Transferred to the Library for preservation or disposition were printed materials. These included clippings, pamphlets, and circulars on the subject of woman suffrage and a collection of rare European publications produced or gathered by the Annekes. Among these are ten written by or about Mathilde Franziska: three small volumes on religious thought, 1840-1842; her drama, Oithono, 1844; a translation of Alexandre Dumas' Michelangelo, 1845; a compilation, Producte der Rothen Erde, in which she included some of her own writings; an 88-page pamphlet, Der Politische Tendenz-Prozess gegen Gottchalk, Anneke und Esser, 1848; Schwertlilien: Zeit-Gedichte, 1849, in which the first three poems are dedicated to her; her own Memoiren einer Frau aus dem Badisch-Pfaelzischen Feldzuge, published in Newark, New Jersey in 1853; and a biography of her by Regina Reuben, published in Hamburg in 1906. Fritz Anneke's Der Zweite Freiheitskampf der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, published at Frankfort on Main in 1861 is the only product of his in the collection.
The earliest volume in the group is Ignatz Hulswitt's Tagebuch einer Reise nach den Vereinigten Staaten und der Nordwestkuste von Amerika, published at Munster in 1828. There is a volume of Georg Herwegh's poems, published in 1845, and a recent publication of some of his correspondence; and a volume of poems written and collected by Mary Booth and published in Heidelberg and Milwaukee in 1864. A memoir of Garibaldi, written by Alexandre Dumas in 186O, is still in sections as they were issued from the press. Among the twenty or so pamphlets on socialism and the revolutionary theory in the collection are almost a dozen by Ferdinand Lassalle, nearly all of which were published in Zurich in 1863.