Léo Lania Papers, 1916-1959

Container Title
Cotton-Rayon Division, Victor Canzano, Director
Quantity: 13 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: Arranged chronologically by year and divided thereunder by staff-department correspondence and alphabetically by subject, these files extensively document the activities of the Cotton-Rayon Division and the cotton-rayon industry. The subject file contains general correspondence, internal organizational memos, circulars, reports, clippings, research studies, newsletters and pamphlets which relate to organizing and decisions made by officials of TWUA on strikes, arbitrations, and grievances.
Correspondence Files, 1950-1953
Box   102
American Federation of Labor
Box   102
American Woolen Company
Box   102
Air Conditioning in Textile Mills
Box   102
Arbitrating Industrial Efficiency
Box   102
Arbitrators, List of
Box   102
Arbitration Lists
Box   102
Barkin, Sol
Box   102
Cotton-Rayon Negotiations
Box   102
Cotton-Rayon Mills - New England States
Box   102
Cotton-Rayon Contract Information
Box   102
Canada, Dominion of
Box   102
Canzano - Personal File
Box   102
Carignan, George (Joint Board Director - New Bedford)
Box   102
Carpet Industry
Box   102
Causes of Industrial Peace
Box   102
Chupka, John
Box   102
Circular Letters
Box   102
Coated Fabrics Industry
Box   102
Committee on the New England Textile Industry
Box   102
Connecticut - General Correspondence
Box   102
Consulting Engineers
Box   102
Contract Ratifications
Box   102
Conversion - Cost-of-Living (Cotton-Rayon)
Box   102
Demands - TWUA-CIO (Fall River - New Bedford, 1951)
Box   102
Doolan, Edward (Fall River, Massachusetts)
Box   102
Dyeing and Finishing
Box   102
Economic Outlook (periodical)
Box   102
Economic Notes
Box   102
Edelman, John
Box   102
General Information
Box   102
Secession - TWUA and UTW
Box   102
Extension Agreements
Box   102
Fall River-New Bedford Negotiating Group
Box   102
Fiester, Kenneth
Box   102
Filteau, Theodore - Plymouth Rock Joint Board
Box   102
Financial Report - TWUA-CIO, 1950
Box   102
Gordon, William
Box   102
Government Contracts
Box   102
Hard and Soft Fiber Industry
Box   102
Health and Welfare Newsletters
Box   102
Hodgman, Alton M.
Box   102
Hosiery Industry
Box   102
Industry Wide Bargaining
Box   102
Integrated Combined
Box   102
Italian Visitation
Box   102
Job Operations - General
Box   102
Job Primer, Textile Workers
Box   102
Johnson & Johnson Chain
Box   102
Kettlety, George
Box   102
Knit Goods, Technical Material
Box   102
Knit Underwear Industry
Box   102
Kullas, Henry
Box   102
Labor and Public Welfare
Box   102
Leaflets - Pamphlets
Box   102
Legal Department
Box   102
Legislative Data
Box   102
Mills - List
Box   102
Box   102
Maine - General Correspondence
Box   102
Mt. Hope Finishing Company
Box   102
New England Governors' Committee
Box   102
New England Wage Scale New Hampshire
Box   102
New Jersey - State of
Box   103
New York
Box   103
Northern Cotton-Rayon Textile Policy Committee
Box   103
Box   103
Box   103
Pollock, William
Box   103
Press Releases
Box   103
Profits and Dividends - Cotton Textiles
Box   103
Puerto Rico (General Information)
Box   103
Reciprocal Trade Conferences and Agreements
Box   103
Box   103
Retirement Fund
Box   103
Rhode Island
Box   103
Rieve, Emil
Box   103
Ropes, Gray, Best, Coolidge & Rugg
Box   103
Safety Committees
Box   103
South - Correspondence with TWUA South Personnel
Box   103
Speech Material
Box   103
Steward's Dictionary
Box   103
St. Lawrence Seaway
Box   103
Sullivan, Anna
Box   103
Taft-Hartley Law
Box   103
Textile Chain Mills
Box   103
Textron Inc.
Box   103
Textron Type Contracts
Box   103
United Nations
Box   103
United Textile Workers of America
Box   103
Vacation Pay for Laid-Off Employees
Box   103
Vergados, Louis
Box   103
Voting Data
Box   103
Wages - Cotton and Rayon Finishing and Print Plants
Box   103
Wage Data - General
Box   103
Wage Problems - Northern Cotton Textile Industry
Box   103
Woolen and Worsted Industry - Economic Notes
Box   103
Correspondence Files, 1954
Box   103
American Standards Association
Box   103
Box   103
Alzinaro, S.
Box   103
Barkin, Sol
Box   103
Belanger, J. William
Box   103
Blais, Denis
Box   103
Botelho, M. Michael
Box   103
Canzano - Committee Chairmanships
Box   103
Canzano - Personal
Box   103
Carignan, George E.
Box   103
Chupka, John
Box   103
Condron, John
Box   103
Box   103
Box   103
Contract Terminations
Box   103
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   103
Damore, Felix P.
Box   103
Box   103
Employment Security Division - Massachusetts
Box   103
Edelman, John
Box   103
Executive Council
Box   103
Fiester, Kenneth
Box   103
Filteau, Theodore
Box   103
Fall River - New Bedford Textile Manufacturers Association
Box   103
Gallagher, Daniel J.
Box   103
Gordon, William
Box   103
Hard and Soft Fiber Industry
Box   104
Local 227
Box   104
McCaig, William B.
Box   104
Box   104
Miscellaneous - Pamphlets
Box   104
Mid-Atlantic States Conference
Box   104
Mill Closing: Causes and Circumstances
Box   104
New England Textile Committee
Box   104
Newspaper articles
Box   104
Nord, Elizabeth
Box   104
New Bedford Cotton Manufacturers Association
Box   104
Northern Textile Association
Box   104
Policy Committee Lists
Box   104
Perkel, George
Box   104
Pitarys, Thomas
Box   104
Pollock, William
Box   104
Permanent New England Textile Committee, 1954
Box   104
Press Releases
Box   104
Rieve, Emil
Box   104
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   104
Ryan, Edmund
Box   104
Box   104
Survey Agreements, Elections and Strikes
Box   104
Schoonjans, Michael
Box   104
Sullivan, Anna
Box   104
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   104
Stetin, Sol
Box   104
TWUA - Eighth Biennial Convention
Box   104
Tariff Commission Hearings
Box   104
Box   104
Umholtz, Peter F.
Box   104
Vergados, Louis
Box   104
Various Departments - National
Box   104
Woolen and Worsted
Box   104
Wyle, Benjamin
Box   104
Agreements - Companies
Box   104
Arbitrations - Companies
Box   104
Barnett, William
Box   104
Extensions - Companies, 1954
Box   104
Hathaway Manufacturing Company
Box   104
Plymouth Cordage
Box   104
Miscellaneous Matters - Companies
Box   104
Reopenings - Companies
Box   104
Box   104
Arms Textile
Box   104
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   104
Boott Mills
Box   104
Box   104
Fitchburg Yarn Company
Box   104
M. Lowenstein & Sons Inc.
Box   104
Nashua Textile
Box   104
Newmarket Manufacturing Company
Box   104
Ponemah Mills
Box   104
Rosinski, Richard
Box   104
Verney Corporation
Box   104
Waldman, Sam
Box   104
Correspondence Files, 1955-1956
Box   105
American Standards Association, 1955
Box   105
Bench Mark Material
Box   105
Bamford, James
Box   105
Berkshire Joint Board
Box   105
Barkin, Sol
Box   105
Box   105
Cotton-Rayon Conferences
Box   105
Complaints and Grievances of Union Members Referred to Canzano
Box   105
Canzano - Committees
Box   105
Chupka, John
Box   105
Eastern Connecticut Joint Board
Box   105
Edelman, John
Box   105
Fall River - New Bedford Textile Manufacturers Association
Box   105
Federal Labor Laws
Box   105
Gordon, William
Box   105
Hard and Soft Fiber Industry
Box   105
International Federation of Textile Workers
Box   105
Jacquard, Upholsterers and Novelty Weavers
Box   105
Lewiston Joint Board
Box   105
Lowell Joint Board
Box   105
Legal Department
Box   105
Box   105
Minimum Wage
Box   105
Box   105
Miscellaneous Pamphlets
Box   105
New England Strike and Relief Fund
Box   105
New England Summary
Box   105
Northern Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   105
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   105
New England Textile Committee
Box   105
Newspaper articles
Box   105
Northern Textile Association
Box   105
Plush and Velvet
Box   105
Pollock, William
Box   105
Press Releases
Box   105
Pension Material
Box   105
Roger Williams Joint Board
Box   105
Rogin, L.
Box   105
Box   105
Box   105
Stetin, Sol
Box   105
South County Joint Board
Box   105
Box   106
TWUA Executive Council
Box   106
Box   106
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   106
Woolen and Worsted
Correspondence Files, 1955
Box   106
Companies, Miscellaneous Matters
Box   106
Box   106
Extensions and Renewals
Box   106
Box   106
Box   106
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   106
Continental Mills
Box   106
Everlastik Inc.
Box   106
Fitchburg Yarn
Box   106
Ludlow Manufacturing and Sales Company
Box   106
Kendall Mills
Box   106
M. Lowenstein and Sons
Box   106
Newmarket Manufacturing Company
Box   106
Pepperell Manufacturing Company
Box   106
Plymouth Cordage Company
Box   106
Verney Corporation
Box   106
Box   106
Waumbec Mills
Correspondence Files, 1956
Box   106
Box   106
Box   106
Belanger, William
Box   106
Berkshire Joint Board
Box   106
Biddeford Saco Joint Board
Box   107
Cotton-Rayon Reopenings
Box   107
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   107
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   107
Constitutional Changes Committee
Box   107
Canzano - Personal
Box   107
Chupka, John
Box   107
Box   107
Cotton-Rayon - Terminations
Box   107
Granite State Joint Board
Box   107
Gordon, William
Box   107
Greater Lawrence Joint Board
Box   107
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   107
Industrial Union Department
Box   107
International Labour Office
Box   107
Jacquard - Upholsterers
Box   107
Legal Department
Box   107
Box   107
Martin, Lester
Box   107
Newspaper articles
Box   107
Non-Interference - TWUA-UTW
Box   107
Northern Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   107
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   107
Northern Textile Association
Box   107
News Releases
Box   107
Organizing Committee
Box   107
Organization - South
Box   107
Payton, Boyd
Box   107
Pollock, William
Box   107
Pepperell - Lindale, Georgia
Box   107
Pile Fabrics
Box   107
Roger Williams Joint Board
Box   107
Box   107
Rieve, Emil
Box   107
Rogin, Larry
Box   107
Strikes, Elections and Miscellaneous Correspondence
Box   107
South County Joint Board
Box   107
Stetin, Sol
Box   107
Southern Matters
Box   107
Staff Conferences
Box   107
Executive Council
Box   107
Box   108
UTW Merger
Box   108
Tariff and Reciprocity
Box   108
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   108
Woolen and Worsted
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   108
Box   108
Lincoln Mills
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Verney Corporation
Box   108
Waumbec Arbitration
Correspondence Files, 1957
Box   108
Box   108
Activity Reports to William Pollock
Box   108
American Thread
Box   108
Barkin, Sol
Box   108
Barkin Study on Organizing
Box   108
Belanger, William
Box   108
Berkshire Joint Board
Box   108
Biddeford Saco Joint Board
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
TWUA Committees
Box   108
Chupka, John
Box   108
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   108
Cone Situation - South
Box   108
Cook, Wes
Box   108
Cotton Legislation
Box   108
Box   108
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   108
Edelman, John
Box   108
Erwin Housing
Box   108
Fiester, Ken
Box   108
Gordon, William
Box   108
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   108
International Labor Office
Box   108
Industrial Union Department
Box   109
Box   109
Box   109
Newspaper articles
Box   109
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   109
Northern Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   109
Northern Textile Association
Box   109
Northwest Georgia Joint Board
Box   109
Northeastern Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   109
One Price Cotton
Box   109
Box   109
Payton, Boyd
Box   109
Pile Fabrics
Box   109
Pollock, William
Box   109
Roger Williams Joint Board
Box   109
South - Organization
Box   109
Southern matters
Box   109
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   109
South Jersey Joint Board
Box   109
Spanish Bulletins
Box   109
Stetin, Sol
Box   109
Executive Council
Box   109
Box   109
Union Label
Box   109
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   109
Welfare Committee
Box   109
Williams, H.S.
Box   109
Woolen and Worsted
Box   109
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   109
Berkshire - Hathaway
Box   109
Ludlow Manufacturing and Sales
Box   109
Box   109
Box   109
Box   109
Correspondence Files, 1958
Box   109
Box   109
Activity Reports to William Pollock
Box   109
Barkin, Sol
Box   109
Berkshire Joint Board
Box   109
Biddeford Saco Joint Board
Box   109
Botelho, Michael
Box   109
Box   110
TWUA Committees
Box   110
Chupka, John
Box   110
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   110
Box   110
Box   110
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   110
Box   110
Development Agency
Box   110
Edelman, John
Box   110
Education Department
Box   110
Erwin Housing
Box   110
Ethical Practices
Box   110
Fair Labor Standards
Box   110
Gordon, William
Box   110
Grand Street Boys Association
Box   110
Gervais Matter
Box   110
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   110
Jackson, Paul
Box   110
Box   110
Mid-Atlantic States
Box   110
Minimum Wage
Box   110
Miscellaneous Pamphlets
Box   110
Box   110
Box   110
Newspaper articles
Box   110
One Price Cotton
Box   110
Payton, Boyd
Box   110
Plush and Velvet
Box   110
Pollock, William
Box   110
Box   110
Rhode Island Economics
Box   110
Right to Work Laws
Box   110
South - Administration
Box   110
Box   110
South - Organization
Box   110
Southern Matters
Box   110
Stetin, Sol
Box   110
Strikes and Elections
Box   110
Sullivan, William F. (Northern Textile Association)
Box   110
Box   110
Box   110
Box   110
TWUA Executive Council
Box   111
TWUA - Resolutions
Box   111
Box   111
Box   111
Union Label
Box   111
United States Department of Labor
Box   111
Various Staff Conferences
Wage Drive
Box   111
Box   111
National Office
Box   111
Box   111
Williams, H.S.
Box   111
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   111
Box   111
Cone Situation
Box   111
Improved Machinery
Box   111
Ludlow Manufacturing Company
Box   111
Pepperell Manufacturing Company
Box   111
Ponemah Mills
Box   111
Saco Lowell Shops
Box   111
Box   111
Companies - General
Correspondence Files, 1959
Box   111
Activity Reports to William Pollock
Box   111
Box   111
Barkin, Sol
Box   111
Bi County Joint Board
Box   111
Biddeford-Saco Joint Board
Box   111
Botelho, Michael
Box   111
Canzano - Personal
Box   111
Chupka, John
Box   111
Committee on Internal Revenue
Box   111
Cone Mills
Box   111
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   111
Cordage and Rope
Box   111
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   111
Cotton-Rayon General
Box   111
Cotton-Rayon - Wage Policy Committee
Box   111
Edelman, John
Box   111
Erwin Housing
Box   111
Granite State Joint Board
Box   111
Harriet - Henderson Strike Situation
Box   112
Industrial Union Department
Box   112
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Box   112
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   112
Labor Reform Bill (Landrum Griffin)
Box   112
Lewiston Joint Board
Box   112
Local 462
Box   112
Minimum Wage
Box   112
Miscellaneous Matters
Box   112
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   112
Northern Contract Negotiations
Box   112
Payton, Boyd
Box   112
Pollock, William
Box   112
Rhode Island State Joint Board
Box   112
Southern Matters
Box   112
Speech - Boyd Leedom, “Management-Labor Relations”
Box   112
Staff Conferences
Box   112
Southern Conference
Box   112
Stetin, Sol
Box   112
Strike and Defense Fund Committee
Box   112
Box   112
Tariff Committee
Box   112
Textile Development Agency
Box   112
TWUA Executive Council - National Office
Box   112
TWUA Resolution Unemployment Compensation
Box   112
Box   112
Wage Drive - North
Box   112
Wages - North
Box   112
Wage Drive - National Office (South)
Box   112
Wage Drive - Report on Leaflet Distributions
Box   112
Wages - South
Box   112
Welfare and Pension
Box   112
Williams, H.S.
Box   112
Woolen and Worsted
Box   112
American Thread
Box   112
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   113
Box   113
Bourne Mills
Box   113
Chicopee Manufacturing Company
Box   113
Box   113
Dwight Division
Box   113
Fieldcrest Mills
Box   113
Fitzgerald Mills
Box   113
Fitchburg Yarn
Box   113
Nashua Textile Company
Box   113
Box   113
W.M. Skinner
Box   113
Companies - Miscellaneous
Correspondence Files, 1960
Box   113
Activity Reports to William Pollock
Box   113
Barkin, Sol
Box   113
Bay Area Joint Board Hearing
Box   113
Belanger, William
Box   113
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   113
Cook, Wesley
Box   113
COPE - DuChessi
Box   113
Cotton-Rayon Industry
Box   113
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   113
Granite State Joint Board
Box   113
Defense Fund
Box   113
Erwin Housing
Box   113
Harriet Henderson Strike
Box   113
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   113
Labor Management and Disclosure Act
Box   113
Legislative Matters
Box   113
Letters to Staff
Box   113
Lewiston Joint Board
Box   113
Local 371
Box   113
Local 399
Box   113
Miscellaneous Political Matters
Box   113
Box   113
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   113
Box   113
Payton, Boyd
Box   113
Pile Fabrics
Box   113
Pollock, William
Box   113
Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   113
Rope and Cordage
Box   114
Staff Conferences
Box   114
Stetin, Sol
Box   114
Strike and Defense Fund Tariffs
Box   114
TWUA Executive Council
Box   114
TWUA Biennial Convention
Box   114
Tubbs Cordage Company
Box   114
Box   114
Wage Increases
Box   114
Williams, H.S.
Box   114
Woolen and Worsted
Box   114
American Thread
Box   114
Bates Manufacturing
Box   114
Berkshire Hathaway
Box   114
Botany Cotton
Box   114
Chicopee Manufacturing
Box   114
Continental Mills
Box   114
Darlington Manufacturing
Box   114
Box   114
Linebruger-Stowe Interests
Box   114
Ludlow Corporation
Box   114
Pepperell Manufacturing
Box   114
Plymouth Cordage
Box   114
Ponemah Mills
Box   114
Saco Lowell
Box   114
Southern Companies
Box   114
Various Contract Terminations