United States Army, Wisconsin Infantry Regiment, 5th (1861-1865), Records, 1861-1865

Contents List

Container Title
Drawer   1
Abe, August J. [politician/funeral director]
Drawer   1
Abresch, Charles [carriagemaker]
Drawer   1
Adlam, George A.
Drawer   1
Adler, Emanuel D. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Adler, Fred
Drawer   1
Adler, Issac D. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Adler, Samuel D. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Agnew, Spiro [politician]
Drawer   1
Ahrends, Norma
Drawer   7
Albert the Alley Cat [puppet], oversize
Drawer   1
Albright, Charles, Dr. (2 folders)
Drawer   1
Aldridge, Lionel [athlete]
Drawer   1
Allcott, Amos
Drawer   1
Allcott, Lee
Drawer   1
Allcott, William
Drawer   1
Allen, Chester & Marjorie [teachers]
Drawer   1
Allen, Paul
Drawer   1
Allis, Edward Phelps [manufacturer/politician]
Drawer   1
Allis, Louis [businessman]
Drawer   1
Anderson, Ernest
Drawer   1
Anderson, John B. [politician]
Drawer   1
Anderson, Leroy [composer/conductor]
Drawer   1
Anderson, Robert A. [politician]
Drawer   1
Andrae, Henry [businessman]
Drawer   1
Andrae, Terry [businessman]
Drawer   1
Andree, Elmer
Drawer   1
Anello, John D. [musician]
Drawer   7
Anello, John D. [musician], oversize
Drawer   1
Anick, Betty [heart patient]
Drawer   1
Appel, George C.
Drawer   1
Arndt, Almeron W.
Drawer   1
Arndt, Audrey Helen
Drawer   1
Arndt, Walter
Drawer   1
Arnold, Frederic P., Rev.
Drawer   1
Arnstein, Nick
Drawer   1
Artison, Richard [Milwaukee County Sheriff]
Drawer   1
Aschauer, Walter
Drawer   1
Ashe, Booker, Brother [humanitarian]
Drawer   1
Ashley, Walter A. [steamship captain]
Drawer   1
Asmuth, Anton [businessman]
Drawer   1
Asner, Ed [actor]
Drawer   1
Aspin, Les [politician]
Drawer   1
Austin, A. S. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Babian, Diane
Drawer   1
Babich, Milton
Drawer   1
Bach, Ewald [actor]
Drawer   7
Bacon, Dick [sun tanner], oversize
Drawer   1
Bacon, E. P. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Bading, Gerhard Adolph [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   1
Baetz, Henry [City Librarian]
Drawer   1
Bailey, F. Lee [lawyer]
Drawer   1
Baker, Phil
Drawer   1
Balatka, Hans [conductor]
Drawer   1
Balding, Thomas E. [Northwestern Mutual treasurer]
Drawer   1
Baldwin, Joseph
Drawer   1
Baldwin, Susan L. [politician]
Drawer   1
Bally, Walter
Drawer   1
Bamberger, George [Brewers manager]
Drawer   1
Barbee, Lloyd [lawyer/civil rights activist]
Drawer   1
Barkin, Ben [civic promoter]
Drawer   1
Barnard, H. C. [early settler]
Drawer   1
Barney Brothers [circus owners]
Drawer   7
Barr Family, oversize
Drawer   1
Barr, James
Drawer   7
Barr, Mabel Rawlings, oversize
Drawer   1
Barrett, Samuel A., Dr. [anthropologist]
Drawer   7
Barrett, Samuel A., Dr. [anthropologist], oversize
Drawer   8
Barry, Shepard [Northwestern Mutual comptroller], double oversize
Drawer   1
Bartatolla, James
Drawer   1
Bartel, Heinrich [editor]
Drawer   1
Bartlet, Alvin G. [funeral director]
Drawer   1
Bartlett, George S. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Bartlett, L.
Drawer   1
Bartz, August
Drawer   1
Bartz, William
Drawer   1
Bass, James W. [lawyer]
Drawer   1
Bassin, Jeff
Drawer   1
Bast, Lenore
Drawer   1
Bau, J.
Drawer   1
Baugh, Barbara [Miss Wisconsin/singer]
Drawer   1
Baumann, Carol [UWM Institute of World Affairs director]
Drawer   1
Baumann, J. H. C.
Drawer   1
Baumann, William [politician]
Drawer   1
Baumbach, William
Drawer   1
Beale, Charles, Dr. [pastor]
Drawer   1
Bean, Edward H. [Washington Park Zoo director]
Drawer   1
Bean, Irving M.
Drawer   1
Beaudoin, Joe
Drawer   1
Becker, Sherburn M. [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   1
Becker, Washington [banker]
Drawer   1
Becker, Willie
Drawer   1
Beddard, Edward J.
Drawer   1
Beggs, John I. [The Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company president] (2 folders)
Drawer   1
Behmke, Anthony [firefighter]
Drawer   1
Behncke, Francis H.
Drawer   1
Behne, Ernst F.
Drawer   1
Behrens, Mrs.
Drawer   1
Beierle, Alfred [actor]
Drawer   1
Beinert, Earl
Drawer   1
Belfer, Molly (Mrs. Herbert Miller) [Miss Milwaukee]
Drawer   1
Bell, Wallace [Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce president]
Drawer   1
Bellinghausen, L. B. [Milwaukee City Clerk]
Drawer   1
Bender, Walter H. [Milwaukee County Park Commission president]
Drawer   1
Benio, Anne
Drawer   1
Benio, Mary
Drawer   1
Benjamin, Henry M. [politician]
Drawer   1
Benny, Jack [entertainer]
Drawer   1
Bentzien Brothers
Drawer   1
Berger, Victor L. [politician]
Drawer   8
Berger, Victor L. [politician], double oversize
Drawer   1
Berger, Victor, Mrs. (Meta) [socialist organizer]
Drawer   1
Bergland, David [politician]
Drawer   1
Berndt, Fred [auto dealer]
Drawer   1
Berner, Christ W.
Drawer   1
Bertke, Milton
Drawer   1
Best, Jacob C., Jr. [brewer]
Drawer   1
Betz, Charles T.
Drawer   1
Bevan, A.
Drawer   1
Beyer, Rudolph A. [politician]
Drawer   1
Bialk, Romi
Drawer   1
Bicsar, Joe
Drawer   1
Bigelow, William [banker]
Drawer   1
Birch, Arthur L. [accountant]
Drawer   1
Bird, Ossian Fremont [businessman]
Drawer   1
Bishop, Joey [entertainer]
Drawer   1
Bishop, Walter Palmer [grain broker]
Drawer   1
Bitker, Bruno V. [politician]
Drawer   1
Bitker, Marjorie [author]
Drawer   1
Black, John [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   1
Blackman, Barbara
Drawer   1
Blackwell, Mike
Drawer   1
Blaesing, Herbert F.
Drawer   1
Blaine, James G. [politician]
Drawer   1
Blair, Fred [communist]
Drawer   1
Blake, Augusta Butterfield
Drawer   1
Blake, Edward
Drawer   1
Blasewitz, Paul
Drawer   1
Blatz, Al & Georgie
Drawer   1
Blatz, Emil [philanthropist]
Drawer   1
Blatz, Gustave & Family
Drawer   1
Blatz, Rega Bodden
Drawer   1
Blatz, Robert Aloise
Drawer   1
Bliesner, Art
Drawer   1
Blievervichs, George
Drawer   1
Blix, Ovid [librarian]
Drawer   7
Blocks, Heather, oversize
Drawer   1
Blomen, Henning A. [politician]
Drawer   1
Blomeyer, Edward F. [railroad agent]
Drawer   1
Bloodgood, Wheeler P. [lawyer]
Drawer   1
Bluschke, Walter
Drawer   1
Boag, Mr.
Drawer   1
Boardman, W. A.
Drawer   1
Bockl, George [real estate developer]
Drawer   1
Bodden, Alois G. [businessman] (2 folders)
Drawer   1
Bodden, Edmund H. [Milwaukee Tax Commissioner]
Drawer   1
Bodden, Isabella Fink [singer]
Drawer   1
Bodden, Michael [Milwaukee Treasurer]
Drawer   7
Boden, John, oversize
Drawer   1
Boeppler, William [musician]
Drawer   1
Boers, Henry C. [MPS principal]
Drawer   1
Boettcher, Carl Herman
Drawer   7
Boettcher, Elise, oversize
Drawer   1
Boettcher, Felix
Drawer   1
Bogner, Harry W. [architect]
Drawer   1
Bohmann, Henry P. [Milwaukee Water Works superintendent]
Drawer   1
Bohn, John L. [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   8
Bohn, John L. [Milwaukee mayor], double oversize
Drawer   1
Bohochik, Mary Lou
Drawer   1
Bojontz, John
Drawer   1
Bonaparte, Ruth
Drawer   1
Bond, Bill
Drawer   1
Bonerz, Peter [actor]
Drawer   1
Borchert, Ernst [brewer]
Drawer   1
Borgwardt, Christine [Miss Milwaukee]
Drawer   1
Borkowski, Leonard
Drawer   1
Bosmans, Dick
Drawer   1
Bourguignon, Merlin Fred
Drawer   1
Bowlus, J. L. [Milwaukee Grain and Stock Exchange officer]
Drawer   1
Bowman, Alfred E.
Drawer   1
Braatz, Fred
Drawer   1
Bradley, Edward
Drawer   1
Bradley, Jack
Drawer   1
Brahm, Anton
Drawer   1
Brand, Clarence [cartoonist]
Drawer   1
Brandt, Harry
Drawer   1
Braun, Warren D. [politician/deacon]
Drawer   1
Breier, Harold A. [Milwaukee Chief of Police]
Drawer   1
Brennan, James B. [Milwaukee City Attorney]
Drawer   1
Bresengun, W. H.
Drawer   1
Brigham, Jerome Ripley [Milwaukee City Attorney]
Drawer   1
Bripan, Henry E.
Drawer   1
Britt, Oren E. [railroad agent]
Drawer   1
Brockel, Harry C. [Milwaukee port director]
Drawer   1
Brockhausen, Frederick C. [politician]
Drawer   1
Brockway, Edward P. [banker]
Drawer   1
Brook, J. J.
Drawer   1
Brookins, Mary Ethel [Wisconsin Telephone manager]
Drawer   1
Brosius, George [gymnastics teacher]
Drawer   1
Brown, H. W.
Drawer   1
Brown, Harley E.
Drawer   1
Brown, Jerry [California governor]
Drawer   1
Brown, Susan Wells
Drawer   1
Brown, Thomas H. [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   7
Brown, Walter, oversize
Drawer   1
Brown, William, Jr. [merchant]
Drawer   1
Browning, Frank
Drawer   1
Bruce, William G. [publisher]
Drawer   7
Bruce, William G. [publisher], oversize
Drawer   1
Bruening, Martin E. [traffic engineer]
Drawer   1
Bruhn, Adolph
Drawer   7
Brunckhorst, Esther [teacher], oversize
Drawer   7
Brunckhorst, Lucy [teacher], oversize
Drawer   1
Bruton, Billy [athlete]
Drawer   1
Bryden, James A. [merchant]
Drawer   1
Brzostowicz, Adam J. [World Travel Service founder]
Drawer   1
Bubbert, Walter [surveyor]
Drawer   1
Buchwald, Art [columnist/humorist]
Drawer   1
Buck, George B. [actuary/consultant]
Drawer   1
Buck, James S. [early settler]
Drawer   1
Buckstaff, George Angus [politician/businessman]
Drawer   1
Budzien, John H. [politician]
Drawer   1
Buelow, Robert C., Dr. [Milwaukee Civil Service Commission]
Drawer   1
Buemming, H. W. [architect]
Drawer   1
Buerger, John F. B. [Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce director]
Drawer   1
Bulawa, Sandra [Miss Milwaukee]
Drawer   1
Bull, Frank K. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Burg, Erwin Jacob [MPS Board Supervisor]
Drawer   1
Burkett, Charles W. [telephone engineer]
Drawer   1
Burnette, Smiley [musician/actor]
Drawer   1
Burns, Marie
Drawer   1
Burt, Alonzo [Wisconsin Telephone president]
Drawer   1
Bush, George H. W. [U.S. president]
Drawer   1
Bush, George W. [U.S. president]
Drawer   1
Butler, A. R. R., Sr. [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   1
Butler, Marian
Drawer   1
Butler, Randall G. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Butler, Walter & Perry
Drawer   1
Butter, Earl [businessman]
Drawer   1
Buttles Family
Drawer   1
Buttles, Lewis S., Sr. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Caldwell, William W.
Drawer   1
Calhoun, Allen R. [politician/city clerk]
Drawer   1
Calkins, M. Eugene
Drawer   1
Callahan, J. M.
Drawer   1
Cameron, James [civil rights activist]
Drawer   1
Cameron, Winfield H.
Drawer   1
Campbell, Elizabeth
Drawer   7
Campbell, Elizabeth, oversize
Drawer   1
Cantor, Eddie [actor]
Drawer   1
Carberry, Frederick [music teacher]
Drawer   1
Carley, James & David
Drawer   7
Carlin, George [comedian], oversize
Drawer   7
Carow, Loretta, oversize
Drawer   1
Carpenter, Matthew H. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Carson, Jack [actor]
Drawer   1
Carter, Jimmy [U.S. president]
Drawer   1
Carter, Rosalyn [First Lady]
Drawer   1
Caruso, Enrico [opera singer]
Drawer   1
Cary, Alfred L. [lawyer]
Drawer   1
Cary, John W. [politician/lawyer]
Drawer   1
Cass, William
Drawer   1
Castelli, Al
Drawer   1
Cattoi, Louise [reporter]
Drawer   1
Caughell, Charles
Drawer   1
Caulker, Ferne [dancer]
Drawer   1
Cavenaugh (Cavanaugh?), Charles
Drawer   1
Champeny, Edward
Drawer   1
Chancellor, John [journalist]
Drawer   1
Chapin, Charles J. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Chapin, George M. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Chapman, Timothy A. [businessman] (2 folders)
Drawer   1
Charlton, Richard B. [businessman]
Drawer   8
Charlton, Richard B. [businessman] (drawing), double oversize
Drawer   1
Chase, Enoch, Dr.
Drawer   1
Chase, Horace [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   1
Chernof, Stephen [lawyer]
Drawer   1
Chin, Ed [restauranteur]
Drawer   1
Chisholm, Shirley [politician]
Drawer   1
Choinski, Edmund J. [politician]
Drawer   1
Christburg, Alfred [mechanic]
Drawer   1
Christianson, Marie [teacher]
Drawer   1
Cici, Louis [judge]
Drawer   1
Clancy, Thomas A. [Milwaukee Fire Chief]
Drawer   1
Clark, Maine L.
Drawer   1
Clark, Mark W. [WWII general]
Drawer   1
Clas, Alfred C. [architect]
Drawer   1
Clement, William E.
Drawer   7
Cler, Fred & Edna, oversize
Drawer   1
Cleveland, Grover [U.S. president]
Drawer   1
Cleveland, Ralph M.
Drawer   1
Clinton, William Jefferson (Bill) [U.S. president]
Drawer   1
Cobbs, Berinelle
Drawer   1
Cobbs, Richard
Drawer   1
Coffey, John [judge]
Drawer   1
Cofrin, Douglas [media owner]
Drawer   1
Coggs, Spencer [politician]
Drawer   1
Cohn, Milton [lawyer]
Drawer   1
Cole, Natalie [singer]
Drawer   1
Coleman, Andrew J.
Drawer   1
Coleman, Gerald Duane [artist]
Drawer   1
Collins, Edward M. [politician]
Drawer   1
Collins, James H. [politician]
Drawer   1
Colnik, Cyril [metalworker]
Drawer   1
Comstock, Cicero [politician/inventor]
Drawer   1
Conlee, Courtland R.
Drawer   1
Connolly, Nellie
Drawer   1
Conrad, Fred
Drawer   1
Conta, Dennis [politician]
Drawer   1
Conway, John S. [artist]
Drawer   8
Conway, Margaret [Milwaukee School Board president], double oversize
Drawer   1
Coogan, Jackie [actor]
Drawer   1
Coolidge, Calvin [U.S. president]
Drawer   8
Copoulos, George, double oversize
Drawer   8
Copoulos, Stephanie [artist/teacher], double oversize
Drawer   1
Corbett, B. L., Dr.
Drawer   1
Corcoran, Cornelius L. [politician]
Drawer   1
Cornell, Herbert [Civil Service director]
Drawer   1
Corrigan, Douglas “Wrong Way” [aviator]
Drawer   7
Corrigan, Douglas “Wrong Way” [aviator], oversize
Drawer   1
Cough, Floyd [machinist]
Drawer   7
Coughlin, Charles Edward [priest], oversize
Drawer   1
Courteen, Sidney G. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Coverdale, Garrison B., Major General
Drawer   1
Cowan, William
Drawer   1
Coxe, Alfred
Drawer   1
Cozzini, Georgia [politician]
Drawer   1
Crocker, Hans [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   1
Crosby, Edward G. [businessman]
Drawer   1
Crowley, Jesse
Drawer   1
Cudahy, Richard [judge]
Drawer   1
Cupertino, Daniel [Milwaukee County Supervisor]
Drawer   1
Curley, Robert M. [judge]
Drawer   1
Currie, Adam [florist]
Drawer   1
Currie, William
Drawer   1
Curry, Charles
Drawer   1
Curry, Charles W.
Drawer   1
Curry, John Steuart [artist]
Drawer   1
Curtis, Charles [U.S. vice president]
Drawer   1
Curtis, Tony [actor]
Drawer   1
Cushenbery, Harold C. [Miller Brewing executive]
Drawer   1
Cushing, R. L.
Drawer   1
Cutler, Lysander, Major General
Drawer   1
Cwatan, Joe
Drawer   1
Cybulski, Stanley J. [postmaster/politician]
Drawer   1
Czarnezki, Joseph J. [politician]
Drawer   1
Dadmund, E. H. [Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce officer]
Drawer   1
Dalebroux, William [grocer]
Drawer   1
Dallmann, Robert
Drawer   1
Dally, Benjamin H.
Drawer   7
Dapper, Evelyn, oversize
Drawer   1
Darling, E.
Drawer   1
Davidson, James O. [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   1
Davidson, Thomas [shipyard owner]
Drawer   1
Davidson, Walter [Harley-Davidson co-founder]
Drawer   1
Davies, David H. [politician]
Drawer   1
Davis, Glenn R. [politician]
Drawer   7
Davis, Jefferson Columbus [Union general], oversize
Drawer   1
Dawson, Alfred [Layton Packing Co. president]
Drawer   1
Day, Charles H. [Miller Brewing director]
Drawer   1
Dean, Dorothy K. [politician]
Drawer   1
Debs, Eugene [political activist]
Drawer   1
Dehm, Lena M. [teacher]
Drawer   1
Dem, Min & Sara Enn
Drawer   1
Dempsey, Jack [boxer]
Drawer   1
Denis, John
Drawer   1
Dennis, Sandy [actress]
Drawer   1
Denzin, Arthur
Drawer   1
Denzin, Walter
Drawer   1
Derleth, August [author]
Drawer   1
Derong, Louis F.
Drawer   1
Derong, Walter
Drawer   8
Des Forges, George [book seller], double oversize
Drawer   1
Deusing, Murl [cinematographer]
Drawer   1
Deuster, Peter V. [printer/publisher]
Drawer   1
Devine, Harry [politician]
Drawer   1
Dewey, Thomas
Drawer   1
Dickson, Josephine
Drawer   1
Dietz, Carl P. [politician/inventor]
Drawer   1
Dietz, Roy
Drawer   1
Dineen, Francis [politician]
Drawer   1
Distelhorst, Walter
Drawer   1
Dixon, Jean [actress]
Drawer   1
Dobbs, Farrell [socialist leader]
Drawer   1
Dodge, Henry [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   1
Dodsworth, William H. [Milwaukee Road executive]
Drawer   1
Doerfler, John, Mr. & Mrs. [politician/bowler]
Drawer   1
Dolan, John L.
Drawer   1
Dolly [horse]
Drawer   1
Domagalski, Anton
Drawer   1
Domres, Oscar W.
Drawer   1
Donahoe, Patrick J. [vicar]
Drawer   1
Dousman, Mary [librarian]
Drawer   7
Dousman, Mary [librarian], oversize
Drawer   1
Downey, William K.
Drawer   1
Doyle, Kenneth O.
Drawer   1
Doyne, John [Milwaukee County Executive]
Drawer   8
Doyne, John [politician], double oversize
Drawer   1
Draeger, Clifford A. [politician]
Drawer   1
Drew, William Ryan [politician]
Drawer   1
Dreyfus, Lee Sherman [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   1
Dudgeon, Matthew S. [City Librarian]
Drawer   1
Duerst, Erwin
Drawer   1
Duffy, F. Ryan [judge]
Drawer   1
Duncan, Thomas, Mrs.
Drawer   1
Durand, Loyal
Drawer   1
Dutzauer, "Ma" (Anna Theresa?)
Drawer   1
Dutzauer, Anna
Drawer   1
Dutzauer, Clara
Drawer   1
Dutzauer, Ernest
Drawer   1
Dutzauer, Ervin
Drawer   1
Dutzauer, Mary
Drawer   1
Dutzauer, Tekla
Drawer   1
Dwyer, R. J.
Drawer   1
Dyke, William [politician]
Drawer   2
Earhart, Amelia [aviator]
Drawer   2
Earl, Anthony [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   2
Eckert, John A.
Drawer   2
Edenhoifer, Lena
Drawer   2
Edenhoifer, Mary
Drawer   2
Egerer, Frank Joseph [treasurer]
Drawer   2
Eggert, Clara
Drawer   2
Ehlers, Grover
Drawer   2
Eichloz, Emil
Drawer   2
Eigen, Aug. Meyer
Drawer   2
Eisenberg, Alan [lawyer]
Drawer   2
Eisenhower, Dwight D. [U.S. president]
Drawer   7
Eisenhower, Dwight D. [U.S. president], oversize
Drawer   2
Ekern, Herman [lawyer/Lt. Governor of Wisconsin]
Drawer   2
Elias, Charles
Drawer   2
Eliot, Robert [Milwaukee Grain and Stock Exchange president]
Drawer   2
Eller, Martin
Drawer   2
Elliot, Lena Siekert
Drawer   2
Ellis, George
Drawer   2
Ellmann, Vitus
Drawer   2
Ellsworth, Bert G. [Milwaukee Grain and Stock Exchange president] (2 folders)
Drawer   2
Elmslie, Jas. A.
Drawer   2
Elser, John [meat dealer]
Drawer   2
Elston, Chuck [Marquette archivist]
Drawer   2
Elwell, E. F. [railroad purchasing agent]
Drawer   2
Ely, Lydia [artist]
Drawer   2
Emrich, Walter
Drawer   2
Engel, Carl
Drawer   8
Engelmann, Peter, double oversize
Drawer   2
Erickson, John [basketball coach/general manager]
Drawer   2
Erney, Richard [Wisconsin State Historical Society director]
Drawer   2
Ernst, George, Dr.
Drawer   2
Ernst, John [restauranteur]
Drawer   2
Ertl, Robert O. [politician]
Drawer   2
Eskuche, Henry [businessman/politician]
Drawer   2
Esser, William [politician]
Drawer   2
Ewald, Frank
Drawer   2
Fahr, Clarence
Drawer   2
Fairchild, Thomas E. [judge]
Drawer   2
Falk, Louis Wahl [Anglican Bishop]
Drawer   2
Farmer, Josephus, Rev.
Drawer   2
Fass, Patrick H. [politician]
Drawer   2
Feinberg, Joseph
Drawer   2
Feldhack, William F.
Drawer   2
Felsecker, John P. [barber]
Drawer   2
Ferraro, Geraldine [politician]
Drawer   2
Ferry, George B. [architect]
Drawer   2
Fiebrantz, William J. [politician/businessman]
Drawer   2
Fiedler, Dewey S. [foreman]
Drawer   2
Fink, Bruno Edward [businessman] (2 folders)
Drawer   2
Fink, Elizabeth
Drawer   2
Fink, Helena Colleen
Drawer   2
Fink, Katherine
Drawer   2
Fink, Katie, Lizzie, & Bella
Drawer   2
Fink, William & Family
Drawer   2
Fink, William H.
Drawer   2
Finney, Frederick [railroad executive]
Drawer   2
Fischer, Marie
Drawer   2
Fischer, Walter
Drawer   2
Fisher, Dorothy
Drawer   2
Fitz, Henry
Drawer   2
Fitzgerald, William N.
Drawer   2
Fiuzat, Nancy
Drawer   2
Flanders, James G.
Drawer   2
Fleck, Rudolf [actor]
Drawer   2
Fleming, John J. [politician]
Drawer   7
Fleming, John J. [politician], oversize
Drawer   2
Flower, Forrest [W.P.A. artist]
Drawer   2
Flynn, James T. [politician]
Drawer   2
Foley, James [Milwaukee Fire Chief]
Drawer   2
Foley, John F. [judge]
Drawer   7
Foley, Paul, oversize
Drawer   2
Fons, Ray Laverne
Drawer   2
Ford, Gerald R. [U.S. president]
Drawer   2
Ford, J. Fred [businessman]
Drawer   2
Foss, Lukas [MSO conductor]
Drawer   2
Fountain, Lysle H.
Drawer   2
Fowler, Albert [Register of Deeds]
Drawer   7
Fox, Albert Charles, Rev., oversize
Drawer   2
Frame, Andrew J. [banker]
Drawer   2
Frank, Carl
Drawer   2
Frank, Edward
Drawer   2
Frank, Glenn
Drawer   2
Freese, Walter
Drawer   2
Freeze, Frederick
Drawer   2
Freeze, William
Drawer   2
Freisleben, Edmond J.
Drawer   2
Freisleben, Edward
Drawer   2
Freisleben, William
Drawer   2
Frentz, Otto
Drawer   2
Fricano, Mr. & son
Drawer   2
Friedberg, Joseph
Drawer   7
Friedmann, Albert, oversize
Drawer   2
Friedmann, Mrs. Albert
Drawer   2
Friedmann, Max E.
Drawer   2
Friend, Jacob E. [politician/businessman]
Drawer   2
Friend, Ralph M.
Drawer   2
Frisch, Alvin J.
Drawer   2
Froedtert, William [businessman]
Drawer   2
Froemming, Edwin W. [politician]
Drawer   2
Froemming, Theodore R. [politician/businessman]
Drawer   2
Frost, Robert [poet]
Drawer   2
Fry, Kenneth E. [DCD Commissioner]
Drawer   2
Fucile, Ralph N.
Drawer   2
Fuller, Howard [MPS Superintendent]
Drawer   2
Fuller, Oliver Clyde (2 folders)
Drawer   2
Furer, Julius A.
Drawer   2
Furmann, Gene
Drawer   2
Futterlieb, Edward
Drawer   2
Fyfe, L. R.
Drawer   2
Gaeth, Albert Niel
Drawer   2
Gallatin, Albert [politician]
Drawer   2
Galligan, Stephen
Drawer   2
Galls, Frances
Drawer   2
Garland, Hamlin [author]
Drawer   2
Garnier, Robert C.
Drawer   2
Gates, James L.
Drawer   2
Gauer, Harold [photographer]
Drawer   2
Gaulke, George
Drawer   2
Gavin, Ernest
Drawer   2
Geiger, John
Drawer   2
Geilfuss, A. B. [treasurer]
Drawer   2
George, Henry
Drawer   2
George, Robert William
Drawer   8
Gerlach, Carl & Bobby, double oversize
Drawer   2
Gerlach, Edward H.
Drawer   2
Gerlach, Fritz [artist]
Drawer   8
Gernette, Howard & Rosemary [television hosts], double oversize
Drawer   2
Gertie the Duck
Drawer   2
Gesch, Arthur
Drawer   2
Gettelman, Adam [brewer]
Drawer   2
Gettleman, Robert
Drawer   2
Gibbs, Beverly Joan
Drawer   2
Gilbert, W. M.
Drawer   2
Gillan, Silas Y.
Drawer   2
Gint, Walter
Drawer   2
Glander, Charles
Drawer   2
Glander, Ema
Drawer   2
Glander, William
Drawer   2
Glander, William & Anna (see also Dutzauer)
Drawer   2
Glander, William, Charles, & Gustie
Drawer   2
Glass, Sheldon J. [businessman]
Drawer   2
Glavin, Charles F.
Drawer   2
Gleason, John E.
Drawer   2
Glidden, Carlos [inventor]
Drawer   2
Gocker, Rupert
Drawer   2
Godfrey, E. R.
Drawer   2
Goehlen, Henry
Drawer   2
Goeldner, Merrill Eugene
Drawer   2
Goetsch, Edwin
Drawer   2
Goetsch, Erwin
Drawer   2
Goetter, Albert
Drawer   2
Goetzke, Arthur
Drawer   2
Goetzke, Paul
Drawer   2
Goldsmith, Bernard
Drawer   2
Gollwitzer, George
Drawer   2
Goodland, Walter [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   7
Goodman, Lee, oversize
Drawer   2
Goodrich, William O.
Drawer   2
Gordon, Al
Drawer   2
Gordon, Myron [judge]
Drawer   2
Gorenstein, Ralph [judge]
Drawer   2
Gorski, Erwin, Mrs.
Drawer   2
Gould, Harry
Drawer   2
Gousha, Richard P. [MPS superintendent]
Drawer   2
Goyette, Gary
Drawer   2
Graebner, William H. [treasurer]
Drawer   2
Graf, John [brewer]
Drawer   2
Gram, Laurence C. [judge]
Drawer   2
Grandberry, Henry
Drawer   2
Grandbois, Ray
Drawer   2
Grant, Henry J. [publisher]
Drawer   2
Grau, August M.
Drawer   2
Gray, Gilda [actress/dancer]
Drawer   2
Gray, Helen
Drawer   2
Gray, Otto [bandleader]
Drawer   2
Green, David C.
Drawer   2
Greene, Howard [businessman]
Drawer   2
Greenwald, Oscar [businessman]
Drawer   2
Gregory, John G. [newspaper editor]
Drawer   2
Gregory, Nancy
Drawer   2
Gregory, Richard (Dick) [comedian]
Drawer   2
Grieb, Edward
Drawer   2
Grieb, Joseph C. [Milwaukee Auditorium manager]
Drawer   8
Griem, Breta [cook/nutritionist], double oversize
Drawer   2
Griffin, Ed
Drawer   2
Grim, Lawrence W.
Drawer   2
Grimm, Adolph E.
Drawer   2
Grimm, Charlie [baseball player]
Drawer   2
Grobschmidt, Eugene
Drawer   2
Groeling, Charles A.
Drawer   2
Groeschel, Albert
Drawer   2
Gromacki, John H. [politician]
Drawer   2
Gronouski, John [U.S. Postmaster General]
Drawer   2
Groppi, James A., Father [civil rights activist] (2 folders)
Drawer   8
Groppi, James A., Father [civil rights activist], double oversize
Drawer   2
Grosskopf, Frank
Drawer   7
Groth, Gertrude & Elsie, oversize
Drawer   2
Groth, Walter
Drawer   2
Grube, Gertrude L.
Drawer   2
Grube, Hattie
Drawer   2
Gruebling, Arthur
Drawer   2
Gruncel, Otto
Drawer   2
Grzeskowisk, F. J.
Drawer   2
Guetzkow, Henry & Emilia (Miller)
Drawer   2
Gugler, "Grandpapa" (Henry Sr.) [lithiographer/engraver]
Drawer   2
Gugler, Robert
Drawer   2
Gunderman, Oren J.
Drawer   2
Gunderson, St. J.
Drawer   2
Gurda, John [historian]
Drawer   2
Gurda, Leon M. [building inspector]
Drawer   2
Guse, Frank
Drawer   2
Guss, James
Drawer   2
Gustafson, Paul E.
Drawer   2
Gut, Edie J.
Drawer   2
Guthrie, Francesca [singer]
Drawer   8
Guthrie, Francesca [singer], double oversize
Drawer   2
Haack, Gustav Adolph
Drawer   2
Haberbach, Helen
Drawer   2
Haberlach, Arthur
Drawer   2
Haberman, Clyde M. [Register of Deeds]
Drawer   2
Haberman, George T.
Drawer   2
Hackbarth, Clarence
Drawer   2
Hackbarth, Edward
Drawer   2
Hackbarth, Richard & Gustie
Drawer   2
Hackett, Edward P. [banker]
Drawer   2
Hadden, E. G.
Drawer   2
Haehshey, Leon
Drawer   2
Haessler, Carl [journalist]
Drawer   2
Hafmeister, Charles
Drawer   2
Hafsoos, Eric S. [music retail]
Drawer   2
Hagen, Oscar G.
Drawer   2
Hahn, Eric
Drawer   2
Hahn, Jacob
Drawer   2
Hahn, Otto L. [businessman]
Drawer   2
Haines, David [radio journalist]
Drawer   2
Hall, Edna
Drawer   2
Halsey, James
Drawer   2
Hamilton, Raphael N., Rev. [Marquette professor]
Drawer   2
Hampel, J. R.
Drawer   2
Handley, John J.
Drawer   8
Handlos, Leo, double oversize
Drawer   2
Hanlon, Harry [police officer]
Drawer   2
Hannan, John
Drawer   2
Hansen, Edward [politician]
Drawer   2
Hansen, Edwin A.
Drawer   2
Hansen, H. Theodore
Drawer   2
Hansen, Robert W. [judge]
Drawer   2
Haraszthy, Agoston
Drawer   2
Hard, Charles E.
Drawer   2
Harks, William J.
Drawer   8
Harlow, William H., double oversize
Drawer   2
Harman, Merle [sportscaster/businessman]
Drawer   2
Harmeyer, Frank
Drawer   2
Harmeyer, Fred
Drawer   2
Harnischfeger, Walter & Frieda
Drawer   2
Harper, William
Drawer   2
Harris, William
Drawer   2
Hart, Gary [politician]
Drawer   2
Harter, Richard
Drawer   2
Hartnett, Jack
Drawer   2
Harvey, Paul [radio broadcaster]
Drawer   2
Hass, Alfred C. [politician]
Drawer   2
Hasse, Frederick C.
Drawer   2
Hassett, Paul E.
Drawer   2
Hatton, Janie [MPS principal]
Drawer   2
Hayden, A. G.
Drawer   2
Hayden, Thomas [activist]
Drawer   2
Hayman, Eugene J.
Drawer   2
Hearst, E. F.
Drawer   2
Hecht, David
Drawer   2
Heckendorn, John B.
Drawer   2
Heft, Michael
Drawer   2
Heiden, Clarence [politician]
Drawer   2
Heil, Julius [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   2
Heine, Harry
Drawer   2
Heinemann, Albert [manufacturer]
Drawer   2
Heintz, Howard Walden
Drawer   2
Helberg, George E.
Drawer   2
Helman, Oscar
Drawer   2
Hemmann, Ernst
Drawer   2
Hendee, John H., Jr.
Drawer   2
Hendee, Kirby
Drawer   2
Hendt, Norman J.
Drawer   2
Henke, Gustave E.
Drawer   2
Henningsen, Paul [politician]
Drawer   2
Herbst, S. C.
Drawer   2
Herman, Veronika
Drawer   8
Herman, Woodrow (Woody) Charles [musician], double oversize
Drawer   2
Herrmann, Alf P.
Drawer   2
Hersh, Florence
Drawer   2
Hesse, Henry D.
Drawer   2
Heth, Edward Harris [author]
Drawer   2
Hetzel, Walter
Drawer   2
Heup, Gerhard
Drawer   2
Heux, Louis
Drawer   2
Hickinbottom, Annie E. [Hunter College dean]
Drawer   2
Hideman, Ralph
Drawer   2
Hiemke, Edward H.
Drawer   2
Higgins, Martin M.
Drawer   2
Hilbert, H. J. [politician]
Drawer   2
Hildegarde (Hildegarde Loretta Sell) [singer]
Drawer   7
Hildegarde (Hildegarde Loretta Sell) [singer], oversize
Drawer   2
Hill, Myrtle Duke [musician]
Drawer   2
Hintz, R. A.
Drawer   2
Hirschbein, Karen
Drawer   2
Hirschboeck, John S., Dr.
Drawer   2
Hoan Family
Drawer   2
Hoan, Agnes
Drawer   7
Hoan, Agnes, oversize
Drawer   2
Hoan, Daniel W. [Milwaukee mayor] (17 folders)
Drawer   7
Hoan, Daniel W. [Milwaukee mayor], oversize
Drawer   2
Hoan, George
Drawer   2
Hoan, Gertrude
Drawer   2
Hoan, William
Drawer   2
Hobart, H. C. [politician]
Drawer   2
Hoeft, Edward
Drawer   2
Hoegh, Leo. A.
Drawer   2
Hoeh-Lyon, Sandra (Unterman) [politician]
Drawer   8
Hoerl, Barbara, double oversize
Drawer   2
Hoff, Joseph
Drawer   2
Hoffman, Alma
Drawer   2
Hoffman, Frank
Drawer   2
Hoffman, Peter H. [politician]
Drawer   2
Hoge, Louis
Drawer   2
Hokanson, Rudolph [automobile dealer]
Drawer   2
Holdorf, Elmee & Mildred
Drawer   2
Holland, J. G. [author] (2 folders)
Drawer   2
Holler, Mary [Holler Park donor]
Drawer   2
Hollosi, Peter
Drawer   2
Holt, Robert J.
Drawer   2
Holzhauer, Charles & Anna
Drawer   2
Holzhauer, Mat
Drawer   2
Hooker, William F. [editor]
Drawer   2
Hoover, Herbert [U.S. president]
Drawer   2
Hope, Bob [comedian]
Drawer   2
Hopkins, Wallace H.
Drawer   2
Hopper, Hedda [gossip columnist]
Drawer   2
Horan, John M. "Soda Ash Johnny" [railroad worker]
Drawer   2
Hoss, Eric
Drawer   8
Host, Esther, double oversize
Drawer   2
Hottelet, Ernst E.
Drawer   2
Hottelet, Max
Drawer   2
Hottensen, William A.
Drawer   2
Howard, Benjamin
Drawer   2
Howard, James F. [businessman]
Drawer   2
Hrdina, John
Drawer   2
Huck, Henry
Drawer   2
Huebner, Walter
Drawer   2
Huening, D. O.
Drawer   2
Humphrey, Hubert [politician]
Drawer   2
Humphrey, Kurt T.
Drawer   2
Humphrey, Muriel [politician]
Drawer   2
Hunkel, William
Drawer   2
Hunteman, Oscar W.
Drawer   2
Hurless, Virgil H. [Milwaukee City Comptroller]
Drawer   2
Huston, Kathleen [City Librarian]
Drawer   2
Hwang, David
Drawer   2
Hyacinth, Sister
Drawer   3
Ietch, Yukic
Drawer   3
Inbusch, H.
Drawer   3
Ingalls, E. S. [author/judge] (2 folders)
Drawer   3
Isley, Jas. K.
Drawer   3
Jacobs, P. J.
Drawer   3
Jacobs, William H.
Drawer   3
Jaeger, Anna
Drawer   3
Jagodzinski, Mrs.
Drawer   3
Jahns, H., Jr.
Drawer   3
Jake, Charles G.
Drawer   3
Jakubic, Gene, Fr.
Drawer   3
James, Arthur W.
Drawer   3
James, John
Drawer   3
Jamieson, Ted, Mrs.
Drawer   3
Jankiewicz, Roman
Drawer   3
Jankowski, Harold [politician]
Drawer   3
Jashek, Frank
Drawer   3
Jauke, Herbert
Drawer   3
Jendusa, Michael M. [politician]
Drawer   3
Jendusa, Robert J. [politician]
Drawer   3
Jenkins, James Graham [judge]
Drawer   3
Jenrette, Rita [actress/model]
Drawer   3
Jensen, Christ
Drawer   3
Jensen, Henry
Drawer   3
Jewell, Gilbert [labor leader]
Drawer   3
Joers, Stanley
Drawer   3
Joez, Patricia
Drawer   3
Johnson, Ben E. [politician]
Drawer   3
Johnson, Claudia “Lady Bird” [First Lady]
Drawer   3
Johnson, Delores
Drawer   3
Johnson, George, H. D.
Drawer   3
Johnson, Lyndon B. [U.S. president]
Drawer   3
Johnson, Marlene [politician]
Drawer   3
Johnson, Paul F.
Drawer   3
Johnston, A. L.
Drawer   3
Johnston, John
Drawer   3
Johnston, Rodney
Drawer   3
Jones, Art [Nazi]
Drawer   3
Jones, Arthur [Milwaukee Chief of Police]
Drawer   3
Jones, Leo [professor]
Drawer   7
Jones, Samantha, oversize
Drawer   3
Jordan, Robert E.
Drawer   3
Jorsch, Herbert
Drawer   3
Joslyn, Jay [theater critic]
Drawer   3
Joys, Carl C.
Drawer   3
Judell, Walter W. [architect]
Drawer   3
Juneau, Elizabeth
Drawer   3
Juneau, Solomon [Milwaukee mayor] (2 folders)
Drawer   3
Jung, Phillip, Jr. [brewer]
Drawer   3
Just, Christ
Drawer   3
Kaczmarck, Joseph
Drawer   3
Kahl, Virginia [author]
Drawer   3
Kalupa, John E. [politician]
Drawer   3
Kalwitz, John R. [politician]
Drawer   3
Kamm, Philip C.
Drawer   3
Kasten, Fred [banker]
Drawer   3
Kasten, Robert [politician]
Drawer   3
Kasten, Walter [banker]
Drawer   3
Kaszubowski, John G.
Drawer   3
Katzer, Frederick X.
Drawer   3
Kaun, Bill
Drawer   3
Kaun, Hugo [composer/conductor]
Drawer   3
Kaun, Martha
Drawer   3
Keller, Arthur J.
Drawer   3
Keller, Flora
Drawer   3
Kellogg, F. W. [publisher]
Drawer   3
Kellogg, J. L.
Drawer   3
Kellogg, John
Drawer   3
Kelly, Garrett A.
Drawer   3
Kelly, Kitty [actress]
Drawer   3
Kelly, Ralph [politician]
Drawer   3
Kemp, T. J.
Drawer   3
Kemper, Jackson B.
Drawer   3
Kendal, Leo
Drawer   3
Kendall, O. B.
Drawer   3
Kendall, Stuart
Drawer   3
Kennedy, John F. [U.S. president]
Drawer   3
Kennedy, Robert F. [politician]
Drawer   3
Kennedy, Edward "Ted" [politician]
Drawer   3
Kent, Herman
Drawer   3
Keppler, William P. [politician]
Drawer   3
Kerler, Herman
Drawer   3
Kern, Adolph [miller]
Drawer   3
Kershaw, William J.
Drawer   3
Kesselhohm, Robert
Drawer   3
Kesselhon, Charles
Drawer   3
Kessler, Otto H., Jr.
Drawer   3
Kestelik, Anton
Drawer   3
Kestelik, John
Drawer   3
Ketchum, Marion Audrey
Drawer   3
Kieckhefer, Ferdinand A. W. [businessman]
Drawer   3
Kilbourn, Byron [Milwaukee mayor] (2 folders)
Drawer   3
Kilbourn, Henrietta M.
Drawer   3
Kimball, Walter
Drawer   3
Kindt, Edward P.
Drawer   3
King, Charles, General (2 folders)
Drawer   3
King, Harry
Drawer   3
King, Louis
Drawer   3
King, Martin Luther, Jr. [civil rights activist]
Drawer   3
King, Pee Wee [musician]
Drawer   3
King, Rufus, General (2 folders)
Drawer   3
King, Wayne [musician]
Drawer   3
Kissinger, Henry [politician]
Drawer   3
Kitchen, Denis [cartoonist]
Drawer   3
Kittridge, Harry
Drawer   3
Klamm, William E. [Milwaukee County Sheriff]
Drawer   3
Klann, Augusta
Drawer   3
Klann, Elisa
Drawer   3
Kleczka, Gerald [politician]
Drawer   3
Kletzsch, Alvin P. [football coach/Park Commission]
Drawer   3
Kline, Betty Anne (Smith)
Drawer   3
Klotche, J. Martin [UWM chancellor]
Drawer   3
Kloth, Walter
Drawer   3
Kluchesky, Joseph T.
Drawer   3
Klug, Alice
Drawer   3
Klug, Charles
Drawer   3
Klug, Edward
Drawer   3
Klug, Edward & Alice
Drawer   3
Klug, Oscar E.
Drawer   3
Kluppau, Captain (Fukuoka Occupation Force)
Drawer   3
Knapp, Lloyd D. [DPW Commissioner]
Drawer   3
Knell, Otto C.
Drawer   3
Knoblauch, George
Drawer   3
Knock, George W.
Drawer   3
Knowles, Warren [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   7
Knowles, Warren, oversize
Drawer   3
Knuth, Albert
Drawer   3
Knuth, Herbert
Drawer   3
Knuth, Ida
Drawer   3
Kobza, Alois
Drawer   3
Koch, Edward V. [architect]
Drawer   8
Koch, Elizabeth, double oversize
Drawer   3
Koch, Herr
Drawer   8
Koch, John C. [Milwaukee mayor], double oversize
Drawer   3
Koehler, Chas.
Drawer   3
Koehler, H. J.
Drawer   3
Koehler, John
Drawer   3
Koehn, Joanne
Drawer   3
Koenig, Louis H. [lawyer]
Drawer   3
Koerner, John [politician]
Drawer   3
Koester, Edward
Drawer   3
Kohler, Walter J., Jr. [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   3
Kondziella, James [politician]
Drawer   7
Konpicich, Joseph, oversize
Drawer   3
Kopling, Jerome Thomas
Drawer   3
Kopmeier, John H. [businessman]
Drawer   3
Koppelkamm, Edward J.
Drawer   3
Kordus, Robert
Drawer   3
Kornitz, Albert
Drawer   3
Koslakowicz, Alois
Drawer   3
Koss, Rudolph Alexander
Drawer   3
Kossow, Robert
Drawer   3
Kostecke, William B.
Drawer   3
Kotecki, Antony
Drawer   3
Kotecki, Louis [politician]
Drawer   7
Kotecki, Louis [politician], oversize
Drawer   3
Kowaleski, John W.
Drawer   3
Kowalkowski, Otto
Drawer   3
Kraenke, Bernard B.
Drawer   3
Kratz, Chas.
Drawer   3
Krause, Annie
Drawer   3
Krause, August & Tekla
Drawer   3
Krause, Racy
Drawer   3
Krause, William & Mary
Drawer   3
Kreider, Howard L.
Drawer   7
Kremer, Clemens, oversize
Drawer   7
Kremer, Emily, oversize
Drawer   7
Kremer, Philip, oversize
Drawer   3
Kreul, Keith
Drawer   3
Krieger, Katherine
Drawer   3
Krill, Adam, Mrs.
Drawer   3
Krinsky, Keith
Drawer   3
Kroboth, Emma
Drawer   3
Kroenke, Bernard [politician]
Drawer   3
Krueger, Joseph J. (2 folders)
Drawer   3
Krueger, William
Drawer   3
Kruell, George
Drawer   3
Krug, Lucile [activist]
Drawer   3
Krug, Richard E. [City Librarian]
Drawer   3
Krull, Fred
Drawer   3
Kruse, Henry
Drawer   3
Kruszka, Michael [founder of Kuryer Polski]
Drawer   3
Kruszka, Wenceslaus, Rev.
Drawer   3
Kubly, Herbert [author]
Drawer   3
Kuehl, Fred E.
Drawer   3
Kuehl, Hal C. [banker]
Drawer   3
Kuehn, Gerald [automobile dealer]
Drawer   3
Kuehn, Phillip G. [politician]
Drawer   3
Kufahl, William
Drawer   3
Kujawa, Valentine [politician]
Drawer   3
Kukor, Cynthia [politician]
Drawer   3
Kummer, Kay
Drawer   3
Kurth, Christian
Drawer   3
Kurz, Mrs.
Drawer   3
Kurzeika, Peter
Drawer   3
Kurzejka, Mr. & Mrs.
Drawer   3
Kuss, Fred
Drawer   3
La Follette, Bronson [Wisconsin Attorney General]
Drawer   3
La Follette, Fola [suffragette]
Drawer   3
La Follette, Philip [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   3
La Follette, Philip, children
Drawer   3
La Follette, Phillip, Mrs.
Drawer   3
La Follette, Robert, Jr. [politician]
Drawer   3
La Follette, Robert, Sr. [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   3
La Follette, Robert, Sr., Mrs. (Bella Case) [lawyer/suffragette]
Drawer   3
Laabs, Roy
Drawer   3
Laabs, Walter
Drawer   3
LaBelle, Robert J. [politician]
Drawer   3
LaBudde, Edward
Drawer   3
Ladwig, Otto [businessman]
Drawer   3
Laikin, Samual H.
Drawer   3
Laird, Melvin [politician]
Drawer   3
Lamb, Karen [nursing professor]
Drawer   3
Lammert, Fred
Drawer   3
Landauer, Adolph
Drawer   3
Landauer, Max
Drawer   3
Landis, Carole
Drawer   3
Landon, Alf [politician]
Drawer   7
Landon, Alf [politician], oversize
Drawer   3
Landowski, Ralph J. [politician]
Drawer   3
Landowski, Robert J. [politician]
Drawer   3
Landry, Robert W. [judge]
Drawer   3
Lane, Edward W. [Milwaukee County Supervisor]
Drawer   3
Langenohl, Charles
Drawer   3
Lanser, Rod [politician/Summerfest Director]
Drawer   3
Lapham, Increase A. [scientist] (2 folders)
Drawer   3
Latus, Edward
Drawer   3
Laubenheimer, Jacob [Milwaukee Chief of Police]
Drawer   3
Lauden, Bert
Drawer   3
Lauder, A. G.
Drawer   3
Lauer, A. E.
Drawer   3
Lauer, John V.
Drawer   3
Laun, Louis
Drawer   3
Lavinus, Peter
Drawer   7
Lawrie Family, oversize
Drawer   3
Lawrie, William C. & Donald
Drawer   8
Lawrie, William C., double oversize
Drawer   7
Lawrie, William C., Elizabeth, William J., & Archie, oversize
Drawer   3
Layton, Frederick [philanthropist/art collector]
Drawer   3
Leach, Leigh
Drawer   3
Leany, Raymond
Drawer   3
Lechner, Eugene
Drawer   3
Lecus, Charles M.
Drawer   3
Lees, Robert E. [magician]
Drawer   3
Leeser, Alfred
Drawer   3
Leeser, Ernest
Drawer   3
Leetz, Otto
Drawer   3
Leidersdorf, B.
Drawer   3
Leis, John
Drawer   3
Leisk, Henry
Drawer   3
Leister, Edward
Drawer   3
Lelig, Adolph
Drawer   3
Lembeck, William
Drawer   3
Lemke, Charles
Drawer   3
Lemke, Lena
Drawer   3
Lenz, Erwin
Drawer   3
Leonard, Jerris
Drawer   3
LeRoy, Lloyd W.
Drawer   3
Leverenz, Gustav
Drawer   3
Lewis, C. E.
Drawer   3
Lewis, Samuel R. [engineer]
Drawer   8
Li, Peter, Rev., double oversize
Drawer   3
Liberace, Wladziu Valentino [musician]
Drawer   8
Liberace, Wladziu Valentino [musician], double oversize
Drawer   7
Liberace, Wladziu Valentino [musician], oversize
Drawer   3
Liberman, Benjamin, Dr.
Drawer   3
Liedtke, Alf C.
Drawer   3
Lietzke, Herman
Drawer   3
Lilivelt, Joseph
Drawer   3
Liljequist, Orval [librarian]
Drawer   3
Lincoln, Abraham [U.S. president]
Drawer   3
Lindbergh, Charles A. [aviator]
Drawer   8
Lindbergh, Charles A. [aviator], double oversize
Drawer   3
Lindeman, August
Drawer   3
Lindman, Erma
Drawer   3
Lindner, Alex J.
Drawer   3
Lindsay, E. J.
Drawer   3
Linkmann, George
Drawer   3
Linton, Thomas
Drawer   3
Lippert, Henry [Milwaukee Fire Chief]
Drawer   3
Lippman, Lou
Drawer   3
Lith, Willard David & Jacob, Jr.
Drawer   3
Lix, Haus
Drawer   3
Llewellyn, Henry [grocer/library namesake]
Drawer   3
Loden, Jas. A.
Drawer   3
Lodge, Henry Cabot [politician]
Drawer   3
Loebel, Fred A.
Drawer   3
Loew, Thomas G.
Drawer   3
Lohman, Emil
Drawer   3
Lombard, J. W. P.
Drawer   3
Lombardi, Michael [Waukesha County Sheriff]
Drawer   3
Loncaric, Louis
Drawer   3
Longfellow, Henry [poet]
Drawer   3
Longhurst, Barney
Drawer   7
Longuet, Jean Frederic Laurent [socialist], oversize
Drawer   3
Loomis, Orland S. [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   3
Loos, Leo
Drawer   3
Lorch, Elmer
Drawer   3
Lorch, Ervin
Drawer   3
Loveland, Charles A. [Northwestern Mutual actuary]
Drawer   3
Lovell, James [astronaut]
Drawer   3
Lowry, A. O.
Drawer   3
Lube, Max
Drawer   3
Lucey, Patrick [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   7
Lucey, Patrick [Wisconsin governor], oversize
Drawer   3
Ludington, Harrison [Wisconsin governor/Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   3
Ludwig, Edward
Drawer   3
Lueck, Paul A. [politician]
Drawer   3
Lueders, John
Drawer   3
Luedke, Walter
Drawer   3
Luetzow, Albert E. [manufacturer]
Drawer   3
Luetzow, Ebner Harris [businessman]
Drawer   3
Lund, Lloyd K.
Drawer   3
Lyman, Robert
Drawer   3
Lyons, Sherman
Drawer   4
Maas, W. C.
Drawer   4
Macal, Zdenek [MSO conductor]
Drawer   4
MacArthur, Douglas, General (2 folders)
Drawer   9
MacArthur, Douglas, General, double oversize
Drawer   7
MacArthur, Douglas, General, oversize
Drawer   4
Mack, H. S.
Drawer   4
Mack, Theodore
Drawer   4
Mackenzie, Alexander
Drawer   4
Mackey, Melvin D.
Drawer   9
Macreading, Charles Sinclair, Rev. (drawing), double oversize
Drawer   4
Madecky, John
Drawer   4
Mader, George F. [restauranteur]
Drawer   4
Magoch, John
Drawer   4
Magoch, Mike
Drawer   4
Maier, Henry W. [Milwaukee mayor] (13 folders)
Drawer   9
Maier, Henry W. [Milwaukee mayor], double oversize
Drawer   7
Maier, Henry W. [Milwaukee mayor], oversize
Drawer   4
Maier, Irwin [publisher]
Drawer   7
Maier, Karl, Jr. [Northwestern Mutual executive], oversize
Drawer   4
Maier, Mary Ann
Drawer   4
Maitland, Lester J. [aviator]
Drawer   4
Majerus, Raymond [labor leader]
Drawer   4
Major, R. E.
Drawer   4
Malloy, Joseph H. [Milwaukee Civil Service Commission]
Drawer   4
Mander, James A. [Milwaukee Grain and Stock Exchange president] (2 folders)
Drawer   4
Manders, Adrian
Drawer   4
Manian, Victor [judge]
Drawer   4
Manshot, Frank C.
Drawer   4
Manson, Charles L. [state insurance commissioner]
Drawer   4
Manthey, Paul, Mrs. (Elizabeth)
Drawer   4
Mantz, Arthur & Henry
Drawer   4
Mantz, Elizabeth
Drawer   7
Mantz, Elizabeth, oversize
Drawer   7
Mantz, Elizabeth & Martha, oversize
Drawer   4
Mantz, Martha
Drawer   4
Mantz, Martha & Elizabeth
Drawer   4
Mantz, Mary
Drawer   4
Manville, Charles R.
Drawer   4
Manz, George
Drawer   4
Marcklein, August
Drawer   4
Markey, Ray
Drawer   4
Markham, George C. [Northwestern Mutual president]
Drawer   4
Marquardt, Dean [basketball player]
Drawer   4
Marquette, Jacques, Père [missionary]
Drawer   4
Martberg, Robert
Drawer   4
Martin, Bill
Drawer   4
Martin, Morgan [business partner of Solomon Juneau]
Drawer   4
Martinez, Alfonso
Drawer   4
Martini, Nino [actor/singer]
Drawer   4
Maslowski, James E. [politician]
Drawer   4
Matchabelli, Princess [actress]
Drawer   4
Matchette, Frank J.
Drawer   4
Matowski, Frank
Drawer   4
Mattison, Walter [Milwaukee City Attorney]
Drawer   4
Matz, Otto B.
Drawer   4
Matzke, Gene David
Drawer   4
Matzke, George Carl, Jr.
Drawer   4
Matzke, Victor Gail
Drawer   4
Maxey, Louis T., Dr.
Drawer   4
May, A. C.
Drawer   4
Mayberry, Harvey
Drawer   4
Mayer, Anthony & Robert
Drawer   4
Mayer, Anthony J.
Drawer   4
Mayer, Anton J.
Drawer   4
Mayer, George P. [businessman]
Drawer   4
Mayer, Oscar [meat packer]
Drawer   4
Mayer, Skipper
Drawer   4
McAlpine, James
Drawer   4
McBeath, Faye [philanthropist]
Drawer   4
McCabe, Edward [Milwaukee Fire Chief]
Drawer   4
McCaffrey, John L. [International Harvester Co. president]
Drawer   4
McCann, E. Michael [lawyer]
Drawer   4
McCann, James A. [politician]
Drawer   4
McCarthy, Eugene [politician]
Drawer   4
McCarthy, Joseph R. [politician]
Drawer   7
McCarthy, Joseph R. [politician], oversize
Drawer   4
McCarthy, Julia
Drawer   4
McConighen, Robert
Drawer   4
McConnell, Arthur Leroy
Drawer   4
McCord, Samuel
Drawer   4
McCormick, John E. [judge]
Drawer   4
McDowell, Fred
Drawer   4
McDowell, John R.
Drawer   4
McGee, Michael [politician]
Drawer   4
McGeoch, A. N. [businessman]
Drawer   4
McGlocklin, Jon [basketball player/broadcaster]
Drawer   4
McGovern, F. E. [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   4
McGovern, George [politician]
Drawer   4
McGovern, Thomas [politician]
Drawer   4
McGriff, Deborah [educator]
Drawer   4
McGuire, Al [basketball coach]
Drawer   9
McGuire, Al [basketball coach], double oversize
Drawer   4
McGuire, Joe
Drawer   4
McGuire, Milton J. [politician]
Drawer   4
McGuire, R.
Drawer   4
McIntyre, Robert E. [politician]
Drawer   4
McKillip, Samuel
Drawer   4
McLenegan, Charles E. [City Librarian] (2 folders)
Drawer   4
McMillan, Harry
Drawer   4
McMurrin, Lee [MPS superintendent]
Drawer   4
McSpadden, W. G.
Drawer   4
Mead, Milton S.
Drawer   4
Meaux, William [Milwaukee County Supervisor]
Drawer   4
Meier, Herman
Drawer   4
Meinecke, Ferdinand, Jr. & Adolph [businessmen]
Drawer   4
Meiners Family
Drawer   4
Meir, Golda [Israeli politician]
Drawer   9
Meir, Golda [Israeli politician], double oversize
Drawer   4
Meisenheimer, Louis G. [pension board director]
Drawer   4
Meminger, Herman [Milwaukee Fire Chief]
Drawer   7
Meminger, Herman [Milwaukee Fire Chief], oversize
Drawer   4
Menzier, Herbert
Drawer   4
Merkel, Harold L.
Drawer   4
Metcalf, G. D.
Drawer   9
Metcalfe, Ralph [athlete/politician], double oversize
Drawer   4
Mett, R. Michael [Milwaukee County Supervisor]
Drawer   4
Metzker, Henry
Drawer   4
Metzl, Joseph
Drawer   4
Meyer, A. J.
Drawer   4
Meyer, Adolph H.
Drawer   4
Meyer, Albert G.
Drawer   4
Meyer, Anita
Drawer   4
Meyer, Oscar & Family
Drawer   4
Meyer, Piet
Drawer   4
Meyers, Earl
Drawer   4
Meyers, Ervin
Drawer   4
Meyers, Fred P. [politician]
Drawer   4
Meyers, Rose Ann [politician]
Drawer   4
Michalski, Clemens [Milwaukee County Clerk]
Drawer   4
Mikkelson, Martin [politician/realtor]
Drawer   4
Miller, Charles C.
Drawer   4
Miller, Clarence [politician]
Drawer   4
Miller, Donald M.
Drawer   4
Miller, Emil
Drawer   4
Miller, Frank J.
Drawer   4
Miller, Frank J., Jr.
Drawer   4
Miller, Fred [businessman/civic leader]
Drawer   9
Miller, Fred & Family, double oversize
Drawer   4
Miller, Fred, Mrs. (Adele)
Drawer   4
Miller, Fred, sons (Fred Jr. and Carl)
Drawer   4
Miller, George
Drawer   4
Miller, George Peckham [lawyer]
Drawer   4
Miller, Isabelle
Drawer   4
Miller, Lamont, Mrs.
Drawer   4
Miller, Peter & Family
Drawer   4
Miller, Stanley [judge]
Drawer   4
Millies, Carl
Drawer   4
Mislap, U.
Drawer   4
Mitchell, Alexander [banker/politician] (2 folders)
Drawer   4
Mitchell, John L. [politician]
Drawer   4
Mitchell, Ray
Drawer   4
Mitchell, Ruth
Drawer   4
Mitchell, Thomas L. [businessman/early settler]
Drawer   4
Mitchell, William (Billy), General
Drawer   7
Mitchell, William (Billy), General, oversize
Drawer   4
Mittelstaedt, Albert
Drawer   4
Mitten, George [police officer]
Drawer   4
Mitzkun, Dora
Drawer   4
Moehle Brothers
Drawer   4
Moher, James R. [Milwaukee Fire Chief]
Drawer   4
Mohorko, Victor Max
Drawer   4
Mohr, Oscar
Drawer   4
Mohrhusen, Al
Drawer   9
Molitor, Paul [baseball player], double oversize
Drawer   4
Momsen, William & Louise
Drawer   4
Mondale, Walter [politician]
Drawer   4
Monfried, Walter [journalist/critic]
Drawer   4
Monk, Lester Z.
Drawer   4
Monreal, Frank [restauranteur]
Drawer   4
Moody, James [politician]
Drawer   4
Mooney, Harris C., Rev.
Drawer   4
Moore, Allen
Drawer   4
Moore, Gwendolyn [politician]
Drawer   4
Morehouse, F. C. [Milwaukee Red Cross president]
Drawer   4
Morgan, Dewi, Rev.
Drawer   4
Morgan, Harry
Drawer   4
Morgan, James
Drawer   4
Morrison, A. C.
Drawer   4
Morrison, Kathryn [politician]
Drawer   4
Morrison, Stanley
Drawer   4
Morrissy, John J.
Drawer   4
Mortier, James J. [politician]
Drawer   4
Moss, John H.
Drawer   4
Movan, Mary
Drawer   7
Muegge, Henry C. [bookkeeper], oversize
Drawer   7
Mueller, Frank August, oversize
Drawer   4
Mueller, J. G.
Drawer   9
Mueller, Marie & Francis, double oversize
Drawer   4
Mueller, Matt
Drawer   4
Mueller, William
Drawer   7
Muench, Aloisius, oversize
Drawer   4
Multhauf, John
Drawer   7
Mumm, Edward [MSO concertmaster], oversize
Drawer   4
Munkwitz, Charles J.
Drawer   4
Munsel, Patrice [opera singer]
Drawer   4
Murdoch, Hugh C.
Drawer   4
Murdock, John W., Dr.
Drawer   4
Murphy, Bob
Drawer   4
Murphy, John A.
Drawer   4
Murphy, John Daly [actor]
Drawer   4
Murphy, John P.
Drawer   4
Muskie, Edmund [politician]
Drawer   7
Mussmann, Charles [realtor], oversize
Drawer   7
Mussmann, Meta, oversize
Drawer   4
Nabors, Roy B. [politician]
Drawer   4
Nash, Richard
Drawer   9
Nauman, Johannes Bernhart [gardener], double oversize
Drawer   4
Neblett, Carol [opera singer]
Drawer   4
Neelen, Harvey
Drawer   4
Neissen, Joseph
Drawer   4
Nelson, Don
Drawer   4
Nelson, Gaylord [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   7
Nelson, Gaylord [Wisconsin governor], oversize
Drawer   4
Nelson, Gilbert
Drawer   4
Nelson, Harry
Drawer   4
Nelson, John E.
Drawer   4
Nelson, Willie [musician]
Drawer   4
Neubauer, John
Drawer   4
Newhall, D.
Drawer   4
Newman, Paul [actor]
Drawer   4
Nicholson, Joseph
Drawer   9
Nickel, Florentine, double oversize
Drawer   4
Nickerson, Winslow
Drawer   4
Nicoud, Robert J. [New York Central Railroad]
Drawer   4
Niederkorn, Henry [Gridley Dairy foreman]
Drawer   4
Niederman, Conrad
Drawer   4
Nielson, Erwin C.
Drawer   4
Niessen, Henry
Drawer   4
Nilson, W.
Drawer   4
Nirt, Richard
Drawer   4
Nixon, Richard M. [U.S. president]
Drawer   4
Nohl, Max Eugene [diver/inventor]
Drawer   4
Norquist, John O. [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   4
Norris, Charles W.
Drawer   4
Norris, Daniel Wells [philanthropist]
Drawer   4
Norris, George Henry
Drawer   9
Norris, George Henry, double oversize
Drawer   4
Norris, H. F.
Drawer   9
Norris, Ralph, double oversize
Drawer   9
Norris, Ralph & Charles, double oversize
Drawer   4
Nowakowski, Erin
Drawer   4
Nowakowski, Richard B. [politician]
Drawer   4
Nuger, Frank
Drawer   4
Nunn, Henry L. [shoemaker]
Drawer   4
Nunnemacher, Robert [brewer/businessman]
Drawer   4
O’Brien, Lawrence [politician/NBA Commissioner]
Drawer   4
O’Connell, Frank E.
Drawer   4
O’Connor, Charles A.
Drawer   4
O’Connor, Kevin D. [politician]
Drawer   4
O’Donnell, Edward J. [Marquette University president]
Drawer   4
O’Donnell, William F. [Milwaukee County Executive]
Drawer   9
O’Donnell, William F. [Milwaukee County Executive], double oversize
Drawer   7
O’Donnell, William F. [Milwaukee County Executive], oversize
Drawer   4
O’Malley, William J. [Milwaukee Election Commission]
Drawer   4
O’Neal, Florence
Drawer   4
O’Neal, Mrs.
Drawer   4
O’Neil, Robert
Drawer   4
Obama, Barack [U.S. president]
Drawer   4
Ogden, G. W.
Drawer   4
Ohl, Henry, Jr.
Drawer   4
Oldenberg, E.
Drawer   4
Olschewski, Fred
Drawer   4
Olson, John (Johnny) [announcer]
Drawer   9
Olszewski, Katie, double oversize
Drawer   7
Omdahl, Dale, oversize
Drawer   4
Omon, Peter A.
Drawer   4
Oppitz, Olga
Drawer   9
Orvis, Karen, double oversize
Drawer   4
Orzechowski, Philip
Drawer   4
Oshkosh, Chief, granddaughter
Drawer   4
Ostermaier, Emil
Drawer   4
Otis, E. O.
Drawer   4
Otjen, Theobald [politician]
Drawer   4
Ott, Gilbert W.
Drawer   4
Pabst, August U. [brewer]
Drawer   4
Pabst, Fred
Drawer   4
Pabst, Frederick, Captain [brewer]
Drawer   7
Pabst, Frederick, Captain [brewer], oversize
Drawer   4
Pabst, Frederick, Jr.
Drawer   4
Pabst, Gustav G., Colonel
Drawer   4
Packard, Vance [author]
Drawer   10
Pafko, Andy [baseball player], double oversize
Drawer   4
Pagel, Matthew
Drawer   7
Pagel, Paul, oversize
Drawer   4
Pallworth, Mrs.
Drawer   4
Palm, Captain
Drawer   4
Palmer, H. L. [judge]
Drawer   4
Pankau, Frank
Drawer   4
Pankhurst, John F.
Drawer   4
Pankonen, William
Drawer   4
Papendick, Ernestine
Drawer   4
Papendick, Frederick C.
Drawer   4
Parrish, Clarence R. [judge]
Drawer   4
Parrish, Mildred [founder of Excellence magazine]
Drawer   4
Parschke, Paul Herbert
Drawer   4
Parsons, E. B.
Drawer   4
Parton, Dolly [singer]
Drawer   4
Parton, Richard
Drawer   4
Patterson, Harry E.
Drawer   4
Patton, Ludington [industrialist]
Drawer   4
Paulson, Chris
Drawer   4
Pearl, Jack [entertainer]
Drawer   4
Peck, George W. [Wisconsin governor/Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   4
Pecore, Robert D.
Drawer   4
Peirin, Louis
Drawer   4
Peksa, Alois
Drawer   4
Pennings, Bernard H. [St. Norbert's College founder]
Drawer   4
Pereles, James Madison, [judge]
Drawer   4
Perreau, Gigi [actress]
Drawer   4
Perrin, Richard W. E. [architect]
Drawer   4
Perry, Charles B. [politician/lawyer]
Drawer   4
Peter, George
Drawer   4
Peterkin, Robert [Milwaukee Public Schools superintendent]
Drawer   4
Peterleus, Arthur W.
Drawer   4
Peterson, Donald
Drawer   4
Peterson, Harry H. (2 folders)
Drawer   4
Petit, L. J. [banker/businessman]
Drawer   4
Petsole, Roman
Drawer   7
Pett, Henry & Emily Muenchow, oversize
Drawer   4
Pfeifer, Matt
Drawer   4
Pfeil, R., Mrs.
Drawer   4
Pfister, Guido [tanner]
Drawer   4
Phelps, Fred
Drawer   4
Philipp, Emanuel L. [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   7
Philipp, Emanuel L. [Wisconsin governor], oversize
Drawer   10
Phillips, Christine Schuele, double oversize
Drawer   4
Phillips, Vel R. [politician]
Drawer   4
Pieplow, William [businessman/politician]
Drawer   4
Pierce, R. W.
Drawer   4
Pietsch, Adolph
Drawer   4
Pikofsky, Peter [socialist politician]
Drawer   4
Pinkley, R. H.
Drawer   4
Pitkow, F. W.
Drawer   4
Pitts, Elijah [football player]
Drawer   4
Pitts, Orville and Terrance [politicians]
Drawer   7
Pixley, Florence, oversize
Drawer   4
Plankinton, William Woods, Jr. [businessman/civic leader]
Drawer   4
Platz, John E.
Drawer   4
Pledle, Roy
Drawer   4
Plevak, Emily
Drawer   4
Plevak, Frank
Drawer   4
Plumb, Roger
Drawer   4
Poczeczek, Herman
Drawer   4
Podell, Penny E. [politician]
Drawer   4
Poehler, Alvin H.
Drawer   4
Poehlmann, Friedrich [baker]
Drawer   4
Poehlmann, Joseph [baker]
Drawer   4
Poetzl, Herbert
Drawer   4
Pokora, Martin
Drawer   7
Pokora, Stasia [Polish community leader], oversize
Drawer   4
Pokrandt, Walter [blacksmith]
Drawer   4
Polanis, John
Drawer   4
Pollack, Sam
Drawer   4
Polski, Felix
Drawer   4
Polzin, Arthur
Drawer   4
Poss, William
Drawer   4
Posson, Paul
Drawer   10
Posson, Paul, double oversize
Drawer   4
Post, Ida Buttles
Drawer   4
Post, Wiley [aviator]
Drawer   7
Potter, John F. [politician/lawyer], oversize
Drawer   10
Powell, Al & Annie, double oversize
Drawer   4
Powers, Kitty
Drawer   4
Pratt, Marvin E. [Milwaukee mayor/Milwaukee County Executive]
Drawer   4
Priegel, August B. [politician]
Drawer   4
Prinz, Emil [manufacturer]
Drawer   4
Prinz, Ernest [machinist]
Drawer   4
Prinz, Faustin [miller] (2 folders)
Drawer   4
Pross, Debra [firefighter]
Drawer   4
Proxmire, Ellen [event planner]
Drawer   4
Proxmire, William [politician]
Drawer   4
Pruett, Dorothy [genealogist]
Drawer   4
Pryniek, Charles & Clara
Drawer   4
Puelicher, J. A. [banker]
Drawer   4
Putnam, Aaron
Drawer   4
Quarles, Charles [lawyer]
Drawer   4
Quarles, Francis
Drawer   4
Quarles, Louis [lawyer]
Drawer   4
Quast, Carl [city planner]
Drawer   4
Que, J. F.
Drawer   4
Queenen, Mike
Drawer   4
Quirk, Charles H. [politician/lawyer]
Drawer   5
Raabe, Walter
Drawer   5
Rabuschin, Max
Drawer   5
Rademacher, William
Drawer   5
Radtke, Albert
Drawer   5
Rahill, Margaret
Drawer   5
Rahn, Irving [politician]
Drawer   5
Ramsey, A. Michael [Archbishop of Canterbury]
Drawer   5
Randa, Rudolph T. [judge]
Drawer   10
Randolph, Frank, double oversize
Drawer   5
Rankin, Judith Kurth (Mrs. Harold)
Drawer   5
Raskin, Max [Milwaukee City Attorney]
Drawer   5
Rathbun, Norma
Drawer   5
Ratzow, Elmer
Drawer   5
Ratzsch, Helen [restauranteur]
Drawer   5
Ray, Charles [publisher]
Drawer   5
Ray, Fred J.
Drawer   5
Raynor, John [Marquette University president]
Drawer   5
Read, Verne [department store president]
Drawer   5
Reagan, Ronald [U.S. president]
Drawer   5
Reedy, George [press secretary/professor]
Drawer   10
Rehberg, Louise Lawrie & William Kenneth, double oversize
Drawer   5
Reichert, Conrad K. [tobacco dealer]
Drawer   5
Reichert, Gilbert A. F.
Drawer   10
Reichman, Edward Isaac, double oversize
Drawer   5
Reiff, John [clerk]
Drawer   5
Reiner, C. E.
Drawer   5
Reinke, Wilbert
Drawer   5
Reiss, Arthur
Drawer   5
Remsko, Louis
Drawer   5
Remsko, Tony
Drawer   5
Rennebohm, Oscar A. [Wisconsin governor] (2 folders)
Drawer   5
Reuss, Henry [politician]
Drawer   5
Reuter, Charles
Drawer   5
Reynolds, F. C.
Drawer   5
Reynolds, John W. [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   10
Reynolds, John W. [Wisconsin governor], double oversize
Drawer   5
Rhodes, Pawal, Bishop
Drawer   5
Rice, Herbert C. [professor]
Drawer   5
Rich, Delia
Drawer   5
Richardson, C. D.
Drawer   5
Richardson, George, Hiram, & Elmer [printer/photographer]
Drawer   5
Richardson, Roger Vincent
Drawer   7
Richmond, Margaret, oversize
Drawer   5
Richter, Edward
Drawer   5
Richter, W. C.
Drawer   5
Ricketson, James R.
Drawer   5
Riddell, Nicholas [priest/activist]
Drawer   5
Riedeburg, Henry [manufacturer]
Drawer   5
Riedeburg, Katie
Drawer   5
Riegler, Mike
Drawer   5
Ringer, C. F.
Drawer   5
Robb, Charles [politician]
Drawer   5
Roberts, William A.
Drawer   5
Robertson, William D.
Drawer   5
Rockefeller, Nelson [politician]
Drawer   5
Rockwell, George Lincoln [politician]
Drawer   5
Rockwell, Oscar
Drawer   7
Rodzinsky, Artar [conductor], oversize
Drawer   5
Roepke, John
Drawer   5
Roepke, Otto
Drawer   5
Roesel, Victor
Drawer   5
Rogers, Fred W. [banker/manufacturer]
Drawer   5
Rogers, George
Drawer   5
Rohn, Chester
Drawer   5
Rohner, Caroline Reinhardt
Drawer   5
Roller, Elmer [judge]
Drawer   5
Romney, George [politician]
Drawer   5
Roosevelt, Eleanor [First Lady]
Drawer   5
Roosevelt, Franklin D. [U.S. president]
Drawer   7
Roosevelt, Franklin D. [U.S. president], oversize
Drawer   5
Roosevelt, Theodore [U.S. president]
Drawer   5
Rose, Bernice K. [politician]
Drawer   5
Rose, David [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   7
Rose, David [Milwaukee mayor], oversize
Drawer   5
Rose, H. S.
Drawer   7
Rosecrans, William Starke [general/politician], oversize
Drawer   5
Roseleip, Gordon W. [politician]
Drawer   5
Rosenheimer, A. L. [businessman]
Drawer   5
Rosenheimer, Joseph [businessman]
Drawer   5
Rosenheimer, Moritz [businessman]
Drawer   5
Ross, John
Drawer   5
Rost, Arthur
Drawer   5
Roth, Mildred, daughters
Drawer   5
Rounds, Charles R. [educator]
Drawer   5
Rowan, Carl T. [columnist]
Drawer   5
Roy, Charles
Drawer   5
Rozek, Frank E.
Drawer   7
Rozga, Betty, oversize
Drawer   7
Rozga, Phillip, oversize
Drawer   10
Rubin, Bessie, double oversize
Drawer   10
Rubin, Henry, double oversize
Drawer   5
Ruffing, Alex
Drawer   5
Runte, Alois
Drawer   5
Russell, Frank
Drawer   5
Russell, George H. [businessman]
Drawer   5
Russell, John K.
Drawer   5
Ruttenberg, Albert M. [architect]
Drawer   5
Ryan, Hugh
Drawer   5
Ryan, Mark [politician]
Drawer   5
Ryan, Timothy E. [politician]
Drawer   10
Rzezotarski, Darlene Wesenberg & Maria, double oversize
Drawer   5
Sager, Donald [City Librarian]
Drawer   10
Sajdak, Edward & Christine, double oversize
Drawer   5
Saloutos, Theodore [professor]
Drawer   5
Sammond, Charles E.
Drawer   5
Samson [gorilla]
Drawer   5
Samuels, Elaine, Dr.
Drawer   5
San Felippo, Ronald [Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission]
Drawer   5
Sanasarian, Harout [politician]
Drawer   5
Sandburg, Carl [author]
Drawer   5
Sass, Clarence
Drawer   5
Sawyer, Edgar P.
Drawer   5
Sawyer, W. D.
Drawer   5
Schachtschneider, Otto
Drawer   5
Schad, Charles C. [athlete/dentist]
Drawer   7
Schad, Charles C. [athlete/dentist], oversize
Drawer   5
Schafer, John C.
Drawer   5
Schallert, Fred F. [politician]
Drawer   5
Schallitz, Charles
Drawer   5
Scharl, Carl
Drawer   5
Schaul, Vincent
Drawer   5
Scheerbarth, Irving W.
Drawer   5
Scheff, Clyde
Drawer   5
Scherbarth, Paul
Drawer   5
Schermerhorn, Kenneth [MSO conductor]
Drawer   5
Scherschel, Frank J.
Drawer   5
Schessow, Otto
Drawer   5
Schiller, Jules
Drawer   5
Schimenz, Mathias [politician]
Drawer   5
Schlesinger, Ferdinand [businessman]
Drawer   5
Schloemer, Gottfried
Drawer   5
Schmidt, Charles G. [businessman]
Drawer   5
Schmidt, Ernest A.
Drawer   5
Schmidt, Frank
Drawer   5
Schmidt, Harvey
Drawer   5
Schmidt, Joseph [politician]
Drawer   5
Schmidt, LeRoy
Drawer   5
Schmidt, Raymond J.
Drawer   5
Schmit, Vincent
Drawer   5
Schmitt, Conrad
Drawer   5
Schmitz, John G. [politician]
Drawer   5
Schmitz, L. H.
Drawer   7
Schneider, C. W., oversize
Drawer   5
Schnell, Victor
Drawer   7
Schnuckel, Charles & Amanda, oversize
Drawer   5
Schoenfeld, Henry [composer]
Drawer   5
Schoenick, Alois
Drawer   5
Schoenleber Family
Drawer   5
Schoenleber, Otto J. [chocolatier]
Drawer   5
Schoette, Albert
Drawer   7
Schonoover, Roger, oversize
Drawer   5
Schott, Gracie
Drawer   5
Schrammel, George L.
Drawer   5
Schrank, John F. [attempted assassin]
Drawer   5
Schreiber, Martin E. [politician]
Drawer   5
Schreiber, Martin J. [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   5
Schroeder, Fern M. [artist]
Drawer   5
Schroeder, George A.
Drawer   5
Schroeder, H. M.
Drawer   5
Schroeder, Raymond [firefighter]
Drawer   5
Schroeder, Walter [hotel owner/philanthropist]
Drawer   7
Schroeder, William J., oversize
Drawer   5
Schuller, E.
Drawer   5
Schultz, John A. [politician]
Drawer   5
Schulz, David [Milwaukee County Executive]
Drawer   5
Schurz, Carl [Civil War general/policitian]
Drawer   7
Schurz, Carl [Civil War general/policitian], oversize
Drawer   5
Schuster Family
Drawer   7
Schuster Family, oversize
Drawer   5
Schuster, Edward & Bertha [department store owner]
Drawer   5
Schwartz, David [bookstore owner]
Drawer   5
Schwartz, Harold A.
Drawer   5
Schwamb, Daisy
Drawer   5
Scofield, Edward [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   5
Seamann, Noah [banker]
Drawer   10
Sebastian, John, double oversize [musician]
Drawer   5
Seebach, E. E. [librarian]
Drawer   5
Seefeldt, Arthur
Drawer   5
Seeger Brothers
Drawer   5
Sehaefer, Anton, children
Drawer   5
Seidel, Emil [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   10
Seidel, Emil [Milwaukee mayor], double oversize
Drawer   5
Sensenbrenner Family
Drawer   5
Seraphim, Christ [judge]
Drawer   5
Serrahn, Ruth Augusta
Drawer   5
Shackwell, E.
Drawer   5
Shambeck, Vladimir [artist]
Drawer   5
Shaughnessy, Thomas [Canadian Pacific Railway president]
Drawer   5
Sheedy, Patrick T. [judge]
Drawer   5
Sherbarth, William
Drawer   5
Sherburne, Frank S.
Drawer   5
Sherman, Samuel S. [businessman]
Drawer   5
Shimon, Anthony & Family
Drawer   5
Shinners, Joseph [Milwaukee County Sheriff]
Drawer   5
Shoemaker, General Robert M.
Drawer   5
Sickert, Otto R.
Drawer   5
Sickerts, George, Mrs.
Drawer   5
Siedow, Roy
Drawer   5
Siefert, Aug. F.
Drawer   5
Siekert, Gus
Drawer   5
Siekerts, Gertrude Neissen
Drawer   5
Simon, Emil
Drawer   5
Simon, Paul [politician]
Drawer   5
Simonson, W. J.
Drawer   5
Simpson, Ronald
Drawer   5
Simpson, W. H. [politician]
Drawer   5
Sislak, Alex
Drawer   5
Sislak, John
Drawer   5
Skibinski, Bernadette [politician]
Drawer   5
Skinner, James W. [Northwestern Mutual executive]
Drawer   5
Skrentny, Jerry
Drawer   5
Skrobis, Eva & Helen
Drawer   5
Slayton, Donald K. (Deke) [astronaut]
Drawer   5
Slethenson, Frank
Drawer   5
Smith, A. A. L. [lawyer/Wisconsin Humane Society]
Drawer   5
Smith, C. H.
Drawer   5
Smith, Edwin L. & Family
Drawer   5
Smith, Elizabeth
Drawer   5
Smith, F. C.
Drawer   5
Smith, Frederick Arthur Schmid
Drawer   5
Smith, Huron [botanist/curator]
Drawer   5
Smith, Ira B. [grocer]
Drawer   5
Smith, Joseph S.
Drawer   5
Smith, Judith L.
Drawer   5
Smith, Leathem D. [shipbuilder]
Drawer   5
Snell, Frank N. [lumber dealer]
Drawer   10
Snyder, Tom [television personality], double oversize
Drawer   5
Soref, Samuel M. [politician/Milwaukee Jewish Community Center founder]
Drawer   5
Sorensen, Robert
Drawer   5
Sorenson, Sam
Drawer   5
Sorrin, Sol [Milwaukee Jewish Council Director]
Drawer   5
Soucie, Joan [politician]
Drawer   10
Sousa, John Philip [composer/conductor], double oversize
Drawer   5
Southern, Harold
Drawer   5
Spahn, Warren [baseball player]
Drawer   5
Spangenberg, Ray
Drawer   5
Specht, Gustave
Drawer   5
Speidel, George [zoologist]
Drawer   5
Spellman, Francis [Bishop/Cardnial]
Drawer   5
Spence, Thomas W.
Drawer   5
Spooner, Philip L.
Drawer   5
Spracker, Maurice M. [politician/judge]
Drawer   5
Sprague, Joe
Drawer   7
Sprague, Joe, oversize
Drawer   5
Sprecher, Peter [brewer]
Drawer   5
Squire, John D. [banker]
Drawer   5
St. Clair, F. C.
Drawer   5
Stack, Kenneth
Drawer   5
Stahl, Hugo
Drawer   5
Stamm, William [Milwaukee Fire Chief]
Drawer   5
Stare, Frank T. [businessman]
Drawer   5
Stark, Charles G. [businessman/philanthropist]
Drawer   5
Stark, Matt J.
Drawer   5
Starr, Bart [football player]
Drawer   5
Starr, Joshua
Drawer   5
Starr, Maurice K. [Milwaukee Public director]
Drawer   5
Stassen, Harold [politician]
Drawer   5
Stawicki, Allan [teacher]
Drawer   5
Stearns, Lutie E. [librarian]
Drawer   10
Steeger, Danny, double oversize
Drawer   5
Steffan, Frederick
Drawer   5
Stehle, J. G. E. [composer]
Drawer   5
Steib, Ben
Drawer   5
Steiger, William [politician]
Drawer   10
Steil, William [botanist/professor], double oversize
Drawer   5
Stein, Walter [businessman]
Drawer   5
Steinhagen, Rudolph A. [politician]
Drawer   5
Steinkellner, Peter [Milwaukee Fire Chief]
Drawer   5
Steinmeyer, William [grocer]
Drawer   5
Stellman, Arthur
Drawer   5
Stengel, Edward [judge]
Drawer   7
Stephenson, Ann Marie, oversize
Drawer   5
Stern, Clement B.
Drawer   5
Stern, Erich C. [politician]
Drawer   5
Stern, Erich C. & Julia
Drawer   5
Stern, Lucia [artist]
Drawer   5
Stevens, Bruce J.
Drawer   5
Stewart, William L. [real estate businessman]
Drawer   5
Stier, Robert [firefighter]
Drawer   5
Stilcke, Ernestine
Drawer   5
Stoecker, Henry (Abbot)
Drawer   5
Stokke, Edgar
Drawer   5
Stokowski, Leopold [conductor]
Drawer   5
Stollenwerk, Frank
Drawer   5
Stolper, John A.
Drawer   5
Stoltenberg, Hans J. [painter]
Drawer   5
Stolz, Joseph [businessman]
Drawer   5
Stone, Nat [businessman]
Drawer   5
Stover, Frances [art critic]
Drawer   5
Strack, Otto [architect]
Drawer   5
Straelitzer, Carl
Drawer   5
Stratton, F. A., Dr.
Drawer   5
Stratton, H. M. [Briggs & Stratton co-founder]
Drawer   5
Strauss, Deborah [Miss Wisconsin]
Drawer   5
Strehlow, August W. [politcian]
Drawer   5
Strelka, John
Drawer   5
Stritch, Samuel A., Cardinal
Drawer   5
Strnad, Ben
Drawer   5
Strohmeyer, George W. [hotel owner]
Drawer   5
Stroinski, John
Drawer   7
Strothmann, Charlotte A., oversize
Drawer   10
Strothmann, Philipp [tavern owner], double oversize
Drawer   5
Strothmann, Wilhelm [early settler]
Drawer   7
Strothmann, Wilhelm [early settler], oversize
Drawer   5
Strube, Clarence
Drawer   5
Stude, Ted F. [politician]
Drawer   5
Stuenkel, Walter W. [Concordian University president]
Drawer   10
Stumpf, Henry, double oversize
Drawer   5
Sturm, Herman
Drawer   5
Stys, Harry L., Sr.
Drawer   5
Sulkowski, Robert [politician]
Drawer   5
Sullivan, W. J.
Drawer   5
Summers, Robert
Drawer   5
Suppan, Adolph [UWM dean]
Drawer   5
Surles, William H.
Drawer   5
Survell, Anthony B.
Drawer   5
Swarthout, Gladys [opera singer]
Drawer   5
Swartzell, Randall W.
Drawer   5
Swoboda, William [Racine mayor]
Drawer   5
Taft, Robert A. [politician]
Drawer   5
Talbert, Lena
Drawer   5
Tallmadge, John J. [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   5
Tallmadge, Samuel W. [grain broker]
Drawer   10
Tappen, Neil [anthropologist/professor], double oversize
Drawer   5
Taylor, A. R. [Milwaukee Grain and Stock Exchange president]
Drawer   5
Taylor, Bill [television anchor]
Drawer   7
Taylor, Edward, oversize
Drawer   5
Teckel, Louis
Drawer   5
Tector, Albert J., Dr.
Drawer   5
Tegtmeyer, Archie [jeweler]
Drawer   5
Tell, Richard P. [businessman]
Drawer   5
Templeton, A. R. [Milwaukee Grain and Stock Exchange president] (2 folders)
Drawer   5
Terry, Evelyn [artist]
Drawer   5
Tesch, Frank [businessman]
Drawer   5
Teske, Emily
Drawer   5
Theebau, Josephat
Drawer   5
Thelen, John
Drawer   5
Thill, Lewis D. [politician]
Drawer   5
Thomas, Flora B.
Drawer   5
Thomas, John M. [businessman]
Drawer   5
Thomas, Norman [minister/socialist leader]
Drawer   7
Thomas, Norman [minister/socialist leader], oversize
Drawer   5
Thompson, Stormy, S. [politician]
Drawer   5
Thompson, Thomas "Tommy" [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   5
Thomson, Vernon W. [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   5
Thron, Rose
Drawer   5
Thron, William
Drawer   5
Throne, Isabell
Drawer   5
Thuman, John
Drawer   5
Tiefenthaler, Leo [librarian/secretary]
Drawer   5
Tillema, Clara
Drawer   5
Tillema, James
Drawer   5
Tillema, Myrtle M. [banker]
Drawer   5
Timm, Barbara
Drawer   5
Timmerman, Don [priest/peace activist]
Drawer   5
Timmerman, Fred
Drawer   5
Timmerman, Lawrence [politician/lawyer]
Drawer   5
Tinkham, C. O.
Drawer   5
Togstad, Karen
Drawer   7
Tolan, T. L., Jr. & Kathleen, Thomas, oversize
Drawer   5
Tomczyk, Anton F. [politician]
Drawer   5
Tomkiewicz, J. W. S. [drug store owner]
Drawer   5
Topps, Barbara
Drawer   5
Toran, Martha [activist, business woman]
Drawer   5
Townsend, Hamilton [businessman/early settler]
Drawer   5
Toy, Ronald [restauranteur]
Drawer   5
Trast, Mrs.
Drawer   5
Trost, Adam [inn keeper/saloon owner]
Drawer   5
Trostel, Gustav [tanner]
Drawer   7
Trowbridge, Emily Childs, oversize
Drawer   7
Trowbridge, William [surveyor], oversize
Drawer   5
Truman, Harry S. [U.S. president]
Drawer   5
Trump, Donald J. [U.S. president]
Drawer   5
Trupke, George
Drawer   5
Truss, Mrs. J.
Drawer   5
Tubbs, James
Drawer   5
Tung, Ling [violinist/conductor]
Drawer   5
Turnill, Mary
Drawer   5
Turzynski, Anthony
Drawer   5
Tuttrup, Christian [tax assessor]
Drawer   5
Tyler, Jean B. [Public Policy Forum director]
Drawer   5
Tylinski, John A.
Drawer   5
Tylinski, Raymond S.
Drawer   5
Uecker, Bob [baseball player/broadcaster]
Drawer   5
Uihlein, Alfred [brewer]
Drawer   5
Uihlein, August [brewer] (2 folders)
Drawer   5
Uihlein, Emily
Drawer   5
Uihlein, Erwin [brewer]
Drawer   5
Uihlein, Henry [brewer]
Drawer   5
Uihlein, Joseph E., Sr. [brewer/banker]
Drawer   5
Uihlein, Paula [patron of the arts]
Drawer   5
Uihlein, Robert Augustus
Drawer   5
Uihlein, Thekla W.
Drawer   5
Ulichny, Barbara [politician]
Drawer   5
Ulrich, Claire
Drawer   5
Ulrich, Lillie
Drawer   5
Unterweger, Joseph
Drawer   5
Upham, William H. [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   5
Urban, Violet
Drawer   5
Vaeth, Mrs.
Drawer   5
Van Antwerpen, Arthur J.
Drawer   5
Van Dyke, Arthur
Drawer   5
Van Dyke, John H. [lawyer] (2 folders)
Drawer   5
Van Hise, Charles R. [geologist/University of Wisconsin president]
Drawer   5
Van Toor, Lucas A. [Milwaukee Fire Chief]
Drawer   5
Van Uxem, Abe [politician]
Drawer   5
Van Uxem, Peter
Drawer   5
Van Zimmerman, Ralph
Drawer   5
Vance, David [shipmaster/politician]
Drawer   5
Vance, Frank L. [businessman]
Drawer   5
Vann, Joseph [baker]
Drawer   5
Velier, Edward
Drawer   5
Verburgt, Peter
Drawer   5
Vidito, Warren
Drawer   5
Vieau, Peter J. [early settler]
Drawer   5
Vilas, Edward Perrin [lawyer]
Drawer   5
Vilter, Theodore O. [businessman] (2 folders)
Drawer   5
Vizay, Lillian [dancer]
Drawer   5
Vogel, William B. [businessman]
Drawer   5
Vogt, Gregory L. [Discovery World director]
Drawer   5
Voight, Irene & Bessie
Drawer   5
Voight, Jon [actor]
Drawer   5
Volk, Frank
Drawer   10
Volkmann, Jewel & Ralph, double oversize
Drawer   5
Von Bank, Julius O. [barber]
Drawer   5
Von Neumann, Robert [artist]
Drawer   5
Von Schleinitz, René [businessman]
Drawer   10
Vonier, Sprague & Mary-Jo (Maurina) [television executive/reporter], double oversize
Drawer   7
Vonier, Sprague & Mary-Jo (Maurina), oversize
Drawer   5
Voss, Betty L. [politician]
Drawer   5
Votapek, Ralph [pianist]
Drawer   10
Wagen, Jacob & Rieka, double oversize
Drawer   6
Wagner, Richard G.
Drawer   6
Walker, George H. [Milwaukee mayor] (2 folders)
Drawer   6
Walker, Isaac P. [politician]
Drawer   6
Wall, Edward C.
Drawer   6
Wallace, George C. [politician]
Drawer   6
Wallber, Emil [Milwaukee mayor]
Drawer   6
Wallner, George
Drawer   6
Wallner, Jody
Drawer   6
Wallner, Martin
Drawer   6
Walsh, Frank A.
Drawer   6
Walsh, Tom
Drawer   6
Wappenschmidt, Henry
Drawer   6
Waraska, Joseph
Drawer   6
Warfield, William
Drawer   6
Warren, Robert [politician/judge]
Drawer   6
Watrous, Jerome A.
Drawer   6
Watson, F. R. [professor]
Drawer   6
Watson, James Samuel
Drawer   6
Watts, George
Drawer   6
Weakland, Rembert
Drawer   6
Weber, Bernhard (Bernie) & Regina
Drawer   6
Weber, Frank
Drawer   6
Weber, Henry [restaurateur/politician]
Drawer   6
Weber, Robert
Drawer   6
Wedemeyer, Ted E.
Drawer   6
Weeks, Lemuel Willis
Drawer   6
Wehr, C. Frederick (Tod)
Drawer   6
Weil, Alexander
Drawer   6
Weil, Charles B.
Drawer   6
Weiland, Walter
Drawer   6
Weiler, Sigmond George
Drawer   6
Weinberg, Julius
Drawer   6
Weisinger, Ernestine
Drawer   6
Weiss, A.
Drawer   6
Weiss, Herman
Drawer   6
Wells, Daniel, Jr. [politician] (2 folders)
Drawer   6
Wendorf, Edward
Drawer   6
Wendorf, Emmett Hugo
Drawer   6
Wendt, William H. [Milwaukee City Comptroller]
Drawer   6
Wentworth, R. B. (2 folders)
Drawer   6
Werner, Joseph J.
Drawer   6
Werwath, Karl O.
Drawer   6
Wesley, Charles I.
Drawer   6
West, George A.
Drawer   6
Westenberger, Ed, Mrs.
Drawer   6
Westmoreland, R. E.
Drawer   6
Wettstein, Theodor
Drawer   6
Wheeler Wilcox, Ella [author]
Drawer   6
White, Jack
Drawer   6
White, Roger
Drawer   6
Whiteside, William
Drawer   6
Whittow, George W.
Drawer   6
Whittow, Wayne F.
Drawer   6
Wilbracht, Richard D.
Drawer   6
Wilbur, Edward A.
Drawer   6
Wilbur, F. P.
Drawer   6
Wiley, Alexander [politician] (2 folders)
Drawer   6
Wilkins, Diane
Drawer   6
Williams, Annette Polly [politician]
Drawer   6
Williams, C. A.
Drawer   6
Williams, Carolyn
Drawer   6
Williams, O. W.
Drawer   6
Willich, August
Drawer   6
Wilson, George
Drawer   7
Wilson, Joseph B. & Family, oversize
Drawer   6
Wininger, Leo
Drawer   6
Winkler, Frederick C.
Drawer   6
Winkler, Henry [actor]
Drawer   6
Winter, Elmer
Drawer   6
Wirkus, Faustin
Drawer   6
Wirth, Adolph L.
Drawer   6
Witte, Rudolph
Drawer   6
Woehrer, Eugene
Drawer   6
Wolf, Charles
Drawer   6
Wolf, W. H.
Drawer   6
Wolke, Michael S.
Drawer   6
Wood, Prudence C.
Drawer   6
Woods, Lillian
Drawer   6
Wright, E. Purdon
Drawer   6
Wright, Frank Lloyd [architect]
Drawer   6
Wright, J. E.
Drawer   6
Wright, Miss
Drawer   6
Wright, Mrs.
Drawer   6
Wright, William
Drawer   6
Wright, William Henry
Drawer   6
Wrightson, Earl
Drawer   10
Wussow, Elsie & Clarence, double oversize
Drawer   6
Wynn, Ed
Drawer   6
Wyrembek, Theodore & Family
Drawer   6
Yahr, Eugene F. [businessman]
Drawer   6
York, Stanley [politician]
Drawer   6
Young, George W. [lawyer]
Drawer   6
Young, Helen, Dr.
Drawer   6
Young, William
Drawer   6
Yount, Robin [baseball player]
Drawer   6
Zabel, Winfred C. [politician]
Drawer   6
Zablocki, Clement J. [politician]
Drawer   11
Zablocki, Clement J. [politician], double oversize
Drawer   7
Zablocki, Clement J. [politician], oversize
Drawer   6
Zaicheck, Albert
Drawer   7
Zanca, John, oversize
Drawer   6
Zancanaro, John [labor & civic leader]
Drawer   6
Zartnir, Anton
Drawer   6
Zastrow, William H.
Drawer   6
Zaumeyer, Chas
Drawer   6
Zaun, Max J.
Drawer   6
Zechel, Walter [firefighter]
Drawer   6
Zeidler, Carl F. [Milwaukee mayor] (31 folders)
Drawer   11
Zeidler, Carl F. [Milwaukee mayor], double oversize
Drawer   7
Zeidler, Carl F. [Milwaukee mayor], oversize (3 folders)
Drawer   6
Zeidler, Frank P. [Milwaukee mayor] (29 folders)
Drawer   11
Zeidler, Frank P. [Milwaukee mayor], double oversize
Drawer   7
Zeidler, Frank P. [Milwaukee mayor], oversize
Drawer   6
Zeidler, Michael W. [barber]
Drawer   6
Zeiger, Jacob & Family
Drawer   7
Zeiger, Lena, oversize
Drawer   6
Ziarnik, Robert J. [Milwaukee Chief of Police]
Drawer   6
Ziegler, Frank P. [businessman]
Drawer   6
Zien, Burt [businessman]
Drawer   6
Zillman, Erwin F. [politician]
Drawer   6
Zimmer, Joseph
Drawer   6
Zimmerman, Fred R. [Wisconsin governor]
Drawer   6
Zimmerman, G. J.
Drawer   6
Zimmermann, Carl [anchorman]
Drawer   6
Zimmermann, Joe
Drawer   6
Zink, William
Drawer   6
Zinn, Albert [brewer]
Drawer   6
Zinn, Edward H. [engineer/politician]
Drawer   6
Ziolkowski, Daniel J. [politician]
Drawer   6
Zoehrlaut, Edward [businessman/chemist]
Drawer   6
Zwetz, Herman [salesman]