Summary Information
Wisconsin. Bureau of Transit: General Correspondence 1967-1980
- Wisconsin. Bureau of Transit.
Series 2359
2.0 c.f. (5 archives boxes)
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)
General correspondence between the Bureau of Transit and other sections within the Wisconsin Department of Transportation; city and county government agencies; regional-level agencies within Wisconsin, such as regional planning commissions; other state level organizations in Wisconsin whose activities and policies affect urban mass transit, such as Wisconsin AAA, Wisconsin Alliance of Cities, Coalition for Balanced Transportation, Wisconsin Council for Transportation Information, Wisconsin County Boards Association, Wisconsin Environmental Decade, Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association, etc.; government agencies of other states in the U.S.; and national-level organizations. The correspondence concerns state and federal elderly and handicapped transportation assistance programs, demonstration programs designed to reduce reliance on drive-alone travel, and other mass transit assistance programs. English