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THE EAGLE.Marinette, Wisconsin, Oct. 14th, 1871.
Marinette Lodge, F. & A. M.
Regular meetings of this lodge are held in their Lodge
room in Bentley's Block, on the first and third Thursdays of each month.
Marinette Church Directory.
Presbyterian--Rev. A. J. BUELL, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 10 1/2 A.M., and 7 1/2 P.M. Methodist Episcopal--Rev. THOMAS WALKER, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 10 1/2 A.M., and 7 1/2 P.M. Catholic--Rev. P. PERNIN, Priest. Regular service once in each Sabbath, alternating at 10 A.M., and 4 P.M. Republican Convention.
A Republican Convention, composed of two delegates
from each town and ward will be held at the Court House at Oconto, on
Tuesday, October 24th, at 2 P.M. for the purpose
of nominating county officers and any candidates for the Assembly to
be elected at the next General election.
Our Home Budget.The exact number who perished in the fire is impossible as yet to be ascertained. One Hundred and Eleven bodies have already been buried at Peshtigo village, and from what is known of the situation it is expected that many more will be found in the groves that skirt the site of the town, and many bodies will yet be found in the pond when the water is drawn off. We think it is a safe estimate to place the number who perished at Peshtigo village at 175. Eighty lost their lives in the Upper Bush, fifty in the Middle Bush, and fully 200 in the Lower Bush. We have labored hard all the week to get the names of the lost and to get at
the number as nearly as possible, and we think that our estimate, (for
nothing but an approximate estimate can yet be made) will not be very
far out of the way. We would to God it could be made reasonably smaller,
for such a fearful slaughter of people we never before heard of in this
country. Like the destruction of the host of Schenacharib,
God pity the helpless stricken ones who are left to fight the battle of life alone, bereft of home, kindred and all the heart holds near and dear. From the embers of ruined hope, may the germs of virtuous industry spring, while nature in tears, weeping over the blackened funeral pile, shall pleat, as the seasons come and go, fresh roses of Spring o'er the ashes of the dead. Thank God! even this dire calamity is not without its valuable lessons. Amid the corruptions of society and the callous selfishness of humanity, the good there is in human nature is strikingly apparent in a disaster like this. Car-load after car-load of provisions, clothing, sanitary supplies and medical supplies are pouring in, and after the first few days of suffering from want there will be plenty to relieve the sufferings of the homeless. It is positively refreshing to see the laudable strife and kind emulation with which the good people outside, in various localities, seek to relieve us. "Oh the music of hearts, that are taught
to beat time, ![]() The noble and self sacrificing efforts of Dr. G. L. BRUNSCHWEILER, of Appleton, are worthy of all praise. Happening at Menominee on the night of the fire, he came to Marinette the next day, and, in company with Dr. JONES of this place, has devoted his entire time, energies and splendid medical skill since, to the alleviation of the terrible distress. Without reward, or hope of reward, save that which the consciousness of a virtuous action carries with it, his untiring and efficient efforts have been positively heroic. Years hence, when nature has carpeted the site of this dire destruction with fresh grasses and sweet flowers, and every material trace of this horrid disaster is obliterated, the memory of G. L. BRUNSCHWEILER will remain embalmed in the hearts of a grateful people. God bless him, and may his future life be as peaceful and happy as his present hours are full of benevolent heroism. ![]() Gen. James K. Proudfit, General Agent of the Madison Mutual Insurance Company is in town looking after the interests of the Company in this region, and represents that the Mutual is fully prepared to meet all its losses. He is collecting proof, and as fast as losses can be definitely ascertained they will be promptly adjusted and paid. Those who have losses and are insured in this company, can direct their communications during next week, to "James K. Proudfit, Gen'l Ag't Madison Mutual, Beaumont House, Green Bay Wis.," after that direct to Madison. This company, not being affected by the heavy disasters in Chicago and other cities, is reliable and sound. ![]() Glorious News!--Every cloud is said to have its silver lining. The dark cloud that has enveloped us here, has displayed its silver lining already. Mr. THOMAS H. BEEBE of Chicago is here, and brings the cheering intelligence, backed by the statement of Hon. WM. B. OGDEN, that PESHTIGO IS TO BE RE-BUILT as fast as money and men can accomplish it! Mr. OGDEN is expected at Peshtigo harbor to-day. ![]() Messrs. Hauser and Hamilton from Fond du Lac, L. E. Reed from Ripon, Mr. Miller of the Post from Appleton, and Dr.s Thompson and Childs from Milwaukee, arrived yesterday with a large quantity of supplies from their respective cities, which came in a most needy and welcome time. Mayor Smith of Oconto brought these gentlemen from his place through Peshtigo ashes and the burnt region of the Sugar Bush. They say they have heard no reports exaggerated; that the desolation is beyond description. The suffering people through this section will ever thank those people for their quick and generous response to their wants. ![]() Hon. I. Stephenson informs us that the Peshtigo Company are busy purchasing teams, oxen, horses, etc., to replace those that were consumed at the late fire: that he has already bought five teams, several wagons and sleds, five setts of harness and that fifty million feet of logs will be put in by the company this winter. Employment for all who want to work will be furnished, at liberal wages. |