Ladies of the 32nd Division Veterans Assocation Records and Photographs,


The Ladies of the 32nd Division Veterans Association is the official auxiliary organization formed to support the 32nd Division Veterans Association. While the latter formed almost immediately after World War I, the Ladies did not formally come into being until 1955. According to their constitution the purpose of the Ladies is “to foster and perpetuate the spirit of comradeship which has been the greatest single factor in the success of the Division and to perpetuate in act and deed by strong Americanism, the memory of their dead comrades, who by their supreme sacrifice have permitted them to return home in honor.”

Membership is restricted to the wives and blood relatives of 32nd Division veterans, though others could achieve associate membership status through petition. Because the 32nd Division was composed largely of Wisconsin and Michigan men, most of the members of the Ladies had ties to those two states, with annual conventions and reunions usually rotating between the two states.