Bielfeld Kegelklub Album, 1880

Scope and Content Note

The album contains 47 black and white photographic portraits of various prominent Milwaukeeans from 1880. The inscription in the front of the album reads “To John and Bertha Marr, from the Bielfeld Kegelclub. 1855-1880. Silver Wedding Anniversary.” The note is written in both English and German. This inscription is in the same handwriting as the majority of the captions with the photos in the album. Most of the photographs are identified with at least a last name, though many include a first name and/or an occupation. Members of the bowling club are listed as well. A large number of the photos in the latter half of the album are missing and are presumed to have been removed before the donation of the album to MPL. The album’s spine is gone and an attempt was made to repair it some time ago by gluing cloth over the binding. Given the type of cloth used in the repair, it is unlikely that the repair was made by MPL.