David Engel Papers, 1988-2017

Container Title
Series: Visual Materials
CC 656
The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright / documentary short by John Montague, 1978
Physical Description: circa 20 minutes, sound, color 
VHB 285
[Office for Edgar J. Kaufmann], circa 1993
Physical Description: 29 minutes, black & white and color 
Scope and Content Note: Documentary made by University of California Extension by Pamel Clintenkamp and Sandpail Productions to coincide with the reopening of the Edgar J. Kauffman office at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Focus on Wright's relationship with clients and apprentices. Includes interviews with Edgar Tafel, Pedro Guerrero, and Eric Lloyd Wright.
VHB 286
Renewing a Vision, undated
Physical Description: 30 minutes, color 
Scope and Content Note: Documentary covering all aspects of restoration of the Meyer May House in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Also on the tape is a WTTY forum (1988) moderated by Edwin Newman on urban architecture. Includes comment by Frank Gehry.
VHB 287
[Cooke House,] undated
Scope and Content Note: Off the air dub of a televised real estate ad for the sale of the Arnold and Maude Cooke House in Virginia Beach, Virginia, a Frank Lloyd Wright design built, 1952-1960. Little of the interior is shown.
VHB 288
Frank Lloyd Wright: Portrait of an Artist
Physical Description: 75 minutes, color 
VHB 289
Taliesin: The Tradition of Frank Lloyd Wright, 1990
Physical Description: 30 minutes, color 
VHB 290
Uncommon Places
Physical Description: 60 minutes, faded color 
Scope and Content Note: Biographical documentary produced by Dave Iverson for WHA-TV.
VHB 290 (continued)
Frank Lloyd Wright and Madison
Physical Description: 30 minutes, black & white and color 
Scope and Content Note: Uses film and stills to show relationship between Frank Lloyd Wright and Madison. Produced by Diane Kostecke for the 1988 Elvehjem exhibit.
VHB 290 (continued)
House on the Waterfall, 1987
Physical Description: 30 minutes, color 
Scope and Content Note: Documentary about Fallingwater produced by Mary Rawson for WQED, Pittsburgh. Includes Edgar Kauffman, Jr. and William Wesley Peters.