Eagle-Lion Legal Files: United Artists Corporation Records, Series 1G, 1944-1960 (bulk 1948-1950)

Arrangement of the Materials

The Eagle-Lion Classics legal files are arranged on a picture-by-picture or producer-by-producer basis, so the various categories of records listed above are not differentiated within a file. For example, a picture made under the aegis of Eagle-Lion Films which was still in distribution in 1951 would have documents in its file generated by Eagle-Lion Films, Eagle-Lion Classics, United Artists, and perhaps by Pathé as well.

The original arrangement of this file was probably chronological in the sense that each time a new subject or production company was entered into the file it was given the next open file number. But because of extensive back filing and interfiling the actual arrangement appears random. The original filing order has been maintained and the original file numbers (EL#) are included in the contents list. Each numbered file may contain several subject folders, with all materials chronological within each folder.