Joseph L. Baron Papers, 1910-1960

Container Title
Subseries: B
Box   27
Babcock, Elizabeth

Location: New York.

Letters concerning luncheon engagements.

Box   27
Babcock, James W., 1930

Location: New York.

Doctor Babcock asks Mrs. Blaine if she would accept a bill for services rendered to Mr. James W. Adams.

Box   27
Babcock, Robert H., 1907-1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of recommendation for Miss A. Paldani, a professional masseuse, who is applying for the position with Mrs. Blaine's mother. Inquiry as to who was Mrs. Blaine's real estate agent. Invitation to attend the wedding of his daughter, Eleanor Clinto, to Mr. Merrill Coit. Receipt for payment of bill of Mrs. James Adams.

Box   27
Babcock, Robert H., Mrs., 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for financial aid for Mrs. Emma Lilly.

Box   27
Babcock, Rushton and Company, 1913-1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Dealer in stocks and bonds purchased and sold preferred stock in the American Radiator Company. Includes letters of suggestion, bills, and receipts.

Box   27
Babcock, Russell B., 1939

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Letter regretfully rejecting dinner invitation.

Box   27
Babcock, W.I., 1892-1896

Location: Colehour, Illinois.

The manager of the Chicago Ship Building Company sent letter expressing sympathy over Emmons death and included a formal statement from the company. Letter informing Mrs. Blaine that he will not be able to be present at the dedication of the memorial organ to Emmons Blaine.

Box   27
Baber, Zonia, 1896-1956

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Paris, Illinois.

Letter declining a dinner invitation and suggesting literature on the Bar Harbor locality. Letter informing Mrs. Blaine that she had been elected a vice-president of the Chicago Geographical society. Invitation to attend the reception of the Kindergarten Club. Letter describing Colonel Parker's character. Letters concerning the election of a new principal for the Chicago School of Education. Letters informing Mrs. Blaine that her speech delivered at the dedication of Emmons Blaine Hall is not in form to be published. Letter asking Mrs. Blaine to get Cyrus McCormick's consent to study a ravine preparatory to use. Map enclosed. Condolence over the death of Emmons Jr. Letter accenting an offer to work in the League of Nation's Children School upon condition. Article by Zonia Baber, “Peace Monuments and Symbols of the United States.” Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for donating “The World's Destiny and the United States,” and “The United Nations, What They Are, What They May Become.” Article - “Lost Opportunities in Teaching Geography,” by Zonia Baber. Article - “The Oceans: Our Future Pastures,” by Zonia Baber. Obituary notice.

Box   27
Baby Carriage Hospital, 1932

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipt for carriage.

Box   27
Baby Hygiene Association, 1921

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Thank you note for the gift of a winter coat.

Box   27
Bachelder, M. Abbie, 1927

Location: Little Boars Heed, New Hampshire.

Thank you note for a gift.

Box   27
Bachelder's, 1927-1930

Location: Little Boar's Head, New Hampshire.

Bills and receipts for hotel and cottage accommodations.

Box   27
Bachelder's Garage, 1927

Location: Little Boars Head, New Hampshire.


Box   27
Bachelors' Cotillon Club, undated

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Invitation to attend a series of German Cotillons.

Box   27
Bachrach, Louis Fabian, Inc., 1923-1924

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Letters, bill, aria receipt for photographic prints.

Box   27
Bachrach, Sam B., 1938

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Betty Rose, to Mr. Robert McCormick Adams.

Box   27
Bachus, Clyde I., 1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for a contribution to Kiwanis Milk Fund.

Box   27
Back Bay Veterinary Hospital, 1908

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.


Box   27
Back Number Budd and Sons, 1898

Location: New York.

Bill for back issues of the New York Daily and Sunday Sun.

Box   27
Backus, Dana Converse, 1934-1939

Location: Flushing, New York.

Calling cards.

Box   27
Backus, E. Burdette, 1930

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Copy of a sermon - “The Conquest of Fear.”

Box   27
Backus, Levi Louis, 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Pearl Imogene, to Mr. Neale Seberance Carley.

Box   27
Bacon, Charles Sumner, 1910-1947

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of thanks for an address sent to him by Mrs. Blaine. Letter of reaction against the anti-German teaching in Parker School (1918). A Metabolic Study of Mrs. Emmons Blaine Jr. Request for an interview to discuss the possible purchase of some property belonging to the McCormick Estate in order to enlarge the American College of Surgeons. Invitation to join the Citizens School Committee of Chicago and a statement of its purposes. Polite refusal to sign the Conant-Douglas letter on the grounds that he opposes war with Germany (December 1940). Condolences for the death of Harold McCormick. Letter commenting on Truman's attitude toward the situation in Greece in 1947. One folder of press clippings describing Bacon's trip to Austria and his appeals for relief and economic aid, 1921.

See also:

  • American Russian Institute
  • American Russian Institute for Cultural Relations: report, page 1, 1934 April 20
Box   27
Bacon, Charles Sumner, Mrs. (Marie Rosthorn), 1923-1951

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for aid for Austria.

Christmas card.

Get well note.

Box   27
Bacon, Eugenia Jones, 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter inquiring of Mrs. McCormick and requesting an interview. Enclosed a pamphlet on a book written by her.

Box   27
Bacon, Francis H., Company, 1896-1938

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Bills for furniture and interior decorating.

Box   27
Bacon, Henry, Mrs. (Louisa Lee), 1913

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Invitation to attend an exhibition given by her husband and a newspaper clipping describing his abilities as a water colorist.

Box   27
Bacon and Kinsman, 1926-1927

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Bill and receipt for reporting services of Memorial Service to the late Dr. Charles W. Eliot.

Box   27
Bacon, Lucy Allerton, 1895

Location: Rochester, New York.

Letter expressing interest in a position, caring for Mrs. Blaine's child.

Box   27
Bacon, Marie Rosthorn, 1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you note for flowers.

Box   27
Bacon, R.H., and Company, 1948-1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and receipts for clipping service by the Business Paper Editorial Service concerning the Foundation For World Government.

Box   27
Bacon, Whipple and Company, 1932-1934

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Inquiry as to whether or not Mrs. Blaine is interested in buying bonds or securities.

Box   27
Badger, Alpheus C., 1900-1901

Location: Kenilworth, Illinois.

Announcement of their fiftieth anniversary. Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Ada, to Mr. Embry Lee Twearingen.

Box   27
Badger, Arthur Campbell, 1923

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Doris, to The Reverend Allen Williams Clark.

Box   27
Badger, A. Shreve, Mrs. (Frances Cowles), 1899

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation for Emmons Jr. to attend a Valentine's Day party.

Box   27
Badger, Elvira Cecelia, 1900

Location: No address.

Accepts invitation to hear Professor Geddes speak.

Box   27
Badger, Richard G., 1909-1927

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Bills and receipts from book publisher. Invitation to send in any manuscripts that she might have for possible publication.

Box   27
Baer, Arnold, undated
Note: See also: Progressive Education Association Conference, 1937 October 28-30.
Box   27
Baer, Carlyle S., 1910
Note: Request for Mrs. Blaine to write an article on Lincoln. Memorial College to appear in The Survey. A copy of the Mountain Herald (June 1909) which contains the annual catalogue of Lincoln Memorial University of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.
Box   27
Baer, Gertrude, undated
Note: See also: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1924 May 19-31. Regarding Youth Movement.
Box   27
Baer, John Willis, 1915-1927

Location: Pasadena, California.

Request for a contribution to the Presbyterian Pension Fund of Pasadena in the name of Virginia McCormick.

Box   27
Baetjer, Walter A., 1936-1942

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Report of doctor on the condition of Mrs. Cora Adams and Mrs. Amanda Tracy.

Box   27
Bagby, R.B., 1931

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

College friend of Emmons Jr. wants Mrs. Blaine to invest in a filling machine.

Box   28
Baggot, E., Company, 1895-1928
Physical Description: 5 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills, statements, and receipts concerning the company's services for the installation and repair of plumbing, gas and electrical fixtures repair, and general carpentry work.

Box   28
Bagley, Frederick, Mrs., undated
Note: See also: School for Political education for Women, 1920 February 19-26.
Box   28
Bagley, Grace H., 1900-1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter informing Mrs. Blaine that she will be unable to serve on a committee for tenement improvement. Copy of a letter to Jane Addams giving her reasons why she would not accept a resolution passed which outlined a proposed model tenement that she was to plan. Plats and specifications for a model tenement for tenants earning laborer's wages.

Box   28
Bagshawe, T.E., Mrs., 1900

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for an interview to discuss an idea of hers about education.

Box   28
Bay City State Park, 1950

Location: Bay City, Michigan.

Speech: “Presentation of Bird Museum” / by Mrs. George Birney Jennison - which gives some information on the movement to establish the museum.

Box   28
Bahr, Alfon E., and Company, 1951

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Recorded interview with secretary concerning the possibility of sub-leasing a part of the second floor of the Thompson Building from Mrs. Blaine.

Box   28
Bailey, Albert E., 1937

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

Interviews and telephone call relating to the hiring of Bailey to deliver lectures for Miss McCormick in Los Angeles.

Box   28
Bailey, Banks and Biddle Company, 1894

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Bill and receipt for jewelry.

Box   28
Bailey, Charlotte O., 1906-1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A teacher of Wendell Philips High School complains in a letter that she deserves a promotion.

Bailey, David Algar, 1938

Location: Woodbridge, New Jersey.

Copy of a letter to Dr. Wilbur of Stanford University containing testimonials to the soundness of Bailey's philosophy of world peace.

Box   28
Bailey, Edward P., 1912-1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to call. Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Harmon Spruance, to Mr. Carroll Leslie Tyler.

Box   28
Bailey, Frank M., 1900-1927

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Elmhurst, Illinois.

Letters asking Mrs. Blaine to help him find work. Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for a loan of $500 with a promissory note. Letter answering a request by Mrs. Blaine for information on the Chicago Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary; two pamphlets are enclosed. Letters concerning the rental of the “Orchard House” through agent Bailey. Letters expressing sympathy for Mrs. Blaine's ill-health. Appeals for money. Bills and receipts for squab ordered from Bailey's squab farm. Letters outlining Mrs. Blaine's financial support of the farm. Invitation to attend the wedding of their daughter, Harriet Lewall.

Box   28
Bailey, Frank M., Mrs., 1899-1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Elmhurst, Illinois.

Letters of thanks for gifts and money. Letters of request for money. Letters asking advice. Letters discussing the problems of the squab farm. Letters arranging the use of the Tea Shop as a luncheon service for Parker School. Letters give a great deal of information on the personal lives of the Bailey's and Mrs. Blaine's relationship with them.

Box   28
Bailey, Frederic T., and Company, 1916-1930

Location: North Scituate, Massachusetts.

Bills and receipts for services as plumber to Miss Grace Walker and Miss M.V. McCormick. Framing plan of Sunrise Garden, The Caravels, Cohasset, Massachusetts.

Box   28
Bailey, Harriet, 1892-1904

Location: Sugar Hill, New Hampshire; Washington, D.C.

Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for her hospitality. Letter expressing sympathy for Emmons death. Letter of introduction for Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bailey.

Box   28
Bailey, Marcellus, Mrs., 1899-1900

Location: Washington, D.C.

Request for contribution of clothing or money to help the destitute in Cuba together with an extract from a letter written by General Joseph P. Sanger, Military Governor of Matanzas, Cuba, describing the conditions of the people. Thank you note for flowers.

Box   28
Bailey, W.H., 1925

Location: Louisville, Kentucky.

Telegram from a man who has a plan to rescue the man trapped in the cave if he can get the rights from the Collins family. He needs some equipment.

Box   28
Bailey, William, Mrs., 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Bailey called to see if Mrs. Blaine would be interested in taking $1000 worth of stock in the Jarvie Shop. She left calling card and a brochure showing some articles for sale.

Box   28
Bain, Minnie L., 1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to speak to the Department of Civics and Philanthropy of the West End Woman's Club of Chicago.

Box   28
Bain News Service, 1917

Location: New York.

Request for a photo of the late Cyrus H. McCormick for use in a history.

Box   28
Bainbridge, Katharine, 1944

Location: Upper St. Regis Lake.

Request to call on Mrs. Blaine.

Box   28
Baird, Hal, undated
Note: See also: The Country Home School.
Box   28
Bajpai, Girja, 1942

Location: Washington, D.C.

Representative of the Government of India.

Copy of a speech in which Bajpai states that Indians will resist the Japanese.

Box   28
Baker, A. Florence, 1933

Location: Rushville, Illinois.

Criticism of Mrs. Blaine for endowing buildings instead of helping individuals.

Box   28
Baker, Alfred, 1906

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Baker tells Mrs. Blaine of available sailing yachts.

Box   28
Baker, Alfred L., 1913-1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for a contribution to the Playground and Recreation Association of America. Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Isabelle, to Mr. Robert M. Curtis. Invitation to spend the evening. Invitation to attend the wedding of their daughter, Mary, to Mr. Hamilton McCormick (1921). Thank you for a letter, probably of sympathy and advice.

See also: Citizens Terminal Plan.

Box   28
Baker, Alfred L., Mrs., 1918

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Report on Hannah Burk as a prospective maid by Mrs. Baker for Mrs. Blaine.

Box   28
Baker, Alfred L., and Company, 1902-1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Sheet describing the Wisconsin Central and Chicago Great Western Railroad and recommending investment. Grateful acknowledgement of $500 contribution to the Merriam Campaign Fund. Report of Walter L. Fisher and Bion J. Arnold to the Citizens' Terminal Plan Committee of Chicago. Suggestions for purchasing bonds. Bills and receipts for bond purchasing.

Box   28
Baker, Benjamin May, 1911-1917

Location: Norfolk, Virginia.

Report of the condition of Berthas case. Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Matthew Page Waller.

Box   28
Baker, C.E., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for money to aid juvenile delinquents.

Box   28
Baker, Clara, 1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter applying for a position as a social secretary. Interview in which her qualifications are noted. Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for a gift of money.

Box   28
Baker, Fannie, 1929-1930

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests to have Mrs. Blaine visit her shop in the Drake Hotel.

Box   28
Baker, Frank, 1924-1928

Location: Upper St. Regis, New York.

Receipts for services rendered.

Box   28
Baker, Frank, Mrs., 1924-1926

Location: Upper St. Regis, New York.

Receipts for services rendered as cook at camp.

Box   28
Baker, Frank C., 1908-1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of the monthly meeting of the Chicago Academy of Sciences for December 22, 1908. Report of a lecture delivered by Baker entitled Birds.

Box   29
Baker, George H., 1895

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Notification that he will meet Mrs. Blaine at her home.

Box   29
Baker, George T., 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for wall paper.

Box   29
Baker, Harvey H., 1910

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Letter of introduction for Mr. Birtwell to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   29
Baker, Hostetler and Sidlo, undated
Note: See also: Newton D. Baker. Griffith and Thornburgh Heaney, Price and Postel.
Box   29
Baker, J.A., 1943

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Thank you note for a gift of $2500 from Mary Virginia McCormick Pension Fund.

Box   29
Baker, Jane, 1901

Location: West Plains, New York.

Thank you note for a gift.

Box   29
Baker, Josephine Turck, 1919

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

The editor Correct English sent Mrs. Blaine one of her poems entitled “The Dawn.”

See also: American Women's Victory dinner and conference, 1919 February 12-13.

Box   29
Baker, Mabel McIlvaine, 1935-1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Note and brochure describing the accomplishments of a singing teacher Tula Miller.

Letter of introduction for Mrs. Florence Hertter.

Box   29
Baker, M.N., 1903

Location: Broadway, New York.

Letter addressed to Raymond Rohuil of the City Homes Association, Northwestern University Settlement giving advice on how to go about improving sanitation.

Box   29
Baker, Newton D., 1917-1929

Location: Cleveland, Ohio.

Material outlining the disagreements between Mrs. Stanley McCormick and the rest of the McCormick family over the estate of Stanley McCormick which resulted in a court proceeding.

See also:

  • American Women's Victory dinner, 1919 February 12-13
  • Thomas, Mr. Norman, 1937 March 18
  • Report at Fourth Annual Woman Congress
Box   29
Baker, Orville D., 1889-1892

Location: Augusta, Maine.

Telegram of congratulations. Telegram expressing sympathy.

Box   29
Baker, P.H., 1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for keys.

Box   29
Baker, Philip, 1923

Location: Richmond, Virginia; New York

Letter informing Mrs. Blaine that he has written to the League of Nations Union in England asking them to send her a complete set of their literature. Enclosed is a list of questions usually asked about the league and answers for them as cited by Lord Robert Cecil. Monthly Summary of the League of Nations, March 1923. Pamphlets describing the first three years of the League and stating its objectives. A sermon entitled “The Righteousness of God” by the Archbishop of Canterbury before the League. “Notes for Lessons, or Addresses, to Young People” by Frederick J. Gould. “The League of Nations and the Churches.”

Box   29
Baker, Prescott, 1920

Location: No address

Note from 7th grader about a talk given by Sir Oliver Lodges Falk.

Box   29
Baker, Rachel, 1930-1932

Location: Los Angeles, California

Bills for hats.

Box   29
Baker, Roland M., Mrs. (Edith M.), 1940

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Thank you note for the privilege of a sitting with Mrs. Rogers arranged through Mrs. Blaine.

Box   29
Baker, Sarah, 1923

Location: No address


Box   29
Baker and Smith Company, 1894

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bid to furnish and erect Hot Water Warming Apparatus.

Box   29
Baker, Theodosia Potts, 1888-1927

Location: Norfolk, Virginia; Somerville, New Jersey

Note of best wishes for her coming marriage. Congratulations on her marriage. Congratulations on having a baby. Sympathy note. Thank you note. Expression of sympathy following Mrs. McCormick's death. Letter asking the help of Mrs. Blaine for Agnes Moyler should she need it.

Box   29
Baker-Vawter Company, 1899

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for an application for membership in the Woman's Athletic Club.

Box   29
Baker, William F., 1928-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and receipts for professional services of a chiropodist.

Box   29
Baker, William T., 1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Bertha, to Mr. Van Wagenen Alling.

Box   29
Bakewell, Benjamin, 1916

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Bills and receipts concerning the professional services of a physician.

Box   29
Bakke, Otto, 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for shoes.

Box   29
Baird, John Wyllys, 1937-1943

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acceptances of invitations to dine.

Christmas Card.

Box   29
Baird, Katharine, 1938-1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acceptance of invitations.

Box   29
Baird, Maria M., 1939

Location: Perthshire.

Acceptance of dinner invitation. Thank you for the dinner.

Box   29
Baird, Stevens, Mrs., 1941

Location: New York.

Letter requesting advice on who would make a good state chairman (Illinois) for Young America Wants to Help; an auxiliary branch of the British War Relief Society. Enclosed is a verse that is sold to bring in funds.

Box   29
Baird, Walter, 1932

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Baird's secretary wants to know if Mrs. Blaine plans to attend luncheon at Union League Club of the World Court Committee.

Box   29
Baird, Warner, 1943

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to attend the wedding of their daughter, Katherine Dole, to Herbert Leighton Hansen

Box   29
Baird, Warner, Jr., 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acceptance of dinner invitation.

Box   29
Baird and Warner Inc., 1922-1933

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters inquiring if Mrs. Blaine wants to sell various pieces of property.

Box   29
Baird, William M., Mrs., 1935

Location: River Forrest, Illinois; Pyeug Yaug, Korea.

Principal of the Women's Higher Bible School in Pyeug Yaug, Korea request a contribution to a fund for a new dormitory.

Box   29
Baird, William T., 1949-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Reverend Baird makes requests to see Mrs. Blaine. He appeals to her for financial aid to help “The Protestant.” Expression of sympathy for her illness and expression of joy at her recovery.

Box   29
Baird, Wyllys Warner, 1901-1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter concerning the possible entrance or his daughter to Francis Parker School.

Request to see Mrs. Blaine in reference to some church work.

See also: League of Women Voters-Illinois, 1924 April 12. Report of Conference on Economic Aspects of International Affairs.

Box   29
Baird, Wyllys Werner, Mrs., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request to enter her daughter in Francis Parker School.

Box   29
Balderston, John C., 1899

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Invitation to attend the marriage reception of their daughter Ada and Mr. Robert Edward Stone.

Box   29
Baldridge, Westmoreland, 1912-1916

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Doctor bills for Virginia McCormick.

Baldwin, C.B. (Beanie)
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   29

Location: New York.

Invitation to attend meeting of “progressives” to be held in Chicago on September 28 and 29, 1946. Enclosed is “A Call To Progressives” which gives officers and statement of purposes of the National Citizens Political Action Committee.

Request payment of cost of printing Wallace's speech in Chicago Sun, March 25, 1947.

Thank you note for a contribution to Wallace's manager in Washington amounting to $5000.

Report of the Second Annual Convention of the Progressive Citizens of America, January 17-18, 1948.

Letter from Rexford G. Tugwell to Leon Henderson giving his reasons for not attending a meeting of Americans for Democratic Action and telling why he supports Henry Wallace.

Copy of Wallace's letter to Stalin asking for a conference to settle difficulties.

“Call” to the National Founding Convention of the New Political Party at Convention Hall, Philadelphia July 23-25, 1948.

List of state parties and requests to give certain amounts to each amounting to $142,000.

Report of the Meeting of the National Committee of November 13, 1948.

Copy of a letter from Olin Downes to Henry Wallace in which he praises the latter.

Box   29
1949 January-September

Thank you for a donation which made it possible to publish Wallace's speech in the New York Times, April 6, 1949.

Letter asking Mrs. Blaine to give the rest of the $50,000 promised to finance a tour of Wallace and members of European Parliaments.

Statement of expenses enclosed.

“Atlantic Pact: Peace Pact or War Pact” by H. Wallace.

“An Urgent Letter” by H. Wallace.

Newspaper Clipping on C. Baldwin's clash with Sen. Eastland.

Open Letter to President Truman from Baldwin on economic policy.

Text of letter being sent to members of the United States Senate by Wallace on the Atlantic Pact. (Released July 5, 1949).

Wallace's Open Letter to Stalin and Stalin's reply.

Speech of Wallace on disarmament.

Speech on economic policy by Wallace delivered before National Conference on Jobs end the Economic Crisis, September 17, 1949.

Speech by Wallace delivered at the National Labor conference for Peace, October l, 1949.

Box   29
1949 October-1952

Speech by Wallace against depression, fascism, violence and war, delivered at Chicago Coliseum Rally, November 18, 1949

Speech by Wallace for peace, delivered at community Church Boston, Massachusetts, November 27, 1949 .

Speech by Wallace entitled “The True Meaning of Religion in the Modern World.” Christmas wire, delivered at Community Church of New York, December 4, 1949.

Request to give to a fund for Baldwin in honor of his fiftieth birthday.

See also:

  • Wallace, Henry A.
  • Kenny, Robert W., 1952 July 29
Box   29
Baldwin, C.B., Mrs. (Lillian), 1948

Location: New York.

Thank you note for hospitality shown. People's Songs: Songs of Labor and the American People.

Box   29
Baldwin, Bird T., 1924-1925

Location: Ames, Iowa.

Report of an address by Dr. Bird T. Baldwin of Iowa State University delivered on January 25, 1924 at Francis Parker School entitled “Social Adjustments.” Report of a lecture by Baldwin delivered at Francis Parker School on January 16, 1925 entitled “The Preschool Child.”

Box   29
Baldwin, David, 1948

Location: No address

Declines invitation.

Box   29
Baldwin, E.G., 1902

Location: Morningside Heights, New York.

Librarian of Bryson Library requests a catalogue or any other publication from Francis W. Parker School.

Box   29
Baldwin, Hanson W., 1939

Location: No address

Report of an address by Henson W. Baldwin given before the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations on November 7, 1939 entitled “Can Germany Break Through.” Discussion of the military strength of Germany.

Box   29
Baldwin, Helen, 1926

Location: West Chop, Massachusetts.

Thank you note for hospitality.

Box   29
Baldwin, Henry deForest, 1917-1921

Location: New York.

Invitation to attend the marriages of their daughters Marian and Dorthea to Parker McCollester and Perry Smith.

Box   29
Baldwin, Henry deForest, Mrs. (Jessie), 1917

Location: New York.

Invitation to call.

Box   30
Baldwin, Hope, 1940

Location: No address.

Thank you note for hospitality and gift.

Box   30
Baldwin, Katherine Key, 1940

Location: Phoenix, Arizona.

Thank you note for Christmas gifts.

Box   30
Baldwin, John C., 1917

Location: New York.

Request to see Mrs. Blaine.

Box   30
Baldwin, Louis B., 1940-1942

Location: Phoenix, Arizona.

Reports of the physical condition of Mrs. Karl Krueger from Doctor Baldwin. Bills for Mrs. Krueger's care. Bill for services rendered to Mrs. Edwin Clough.

Box   30
Baldwin, Roger P., 1937-1948

Location: New Haven, Connecticut.

Acceptance and decline of dinner invitations. Report of an address by Roger Baldwin given at a luncheon of the American Civil Liberties Union in Chicago March 9, 1948 on the subject of extending civil rights in Germany.

Box   30
Baldwin, Roescrans, 1937-1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepts and declines dinner invitations.

Box   30
Bale, Alton G., 1949

Location: Aurora, Illinois.

Request for an interview. Enclosed picture of himself and family.

Box   30
Balfour, Harold, 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter advertising a new tea.

Box   30
Balgeman, Louis, 1903

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Bill for room rented.

Box   30
Blagemann, Ernst, 1902-1903

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Bill for lumber and carpentry work.

Box   30
Blinsky-Jundzill, undated
Note: See International Students Organization, February 19, 1926; “The New Student” and “The Open Road” March 5, 1926.
Box   30
Balke Indian Trading Company, R.L., 1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Ball, Fred E., 1928-1951

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for services renders as physician together with receipts.

Box   30
Folder   1
Ball, Charles B.
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois.
Box   30
Folder   1
Ball, Charles B., 1903-1906
Note: As Secretary of the City Homes Association of Chicago, Ball sent Mrs. Blaine a report of the meetings of the Association which contain a great weal of information on the work and problems of the Association.
Box   30
Folder   2
Note: Notification of meetings of the Association. “Conditions Found in 1000 Chicago Bakeries.” Proposed Budget for the Association for 1913-1914. “Health Departments and Housing,” by Ball reprinted from American Journal of Public Health.
Box   30
Ball, Joseph H., 1944

Location: Minnesota.

Speech by Senator Ball from Minnesota before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations on September 20, 1944 entitled “The Consequence of Dumbarton Oaks.”

See also: Chicago United Nations Committee to Win the Peace, 1943 September 11.

Box   30
Ball, Lydia G., 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you note for an Easter remembrance.

Box   30-33
Ball, Russell, Agent for the Trustees for Virginia McCormick, 1926 April-1941 July
Physical Description: 40 folders 

Location: Pasadena, California.

Telegrams, letters, and papers dealing with the acquisition and remodeling of 1400 Hillcrest Avenue, Pasadena. Setting up account for Miss McCormick and auditing. Details about the later stages of remodeling and the initial matters of upkeep: taxes, insurance, and cooperation with adjoining property owners in improvements. Landscaping and rewiring, April 1926-March 1929.

Acquisition of Santa Monica property. Construction of bungalow, tea house, croquet court. Contracts and subcontracts. Purchase of additional land, March 1929-December 1929.

Continued upkeep, remodeling, and improvement of both estates. Recreation hall, guest house, servants quarters and improvement of the grounds at Santa Monica. Relocation of driveway, new work on sewer, improvement of grounds, and six-car garage at Pasadena, January 1930-December 1931.

Budget submitted (March 1932) for the first six months of 1933. Ball, himself on Community Chest Committee, wrote about even larger help than usual from the McCormick. Further correspondence relating to curtailing expenses: wages cuts for men, curtailed expenditures, abandonment of various projects, January 1932-September.

Upkeep and minor repairs of the two estates. Considerable correspondence dealing with the condition of the bluff at Santa Monica property which suffered two landslides, in September and October 1932. Removal of debris, and efforts to “dry out” bluff to prevent further slides, October 1932-September 1934.

Continued work of bluff. A series of letters dealing with Ball's efforts as a Republican supporter to solicit Mrs. Blaine's support against Upton Sinclair's candidacy for Governor in California, October 1934-December 1934.

Correspondence continues to cover variety of matters, but greatest concern remained the condition of the Santa Monica bluff, January 1935-December 1936.

Continued correspondence on estate matters. Also Ball's letters seeking to establish some new arrangement for, and to get compensation for, carrying on the management of the estate now that he had retired from the bank in Pasadena previously handling it, January 1937-December 1937.

Ball's continued efforts to arrange compensation for the handling of the estate in 1937. He resigned at the end of the year. Bill still not paid in 1942.

See also: Nay, A.J. and Stocksick, H.J., January 1938-August 1942.

Box   33
Ball, Russell, Mrs. (Louise S.), 1932 December

Location: Pasadena.

Thank you note for gift of vases.

Box   33
Ball, Sidney Young, 1930 June

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Wedding invitation for their daughter Florence.

Box   33
Ball, Thomas W., 1925 February
Note: See also: Fund for Near East Colleges. Memo on phone conversation.
Box   33
Ballantyne, A.W., 1906-1907; 1919; 1926-1927

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Attorney handling affairs for “Oaklands” property. Letters dealing with upkeep, alterations, possible acquisition of adjoining land, opposition to the extension of several blind streets through the property. 1919 correspondence deals with arrangements to get Miss McCormick's household through Canadian immigration without a repetition of the delay attending the investigation of the background of some previously mistaken for “enemy aliens.”

Box   33
Ballantyne, Ethelwin, 1923 June

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Telegram of thanks for the use of Oaklands for a garden party for Presbyterian Mission Group.

Box   33
Ballard, Eliza Cheesborugh, 1941 February; 1941 June

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Letter from former member of Miss McCormick's household, mentioning present poverty and requesting Mrs. Blaine's permission to send some needlework. She hoped to receive payment. Second letter on occasion of Miss McCormick's death.

Box   33
Ballard, Ellis Ames, 1937-1939, 1948

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Social notes accepting or thanking Mrs. Blaine for invitation to Christmas and New Year's parties.

Box   33
Ballard, Ernest Schwefel, 1934, 1936, 1940

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Letter written as president of Chicago Council of Social Agencies discussing its work and mentioning Mrs. Blaine's possible contribution, December 1936. Letter on subject of telegraphing the White House to influence action, December 1940. Variety of social notes, mostly about dinners.

Box   33
Ballard, Ernest Schwefel, Mrs. (Elizabeth D.), 1938-1946

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Letter concerning her work for the Library of International Relations to which books were being donated in the name of individual service men lost in the war, March 1946. Social correspondence including that relating to marriage of daughter.

Box   33
Ballard, Harry C., Dr., 1920

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter on conditions of Edward J. Gorman's feet, and possible treatment. Subsequent bill.

Box   33
Ballard, Russell W., 1947-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telegrams: one accepting invitation to dinner for Henry Wallace, the others largely Christmas greetings.

Box   33
Ballard, Virginia Ames, 1939-1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social notes about New Year's Eve parties.

Box   33
Ballentine, Edmund W., 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Letter seeking financial aid to continue his research for a cure to consumption.

Box   33
Ballentine, Harriet L., 1918-1919

Location: Milan, Pennsylvania.

Notes, October 6-8, 1918 at deathbed of Emmons Blaine. Two subsequent letters of consolation which also relate Miss Ballentine's doings.

Box   33
Balliet, Thomas M., 1904

Location: Springfield, Massachusetts.

Balliet, Superintendent of Schools in Springfield, gave a dedicatory speech, which Mrs. Blaine sought to reprint. Correspondence limited to arranging this matter.

Box   33
Balmer, C., 1898-1900

Location: Chicago, Illinois; some from other locations.

Letters, in French, from a visiting French acquaintance of Mrs. Blaine.

Box   34
Balmer, Edwin, 1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters dealing with awarding the prizes at the Child Welfare Exhibit.

Box   34
Baltimore Blind Company, 1899

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Letter, brochure, and order blank in answer to Mrs. Blaine's enquiry about awnings.

Box   34
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, 1892

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Baltimore, Maryland.

Acknowledgement of C.H. McCormick's gift of Emmons Blaine's letter book. Correspondence dealing with payment of his remaining salary for May and June of 1892.

Box   34
Baltimore School of Art and Needlework, 1929

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.


Box   34
Banby, C.H.
Note: See also: Presbyterian, American Presbyterian Church, North India Mission.
Box   34
Bancroft, Edgar A., 1909-1924
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Considerable correspondence dealing with development of Henry Baird Favill Foundation. Favill, a professor at University of Chicago, Bancroft, a Chicago lawyer, and many others served with Mrs. Blaine on committee to organize Memorial activities in his name. Ultimately settled on laboratory. Also letters of condolence for death of Emmons Blaine, 1909-1919.

More material, now on the General Committee, dealing with details of Favill Memorial during years 1920-1924. Several letters from Bancroft in which he gave Mrs. Blaine his reasons for not aiding her efforts to found an Illinois branch of the Non Partisan Association for the League of Nations in 1923. Copy of Bancroft's speech on “World Court” to the graduating class of John Marshall Law School, June 26, 1924, in Chicago.

Box   34
Bancroft, Edgar, Mrs. (Margaret H.), 1912, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Blaine wanted Mrs. Bancroft to discuss with her the best possible means to utilize interest in equal suffrage. Mrs. Bancroft's secretary answered that they were in the South at the time (1912). A note arranging a social call in 1915.

Box   34
Bancroft, Edward E., Dr., 1914

Location: Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Letter seeking payment for bill to Miss Ruth Cambell.

Box   34
Band Box, The, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Phone memo about misplaced order.

Box   34
Banga, H., Dr., 1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for gift of pamphlet on Harvard Medical School in China.

Box   34
Bangler, Rosa, Mrs., 1901

Location: Columbia, New Jersey.

Letter from a poor woman seeking gift of $1000 to build her home.

Box   34
Bangs International Company, American Division, 1948-1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Four phone memos. Mrs. Blaine had given her Lake Mills' property to the University of Wisconsin. The Bangs Company sought to get them or any other agricultural college to conduct controlled experiments on Bangs Disease in order to test their claims for their remedy. They hoped Mrs. Blaine would instruct Wisconsin to use her former property for that purpose.

Box   34
Bangs, Jno. D., and Company, 1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for wrought iron basket.

Box   34
Bank of America, 1939

Location: Pala Alto, California.

Letter on new checking account for John Blaine Lawrence.

Box   34
Bankers' Club of Chicago, 1925 February 20

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address of Sir George Paish, noted economist. Introductory remarks by Eugene Stevens, and General Charles Dawes.

Box   34
Bankers' Credit Service, 1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter seeking whereabouts of Miss Jesse, Van French, presumably a former employee of Mrs. Blaine.

Box   34
Bankers' Publishing Company, 1922

Location: New York.

Bill for an issue of Bankers' Magazine.

Box   34
Bankers' Trust Company, 1922, 1946

Location: New York.

Letter about book Mrs. Blaine had ordered: French Public Finance. Correspondence (1946) about setting up a joint account for Mrs. Blaine and Mrs Clark J. Lawrence with power of attorney to Dr. Edward J. Kempf. A secondary account also set up for John Blaine Lawrence.

Box   34
Banks, Charles Eugene, 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter soliciting photographs of Mrs. Blaine and her house for a projected book on American Home Life and Social Customs.

Box   34
Banks, Edgar J., 1928

Location: Eustis, Florida.

Attempted to sell “genuine ancient inscribed Babylonian tablets which he presumably acquired while Field Director of recent . . . exhibition from the University of Chicago.”

Box   34
Baptist, 1926

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Notice that Mrs. Blaine's subscription was in arrears.

Box   34
Baptist, Central Baptist Orphanage, 1904, 1911

Location: Maywood, Illinois.

Tickets for benefit; request for $500.

Box   34
Baptist, Clear Mountain Springs, 1927

Location: Middlesboro, Kentucky.

Appeal for $10,000 to build waterfront.

Box   34
Baptist, Dallas Baptist Church, 1922

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Note thanking Mrs. Blaine for gift from M.V. McCormick.

Box   34
Baptist, Englewood Community Church, 1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Three memoranda on pastors appeal for funds to further work on Youth Center.

Box   34
Baptist, Fifth Street Church, 1927

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Request for funds to build annex.

Box   34
Baptist, First Baptist Church, 1912-1930

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Considerable correspondence; nearly all notes of thanks for the contributions of M.V. McCormick.

Box   34
Baptist, First Baptist Church, 1904

Location: Marinette, Wisconsin.

Appeal for funds.

Box   34
Baptist, First Baptist Church, 1914, 1920-1924, 1928

Location: North Scituate, Massachusetts.

Letters of thanks for contributions of M.V. McCormick.

Box   34
Baptist, Friendship Church, 1930

Location: Pasadena, California.

A letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for contribution of M.V. McCormick and mentioning work of Church in uplifting African Americans.

Box   34
Baptist, Hyde Park Baptist Church, 1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

An appeal for funds for A Movement for World Christianity, an effort to meet the pressing world crisis. Mentions Mrs. Blaine's past work.

Box   34
Baptist, Jeffery Manor Baptist Church, 1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Reverend Stanley Olson brought Palmquist to see Mrs. Blaine about Christian Broadcasting Association. Letter left to explain their visit and brochure on the network, whose missionary efforts were broadcast from Honolulu. They needed funds.

See also: Palmquist, Charles R.

Box   34
Baptist, LaSalle Baptist Church and Social Center, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Appeal for funds; they did so since their former wealthier members had moved from that section of the city.

Box   34
Baptist, University Avenue Baptist Church, 1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

A note of thanks for $50.

Box   34
Baptist, Walmer Road Baptist Church, 1912-1915

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Thanks for gifts from M.V. McCormick, including $1500 for Memorial Institute toward workers salaries.

Box   34
Baptiste, J.E., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter from a young flower seller seeking aid.

Box   34
Baraca Club of Toronto, 1912

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Letter of thanks to Mrs. Blaine for Miss McCormick's gift to this religious and social organization.

Box   34
Barber, Albert Harris, 1935, 1938, 1943

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Personal letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for buying his daughter's ticket home at Thanksgiving. Other social notes.

Box   34
Barber, Albert Harris, Mrs. (Lucie B.), 1938, 1940

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Social notes: daughter's debutante party, etcetera.

Box   34
Barber, Albert Harris, Jr., 1939

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Acceptance of invitation to New Year's Eve Party.

Box   34
Barber, Courtenay, Jr., 1942-1944

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Most of material from summer of 1942, Letters, news-releases, and pamphlets dealing with campaigning against “reactionary” congressmen and supporting the war effort. Speeches by McLeish and Agar. The most personal material are letters from “Courtenay” seeking her participation on a committee for effective political action during the campaign in 1944.

See also:

  • Fight for Freedom, 1941 July 29
  • Report of joint meeting with Committee to defend American by Aiding the Allies
  • Friends of Democracy
  • United Nations Association Congress, 1944 January 14-15, proceedings
Box   34
Barber, Harris, 1937-1940

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Social notes.

Box   34
Barber, J. Max, 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memorandum on a interview with Barber, editor of the African American magazine, The Voice, which was in need of $800 to continue publication. He sought first $300 and, after finding $250 elsewhere, then only $50 from Mrs. Blaine. He got the latter. Two copies of the magazine also in file.

Box   34
Barber, John W., 1902

Location: Danville, Illinois.

Letter from a semi literate, or deranged, individual seeking funds from Mrs. Blaine for the publication of his life story.

Box   34
Barber, Maryphyllis, 1939

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Social note.

Box   34
Barbet, William A., 1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memorandum on interview; he needed money.

Box   34
Barbour, George Harrison, 1920

Location: New York.

Invitation to marriage of daughter, Estelle.

Box   34
Barbour, William Delamater, 1898

Location: New York?

Invitation for marriage of daughter, Jeanie.

Box   34
Barclay's Bank Ltd., 1939, 1942, 1953

Location: London, England.

Letter dealing with account opened while Mrs. Blaine visited England and Scotland in 1939. Subsequent bank correspondence matters of form, and new regulation.

Box   34
Bard, George Winfield Scott, 1953

Location: Bronxville, New York.

Invitation to marriage of daughter, Harriet B.

Box   34
Bard, Ralph
Note: See also: Planned Parenthood Association, 1949 January 11.
Box   34
Barets, Sam, Importing Company, 1904

Location: Denver, Colorado.

Bill for order by Miss Jordon.

Box   34
Bar Harbor Banking and Trust Company, 1895

Location: Bar Harbor, Maine.

Answer to her request about the state of Emmons Blaine's account.

Box   34
Bakan, Hans, 1940

Location: San Francisco, California.

Letter dealing with raising of funds for scholarship is memorial to Dr. Harry Baordman, a mutual friend.

Box   34
Barker, Cyrus, 1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memo on his effort to see Mrs. Blaine. He was a friend of Emmons.

Box   34
Barker, Edwin L., 1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Pamphlet, The Birth of a Race, written by Barker, and praising the role of various races in the formation of America.

Box   34
Barker, John N., 1905

Location: Harbor Springs, Michigan.

Invitation to marriage of daughter, Anna Ogden.

Box   34
Barker, Lewellys F., Dr., 1928-1929

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Typescript dealing with work of Illinois Mental Hygiene Association which begins with a lengthy quotation from speech delivered by Dr. Barker to National Committee for Mental Health in 1912.

Box   34
Barker, Lilian H., 1930

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for gift.

Box   34
Barkhausen, Henry, 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social note for New Year's Eve Party.

Box   34
Barkhausen, Henry George, Mrs., 1943

Location: San Francisco, California

Invitation to marriage of daughter, Katherine.

Box   34
Barkley, M.H., 1886

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for dress goods.

Box   34
Barlow, Frances R., 1921-1943

Location: Toronto, Canada

Miss Barlow a companion of Miss McCormick during these years. Most of the correspondence deals with day to day happenings, Mrs. Blaine's gifts and letters to them, and, occasionally Miss McCormick's comments. During the 1930s Miss Barlow's sister in Canada was taken ill and required considerable treatment; Mrs. Blaine gave more frequent attention to Miss Barlow's problems.

Box   34
Barlow, George S., 1920-1921

Location: New York

Booklet advertised in this letter contained songs including a march dedicated to the Washington Conference.

Box   34
Barlow, Lester

Barlow represented World War Veterans.

See also: Labor Party Convention, 1920 July 12

Box   34
Barlow, Mrs., 1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A request for an interview.

Box   34
Barnaby, Marietta, 1903

Location: Peak Island, Maine

Seeking a job as a private nurse, she wrote to Mrs. Blaine who had once interviewed her.

Box   34
Barnard, Edward, 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memoranda on his visits. During the summer Mrs. Blaine's electric automobile was “borrowed” by William Shea, who hit and injured Barnard before being caught. Barnard claimed that he was subsequently afflicted by loss of memory (only momentary) which caused him to lose his job as a waiter. He reluctantly visited Mrs. Blaine (her secretaries) to suggest she make up the wages he had lost. The secretaries continually wondered whether he would initiate a law suit.

Box   34
Barnard, H.E.
Note: See also: Chicago Regional White House Conference, 1931 October 30-31. Child health and protection.
Barnard, Joseph H., 1930-1945
Physical Description: 68 folders 

Location: Riven Rock Estate, Montecito, California (near Santa Barbara).

Riven Rock was an estate operated by a Board of Guardians consisting of Mrs. Blaine, Harold McCormick, Mrs. Stanley McCormick, and a group of professionals at a cost of over $250,000 per year for Stanley McCormick, incompetent son of Cyrus Hall McCormick.

Joseph H. Barnard acted as executive secretary to the board of guardians for the administration of Riven Rock from 1930 to 1945. Lieutenant Colonel Barnard served 32 years in the United States Army before accepting this position. The 68 folders filed under the name of Joseph Barnard consist mainly of his weekly reports from Riven Rock and very comprehensive monthly reports to the board of guardians.

Several maps of the estate grounds and buildings are found in the folder for September and October, 1931.

The primary interest of Barnard in his reports was the general administration of Riven Rock. From his very complete monthly reports much can be learned: about prices of almost anything from 1930 to 1945, wage and salary rates, problem of securing adequate water supply, the progression of taxes on personal income during the war years, administration of a large estate, and a host of day to day problems. Important to the fruit growing economy of the West is a telegram dated March 1, 1935, which explains very concisely the operation of the Johnston Fruit Company, a growers' cooperative of Montecito to which every fruit grower had to belong in order to market his fruit.

Although Barnard's reports do not attempt to explain the development of Mr. Stanley McCormick's mental health from 1930 to 1945, much can be learned through the minutes of the annual meetings of the Board of Guardians which usually met between March and July. This source of information is valuable as a case history of a mental patient whom some doctors classified as suffering from psychosis, others from schizophrenia. What is unusual about this case is that money was no object in the treatment of this man's malady. Thousands of dollars were spent each month in securing the best medical aid. The reports of the different doctors on this case are revealing. The more complete reports are listed below.

Reports filed under:

  • July 14, 1832. Arguments regarding the relative value of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and medical treatment of the patient. (Mrs. Stanley McCormick is found usually favoring only medical treatment while the brother and sister of the patient are willing to try almost anything).
  • May 20, 1935.
  • April 12, 1937. In addition to the usual report on the mental health of Mr. McCormick includes a consideration of possible shock treatment through the injection of insulin.
  • April 28, 1943. Includes a summary of current treatments of schizophrenia which is very complete.

Other items of interest in these folders are:

  • Musical therapy. Mr. McCormick was interested in orchestral and vocal music and had on the estate a small orchestra. Mr. Eldred, musical director at Riven Rock, reveals the type of therapy in letters dated December 6, 1935, but found in the June and July, 1936 folder. See also monthly financial reports for special artists brought to Riven Rock to perform for Mr. McCormick.
  • Legal case of Miss Copren. She was a R.N. at Riven Rock who was injured by a blow from Mr. McCormick. Information on this case is found throughout the 1935 -1936 folders.
  • Security. A report dated May 27, 1942 reveals some measures of the United States government to protect the California coast from invasion. The general tone of the reports in the war years is that there should be less spending for luxuries that are visible to the public.
  • Western ranches. The guardians thought it necessary to arrange an alternative estate for Mr. McCormick in case of evacuation from the coast. The folder for August, 1942 contains information and photographs of ranches in the West which were considered by the guardians.

Scattered throughout the folders are documents which indicate the legal status of an incompetent person.

Box   34
1930 August-October
Box   35
1930 November-1932 July
Box   36
1932 July-1934 December
Box   37
1935 January-1937 June
Box   38
1937 July-1940 March
Box   39
1940 April-1942 August
Box   40
1942 September-1945
Box   41
Barnard, Joseph H., Mrs. (Maude), 1930 December 30-1949 December 28

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Most of the letters are thank-you notes for flowers sent to the Barnards on holidays. Some express beauty of flowers on the Stanley McCormick estate.

Box   41
Barnard and Miller, 1911 May 31-1919 July 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Printing bills for various speeches and pamphlets which Mrs. Blaine had printed for distribution. Also Liberty Loan circular bills, posters, etcetera.

Box   41
Barnard, W.W., and Company, 1905 October 2-1929 April 25

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for lawn supplies and chickens.

Box   41
Barnes, Benjamin Ayer, 1937 December 13-1940 December 23

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepts and rejects dinner invitations.

Box   41
Barnes, Cecil, Mrs. (Margaret Ayer), 1910 January 9-1939 December 11

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters accepting invitations. Request in 1925 for Mrs. Blaine to see a Miss W.E. Park, President of Bryn Mawr College.

Box   41
Barnes, Cecil, Jr., 1937 December-1939 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepts invitations to New Years Eve parties.

Box   41
Barnes, Charles J., Mrs., 1907 April 24

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social engagement at Mrs. C.J. Barnes's home for the purpose of meeting Mrs. Nelson Ludington Barnes.

Box   41
Barnes, Clifford W., 1907 April 19-1944 September 7

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

References to “Legislative Voters League,” “Chicago Community Trust,” and “Report of Unity Day Meeting,” by Mayor Kelly on June 6, 1941, p. 5.

Clifford Barnes was president of the Chicago Sunday Evening Club during the entire duration of this correspondence. Most of the letters concern the speakers and programs of this organization. At times Mrs. Blaine sent contributions to the organization.

Other organizations which Barnes corresponded about were: The International Committee On Moral Training Inquiry, which was designed to promote moral training and good citizenship through the public schools; Committee of Fifteen, which had as its purpose to combat prostitution in the Chicago area; Chicago Church Federation, designed to organize the Chicago Protestants; Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America; World Court Committee, of which Barnes was chairman; In most cases Barnes' letters do not go into detail about the organization. Mrs. Blaine was most interested in the Chicago Sunday Evening Club which she gave money from time to time, and the Committee of Fifteen of which she was a member.

Box   41
Barnes, Edward L., 1937 December-1949 January 4
Note: Barnes was invited to several New Year's Eve parties at Mrs. Blaine's during and after his time as a student at Harvard.
Box   41
Barnes, Edwin C., and Brothers, 1941 May 15

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for voice dictating machine.

Box   41
Barnes, George S., 1914 December 1-1915 June 3

Location: Barnes, Wisconsin.

Bill for $29.95, but no indication of what it is for.

Box   41
Barnes, Harry Elmer, 1932 March 12

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Reference to Chicago Association for Child Study and Parent Education, March 12, 1932.

Box   41
Barnes, Helen F., 1901
Note: Reference to Young Women's Christian Association - U.S.A.
Box   41
Barnes, Jessie F., 1909 June-1930

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

It seems that Miss Barnes was a teacher with whom Mrs. Blaine was acquainted. Acceptances of invitations. Thanks for some gift Mrs. Blaine gave her in the 1930s.

Box   41
Barnes, Jules H., 1922 March 20

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address “The Agricultural Revival” delivered at Casino Club, Chicago, March 20, 1922.

Box   41
Barnes, Lilace Reid, 1938 October 20, 1944 October 3

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

October 20, 1938 note is invitation to Mrs. Blaine to come to YWCA and hear Countess Goblet-d' Alerella. October 3, 1944 correspondence is note thanking Mrs. Blaine for flowers.

Box   41
Barnes, O.P., Publisher, 1906 October 5-November 6

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Text book publisher wanted Mrs. Blaine to examine and endorse his line of spellers for both elementary and secondary schools.

Box   41
Barnes, Ralph E., 1932 March 14

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A letter from Mr. Barnes on behalf of Dr. Early A. Roadman, president of Dakota Wesleyan University, appealing for funds because the endowments of the college were vested in farm mortgages and drought and grasshoppers made it impossible for many farmers to meet their obligations. No follow up.

Box   41
Barnes Theatre Ticket Service, 1946 May 31-July 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Three bills for the same item of 2 tickets for Civic Opera National.

Box   41
Barnes, Thurber Wud, 1892 June 26

Location: Nantucket, Massachusetts.

Letter of sympathy at death of Emmons Blaine.

Box   41
Barnes, Walter, 1922 February 28
Note: Reference to National Education Society, February 28, 1922, “Report of Joint Health Committee.”
Box   41
Barnett, B., Ltd., 1939 August 16

Location: Piccadilly, London, England?

Small bill for jewelry.

Box   41
Barnett, E.T., 1904 December 13-1927 March 22

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Miss Eleanor Barnett was Mrs. Blaine's secretary at one time. She worked during 1904 and 1905 then became sick. She applied for jobs to both Mrs. McCormick and Mrs. Blaine but apparently was not rehired. A secretarial report dated July 21, 1905 reveals the things that concerned Mrs. Blaine at this time.

Box   41
Barnett, George D., M.D., 1940 January 5

Location: San Francisco, California.

Bill for $100 from Dr. Barnett of Stanford University Hospital for a consultation with Dr. Conroy.

Box   41
Barnett, Ida B. Wells, 1915 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

One letter seeking appointment; another thanking Mrs. Blaine for a check which helped the “Orchestra Hall” meeting of the Negro Fellowship League of which Mrs. Barnett was a member.

Box   41
Barnett, Nathan S., 1909 August 4-1943 February 26

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Blaine employed Mr. Barnett as her chauffeur and mechanic for her Locomobile in 1909. There are several inventory sheets in the folder which reveal the equipment used in the operation of this Locomobile.

In 1943, long after his employment with Mrs. Blaine had terminated, Barnett wrote a letter to her outlining a program for his proposed “Mrs. Emmons Blaine Foundation.” Some of the points of this program are: pushing for a federal law forbidding private citizens to own or manufacture fire arms, censorship of movies, magazines, books, etcetera (suppression of all atrocious crimes and sex problems), establishing a youth education program including a Club, magazine, and lectures. No follow up.

Box   41
Barnett, S.A., Mrs. (Henrietta O.), 1920 October 17-1925 January

Location: Cleveland, Ohio; Hampstead Garden Suburbs, England.

Mrs. Barnett was director of the Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute, a progressive school, including elementary and secondary divisions. This school belonged to the “National Federation of Settlements” of which Jane Addams was a member. Folder contains 3 pamphlets on the school.

Box   41
Barney, Laura Dreyfus, 1925 April

Location: Washington, D.C.

Request for address of “League of Nations Non-Partisan Association” of which Mrs. Blaine was a member.

Box   41
Barnum, Gertrude, 1911 January 11

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A request that Miss Mary Agnes Best, famed story teller, be allowed to make an engagement in Chicago for the benefit of the Garment Worker's Relief Fund. Letter asks if Mrs. Blaine knew anyone who would like to engage Miss Best for this purpose.

Box   41
Barr, Alfred T., 1923 July 20

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Letter of sympathy at death of Mrs. McCormick.

Box   41
Barr, John Christie, 1918 January 7; 1929 January 25

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana.

Two requests for money for the Presbyterian Hospital. No follow up.

Box   41
Barr, John Christie, Mrs., 1929 January 18-21
Note: Notes on three visits of Mrs. Barr on behalf of Presbyterian Hospital of New Orleans. Mrs. Barr tried desperately to get $50,000 for the hospital so as to keep it in operation. Her arguments are very convincing and emotional; yet Mrs. Blaine would not see her. No follow up.
Box   41
Barr, Norman B., 1900-1943
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Reference to “Fellowship of Reconciliation.” May 3-5, 1935. Dr. Norman S. Barr was pastor and superintendent of Olivet Institute, a community service center, in the heart of Chicago. Dr. Barr served as devoted pastor and skillful fund raiser for the Institute from 1900-1942. Olivet Institute served the poor, especially the poor immigrants, of Chicago. As early as 1911 the Institute had seven departments; athletic, educational, musical, medical, outing, relief, and religious. Under Dr. Barr's leadership the Institute continually expanded. Mrs. Cyrus Hall McCormick generously responded to Dr. Barr's requests and at one time contributed a lump sum of $100,000. Harold McCormick served on the Board of Trustees for many years. Mrs. Blaine was not as enthusiastic about Olivet Institute as her mother was, but she did respond to Dr. Barr's frequent requests. He wanted aid for buildings, mothers' and children's camp at Lake Geneva, but most often for operating expenses. The 1941 and 1942 correspondence contains Mr. Barr's views of international affairs. Throughout the correspondence Mr. Barr's skill as fund raiser is demonstrated.

Box   41
Barr, R.J., 1909 April 15

Location: Springfield, Illinois.

Letter from the 46th general assembly of the State of Illinois acknowledging Harold McCormick's views on Senate Bill No. 311. No further explanation.

Barr, Stringfellow, 1948 January-1953 September
Physical Description: 8 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York, New York; Charlottesville, Virginia; and elsewhere.

Mrs. Blaine established the Foundation For World Government to promote world government and world peace with a fund of $1,000,000. Knowledge of the objectives of this organization is necessary for an understanding of Mrs. Blaine's philanthropy. Trustees were: Anita McCormick Blaine, Stringfellow Barr, Scott Buchanan, and Robert Maynard Hutchins. The Foundation engaged eminent scholars on its research projects.

Box   41
1948 June 25-27
Note: See also: Pocono Pines Conference.
Box   41
1948 January-July
Note: Documents show that the Foundation was taking form. Progress Report to the Trustees, January 13-14, 1948. “Let's Join the Human Race.” a booklet by Mr. Barr. Proceedings of the World Government, April 23, 1948 including addresses by Mr. Cord Meyer Jr. and Stringfellow Barr. (Chicago). Proceedings of Meeting of The United World Federalists at Chicago, July 2, 1948. Final Report on the Pocono Conference by S. Barr, Chairman. Personal letters in this folder concern details of the Foundation and Pocono Pines Conference.
Box   41
1948 August-December
Note: Folder contains personal correspondence relative to the Foundation.
Box   42
1949 January-July
Note: Telegram of January 6 hints at the consideration of Henry Wallace as a trustee. Two recording disks post marked, Paris, concern Barr's trip to Europe and his views of world government along with interviews with European leaders in the same field. Letter dated February 22, 1949 hints that Barr wanted financial aid from Mrs. Blaine to combat the Byrd machine of Virginia in the next election.
Box   42
1949 August 1
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Folder 1: Aide Memoire to the Trustees, contains a summary of the Foundation's activities and its plans for the future. The remainder of the folder contains outlines of proposed areas of research: Political Democracy in Europe, World Security Through International Resources Development, Report of a Committee to Frame a World Constitution, Some Shortcomings of International Agreements: The International Wheat Agreement of 1949, and others.

Folder 2: Article for Peuple Du Monde on the Stockholm Congress of the World Movement for World Federal Government, by Clifford Dancer which proposes, among other things, a world constitution. An Institute for World Government, by Scott Buchanan. Passage to India, 57 page manuscript of Harry Wofford.

Box   42
1949 August 2
Note: Reprinted article from The Nation by Alden Stevens, “Small Town America.” A Draft Proposal For World Security Through International Resources Development, by Hermann Herrey and Harlow Shepley. Barr's letters to Mrs. Blaine reveal policies of the Foundation.
Box   42
1949 October-December
Note: Financial report of first half of 1949 reveals the expenditures on the projects undertaken by the Foundation. An Action Program On an Expanded Point Four Project, is a comprehensive outline by the Public Affairs Institute on economic topics the world over. Report: to the Trustees reveals the turmoil of the first year of operation and how the Foundation's objectives were thwarted by the “Cold War” An interesting report dated December 13, 1949 on the research of Palmer Weber, reveals his attempts to compare the ethics, economics, and politics of the 3 main traditions in the Western World; the Aristotlean, the Marxist, and the Lockean.
Box   42
Note: Report of the President dated April 24, 1950 reveals that the objectives of the Foundation were pretty well defined by this time. Scott Buchanan's World Government and World Development, reveals the point of view of the Foundation's secretary on this topic. Financial report of June 39, 1951 reveals expenditures up to that time.
Box   42
Barrett, Charles R., 1904 February 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mr. Barrett requested that Mrs. Blaine set up a scholarship for unfortunate children; orphans, children of indigent widows, etcetera, at a school called The Athenaeum. No follow up.

Box   42
Barrett-Christie Company, 1916 December 11-1917 March 7

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for tolls and plumbing supplies.

Box   42
Barrett Company, 1917 April 26-August 8

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Bills for tarvia shipped to “McCormick Estate at Jerusalem Rd.” near Boston?

Box   42
Barrett, Frederick J., 1914 September 15-1915 April 1

Location: New York, New York.

Doctor bills. (small)

Box   42
Barrett, John, 1910 April 19-1918 October 11

Location: Washington, D.C.

Barrett, international director of the American Republics, asked and received from Mrs. Blaine the “loving cup” presented to her father-in-law, James G. Blaine. The cup was displayed at the dedication of the Pan American Union Building, April 26, 1910. The program of this dedication is enclosed. Telegram at death of Emmons Jr. Clippings.

Box   42
Barrett, Juliet, 1897 September 9
Note: Thanks Mrs. Blaine for a “little red book.”
Box   42
Barrett, Katharine Barker, 1925

Location: New York.

Invitation for Mrs. Blaine to come for supper to Camp Woodmere on upper St Regis Lake, Franklin County, New York.

Box   42
Barrett, Robert, 1908 November
Note: Written on board the Pennsylvania Limited. Tells Mrs. Blaine about his schooling.
Box   42
Barrett, S.E., 1899-1909 April 13

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Three wedding invitations for members of Eddy Barrett family. Two letters in 1909 reveal that David Shumaker was in a position to exert pressure on the Illinois Legislature. (Senate Bill #311 1909).

Box   42
Barritt, Leon, 1909 July 19

Location: New York.

Bill of $2 for The Moose, by Philip Fauch?

Box   42
Barroll, Henry E., 1907 December 22; 1908 January 6

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

The 1907 letter requests that Mrs. Blaine give financial aid to a woman physician, Dr. Laird, who was ill and whose foster father would give no assistance. Dr. Laird's fiancee was supposedly starving himself to give Dr. Laird adequate medical aid. No follow up.

Box   42
Barron, C.W., 1911 October 30

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A notice that “Miss McCormick” was appealed to for aid in improving the harbor at Cohasset, Massachusetts. Pamphlet on same.

Box   42
Barron, Elsie, 1929 July 8

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

This woman was in the market for a large home and grounds in the Chicago area. Asked about “Oaklands.”

Box   42
Barron, Harriet A., 1901 February 23

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

This lady wanted Mrs. Blaine to help her get a position as household manager or seamstress in a “family of means.” No follow up.

Box   42
Barron, Margaret, 1937 November 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A Miss O'Connor and Mrs. Blaine must have given medical aid to this woman. Letter thanks Mrs. Blaine also for her letter.

Box   42
Barron, R., Ltd., 1911 December 1

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Bill for imported groceries and flowers.

Box   42
Barron, Thomas J., 1923 June 5-19

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Senator Barron asked for, and received, $250 for a summer outing for the poor people in his Chicago district.

Box   42
Barrows, A., 1943 May 30
Note: Mr. A. Barrows thanked Mrs. Blaine for $1,500 from the Mary Virginia McCormick pension fund.
Box   42
Barrows, Richard Shepard, Mrs. (Margaret Bentley Hamilton), 1927 September 17; 1931 April 15
Note: A young girl's thank-you letters for gifts of a doll and later some flowers.
Box   42
Barrows, Samuel J., Mrs. (Isabel C.), 1907 April 4

Location: New York, New York.

Letter addressed to Mr. Eaton concerning arrangements for Cedar Lodge for the summer of 1907.

Box   42
Barrows, Walter R., 1920 June 21-1922 January 18

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mr. Barrows' letter of June 21 reveals that he was taken very sick and without the aid of Mrs. Blaine (which he did not request apparently) he doubted if he could have secured adequate medical aid. His later letters show that he tried to pay back the money but Mrs. Blaine wished the matter to be “laid aside” for awhile.

Box   42
Barrows, Walter R., Mrs. (Carrie D.), 1920 January 28

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter on condition of Walter (above). Mrs. Barrows was the mother of Walter and was very appreciative of Mrs. Blaine's aid.

Box   42
Berry, Eleanor J., 1921 October 5

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Applied for a position of nursery governess which Mrs. Blaine apparently advertised.

Box   42
Barry, Senator, 1922 December 13

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Tried to get an interview with Mrs. Blaine.

Box   42
Barry, W. Gerard, 1892 October 23

Location: New Port.

Bill of $600 for portraits of Master Emmons Blaine.

Box   42
Barsaloux, James G., 1916 October 25

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wished to borrow $40,000 at 5% interest for 7 years with real estate worth $100,000 as security.

Box   42
Bartelme, F.M., Mrs. (Gertrude Spalding), 1922 March 22

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Asked Mrs. Blaine's financial aid during a drive for Vassar College.

Box   42
Bartelme, Mary M. (Judge), 1903 February 5-1933 April 10

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mary Bartelme presided over the Juvenile Court of Cook County where she came across many cases of mental deficiency. In the main, this folder concerns an Institute for Juvenile Research toward which Joseph Schaffner, Julius Rosenwald, and Cyrus McCormick Jr. were heavy contributors. This organization is also referred to as the Behavior Research Fund. In 1925 or 1926 it was set up as a private organization, but in 1932 Mary Bartelme spoke of turning it over to the University of Chicago. There is no indication that Mrs. Blaine contributed toward this organization, although she apparently was interested in it ($5,000 from A.B. initially for Behavior Research Fund). Most of the correspondence comes in 1925 and 1926, the time of the organizational drive.

See also:

  • Bradley, Freston
  • Chicago Business Women's Club
  • Hull House, 1932 May 6. Memorial Service
  • National Probation Association
Box   42
Bartelme Club, Mary, 1942 December 11-1950 February 8

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

By 1950 this Club had three homes in Chicago where girls who became wards of the court due to broken homes, loss of parents, etcetera, could have the opportunity of experiencing some elements of normal family life. Club sought aid from Mrs. Blaine.

See also:

  • Bartelme, Mary
  • Bradley, Preston
Box   42
Bartelme, Phyllis, 1933 April 19

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Dr. Phyllis Bartelme was somehow connected with the Institute of Juvenile Research.

Box   42
Bartels Optical Company, 1923 November 19-1931 January 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for glasses.

Box   42
Bertelsen, Neal, 1911 November 27

Location: Butte.

Almost illegible post card about National Educational Association??

Box   42
Barter, Lillian N., 1915 July 26

Location: Columbus, Nebraska.

Wanted Mrs. Blaine to use her influence to get her a job as a housekeeper in a household where a number of servants were employed. Letters of recommendation enclosed.

Box   42
Barthelemy, Antonin, 1925 June 10-1926

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Barthelemy, Consulat De France, wanted Mrs. Blaine to contribute toward a monument to Pasteur which was to be erected in Grant Park. Later he invited Mrs. Blaine to a collection of French landscape paintings. Mrs. Blaine and her brother Harold were patrons of this display. Wedding invitation.

Box   42
Bartholdy, Albrecht Mendelssohn, 1933 April 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Chicago Council of Foreign Relations. Bartholdy, director of the Institute of Foreign Affairs, Hamburg, Germany, was a grandson of Felix Mendelssohn. This address is valuable concerning Germany-United States relations, Bartholdy's opinion of the Hitler regime, and racism in Germany.

Box   43
Bartholf, C.S., 1906 January 17

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bartholf, of Goethe School District No. 4, wanted Mrs. Blaine as a member of the school board to approve changes in the architectural design of an addition to the school. Bartholf was principal.

Box   43
Bartholf, William J., 1906 December 18

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Principal of on Humboldt School invited Mrs. Blaine to a school party.

Box   43
Bartholomew, Lura H., 1934 August 22

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Hard hit by the depression, an expert on books wanted Mrs. Blaine to loan her some rent money. The notes of her interview are very rambling but desperate. Mrs. Blaine refused her.

Box   43
Bartholomew, R.W., M.D., 1819 January-May

Location: Evanston.

Medical bill of $6 for treatment of Robert Adams.

Box   43
Bartky, Walter, 1927 June 30

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Short note about a Professor Frost and a visit to Wilson Observatory. Note itself not understandable.

Box   43
Bartlett, A.C., 1899-1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

During these years, Mrs. Blaine asked Bartlett for aid in several causes which can't be determined since his letters are extremely concise. On May 16, 1904 Bartlett spoke very enthusiastically about an address that Mrs. Blaine recently delivered. (Subject of talk, or place it was given are not revealed). On November 28, 1904 Bartlett replied that he would take Mrs. Blaine's suggestion and write some United States Senators requesting passage of a national food and drink law.

Box   43
Bartlett, Clara Crouse, 1905 December 5

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Sought aid for Presbyterian Hospital.

Box   43
Bartlett, Clarence, Mrs., 1937 March 3

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Musicians Club of Women wanted Mrs. Blaine to buy box tickets for a violin recital.

Box   43
Bartlett, Florence Alden, 1899 February 15-1924 March 19

Location: Maryville, Tennessee.

Mrs. Bartlett was acquainted with Miss Virginia McCormick before 1899 although details are not revealed. Her husband was a professor at Maryville College. She sought aid for some mutual acquaintance. Letters at death of Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick and at Mrs. Bartlett's 80th birthday. Claimed to be descended from John Alden of Mayflower fame.

Box   43
Bartlett, Frank D., Mrs., 1898 April 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   43
Bartlett, Frank S., 1930 September 6-1931 October 8

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Bills for awnings and lawn furniture.

Box   43
Bartlett, Frederic Clay, 1905 April-1917 October 6

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York.

“House in the Woods” was Nettie McCormick's country home at Lake Forest.

Early correspondence concerns a sign “The Tea Shop” which Bartlett made for Mrs. Blaine. The 1917 letter concerns “House in the Woods,” a name which Mrs. Blaine wished to use even though Bartlett already had a house by that name.

Box   43
Bartlett, Frederic Clay, Mrs., 1899 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Dinner invitation.

Box   43
Bartlett, Frederick Henry, 1924 June 11-1929 September 13

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A real estate man, Bartlett called twice to see if Mrs. Blaine would buy some lands he had available. Wedding invitation.

Box   43
Bartlett, H.A., 1921 June 16-1933 May 2

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bartlett, of the Bard, Esch and Company Investment Securities, sought Mrs. Blaine's patronage. Information on investments. No indication that Mrs. Blaine patronized Bartlett.

Box   43
Bartlett, Hugh, Mrs. (Hilda Wilkinson), 1909 June-1910 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepted the invitation of Senior Class at Parker School both years.

Box   43
Bartlett, Lincoln, Company, 1901-1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Small bills for imported clothing.

Box   43
Bartlett, Lucy M., 1911 July, 1911 September

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Mrs. Bartlett, a paralyzed ex-teacher who lost her husband, asked Mrs. Blaine for aid. To prove her identity she sent her teachers certificate, which she had some trouble getting back. No follow up.

Box   43
Bartlett, Marie, 1926 March-September

Location: New York.

Bills for such things as perfume, imported umbrellas, etcetera, from “The Plaza New York.”

Box   43
Bartlett, Paul A., 1923 May 8-1954 February 23

Location: Tucson, Arizona.

Paul's father, Reverend Robert Alexander Bartlett of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, was a Presbyterian minister held in esteem by the McCormick family. When he died a small subsidy was set aside for the care of the widow, the mother of Paul Bartlett, from the gift fund of the Mary Virginia McCormick estate. From 1928 to about 1940 this fund, supplemented with small sums from Mrs. Blaine, supported Mrs. Bartlett and Paul who suffered from bronchiectasis and sinus infection. During the 30's when Paul was fighting his disease in Tucson, he worked toward becoming a writer. The Saturday Review of Literature, 1939 June 10 (enclosed) contains a favorable review of “Forward Children,” a novel by Paul Bartlett which is strongly anti war. Correspondence shows that Paul and his mother, although they were straight forward in asking for aid, were very grateful for what they received. In a 1954 letter Paul reveals that altogether he and his mother had received about $20,000 from the McCormicks through the years.

See also:

  • Bartlett, Robert A., Mrs.
  • Bloom, Benson, Dr.
  • DeGuevara, Alberto L., Dr.
Box   43
Bartlett, P.M., 1898 January 21-24

Location: Knoxville.

Informed Mrs. Blaine that he had a suitable place for rent where Miss Mary Virginia McCormick could live.

Box   43
Bartlett, Robert A., 1925 February 10-1926 October 30

Location: Letters addressed from many cities in midwest.

Reverend Robert A. Bartlett (father of Paul, above) was a Presbyterian evangelist who promised to conduct “sane services that awaken the most conservative churches.” In 1925 the Mary Virginia McCormick estate paid off the $800 mortgage on his cottage in Sault St. Marie. In early 1926 he began having occasional attacks of loss of speech. He saw a specialist in Chicago at the expense of the M.V. McCormick estate and also received some money from Mrs. Blaine for living expense. Died March 1, 1927.

Box   43
Bartlett, Robert A., Mrs. (Mamie D.), 1925-1944
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Location: Letters sent from various cities in the United States.

Correspondence concerns the expenses and difficulties of Mrs. Bartlett and her son Paul especially after the death of her husband. Mrs. Bartlett continually requested aid from Mrs. Blaine which she received mainly, as it seems, from the estate of Mary Virginia McCormick. Mrs. Bartlett wrote many thank-you notes to Mrs. Blaine always saying how the money was used.

See also:

  • Bartlett, Paul A.
  • Chicago Public Health Institute
  • Chicago, City of, Department of Police
  • Hughes, Morris N., American Consulate General Mexico
  • Presbytery of Chicago - Church Extension Board
  • Mackenzie, Mr.
  • Union Evangelical Church
Box   43
Bartlett Tree Expert Company, 1930 April 14

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memo of telephone conversation asking whether Mrs. Blaine had an estate in the Adirondacks and whether she wanted any forestry work done.

Box   43
Barton, Branca, 1889 September 25

Location: Richfield.

Thanks Mrs. Blaine for the invitation to her wedding.

Box   43
Barton, Eleanor
Note: See also: United States Department of Labor - Children's Bureau, 1919 May 19-20 conference and special meetings on Child Welfare Standards.
Box   43
Barton Robes et Manteaux, 1890 May 6

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Bills for women's clothes.

Box   43
Barton, John, 1948 April 7-1949 April 8

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Attempts to arrange an interview with Mrs. Blaine.

Box   43
Bartow, Howard Key, 1917 September 26

Location: Cohasset, Massachusetts.

Thanking Mrs. Blaine as a trustee for the estate of Miss McCormick for a gift of $1,000 for the purchase of “St. John property,” and $250 for the Cohasset Company of the Massachusetts State Guard.

Box   43
Bartwick, Robert, 1909 June 17

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepts invitation of “senior class.” No explanation.

Box   43
Baruch, Herman B., M.D., 1926 January 6

Location: New York, New York.

Mrs. Blaine and her brother Harold had apparently spent some time with the Baruch family. Baruch returned a check that Mrs. Blaine sent him saying that Harold had already taken care of the item (which was not enumerated).

Box   43
Baruch, Herman B., Mrs. (Rosemary), 1925-1926
Note: Personal notes about health, etcetera, and invitations.
Box   43
Basch, Antonin, 1941 March 21

Location: Providence, Rhode Island.

Dr. Basch was of the Department of Economics at Brown University. Accepted invitations to be Mrs. Blaine's guest at the Drake Hotel in Chicago after adjournment of World Citizens Association and also to dine with her at her home.

Box   43
Bascom, John, 1878 June 16

Location: Madison, Wisconsin.

Baccalaureate Sermon, “The Common School.”

Box   43
Basel, D. Eugene, 1910 October 8

Location: New York, New York.

Hassel, a foreigner (probably English), thanks Mrs. Blaine for the letter and gift expressing his hope that sometime they would have a chance to talk over Mrs. Blaine's success in reform, schools, etcetera.

Box   43
Bashur, B.I., 1907 March 9-1911 December 18

Location: Syria.

Bashur was a doctor and a minister who came to America in 1907 to raise money for a hospital and missionary work in his native country. His sister was a medical student at the University of Chicago. Bashur explains factors which make the practice of medicine difficult. For example the exclusion of women from all association with men. Women couldn't receive medical aid. Bashur asked for aid and received $500 from Mrs. Blaine and possibly some from her mother.

Box   43
Bashur, Zerefeh E., 1907-1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Sister of above B.I. Bashur. Thanks Mrs. Blaine for $500 sent to her brother. Sought an interview with Mrs. Blaine and wanted mere aid, for the continuation of medical services to her countrymen.

Box   43
Basola, Marie, 1950 January 12

Location: Sandoval, Illinois.

On March 25, 1947 this lady's husband was killed in a mine disaster which also took other men. Mrs. Blaine apparently sent the widows $100 each, Mrs. Basola again thanked Mrs. Blaine for her gift but mentioned that she was in financial straits, taking care of an aged mother with only small compensation checks coming in any also having large legal fees to pay. Wanted aid. No follow up.

Box   43
Bass, George, Mrs., 1920 October 25

Location: New York, New York.

Requested aid for a campaign to advertise and promote the League of Nations.

See also: Municipal Voters League, 1921 March 18? Report of mass meeting against spoils system, etcetera.

Box   43
Bass, Lyman M., 1928 June 16

Location: New York, New York.

Wedding invitation.

Box   43
Bass, Willard Streeter, 1901 June 13-1939 July 15

Location: Chicago and Walton, Maine.

Mr. Bass held the position of Physics and Biology teacher at Parker School circa 1901-1907. He was in close contact with Mrs. Blaine since he had her son Emmons as a student. Mrs. Blaine was very understanding at the time of the death of Mrs. Bass in 1907 so when Emmons died he sent a letter which shows much understanding. Since Bass knew Emmons well, there are several letters which reveal his progress as a scholar. A friendship between Bass and Mrs. Blaine was kept up until 1939. The only favor he asked was that Mrs. Blaine contribute toward a monument to James G. Blaine at Colby College in Maine. Bass' letters are very appealing.

Box   43
Bass, Willard Streeter, Mrs. (Elizabeth Adams), 1904 October 2-1907 March 8

Location: Evanston and elsewhere.

Thank you notes for gifts. A letter dated August 30, 1906 advises Mrs. Blaine to steer her son Emmons into sciences rather than the arts. Copy of funeral service held in Parker School in 1907.

Box   43
Bassett, George Pomeroy, 1904

Location: Cincinnati, Ohio.

Wedding invitation.

Box   43
Basset, George R., 1937 May 6

Location: Winslow, Maine.

Thanks Mrs. Blaine for information about “Augusta House.”

Box   43
Bassett, Gertrude S., 1912 May 30-1912 November 12

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence concerns interior decorating.

Box   43
Bassett, Lula H., 1931 October 8
Note: Thank you note for flowers.
Box   43
Bassett, Norman L., 1911 May 10-1914 September 27

Location: Augusta, Maine.

The 1911 correspondence concerns some pictures which Mrs. Blaine gave to be hung on the State House walls. Later letters concern $500 which Mrs. Blaine pledged to the Y.M.C.A. in Augusta but which she failed to pay for a long time.

Box   43
Bassett, Robert J., 1903 April 8

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Lists the draw backs of buying a lot at Morgan and Adams streets for a proposed Day Nursery.

Box   43
Bassoe, Peter, 1926 October 1-1943 June 30

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bassoe was president of the American Neurological Association. Mrs. Blaine asked him about the capabilities of Dr. Adolf Meyer of Baltimore, and about the mental condition of a Reverend McIntire. Letters do not give detailed information on the latter. Bassoe asked for a donation to the free Psychiatric Department, connected with Rush Medical College.

Box   43
Bastian-Morley Company, 1942 June; 1942 August

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Small bill for furnace repair.

Box   43
Bastien, H.L., 1906 September 21

Location: Port Carling, Ontario.

Bill for $1500 boat rent for the year.

Box   43
Basu, A.N., 1933 August 1

Location: Feenruf, Germany.

Basu, it seems, was a European professor of ancient literature who visited Parker School. He thanks Mrs. Blaine for the inspiration he received from his visit with her and also at the school.

Box   43
Batchelder, C.H., and Company, 1917 June 22

Location: Cohasset, Massachusetts.

Bills for awnings and drop curtains at the McCormick Estate.

Box   43
Batchelder, Clifton B., Mrs. (Anne Stuart), 1939 December 16
Note: Thank you note for roses.
Box   43
Batchelder, W.M., 1927 August 1-1928 June 23

Location: Hampton, New Hampshire.

Bills for food.

Box   44
Bateman Schools, 1950 November 27
Note: Invitation for tea.
Box   44
Bates, Alfred Elliott, Mrs., 1914 January 1

Location: Washington, D.C.

Wedding invitation.

Box   44
Bates, Eli, Settlement House, 1914 May 28-1938 February 10

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bates House offered recreation practical education, etcetera, to the poor of North Chicago. Mrs. Blaine was asked for contributions, and was also asked to purchase tickets to benefit performances, both of which she did.

Box   44
Bates, Frederick H., 1902 September 17

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Bill for medical services rendered to a servant, Christine Neilson, $2.50.

Box   44
Bates, Gordon, 1931 November 2-1949 January 3

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Sometime previous to 1931, the Mary Virginia McCormick Trust Fund gave about $5,000 to the Toronto Playground Association. Shortly after its formation the city made adequate provision for playgrounds, leaving the money unspent. Dr. Bates tried to give the money back to the estate but this was not allowed. Through the years, Bates kept his eyes open for a worthy use of this money. By 1949 the amount reached between $6,000 and $7,000. Bates suggested using it for a Child Welfare Division. At this point the correspondence ends.

Box   44
Bates, Henry E., 1940 May 24

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requested that Mrs. Blaine see a Doris Hutchinson.

Box   44
Bates, John R., 1940 January 16

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Advertised some rare volumes of Longfellow and Goodfellow published in 1838.

Box   44
Bates, Kathleen, 1949 November 12

Location: Des Moines, Iowa.

Claimed distant relationship with Mrs. Blaine through the McCormick side of the family.

Box   44
Bates, Mabel, 1902 August 24

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requested catalog of Parker's School on the North Side.

Box   44
Bates, Robert Peck

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

See also: Chicago Latin School.

Box   44
Bates, William H., 1897 August 19

Location: Marion, Massachusetts.

Food bill.

Box   44
Bates, Winifred, 1939 May 31
Note: A Mr. Robert Morse Lovett requested by telephone that Mrs. Blaine see Mrs. Bates who knew the situation about European refugee children since she was a journalist and had spent time especially in France.
Box   44
Bathroy, A., 1929 December 14

Location: Los Angeles, California.

This letter is from a person who was cured, so he says, of mental disability by a person whose name is not mentioned. Bathroy wanted Mrs. Blaine to send her brother Stanley to this man who was probably not a licensed practitioner.

Box   44
Battersby, F.M., 1940 September 28

Location: Weybridge, England.

This letter advises Mrs. Blaine to try to keep an artist under her employ, M. Rogers, in the United States since the situation in England would get too great an emotional strain on her. Advises that the artist be allowed to conduct some sittings on her own so as not to feel so dependent upon Mrs. Blaine and therefore go back to England.

Box   44
Battle Creek Sanitarium, 1900 August 20-1918 December 3

Location: Battle Creek, Michigan.

Mrs. Blaine apparently paid the medical bills of Miss Stella Hoyne who received treatment for exophthalmic goitre.

Box   44
Battle, M.A. Pena, 1945 June 4

Location: San Francisco, California.

Telegram from Dominican Republic Delegation promises that Mrs. Blaine's questions would receive careful consideration at the conference. No further information.

Box   44
Battye Printing Company, 1925 November 20

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for stationery.

Box   44
Baudin, Albert Norman, 1922 April 29

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding invitation.

Box   44
Bauer, Charles C., 1923-1942
Physical Description: 7 folders 

Location: New York, New York.

From February 2, 1923 till January 5, 1929, Charles C. Bauer was an officer in the League of Nations Non-Partisan Association. From the spring of 1929 till the spring of 1933 the organization was known as the League of Nations Association. By July 12, 1934 Bauer was connected with the National World Court Committee, and in January of 1942 he corresponded on behalf of Citizens Emergency Committee on Non-Defense Expenditures.

In 1923 the League of Nations Non-Partisan Association aimed to “secure the insertion in both the Republican and Democratic party platforms, in 1924, of a plank favoring entrance of the United States into the League of Nations.” Mrs. Blaine was active in the organizational work of the Association in the Chicago area for she was appointed to organize the Association in Chicago, Mrs. Blaine also gave financial aid, contributing $1,000 three months in succession in late 1923 and early 1924. In 1925 the Association concentrated on generating enthusiasm for United States membership in the World Court. All types of mass communication were used in this effort. Mrs. Blaine contributed, for example, $2,000 toward the production of a movie “Hell and the Way Out.” From the correspondence of Mr. Bauer it is not certain how much support Mrs. Blaine gave to the Association. However, in 1926 she promised to continue a monthly contribution of $500. April 6, 1926 correspondence contains a receipt for $6,500 from Mrs. Blaine. Mrs. Blaine continued her contribution of $500 a month from 1927 to 1933 besides several extra contributions. The 1928 folder contains the address of Mr. Bauer at the “Meeting of League of Nations Non-Partisan Association of Illinois,” held at the City Club in Chicago on April 19, 1928. The folders in general contain a running narrative of the activities of the Association. Personal letters contain much concerning the financing of the Association in general and Mrs. Blaine's role in particular. Also included are many pamphlets and leaflets that were circulated. This correspondence reveals the workings of an opinion molding organization.

In July of 1934 Bauer asked Mrs. Blaine for a personal loan of $500 to carry him over a crisis. In January of 1942 he appealed for support for his project “to see to it that during the war effort all unessential expenditures of government should be eliminated,” on behalf of the Citizens Emergency Committee on Nondefense Expenditures.

Box   44
Bauer, Edity, 1949 January 17

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Attempt to make an appointment with Mrs. Blaine.

Box   44
Bauer, F.C., 1931 November 23

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wanted the address of Morgan S. Tyler.

Box   44
Baugham, C.E., Mrs., 1901 March 22

Location: Chester County, Pennsylvania.

Wanted aid for herself and five small children.

Box   44
Baum, Wilhelm Ludwig, 1924 May 3

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to wedding of Janet Lawrence and Robert McCormick Addams.

Box   44
Baum, Wilhelm Ludwig, Mrs. (Mervyn Winston Lawrence), 1913-1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding invitation. Telephone conversation concerning the use of Mrs. Blaine's house for a musical. A 1925 letter asks for donations to St. James' Church. She is addressed as an old parishioner of this church, which found itself in 1925 in the heart of industrial center of Chicago.

Box   44
Bauman, Walter D., 1933 July 18

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter advertises a book “Dear Julia,” a story of the days “When Chicago Was Young.” The letter promises that Mrs. Blaine's parents are figures in the story.

Box   44
Baumann, F.O., Manufacturing Company, 1916 April 21-1918 March 28

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter and memos of phone calls concern the wood work and finishing done on Mrs. Blaine's Lake Forest residence.

Box   44
Baumann, Mary, 1937 December-1939 December

Location: Golf, Illinois.

Accepts New Year's Eve dinner invitations.

Box   44
Baumgarten, William, and Company, 1919 December 1-1920 November 15

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Advertises antique furniture.

Box   44
Baumgartner, Ed, Mrs., 1929 August 22-October 10

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wanted to see Mrs. Blaine about establishing a health farm for Ohio children.

Box   44
Baumgras, Peter, 1899 September 13

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invited Mrs. Blaine to see his collection of paintings.

Box   44
Baur, Edward S., 1910 June 17

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepts invitation of “Senior Class.”

Box   44
Baur, Jacob, Mrs. (Bertha), 1921 June 8-1951 December 13

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Baur was active in the Republican Party in the 9th congressional district of Illinois. Through the years she wrote to Mrs. Blaine for a variety of reasons. In 1921 she tried to sell some tickets for the women's section of Citizens' Chicago Opera Committee. In 1924 she wanted aid for the Republican Party because “La Follette is stirring up a good deal of trouble.” Mrs. Baur sent Republican Party leaflets from time to time. The folder also contains some Christmas greetings which Mrs. Baur apparently wrote, which are very appealing.

Box   44
Baurmann, G., Mrs.

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Small bills for aprons.

Box   44
Baxter, James P., III, 1941 February 24

Location: Williamstown, Massachusetts.

Telegram states that all mail addressed to Dr. Wilbur and Henry Toll will be sent to Mayflower Hotel in Washington.

Baxter, James W., 1922-1931
Physical Description: 24 folders and 2 volumes 

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

These folders and volumes contain the financial reports of James W. Baxter, superintendent of Kildare Farm, near Huntsville, Alabama, the estate of Mary Virginia McCormick, daughter of Cyrus Hall McCormick who was declared mentally incompetent.

Box   44
1922-1923 June
Box   45
1923 July-1929 April
Box   46
1929 May-1931
Volume   4
Audit report, 1923 June-1929 October
Volume   5
Audit report and accounting record, 1923 June-1930 April
Box   46
Baxter, J.W., Mrs., 1923 June 27-1929 October 19

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

This correspondence concerns the health of James W. Baxter, superintendent of Kildare Estate.

Box   46
Baxter-Mitchell, Alice, 1932 February 24-March 3

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters concern the promotional drive for the “Morning Dramaticale,” presenting Alice Baxter-Mitchell. Mrs. Blaine's name was offered for the honorary committee of hostesses.

Box   46
Baxter Seminary, 1929 February 7-1931 May 20

Location: Baxter, Tennessee.

Baxter Seminary was a non-denominational school for the children of the Cumberland mountains in Tennessee. Reverend Harry L. Upperman, president of the school visited with Mrs. Blaine's secretary, but his request was turned down in a letter. He again pleaded, by letter, and this time received a donation.

Box   46
Bay, W., 1913 June 7-23

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Applied for a position at Kildare, estate for Miss Mary Virginia McCormick.

Box   46
Bayard, Eugenia, 1894-1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding invitation. Attempts to see Mrs. Blaine.

Box   46
Bayard, M.C., 1891 January 8-1909 August 16

Location: Baltimore, Maryland; Chicago, Illinois.

From the correspondence it seems that Mrs. Bayard might have taken care of Mrs. Blaine's son while he was a small child.

Box   46
Bayley, Edwin F., undated

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invited Mrs. Blaine to dinner.

Box   46
Bayley, Edwin F., Mrs. (Katharine Ober), 1929 September 5

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Card says: “The Forthightly of Chicago in memoriam Katharine Bayley August 29, 1929.”

Box   46
Baylor, Linda, Mrs., 1922 May 31

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wanted to show Mrs. Blaine a quilt called a “National Historical Quilt,” which had the name Blaine on it.

Box   46
Bayly, William, Jr., 1940 September 5-1948 May 8

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence concerns insurance on paintings owned by Mrs. Blaine. Her most valued painting was “Miss Draycott,” by Sir Joshua Reynolds, $37,500.00. Bayly also insured 5 other paintings belonging to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   46
Beacham, Frank J., 1903 May-June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill and letter asking payment for horse-riding equipment.

Box   46
Beacham's Garage, 1913 November

Location: Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Bill for automobile storage.

Box   46
Beach and Ceils, 1933 April-1936 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and correspondence from candy store.

Box   46
Beacon magazine, 1938 March, 1938 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request financial support for Chicago liberal magazine. Letters tell how such contributors to The Beacon as Harold Ickes and Paul H. Douglas referred editor Sydney Justin Harris to Mrs. Blaine. Folder includes January 1938 issue of The Beacon containing printed appeal to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   46
Beaham, Gordon T., Mrs. (Grace Hecker), 1942 September

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Letter of thanks for gift of flowers.

Box   46
Beale, E.B. (press clippings), 1893 April

Location: New York.

Press clipping announcing Washington funeral services for General E.B. Beale. A list of prominent public figures attending is given; among them James G. Blaine, whose name is underlined.

Beale, Harriet Blaine
Box   46

Location: New York, New York; Santa Barbara, California.

Some personal letters, a telegram, and the book jacket of Harriet Blaine Beale's The Beginnings of Chemistry.

Box   46
1889 June-1891 October

Location: Bar Harbor, Maine; Washington, D.C.

Personal letters bearing on Harriet Blaine's family and particularly the health of her mother. Some description of Washington social life and a few references to her father, James G. Blaine. Harriet Blaine greatly admired her sister-in-law, judging by these letters.

Box   46

Location: Bar Harbor, Maine; Washington, D.C.

More letters indicating very close friendship. Major concerns of this correspondence are the death of Emmons Blaine and the serious illness of James G. Blaine. Harriet Blaine urged Mrs. Blaine to take summer home at Bar Harbor.

Box   46

Location: Washington, D.C.; Uxbridge, England.

Early correspondence deals primarily with James G. Blaine's desperate illness. Much discussion of members of Blaine family. Occasional reference to temporary illness of Mrs. Blaine. Later letters contain interesting accounts of Harriet Blaine's stay in England.

Box   47

Location: Washington, D.C.; Bakerfield, California.

Continued correspondence over family matters. Harriet Beale became active in a Washington charitable society, acknowledging that she was “inspired” by Chicago's example. The heaviest part of the correspondence deals with Harriet's marriage to Truxton Beale in the spring of 1894 and the difficulties the marriage underwent later in the year. A newspaper clipping is enclosed describing the wedding.

Box   47

Location: Washington, D.C.

Correspondence concerning family matters. Congress wanted to buy house owned by Blaines in Washington.

Box   47

Location: Augusta, Maine.

Main concern is intended divorce of Truxton and Harriet Blaine Beale. A son born to the couple this year. References to Clara Barton: Harriet Blaine Beale wanted Mrs. Blaine to help her work.

Box   47

Location: Augusta and Bar Harbor, Maine; Washington, D.C.

Continued friendly correspondence over family illnesses, gifts purchased and received, and other personal concerns. One letter reveals Harriet Blaine Beale's disgust with corrupt system of “poor farms” in Maine.

Box   47

Location: Washington, D.C.; Bar Harbor, Maine.

This folder contains many interesting letters rearing on Washington political affairs during the Spanish War. Mrs. Beale had close contacts with Henry Cabot Lodge, Brooks Adams, Admiral Mahan, and other Republican leaders. She also comments on Theodore Roosevelt's New York victory. Her brother James a cause of much family controversy because of his wartime behavior.

Box   47

Location: Washington, D.C. and Bar Harbor, Maine.

Comments on Washington and Bar Harbor social life. Mrs. Blaine's interest in Chicago schools is praised. Remaining letters concern respective families.

Box   47

Location: Washington, D.C. and Bar Harbor, Maine.

Continuation of interest in Mrs. Blaine's educational philanthropy. Harriet Blaine Beale likewise shows philanthropic interest: she was active in group aiming to push a new Red Cross bill and Army Nurse bill through Congress. Most of these letters, concern family matters.

Box   47

Location: Washington, D.C.; Bar Harbor, Maine; Westpoint, New York.

More intimate family correspondence. References to success of Chicago school, various Washington personalities, and some very interesting letters on McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.

Box   47

Location: Augusta, Maine.

Letters concerning family matters. Critical reference to President Harper of Chicago University in one letter. Also letter on trip to Cuba Mrs. Roosevelt made in 1902.

Box   47

Location: Augusta, Maine.

Letters, telegrams, and two copies of Chapbook, a literary magazine, for years 1896 and 1897. Much correspondence dealing with disposal of Blaine estate and Truxton Beale suit for custody of son Walker. Chicago social work, Theodore Roosevelt, and consideration of publishing Mrs. James G. Blaine letters briefly mentioned.

Box   47

Location: Augusta, Maine; Rome, Italy.

Family concerns. Comments on Parker School. Newspaper clipping bearing on publication of “The Letters of Mrs. James G. Blaine.” Further letters reveal Anita McCormick Blaine objections to some or all of included letters.

See also: Duffield and Company, Publishers, 1908.

Box   47

Location: Augusta, Maine.

Letters and telegrams. One letter describes Harriet Blaine Beale's views on subject of charity. State of Maine interested in portrait of her father; Pan-American Society also interested in her father.

Box   48

Location: Augusta, Maine; Washington, D.C.

Family letters. Mrs. Beale interested in reform schools, and went to Europe in summer of 1913. Visits Henry Cabot Lodge in Boston meets Democratic cabinet members and wives - comments on them.

Box   48

Location: Washington, D.C.

Trust deed and record book, shareholders' forms, and personal letters and telegrams. Mrs. Beale, Mrs. Blaine, and Emmons Blaine listed as trustees of estate of Walker Blaine Beale. The shareholders' forms include International Harvester Corporation. Note reflecting on Wilson policy in Mexico and employment.

Box   48

Location: Washington, D.C.

Much of this folder consists of letters relating Walker Blaine Beale killed in World War I. Effort to dedicate monument at Thiancourt war cemetery and donate Augusta residence to State of Maine. Memo reporting soldier's experience in France. Brief reference to Wilson war policies.

Box   48

Location: Washington, D.C.

Letters and telegrams on family matters.

Box   48

Location: New York, New York.

Mrs. Beale hit hard by Depression. Letters and considerable legal and business memos reveal she borrowed from Mrs. Blaine for monument payment, also reorganized her trust estate when stocks decline. Thomas K. Finletter became a trustee of this estate. Some brief political comment; letter and news-clipping on Stanley McCormick case.

Box   48

Location: New York, New York.

Letters, telegrams, legal memoranda revealing continued financial difficulties. Belasco Theatre properties a part of Mrs. Beale's and Mrs. James Blaine's trouble with bank - eventually resolved. Agrees with Anita McCormick Blaine on book upholding League of Nations. Other personal letters.

Box   48

Location: New York, New York; Bar Harbor, Maine.

Letters bearing predominately on family matters and personal concerns.

Box   48
Beale, Phelan, 1922 July-1928 August

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Legal memorandum analyzing background and charges against Madame Ganna Walska, future wife of Harold McCormick, requested by Mrs. Blaine. Another memo advises creation of property committee for Stanley McCormick estate after declaration of incompetence.

Box   48
Beale, Walker Blaine, 1903 August-1919 January

Location: Augusta, Maine.

Childhood letters, printed record of legislative tribute upon his death, and copy of poem, “An Incident of the War.”

Box   48
Beale, William Gerrish, 1899 February-1909 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters (1) opposing proposed municipal lodging house in Chicago, (2) advice on undisclosed bill in Illinois legislature of 1909.

Box   48
Beale, William Gerrish, Mrs., 1923, 1932

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Note of sympathy; wedding invitation.

Box   48
Basler, Bertha J., 1926 September

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Notice of clothing sale.

Box   48
Beall, Lester Thomas, Mrs. (Dorothy Wells Miller), 1927
Note: Thank-you note for graduation flowers.
Box   48
Bealle, Morris A., 1949 May

Location: Washington, D.C.

Request for financial backing in projected New York City newspaper as “antidote” to reactionary press. Beale former editor of Plaine Talk magazine (1931-1938) and Washington Squirrel Cage (1940-1948). Also enclosed pamphlets: Oil and World War III, Atom Fodder, Me - Too Dewey, etc.

Box   48
Beaman, A.G., 1935 September

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Appeal for assistance on behalf of Alice Swasey Greenwood, daughter of former employer of Cyrus McCormick.

Box   48
Beaman, Alice E., 1932 August

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for copy of remarks made at services for late Miss Musselman, Parker School teacher.

Box   49
Beaman, Florence
Note: See also: Progressive Education Association Conference, 1937 October 28-30.
Box   49
Bear, M.M., Company, 1912 February-1928 August

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills from printing and engraving firm.

Box   49
Beard, Charles A.
Note: See also: Progressive Conference, 1931 March 11-12.
Beard, Harold Wilcox
Box   49
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Santa Barbara, California.

Records of executive secretary of Riven Rock Estates (Stanley McCormick). Monthly financial reports, memos relative to proposed employee disability plan at the estate, Managers' Report, contract for new resident physician, minutes of Board of Guardians for the Person of Stanley McCormick, medical report, and 1946 budget.

Box   49
Physical Description: 5 folders 
Note: Monthly financial statements, descriptive reports of Estate activities, Managers' Reports, minutes of Board of Guardians meetings, 1948 budget, and many detailed reports of condition of Stanley McCormick. Personal note.
Box   49
Beard, Harold Wilcox, Mrs. (Bobby), 1915-1948

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Thank you notes for flower and plant gifts.

Box   49
Beard, Walter E., Mrs. (Anna S.), 1921 February

Location: Middlebrook, Virginia.

Curious letter to Mrs. A.M. McCutchen claiming “Old Uncle Robt,” [sic] and “Grandfather Robt,” [sic] were inventors of reaper.

Box   49
Beardsley, Emma F., 1902 February

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Two letters to a Miss Cook on illness of daughters. Miss Cook a school teacher.

Box   49
Beardsley, Grenville, 1952 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests political contribution for 1952 Republican candidate for States Attorney in Cook County.

Box   49
Beardsley, R.F., 1914 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request assistance for continued expansion of Beardsley Manual Training System. Mr. Beardsley enclosed letters of recommendation by school boards.

Box   49
Beary, Harriet R., 1898

Location: New York, New York.

Request financial aid for club house of Alumna Association of the New York State Hospital Training School of Nurses.

Box   49
Beattie, John Randolph, 1910 March

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Author submits campaign song written for presidential candidacy of James G. Blaine.

Box   49
Beatty, David C., Mrs., 1913 October

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and newspaper clippings. Appeal for financial help in creating Midwestern headquarters for “American Mothers,” an organization for education in child-raising among “unattached mothers in the rural districts.”

Box   49
Beatty, Emeline S. (Mrs. David C. Beatty), 1913 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal letter outlining elementary instruction plan for rural immigrant mothers in area of child development. Requests interview.

Box   49
Beatty, Ross James, Jr., Mrs. (Janet Ayer), 1936 November
Note: Thank-you note for wedding gift.
Beaudry and Associates
Physical Description: 11 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and invoices, landscape diagrams and blueprints, phone memos, service reports, and photographs relative to landscape and gardening services rendered at Chicago and Lake Forest estates.

Box   49
Box   50
Box   50
Beaudry, William, 1936 December-1950 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and notes of holiday greeting. Photographs and articles on elm trees. Mr. Beaudry a friend of Mrs. Blaine.

Box   50
Beaudry, William, Mrs. (Janet), 1948 April

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank-you note for invitation to Henry Wallace luncheon sponsored by Mrs. Blaine. Subsequent note discusses Wallace's idealism.

Box   50
Beaumont, A., 1917 January

Location: New York, New York?

Telephone memo concerning undisclosed posters.

Box   50
Beezley, Margaret, 1922 March

Location: Wilmette, Illinois?

Thank you note for flowers.

Box   50
Beck, Alfred F., Mrs., 1947 March

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo, Mrs. Beck wanted Mrs. Blaine to join other Chicago women in backing Little Sisters of the Poor in their national work.

Box   50
Beck, Carl, 1919 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and appeal for philanthropy from secretary of Vienna Relief Committee. Mrs. Blaine consented to sign name to further appeals.

Box   50
Beck, Emil G., 1920 October

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request comment on plan to make League of Nations workable and acceptable by a (1) “reciprocal method” of selecting League delegates, (2) “international bonding” as basis of alliance of all nations. Author claims his plan was submitted to Col. House, D.S. Senators, and State Department in 1917.

Box   50
Beck, Fr., and Company, 1895-1897

Location: New York, New York.

Bills and notices from interior decorating firm.

Box   50
Beck, Frances Ecob, Mrs., 1948 September

Location: Orangeburg, New York.

Request for clerical work with Foundation for World Government, based on experience and father's friendship with James G. Blaine.

Box   50
Beck, Lafayette Dillard, 1918 March

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Interview memo. Reverend Beck seeks support for Southwestern Presbyterian Sanatorium.

Box   50
Beck, Lucille L., 1941 February

Location: Denver, Colorado.


Box   50
Beck, Ralph Osborne, Jr., Mrs. (Kyle Adams Rodenbacck), 1930 July-1947 December

Location: Pomona, California.

Letters and telegrams from Mrs. Blaine's cousin, mostly while studying at Pomona College. Expresses interest in social work, particularly in Kingsley Hall in London. Received money toward education.

Box   50
Becker, A.G., and Company, 1923 November-1935 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Interview memos record effort to persuade Mrs. Blaine to purchase tax-exempt bonds.

Box   50
Becker, A.S., 1907-1921
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters, interview memos, pamphlets, and book-lists from bookseller. Mrs. Blaine bought for personal library and for Parker School. Among items apparently bought: collection of Maeterlinck Plays, works of Kate Douglas Wiggin and Cyclopedia of Education (for Parker School).

Box   50
Becker, Francis A., 1914 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request action on leasing Chicago building and property.

Box   50
Becker, H.E., and Company, 1927 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Interview memo. Seek investment in securities.

Box   50
Becker, H.M., 1928 September

Location: Cicero, Illinois.

Request payment for greenhouse repairs at Lake Forest.

Box   50
Becker, Howard, Mr.
Note: See also: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1924 May 19-31.
Box   50
Becker, John R., 1907 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Letter acknowledging receipt of check.

Box   50
Becker, John W., 1904 February

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Tax and real estate consultant offers services to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   50
Becker, L.A., 1922-1923

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and interview memo relative to millinery purchases.

Box   50
Becker, Siegfried, 1933-1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for taxi cab service.

Box   50
Beckham, Albert Sidney, Dr.
Note: See also: Chicago Urban League, 1932 May 24. "Conference on Juvenile Delinquency in the Negro Community."
Box   50
Beckington, Orpha M., 1933 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Former Fields employee requests charitable assistance to meet delinquent rent payments.

Box   50
Beckwith, W.S., 1924 August

Location: Pasadena, California.

Request payment of plumbing bill for Mrs. Grace M. Walker.

Box   50
Bedales School Endowment Fund, 1935 July

Location: Petersfield, England.

English school appeals for support to “friends and supporters of progressive education.” Letter and subscribers' list.

Box   50
Bedell, George, Mrs., 1901 November-1920 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and correspondence for rug cleaning and similar services.

Box   50
Bedigian, Barsam, 1916-1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York, New York.

Letters, descriptive folders, and bills form dealer in antique rugs and carpets.

Box   51
Bee, Albert W., 1891-1892

Location: Bar Harbor, Maine.

Bills from stationery firm.

Box   51
Beebe, Grant, 1907-1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acknowledge financial contributions to Unity Church.

Box   51
Beebe, Krebs, 1950 August

Location: Kenilworth, Illinois.

Wedding announcement.

Box   51
Beebe, Thomas
Note: See also: Cyrus Hall McCormick I with McCormick Historical Association.
Box   51
Beeching, Charles Train, 1900-1907

Location: Worchester, Massachusetts; Cincinnati, Ohio.

Thank you note for wedding present.

Box   51
Beeching, E.A., 1900 September

Location: Worchester, Massachusetts.

Personal letter explaining confusion in educational plans of writer's niece, Miss Quimby.

Box   51
Beeching, William P., 1899 June-1908 July
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: La Grange, Illinois; New York, New York; Cleveland, Ohio; Toronto, Canada.

Numerous letters relating child development activities. Writer connected with Vacation School (apparently Parker School affiliate) and with Cleveland and New York Froebel Schools. Much emphasis on manual training, “nature-craft,” and education of Emmons Blaine Jr. and Virginia McCormick.

Box   51
Beeks, Gertrude, 1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter giving address of a Mr. Richard Waterman, school teacher. Note of best wishes from R. Watson Adder, Century editor.

Beers, Clifford, 1908 May-1937 June
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: New Haven, Connecticut; New York, New York.

Founder, National Committee for Mental Hygiene (name varies), 1908.

First folder contains following valuable items: Committee Prospectus of 1908, elaborate letters of membership acceptance by very prominent contemporaries (Lyman Abbott, Henry L. Higginson, etcetera) prominent editorials on mental health organization, newspaper clippings, and Committee pamphlets. Request contribution of $100-500,000 by McCormick family. At least $100,000 was given through the Harold McCormick estate.

Second folder predominantly concerned with art and painting; contains correspondence and page-size photographs relative to following parties, Henry R. Rittenberg, Shusselle, and Mr. Beers himself.

Box   51
Beers, Mary K., 1928 September

Location: New York, New York.

Thank you note.

Box   51
Benson, Leroy Eugene, 1934 April

Location: New York, New York?

Wedding announcement.

Box   51
Begby, Ralph Bridges, 1927 February

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo. Requests opportunity to see Mrs. Blaine.

Box   51
Beggs, Frederic, Mrs.
Note: See also: National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War, 1937 January 26-29. Twelfth Annual Conference.
Box   51
Begole, Benjamin Franklin, 1920

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding invitation.

Box   51
Behavior Research Fund, 1926 January-1932 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters, news clippings, receipted bills, and pamphlet-form monograph on Mental Health Program As a Juvenile Court Method of Supervising the Feebleminded. Mrs. Blaine donated $5,000 to this organization when it was founded, and continued an interest in its scientific research publications.

See also:

  • Adler, Herman N.
  • Bartelme, Judge Mary Mo
  • McCormick, Cyrus H., Jr.
Box   51
Behymer, L.E., 1929 December-1932 December

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Letters, program folders, and photographs from concert master. Arrangements for concert performances for Stanley McCormick; materials on much artists as Elsa Olsen, Anri Calli-Campi, and the violinist Yehudi Menuhin.

Box   51
Beidder, Mr., 1917 January-April

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo. Photographer desires to employ new cameras in Blaine picture.

Box   51
Beidler, Francis, Mrs. (Elizabeth L.), 1926 August-1936 June

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Letters offering to purchase Lake Forest property. Telephone memo relating to Lake Forest sanitary sewage petition.

Box   51
Beidler, Francis, II, 1936, 1946

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Letter reporting results of local sanitary sewage petition. Also thank-you note and Christmas card.

Box   51
Beidler, Francis, II, Mrs. (Elizabeth Chapman), 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Notice of wedding; thank-you note for wedding gift.

Box   51
Beifeld, Joseph, and Company, 1901 March

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request extension of loan (from McCormick Estate Trustees) through offer of mortgage on Indiana property.

Box   51
Bekins Van and Storage Company, 1930-1942
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Bills of charges for storage.

Box   51
Belding, Arthur W., 1949 June

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Letter requesting financial backing of The Journal of Education, from its editor.

Box   51
Belforage, Cedric, 1949 November-1953 July

Location: New York, New York.

Telegram and July, 1953 issue of The Churchman.

Box   51
Belgard Inc., 1910 September

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for pair of glasses.

Box   51
Belgian Consulate
Note: See also: Borremans, Mrs. Louis J.
Box   51
Belgian Food Relief Committee of Chicago, 1914 November-1916 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and memos reveal that Mrs. Blaine gave $3,000 (receipt enclosed) to prevent starvation of Belgian women and children. Some details on Committee's organization and functioning; Mrs. Blaine active in Women's Section of Committee.

Box   51
Belgian Relief Committee - Canada, 1917 September

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Letter of thanks for $250 donation on behalf of Virginia McCormick.

Box   51
Belgian Relief Committee of Chicago, 1917 March

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter explains receipt of medal from Belgian sculptor intended for Mrs. Blaine.

Box   51
Belgian Soldiers' Christmas Fund, 1918 December

Location: New York, New York.

Letters and illustrated sponsors' list acknowledge $25 contribution.

Box   51
Belgravia War Hospital Supply Depot, 1917 April

Location: London.

Requests financial backing, noting previous aid to American War Relief Clearing House. Pamphlet lists American branch aims and members.

Box   51
Belhaven College (George H. Atkinson)
Note: See also: McElroy, F.A.
Box   51
Belknap, Morris B., Mrs., 1913 July

Location: Louisville, Kentucky.

Note complying with Blaine request for handbook of Kentucky Child Welfare Conference and Exhibit.

Box   51
Bell, Agnes, 1933 June-1935 April

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Notes relative to cheques sent on by Mrs. Blaine.

Box   51
Bell, Alexander Charles, 1939 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Refusal of dinner invitation.

Box   51
Bell, Annie, 1890

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you note.

Box   51
Bell, C.F., Mrs., 1903 December

Location: Louisville, Kentucky.

Letter addressed to Mrs. James Blaine, Jr. requesting contribution to orphans' home.

Box   51
Bell, C.M., 1892-1893

Location: Washington.

Bills from photographer.

Box   51
Bell, Curtis, 1917 December-1922 September

Location: New York, New York.

Letters and bills from photographer. Mrs. Blaine particularly interested in photographs of her late son.

Box   51
Bell, Laird, 1910-1945

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A few personal notes and mimeographed record of Laird Bell speech “Policy Over Berlin,” delivered December 10, 1945 at Chicago Council on Foreign Relations meeting.

Box   51
Bell, Laird, Mrs., 1939 December-1949 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal notes. Request financial support for increasing number of vocational training centers for adult African Americans in Chicago - in cooperation with the Good Neighbor Society whose purposes are described in enclosed pamphlet.

Box   51
Bell, Lillian
Note: See also: Children's Patriotic League.
Box   51
Bell, Margaret, 1938 December-1940 December

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Christmas invitations.

Box   51
Bell, S. Alexander, Mrs. (Rose), 1941 May

Location: New York, New York.

Letter praising Blaine “open letter” to New York Times on foreign affairs and offering services to Mrs. Blaine for same causes.

Box   51
Bell, W.A., 1912-1913

Location: Marblehead, Massachusetts.

Two letters from boat pilot.

Box   52
Bell, W.E., Mrs., 1912 October-1913 February

Location: Mina, Nevada.

Letters and interview memo relative to Revolutionary descent of Anne Jemina McCormick Wood, for purposes of D.A.R. admission.

Box   52
Bell, C.V., Mrs., 1910 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal request for relief for elderly widow with two children and little money, with description of her plight.

Box   52
Bell, Daisy M., 1943 March

Location: Charleston, West Virginia.

Letter praising Mrs. Blaine's donation to Chinese Government and expressing desire to correspond again with her.

Box   52
Bell, Edward Price
Note: See also: Pope, Senator James P., 1936 February 25. Symposium: “America's Way to Peace.”
Box   52
Bell, Ernest A., 1911 November

Location: Paris, France.

Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for financial aid (indirect) permitting author to “preach righteousness” in American cities. Affiliation of this minister not disclosed.

Box   52
Bell, Freeman D., 1938 May

Location: Jordanville, New York.

Request aid in getting scholarship for music education.

Box   52
Bell, Gordon, 1938 December-1940 December

Location: New York, New York.

Telegram; invitation to dinner, refused.

Box   52
Bell, H.H., Mrs., 1901 March

Location: Atlanta, Georgia.

Request financial help in leaving South for home in Detroit.

Box   52
Bell, J.M., Mrs., 1903-1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and correspondence relative purchase and cleaning of household goods.

Box   52
Bell, William F., 1921 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Medical services bill.

Box   52
Bellamy, H.C., Mrs., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Note referring to expectation to enter child in “North Side [Francis Parker] school connected with School of Education of the University of Chicago.”

Box   52
Bellas, Thomas H., Mrs. (Emma L.), 1900-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Short personal notes and wedding announcements.

Box   52
Bellevue College, 1908-1920
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Bellevue, Nebraska.

A wealth of material on this Nebraska Presbyterian college. Letters, illustrated descriptive pamphlets, reports on financial conditions, and list of subscribers invariably aim to enlist Mrs. Blaine (a Presbyterian) to support many fund-raising efforts. Letters indicate she partially met their requests.

See also: Haskell, John D., 1916.

Box   52
Belmont, 1910 August; 1910 November

Location: New York, New York.

Invitation to wedding of August Belmont and Miss Eleanor Robson.

Box   52
Belmont Hotel, 1913 August

Location: Bar Harbor, Maine.

Hotel bill.

Box   52
Belmont, Oliver H.F., 1896 October

Location: Hot Springs, Virginia.

Recommendation for cook.

Box   52
Beloit College, 1925 April-May

Location: Beloit, Wisconsin.

Two letters and a pamphlet appealing for financial support in meeting college deficits. Mrs. Blaine aided in making Beloit coeducational in the 1890's.

Box   52
Belt, E. Crowder, Mrs., 1911 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Query from saleswoman for greeting card concern.

Box   52
Belvedere Hotel Company, 1917

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Hotel bills.

Box   52
Bement, Grace, 1944 June-1948 February

Location: Deerfield, Massachusetts.

Letters and student progress reports covering attendance of Edith and Deedee Hubbard at Bement School. Mrs. Blaine supported their schooling and there was apparently litigation over their eventual custody. Mrs. Blaine backed Grace Bement in legal fight for children's custody.

Box   52
Bemis, Elizabeth P., 1908 July

Location: New York, New York.

Letters requesting financial support for “School City,” apparently a project in citizenship training for young children. Author is editor of Normal Instruction, a teachers' journal.

Box   52
Bemis-Richelieu, Importing Company, 1897

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Liquor bills.

Box   52
Bemis, Samuel F., 1936 March
Note: Thank you note from Yale professor for copy of Hutchinson's biography of Cyrus Hall McCormick.
Box   52
Bernadout, Joseph, 1937 August-1939 March

Location: London, England.

Bills for carpet and rug repair.

Box   52
Bendel, Henri, Inc., 1927 June

Location: New York, New York.

Hat bill.

Box   52
Bender, George, 1902 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepts invitation to lunch.

Box   52
Bender, William, 1945 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding invitation.

Box   52
Bender, W.J., 1949 February

Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Telephone memos and letter. W.J. Bender, Dean of Harvard College, informed Mrs. Blaine on replacement of Katharine Taylor at Shady Hill progressive normal school at Cambridge, and makes appeal for money. A letter of recommendation is contained for new director, Edward Yeomans Jr., addressed from James Patton, President of the National Farmers' Union to John K. Galkroeth, containing interesting sidelights on internal politics of that organization.

Box   52
Benduhr, F.J., 1949 March

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo. Undisclosed educational organization wants support.

Box   52
Benedict, E., 1915 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Letter concerning photographs.

Box   52
Benedict, E. Cornelius, 1900-1910?

Location: Greenwich, Connecticut.

Wedding invitation.

Box   52
Benedict, E. Cornelius, Mrs. (Helen Ripley), 1897 November

Location: Greenwich, Connecticut.

Personal note.

Box   52
Benedict, Stephen, 1949 March-May

Location: New York, New York.

Letters and memos concerning Foundation for World Government, “Steve” Benedict, assistant to President Stringfellow Barr, encloses Gandhi picture - postcard from Indian professor praising Mrs. Blaine's backing of Foundation. Memo on publishing details of The Republic of Man: An Anthology of World Government.

Box   52
Benes, Edward, 1939 March-1943 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Former President of Czechoslovakia twice apologizes for failure to visit Mrs. Blaine. Also enclosed is bound verbatim transcript of three Beres speeches in Chicago, May 23-24, 1913: “The Future of Small European Nations,” “What Are We Fighting For,” and “Policy of the Present War and of the Future Peace.”

Box   52
Bengston, Harry, 1927 August

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Memo concerning unpaid bill.

Box   52
Benjamin, Walter Romeyn, 1897 January-1908 November

Location: New York, New York.

Letters, circulars, and bills from collector of rare autographs and historical documents. Mrs. B. letters show particular interest in acquisition of James G. Blaine's political letters and originals of Thomas Nast's Blaine cartoons.

Box   52
Benjamin, William David, 1925 May-1936 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California.

Letters bearing on spiritualism. Author apparently tried constantly to persuade Mrs. Blaine to support a “religious order” he advocated -- Cyrus McCormick is used as a “Spirit” to support the cause.

Box   52
Benner, L.D., Mr.
Note: See also: American Farm Economic Association, 1924 December 29-30. Report of fifteenth annual meeting.
Box   52
Bernet and Brown, 1891-1892

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for horse shoes.

Box   52
Bennett, Alice, 1896-1900
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Wrentham, Massachusetts; Huntsville, Atlanta.

Letters from woman who apparently cared for Virginia McCormick. Predominant concern is family matters, particularly the welfare of Miss McCormick. 1900 letters show interest in Colonel Parker and educational plans.

Box   52
Bennett Alumni Fund, 1935 February

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memos. Request Mrs. Blaine purchase seats for benefit concert.

Box   52
Bennett, Angela, 1929

Location: New York, New York.

Personal notes.

Box   52
Bennett Company, 1912-1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills from Chicago millinery establishment.

Box   52
Bennett, C.S., 1900 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for services from teacher of “parlor magic.”

Box   52
Bennett, Edity J., 1896 February

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Note on purchase of picture.

Box   52
Bennett, Edward Herbert, 1938 October-1942 October

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Wedding announcement and brief note praising Mrs. Blaine 's September 29, 1912 statement in the Chicago Daily News.

Box   52
Bennett, Edward Herbert, Mrs. (Catherine Jones), 1913-1923

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters, illustrated pamphlet, and annual statement for Ridge Farm Illinois Preventorium for tuberculosis among children. Effort to solicit Mrs. Blaine's financial support for continuing this preventive work among Chicago's poorer children.

Box   52
Bennett, Edward Herbert, Jr., 1937 December-1940

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Dinner invitations.

Box   52
Bennett, F.C., Mrs., 1903 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests biographical data on Mrs. Blaine for forthcoming book, “The History of Music, Art, and Literature in Illinois.” Other Chicago patrons like Mrs. Potter Palmer, George Pullman, and Marshall Field are mentioned as included within the volume.

Box   52
Bennett, Francis J., 1907 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding announcement.

Box   52
Bennett and Landgren Garage and Livery, 1931 August

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipted bill for auto rental.

Box   52
Bennett, Marion, 1912-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois?


Box   52
Bennett, Marka Webb, 1941 October-1951 September

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Letters from personal friend. Mention of Blaine contribution to medicine in 1946; writer's father connected with Colorado Foundation for Research in Tuberculosis.

Box   52
Bennett, W.Z., 1902 February

Location: Wooster, Ohio.

Plea for financial aid in saving Wooster University, which suffered fire damage in December 1901. Writer was friend of Mrs. Blaine's husband and is now professor at Wooster.

Box   52
Bennett, Philip, 1921 May-1949 July

Location: Winona Lake, Indiana; Ontario, California.

Telephone memos, telegrams, and letters from one-time executive secretary of league to Enforce Peace. Some details on that organization. Also interest in Presbyterian church causes, aiding reedy students, temperance tracts, and creating “Woodrow Wilson professorships” at American colleges, particularly at Pasadena College.

Box   52
Bennett, Richard, 1930-1936

Location: New York, New York.

Telephone memo and telegram from actor.

Box   52
Bennett, W.F., 1897 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Appeal to Mrs. Blaine to find employment for “Movie” ? at McCormick works.

Box   52
Bennington College, 1928 February-1930 January

Location: New York, New York.

Folder contains valuable information on founding of Bennington, as progressive liberal arts college for women. Mrs. Blaine asked to assist financially. Enclosed are thirty-page “Bennington College: A Prospectus,” announcement of selection of Robert Devore Leigh as first president, 1928 progress report, “The Financial Plan of Bennington College,” letters from President Leigh seeking Blaine support.

See also: Swan, Joseph, Mrs. (Nathalie Henderson).

Box   52
Benninghoven, E.D., 1949 March

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter bearing on undisclosed assistance to a person.

Box   52
Benoit, Catherine, 1912 March

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

African American woman wants to help female suffrage movement on Chicago West Side. She notifies Mrs. Blaine that she will help her in this cause.

Box   52
Bensabott, R., Inc., 1907 April-1939 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills, invoices, announcements from importer of Chinese and Japanese curios and embroideries.

Box   52
Bensley, Mary, 1894 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request Mrs. Blaine's financial help in removing son from training school where he is held because of divorced husband's custody.

Box   52
Benson, Arthur S., 1946 February-1948 October

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Bills, invoices, and letters from California chauffeur.

Box   52
Benson, E., 1928 May

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Receipted bill from fertilizer distributer.

Box   52
Benson, Ella, 1927 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests aid in meeting hospital expenses.

Box   52
Benson, Janet, 1920 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Resume of Sir Oliver Lodge talk by twelve year old.

Box   52
Benson, M., and Company, Mrs., 1890 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill from clothing firm.

Box   52
Benson, Mary Jane, 1920 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Another resume from Sir Oliver Lodge talk by twelve year old.

Box   53
Benson, Paul, 1901 November-1902 April
Box   53
Benson, William E.
Note: See also: Eucharistic Congress, 1926 June 20-24.
Box   53
Bent, George P., Company, 1915 January
Box   53
Bentley and Burling, 1899 June-1908 October

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Statement of legal fees, description of legal services and letters advising course of legal action. Questions involving personal property and occasional role as party to civil suits frequent; included are Parker School playground title opinion, Board of Charities suit, and Miss Virginia McCormick trusteeship.

Box   53
Bentley, Burling, and Kumler, 1916 May-1917 March

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Statement of legal fees: includes Lake Forest land purchases, and civil suits.

Box   53
Bentley, Burling, Kumler, and Gordon, 1917 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter concerning legal title to playground.

Box   53
Bentley, Burling and Swan, 1909 April-1916 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Large folder containing legal fees and services memoranda. Among items are Kuyukuk Mining and Development and Company investment, Parker School playground, proposed purchase of Webster Ranch (Nevada?).

Box   53
Bentley, Cyrus, I, Mrs. (Anna Riley), 1899-1914

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois

Wedding announcement and note congratulating Mrs. Blaine on dedication speech for Emmons Blaine Hall.

Bentley, Cyrus, II

Mrs. Blaine's attorney until his death in 1930.

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Box   53
Note: Note concerning undisclosed committee.
Box   53

Letters, telegrams, duplicate legal memos bearing on disposition of estate of Emmons Blaine, Sr. These include probate records listing personal property holdings. Also, letters containing advisory opinion on Mrs. Harriet Blaine Beale, divorce case.

See also:

  • Steuert, F.A.
  • Bentley and Burling
  • Bentley, Burling, and Swan
  • Bentley, Burling, and Kumler
  • Bentley, Burling, Kumler, and Gordon
Box   53
Note: Letters, telegrams concerning Emmons Blaine estate; notary public memo on same; letters revealing Bentley's appointment to Parker School Board of Trustees and his views concerning the school; a complete list of Mrs. Blaine's investments in stocks, bonds, and notes as of April 1899; petition to Lincoln Park Board; bills for services.
Box   53
Note: Legal memoranda and letters. Considerable data on connection of Bentley and Mrs. Blaine to City Homes Association, and its Subcommittee on Tenements; Jane Addams prominently mentioned in this connection. Copies of by-laws, with recommended changes of Bureau of Charities, responsible for coordinating Chicago private philanthropy. Letters on Parker School building issue; draft copy of Mrs. Blaine's will; building data on “Orchard House”; numerous personal letters.
Box   53
Physical Description: 4 folders 

Folders contain wealth of data on founding of Parker School and Chicago City Homes Association. On Parker School: tentative drafts of “Announcement” containing information on financing, construction, curricular and “progressive” methods; various memoranda of school's trustees (both Cyrus Bentley and Mrs. Blaine were trustees); memo defining relationship of University of Chicago to Parker School; letters and reports by Mr. Bentley and the trustees on progress of building construction; letters revealing Mrs. Blaine's heavy financial support. On City Homes Association: various letters and memoranda, particularly concerning the famous report of its investigating committee “Tenement conditions in Chicago.” The role of Robert Hunter and plans for preparing and distributing the report. Personal letters included, too.

See also: International Harvester Company, 1901-1902.

Box   53
Note: Letters and memoranda bearing on effort by George W. Perkins, representing United States Steel to acquire steel properties of International Harvester Company. Lengthy letter from Bentley to Harold McCormick is particularly interesting on method of negotiating with Perkins (February, 1903). Notes acknowledging further contributions to Parker School; also value of Mrs. Blaine's stockholding in International Harvester Company. Brief reference to John Dewey connection with Parker School and a “Mr. Robbins” [Raymond] as possible permanent secretary of City Homes Association.
Box   53
Note: Letters, memos bearing on Parker School; acknowledgements of Mrs. Blaine's regular financial contributions to Parker School; personal letters and business matters.
Box   53
Note: Letters, memos, telegrams dealing with business matters, particularly legal problems caused by Stanley McCormick's illness; letters and blueprint relative to Chicago property acquisition; more cheques for Parker School.
Box   53
Note: Legal and business memos; correspondence relative to Parker School finances, difficulties concerning graduation requirements, inadequacy of teachers and curriculum; more Parker School cheques from Mrs. Blaine. Considerable correspondence bearing on Stanley McCormick in competency, including declaration of legal guardianship. Memos on proposed sale of part of McCormick interest in International Harvester Company.
Box   54
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: Letters, memos, bills, telegrams dealing with ordinary management of Mrs. Blaine's properties predominate in these folders. Parker School finances and teaching matters briefly mentioned; letters concerning purchase of Fowler interest in International Harvester Company; fifty-three page memo by Cyrus Bentley on alleged Robert McCormick claims to invention of reaper; critical memo by Cyrus Adams on Bentley's behalf; later letter from Bentley to Cyrus H. McCormick Jr. on same subject.
Box   54
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: Much ordinary business correspondence, particularly concerning Chicago real estate holdings. Brief letter relating a Wallace Sabine of Harvard Graduate School to Parker School affairs. Significant letters and memos on Cyrus Hall McCormick, Sr. (including biographical sketch) and the dispute over whether he or his father, Robert invented the McCormick reaper.
Box   54
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: Financial statements and other business correspondence; letters and memos bearing on Stanley McCormick affairs and Parker School; memo and letters referring to possible creation of a “tribunal” of historians and educators to investigate the Reaper dispute; letters, memo, and pamphlet bearing on Hours of Labor in the Steel Industry, with remarks by Elbert Gary, author John A. Fitch, and others; letter on International Harvester Company's South American investments.
Box   54
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: Predominantly concerned with Mrs. Blaine's industrial investments, and Bentley advice on management of same. Letters and memos relative to International Harvester Company of New Jersey, American Telephone and Telegraph; elaborate memo on other industrial investments that Mrs. Blaine might consider; income tax trial balance sheet for 1913; various memoranda bearing on assistance to a George Henry Howard, music teacher; much ordinary business correspondence.
Box   54-55
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: Mostly ordinary business correspondence, though a few personal notes appear. Contents include: 1914 income tax trial balance sheet; letters and memos relative to creation of trust for Harriet Blaine Beale, Damrosch family, Anita McCormick and Emmons Blaine Jr. (includes list of investments); list of Stanley McCormick trust charitable donations for 1913; letters memos bearing on Reaper dispute; Brief reference to Raymond Robins as Parker School speaker; a few other Parker School items.
Box   55
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Typewritten and printed manuscript copies of “Cyrus Hall McCormick and the Reaper”; letters and memos giving some opinions of Bentley and Cyrus H. McCormick Jr. on reaper dispute; letters, telegrams bearing on search for secretary to handle McCormick Historical Association with eventual appointment of Herbert A. Kellar; 1914 income tax data for Mrs. Blaine; letters, memos concerning Parker School affairs (new pupils, athletics, etcetera); ordinary business correspondence and McCormick family affairs.
Box   55
Physical Description: 7 folders 
Note: Preponderance of these folders' contents bear on management of person and property of Mr. Stanley McCormick; Mrs. Blaine became a conservator of Stanley McCormick estate in early 1916. Letters, memos, telegrams, dealing with physical condition, financial problems, estate management, and many other aspects of Stanley McCormick question. Letters and memos concerning McCormick Historical Association, Parker School buildings, McCormick Works Labor dispute of May 1916, a Chicago committee to amend property tax laws, proposed McCormick family contribution to Universal Military Training League campaign, Mrs. Blaine's investments as of September 1916, her 1915 income tax returns. Ordinary business correspondence and a few other McCormick family items bearing on diverse topics.
Box   56
Physical Description: 7 folders 
Note: Stanley McCormick affairs predominate: letters, letter-copies, memos, and telegrams bearing on Blaine-Bentley role as conservators, and all aspects of estate administration. Considerable correspondence detailing activities of McCormick Family Historical Association (letters from Bentley to Herbert Kellar and Mrs. Blaine); a few Parker School items; business, real estate, and tax matters through Bentley letters.
Box   56
Physical Description: 8 folders 
Note: Letters and letter-copies, quarterly reports, and other material bearing on Bentley-Kellar connection with McCormick Family Historical Association; also, lengthy memo on evidence as to invention of reaper. Letters and letter-copies dealing with pacifism at Parker School and Bentley-Blaine-Flora Cooke insistence on loyalty (includes elaborate statement of policy, “The Parker School and the War”). Considerable material on Stanley McCormick matters - letters, guardians' report to California courts, etc; letters and memo on International Harvester Company interests of McCormick family; ordinary business correspondence, including Blaine tax statements and other aspects of financial dealings.
Box   56
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Letters and memos bearing on McCormick Historical Association; letters and financial reports relative to Parker School; monthly financial report on Blaine Chicago properties; 1918 income tax data; letters and memos on sale of International Harvester Company stock; scattered letters and reports on Stanley McCormick affairs.
Box   57
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Letters and letter-copies relative to McCormick Historical Association, particularly concerning selection of biographer of Cyrus Sr.; Legal memoranda and family notes and reports on Stanley McCormick affairs; letters and memos concerning Parker School finances; ordinary business correspondence -- monthly reports on management of Blaine properties, special land and stock purchase, etcetera.
Box   57
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: Letters and memos concerning McCormick Historical Association, including data on continued search for biographer of Cyrus, Sr. and reaper impact on 19th century Europe; memo on organization and government of Parker School, and letters on school finances; ordinary business correspondence, including tax data; letters and legal memos bearing on various charities with which Cyrus Bentley had legal connections; personal notes.
Box   57-58
Physical Description: 11 folders 
Note: Letters, memos, and reports dealing with McCormick Historical Association and McCormickfamily; letters, memos concerning Parker School financial and administrative policies; letters, legal memoranda, reports bearing on Stanley McCormick affairs; considerable business correspondence, mostly ordinary - including monthly reports on Blaine assets, taxes payable, etcetera.
Box   58-59
Physical Description: 12 folders 
Note: Parker School - letters on finances; Stanley McCormick affairs - letters, letter copies, and memos; McCormick Historical Association -- letters, letter copies and memoranda, including two bound volumes relating to invention of McCormick reaper and the life and work of Cyrus H. McCormick, Sr.; Considerable business correspondence of ordinary kind: tax statements, investment and bank statements, etcetera.
Box   59-60
Physical Description: 14 folders 
Note: Considerable business correspondence, including Blaine tax forms, real estate and trust letters and memos and lists of stocks and property holdings; Letters, telegrams, memos, legal documents relative to Stanley McCormick affairs; financial statements and trust documents relative to Parker School; McCormick Historical Association - many letters, letter copies, etcetera, in continued Bentley - Kellar correspondence; letters bearing on other McCormick family affairs.
Box   60
Physical Description: 6 folders 
Note: Preponderance of correspondence deals with management of Blaine business matters -- tax statements, property and stock investment statements, letters and memos bearing on same; two printed manuscript copies of “The Invention of the McCormick Reaper,” with other printed notes (dated April 5, 1930); letters, letter-copies, memos, and telegrams dealing with McCormick Historical Association, Stanley McCormick affairs, and general McCormick family matters.
Box   61
Bentley, Cyrus, II, Mrs. (Elizabeth King), 1884-1953
Physical Description: 7 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mostly letters concerning personal and family affairs; Scattered letters bearing on charity interests, including Chicago orphan asylum; pamphlet on home medical service; occasional letters dealing with Mrs. Bentley's views on World War I, F.D. Roosevelt, and world peace; press clippings dealing with Mrs. Bentley's society life.

Box   61
Bentley, Cyrus, III, 1936-1947

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal notes; copy of memorial services upon death.

Box   61
Bentley, Ira, undated

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Produce bill.

Box   61
Bentley, Josephine Cody, 1919 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Note asking support for Chicago statue dedicated to mothers who lost sons in war.

Box   61
Bentley, J.T., 1898 August

Location: Manchester Center, Vermont.

Bills from harness-maker.

Bentley, Richard, 1899-1957

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Blaine's attorney and one of the executors of her estate.

Box   61

Personal correspondence from Bentley's early childhood and law career relative to gifts, holiday greetings, enlistment of Mrs. Blaine's good offices in obtaining Anne Thorpe as Principal for a proposed school in Lake Forest of the Parker type. Letter of sympathy at time of the death of Mrs. Blaine's mother. Business correspondence relative to real estate, taxes, railroad stocks; telephone memos and several letters regarding Mrs. Houghton's requests for assistance.

See also:

  • Cassels, Potter and Bentley
  • Cassels, Edwin H., Milford Meadows Stock Farm
  • Warfield, William S., III
Box   61
Note: Telegrams and correspondence relative to Milford Meadows Stock Farm and Laverno Farm, Lake Mills, Wisconsin, including auditor's reports dated 1929 December 31 and an inspection report on the Stock Farm dated 1930 November 8. Telegrams and correspondence relative to business matters complicated by the death of Mr. Bentley's father, including funds deposited in his name, trusts, and former items handled by him. Miscellaneous information relative to the purchase of two camp sites on upper St. Regis Lake, New York and the Huntington property in the Adirondacks. Judging from letters and telegrams repeating requests for instructions, Mrs. Blaine was in California and delayed answering much of the correspondence.
Box   61
Note: Correspondence relative to Milford Meadows Stock Farm and continuing problems concerning Mrs. Blaine's property in the Bentley estate, including safe deposit boxes, fees, Huntington and Lake Regis property in New York, and the Nelson family trust. Miscellaneous items on real estate handled by Hall and Ellis Company; memo on bank stock sale advisability, and request to release Mr. Fentress from covenant concerning building on his property.
Box   61
1932 January-March
Note: Correspondence relative to case of United States vs. James Fitzgerald involving Mrs. Blaine's Loop property; bills and statements for office and legal services; duplicate of Fiduciary Return of Income for 1931 on Nelson Trust. Preponderance of material deals with real estate and origins of “The Chicago Institute” trust and Francis W. Parker School building. Bentley became a trustee of new Francis W. Parker School corporation.
Box   61
1932 April-June
Note: Correspondence relative to Francis W. Parker School reorganization; announcements of meetings of Trustees (no minutes of their meetings); agenda for Executive Committee meeting; extensive financial report embracing income sources, plant expense, educational expense, and expenses per pupil by department. Statements and bills for legal and office services.
Box   61
1932 July-December
Note: Correspondence regarding Francis W. Parker School alumni and a pension program for school teachers pending before the Trustees. Letter relative to changes in Mrs. Blaine's will. Correspondence on lease of property to General Outdoor Advertising Company and reservations as to type of advertising including unnamed Republican gubernatorial candidate.
Box   61
1933 January-April
Note: Minutes for six meetings of Francis W. Parker School, Board of Trustees, January 2-March 17. Correspondence relative to the guarantee of the school deficit by Mrs. Blaine and the school pension plan. Bills and statements for office services. Duplicates of Fiduciary and Individual tax returns of income of Nelson Trust for 1932 Correspondence relative to Anita McCormick. Blaine vs. City of Chicago. Several telephone memos concerning incomplete calls.
Box   61
1933 May-December
Note: Correspondence relative to Francis W. Parker school, including faculty salaries, rumors concerning closing the school, Richard Bentley's speech to the Parent's Association on May 22, Board Minutes for September 8. Bills and statements for office expenses; correspondence relative to a deficiency in Mrs. Blaine's 1931 Income tax. Correspondence relative to Mrs. Blaine vs. City of Chicago, Streeter et al. vs. Chicago Title and Trust Company, Anita McCormick. Blaine, et al.
Box   62
1934 January-February
Note: Relative to Francis W. Parker School: minutes of Board of Trustees; proposed lease agreement; executive committee minutes for January 15, January 24, and January 29. Several letters relative to gifts to the school from Mrs. Blaine; recommendations of the Executive Committee to the Parents Committee. 52 page report of the proceedings of the Parent's Association special meeting, February 14.
Box   62
1934 March-May
Note: Proposed amendments to the Francis W. Parker School Charter and by-laws; minutes of the Board of Trustees and Executive committee for March 30. Fiduciary and Individual income tax reports for the Nelson Trust. Letter concerning the Blaine Family Historical Association. Penciled phone memo relative to a tax problem. Correspondence and Deed in Trust (copy) of the Harriet Blaine Beale Trust. Correspondence relative to 4,250 shares of International Harvester Company preferred stock belonging to Mrs. Blaine but in the name of Andrew L. Johnson.
Box   62
1934 June
Note: Statement showing value of one share of McCormick Harvester Company stock in terms of International Harvester Stock. Bills and statements for office and legal services. Correspondence relative to Mrs. Blaine's 1932 income tax. Correspondence relative to Mrs. Blaine's gifts of money and land to the Francis W. Parker School; lease of additional land.
Box   62
1934 July-December
Note: Bills and statements for office and legal services. Francis W. Parker School: group breakdown of pension program, printer's proofs and final copy of summary of pension program; board minutes, October 2; report on enrollment and tuition income. Correspondence relative to the Harriet Blaine Beale Trust, including Mrs. Blaine's signature on one copy.
Box   62
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Francis W. Parkers School: regarding pension program, board meetings, enrollment and income summary. Nelson Trust: Fiduciary and Information Returns of 1934 Income. Miscellaneous correspondence regarding Michener Ranch (Arizona), bills and statements for office and legal services, real estate and tax matters.
Box   62
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Francis W. Parker School: Board minutes, by-laws, list of personnel, copy of pamphlet The Political Structure of Communism and Fascism. Nelson Trust: statement of income for 1935. Folders also contain letters summarizing status of Mrs. Blaine's legal affairs, notations concerning her Will, a summary of her tax matters as of 1936 August 27. Miscellaneous correspondence regarding Michener Ranch including a balance sheet on operations, Camp in the Adirondacks, aid to the Erickson family, and statements for legal services and office expenses together with receipts.
Box   62
Note: Francis W. Parker School Executive Committee and gift to school. Substantial matter regarding Mrs. Blaine's tax protests and settlements. Nelson Trust income for 1936. Miscellaneous correspondence and telephone memos regarding Norman Hanson family, several telephone memos while Mrs. Blaine was in the hospital, bills of office and legal expenses.
Box   62-63
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Francis W. Parker School: miscellaneous correspondence, including matters relating to school personnel and the Jessie F. Barne's annuity. Memo on objectives of the school and a report regarding art comparing the expenses of the school with other such schools and examples of report forms and records used by Francis W. Parker School. Considerable correspondence relative to Mrs. Blaine's tax matters. Miscellaneous correspondence regarding the Hanson Family assistance, the Michener Ranch in Arizona, bills and statements, and correspondence and telegrams regarding Bentley's trip in Europe and Mrs. Blaine's visit in Switzerland.
Box   63
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Francis W. Parker School: board minutes, maps of school property, ownership at different times, miscellaneous correspondence. Estate correspondence regarding the Emmons Blaine estate in Wisconsin, the Michener Estate in Arizona, and the Brownlee estate. Correspondence regarding psychical research, the hiring of a European investigator and the meetings of a Chicago group for psychical research. Miscellaneous correspondence regarding tax matters, aid to the Hanson Family, gift of the Adirondack Camp to Mrs. Lawrence, the Streeter case, and bills and statements for various legal services and office work.
Box   63
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: Correspondence regarding taxes, aid to the Hanson family, psychical research with a record of receipts and disbursements for that purpose, problems regarding the estate of George Kuehner, the Streeter case, and the Adirondacks camp property. Matter relating to the establishment of the Emita Jewett Krueger and the John Blaine Lawrence trust funds. Copy of a speech by Richard Bentley to the Chicago Bar Association, “Selection for the Bar.”
Box   63
Physical Description: 6 folders 
Note: Financial report of psychical research group; History of Mary Virginia McCormick and correspondence regarding her estate. Miscellaneous papers on the Adirondacks camp, gift of the Huntington camp to Mrs. Lawrence, Francis W. Parker School, Protective Committee for the Holders of Common Stock of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company, creation of trusts for Ruth Campbell Meeker and Emita Jewett Krueger, Loans to Emily Michener Borcherdt and property sales. Reports and correspondence regarding various tax cases.
Box   64
Physical Description: 6 folders 
Note: Extensive correspondence regarding Mary Virginia McCormick estate including Registration Statement and Prospectus of International Harvester Company stock for 1941 and 1942. Correspondence regarding Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, including a copy of a speech by Adlai Stevenson with a transcript of the question and answer period following. Financial statement for psychical research group. Miscellaneous correspondence regarding British bank accounts, Emita Jett Krueger Trust, guardianship of Stanley McCormick, tax protests and deficiencies, General Outdoor Advertising Company leases and correspondence, general real estate and loan correspondence.
Box   64
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Detailed financial report on psychical research group; correspondence regarding Mary Virginia McCormick estate, Nelson Trust, Brownlee Estate, Favill Memorial Funds and correspondence with Henry Tenney regarding them, final aid to Hanson Family. Papers regarding income and property tax problems, stocks, statement and proxy for 1943 International Harvester meeting. Correspondence regarding John Lawrence.
Box   64
Note: Richard Bentley in Armed forces. Bill for services, papers on Nelson Trust only items in folder.
Box   64
Note: Correspondence and other papers regarding taxes, Francis W. Parker School, real estate handled by Hall and Ellis, and Nelson Trust income report.
Box   65
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Correspondence regarding discussion between teachers union organizers and Francis W. Parker School including statement of school's purposes. Papers regarding United World Federalists, Nelson Trust, Mary Virginia McCormick estate, gift of Milford Meadows Stock Farm to the University of Wisconsin, and Mary Elizabeth Winship trust. Discussion of Robert McCormick Adams matter and the case of Emily Simpson vs. Anita McCormick Blaine and the City of Chicago.
Box   65
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Correspondence and papers regarding John B. Lawrence; papers regarding Nettie Fowler McCormick, Winship, and Nelson Trusts; copies of Edith McCormick Hardin and Charles McCormick Hardin Guarantee Agreements; miscellaneous correspondence regarding Hubbard case, Cyrus Bentley inheritance accounts and various bank accounts, restrictions on campaign contributions to candidates for federal office, gift to John Last, Milford Meadows gift to the University of Wisconsin, proxy statement from United States Steel, and the Sweeney matter. Papers regarding Mary Virginia McCormick estate, Foundation for World Government, and case of Emily Simpson vs. Anita McCormick Blaine.
Box   65
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: Miscellaneous correspondence and papers regarding Federation for World Government, Loan to Metropolitan Radio Corporation, tax matters, gifts, transfer of property to Francis W. Parker School, Truitt matter with the Civil Rights Congress, report on 1948 contributions to the Progressive Party, Roosevelt College, Beale and Damrosch trusts, Arts and Sciences Cultural Center, and the case of Draper and Adler vs. McCullough. Toward the end of 1949 more business was handled by telephone memos.
Box   65-66
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: Correspondence, papers, and telephone memos regarding Simpson vs. Mrs. Blaine, John B. Lawrence, tax matters, the Mary Virginia McCormick estate, World Republic, Lake Forest Improvement Trustees, stocks, bank accounts, dividends, leases, correspondence with Indiana University regarding McCormick Historical Association Library, Favill Memorial Fund and Farris Trust.
Box   66
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Bills and statements for legal and office services, itemized. Papers, correspondence and telephone memos regarding F vill Memorial Fund, taxes, Civil Rights Congress, Mary Virginia McCormick estate, John B. Lawrence, Adirondacks property, Paul Draper's taxes, Mrs. Lawrence, bank accounts, Francis W. Parker School expenses for John Timothy Stone, Fund for Flora J. Cooke, outstanding dividends checks, leases, Wisconsin Historical Society regarding McCormick Historical Association Library, Anita McCormick Blaine estate, Gift to Bryn Mawr College, and correspondence regarding Herbert A. Kellar.
Box   66
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Telephone memos and correspondence providing a resume of routine matters handled by Mr. Bentley for Mrs. Blaine while she was in the hospital. Correspondence and papers regarding the McCormick Historical Collection and the University of Wisconsin, World Republic, World Citizen's Association, Parker School real estate and tax matters.
Box   66
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Resume of routine matters handled by Mr. Bentley for Mrs. Blaine while she was in the hospital. Correspondence and papers regarding Nelson Trust, J.B. Lawrence, Daily Compass liability settlements on employee claims, taxes, and Beale fund.
Box   66
Note: Resume of routine matters. Correspondence regarding the estate of Anita McCormick Blaine.
Box   66
Note: Routine matters. Correspondence and papers regarding the estate of Anita McCormick Blaine, Francis W. Parker School, and grants made by the New World Foundation.
Box   66
Note: Correspondence and memoranda regarding the estate of Anita McCormick Blaine.
Box   67
Note: Miscellaneous correspondence regarding the estate of Anita McCormick Blaine.
Box   67
Press clippings, 1949 June 19-20, 1956 June 17
Note: Chicago Tribune clippings, 1949 June 19-20, regarding marriage of Barbara Bentley and Robert Myhrum. Chicago Tribune clipping, 1956 June 17, regarding award of distinction to Richard Bentley from Northwestern University. Clipping, 1956 August 11, probably from the Chicago Tribune regarding Perle Mesta party.
Box   67
Bentley, Richard, Mrs. (Phoebe Norcross)
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

The first folder contains personal correspondence at Christmas, Easter, etc.

The second folder contains newspaper clippings regarding society events and public services.

Box   67
Bentley, Ruth Evans

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Two items of personal correspondence.

Box   67
Benton, Charles, 1937 August 25

Location: South Kensington, England.

Receipted bill.

Box   67
Benton, Mathilde Willy M.

Location: New York, New York.

Two personal letters.

Box   67
Benton, William

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Report on UNESCO.

Box   67
Ben Tre (Mrs. Blaine 's dog), undated
Note: Location: Pedigree.
Box   67
Bentwich, Norman, 1935 May 20

Location: New York, New York.

Letter regarding United Jewish Appeal.

Box   67
Bentz, Nathan

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Information regarding Chinese toilet box.

Box   67
Benzie County Association, 1916

Location: Honor, Michigan.

Papers regarding Loon Lake property.

Box   67
Benziger, A., 1919 November 20

Location: New York, New York.

Illustrated brochure of portraits and cover letter.

Box   67
Berea College, 1899-1947

Location: Berea, Kentucky.

Letters, telegrams, typescripts of interviews regarding explanations of Berea's program and requests for financial aid.

Box   67
Berens, Condrad, 1946 March 9

Location: New York, New York.

Doctor bill.

Box   67
Berg, Amelia, 1951 January-October
Note: Receipts for nursing services.
Box   67
Berg, Katherine

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipted bill for cooking services.

Box   67
Bergen, Paul D., 1903 February 3
Note: Letter regarding Shantung Christian College.
Box   67
Berger, Louis

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Two notes accepting invitations.

Box   67
Berger and Wagoner

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipted invoice for photostats.

Box   67
Berger, William

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Two receipted statements for services.

Box   67
Bergh, Albert Ellery
Note: Prospectus regarding “The World's Great Classics.”
Box   67
Bergh, Edith, 1916 September 3

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

One of Mrs. Blaine's nurses.

A note thanking Mrs. Blaine for a gift.

Box   67
Bergner's Hand Laundry, 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for laundry services.

Box   67
Bergquist, Augusta, 1910-1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Blaine's kitchen employee.

Receipts for payment of wages.

Box   67
Bergquist, John Gosta, Mrs. (Grace Cummings Shaw-Kennedy)
Note: Wedding announcements.
Box   67
Bergquist, William, 1896 September 8

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal letter regarding dogs and birds, seemingly being kept for Mrs. Blaine.

Box   67
Berkelmans, M., 1891-1892

Location: Paris, France?; Chicago, Illinois.

Three receipted bills for wearing apparel.

Box   67
Berkley, O.E., Mrs., 1910-1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters regarding requests for financial assistance, interviews.

Box   67
Berks County Sunday-School Association, 1928 April 27

Location: Reading, Pennsylvania.

Letter requesting that Mrs. Blaine sponsor a temperance broadcast on the radio.

Box   67
Berlitz School of Languages, 1897 April 26

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipt for payment.

Box   67
Bermingham, Katherine Carpenter, 1948 October 20

Location: New York, New York.

Thank you letter for funeral remembrance.

Box   67
Bernan, Lisa Olsen, 1925 January 18

Location: Oak Park, Illinois.

Letter regarding oriental objects for sale.

Box   67
Bernard, Frances, Mrs., 1925 February 28

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Luncheon Alumnae Forum of Women's Eastern Colleges with transcripts of speeches by representatives from Smith College, Francis Parker School, New Trier High School, Radcliffe, Mt. Holyoke and the Assistant Principal of Chicago Public Schools.

Box   67
Bernard, L.L., 1927 September 27

Location: Tulane University, New Orleans.

Request for information regarding Mrs. Blaine's sociological work for a book on the History of Sociology in the Colleges and Universities of the United States.

Box   67
Berner, James H., 1939 September 19

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter seeking Mrs. Blaine's support in campaigning for Congress on a program of social security revisions financed by a national lottery.

Box   67
Bernhamer, George C., 1897

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for ice deliveries.

Box   67
Bernstein, Henri, 1943 October 28

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Copy of speech “In Defense of Franco-American Friendship,” Chicago Council of Foreign Relations.

Box   67
Bernstein, Sidney, 1923

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memos regarding Young Men's Hebrew Association.

Box   67
Berriman, Ed, Mrs.

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Card regarding entering a child in a North Side school connected with the University of Chicago.

Box   67
Berry, Abraham, 1940 August-December

Location: New York, New York.

Attorney at law. Correspondence regarding a past due account with the Grand Hotel National, Lucerne, Switzerland.

Box   67
Berry, B.D., and Company, 1914 December 28

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter from this school book publishing firm regarding a book on Cyrus McCormick as a supplementary reader for the middle grades.

Box   67
Berry, Catherine, 1945 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memos regarding property near the Francis W. Parker School.

Box   67
Berry, Charles S., 1915 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memos regarding public school ventilation, 1915 May.

See also: National Society for the Study of Education, 1922 February 28.

Box   67
Berry, John

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Letter from press agent of Captain John Berry, balloonist, soliciting offers for taking a party in a balloon during the return of Halley's Comet. Attached is an undated newspaper clipping from the Record Herald, presumably of St. Louis.

Box   67
Berry, Martha, circa 1906-1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Rome, Georgia.

Correspondence regarding The Boys Industrial School and the Martha Berry School for Girls, Rome, Georgia.

Box   67
Berry, Washington, 1900 July 17

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for assistance in finding employment.

Box   67
Berry, George T., 1915

Location: New York, New York.

Correspondence regarding The American McAll Association.

Box   67
Bersbach, Elmer S., 1937 September 16

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

Letter declining invitation.

Box   67
Bersbach, Frank John, Mrs.
Note: Announcements of daughters' weddings.
Box   67
Bersbach, Oscar Julius
Note: Announcement of daughter's wedding.
Box   67
Bertling, K.O.

Location: Berlin, Germany.


Box   67
Bertluxe, Louis, 1930 April 16

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Interview for chauffeur's position.

Box   67
Bertram, J.H.

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Correspondence regarding Avenue Road Presbyterian Church Improvement Committee.

Box   67
Besant, Annie
Note: Two copies of The Coming of the World-Teacher and Shall India Live or Die? / by Annie Besant, D.L.
Box   67
Beskow, Madam

Location: Sweden.

Contains only a cross reference sheet to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Box   67
Besley-Waukegan Clinic, 1942 September 1
Note: Receipted bill.
Box   67
Besly, Charles Howard, Mrs. (Kathleen M. Healy), 1900-1926

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal correspondence.

Box   67
Bess, Demaree, 1938 January 13

Location: Geneva, Switzerland.

Letter regarding stenographer's copy of a speech made in Chicago.

Box   67
Best, A.S.

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipted bill.

Box   67
Best, A. Starr, 1918-1941
Note: Correspondence and bills for clothing purchases.
Box   68
Best and Company, 1892

Location: New York, New York.

Receipted bill for clothing purchases.

Box   68
Best, William, 1907 July 16

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for services as waiter.

Box   68
Besthoff, Ab'm, and Son, 1903 February 9, 1903 March 4

Location: New York, New York.

Bill from importing firm.

Box   68
Beth, Karl, 1921 May 28

Location: New York, New York.

Letter from professor of Protestant Theology in the Vienna University.

Box   68
Bethany College, 1913

Location: Bethany, West Virginia.

Request for funds from college department of agriculture.

Box   68
Bethany Home, 1920-1943

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for care of Miss Lena Olson and letters soliciting contributions.

Box   68
Bethel College, 1927, 1928

Location: McKenzie, Tennessee.

Two letters soliciting funds.

Box   68
Bethesda Day Nursery, 1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and telephone memos soliciting funds.

Box   68
Bethune-Cookman College, 1949 August 23

Location: Daytona Beach, Florida.

Telephone memo.

Box   68
Better Chicago League, 1939

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence and telephone memos regarding meetings of this organization, copy of its “Program for Chicago,” press releases including a copy of a speech by Senator T.V. Smith.

Box   68
Better City Council Committee, 1922-1923

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Miscellaneous correspondence regarding the work of this committee in 1922 and 1923; copy of American Legion booklet Lest We Forget, and newspaper clippings regarding a city election.

Better Government Association
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois.
Box   68
Note: Miscellaneous correspondence, transcript of an interview with Mr. Simpson and Mr. E.J. Davis; transcript of 1925 March 20 meeting of the association.
Box   68
Note: Miscellaneous correspondence, telephone memos, interviews, and samples of literature and publications of association.
Box   68
Better Pictures Association, 1922 June 26

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo regarding luncheon.

Box   68
Betters, James, undated
Note: Thank you note.
Box   68-69
Betters, Levi, 1929-1957
Physical Description: 12 folders 

Location: Paul Smiths, New York.

Reports, bills, and correspondence regarding New York Camp properties, upkeep, etc.

Box   69
Betters, Stewart, 1938

Location: Albany, New York.

Request from New York Unemployment Bureau for statement of earnings.

Box   69
Betts, Edwin D., Mrs., 1908-1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence regarding the selling of paintings.

Box   69
Beulah Home and Maternity Hospital, 1902-1934

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence and printed literature.

Box   69
Bevan, Arthur Dean, 1923-1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Doctor bill, receipted.

Box   69
Bevans, P.N., Mrs. (Ann F.), 1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Personal correspondence.

Box   69
Beveridge, Albert J., 1904, 1925

Location: Washington, D.C.; Beverly Farms, Massachusetts.

Miscellaneous correspondence regarding invitation to speak in Chicago, 1904; copy of letter to Cyrus McCormick regarding manuscript material from McCormick family historical materials, 1925.

Box   69
Beveridge, Albert J., Mrs., 1915 February 9

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana.

Card declining invitation.

Box   69
Beveridge, William, 1943 June 11

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

An address at the University of Chicago.

Box   69
Beverly, Bert, 1931 October 30-31

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

See also: Chicago Regional White House Conference.

Box   69
Beverly Hills Hotel and Bungalows, 1940-1943

Location: Beverly Hills, California.

Bills and statements.

Box   69
Beverly Hills Hotel Gift Shop, 1942 October 12

Location: Beverly Hills, California.

Bill for purchase of two bags.

Box   69
Beverly Mortgage and Realty Company, 1927 July 29

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Inquiry regarding availability for sale of real estate owned by Mrs. Blaine.

Box   69
Bevington, Mrs., 1905 November 4

Location: Maywood, Illinois.

Letter on behalf of friend seeking teaching position in Chicago.

Box   69
Beyer, Hans, 1940 October 27

Location: Bremen, Germany.

Copy of “Program for the Organization of Peace” sent to Mrs. Blaine because of her interest in the Foundation for World Government. Letter dated 1940 October 27.

Box   69
Bezold, F.A., Mrs., 1949 October 9

Location: Carrollton, Missouri.

Letter from an admirer who felt moved to write upon seeing a picture of Mrs. Blaine.

Box   69
Bible Educational Society, 1912 November-December, 1913 January

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Correspondence and bills regarding purchase of the “Self-Interpreting Bible Library.”

Box   69
Bible Institute Colportage Association of Chicago, 1929, 1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Interviews, correspondence, and printed literature regarding the work of this organization, subtitled “The Moody Press” in aiding neglected classes in the south.

Box   69
Biblical Seminary in New York, 1926 March

Location: New York, New York.

Invitations to tea and to a cornerstone laying ceremony.

See also: Wheeler, Mrs. Charles B. (née Winant, Ruth G.).

Box   69
Bichsel, Edward, Mrs., 1917 June 1

Location: Ogden, Utah.

Telegram requesting shipment of copies of an unnamed item to four individuals by Mrs. Blaine.

Box   69
Bickford, Eleanor. T., 1900 February

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acceptance of Mrs. Blaine's invitation to attend Professor Patrick Geddes' lectures.

Box   69
Bickford, F.A., and Company, 1907 September 24

Location: Gloucester, Massachusetts.

Receipt for twelve days boating.

Box   69
Bickley, W.H., and Son, 1925 May 29

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Letter from real estate firm concerning previous request by Mrs. Blaine for information regarding lands adjoining Kildare.

Box   69
Biddle, John W., 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Undertaker; three bills for use of automobiles.

Box   69
Bidwell, Frederick D., 1925, 1926, 1931

Location: Albany, New York.

Correspondence regarding The General Daniel Davidson Bidwell Memorial Association for erecting an equestrian statue of the General in Buffalo; copies of letters of other individuals involved and a few reminiscences concerning General Bidwell.

Box   69
Biederman, M.C., 1931 September 29

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana.

Letter and description regarding Rev. Marino Priori's art collection.

Box   69
Bielat, Walter P., 1948 November 23

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

Ten page letter requesting financial assistance for Evanston Luggage Shop and the owners.

Box   69
Biele, Charles F., and Sons Company, 1919 October 3

Location: New York, New York.

Receipted bill for glass vitrine.

Box   69
Bielecki, Genevieve, 1942 May
Note: Bills and telephone memo regarding Miss Torkell's nurse.
Box   69
Biermann, Louis W., 1905-1911

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Receipted bills for flowers and plants.

Box   69
Big Brother and Big Sister Federation, 1926 October 21

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter and printed literature sent in response to Mrs. Blaine's inquiry.

Box   69
Big Brother Movement, 1932-1940

Location: New York, New York.

Fundraising letters.

Box   69
Big Creek Institute, 1928 February 6

Location: Big Creek, Kentucky.

Request for financial assistance for this “school for boys and girls of the mountains.”

Box   69
Big Sisters Association, 1917-1925

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Correspondence with Mrs. Blaine regarding Mary Virginia McCormick's contributions to this organization.

Box   69
Bigelow, Alanson, Jr.

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Correspondence regarding mutual driveway use and abuse from neighbors to McCormick property in Coheesatt, Massachusetts.

Box   69
Bigelow and Jordan, 1897 August 31

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Receipted bill for purchases from importing firm.

Box   69
Bigelow, Kennard and Company, 1928 January 1

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Bill for writing materials.

Box   69
Bigelow, Nathan Kellogg, Mrs., 1899 October 28

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   69
Bigelow, Nelson P., 1901-1902, 1909 April 2

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Several brief notes, 1901-1902, to Mrs. Blaine discussing the Lodging House with a reference to Miss Addams. Letter, 1909 April 2, to Mrs. Blaine consenting to help her promote Senate Bill No. 311, State or Federal not indicated.

Box   69
Bigelow, Poultney, 1901-1912

Location: Chicago, Illinois; St. Louis, Missouri; Europe; New York.

Personal correspondence.

Box   69
Bigelow, Sophia D.B., probably 1900 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

An invitation to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   69
Bigelow, W.D., 1925 May 2

Location: Cohasset, Massachusetts.

Telegram inquiry regarding real estate rental.

Box   69
Biggar, William Hodgins, Mrs., 1925 April 29
Note: Invitation to wedding of daughter, Madeleine Louise, to Mr. James Carey Evans III.
Box   69
Biggert, Robert, Mrs. (Beatrice Ripley), 1940-1948

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Miscellaneous correspondence of a personal nature and regarding national and Illinois elections.

See also: Illinois Progressive Voters Council.

Box   69
Biggs, Elijah Immanuel, 1920 October 16

Location: Helena, Arkansas.

Letter suggesting Mrs. Blaine's financial assistance in “plan” to abolish war and bring back the divine truth of Jesus Christ.

Box   69
Biggs, Gladys, 1947 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter regarding the efforts of Mrs. Joseph Biggs to locate business quarters, in order to expand the catering service.

Box   69-70
Biggs, Joseph H., 1890-1954

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Joseph M. Pigs, Caterer. Receipted bills for services and supplies.

Box   70
Bigler, A.B.
Note: Description of Judge Bigler including personal and professional analysis.
Box   70
Bigler, A.B., Mrs., 1939 November

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Note of appreciation for sympathy expressed by Mrs. Blaine and for floral wreath sent by her at the death of Judge Bigler.

Box   70
Bignell, Kenneth Alfred, Dr., 1943 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for professional services to Mrs. R.C. Meeker.

Box   70
Bill, G.W., and Company, 1913 December

Location: Hartford, Connecticut.

Letter to a Mr. Perkins quoting prices on oriental tables.

Box   70
Billabough, Thomas F., 1949 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Author of children's books requesting an interview to discuss possible publication.

Box   70
Billford, Alexander, 1902 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Accepts invitation to visit Miss Starr's bindery.

Box   70
Billing, William, 1902 August

Location: Denver, Colorado.

Letter from General Agent for the McCormick Company in Denver describing the saddle and quirt which he had purchased for Mrs. Blaine's son in compliance with her request.

Box   70
Billings, Frank, Dr., 1892-1930
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters regarding the health and care of Blaine's son, also her mother, and Mrs. J.W. Adams. Includes receipted bills for services. Also requests for funds for various charities in which Billings was interested.

Box   70
Billings, H.S., 1913 August

Location: Kittery Point, Maine.

Receipted bill.

Box   70
Billings, Margaret, 1898-1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters of appreciation for gifts.

Box   70
Billings Ozone Corporation, 1929 September
Note: “Water machine” salesman. Left his card.
Box   70
Billings Polytechnic Institute, 1910-1926

Location: Billings, Montana.

School for the underprivileged. Request for financial support. Apparently no reply. Also contains literature regarding the school.

Box   70
Bilstad, Gwen W., 1948 September

Location: Cambridge, Wisconsin.

Attempt to interest Mrs. Blaine in interracial problems. Contains a character sketch and experience outline of Miss Bilstad in social work and a photograph. Also a brochure of the Chicago Urban League.

Box   70
Biltmore Florists, 1930-1938

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Floral bills and notices of overdue accounts.

Box   70
Biltmore Garage, 1931 March-July

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Receipted service and storage bills.

Biltmore Hotel
Box   70
1939 November-1940 January

Location: Phoenix, Arizona.

Hotel bills.

Box   70

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Hotel bills.

Box   70-71
Physical Description: 8 folders 

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Hotel bills.

Box   71
1931 July

Location: New York.

Announcement of hotel opening and hotel bill.

Box   71-72
Physical Description: 11 folders 

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Hotel bills and telegrams confirming reservations.

Binder, Carroll
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois.
Box   72
1937 January-May

Transcript of address by Mr. Binder before the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations; 1937 February 18, entitled “Japan's Political Crisis.” Also letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for the transcript.

See also: National Commitee on the cause and Cure of War, Regional Conference, 1935 February 1-2; Twelfth Conference, 1937 January 26-29.

Box   72
1937 October
Note: Address given before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1937 October 15 - “Europe, 1937 - The Clash of Men and Ideas.”
Box   72
Note: Notes indicating, inability to attend meetings of the Chicago Committee of World Citizens. Transcript of address before Chicago Council etc., 1940 August 15, “The Defense of the Americas,” and note thanking Mrs. Plaine for stenographic copy.
Box   72
Note: Transcripts of addresses given before the Chicago Council etc.: “Australia: Arsenal of the Pacific” (1941 February 20), “The U.S.--As Ally and Foe” (1945 February 2), and “The Temper of Western Europe” (1950 March 9).
Box   72
Bingham, Cornelia D., 1903, 1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Read Teacher of the McCowen Oral School for Young Deaf Children thanking Mrs. Blaine for present given to one of the children and requesting that she send the child a winter coat.

Box   72
Bingham, Eleanor, undated

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requesting financial support to put her daughter through summer school.

Box   72
Binkley, Roy, 1949 November

Location: Ellison Bay, Wisconsin.

Telephone requests for interview with Mrs. Blaine. Mentions a Mr. Jensen from Ellison Bay.

Box   72
Binner, Mme, 1918 October

Location: New York.

Request to fit Mrs. Blaine with the new fall corsets and to show her original boudoir and tea gowns.

Box   72
Binner, Oscar E., 1911, 1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York.

President of Luther Burbank Publishers. Sends Mrs. Blaine copies of Burbank's essays on children. Second letter describes a rug which Binner asks if she once owned.

Box   72
Biographical Cyclopaedia of American Women, 1924 October-November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Transcripts of an interview and telephone calls requesting that Mrs. Blaine write an article about herself for publication.

Box   72
Birch, Helen Louise, 1912, 1915

Location: Charlotte, Vermont; Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to a musical program.

Box   72
Birch, Hugh, 1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to a song recital by Theodore Bard. Declined.

Box   72
Birch, Hugh, Mrs. (Maria Root), 1907, 1910, 1913

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Two invitations to musical programs, both declined by Mrs. Blaine. Also a printed eulogy of Mrs. Root published after her death.

Bird, Don-Michael, Mrs. (Audrey Lawrence)
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois.
Box   72
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Thank you notes and photographs.
Box   72
Note: Clippings from Chicago papers. Articles about Mrs. Bird, her wedding, etc.
Box   72
Bird, Louie P., 1927

Location: North Hampton, New Hampshire.

Regarding order Mrs. Blaine made for “pick-me-up” bags.

Box   72
Bird, Richard H., 1929

Location: Virginia Beach, Virgina.

Letter describing trip and thanking Mrs. Blaine for her hospitality.

Box   72
Birkel Music Company, 1931

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Concerning an anticipated piano order.

Box   72
Birkner, Oliver, Mrs., 1949

Location: Mount Vernon, Illinois.

Wishes Mrs. Blaine success in “The Compess.”

Box   72
Birks, Gerald W., 1930

Location: S.S. Empress of Canada .

Describes conditions in the Orient and praises the work the YMCA is doing there.

Box   72
Birnie, John M., 1911

Location: Springfield, Massachusetts.

Receipted doctor bill.

Box   72
Birnie, Mrs., 1907

Location: London, England?

Wedding announcement, Emily Pirnie to Harold Cornelius Smith.

Box   72
Birtwell, Charles W., 1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone conversation. Representative of Stable Money Association.

Box   72
Bish, Paul, 1942

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wants to speak with Mrs. Blaine regarding the work of the Dies Committee.

Box   72
Bishop, Caroline, 1905

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for job as a seamstress.

Box   72
Bishop, Dorothy, 1907

Location: New York.

Letter giving the whereabouts of a Mr. Manny (or Manning). To Miss Cook.

Box   72
Bishop, Eugene A., 1924

Location: Towson, Maryland.

Letter and questionnaire from Maryland State Normal School.

Box   72
Bishop, Henry Walker, 1912

Location: Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

Wedding invitation.

Box   72
Bishop, Henry Walker, Mrs., 1924
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   72
Bishop, Howard F., 1944

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter enumerating the artistic achievements of Dr. de Boyedon and urging Mrs. Blaine to investigate him further before he is released from his duties at the Francis W. Parker School.

Box   72
Bishop, Kate S., 1905

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Desires to sell a collection of old colonial articles.

Box   72
Bishop, L. Brackett, Mrs. (Minnie Ridgeway), 1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Regarding the Belva Lockwood Pagaent and Fund.

Box   72
Bishop, L.W., 1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone call. Would speak only with Mrs. Blaine.

Box   72
Bisno and Nahlin, 1902-1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipted tailoring bills.

Box   72
Bisno and Padorr, 1927

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wishes to know if Mrs. Blaine is interested in selling certain property in the city.

Box   72
Bissell, Arthur, 1897-1933

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters describing the advantages of the Chickering Piano. Also miscellaneous announcements and invitations.

Box   72
Bissell, Arthur, Mrs. (Emily G. Tredway), 1934, 1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters in appreciation of funeral wreath; also thanking Mrs. Blaine for certain pamphlets.

Box   72
Bissell, Arthur Dwight, 1929

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address card.

Box   72
Bissell, L.W., Mrs. (Beatrice B.B.), undated

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Thanking Miss McCormick for contribution to Junior League.

Box   72
Bissell-Weisert Inc., 1933-1934

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for phonograph supplies.

Box   73
Bittner, Van A., 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address by Bittner given before the New England Congregational Church Forum, January 31, 1937, “The Automobile Strike.”

Box   73
Bjorkland, Sarah G., 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill from housemaid.

Box   73
Bjornson, Magnhild, 1926-1927

Location: New York.

Masseur bills and three letters requesting payment.

Box   73
Blachford, H. & C., Ltd., 1919

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Bill for shoes and lingerie.

Box   73
Black, Arthur D., 1915-1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Dental bills and professional opinions regarding Mrs. Blaine and her staff.

See also: Chicago Regional Mite House Conference, 1931 October 30-31.

Box   73
Black, Arthur D., Mrs., 1933-1949

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

Expressing thanks for flowers sent so often by Mrs. Blaine and for her friendship since Dr. Black died.

Box   73
Black, Gilmer V., 1937-1938

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

Letters thanking Mrs. Blaine for gifts and parties. Also telegram regarding the serious illness of Dr. Black.

Box   73
Black, Hugh, 1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone conversation regarding an appointment.

Box   73
Black, John Clarke, 1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to song recital. Declined.

Box   73
Black, John Clarke, Mrs., 1900

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Regrets inability to attend a course of lectures by Professor Patrick Geddes.

Box   73
Black, John D., 1924
Note: See also: American Farm Economic Association, Report of fifteenth annual meeting, 1924 December 29-30.
Box   73
Black Mountain College, 1934

Location: Black Mountain, North Carolina.

Attempt to interest Mrs. Blaine in a new experimental college. Also telephone conversations regarding an appointment with her.

Box   73
Black, Robert Alfred, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Outlines the program of the La Rabida Jackson Perk Sanitarium, a non-sectarian home for Cardiac children and requests an interview.

Box   73
Black, Starr and Frost, 1906-1929

Location: New York.

Jewellers and silversmiths. Bills.

Box   73
Black, Walter J., Company, 1926

Location: New York.

Receipted bill for book.

Box   73
Black, William Thurston, Mrs., 1900

Location: San Diego, California.

Letter to Daniel Stone requesting that he check on a picture of James G. Blaine that was sent to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   73
Black, W.W., 1932

Location: Jackson, Mississippi.

See also: Chicago Association of Commerce, 1932 June 2-3, National conference for reduction of government expenditures.

Box   73
Blackall, E.S., Mrs., 1905

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wishes to sell a collection of autograph letters of celebrated Americans to the Parker School.

Box   73
Blackburn College, 1921-1939

Location: Carlinville, Illinois.

Appeals for financial aid.

Box   73
Blackett, Hill, 1935, 1939

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Breakfast invitation.

Box   73
Blackett, Priscilla Alden, 1942

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Invitation to cocktail party after Longmeadow Hunter Trials.

Box   73
Blackfriars, 1904, 1909, 1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Dramatic organization of the University of Chicago requesting Mrs. Blaine to be a patroness of their productions.

Box   73
Blackledge, John W., 1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wishes to interest Mrs. Blaine in a collection of old programs of operas, concerts and theatres.

Box   73
Blackler Market, 1925-1927

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Meat bills.

Box   73
Blackler, Samuel, 1899

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Account book listing Mrs. Blaine's purchases of meats.

Box   73
Blackmer Company, 1898

Location: Manchester Depot, Vermont.

Receipted bill for screens.

Box   73
Blackstone Hotel, 1911-1926
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   73
Blackstone Shop, 1913-1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Clothing bills and requests for payment.

Box   73
Blackstone, Timothy B., Mrs. (Isabella F.), 1895-1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter expressing appreciation for being thought of in connection with a memorial left by Mr. Blaine. Also answers to invitations. Acknowledges receipt of Senate Bill 311, regretting inability to take interest in the matter.

Box   73
Blackwelder, Eliot, 1899

Location: Morgan Park, Illinois.

Letter to Mrs. McCormick declining a position as tutor of natural science because of inexperience.

Box   73
Blackwell, James D., 1942

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Dental bills for Mrs. Blaine's employees.

Box   73
Blackwell, Karl S., 1926

Location: Richmond, Virginia.

Medical bill for Edward Adams.

Box   73
Blackwell, Robert E., 1917, 1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipted dental bill. Invitation to a memorial service for the late Dr. Arthur Black sponsored by the Northwestern University Dental School, its Alumni Association and the Chicago Dental Society.

Box   73
Blackwell, Thomas E., 1930, 1942

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Letters from a former employee of the Santa Barbara Biltmore thanking Mrs. Blaine for her kindnesses.

Box   73
Blain, Charles H., 1899

Location: Taunton, Massachusetts.

Request for information regarding the genealogy of the Blaine family.

Box   73
Blaine Ball Team, 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter describing the team and: how it got its name. Asks if Mrs. Blaine can secure the use of the Lincoln Park Refectory so that the team may give a dancing party.

Box   73
Blaine, Charles G., 1937-1948

Location: New York; Florida; and Virginia.

Mrs. Blaine's nephew.

A series of thank-you notes for Christmas gifts received. Written while in the navy and while attending law school.

Blaine, Emmons
Box   73
1888 June-1891 January
Note: Letters and telegrams to Mrs. Blaine regarding family matters. Sent from Baltimore, Washington, D.C. and Chicago.
Box   73
Note: Newspaper clippings relating the engagement of Blaine to Miss McCormick and more extensive articles regarding his death.
Box   74
Blaine, Emmons, Mrs., 1941 May
Physical Description: 8 folders 
Note: Responses to her Open Letter to the Citizens and to the Congress of the United States. Letters overwhelmingly opposed to Mrs. Blaine 's sentiments, many of them vitriolically so.
Blaine, Emmons, Jr.
Box   74
before 1900
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Elmhurst.

Various childish notes, valentines, etc.

Box   74
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Miscellaneous locations.

Letters from schools and summer camps.

Box   75

Location: Mesa, Arizona; Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Personal letters and telegrams to Mrs. Blaine from his school in Arizona and from Harvard University.

Box   75
Physical Description: 7 folders 

Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts and other locations.

Letters and telegrams to his mother telling of classes, grades social gatherings, etc. at Harvard. Also letters from vacation spots.

Box   75
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Consisting of letters from graduate school in Boston, letters regarding his farm in Lake Mills, Wisconsin and instructions regarding livestock. Also describes his job and day to day life in Lansdowne, Pennslyvania. For incidents in his last illness see Elizabeth Bostater, Harold F. McCormick.
Box   75
Note: Press clippings mostly concerning his engagement to Eleanor Gooding.
Blaine, Emmons, Jr., Estate of
Box   76
Physical Description: 6 folders 
Note: Inventory lists of real and personal property, appraisals, tables of heirship, lists of securities etc.
Box   76
Note: Income tax returns and estimates, inventories, contents of safe deposit boxes, security holdings.
Box   76
Blaine, Fenton, 1892

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Telegram to W.G. McCormick expressing sympathy for Mrs. Blaine and requesting information of funeral arrangements.

Box   76
Blaine, Holland B., 1949

Location: Regina, Canada.

From Baker-Blaine Publishers who are attempting to blaze a new trail in Canadian journalism. Having financial difficultly.

Blaine, James G.
Box   77

Location: Saint Louis, Missouri.

Letter about his family background and a campaign poster. Family tradition said that grandfather was the first cousin of James G. Blaine.

Box   77-78
Physical Description: 8 folders 

Location: Washington, D.C.

Blaine campaign song book for 1884. Campaign picture. Picture of birthplace. Sample ballots for Democrat, Republican, and People's Ticket for election of 1884. Copy of Memorial Address on “Life and Character of James A. Garfield” delivered by Blaine, 1882 February 27. Three letters to Anita Blaine in 1889 soon after marriage to Emmons Blaine.

Correspondence in 1890. Copy of Memorial of 1891 presented by Blaine to Harrison, copy of, letter from William E. Blackstone representing Council of Christians and Jews addressed to Harrison and Blaine on 1891 March 5, both letters deal with aiding persecuted Russian Jews, as do others. Telegrams and letters during Emmons' illness and after his death in 1893.

Telegrams and various papers dealing with his death and funeral; included is a blueprint of the funeral procession, at Augusta, Maine. Proceedings of Ceremonies Commemorating 50th Anniversary of Death of James G. Blaine, 1943 January 27, Pan American: Washington, D.C.

Press clippings, 1876-1892. Apparently collected by Anita McCormick herself. Most brief and laudatory. Press clippings, 1893 January, No.1. Several magazine articles and hundreds of press clippings dealing with Blaine's death, many review his life.

Press clippings, 1893 January, No.2. More hundreds including some from France, England, Italy, Germany, Scotland; a few from foreign language papers here.

Press clippings, 1893 February; A lot about whether Blaine died a Catholic, but a decreasing number of items. The mention of Blaine less and less an obituary or mention of his life work; more and more often a phase of his life is mentioned in connection with current news.

Press clippings, 1893-1952 March. Frequent mention of Blaine in connection with the current political news throughout the rest of the year. Remainder of material historical, or merely reminiscences, appearing in 1918, 1930, 1932, 1941, 1943, and 1951.

See also: Pan American Union.

Box   78-79
Blaine, James G., I, Mrs. (Harriet Stanwood), 1889-1908
Physical Description: 5 folders 

Location: Washington, D.C.

Press clippings. Two items about her during the 1890s; one review of Letters of Mrs. James G. Blaine / edited by Harriet S. Blaine Beale (New York, 1908) taken from New York Times, 1908 December 12.

Four folders of Mrs. Blaine's correspondence with Anita between the years 1889-1900. Included are a number of telegrams; most of them deal with Sec. Blaine's final illness, and urgent concern about health of various other relatives in following years. Deed to Bar Harbor property from Mrs. Blaine to Anita, 1893 May 13.

Box   79
Blaine, James G., School, 1907-1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter from Clara Dixon explaining the school, 1907. Memo on request of Miss Zollman for Mrs. Blaine to speak at a commencement.

See also: Dixon, Clara L.

Box   79
Blaine, James G., II, 1889-1919
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Location: New York.

Press clippings, 1889-1903. Most deal with his separations from his first wife (Mary Nevins) and his second (Martha Hichborn).

Two folders containing his correspondence with Anita between the years 1890 and 1933. Most merely family matters; occasionally James sought money to tide him through difficult times, or at least Anita's participation in his current financial activity. The most prominent being land in British Columbia; the deed is included.

Box   79
Blaine, James G., II, Mrs. (Mary Nevins), 1893

Location: New York.

Press clippings: about her ordeal when her son had scarlet fever and was quarantined in the New York Hotel, then being abandoned.

Box   79
Blaine, James G., II, Mrs. (Martha Hichborn), 1900-1903

Location: New York.

Personal correspondence during first years of her marriage to James. Thanked Anita for presents, etc.

Box   79
Blaine, James G., III, 1893-1951

Location: New York.

Son of Mary Nevins and James G. Blaine II. Clipping 1893 on parents separation and on James Blaine 's bequest to his grandson. Correspondence with his Aunt Anita from 1906 until 1947. When Blaine became a banker he began to be associated with a variety of charitable causes about which he often wrote Mrs. Blaine. Among them: Harvard College, Motion Picture Research Association, General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Memorial Library.

Box   79
Blaine, James G., III, Mrs. (Marion Dow), 1911-1942

Location: New York.

Social notes, from her thank-you note in 1911 to her comments on her son's wedding in 1942.

Box   79
Blaine, John Ewing, 1920

Location: Cincinnati, Ohio.

He compiled a family genealogy. His correspondence with Mrs. Blaine seeks information, talks about his book, and finally whether she has received it.

Box   79
Blaine, John J.
Note: Cross-reference: Progressive Conference, 1931 March 11-12.
Box   79
Blaine, Maggie, 1900

Location: Hutchinson, Kansas.

Letter seeking donation to her alma mater and current employer: Salt City Business College.

Box   79
Blaine, Richard, 1937-1948

Location: New York.

Social correspondence from time he was in prep school and at Harvard and was being invited to New Year's Eve parties in Chicago. Service, marriage, and business varied his address and the letters.

Box   79
Blaine, Robert G., 1895

Location: Washington.

Invitation to the marriage of his daughter, Margaret.

Box   79
Blaine, Robert G., Mrs., 1902

Location: Washington.

Invitations to marriages of two daughters: May and Nina.

Box   79
Blaine, Walker, 1889
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Location: Washington.

Two brief letters to Anita before her marriage to his brother Emmons. Photographs of Emmons, Walker, and James G. Jr. Press clippings on his death in 1890 January.

Box   79
Blaine, W.E. (Emmons), 1866-1867

Location: Augusta, Maine.

Childhood letters to Grandmother, Mother, and Joe?

Box   79
Blaine, W.J., 1930

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Letter to Miss Walker inquiring about whether the McCormick Avenue Hill (Oaklands) property was for sale.

Box   79
Blair, Anita Carolyn, 1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

She received a letter apparently intended for Mrs. Blaine (she thinks) and sent it on to Colonel Robert McCormick with cover letter. The initial letter is a long argument against any support of the British. The writer, Ellen Owens, is apparently an immigrant from England.

Box   79
Blair, Bowen, 1937-1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social notes. Telegram requesting $8,500 for the Chicago Council of Boy Scouts' 1948 fund drive.

Box   79
Blair, C.C., 1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter from Doctoral Candidate in American History at the University of Chicago requesting information about the location of files for the Chicago Times while run by Cyrus McCormick.

Box   79
Blair, Charles Benton, 1916

Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Invitation to the marriage of their daughter, Margaret.

Box   79
Blair, Chauncey B., 1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

President of the Manufacturers and Dealers Finance Corporation seeking her participation in some business venture. This is just a form letter.

Box   79
Blair, Chauncey Justus, 1900, 1907, 1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social invitations in 1900. Marriage of daughter, Italia, in 1907. Invitation to talk on war in 1916.

Box   79
Blair, Chauncey Justus, Mrs., 1900-1908, 1918
Note: Social notes. Marriage of daughter, Mildred.
Box   79
Blair and Company, 1925

Location: New York.

Memo on interview concerning representative's desire to discuss investments with Mrs. Blaine. List of stocks handled attached.

Box   79
Blair, Edith, 1916-1927

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and memos on telephone calls dealing with both personal visits and giving to various organizations. From 1923 to 1927, Miss Blair's correspondence, apparently one sided, with Mrs. Blaine deals with Miss Blair's psyche. In final letters she admits that she has been involved with two mediums, still feels the influences of unseen powers, and knows that of all people Anita would understand.

Box   79
Blair, Edward McCormick, 1937-1951

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social notes and clipping (1951) on social activities of Mrs. E.M. Blair.

Box   79
Blair, Edward McCormick, Mrs. (Elizebeth Graham Iglehart), 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social note.

Box   79
Blair, Edward Tyler, 1888-1920
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Frequent and varied correspondence: on exhibiting horses (1888), comments on a paper Anita had given, apparently about American and European Society (1889), various social occasions, and after the death of his wife (Ruby McCormick Blair) in 1917 and that of Emmons in 1918. Also Press clippings, one on Edward Blair's death (1937) and one describing Edward's father, William Blair.

Box   79
Blair, Edward Tyler, Mrs. (Ruby McCormick), 1878-1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Several letters written by her at age eighteen, in 1878. Most of the correspondence dates from the 1890s and deals with a great variety of family matters. From 1909-1917 letters deal almost exclusively with sharing an opera box with Mrs. Blaine.

Blair, Emma
Note: See Adams, Cyrus Hall, Mrs.
Box   79
Blair, Emma Parker, 1903

Location: Newburg?, New York.

Two letters, one commenting on trip back from Chicago to New York.

Box   79
Blair, Francis G., 1931

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

International Harvester Company of America, Dinner Celebrating the Centennial of the Invention of the Reaper by Cyrus Hall McCormick in 1831. Springfield, Illinois, March 30, 1931. Includes speech by Blair (p. 18) who as State Superintendent of Education spoke of the reaper's role in American history.

Box   79
Blair, Henry Augustus, 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Natalie.

Box   79
Blair, Henry Augustus, Mrs. (Grace P.), 1893

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social notes.

Box   79
Blair, Herbert E.

Location: Taiku, Korea.

A missionary there, he commented on Mrs. McCormick's continued interest in foreign missions, and her aid in founding the Pyang Yang Theological Seminary, an offshoot of the McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. Memo of interview in 1921 in which he sought further aid.

Box   79
Blair, Lyman, Mrs., 1888

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of marriage of daughter, Mary.

Box   79
Blair, Margaretta, 1912-1913

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Two social notes, one telling “Anita” of her marriage before it became “public property.”

Box   79

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Social note.

Box   79
Blair, McCormick, 1916-1917

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

All but one of the items are from 1916-1917; telephone memos, all of which deal with assuring Mrs. Blaine that she too was included in the invitation, mistakenly thought to include only Emmons, to join the new club. A call relative to her contribution to the Community Chest.

Box   79
Blair, McCormick, Mrs., 1917

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Telephone memo.

Box   79
Blair, Parker, 1902-1943

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social notes: largely for Christmas gift during his younger years. In 1915, he mentions his engagement. In 1917, he wrote from France after learning of Emmons' death. In 1925, he tried to get money from her to help a brilliant but impoverished Harvard classmate.

Box   79
Blair, Robert, Mrs., 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo: would Mrs. Blaine buy a box at the benefit concert (Don Cossack Chorus) for a new organization to fight the spread of Nazism in America.

Box   79
Blair, Samuel A., 1925-1931

Location: Duluth, Minnesota.

A Presbyterian “missionary” in Minnesota and Wisconsin, he had been aided in his work by Mrs. McCormick. In 1925, he wrote to seek a gift for his new church at Bemidji, Minnesota commemorating her previous gifts. In 1931, he sought money for a new car with which to visit the congregations of his widespread area.

Box   79
Blair, Sarah S., 1891

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social notes: offer of Jordan water with which to baptize Emmons, congratulations on her mother's eightieth birthday, condolences after Emmons' death.

Box   79
Blair, Seymour, 1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter written from Berlin Embassy. Seymour wrote to introduce a German pianist and teacher who planned to settle in Chicago. Seymour had known him at the American Embassy in Tokyo.

Box   79
Blair, Thomas., Jr., 1901-1918

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois

Social notes including announcement of the marriage of daughter, Margaretta, to Governor James M. Cox in 1917.

Box   79
Blair, Vilray P., 1934-1944

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Dr. Blair treated Nancy Blaine. Apparently he did considerable work straightening her nose. But in the numerous letters from Doctor Blair, arranging trips, plans, bills, and thanking Mrs. Blaine for gifts, runs an apparent strain of friendship. He speaks of marriage, politics, philosophy, philanthropy.

Box   79
Blair, Vilray P., Mrs. (Kathryn J.), 1934-1940

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Social notes, largely thanking Mrs. Blaine for gifts of flowers, at Christmas, other holidays and at times for special reasons.

Box   79
Blair, Watson Franklin, 1892-1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Cablegram on Emmons' death in 1892. Letter dealing with fixing up Rush Street; private citizens were to contribute to aid the Board of Improvements in this.

Box   79
Blair, Watson Franklin, Mrs. (Alice Rose Keep), 1900-1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social notes: invitation to lecture on contemporary French thought, invitation to a violin recital by her children. Cards, In Memoriam, of the Chicago Fortnightly and Friday Clubs for her in 1931.

Box   80
Blair, Watson Fuller

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Photograph of residence.

Box   80
Blair, William McCormick, 1900-1953
Physical Description: 10 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

1900-1938: Folder contains a variety of letters. Most of them deal with personal matters, such as: his inability to attend Emmons' wedding in 1917, his desire to get his daughter into the Frances Parker School (there was initially no vacancy, but soon there was room; what Mrs. Blaine did was not clear) in 1919, and the arrangements whereby they might share the cost of Aunt Lucy's funeral. Some of the letters from this period - are requests that Mrs. Blaine contribute various causes, including: The Chicago Council of Social Agencies (1921), Juvenile Protection Association (1922), Pension Fund of the Presbyterian. Church (1927), Republican Campaign Fund (1928), Emergency Welfare Fund (1930), and the Community Chest (1933 and 1934). In some cases his letters indicate the results of his previous requests.

1940 to 1953: Folders contain little personal correspondence. Blair continued to make occasional appeals for charities. Among them were: Funds for Hull House (1940), Navy Relief Society (1942), Red Cross War Fund (1943-1945), and the Chicago United Charities (1948). Included in the Red Cross correspondence is an interesting letter from a wounded service man extolling the organization's work on the Italian front.

1940: The bulk of the material in these eight folders deals with Mrs. Blaine's partial financial support of the Kruegars. Emit Jewett Kruegar, wife of Karl, was bedridden and under doctor's care for ten years. Operations, nurses, and treatments, together with occasional trips necessitated monthly, or even more frequent, checks, correspondence and telegrams.

Press clippings: Two of them deal with his participation in public affairs. In 1938, he helped greet Crown Prince Gustav Adolf of Sweden. In 1941, he introduced Lord Halifax speaking at a “Stop Hitler Rally.” In 1947, Mayor Kennelley considered him for the Chicago School Board.

Box   80
Blair, William McCormick (Helen Bowen), Mrs., 1912-1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters of thanks for Mrs. Blaine's remembrances in 1912. Note about the tickets which Mrs. Blaine bought for the Junior League performance in 1914. Memo on call asking her to be on a Central Hoover Committee in 1920. Request for $100 for the Alice H. Wood Station (formerly the Osgood Welfare Station) of the Infant Welfare Society of the North Side, in 1924. Urgent call for aid for the Eli Bates Settlement in 1931. Request for contribution to Russian Relief in 1942. Correspondence dealing with Red Cross War Relief in 1944, 1945, and 1946. In each of the first two years Mrs. Blaine gave $5,000. Social correspondence after the war.

Box   80
Blair, William McCormick, Jr., 1937-1955
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Folder of social notes from 1937 to 1948, all of which sent his regret for being unable to attend various parties the Blaines, Nancy and Anita, were giving.

Press clippings, 1951-1955, dealing with McCormick's activities as a young, liberal, Chicago politician. Several speak of him as an aid to Governor Adlai Stevenson.

Box   80
Blaisdell, Warren F., 1908

Location: York Village, Maine.

Two plumbing bills.

Box   80
Blake, Gerald, M.D., 1922

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Letters about health of Robert Adams after operation on his antrum.

Box   80
Blake, Irving, 1905
Note: Telegram that Mr. Reids summer place not available.
Box   80
Blake, Luke, 1892

Location: New York, New York.

Bill for milk while staying at Plaza.

Box   80
Blake, M., 1934-1935

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memos. Would only talk to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   80
Blake, Margaret Day, 1911-1912

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

An invitation to dinner and two letters about distributing literature in various wards (to men, naturally) during an election on women's suffrage in 1912.

Box   80
Blake, Rufus, 1943

Location: Pasadena, California.

Receipt and letter for fifty dollar gift from Virginia McCormick Trustees in 1943.

Box   80
Blake, Thelma, 1943
Note: Similar gift receipted.
Box   80
Blake, Tiffany, 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social notes.

Box   80
Blake, Tiffany, Mrs., 1899-1935

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social notes. Request that Mrs. Blaine renew her membership in the League for the Protection of Immigrants (1910). Telephone memos discussing the cost of the campaign for women's suffrage up to April, 1912. Invitation to short talks by Dr. Ludwig Hektoen and the members of the staff of the Institute of Psycoanalysis (1935).

Box   80
Blakey, Alvin J., 1900

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Realtor seeking to sell Mrs. Blaine an apartment house on Deming Place in Chicago.

Box   80
Blanchard, Alton E., 1927

Location: West Abington, Massachusetts.

Plea for several hundred dollars from a poor man struggling with a florist business and attempting to put three young daughters through high school?

Box   80
Blanchard, Charles A., 1902-1925

Location: Wheaton, Illinois.

As President of Wheaton College and the recipient of occasional gifts (none specified in these letters) from Mrs. Blaine, Blanchard often wrote of his thoughts on religion, education, and Mrs. Blaine's interests in both.

Box   80
Blanchard, Frank, Sr., 1929-1930

Location: Paul Smiths, New York.

Request for the small amount necessary to get this old hunting guide to Montreal to visit his brothers. He wrote three times asking for this gift he says Mrs. Blaine promised him the preceding summer.

Box   80-81
Blanchard, G.L., Company, 1915-1950
Physical Description: 7 folders 

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Bills for supplies for the McCormick estate (House in the Woods) in Lake Forest. Largely for food for poultry, coal, and materials for the house.

Box   81
Blanchard, Helen, 1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Principal of Thomas Hoyne gramMarch school, she wrote out a petition to the Board of Education pointing out the need for another school and one with manual training facilities.

Box   81
Blanchard, Nellie, 1912

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Note thanking Mrs. Blaine for inviting the Bancroft School to the Columbus School to hear Hans Reumert tell H.C. Andersen's Fairy Tales.

Box   81
Blanchfield, P.W., 1895-1897

Location: Bar Harbor, Maine.

Letter, bill, and estimate from landscape gardener.

Box   81
Blandy, E.B., Mrs., 1889

Location: Winton Place, Hamilton County, Ohio.

Letter suggesting that she give some money to the Cincinnati Newsboy's Home. Clipping enclosed.

Box   81
Blankenhorn Realty Company, 1923

Location: Pasadena, California.

Letter confirming the leasing of a house there for four months following January 15, 1924.

Box   81
Blankman, E.G., 1905

Location: Canton, New York.

Request for the name of her camp in the Adirondacks in order to complete a map of the area.

Box   81
Blanton, Smiley, 1925

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Address by Dr. Smiley Blanton, Director of the Child Guidance Bureau, Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Francis Parker School (in Chicago), October 27, 1925. Just a general talk about raising children.

Box   81
Blasius, Harold N., Company, 1925

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Bill for 13 window shades.

Box   81
Blatch, Harriot Stanton, 1900

Location: New York.

Letter from the daughter of Elizabeth C. Stanton, commenting on Mrs. Blaine's work with a school and her experiments with domestic service.

Box   81
Blatchford, Charles H., 1909, 1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

He writes that he'd be glad to write letters about the proposed state legislation providing for special training for service in state institutions (Senate Bill 311). Mrs. Blaine's concern was relative to the University. Also a note on Blatchford's mother's death.

Box   81
Blatchford, Edward Williams, 1915-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters written in Chicago (1915); social matters, including passing of Dr. Favill. Telephone memo of part of a letter from his niece in Beirut (1916). A Letter “To The Civilized World” signed by “Ninety Three Professors” (of German Science and Art) protesting Germany's innocence of war guilt, war atrocities, and militarism. Also two poems of humanitarian sentiment he sent to Mrs. Blaine (1918). From 1923 until 1950 the correspondence comes from Palestine where Blatchford helped Near East Relief provide orphanages for Armenians. His Christmas card from 1936-1937 notes he was American Consulate General in Jerusalem. Telephone memo notified Mrs. Blaine of his permanent return to Chicago after 25 years in Jerusalem (1948). Several subsequent memos; last at time of Mrs. Blaine's hospitalization in 1950.

Box   81
Blatchford, Eliphalet Wickes, 1903-1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to meet Baroness von Bulow-Wendhausen of Dresden (190?). Printed endorsement of a children's' art teacher (1903). Letter telling Mrs. Blaine that he is writing to friends to support the Senate Bill 311(in Illinois) as she suggested (1909).

Box   81
Blatchford, Eliphalet Wickes, Mrs. (Mary E. Williams), 1903-1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter in support of the printed petition for the art teacher, A. Cummings. Several cards and notes, largely social but mentioning Anita's work with education.

Box   81
Blatchford, Frances May, 1898-1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence, including social notes, letters of appreciation for gifts, more personal letters dealing with family matters, literature, mentioned occasionally are the Fortnightly Club, and the Frances Parker School. One letter in 1915 discusses her interest in the Marine Biology Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Box   81
Blatchford, Frank W., Dr., 1924

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Invitation to the marriage of their daughter, Ella, and one to a party.

Box   81
Blatchford, John, 1911, 1931-1932

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Note from him while a student at Harvard thanking Mrs. Blaine for a dinner party. Two business cards calling her attention to his work of restoring old antiques.

Box   81
Blatchford, Kent, 1937-1939

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Notes accepting invitation to the New Year's Party.

Box   81
Blatchford, Nathaniel H., Mrs. (Helen Wheeler), 1916

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Fortnightly memoriam.

Box   81
Blatchford, Nathaniel H., II, 1928-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Numerous notes in appreciation of a party well given, a telegram in which the Blatchfords say they were not seriously hurt in the accident? Notes in thanks for various gifts of flowers. Invitation to the marriage of their daughter, Margaret. Telephone memo, 1950, was Mrs. Blaine receiving flowers, callers, etc.

Box   81
Blatchford, Nathaniel H., II, Mrs. (Margaret Copeland), 1929-1939

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Notes of thanks, invitations, gift of Opera tickets for Tosca, Christmas gifts (poinsettas), for a night in her rooms at the Drake, occasional letters.

Box   81
Blatchford, Nathaniel H., III, 1937-1946

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Notes accepting regretting, and commenting on the New Year's Parties.

Box   81
Blatchford, Nicholas, 1937-1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Notes and a lengthy and appreciative letter about the New Year's Eve Party the Blaines gave and made so personal.

Box   81
Blatchford, Nicholas, Mrs. (Lois Greeley), 1944
Note: Note regarding wedding, gift.
Box   81
Blatchford, Paul, 1920-1922

Location: Oak Park, Illinois.

Invitations to each of their two daughters' marriages.

Box   81
Blatchford, Paul, Mrs. (Frances Veazie Lord), 1899-1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter commenting on her gift of the Frances Parker School. Notes regarding talk by Prof. Geddes of Edinburgh, 1900; meeting of the Colonial Dames of Illinois, 1910; a multitude of social notes and invitations; Christmas cards and messages. Nearly every one contains some note of an educational, or charitable activity.

Box   81
Blatter, Dorothy, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Note of regret, she would be unable to attend the Parker Centennial ceremonies.

Box   81
Blaze Publishing Company, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request from a group which thought to begin publishing a national African American Democratic magazine for help.

Box   81
Bledsoe, Louis A., 1925

Location: Lincoln, Illinois.

Letter recognizing and thanking Mrs. Blaine for sending Dr. Hazlett to Cave City, Kentucky for Floyd Collins.

Box   81
Bleecker, A.B., Mrs. (Mary Seeber), 1917

Location: Lake Mills, Wisconsin.

Request that Mrs. Blaine give a small gift of personal belonging to help a rummage sale for the local Red Cross Drive.

Box   81
Bleeker, Russell, 1919

Location: New York, New York.

Invitation to their daughter's marriage.

Box   81
Blickensderfer, Betsy, 1947

Location: Denver, Colorado.

Note thanking Mrs. Blaine for including her in an invitation to Dr. Waring.

Box   81
Blight, Charles, 1905

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request that Mrs. Blaine allow him to be caretaker of 344 Eire St. residence.

Box   81
Bliss, Daniel, 1899-1916

Location: Beirut, Syria.

Pamphlet on the Syrian Protestant College of Beirut, then thirty-three years old, a venture of New Yorkers. “Remarks of President Bliss before the Faculty, April 26, 1909 regarding the subject of Required Chapel and Bible Class Attendance,” a typescript.

Box   81
Bliss, Earle Francis, Mrs. (Margaret Perkins), 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Accepts the king invitation of the senior class?

Box   81
Bliss, Howard S., 1910-1925

Location: Beirut, Syria.

Bliss became President of Syrian Protestant College in 1901 after his father, Daniel, retired. During the years 1910-1919 he corresponded frequently with Mrs. Blaine about the progress of the school, about religion, and occasionally about her help to them. “The Syrian Protestant College,” Bliss's post-war (1919 April) report to the trustees. Clippings marking his death. “News Letter Robert College at Constantinople and Syrian Protestant College at Beirut” deal with “Tributes Paid to the Memory of President Bliss?”

The Modern Missionary, a pamphlet by, and with commentary on, Howard Bliss.

Photographs of Bliss (in separate folder).

See also:

  • Bliss, Howard S., Mrs. (Amy Blatchford)
  • Dodge, Bayard
  • Dodge, Bayard, Mrs. (Mary Bliss-Little Mary)
  • Leavitt, Leslie Westbrook, Mrs. (Margaret Blatchford Bliss)
Box   81
Bliss, Howard S., Mrs. (Amy Blatchford), 1908-1936
Note: Personal letters containing expressions of the friendship which the Blisses felt for Mrs. Blaine. Announcement of her daughter Alice's wedding, 1920. Correspondence, 1920-1922, indicates her continuing interest in missionary educational work, at least in the College. Short note in 1936 commenting favorably on Mrs. Blaine's radio speech for Roosevelt.
Box   81
Bliss, I.J., and Company, 1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter asking whether 2207-27 No. Clark Street was for sale.

Box   81
Bliss, William Montague, 1908-1913

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

This man claimed to have been a friend of Emmons and Walker Blaine. At 59 and broke in Chicago, he called on Mrs. Blaine for the first time in 1908. He asked for and received money several time up to 1913. Memos and letters.

Box   81
Blodgett, Beatrice, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipts from a nurse for payment by Mrs. Blaine of bills for service rendered in October and November.

Box   81
Blome, Rudolph S., 1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Inquiry as to whether property at Lincoln Parkway W. and Webster Ave. was for sale. This is part of Parker School playground.

Box   81
Blood, Alice, 1921

Location: Brookline, Massachusetts.

Telegram regretting that there were no suggestions about governesses.

Box   81
Bloom, Benson, 1938

Location: Tucson, Arizona.

Letter from Dr. Bloom about the condition of Paul Bartlett, suffering from bronchiectasis as well as the sinus trouble for which Mrs. Blaine apparently sent him to Arizona.

Box   81
Bloom, Theresa, 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter on the stationary of National Democratic Headquarters, Midwestern Region, from this woman who had just come to Chicago and appreciated Mrs. Blaine's kindness, as well as her speech the day before.

Box   81
Bloomfield, Margaret C., 1905

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to Mrs. Blaine, as member of the Board of Education, in support of a teacher whose job another teacher, just displaced himself, was seeking.

Box   81
Blouet, Max, 1938-1939

Location: Paris, France?

Two telegrams from Parisian friend, one Christmas greetings, the other notification that twelve bathrobes had just been sent.

Box   81
Blouke, Milton Baker, Mrs. (Ola Louise), 1911-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Note describing her interest in Child Welfare work. Note describing her discovery that Mrs. Blaine had been supporting the Caecilian Choir in the years under Williams Tomlins.

Box   81
Blow, Eleanor P., 1929

Location: New York, New York?

Letter about possible dinner engagement.

Box   81
Bluebird Garage, 1931-1932

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Bills for rental of cars and the use of taxis.

Box   81
Blue Book, 1949

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Form letter and request to Mrs. Blaine for the information necessary for her inclusion in the Blue Book.

Box   81
Blue, LaFayette Stout, Mrs. (Mary A.), 1889-1900

Location: Richfield Springs, New York.

Two social letters and the invitation for her daughter's wedding.

Box   81
Bluemichen, Geneva M., 1926

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Nurse's statement for care of Otilia Carlson.

Box   81
Blue Parrot, 1938, 1946

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

Bills for table linen.

Box   82
Adirondacks, Camp on Upper St. Regis Lake
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Map of land, 1927 October 3, M.W. Plumb, Surveyor.

Map of Camp, 1927 October 4, M.W. Plumb, Surveyor.

Sketch of buildings, 1930 May 20, O'Neil and Hale, Engineer.

Map of Camp lots, 1930 September 25, M.W. Plumb, Surveyor.

Ground plan of buildings, 1927 May 16, Scopes and Feustman, Architects.

Profile for Proposed Road, 1940 September, H.A. Hamburger, Engineer.

Roofing Layout of Camp Buildings, 1935 September 11, Clark J. Lawrence, Architect, Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Electrical Layout of Camp Buildings, 1935 September 27, C.J. Lawrence.

Box   82
Bar Harbor, Maine
Note: Two drawings of a lot of land surveyed for James G. Blaine by J.E. Savage, on 1892 October 6.
Box   82
Farwell Building
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Layout of the eleventh floor offices by Thielbar and Fugard, Chicago, 1928 October 16. Also rough layout of other floors. Also a layout with the use of each of the offices and the location of desks, files, etc. penciled in, for both the tenth and eleventh floor. Less extensive designation of work space for the ninth floor.

More room designation sheets, 1935, 1937. Plan for the installation of new stairway, Thielbar and Fugard, 1939 October 29.

Box   82
Garage, 537 St. Clair Street
Note: Complete blueprints, 1938 August 9, twice revised, Thielbar and Fugard.
Box   82
101 East Erie Street
Physical Description: 2 folders 

1902 drawings of 344 E. Erie (same residence), A.H.W.?

Work of Handy and Cady, undated, largely interior work.

Drawings by Holabird and Roche include alteration of second floor suite, 1917 November, and alterations to the 1st floor annex 1920 September.

Unidentified landscape plan for this residence.

Work by Holabird and Roche: New dressing room, 1919; Fire escape, 1920; Alterations to Annex and Residence, 1921; continued minor alterations, 1923. See Also F.J. Thielbar letter, 1923 October 25.

Work of Holabird and Root: changes to conservatory door, 1932 April; new toilet, 1932 November; changes to conservatory door, 1933 December. See also Holabird and Root, 1933 December 14.

Box   82
Francis Parker School
Note: Hand drawn two-page map of site presumably being considered for a summer camp or school in 1916, location in northeast corner of Oneida County, Wisconsin. Summer renovation of Francis Parker in 1909, done by Jenny, Mundie, and Jensen. Plans for proposed Gymnasium and Auditorium in 1916 done by Holabird and Roche. Additional office and rest room space provided in 1931 by Holabird and Root. 1932 Plat of Survey also included. All foregoing Chicago architects.
Box   83
Wrigley Office Building
Note: Renting Plan for Thirteenth Floor by Graham, Anderson, Probst, and White, 1921, Chicago. Architects.
Box   83
Cohasset, Massachusetts--“Caravels”
Note: Plans for revised driveway and service road, by Warren Manning, Landscape Architect, Boston, Massachusetts, 1916 October-November and 1920 September.
Box   83
Huntsville, Alabama--“Kildare”

Maps of farm, 1917 May, by T.M. Hooper, Civil Engineer.

Road Map of Madison County, Alabama.

Various revisions of exterior and grounds, Howard Shaw (Arch) Chicago, and James B. Clow and Sons (Plumbers), Chicago, 1923.

Plan of Estate, F.J. Theilbar, Chicago, 1923 January, suggesting total changes to be made.

Prints of interior redecoration, Howard Shaw, 1923 December, Chicago.

Box   83
Lake Forest, Illinois -- “House-in-the-Woods”
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Plate of topography, by James Anderson, Lake Forest, 1915 June. Plate of Sheldon Properties, by W.S.Studer, 1915. Plat of properties west of Lake Forest, Illinois, by E. Rudolph, Chicago. All these men civil engineers.

Revised sketches of interior plans by Holabird and Roche, 1916. Plans for garden of house adjoining original house at Lake Forest, Hugh H.M. Garden, Chicago, 1917. Both architectural firms.

Several unidentified drawings of property and of garden. Plat of grounds by Perkins, Fellows and Hamiliton, Architects, Chicago, 1916.

Box   84
Physical Description: 6 folders 

Map of neighborhood of 1400 Hillcrest, Myron Hunt and H.C. Chambers Architects, Los Angles, undated. Additions to the (former) residence of Mrs. Frank Emery, 1926, Myron Hunt, several drawings.

Large maps of house, grounds and plantings, Hunt, 1926. Blueprints for new servants' quarters, Hunt, 1926. Blueprint for new entrance gate, Hunt, 1926.

Large prints for total alterations, Hunt, 1926 (note attached). Drawings showing alterations from the revisions suggested in previous (August) drawing (note attached).

Drawings of stairway, Hunt, 1926. Print, second floor alterations, Hunt, 1926. Print on revisions in Lodge Building, Hunt, 1926. Print of Garden, Hunt, 1926. Drawings of Music Room Fireplace, Living Room Fireplace, Dining Room Fireplace, Recreation Room, Sun Room, Music Room and Living Room; all by Hunt, 1926. Drawings of possible lighting fixtures, B.B. Bell and Compnay., Los Angeles, 1926. Two pictures of house exterior.

Interior Decoration, Hunt and George Reynolds (Interior Decorator), 1926. Print for Servants' Quarters, Hunt, 1926. Study of Main Stair Rail, Hunt, 1926.

Print of relocation of main drive and of service road, 1930 January (note attatched). Further drawings, March. Also colored sketch of gate house, by Garrett Van Pelt Jr. Many copies and revised prints of the proposed changes in drives, 1930, Fraser and Sons, Landscape Architects, Los Angeles. Print of grounds and drives by Wm. Apt (superitendant of grounds), 1931. Photographs of entrance gates and grounds.

Box   84
Santa Barbara -- Riven Rock
Note: Topography of estate, Salisbury, Bradshaw, and Taylor, Engineers. Pencil sketches of interior alterations, 1931. Prints of changes, 1931. Print of grounds. Print of floor plan. Large prints for reconstruction of house, 1931 December, by Reginald D. Johnson, Architect, Los Angeles. (No prints but the last are marked).
Box   85
Santa Monica
Physical Description: 4 folders 

Print of Bungalow, first floor, 1929, by Garrett Van Pelt Jr., Los Angeles. Also one of second floor.

East Elevation, West Elevation, North Elevation, South Elevation, sketch of grounds, all 1929.

Sketches and Colored Drawings of Guest House, Recreation Pavilion, and Service Buildings, 1930, Garrett Van Pelt Jr.

Colored Drawing of landscaping, Fraser and Son, 1930.

Box   85
Toronto -- “Oaklands”
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Unidentified drawings of lands, 1914. Blueprints also unidentified save for notation HSB?; 1919 and 1925 for alteration of the house.

Complete blueprints for Oaklands, 1925, also unidentified. Many photographs of Oaklands.

Box   85
Note: Includes blueprints of a number of Chicago blocks in which Mrs. Blaine apparently owned property, listing lessees, and various rents and appraisals.
Box   85
Winnetka--960 Sheridan Road
Note: Numerous plats of property done by Norlin and Greely surveyors. Several unidentified landscaping sketches. Plans for addition and remodeling of garage, 1925, Theilbar and Fugard, Architects, Chicago.
Box   85
Blue Ridge Association, 1914, 1921

Location: Blue Ridge, North Carolina.

An institution providing facilities for summer schools and training conferences. Request for funds.

Box   85
Bluffton College, 1911-1949

Location: Bluffton, Ohio.

Requests for donations from a Mennonite school.

Box   85
Blum, Mr., 1929-1930

Location: Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Unsuccessful attempts to see Mrs. Blaine in regard to the 75th anniversary of the Republican Party, the Citizens Guild and radiator covers.

Box   85
Blumberg, Dorothy Bushnell, Mrs., 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

President of the Chicago Branch of the Women's International League. Thanks Mrs. Blaine for copy of Professor Wright's lecture.

Box   85
Blum's Inc., 1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipted clothing bill for Mrs. Clark J. Lawrence Jr.

Box   85
Blunden-Lyon Company, 1939-1946

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills to the McCormick Historical Association for stationery, etc.

Box   85
B'nai B'rith, 1935-1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for contributions.

Box   85
Boal, Charles T., 1899, 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding invitations.

Box   85
Boal, Charles T., Mrs., 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Breakfast invitation.

Box   85
Boal, Stewart, 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Inability to accept dinner invitation.

See also: Planned Parenthood Association, 1949 January 11.

Box   85
Boal, Stewart, Mrs. (Susan Ballard), 1938, 1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thanks Mrs. Blaine for wedding present. Also a note indicating inability to attend a New Year's Eve party.

Box   85
Boal, Thomas, 1948

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Inability to accept New Year's invitation.

Box   85
Board for Christian Work in Santo Domingo, 1930

Location: New York, New York.

Request for help assisting the people of Santo Domingo, who were injured and made homeless by the hurricane.

Board of Education
Chicago, Illinois
Box   85
1894-1905 June

Letter regarding the Blaine School in Lakeview; to Mrs. Flora Cook regarding visual acuity test equipment. Reports of the Board of Education for 1905. Statement of the situation of public school accommodations in Chicago.

See also:

  • American Book Company
  • Boyer, Mrs. Emanuel E.
  • Chicago School of Physical Education and Expression
  • Century Company
  • Cook, Elizabeth B.
  • Cleveland, Helen M.
  • Ginn and Company
  • Heath, D.C., and Company
  • Hill School - Meigs, John
  • Hotchkiss School
  • Mack, Judge Julian W.
  • Mahoney, James
  • Morristown School
  • National
  • Palmer, A.N.
  • Phillips Exeter Academy
  • Powers and Lyon
  • Rose, Mrs. David
  • Sanitary Device Manufacturing Company
  • Scientific Study and Education
  • Smyser, W.D.
  • Taft School
  • Tyson, William
  • University of Chicago
Box   85-86
1905 July-1905 December
Physical Description: 5 folders 
Note: Recommendations from the board regarding assignments, employment, purchasing, leaves of absence, new equipment, contracts, etc. Also notices of committee meetings and miscellaneous reports.
Box   86-87
1906 January-May
Physical Description: 20 folders 
Note: Financial budget and reports, capacities of schools and actual enrollments, assignments and transfers, resignations, School for Crippled Children, condemnation proceedings, salary schedules, school texts. All mimeographed reports.
Box   87-88
1906 June-November
Physical Description: 19 folders 
Note: Miscellaneous Board and Committee reports and recommendations.
Box   90
1906 December
Physical Description: 10 folders 
Note: Board of Committee recommendations, Also an extensive record of the Conference on Truancy.
Box   90-93
Physical Description: 34 folders 

Abstract of litigation - Robins et al. v. Busse et al. (March 1-26). Constitution of the Educational Councils of Chicago, awards of contracts, adjustments of school boundaries, architects estimates, also letter from Charles Krauskopf recommending that the Spalding School and Home for Crippled Children be supported partially by private donations (October-December).

See also: McCormick Mss 3E (Box 3, Folder 20).

Box   93-95
Physical Description: 21 folders 
Note: Abstract of Board of Education vs. Chicago Tribune, official reports, miscellaneous reports and recommendations, School for Crippled Children (March 31), salary petitions, letter to Jane Addams regarding the Detention School (June), replies to questionnaires.
Box   95
Note: Receipt for donation to McCormick School Vacation Fund, two letters regarding the Public Art Society's Exhibit at the International Municipal Congress Exhibition, list of possible candidates for superintendent of schools for 1917, letter regarding the Chicago Regional White House Conference on Child Health and Protection sponsored and financed by Mrs. Blaine.
Box   95
Cleveland, Ohio, 1907-1908

Invitation to attend a meeting of the National Educational Association.

Pamphlet entitled The Cleveland Technical High School.

Annual Report of the Superintendent of Schools, 1907.

Box   95
Huntsville, Alabama, 1921-1922
Note: Letters of thanks for a gift of $300 from Miss V. McCormick.
Box   95
Boardman, Belle W., 1905

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

Thank you note for purchasing dolls that she sold to help defray expenses for music lessons.

Box   95
Boardman and Notron, 1927-1928
Note: Bill and receipt for photographs, from apothecaries in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Box   95
Boardman, Philip L., 1939

Location: Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Request for interview to learn more about Professor Patrick Geddes.

Box   95
Boardman, Roger, 1941

Location: Springville, New York.

Condolences for a calamity (probably a fire) that destroyed, among other things, Mrs. Blaine's new piano.

Box   95
Boardman, Ronald, 1949-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for an interview to discuss the Northwood School Lake Placid Club.

Box   95
Boardman, William Jarvis, 1900-1906

Location: Washington, D.C.

Invitation to attend the marriage of their daughter, Florence, to Mr. Frederic Keep.

Invitation to attend the marriage of their daughter, Josephine, to Mr. Winthrop Crane.

Box   95
Boardman, Walter W., 1930-1940

Location: San Francisco, California.

Letters concerning the condition of Stanley McCormick at Riven Rock, Santa Barbara.

Thank you notes for Easter and Christmas gifts and greetings.

Letter notifying Mrs. Blaine of the death of Boardman.

Box   95
Boardman, Walter W., Mrs. (Elizabeth Cole), 1930-1940

Location: San Francisco, California.

Thank you notes for Easter and Christmas gifts and greetings.

Box   95
Boardwalk Art Gallerie, 1923

Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Bill for rugs and art objects.

Box   95
Boaz, Mrs., 1951

Location: No address.

Inquiry as to the health of Mrs. Blaine.

Box   95
Bobbe, J., and Company, 1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for painting work.

Box   95
Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1915

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana.

Bill for a four volume set History of Travel.

Box   95
Boca Raton Club, 1936

Location: Boca Raton, Florida.

Letter extending to Mrs. Blaine the courtesies of the Boca Raton Club for the 1936 season. Enclosed folder on the Club.

Box   95
Bocher, Marcus L., 1921

Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Invitation to attend the marriage of their daughter, Julia, to Mr. Louis Agassiz Damon.

Box   95
Bodine, W.L., 1905-1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter suggesting to Mrs. Blaine that a number of persons should be invited to a conference on truancy to be held by the Board of Education of Chicago. Report of truancy in Chicago from 1896 to 1905. Article by Bodine entitled, “Throwing the Burden of Truancy on the Parent through the Compulsory Education Department.”

Address of Bodine at Truancy Conference.

Box   95
Bodman, Samuel W., 1939

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter requesting to make Mrs. Blaine's acquaintance.

Box   95
Boe, Olaf, 1926

Location: New York, New York.

Inquiry as to whether Mrs. Blaine would be interested in purchasing “The Annunciation of the Virgin Birth” / by Mazzolini.

Box   95
Boeddiker, Otto, 1914-1917

Location: New York, New York.

Bills from drugstore.

Box   95
Boeder, Jacob, Mrs. (Bernice), 1948-1949

Location: Western Springs, Illinois.

Thank you note for working for the cause of peace.

Letter telling of her radio program.

List of sponsors for The Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace.

Box   95
Boedker, Nanna T., 1904-1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and receipts from the Norwegian Shop.

Box   95
Boegner, Alfred, 1911

Location: Paris, France.

Director of the Evangelical Missions Society tried to get in touch with Mrs. Blaine, but was unable to do so.

Box   95
Boehmer, Peter, 1910

Location: Peru, Illinois.

Suggests that Mrs. Blaine read two books to discover the underlying causes of poverty rather than expend money to establish an investigating committee as she had planned.

Box   95
Boering, B.W., 1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for financial aid to carry on campaign of propaganda and education for the Legislative Committee for Mediation of Labor Disputes.

Box   95
Boetter, Carl, Mrs. (Gladys Nelson), 1915-1945

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Program of Hawthorne School graduating class. Bill or budget for G. Nelson for the school year. Thank you for kindnesses, gifts, and financial aid. Invitation to attend her second marriage.

Box   95
Boettner, Johannes, Mrs. (Thusnelda Mueller), 1910-1912

Location: No address.

Acceptances of invitation of the Senior Class.

Box   95
Bogan, William J., 1906-1931

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Commendation for her work in bringing about the Truancy Conference.

Invitation to inspect the work done in the Vacation Schools.

Thank you note for $1,000 donation to the Lewis-Chaplin Demonstration School.

Thank you note for the reporting of the Chicago Regional White House Conference on Child Health.

See also:

  • Mrs. Frances Bernard, 1925 February 28. Report of Luncheon. Alumnae Forum of Women's Eastern Colleges.
  • Illinois Child Labor Committee. Report, page 41, 1926 October 15.
  • Chicago Regional White House Conference, 1931 October 30-31. Child health and protection.
  • Flora J. Cooke, 1934 April 7. Report of luncheon in her honor.
Box   95
Bogan, William J., Mrs. (Elizabeth Shelley), 1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to Flora J. Cooke asking her to consider accepting the position of principal of the Chicago Normal College.

Box   95
Bogart, E.L., 1924

Location: Urbana, Illinois.

Thank you note for sending him a copy of the stenographic report of the address, which he made at a conference on Economic Aspects of International Affairs.

See also: League of Women Voters-Illinois, 1924 April 12. Report of conference on Economic Aspects of International Affairs.

Box   95
Bogensberger, Marie, undated

Location: Friesach, Austria.

Letter written in German, appeal for financial aid.

Box   95
Bogert, Gilbert Pancoast, 1949

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Invitation to attend the marriage of their daughter, Barbara, to Mr. Irl Marshall.

Box   95
Boggs, S.D., 1908

Location: Kentucky.

Request for an interview in order to secure a gift or loan of $4,000 to meet an obligation for Estelle College.

Box   95
Bogue, Inez, 1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Interview for office position.

Box   95
Bogue, John H., 1899-1900

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Offer to get slides for Mrs. Blaine and interested friends of views of the Mills Hotel and Chicago lodging houses.

Letter asking Mrs. Blaine to sell tickets for Jacob Riis' lecture, “How the other half lives.”

Box   95
Bohakel, Eva R., 1913-1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and receipts for purchases of linen.

Box   95
Bohemian Guard of Freethinkers, 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Petition to Board of Education of Chicago not to close schools on Good Friday.

Box   95
Bohemians of Chicago, 1930-1932

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitations to attend dinners in honor of Frederick A. Stock, Samuel Insull, and John Alden Carpenter.

Box   95
Bohlen, W.H., 1908

Location: Orville, Ohio.

Request to finance scheme for tracing oil fields by new method.

Box   95
Bohm-Bristol Company, 1904

Location: Denver, Colorado.

Bill for jewelry.