
Roseline Willard Peck was born in Middletown, Vermont, February 24, 1808. She came to
Blue Mounds in 1836 and thence to Madison in 1837. At Blue Mounds they rented the tavern
stand owned by Colonel Brigham and boarded the old Colonel and the hands employed by him.
* * *
"We started from Brighams, at the Blue Mounds, on Thursday afternoon, April 13.
I rode an Indian pony. We travelled about seven miles and came to a place where some one
had made a claim, and had laid about five rounds of logs toward a cabin. We camped there
that night with a tent over us. The next day we pushed on--a more pleasant day I never wish
to see. We pitched our tent on a little rise of ground, within three miles of Madison;
spread down our beds, and rested very comfortably until nearly 3 o'clock on Saturday
morning, when we were awakened by a tremendous wind storm and howling of wolves, and
found snow five or six inches deep which continued to fall until we reached Madison."
She with her husband, Eben Peck, were the first settlers
of Madison. Their house was located in Block 107, Madison,
near the present site of the Capital House on Butler Street. This was the first home
established in Madison. They kept the first boarding house
where workmen who built the first Capital in Madison boarded,
and later known as the Madison Hotel. Here Victor
Peck, the first white boy in Madison, came as a one
year old boy. In this house his sister, the first white child born in Madison
was born. She became the wife of Nelson W. Wheeler of Chippewa
Falls, and after his death, was married to A. S. Hawley
of Delton, Wisconsin.