No. of Book. |
AIR. Flammarion, C. The atmosphere. | 49 |
ALMANAC, American. Spofford. A. R. American almanac and treasury of facts, statistical, financial and political. 1880. | 94 |
ANTIQUITIES. Anthon, C. A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. | 16 |
ARCHITECTURE. Ferguson, Jas. History of architecture in all countries. | 102-103 |
ARCTIC regions. Hartwig, Dr. G. The polar and tropical worlds. | 51 |
ATLAS. Black, A. and C. General atlas of the world. 1873. | 77 |
--- Bryce, Jas. Student's atlas of physical geography. | 83 |
--- Lyman, A. S. Historical chart. | 75 |
--- Key to above. | 76 |
--- Mitchell, S. A. New general atlas of the world. 1883. | 98 |
--- Walker, F. A. Statistical atlas of the United States. 1874. | 78 |
--- Walling H. F. Atlas of the state of Wisconsin. | 79 |
AUTHORS. Allibone, S. A. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors. | 95-97 |
BIOGRAPHY. Thomas, J. Lippincott's universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. | 4 |
CATALOGUE of the Milwaukee public library. 1881. | 93 |
--- Hewins, C. M. Books for the young. | 110 |
CYCLOPEDIA Britannica. Encyclopedia. 1875-1883. | 52-67 |
--- Chambers, W. and R. Encyclopedia. 1872. | 5-14 |
--- Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopedia of American literature. | 42-43 |
--- Kiddle, H., and Schem, A. J. The cyclopedia of education. | 81 |
--- Lossing, B. J. Harper's popular cyclopedia of United States history. | 85-86 |
--- Schermerhorn, J. W. and Company. The American educational cyclopedia. | 108 |
DICTIONARIES. Allibone, S. A. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors. | 95-97 |
--- Anthon, C. A classical dictionary. | 17 |
--- A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. | 16 |
--- Brande, W. T. A dictionary of science, literature and art. | 18 |
--- Brewer E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable. | 24 |
--- Grieb, C. F. Dictionary of the English and German languages. | 40-41 |
--- Johnson, S. A dictionary of the English language. | 16 |
--- Liddell and Scott. Abridged Greek-English lexicon. | 9 |
--- Masson, G. A compendious French-English and English-French dictionary. | 28 |
--- Neuman and Baretti. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. | 20-21 |
--- Souls, R. A dictionary of English synonymes. | 82 |
--- Thomas, J. Lippincott's universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. | 4 |
--- Ure, A. A dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines. | 22-23 |
--- Webster, N. An American dictionary of the English language. | 1 |
--- White, J. T. A complete Latin-English and English-Latin dictionary. | 25 |
--- Worcester J. E. A dictionary of the English language. | 2 |
DIRECTORY. Steiger, E. Educational directory. [1878.] | 106 |
EDUCATION. Barnard, H. National education Systems, institutions and statistics of public instruction in different countries. | 100-101 |
--- Kiddie, H. and Schem, A. J. The cyclopaedia of education. | 81 |
--- Year-book of education. [1878.] | 107 |
--- Smith, W. B. Educational year book. [1873.] | 109 |
--- Steiger, E. Educational Directory. [1878.] | 106 |
ETHNOGRAPHY. Brown, R. The races of mankind. | 44-45 |
GAZETTEER. Thomas, J. and Baldwin, T. Lippincott's complete pronouncing gazetteer of the world. 1874. | 3 |
GEOGRAPHY. Brun, M. Malte. A system of universal geography. | 30-32 |
--- Johnson, K. A physical, historical, political and descriptive geography. | 105 |
--- Thomas, J. and Baldwin, T. Lippincott's complete pronouncing gazetteer of the world. 1874. | 3 |
GOVERNMENT and politics. Martin, F. The statesman's yearbook. 1876. | 29 |
--- Spofford, A. R. American almanac and treasury of facts, statistical, financial, and political. 1880. | 94 |
HANDBOOK. Brewer, E. C. The reader's handbook. | 80 |
HISTORY. Bryant, W. C. and Gay, S. H. A popular history of the United States. | 36-39 |
--- Ferguson J. History of architecture in all countries. | 102-103 |
--- Lossing, B. J. Harper's popular cyclopedia of United States History. | 85-86 |
--- Pictorial field-book of the revolution. | 34-35 |
--- Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812. | 33 |
--- Western historical company. History of Milwaukee, Wis. | 99 |
--- Young, A. W. The American statesman. A political history of the United States. | 19 |
LAWS of Wisconsin, the. 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882. | 89-92 |
LITERATURE. Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopedia of American Literature. | 42-43 |
MILWAUKEE common council. Proceedings for the year 1882. | 88 |
MYTHOLOGY, Anthon, C. A classical dictionary. | 17 |
--- Thomas, J. Lippincott's universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. | 4 |
NATURAL history. Wood, J. G. Illustrated natural history. | 46-48 |
PHRASE and fable. Brewer, E. G. Dictionary of phrase and fable. | 24 |
PHYSICAL geography. Bryce, J. Student's atlas of physical geography. | 83 |
QUOTATIONS, Bartlett, J. Familiar quotations. | 27 |
SCHOOL law. Burke. F. A treatise on the law of public schools. | 104 |
--- Whitford, W. C., compiler. Laws of Wisconsin relating to common schools, including free high schools, normal schools and the university. | 87 |
SYNONYMES. Crabb G. English synonymes explained. | 84 |
--- Soule, R. A dictionary of English synonymes. | 82 |
TROPICAL regions. Hartwig, Dr. G. The polar and tropical worlds. | 51 |
UNIVERSE, the. Pouchet, F. A. | 50 |
YEAR-BOOK. Kiddle, H. and Schem, A. J. Year-book of education. [1878.] | 107 |
--- Martin, Fred. The statesman's year-book. [1876.] | 29 |
--- Smith, W. B. The educational yearbook. [1873.] | 109 |
Composition, Criticism, Grammar and Orthoepy.
No. of Book. |
ABBOTT, E. A. and Seeley, J. R. English lessons for English people. | 1 |
ALFORD, H. A plea for the queen's English. | 2 |
AYRES, A. The orthoepist. | 3 |
--- The verbalist. | 4 |
CAMPBELL, L. J. Handbook of English synonyms. | 5 |
FALLOWS, S. A complete handbook of synonyms and antonyms. | 6 |
FOWLER, W. C. English grammar. | 7 |
HELFENSTEIN, J. A comparative grammar of the Teutonic languages. | 8 |
HODGSON, W. B. Errors in the use of English. | 9 |
KAIME, H. H., Lord. Elements of criticism. | 10-11 |
MOON, G. W. The Dean's English. | 12 |
MORRIS, R. Elementary lessons in historical English grammar. | 13 |
--- English grammar. | 14 |
--- Historical outlines of English accidence. | 15 |
PEABODY, A. P. Conversation, its faults and its graces. | 16 |
ROGET, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. | 19 |
TANCOCK, O. W. The English grammar and reading book. | 18 |
TRENCH, R. C. On the study of words. | 19 |
VERE, S. De. Americanisms. | 20 |
WHITE, R. G. Every-day English. | 21 |
--- Words and their uses, past and present. | 22 |
WILSON, J. A treatise on English punctuation. | 23 |
History, Philosophy, and Study of Language and Literature.
No. of Book. |
CARPENTER, S. H. English of the XIVth century. | 24 |
CRAIK, G. L. A compendious history of English literature and of the English language. | 25-26 |
GILMAN, A. First steps in English literature. | 27 |
GOSTWICK, G. and Harrison, R. Outlines of German literature. | 28 |
MARCEL, M. Language as a means of mental culture and international communication. | 29-30 |
--- The study of languages brought back to its true principles. | 31 |
MARSH, G. P. Origin and history of the English language and of the early literature it embodies. | 32 |
SHAW, T. B. A complete manual of English literature. | 33 |
SHEPHERD, H. E. A history of the English language from the Teutonic invasion of Britain to the close of the Georgian era. | 34 |
TAYLOR, B. Studies in German literature. | 35 |
TAYLOR, I. Words and places. | 36 |
WHITNEY, W. D. Language and the study of language. | 37 |
--- Life and growth of language. | 38 |
No. of Book. |
CORSON, H. A handbook of Anglo-Saxon and early English. | 39 |
LANGLEY, W. The vision of William concerning Piers the plowman. | 40 |
MATTHEWS, J. B., compiler. Poems of American patriotism. | 41 |
MORRIS, R. and Skeat, W. W. Specimens of early English. | 42 |
POMEROY, M. S. Songs of the heart. | 43 |
POTTER, H. L. D. A manual of reading. | 44 |
SCOONES, W. B. Four centuries of English letters. | 45 |
SHAKESPEARE, W. The merchant of Venice. | 46 |
--- The tempest. 47 |
--- The tragedy of King Richard II. 48 |
Adventure and Exploration.
No. of Book. |
BUTTERFIELD, C. W. History of the discovery of the Northwest by John Nicolet in 1634, with a sketch of his life. | 1 |
FROST, T. Half-hours with the early explorers. | 2 |
HIGGINSON, T. W. A book of American explorers. | 45 |
JONES, C. H. A history of exploration and adventure as given in the leading authorities from Herodotus to Livingstone. | 3 |
VERNE. J. Famous travels and travelers. | 4 |
--- The great navigators of the eighteenth century. | 5 |
Geography and Travel.
No. of Book. |
ATKINSON, F. W. Oriental and western Siberia. | 6 |
--- Travels in the regions of the upper and lower Amoor and the Russian acquisitions on the confines of India and China. | 7 |
BROWN, R. The countries of tile world. | 8-13 |
BUTTERWORTH, H. Zigzag journeys in Europe. | 14 |
--- Zigzag journeys in classic lands. | 15 |
--- Zigzag journeys in the Occident. | 16 |
--- Zigzag Journeys in the Orient. | 17 |
DARWIN, Sir Charles. What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage around the world in the ship Beagle. | 18 |
FIELD, H. M. From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. | 19 |
--- From Egypt to Japan. | 20 |
GROVE, G. Geography. History primer. | 21 |
HALE, E. E. and S. A. A family flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland. | 22 |
HALL, M. L. Our world. No. II. | 23 |
INGERSOLL, E. Knocking 'round the Rockies. | 24 |
KNOX, T. W. The boy travelers in the Far East. Japan and China. | 25 |
--- The same. Siam and Java. | 26 |
--- The same. Ceylon and India. | 27 |
--- The same. Egypt and the Holy Land. | 28 |
The young Nimrods in North America. | 29 |
McCABE, J. D. Our young folks abroad. | 30 |
MYERS, P. V. N. Remains of lost empires. | 31 |
NEVIUS, J. L. China and the Chinese. | 32 |
NORDHOFF, C. Northern California, Oregon and the Sandwich Islands. | 33 |
ORTON, J. The Andes and the Amazon. | 34 |
TAYLOR, B. Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874. | 35 |
--- editor. Illustrated library of travel, exploration and adventure. Japan in our day. | 36 |
--- The same. Siam, the land of the white elephant, as it was and is. | 46 |
--- The same. The lake region of central Africa. | 37 |
--- The same. Travels in Arabia. | 38 |
--- The same. Travels in South Africa. | 39 |
--- The same. Wild men and wild beasts, or, scenes in camp and jungle. | 40 |
--- The same. Wonders of the Yellowstone. | 47 |
THOMSON, J. The straits of Malacca, lndo-China and China. | 41 |
VAMBERY, A. Travels in central Asia. | 42 |
WALLACE, A. R. The Malay archipelago. | 43 |
WILSON, A. The abode of snow. | 44 |
No. of Book. |
ALDEN, J. The science of government in connection with American institutions. | 1 |
ANDREWS, I. W. Manual of the constitution of the United States. | 2 |
ARNOLD, T. Introductory lessons on modern history. | 3 |
BANCROFT, G. History of the United States of America from the discovery of the continent. | 4-9 |
BONNER, J. A child's history of the United States. | 10-12 |
BUCK, J. S. Pioneer history of Milwaukee. | 13-14 |
BULFINCH, T. The age of chivalry. | 15 |
BUTLER, A. B., editor. Centennial records of the women of Wisconsin. | 16 |
BUTTERWORTH, H. Young folks' history of Boston. | 17 |
COFFIN, C. C. Building the nation. | 18 |
--- Old times in the colonies. | 19 |
--- The boys of '76. | 20 |
COX, G. W. A general history of Greece from the earliest period to the death of Alexander the Great, with a sketch of the subsequent history to the present time. | 21 |
DOYLE, J. A. History of the united States. Freeman's historical course for schools. | 22 |
DRAKE, S. A. Nooks and corners of the New England coast. | 23 |
DRAPER, J. W. History of the intellectual development of Europe. | 24-25 |
EATON, D. B. Civil service in Great Britain. A history of abuses and reforms and their bearing upon American politics. | 26 |
FAWCETT, M. G. Tales in political economy. | 27 |
FOSTER, J. W. Prehistoric races of the United States. | 28 |
FREEMAN, E. A. Comparative politics. | 29 |
GIBBON, E. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire, abridged. | 30 |
GREEN, J. R. A short history of the English people. | 31 |
--- History of the English people. | 32-35 |
GROTE, G. History of Greece. | 36-47 |
HALLAM, H. The constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. | 48 |
--- View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. | 49 |
HARPER and brothers, publishers. A history of France from the earliest times to to the establishment of the second empire in 1852. | 50 |
HOLST, H. von. Constitutional and political history of the United States. | 51-53 |
HUME, D. A history of England from the earliest times to the revolution in 1688. | 83 |
JOHNSTON, A. History of American politics. | 54 |
KINGSLEY, C. The heroes, or Greek fairy tales for my children. | 55 |
LIDDELL, H. G. A history of Rome from the earliest times to the establishment of the empire. | 56 |
LIEBER, F. On civil liberty and self-government. | 57 |
LODGE, H. C. A short history of the English colonies in America. | 58 |
LOSSING, B. J. The story of the United States navy (for boys). | 59 |
MERIVALE, C. A general history of Rome from the foundation of the city to the fall of Augustus. B.C 753-A.D 476. | 60 |
MILL, J. S. Considerations On a representative government. | 84 |
MOMMSEN, T. The history of Rome. | 85-88 |
MURRAY, A. S. Manual of mythology. | 89 |
NORDHOFF, C. Politics for Young Americans. | 61 |
OBER, F. A. Young folks' history of Mexico. | 62 |
PARKMAN, F. France and England in North America. | 63-67 |
--- The conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada. | 68-69 |
--- The Oregon trail. Sketches of prairie and Rocky mountain life. | 70 |
RANDALL, T. E. History of the Chippewa valley. | 71 |
SCOTT, E. G. The development of constitutional liberty in the English colonies of America. | 72 |
SMITH, P. The ancient history of the East from the earliest times to the conquest by Alexander the Great. | 73 |
SMITH, W. A history of Greece from the earliest times to the Roman conquest. | 74 |
STERNE, S. Constitutional history and political development of the United States. | 75 |
STICKNEY, A. A true republic. | 76 |
STRICKLAND, A. Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest. | 77 |
TOCQUEVILLE, A. De. American institutions and their influence. | 78 |
TROTTER, L. J. History of India. | 79 |
TUTTLE, C. R. An illustrated history of the state of Wisconsin. | 80 |
WINSOR, J. The reader's handbook of the American revolution. | 81 |
WOOLSEY, T. D. and others. The first century of the republic. | 82 |
No. of Book. |
ABBOTT, J. Science for the young. | 1-4 |
AGASSIZ, L. Methods of study in natural history. | 5 |
APPLETON, D. and company, publishers. A world of wonders; or, marvels in animate and inanimate nature. | 6 |
ARNOTT, N. Elements of physics; or, natural philosophy. | 7 |
BAIN, A. Logic, deductive and inductive. | 8 |
--- Mental science, a compendium of psychology and the history of philosophy. | 9 |
--- Moral science, a compendium of ethics. | 10 |
--- The emotions and the will. | 11 |
--- The senses and the intellect. | 12 |
BAIRD, S. F. Annual record of science and industry for 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874. | 13-16 |
BARTLETT, W. H. C. Elements of natural philosophy. | 17-18 |
--- Spherical astronomy. | 19 |
BASTIAN, H. C. The brain as an organ of mind. | 20 |
BECKER, H. Scientific London. | 21 |
BLASIUS, N. V. Storms: their nature, classification and laws. | 22 |
BRACE, C. I. The races of the old world: a manual of ethnology. | 23 |
BROWN, R. Science for all. | 24-28 |
BUCKLEY, A. B. A short history of natural science and of the progress of discovery from the time of the Greeks to the present day. | 29 |
--- Life and her children. Glimpses of animal life from the amoeba to the insects. | 30 |
--- The fairy land of science. | 31 |
--- The winners in life's race, or, the great back-boned family. | 32 |
CARPENTER, W. B. The principles of mental physiology, with their applications to the training and discipline of the mind and the study of its morbid conditions. | 33 |
CHADBOURNE, P. A. Lectures on natural history. | 34 |
CHAPMAN and Hall, publishers. Handbook of the special loan collection of scientific apparatus of the South Kensington museum. | 35 |
COOKE, J. P. The new chemistry. International scientific series. | 36 |
DANA, J. D. Manual of geology. | 37 |
D'ANVERS, N. Forms of land and water. Science ladder No. 1. | 38 |
--- Vegetable life. Science ladder No. 3. | 39 |
DAVIES, C. Nature and utility of mathematics. | 40 |
DESCHANEL, A. P. Elementary treatise on natural philosophy. | 41-44 |
DONNELLY, J. Ragnarok the age of fire and gravel. | 45 |
DORNER, C. Treasury of general knowledge for school and home. | 46-47 |
DRAPER, J. W. Human physiology, statical and dynamical. | 48 |
FIGUIER, L. The human race. | 49 |
--- The vegetable world; being a history of plants, with their structure and peculiar properties. | 50 |
GEIKIE, A. Geology. Science primer. | 51 |
--- Physical geography. Science primer. | 52 |
GIBERNE, A. Sun, moon and stars. | 53 |
GRAY, A. How plants grow. | 54 |
--- Introduction to structural and systematic botany, and vegetable physiology. | 55 |
GUILLEMIN, A. The heavens. | 56 |
HAECKEL, E. The history of creation. | 57-58 |
HOOKER, W. The child's book of nature. | 59 |
HUXLEY, T. H. Introductory. Science primer. | 60 |
JEVONS, W. S. Elementary lessons in logic, deductive and inductive. | 95 |
JUDD, J. W. Volcanoes: what they are and what they teach. International Scientific series. | 61 |
LINDSAY, W. L. Mind in the lower animals in health and disease. | 62-63 |
LYELL, Sir Chas. The student's elements of geology. | 64 |
MARSH, G. P. Man and nature: or, physical geography as modified by human action. | 65 |
MAYER, A. M. Sound: a series of simple, entertaining and inexpensive experiments in the phenomena of sound, for the use of students of every age. | 96 |
--- and Barnard, C., Light: a series of simple, etc. | 66 |
MILL, J. S. A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive. | 67 |
NICOLS, A. Chapters from the physical history of ths earth. | 68 |
PICKERING, E. C. Elements of physical manipulations. | 69 |
PLATO. The republic of Plato. | 70 |
PORTER, N. The elements of intellectual science, abridged from the "Human Intellect". | 71 |
--- The human intellect, with an introduction upon psychology and the soul. | 72 |
QUATREFAGAS, A. De. Natural history of man. | 73 |
RAY, I. Mental Hygiene. | 74 |
RECLUS, E. The earth: a descriptive history of the life of the globe. | 75 |
--- The history of a mountain. | 76 |
--- The ocean atmosphere and life. | 77 |
RIBOT, T. Diseases of memory: an essay in the positive psychology. | 78 |
--- Heredity a physiological study of its phenomena, laws, and consequences. | 79 |
ROBINSON, H. N. A treatise on astronomy; descriptive, theoretical and physical. | 80 |
ROSCOE, H. E. Chemistry. Science primer. | 81 |
SEGUIN, E. Idiocy; and its treatment by the physiological method. | 97 |
SIDGWICK, H. The methods of ethics. | 82 |
SPENCER, H. The study of sociology. International scientific series. | 83 |
STEVENSON, S. H. Boys and girls in biology; or, simple studies of the lower forms of life. | 84 |
STEWART, B. Physics. Science primer. | 85 |
--- The conservation of energy. International scientific series. | 86 |
SULLY, J. Illusions: a psychological study. International scientific series. | 87 |
TENNEY, S. A. Manual of zoology. | 88 |
TODHUNTER, I. Natural philosophy for beginners. | 89-90 |
TWINING, J. Technical training. | 91 |
TYNDALL, J. The forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice and glaciers. International scientific series. | 92 |
WELLS, D. A. The science of common things. | 93 |
WAGNER, R. Handbook of chemical technology. | 94 |
General Topics, History and Lectures.
No. of Book. |
ADAMS, F. The free school system of the United States. | 1 |
AMES, A. Sex in industry a plea for the working girl. | 2 |
ARNOLD, M. A. Frensch Eton; or middle class education and the state. | 3 |
--- Higher schools and universities in Germany. | 4 |
ASCHAM, R. The Scholemaster. | 5 |
BARNARD, H. Normal schools and the institutions, agencies and means designed for the professional education of teachers. | 6 |
--- editor. German pedagogy Education, the school and the teacher in German literature. From Barnard's American Journal of Education. | 7 |
--- Memoirs of eminent teachers and educators in Germany with contributions to the history of education from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century. From the American Journal of Education. | 8 |
--- The life, educational principles and methods of J. H. Peztalozzi; with biographical sketches of several of his assistants and disciples. From the American Journal of Education. | 9 |
BATES, S. P. Lectures on mental and moral culture. | 10 |
BIBLE in the public schools, the. Arguments in the case of John D. Minor, et, al. versus the board of education of the city of Cincinnati, et. al. | 11 |
BINNER, P. History of the education of the deaf and dumb. | 12 |
BLAKE, S. J. A visit to some American schools and colleges. | 13 |
BRACKETT, A. C., editor. The education of American girls considered in a series of essays. | 14 |
BULOW, B. von. Reminiscenses of Friederich Froebel. | 15 |
CLARKE, E. H. Sex in education; or, a fair chance for the girls. | 145 |
--- The building of a brain. | 16 |
COMFORT, G. F. and A. M. Woman's education and woman's health. | 17 |
COOKE, J. P. Scientific culture and other essays. | 18 |
DICKENS, C. Child pictures. | 19 |
--- Schools and schoolmasters. From his writings. | 20 |
DONALDSON, J. Lectures on the history of education in Prussia and England, and on kindred topics. | 21 |
DUFFEY, E. B. No sex in education. | 22 |
EDUCATIONAL aphorisms and suggestions, ancient and modern. From Barnard's American journal of education. | 23 |
EVERETT, E. Importance of practical education and practical knowledge. | 24 |
FARRAR, F. W. Essays on a liberal education. | 25 |
FITCH, J. G. Lectures on teaching. | 26 |
HAILMANN, W. N. Twelve lectures on the history of pedagogy. | 27 |
HILL, T. The true order of studies. | 28 |
KRUSI, H. Petalozzi, his life, work and influence. | 29 |
LATHAM, H. On the action of examinations, considered as a means of selection. | 30 |
LAURIE, S. S. The training of teachers, and other educational papers. | 31 |
LECTURES read before the American institute of instruction at Providence, R. I., July 7, 1875, with the journal of proceedings. | 32 |
MAHAFFY, J. P. Old Greek education. | 33 |
MANN, H. Lectures and annual reports of education. | 34 |
--- Lectures and annual reports on education. | 35 |
MANN, M. Life of Horace Mann. | 36 |
MANSFIELD, E. D. American education, its principles and elements. | 37 |
NATIONAL educational association, the. Addresses and journal of proceedings for the years 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875. [2 copies]. | 38-42 |
NATIONAL teachers' monthly, the. Vol. I. 1874-5. | 43 |
NORTHROP, B. G. Education abroad, and other papers. | 44 |
ORTON, J., editor. The liberal education of women: the demand and the method. Current thoughts in America and England. | 45 |
PHILOBIBLIUS. History and progress of education. | 46 |
PORTER, N. The American colleges and the American public; with afterthoughts on college and school education. | 47 |
QUAIN, R. On some defects in general education. | 48 |
QUICK, R. H. Essays on educational reformers. | 49 |
RANDALL, S. S. First principles of popular education and public instruction. | 50 |
RICHTER, J. P. F. Levana, or, the doctrine of education. | 51 |
RIGO, J. H. National education in its social conditions and aspects, and public elementary school education, English and foreign. | 52 |
ROUSSEAU, J. Emilius and Sophie; or, a new system of education. | 53-56 |
SEGUIN, E. Report on education. | 57 |
SPEAR, S. T. Religion and the state; or, the bible and the public schools. | 58 |
SPENCER, H. Education, intellectual, moral and physical. | 59 |
SWETT, J. History of the public school system of California. | 60 |
TEN BROOK, A. American state universities, their origin and progress; a history of congressional university land grants, a particular account of the rise and development of the university of Michigan, and hints toward the future of the American university system. | 61 |
THRING, E. Education and school. | 62 |
WISCONSIN journal of education, the. For the years 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875. | 63-66 |
The Kindergarten.
No. of Book. |
BERNARD, H., editor. Papers on Froebel's kindergarten, with suggestions on principles and methods of child culture in different countries. | 67 |
BUELOW, B. von M. The new education by work, according to Froebel's method. | 68 |
DOUAI, A. The kindergarten. | 69 |
HAILMANN, W. N. Kindergarten culture in the family and kindergarten. | 70 |
--- Primary helps, being No. 1 of a new series of kindergarten manuals [2 copies]. | 71-72 |
HUBBARD, C. B. Merry songs and games for the kindergarten. | 73 |
KRAUS, J. and Boelte, M. K. The Kindergarten guide, 1881. 74 |
--- The same, 1877. [4 vols]. 75-78 |
KRIEGE, M. H., translator. The child, its nature and relations. | 79 |
LAURIE, T. Kindergarten action-songs and marches, for infant schools, with music in the sol-fa notation. | 80 |
MANN, Mrs H. and Peabody, E. P. Moral culture of infancy and kindergarten guide. | 81 |
SHIREFF, E. Essays and lectures on the kindergarten. | 82 |
VAGO, A. L. and Pitman, B. Instructions in the art of modeling in clay, with an appendix on modeling foliage, etc. | 83 |
WIEBE, E. The paradise of childhood, a practical guide to kindergartners. | 84 |
Manuals, Methods and Systems.
No. of Book. |
ABBOTT, J. Gentle measures in the management and training of the young. | 85 |
--- The teacher. Moral influences employed in the management and instruction of the young. | 86 |
BAIN, A. Education as a science. International scientific series [2 copies]. | 87-88 |
BALDWIN, J. The art of school management. | 89 |
BLAKISTON, J. R. The teacher. Hints on school management. | 90 |
BROWNING, C. Introduction to the history of educational theories. | 91 |
BURTON, W. The culture of the observing faculties in the family and the school. | 92 |
CALDERWOOD, H. On teaching: its ends and means. | 93 |
CALKINS, N. A. Manual of object teaching, with illustrative lessons in methods and the science of education. [7 copies ]. | 94-100 |
--- Primary object lessons for a graduated course of development. | 101 |
CURRIE, J. The principles and practice of common school education. [2 copies ]. | 102-103 |
--- The principles and practice of early and infant school education. | 104 |
ELDREDGE and brothers, publishers. Cultivation of the senses. | 105 |
--- Cultivation of the memory. | 106 |
--- On class teaching. | 107 |
--- On discipline. | 108 |
--- On the use of words. | 109 |
FEARON, M. A. School inspection. | 110 |
GILL, J. Systems of education. | 111 |
GRUBE'S method. Two essays on elementary instruction in arithmetic. | 112 |
GUTHRIE, F. The first book of knowledge. | 113 |
HAILMANN, W. N. Outlines of a system of object teaching, prepared for teachers and parents. | 114 |
JEWELL, F. S. School government. | 115 |
JOHONNOT, J. Principles and practice of teaching. | 116 |
LEITCH, J. Practical educationists and their systems of teaching. | 117 |
LILIENTHAL, M. E. and Allyn, R. Things taught. | 118 |
MAYHEW, I. The means and ends of universal education. | 119 |
MAYO, C. Lessons on objects. | 120 |
NORTHEND, C. The teacher and the parent. | 121 |
--- The teacher's assistant; or, hints and methods in school discipline and instruction. | 122 |
OGDEN, J. The art of teaching. [2 copies]. | 123-124 |
--- The science of education [2 copies]. | 125-126 |
--- The science of education and art of teaching. | 127 |
PAGE, D. P. Theory and practice of teaching. | 128 |
PARKER, F. W. Notes of talks on teaching. [2 copies]. | 129-130 |
PAYNE, J. Lectures on the science and art of education. | 131 |
--- The science and art of education. | 132 |
PAYNE, W. H. Chapters on school supervision. | 133 |
PEABODY, E. P. Record of Mr. Alcott's school, exemplifying the principles and methods of moral culture. | 134 |
PHELPS, W. F. The teacher's handbook for the institute and the class room. | 135 |
ROBINSON, R. Teacher's manual of method and organization, adapted to the primary schools of Great Britain, Ireland and the colonies. | 136 |
ROSENKRANZ, K. Pedagogies as a system. | 137 |
SHELDON, E. A. A manual of elementary instruction. | 138 |
STONE, I. The elementary and complete examiner. | 139 |
SWETT, J. Methods of teaching. | 140 |
WALKER, J. The handy book of object lessons, from a teacher's note book. | 141 |
WELCH, A. S. Object lessons, prepared for teachers of primary schools and primary classes. | 142 |
WICKERSHAM, J. P. Methods of instruction. | 143 |
--- School economy. | 144 |
No. of Book. |
DEUTSCHER Katalog. Milwaukeer oeffentliche Bibliothek. | 1 |
DIEHL, P. Schatzkästlein fuer die Jugend. Aus Johann Peter Hebels sämmtlichen Erzählungen ausgewählt und mit einer biographischen Einleitung versehen. | 2 |
DITTES, F. Geschichte der Erziehung und des Unterrichtes. | 3 |
DÜMLING, H. Illustrirtes Thierleben fuer Schule und Haus, mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der amerikanischen Thiere. Die Vögel. | 4 |
HARKORT, H. K. Kinder-und Puppentheater. Dramatisirte Märchen nach Grimm u. a. | 5 |
HEYSE, J. C. A. Ausfuehrliches Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache [2 vols.]. | 6-7 |
--- Deutsche Schulgrammatik oder kurzgefasstes Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache mit Beispielen und Uebungsaufgaben. | 8 |
HIRT, F. und Sohn. Herausg. Hirts Theater fuer die Jugend. | 9 |
JAEGER, V. A. Der Anschauungs-Unterricht fuer die zwei ersten Schuljahre. | 10 |
KEHR, C. Die Praxis der Volksschule. | 11 |
--- und Schlimbach, G. Der deutsche Sprachunterricht im ersten Schuljahre nach seiner historischen Entwickelung, theoretischen Begruendung und praktischen Gestaltung. | 12 |
--- Der deutsche Sprachunterricht im ersten Schuljahre nach seiner historischen Entwickelung und in theoretisch-praktischer Darstellung. | 13 |
KELLER, F. E. Geschichte des preussischen Volksschulwesens. | 14 |
KELLNER, L. Aphorismen Zur Pädagogik der Schule und des Hauses [2 exemplare]. | 15-16 |
--- Praktischer Lehrgang fuer den deutschen Sprachunterricht. Ein Hand- u. Huelfsbuch fuer Lehrer an Seminaren, Buergerschulen und Volksschulen. | 17 |
--- Volksschulkunde. | 30 |
MICHELSEN, K. Kathechismus der deutschen Sprachlehre. | 18 |
NIESMANN, F. Dr. Vogel's analytisch-synthetische Lesemethode, oder der vereinigte Anschauungs-Lese-und Schreibunterricht, angelehnt an Normalwörter mit Bildern. | 19 |
OTTO, F., Herausg. Deutsche Dichter Denker und Wissensfuersten im XVIII und XIX Jahrhundert. | 20 |
SCHLEICHER, A. Die deutsche Sprache. | 21 |
SEYDLITZ, E. von. Schul-Geographie. | 22 |
VILMAR, A. F. C. Geschichte der deutschen Nationalliteratur. | 23 |
WIEDEMANN, F. Der Lehrer der Kleinen. Ein praktischer Rathgeber fuer junge Elementarlehrer. | 24 |
--- Präparationen fuer den Anschauungs-Unterricht. | 25 |
--- Sprachbilder nach bestimmten Sprachregeln. | 26 |
--- 200 Präparationen fur den naturkundlichen Anschauungs-Unterricht. | 27 |
WOLFF, G. L. B. Hausschatz deutscher Prosa. | 28 |
--- Poetischer Hausschatz des deutschen Volkes. | 29 |
No. of Book. |
ARISTOTLE. Politics and economics. | 1 |
BACON, F. The advancement of learning. | 2 |
BARTHOLOMEW, W. N. Teacher's manual to accompany Bartholomew's national system of industrial drawing. | 3 |
BEARD, D. C. What to do and how to do it; the American boy's handy book. | 4 |
BERNERS, J. First lessons in health. | 5 |
BLACKIE, J. S. On self-culture, intellectual, physical and moral. | 6 |
BLAIKIE, W. How to get strong and how to stay so. | 7 |
BROWNE, S. H. Manual of commerce. | 8 |
BRYANT, J. C. New counting-house bookkeeping. | 9 |
CHENEY and Clapp, publishers. Good behavior. | 10 |
CHOMET, Dr. H. The influence of music upon health and disease. | 11 |
CICERO. Three books of offices and other moral works. | 12 |
CLARKE, F. W. Weights, measures and money. | 13 |
CLARKE, J. F. Self-culture, physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual. | 14 |
CLAXTON, E, and company, publishers. American oratory; or, selections from the speeches of eminent Americans. | 15 |
COLIN, A. The universal metric system. | 16 |
CONWELL, R. H. The life, travels and literary career of Bayard Taylor. | 17 |
CORFIELD, W. H. Health. | 18 |
D'ANVERS, N. Elementary history of art. | 19 |
DIAZ, A. M. The schoolmaster's trunk, containing papers on home life in Tweenit. | 20 |
DUC, V. C. Learning to draw; or, the story of a young designer. | 21 |
EGGERS, H. and Hanstein, H. Elements of geometrical drawing, an introduction to mechanical drawing. | 22 |
EGGLESTON, G. C. How to educate yourself with or without masters. Putnam's handy book series. | 23 |
FOTHERGILL, J. M. The maintenance of health. | 24 |
HARSHA, D. A. The most eminent orators and statesmen of ancient and modern times. | 25 |
HARTLEY, W. N. Air and its relations to life. | 26 |
HIGGINSON, T. W. Atlantic essays. | 27 |
HINTON, J. Physiology for practical use. | 28 |
HUTTELL, J. S. A brief history of culture. | 29 |
HUGHES, T. Tom Brown's school days. | 30 |
--- Tom Brown at Oxford. | 31 |
HURST, J. F. Life and literature in the fatherland. | 32 |
HUXLEY, T. H. Lay sermons, addresses and reviews. | 33 |
JEVONS, W. S. Money and the mechanism of exchange. International scientific series. | 34 |
KINGSLEY, C. Health and education. | 35 |
LAMSON, M. S. Life and education of Laura Dewey L. Bridgman, the deaf, dumb and blind girl. | 36 |
LANGE, J. Modern art education, its practical and aesthetic character educationally considered. | 37 |
LEEDS, W. A. Treatise on ventilation. | 38 |
LEWIS, D. New gymnastics for men, women and children. | 39 |
MACLAREN, A. System of physical education, theoretical and practical. | 40 |
MAYER, C. Mercantile manual: a compendium of the history and methods of trade. | 41 |
OSWALD, F. L. Physical education; or, the health laws. | 42 |
PLUMPTRE, C. J. King's college lectures on elocution. | 43 |
POTTER, S. O. L. Speech and its defects, considered physiologically, pathologically, historically and remedially. | 44 |
PRATT, D. J. The regents' questions. 1866 to 1876. | 45 |
PUTNAM, J. P. The metric system of weights and measures. | 46 |
RIBOT, T. Diseases of memory. | 47 |
RICE, I. L. What is music?. | 48 |
RICHARDSON, B. W. Diseases of modern life. | 49 |
--- Learning and health. | 50 |
SCUDDER, H. E. American men of letters Noah Webster. | 51 |
SMILES, S. Character. | 52 |
--- Duty, with illus. of courage, patience and endurance. | 53 |
--- Self-help, with illustrations of character, conduct and perseverance. | 54 |
--- Thrift. | 55 |
SMITH, E. Health. | 56 |
SMITH, W. Art education, scholastic and industrial. | 57 |
STETSON, C. B. Technical education, what it is, and what American public schools should teach. [2 copies]. | 58-59 |
STEWART, B. and Ward, A. W. Essays and addresses by professors and lecturers of the Owens college, Manchester. | 60 |
TAYLOR, S. Science of music; or, physical basis of musical harmony. | 61 |
WALKER, W. Handbook of drawing. | 62 |
WARNER, C. D. and others. Hints for home reading. | 63 |
WATTS, I. Improvement of the mind. | 64 |
WEIGALL, C. H. The art of figure drawing. | 65 |
WILSON, G. Handbook of hygiene and sanitary science. | 66 |
YOUMANS, E. L. The culture demanded by modern life. | 67 |
| |