10 3
Murphy, Thomas 1949 8 1
Murray, John 1942 11 1
Murray, Mary Wood undated 8 1
Muscatine Journal 1926 8 1
Museum of Modern Art 1943 11 1
Muskegon, Michigan 1944 8 1
Nachshen, Robert 1922 8 2
Nathan, Edward A. 1942 10 9
Nation 1942 11 1
National Broadcasting Company 1942 11 1
National Conference of Christians and Jews 1934-1947 8 2
National Conference of Christians and Jews 1940 10 8
National Conference of Christians and Jews 1943 11 2
National Co-ordinating Committee for Aid to Refugees and Emigrants Coming from Germany 1938 8 3
National Council of Jewish Juniors 1939 8 3
National Farm School 1937 8 3
National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods 1956 11 5
National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods 1921 3 6
National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods 1936 10 1
National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods 1940 10 8
National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods 1948, 1958 8 3
National Federation of Temple Youth 1943 8 3
National Herald 1941 10 9
National Herald (Ethnikos Keryx) 1942 11 1
National Jewish Hospital 1924-1930, 1935 8 3
National Jewish Hospital 1956 11 5
National Jewish Monthly 1941 11 1
National Jewish Welfare Board 1955 8 3
Nay, Gertrude 1955 8 3
Naziism 1942 8 3
Neagoe, Peter 1944 11 7
Neely, Rep. Mathew M. 1945 8 3
Neiditsh, I. 1944 11 7
Nelson, N. J. 1945 11 7
Nemoy, Leon 1938 10 3
Netherlands, Consulate General 1937 10 3
Netherlands, Information Bureau 1941 10 9
Neuman, Dr. Henry 1943 11 2
Neuman, Dr. Henry 1944 11 7
Neuman, Emanuel 1914-1915 3 1
Neuman, Emanuel 1916 3 2
Neuman, Emanuel 1917 3 3
Neuman, Emanuel 1918 3 4
Neuman, Emanuel 1919 3 5
Neuman, Emanuel 1920 3 6
Neuman, Emanuel undated 4 3
Neuman, Rabbi Louis I. 1935 8 3
Neumann, Joshua H. 1915 3 1
Neumann, Joshua H. 1916 3 2
Neumann, Joshua H. 1917 3 3
Neumann, Joshua H. 1918 3 4
Neumann, Joshua H. 1919 3 5
Neumann, Joshua H. 1920 3 6
Neumark, Dr. David 1918 3 4
Neumark, Dr. David 1919 3 5
Neumark, Dr. David 1920 3 6
New York Academy of Medicine 1942 11 1
New York Public Library 1936 8 3
New York Times 1940 8 3
New York Times 1942 11 1
New York Times 1953 11 3
New York World Telegram 1937 8 3
New York World Telegram 1942 11 1
New Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold 1943 11 2
Newfield, Rabbi Morris 1938 8 3
Newman, Rabbi Louis I. 1926 8 11
Newman, Rabbi Louis I. 1933 8 3
Newman, Rabbi Louis I. 1951, 1952, 1956 11 3
Newton, David 1937 8 3
Nickoll, Ben E. 1948, 1958 8 3
Niebuhr, Reinhold 1937, 1941 8 3
Noble, Shlomo 1953 11 3
Normon, Dorothy 1942 12 4
North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy 1939 8 3
North American Newspaper Alliance 1941 10 9
North American Newspaper Alliance 1941 11 1
Northup, Helen 1958 12 5
Norton, Hal Earl 1943 8 3
Nutt, David 1942 11 1
Nyholm, Rev. Paul 1944 11 7
O'Brien, Donald 1931 8 4
O'Brien, Edward J. 1938 10 3
O'Brien, Howard V. 1943 11 2
O'Reilly, Chaplain A. J. 1943 8 4
O'Reilly, Ellen 1941 8 4
Observer 1942 11 1
Oko, O. S. 1918 3 4
Olan, Rabbi Levi A. 1958 8 4
Oliver, Mary Lindsay 1923 8 4
Oliverez, Reynaldo P. 1938 10 3
Olsen, Clarence 1936 10 3
Open Court Publishing Company 1942 11 1
Opinion 1937, 1942 8 4
Opinion 1942 11 1
ORT 1934, 1936, 1945 8 4
Orum, Alma 1955 9 4
Orum, Maurice 1958 9 4
Oshkosh, Wisconsin 1957, 1959 8 4
Ott 1943 11 7
Ottenstein, Joseph 1956 8 4
Ottenstein, Joseph 1956 11 5
Outlook 1942 11 1
Oxford University Press 1940 10 7
Oxford University Press 1940 10 8
Oxford University Press 1942 11 1
Ozer, Sol D. 1952 8 4
P. F. Collier & Son 1942 11 1
Padover, N. 1941 10 9
Padway, Joseph 1926, 1937 8 5
Palestine Development Leagues 1922-1923 8 5
Palestine Emergency Committee 1929-1930 8 5
Palmer Lodge 1931 8 5
Palmer School of Chiropractic 1922-1924 8 5
Pan American Union undated 11 7
Pappenheimer, Mrs. Ralph 1921 8 5
Parks, Hy B. 1939, 1942, 1946 8 5
Pastor, Rabbi Harry B. 1940, 1942-1948, 1955, 1956 8 5
Pastor, Rabbi Harry B. 1954 6 4
Patek, Dr. Arthur J. 1935, 1938 8 5
Paul, Olga 1937 10 3
Pavelczak, Andrew Paul 1945 12 2
Pearman, Thomas P. 1946 8 5
Peiser, George 1941 8 5
Pelcovitz, Nathan A. 1940 10 9
Pelikan, A. G. 1939 8 5
Pelletier, Pierre 1922 3 7
Pelley, W. D. 1938 8 5
Peltz, Richard 1959 8 5
Pentler, Lt. Harold 1945 8 5
Perelstein, Harris 1954 6 4
Perlman, Prof. Selig 1934-1959 8 5
Perlman, Prof. Selig 1953 6 3
Perman, Morris L. 1960 8 6
Perry, Ralph Barton 1938 10 3
Persky, Daniel 1952 11 3
Perutz, Prof. Hugo 1944 12 4
Petersberger, Isaac 1920 5 4
Petersberger, Isaac 1920-1921 8 6
Petersberger, Mrs. Isaac 1921 8 6
Petersberger, Richard 1921, 1927 8 6
Peterson, A. W. 1955 6 7
Peterson, Basil I. 1955 6 6-7
Peterson, Esther 1944 11 7
Phi Beta Kappa 1932 8 6
Philips, Lewis E. 1954 6 4-5
Philips, Lewis E. 1955 6 6
Philips, Lewis E. 1956-1957 4 2
Philipson, Rabbi David 1916 3 2
Philipson, Rabbi David 1917 3 3
Philipson, Rabbi David 1918 3 4
Philipson, Rabbi David 1919 3 5
Philipson, Rabbi David 1923-1939 8 6
Philipson, Rabbi David 1938 10 7
Philipson, Rabbi David 1945 12 2
Phillips, Louis E. 1943 8 6
Pi Tau Pi Fraternity 1935 8 6
Pieplow, William L. 1939 8 6
Pierson, Robert 1959 8 6
Pilchik, Ely E. 1939 8 6
Pine, Rabbi Jerome J. 1959-1960 8 6
Pinthus, Dr. Kurt 1944 11 7
Pirini, M. 1923 8 6
Plaut, Rabbi W. Gunther 1960 8 6
Plous, Frederick K. 1959 8 6
Plymouth Press 1942 11 1
Podea, Dr. Titus 1944 11 7
Pokorny, Frank 1944 11 7
Pokorny, Frank 1944 12 2
Polak, Henry S. L. 1942 10 9
Polakoff, David 1923, 1926 8 6
Polasky, Norman F. 1922 8 6
Polish Catholic Union 1944-1945 12 4
Polish Information Center 1944 11 7
Polish Information Service 1944 8 6
Polish Jew 1943 11 2
Polish Jewry 1932, 1936 8 6
Polish Seminary 1944 12 2
Polish Socialist Party 1941 10 9
Politis, M. J. 1941 10 9
Polpress News 1945 12 2
Polsky, Howard 1956-1958 8 6
Pomerantz, Al I. 1957 12 5
Pope, Generoso 1936-1937 10 3
Pope, Generoso 1938 8 6
Portugal 1944 12 4
Post, Judd 1958 8 6
Powelankey, Mary J. 1921-1922 8 6
Preil, Gabriel 1952 11 3
Price Hill Jewish Community Council 1942 8 6
Prince, Edward R. 1930, 1958 8 6
Prince, Edward R. 1938 10 7
Prince, Edward R. 1954-1958 5 6
Princeton University Library 1944 11 7
Pritzker, A. N. 1954 6 5
Protestant 1943 11 2
Protestant Digest 1941 10 9
Protestant Digest Inc. 1943 11 1
Ptaszynski 1944 11 7
Purinton, Carl Everett 1943 8 6
Purinton, Carl Everett 1943 11 2
Pusey, Nathan 1953 8 6
Putnam and Co. 1943 11 1
Putnam, Samuel 1945-1950 8 6
Rabinowitz, Isaac 1955 6 6-7
Raditsa, Nina Ferrero 1944 11 8
Raditsa, Nina Ferrero 1945 12 4
Raisin, Jacob S. 1941 8 7
Raisin, Rabbi Max 1916 3 2
Raisin, Rabbi Max 1918 3 4
Raisin, Rabbi Max 1919 3 5
Raisin, Rabbi Max 1920, 1921 3 6
Raisin, Rabbi Max 1942 10 9
Raisin, Rabbi Max 1951, 1956 8 7
Ramsey, Pauline C. 1944 11 8
Random House Inc. 1940 10 7
Random House Inc. 1942 11 1
Random House Inc. 1960 12 5
Rapkin, Joseph E. 1939 5 7
Rapkin, Joseph E. 1954 6 4
Rapoport, O. circa 1956 8 7
Rappaport, Dr. Albert 1934 8 7
Rappaport, Dr. Albert 1940 10 8
Rappaport, Rabbi Julius 1927 8 7
Raskin, Max 1938 10 3
Raskin, Saul undated 8 7
Rauch, Dr. Joseph 1944 8 7
Ravidowitz, Jacob 1924 8 7
Recht, Charles 1944 11 8
Reconstructionist 1934 8 7
Refugees from Hitler 1938-1941 8 7
Regensburg, Louis H. 1922 5 2
Regner, Rabbi Sidney L. 1958 8 7
Reichardt, Dr. Constantin 1939 10 3
Reichenbaum, Charles 1927 5 5
Reichenbaum, Charles 1927 8 7
Reichert, Rabbi Irving F. 1925, 1930, 1951 8 7
Reichert, Rabbi Victor E. 1938-1958 8 7
Reis, Judge Alvin C. 1944 8 7
Reiser, Mel 1954 6 5
Reiser, Mel 1955 6 6
Reisweber, August 1942-1948 8 7
Religion and Welfare Recovery 1936 8 7
Religion 1938, 1940 8 7
Religion 1942 11 1
Remenyi, Dr. Joseph 1944 11 8
Rennebohm, Oscar 1955 6 6
Rennebohm, Robert B. 1955 6 7
Resnick, Salomon 1941 12 4
Resnikoff, Pearl 1943 8 7
Reuss Boosters Club 1958 8 7
Reuss, Rep. Henry S. 1956, 1960 8 7
Revell, Flemming H. 1942 11 1
Revista Bimestre Cubana 1942 11 1
Rhodes, Irving 1927 3 8
Ribicoff, Abraham 1957 8 8
Richards, Bernard G. 1937, 1940 10 3
Richards, Bernard G. 1940 10 8
Riddle, Donald W. 1939 8 8
Rifkind, Abe H. 1937 8 8
Riserman, Z. 1938 10 3
Rittenberg, Louis 1939-1946 8 8
Rittenberg, Louis 1940 10 3
Rittenberg, Louis 1944 11 8
Rittenberg, Louis 1945 12 2
Rivkind, Isaac 1953 11 3
Roberts, Jerome V. 1956 11 5
Robinson, Dr. Edwin Meade 1944 11 8
Robinson, Dr. Jacob 1942 10 9
Robock, Sam 1954 6 5
Robock, Sam 1955 6 6
Rogoff, H. 1938 10 3
Rolvaag, Ella V. 1944 11 8
Romanoff, Paul 1935 5 7
Rome, D. 1942 10 9
Roos, Louis 1927 8 8
Roosevelt, President Franklin D. 1935 8 8
Rosen, Rabbi Jerome 1926 8 8
Rosenau, Rabbi William 1918 3 4
Rosenau, Rabbi William 1933, 1935, 1943 8 8
Rosenbaum, David H. 1926 8 8
Rosenbaum, Louis 1926 8 8
Rosenbaum, Rabbi Arthur J. S. 1947 12 4
Rosenbaum, Rabbi Irving J. 1957 12 5
Rosenbaum, Stanley 1940 10 3
Rosenberg, Aline 1925 8 8
Rosenberg, Dr. Isaac J. 1942-1943 10 9
Rosenberg, Samuel 1918 3 4
Rosenberg, Samuel 1919 3 5
Rosenberg, Sol 1943 5 7
Rosenfeld, Ben 1954 6 4
Rosenfeld, Maurice 1926 8 8
Rosengarten, Isaac 1957 12 5
Rosenthal, Aaron B. 1959 8 8
Rosenthal, Dr. Judah 1944 11 2
Rosenthal, Dr. Judah 1956 8 8
Rosenthal, I. 1938 10 3
Rosenthal, I. 1944 11 8
Rosenthal, Merrill H. 1920-1921 8 8
Rosenthal, Mrs. Aaron B. 1956 11 5
Rosenthal, Rabbi Frank 1940 8 7
Rosenwald, Lessing J. 1939 10 3
Roth, Alex 1941 5 7
Rothschild, Joseph 1943 11 2
Rothschild, Joseph 1954 6 4
Rubens, Charles 1922 5 2
Rubens, Charles 1922 8 8
Rubenstein, Rabbi Byron T. 1954 6 5
Rudens, S. P. 1927 8 8
Runes, Dagobert D. 1959 8 8
Runyon, Damon 1943 11 2
Ruppa, John 1940 10 8
Ruslander, Rabbi Selwyn D. 1939 8 8
Russell, Nelson Vance 1951 8 8
Russia 1945 12 4
Russian War Relief Inc. 1942 8 8
Russo, Prof. Joseph L. 1944 11 8
Rutchik, Fannie (Faygel) 1916 3 2
Rutchik, Fannie (Faygel) 1917 3 3
Rutchik, Fannie (Faygel) 1918 3 4
Rutchik, Fannie (Faygel) 1919 3 5
Rutchik, Fannie (Faygel) 1920, 1921 3 6
Ruxc, Dr. Rajko 1944 11 8
Ryan, Daniel 1941 8 9
Rypins, Rabbi F. I. 1958 8 8
Sachar, Dr. Abram Leon 1939 10 7
Sachar, Dr. Abram Leon 1939, 1944 8 9
Sachar, Dr. Abram Leon 1940 10 8
Sachar, Dr. Abram Leon 1943 5 6
Sachar, Dr. Abram Leon 1959 4 2
Sadoff, Ben 1954 6 4
Saenger, Rabbi Herman M. 1943-1944 12 3
Sale, Dr. Samuel 1923 8 9
Saltzstein, A. L. 1925-1933 5 5
Saltzstein, A. L. 1927, 1931 8 9
Saltzstein, A. L. 1942 5 7
Saltzstein, Benjamin F. 1927 3 8
Saltzstein, Benjamin F. 1947-1949, 1951-1954 5 6
Saltzstein, Benjamin F. 1948 8 9
Saltzstein, Dr. Harry C. 1954 6 5
Saltzstein, Jerome C. 1935, 1956 8 9
Saltzstein, Jerome C. 1942 5 7
Samuels, Henry C. 1945 12 4
Sand, Nathan 1943 8 9
Sandberg, Dr. Carl 1944 11 8
Sanders, Rabbi Ira E. 1958 8 9
Sarnoff, General David 1956 11 3
Satlow, Rabbi Lewis 1943 5 6
Saturday Evening Post 1939-1940 10 7
Scandinavian 1944 12 4
Scanlon 1942 10 9
Schachtel, Rabbi Hyman Judah 1957 12 5
Schachtel, Rabbi Hyman Judah 1958 8 9
Scharff, Herbert 1926-1927 5 4
Schecter, Dr. Solomon 1914-1915 3 1
Scheinfeld, Amram 1958 8 9
Schenkman Publishing 1971 12 5
Schiff, John M. 1939 10 4
Schiff, Rabbi Hugo 1940 8 7
Schmulowitz, Nat 1942 12 2
Schocken Books Inc. 1948 8 9
Scholl, Prof. John William 1944-1945 11 8
Schonthal, Joseph 1922 8 9
Schorr, Dr. M. 1936 8 9
Schulman, Dr. Samuel 1925 8 9
Schwartz, Dr. Abraham B. 1940 8 9
Schwartz, Edward L. 1941 8 9
Schwartz, Helen 1944 7 9
Schwartz, Rabbi Samuel 1957 12 5
Schwartz, Rabbi William S. 1918, 1923, 1926 8 9
Schwartz, Simon 1954 6 4-5
Schwartz, Simon 1955 6 6-7
Schwartzman, Rabbi Sylvan D. 1943 5 7
Schwartzman, Rabbi Sylvan D. 1951 8 9
Schwarz, Josef 1958 8 9
Schwarz, Rabbi Jacob D. 1950, 1958 8 9
Schwarz, Vera 1944 11 8
Schwarzschild, Rabbi Steven S. 1952 11 3
Science and Religion 1941 8 9
Scopus Club 1926 8 9
Scouting circa 1920-1926, 1942-1943, 1946 8 9
Scribner & Sons 1939, 1940 10 7
Scribner's Sons 1942, 1943 11 1
Seamans, Herbert L. 1940 10 8
Seasongood, Clifford 1916 3 2
Seasongood, Clifford 1916 8 9
Seasongood, Murray 1916, 1926 8 9
Segal, Dr. Samuel 1944 11 8
Segall, Manfred 1939 8 7
Segel, Rabbi Alexander D. 1920-1926 8 9
Segel, Rabbi Solomon 1956 11 5
Seger, Gerhart 1935 8 9
Seidman, J. A. 1952 11 3
Selle, Marion 1942 8 9
Seman, Philip L. 1921 8 9
Seman, Philip L. 1942 5 7
Sennett, Maurice 1944-1945 11 8
Shafer, Maude M. F. 1944 11 8
Shahinian, G. 1944 11 8
Shalom, Congregation-Milwaukee 1956 8 9
Shankman, Jacob K. 1958 8 9
Shapiro, Rabbi and Mrs. David S. 1956 8 9
Shapiro, Rabbi David S. 1955, 1958 8 9
Shapiro, Rabbi Israel 1936 10 4
Shapiro, Rabbi Israel 1942 10 9
Shapiro, Rabbi Israel 1953 11 3
Shapiro, Ruth 1937 10 4
Shapiro, Vallentine & Co. 1942 11 1
Sharenkoff, Dr. Victor 1944 11 8
Sharenkoff, Dr. Victor 1945 12 2
Sharfman, Rabbi H. 1941 8 9
Shatzky, Dr. Jacob 1931-1954 8 9
Shatzky, Dr. Jacob 1938 10 4
Shatzky, Dr. Jacob 1941 10 9
Shatzky, Dr. Jacob 1944 11 8
Shaw, Irwin 1956 7 2
Sheboygan, Wisconsin 1946 8 9
Sheed and Ward 1943 11 1
Sheldon, Frank Milton 1939 5 6
Sheldon, Frank Milton 1943 11 2
Shellow, Mrs. Henry 1955-1956, 1958 8 9
Shemen, N. 1953 11 3
Sherman, Rabbi Stephen 1951 8 9
Sherry, Martin 1940 8 7
Shetzer, Simon 1943 11 2
Shih, Dr. Hu 1939 10 4
Shinedling, Rabbi Abraham I. 1937 8 9
Shinedling, Rabbi Abraham I. 1959 4 2
Sholom Aleichem Circle 1927 8 9
Shorewood, Wisconsin Public Schools 1935 8 9
Shual, A. 1944 11 2
Shual, A. 1944-1945 12 4
Shudofsky, Dr. Maurice M. 1947 6 3
Shudofsky, Dr. Maurice M. 1948, 1951 8 9
Shulman, Rabbi Charles E. 1940 8 7
Sicherman, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. 1931 8 10
Siegel, Sidney 1954 6 5
Siegel, Sidney 1955 6 7
Siesel, Sidney M. 1930 5 5
Siesel, Sidney M. 1935 5 6-7
Sigman, Samuel 1938 8 7
Sigman, Samuel 1940 10 8
Silas, Martha Fass 1921 8 10
Silber, I. 1926 8 10
Silber, Sara 1926 8 10
Silberman, S. W. 1915 4 11
Silcox, Claris Edwin 1942 8 10
Silcox, Claris Edwin 1943 11 2
Silver, Adrian 1954 6 5
Silver, Ivan undated 8 10
Silver, Rabbi Abba Hillel 1938, 1951 8 10
Silverberg, Mrs. Sam J. 1954 6 4
Silverman, Al 1950 8 10
Silverman, Rabbi Joseph 1916, 1918 8 10
Silverman, Sol 1940 10 8
Simon & Schuster 1942 11 1
Simon, Arthur 1939 8 7
Simon, Mrs. Leopold 1923 8 10
Sinai, Congregation-Milwaukee 1956 8 10
Sinai, Congregation-New Orleans 1920 8 10
Singer, Isador 1921-1922, 1929, 1935-1936 8 10
Singer, Kurt D. 1944 8 10
Singer, Rabbi Jacob 1923, 1936, 1954-1960 8 10
Singer, Rabbi Jacob 1935 5 6
Singer, Rabbi Jacob 1938, 1940 8 7
Singh, Raja Jai Prithvi 1942 10 9
Singh, Raja Jai Prithvi 1942 12 4
Sirkin, Dr. N. 1918 3 4
Siskind, Theodore 1956 11 5
Sisterhood of Cedar Rapids 1926 8 10
Skard, Dr. Sigmund 1944-1945 12 1
Skirball, Rabbi J. H. 1926 8 10
Sklovsky, Max 1929 8 10
Sklovsky, Max 1940 4 1
Sklufsky, Ida 1922 8 10
Slomovitz, Philip 1960 8 10
Slonim, Dr. 1944 12 1
Slotemaker de Bruine, Dr. N. A. C. 1944 12 1
Smal-Stocki, Prof. Roman 1958 8 10
Smertenko, Johan J. 1945 12 4
Smertenko, Johan J. 1956 8 10
Smith, Harriet 1942 11 1
Smith, Joshua W. 1940 10 8
Smith, Peter 1940 10 7
Smith, Prof. Horatio 1944 12 1
Smoller, Rabbi Phineas 1948, 1951 8 10
Sockman, Ralph W. 1936 8 7
Sodoka, Hasday 1944 12 1
Soffen, Faye 1957 5 6
Solocheck, Barney 1958 8 10
Soloff, Rabbi Mordecai I. 1941 5 6
Solomon, Rabbi 1918 3 4
Soltes, Dr. Mordecai 1940 10 8
Soncino Press Ltd. 1942 11 1
Sonne, Dr. Isaiah 1941 10 9
South Africa Jewish Board of Deputies 1942 10 9
South Africa 1945 12 4
South African Union for Progressive Judaism 1944, 1945 8 10
South African Union for Progressive Judaism 1945 12 4
South Shore Temple-Chicago 1927 8 10
Southern Baptist Convention 1943 11 2
Spalding, A. Amy 1923 8 10
Spectator undated 11 1
Spiegel, Henry William 1938 10 4
Spiegel, Henry William 1939 8 10
Spiegel, Morris 1941 8 10
Spire, Andre 1944 12 1
Sporn, Arthur 1960 8 10
Sprengling, M. 1937 5 7
St. Deptula, Szymon 1937-1940 10 4
St. Deptula, Szymon 1939 8 9
St. Deptula, Szymon 1940 10 7
St. Deptula, Szymon 1942 12 2
St. Paul D. A. R. 1925 8 9
Staats-Herold Corporation 1943 11 1
Stadlan, J. Z. 1945 6 2
Stahl, Samuel 1954 6 4
Stahl, Samuel 1955 8 10
Stamen, Max 1943 8 10
Stanimirova, Prof. Gitza 1944 12 1
Starr, Hyman 1943-1944 8 10
Starrels, Rabbi Solomon E. 1924, 1951 8 10
Starrels, Rabbi Solomon E. 1937 10 4
State Historical Society of Wisconsin 1954-1957 8 10
Stechert, G. R. 1939 10 4
Stecker, Jack 1941, 1943 4 1
Steen, Prof. J. Jonathan 1941 10 9
Stein, B. A. 1954 6 4
Stein, Dr. 1942 10 9
Stein, L. M. 1938 10 4
Stein, Nathan M. 1935-1936, 1939-1942 5 7
Stein, Nathan M. 1936-1940 8 10
Stein, Nathan M. 1943 5 6
Stein, Rabbi Harry J. 1956 6 7
Steinbach, Rabbi Alexander A 1943 5 6
Steinbaum, I. 1960 8 11
Steiner, Adolph 1925 8 11
Steinfeld, Mrs. Maurice 1925 8 11
Steinman, Dr. D. B. 1956-1957 12 5
Steloff, Frances 1945 12 4
Stern, Harold M. 1960 8 11
Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Milford 1926 8 11
Stern, Rabbi Bernard 1922 8 11
Stern, Rabbi Tibur H. 1948 8 11
Stern, S. Walter 1920-1921 8 11
Sternberger, Mrs. Harry 1923 8 11
Steuben Society 1933 8 11
Stewart 1921 8 11
Still, Dr. B. 1947 8 11
Stolz, Rabbi Joseph 1924, 1932 8 11
Stone, Nat 1926, 1930 8 11
Stone, Samuel 1925 5 8
Stone, Samuel 1925 8 11
Stone, William H. 1959 8 11
Stork, Dr. Charles Wharton 1944 12 1
Story Magazine 1939-1940 10 7
Straus, Nellie 1916 3 2
Straus, Nellie 1918 3 4
Strauss, Nathan 1917 3 3
Strauss, Rabbi Joseph M. 1958 12 5
Strauss, Robert Lee 1918 3 4
Stritch, Archbishop Samuel A. 1939-1940 8 11
Stroock, Alan M. 1949 8 11
Stroock, Solomon M. 1919 3 5
Stumes, Charles B. 1927 8 11
Stuurman, D. 1940 8 11
Sunday Morning Services 1926 8 11
Sunday Times 1942 11 1
Swarsensky, Rabbi Manfred 1940-1958 8 11
Swarsensky, Rabbi Manfred 1941 8 7
Swarsensky, Rabbi Manfred 1954 6 4
Swarsensky, Rabbi Manfred 1954 6 5
Swarsensky, Rabbi Manfred 1956 11 5
Sweed, Dr. Aaron 1954 6 5
Synagogue Council of America 1943, 1953 8 11
Tal, Edward T. 1944 12 1
Talmud Torah, Congregation-Asheville, North Carolina 1915 4 11
Tchernowitz, Prof. Chaim 1939 8 7
Tchernowitz, Prof. Chaim 1949 9 1
Tedesche, Rabbi Sidney S. 1919, 1933, 1951 9 1
Teitelbaum, Chaplain Samuel 1944 12 1
Terry, Helen 1944 12 1
Teubal, D. Ezra 1939-1940 10 4
Teweles, Alice 1928 9 1
Teweles, Hugh R. 1954 9 1
Teweles, Mrs. Hugo 1937 5 7
Thill, Lewis D. 1942 9 1
Thirty-Second Division Veterans 1946 9 1
Thomson, Governor Vernon W. 1958 9 1
Thurman, Rabbi Mordecai 1938 8 7
Thurman, Rabbi Samuel 1940 9 1
Ticktin, Rabbi Max D. 1953-1955, 1958 9 1
Ticktin, Rabbi Max D. 1954 6 4-5
Ticktin, Rabbi Max D. 1956 11 5
Tiep, Pearl 1927 9 1
Time and Tide 1942 11 1
Times 1942 11 1
Timm, Mrs. J. C. 1945 9 1
Todes, Jules 1939 10 4
Topic 1940 10 7
Torah Fund, Rabbi Baron's 1948-1959 9 1
Trabb, Rebecca 1944 12 1
Transcript 1943 11 2
Tri-City Jewish Welfare Organization 1921 9 1
Tri-City Sisterhood undated 9 1
Tri-City Symphony Orchestra Association 1923, 1925 9 1
Turkish Embassy 1958 12 5
Turner, Rabbi Jacob 1923 3 7
Turner, Rabbi Jacob 1924-1926 3 8
Turner, Rabbi Jacob 1943 9 1
Tyomies, D. 1944 12 1
Ucko, Rabbi Enrique 1946 12 3
Udin, Sophie A. 1944 12 1
Uhrig, Alexander B. 1937-1938 10 4
Ukrainian 1944 12 4
Umansky, Robert 1926 9 2
Unaffiliated Children-Education 1941 9 2
Union of American Hebrew Congregations 1921-1958 9 2
Union of American Hebrew Congregations 1943 11 1
Union of Anglo-Jewish Preachers 1937, 1938 9 2
United Jewish Appeal 1926-1927, 1935 9 2
United Jewish Laymen's Committee 1944-1945 9 2
United National Clothing Collection 1945 9 2
United Palestine Appeal 1927, 1945 9 2
United States Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission 1937 9 2
Universal Christian Council 1942 11 1
University of Chicago Press 1942 11 1
University of Chicago Press 1961 12 5
Untermeyer, Louis 1937 10 4
Upits, Ernsts Birznieks 1940 10 7
Urdangen, Louis J. 1920 9 2
Urich, Rabbi Morris 1945-1946 9 2
Uruguay 1941 12 4
Uslander, Abe 1918 3 4
Utschen, Rabbi Joseph 1944 9 2
Vaiciulaitis, A. 1944 12 1
Van Doren, Dr. Carl 1940 10 4
Van Doren, Dr. Mark 1944 12 1
Vanguard Press 1942 11 1
Verdi, Jack 1938, 1940 9 3
Verdi, Jack 1944 11 2
Veterans' Administration 1943 9 3
Viking Press 1942 11 1
Visser't Hooft, Dr. W. A. 1941 10 9
Visser't Hooft, Dr. W. A. 1941 12 4
Vogelstein, Dr. Max 1938-1940 9 3
Voigt, R. 1937 10 4
Vojan, Dr. J. E. S. undated 10 4
Von Wiese, Ursula 1959 11 5
Voorsanger, Rabbi Elkan C. 1918 3 4
Voorsanger, Rabbi Elkan C. 1921, 1939 9 3
Voorsanger, Rabbi Elkan C. 1941 9 2
Voorzanger, H. 1939-1940 10 4
Voss, Dr. Carl Hermann 1944 12 1
Vrahos, Dr. Sophie A. 1944 12 1
W. P. A. Advisory Board 1941 9 3
W. W. Norton & Co. Inc. 1942 11 1
Wacholder, Ben Zion 1960 9 3
Walk, Paul 1941 8 7
Wall Street Journal 1957 12 5
Ward-Belmount School 1921 9 3
Warrington, E. W. 1940 9 3
Wasielewski, Rep. Thad F. 1943 11 2
Waterman, Henry 1924, 1927 3 8
Waterman, Henry 1926 9 3
Waukesha, Wisconsin 1955, 1958 9 3
Wausau, Wisconsin 1944 9 3
Waxenberg, Mrs. Harry 1926 9 3
Waxman, Meyer 1953 9 3
“We the People” 1946 9 3
Webster, David H. 1939 9 3
Weidenbaum, Morris 1914 3 1
Weihl, Elsa 1927 9 4
Weil, Dr. Herman 1957-1958 9 4
Weil, Prof. G. 1944 12 4
Weiler, Rabbi Moses Cyrus 1954 9 4
Weinberg, Louis 1954 6 4
Weinberg, Philip 1935 8 9
Weinberg, Rabbi Dudley 1955-1958 9 4
Weinberg, Rabbi Dudley 1956 11 5
Weinfeld, Dr. Edward 1942 10 9
Weinfeld, Dr. Edward 1943 11 2
Weinfeld, Dr. Edward 1944 12 1
Weinfeld, Dr. Edward 1945-1946 9 4
Weingarten, Samuel 1928 9 4
Weinreich, Dr. Max 1929, 1942-1945, 1952, 1954 9 4
Weinreich, Dr. Max 1937 10 4
Weinreich, Dr. Max 1940-1944, 1946 12 4
Weinreich, Dr. Max 1941 10 9
Weinreich, Dr. Max 1943 12 2
Weinreich, Dr. Max 1944 12 1
Weinreich, Dr. Max 1944 12 3
Weinreich, Dr. Max 1952, 1953 11 3
Weinshenk, Mrs. Elsa 1938 8 7
Weinstein, Laurence A. 1954 6 5
Weinstein, Laurence A. 1955 6 6
Weinstein, Rabbi, Jacob J. 1940, 1951 9 4
Weinstein, Rabbi, Jacob J. 1953 11 3
Weinstock, Mrs. S. 1921 9 4
Weintraub, Robert L. 1954 6 5
Weis, Rabbi J. Max 1927 9 4
Weiser, Dr. J. 1934 9 4
Weisgal, Hugo 1946 12 2
Weiss, Aaron L. 1960 9 4
Weiss, Dr. Joseph 1941 9 4
Weitz, Rabbi Martin M. 1931 3 9
Weitz, Rabbi Martin M. 1936, 1942-1958 9 4
Weitz, Rabbi Martin M. 1956 11 5
Werbel, Sarah 1940 9 4
Werner, A. Matt 1960 9 4
Wessel, Rabbi Harvey E. 1920-1923, 1938 9 4
Wetzler, Dr. S. R. 1938 9 4
Who's Who in America 1931, 1935 9 4
Wice, Rabbi David H. 1940, 1951, 1958 9 4
Wiener, Dr. Kurt 1941 10 9
Wierdsma, Ruth Rosenheimer undated 9 4
Wiley, Senator Alexander 1943-1949 9 4
Wiley, Senator Alexander 1956 6 7
Willett, Robert L. 1941 10 9
William Collins Sons & Co. 1942 11 1
William Morrow & Company Inc. 1942 11 1
Wilson, Edmond 1957 9 4
Winnipeg Free Press Company Limited 1943 11 1
Winsor, G. B. 1945 9 4
Wisconsin Conference of Liberal Synagogues 1942-1947 9 5
Wisconsin Congregational Conference 1941 9 5
Wisconsin Council of Churches 1943 9 5
Wisconsin Federation of Music Clubs 1941 9 5
Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle 1926-1929, 1950, 1958 9 5
Wisconsin News 1936 9 5
Wisconsin Rabbinical Association 1945-1947, 1956 9 5
Wisconsin State Teacher's College 1940 9 5
Wisconsin, University of, Extension Division 1936-1945 9 5
Wise, Rabbi Jonah B. 1933, 1936, 1943, 1951 9 6
Wise, Rabbi Stephen S. 1919-1927, 1933-1938, 1944-1949 9 6
Wise, Rabbi Stephen S. 1939 10 4
Wise, Rabbi Stephen S. 1944 12 1
Wittlin, Joseph 1944 12 1
Wohl, Rabbi Samuel 1937-1938, 1943, 1951, 1958 9 6
Wohl, Rabbi Samuel 1940 10 8
Wolf, Rabbi Albert 1940 8 7
Wolf, Rabbi Albert 1940 9 6
Wolf, Rabbi Alfred 1951 9 6
Wolf, Rabbi Horace J. 1926-1927 9 6
Wolfsohn, Harry A. 1954 6 5
Wolfsohn, Harry A. 1955 6 6
Wolfsohn, Harry A. 1958 4 2
Wolfsohn, Mrs. Sophie 1940 9 6
Wolfsohn, Prof. Juliusz 1926, 1932 9 6
Wolfsohn, Prof. Juliusz 1938-1939 8 7
Wolfsohn, Violet 1939 8 7
Wolfsohn, Violet 1939 9 6
Woll, Mathew 1942 11 1
Wolsey, Rabbi Louis 1918 3 4
Woman's Club of Rock Island, Illinois 1921 9 6
Women's Court and Civic Conference of Milwaukee County 1938 9 6
Women's Scholastic Association of Roosevelt University 1956-1957 9 6
Woodbridge, Frederick J. E. undated 9 6
Woods, Martha Goldschmidt 1941 9 6
World Alliance for International Friendship Through the Churches 1939 9 6
World Alliance for International Friendship Through the Churches 1942 10 9
World Fellowship of Faiths 1937-1938 9 6
World Fellowship of Faiths 1941 10 8
World Fellowship 1936 9 6
World Memorial for Jewish Martyrs 1953 9 6
World Publishing Company 1958 12 5
World Union for Progressive Judaism 1929, 1949, 1951-1952 9 6
Wright, C. A. 1926 9 6
Yard, James M. 1940 10 8
Yarmolinsky, Avraham 1939 10 4
Yarmolinsky, Avraham 1940 10 7-8
Yarmolinsky, Avraham 1944 12 1
Yavneh School 1929 9 7
Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO) 1942-1959 9 7
Yiddishen Courier 1925 9 7
Yosifon, David 1941 10 7
Young Israel 1922-1923 9 7
Young Judea 1913 3 1
Young Judea 1914-1921 9 8
Young Judea 1917 3 3
Young Judea 1918 3 4
Young Judea 1920-1921 3 6
Young Men's Hebrew Association 1917 9 9
Young Zionist Club 1914 3 1
Youth Conference 1928-1930 9 9
Yovely, Dr. S. Z. 1932 9 9
Zaidins, Earle Warren 1958-1960 12 5
Zaidman, Y. A. 1952 11 3
Zangwill, Israel 1918 3 4
Zaret, Melvin S. 1958 9 10
Zefter, M. 1939 10 4
Zeidler, Mayor Carl F. 1942 9 10
Zeidler, Mayor Frank P. 1948 9 10
Zeitlin, Joseph 1935 5 7
Zeitlin, Solomon 1945 12 2
Zepin, Rabbi George 1940 10 8
Ziegler, Mrs. Harold 1941 8 9
Zietlow, Carl F. 1940 10 8
Zigmond, Dr. Maurice L. 1957 12 5
Zion, Rabbi Martin J. 1956-1958 9 10
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) 1918-1929, 1943 9 10
Zionist Record undated 9 10
Zucker, Burton 1956 9 10
Zupnik, Dr. Wilhelm 1940 8 7