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(voyage icon)1835

Pictograph B, Plate 61, is interpreted thus:--This is a symbolic representation of the concurrence of certain of the Chippewas of Trout Lake, on the sources of Chippewa River, Wisconsin, in the object.

Number 1 represents the (Chief Kenisteno, or the Cree, of the totem of the brant. O-tuk-um-i-pe-nai-see (Number 2) is his son.

Pa-na-shee (Number 3) is a warrior of the totem or clan of the Long-tailed Bear. This is a mythological creation of the Chippewas, by whom it is believed that such an animal has a subterranean existence; that he is sometimes seen above ground; and that his tail, the peculiar feature in which he differs from the northern black bear, is formed of copper, or some bright metal.

Number 4. This is a warrior of the Catfish totem, of the particular species denoted Ma-no-maig. The name is Wa-gi-má-we-gwun, meaning, He of the chief-feather.

Number 5. Ok-wa-gon, or the neck, a warrior of the Sturgeon totem.

Number 6. O-je-tshaug, a warrior of the totem of the species of spring duck called Ah-ah-wai by the natives, which is believed to be identical with the garrulous coast duck called Oldwives by sailors.1

Numbers 7, 8, 9. Warriors of the clan of the fabulous Long-tailed Bear, who are named, in their order, Wa-gi-ma-wash, or would-be-chief, Ka-be-tau-wash, or Mover-in-a-circle, and Sha-tai-mo, or Pelican's excrement.

Number 10. Ka-we-tau-be-tung, of the totem of the Awasees, or Catfish.

Number 11. O-ta-gau-me, or the Fox Indian, of the Bear totem; and Ah-ah-wai, or the first spring duck of the Loon totem,--all warriors.

1 It is believed to be doubtful whether the Ah-ah-wai should not be classified with the totem of the Loon.