The Lascoff collection consists of the papers of a father and son who owned and operated J. Leon Lascoff & Son Apothecary in New York City for over sixty years. The collection is void of personal material or records concerning the operation of their pharmacy, although through their articles, speeches, radio interviews, and correspondence the papers do reflect their views and their lifelong committment to the pharmacy profession.
The papers are divided into two sections, one for J. Leon Lascoff and one for Frederick D. Lascoff. The papers of both Lascoffs are similar, however, consisting of biographical clippings, professional correspondence, and speeches and writings.
J. Leon Lascoff's speeches and writings were primarily intended for practicing pharmacists, pharmacy students and organizations. His series, “It Can Be Done,” discussing difficult prescriptions and their preparation, was the basis of a series of speeches and articles. His column in Drug Topics covered similar problems.
Frederick D. Lascoff's speeches and writings were also intended for practicing pharmacists, pharmacy students and organizations. His “Prescription Problems” column in Pharmacy & Science offered advice and a format for sharing information with practicing pharmacists. However, his radio talks were intended for general audiences.