Mount Broadshield, seen from Þingvellir. The mountain, which dominates the horizon on the left, is about 25 kilometers away across the Þingvellir Lava Field (most of which is the result of its eruptive activity). The dark hills in front of Broadshield are (left to right) Outer Mjóafell, Sandgígur (very small), and Söðulhólar (the double hill in the center of the picture). Directly behind Söðulhólar, on the flank of Broadshield, is Kerling; Karl is to its left. Klukkuskarð lies between Kerling and the tip of Tindaskagi (the long escarpment on the right).
In the foreground are Öxará (Axe River) and the church and farm at Þingvellir, near where Jónas's journey around Broadshield had begun. Behind the church, today, is the "poets' corner" (skáldareitur), where Jónas's remains are interred. (His gravestone is the small white horizontal object on the right, between church and farm.)
Source: Photo Björn Rúriksson.