Subject file
Addresses and speeches
Southern Regional White Citizens' Council meeting, 1956 May
Held in New Orleans featuring anti-integration speeches by Louisiana State
Senator William M. Rainach, Rep. Davis of Mississippi, and Governor Griffin of
Georgia. The speakers object to the Supreme Court's ruling on integration and
call for organized opposition.
Approximate running time: 40 minutes.
“The American College and American Freedom” / by Alexander
Meiklejohn, 1957 May
Address delivered by Alexander Meiklejohn on the 30th anniversary of the
University of Wisconsin's Experimental College. Meiklejohn comments on the
structure and purpose of the college, the responsibility of schools to teach the
ideals of freedom and liberty and the distinction between them, and the meaning
of American freedom. The failures and accomplishments of higher education in the
past 25 years are summarized, followed by comments on the role of future
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
1963 May 10
Robert Shelton, Kelvin Craig, and other high ranking Klansmen speak at a Ku
Klux Klan meeting held in Birmingham, Alabama. At a mass meeting celebrating the
negotiated settlement of the nonviolent direct action integration campaign, Rev.
Martin Luther King Jr., Rev. Ralph Abernathy, and others describe recent
progress in the civil rights movement and encourage future efforts. On Mother's
Day following an outbreak of violence, citizens express their views on the
current racial strife, and ministers offer prayers for peace, justice, and
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Attorney William Kunstler, 1968 June
Kunstler speaks on repression in the United States using the cases against H.
Rap Brown and antiwar protesters as examples. He predicts the use of
increasingly radical protest tactics, comparing the protesters to participants
in the Revolutionary War, and comments on the right to dissent as guaranteed by
the First Amendment.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Question and Answer Session Following Kunstler's Speech, 1968 June
Discussion topics include a Senate bill designed to strengthen the internal
security of the United States which would have the effect of repealing all
Supreme Court decisions in the fields of civil rights and liberties handed down
in the last 10 years, the power of the Supreme Court to declare
constitutionality, black separation, pros and cons of school integration, the
steering committee, underground publications, and concentration camps in the
United States.
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
Speech by David Schoenbrun at Memphis State University, 1969 November 26
Schoenbrun proclaims the beginning of the "Thermonuclear Age," warns of the
threat of nuclear war, and urges respect for the United Nations. He speaks about
American involvement in the war in Vietnam, which he calls illegal, immoral and
un-American, denies the validity of reasons given for involvement, blames fear
of communism for America's abandonment of its anti-colonial heritage, and calls
for an end to the war.
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
Dick Gregory in Birmingham, Alabama after release from jail undated
Dick Gregory speaks in Birmingham, Alabama following his release from
Birmingham Jail after being arrested during a civil rights demonstration. He
talks about the place of the "Negro in American society," crime, welfare,
housing, schools, and equal opportunity.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Appalachian Project
Appalachian Project Meeting, 1965 June 16Myles Horton and others discuss issues of interest to the people of Appalachia
including integration, food stamps, and welfare programs. After finding out
their major problems, plans are discussed for arousing concern and organizing
the people to work for solutions. Horton talks about the importance of
chronicling activities to provide a reference for future workers and comments on
the relationships between Appalachian problems and the civil rights movement.
Plans for a future workshop are discussed. Approximate running time: 60 minutes. : See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
Meeting of the Community Development Project, 1965 July 9
Robert Flint, John Chater, and Thorsten Horton plan a schedule of activities
for the following week. Local writers and poets are discussed, and the
suggestion is made to try to publish some of their work. They discuss the focus
and approach of the project and how it has changed since it began, the
possibility of organizing a community center and activities for children, how
much time should be spent on the project, the effect on the communities, and how
to recruit volunteers.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Meeting of the Appalachian Project, 1965 July 21
Myles and Thorsten Horton, Robert Flint, and John Chater discuss initiating and
encouraging action on the community level, recognizing problems, developing
leadership and community action organizations, and federal and state
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Attacks and investigations : See also 515A/129 under "Publicity."
Meeting at Septima Clark's home, 1959 February 17
Discussion of integration and "red-baiting." Esau Jenkins tells of threats on
Martin Luther King's life. Comments are made on voter registration and economic
aspects of breaking down segregation. Discussion of the 1959 raid on Highlander.
Septima Clark discusses statements made by Attorney-General A.B. Sloan about
Highlander. Plans are formulated for answering charges while waiting for Myles
Horton to return from Europe. Mrs. Clark tells of instructions from lawyer
Jordan Stokes. Statement by Rev. S.S. Seay defending Highlander.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes
The Highlander Folk School hearing at Altamont, Tennessee
1959 September 14
Part I
Attorneys make their opening remarks. The Registrar of Deeds gives
testimony pertaining to the school's charter and deeds. Mrs. Willie Lane
testifies concerning the reputation of the school and the conduct of its
students. Ike Church is questioned about the school's property and buildings
and his duties as an employee there.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Part II
Ike Church and Mrs. May Thomas give testimony about the sale of
intoxicating beverages on the school grounds, immoral conduct among the
students, and the school's reputation in the community. Mrs. Thomas is
questioned concerning allegations that she had stolen Highlander
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Part III
Mr. Holt testifies to having delivered cases of beer to the school. Sammy
Thomas tells of witnessing drunken and immoral conduct on the school
grounds. Sheriff Clay who led the raid on Highlander on August 31, 1959 is
called to testify, and a discussion follows concerning the validity of the
search warrant used in the raid. Mrs. Dosie Church is questioned concerning
the sale of alcoholic beverages at the school.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Part IV
Mrs. Dosie Church is questioned concerning the presence and consumption of
alcohol on the school grounds. Defense attorney Branstetter attempts to
discredit the reputations of several of the prosecution's witnesses. Mrs.
Church is asked about Myles Horton's relationship with the women at the
school and the conduct of students and staff members. Lawrence Petty
testifies to having seen alcoholic beverages on school property and to
witnessing persons involved in drunken and immoral acts.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Part V
Lawrence Petty, C.W. Marlowe, Mr. Johnson, and Wayne Petty give testimony
concerning immoral conduct among staff members and students at Highlander
and the sale and consumption of intoxicants on school property. Mr. Ed
Friend presents photographs taken at the school of people holding beer
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Part VI
Mr. Ed Friend of Georgia testifies to having witnessed students and staff
members drinking alcohol at the school. Malcolm Fults, a county judge, is
questioned about the reputations of several witnesses and of the school in
general. Herman E. Baggenstoss, editor of the Grundy
County Herald, is asked how the people of the county feel about
the school.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
1959 September 15
Part I
Mr. Carl Geary gives testimony concerning the reputation of Highlander. Mr.
Wright, who issued the search warrant prior to the raid on the school on
August 31, 1959, is called to testify, and the validity of the warrant is
contested. Deputy Sheriff Winton is questioned about the reputations of some
of the earlier witnesses.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Part II
Sheriff Clay gives testimony concerning the reputations of the school and
of several witnesses. The State rests its case. Mr. Hugh Morgan and Alice
Cobb tell about their experiences at Highlander where they had attended
workshops. They defend the conduct of the students and faculty during the
period of their enrollment. Myles Horton explains how beer was purchased and
distributed at Highlander.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Part III
Myles Horton responds to some of the charges made by previous witnesses and
tells how beer was purchased and distributed at the school. May Justus is
asked about her relationship to the school and the conduct of students and
staff members of the workshops she had attended.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Part IV
Dr. D.O. Ward, Rev. Solomon Seay, and U.Z. McKennon testify to having
attended programs at Highlander and deny having seen any misconduct on the
part of students or staff members. Septima Clark is questioned on the sale
of alcohol at the school.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Part V
Dr. D.W. Cross, Scott Bates, Robert Arthur Degan, David E. Underdam,
Charles Winters, and Marvin Goodstein testify concerning their participation
in programs at Highlander, the school's reputation, and their own personal
observations of the conduct of students and staff.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
1959 September 16
Part I
Mrs. Vera McCampbell, Matthew Petway, Esau Jenkins, James Hargis, and John
Clark are called upon to testify about their relationships to the school,
the reputation of Highlander, and their observations of conduct among
students and members of the staff.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Part II
Betty Wade, a Methodist deaconess, is questioned about the conduct of
students during a session she attended at Highlander and the attitude at
Highlander and the attitude of the Methodist Church toward the consumption
of alcohol. District Attorney A.B. Sloan makes his rebuttal citing the
decisions of the courts in similar cases, which he believes, should serve as
precedents in the case against Highlander.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Part III
The State concludes its rebuttal calling for the closing of Highlander. The
Defense, in making its rebuttal, claims the school is under attack for
conducting integrated classes and for its politics and contrasts the
credibility of witnesses for the defense and prosecution. A.B. Sloan begins
his concluding statement.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Part IVA.B. Sloan finishes his concluding remarks calling for the closing of
Highlander. Judge Chattin hands down his decision to leave the school open
but lock the main building. Approximate running time: 15 minutes. : See also 515A/37.
The Highlander Folk School trial at Tracy City
1959 November 3
In calling the jury, attorneys question prospective jurors about their views
on integration. All admit that they feel schools should be segregated, but
they claim this will not prejudice their decisions in the case of
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Excerpts, 1959 November 5-6
November 5--Dr. Morris Mitchell is questioned by A.B. Sloan, A.A. Liveright
testifies, and Sloan and Myles Horton exchange views. Cecil Branstetter
presents a summation for the defense. November 6--Sloan gives his summation
and comments on Adlai Stevenson and Stokes Fund that gave money to
Approximate running time: 40 minutes.
1959 November 6
A.B. Sloan speaks about the property value and taxation of Highlander and
accuses Myles Horton of running the school for his own personal profit. (Also
an excerpt from September 16, 515A/34, Judge Chattin handing down his
Approximate running time: 15 minutes.
1959 November
Mr. Lane gives testimony pertaining to the support of communist doctrine by
Highlander. Sheriff Clay testifies about the school's reputation. Rudolf
Brown, a justice of the peace, is asked about the school's connection with the
United Mine Workers. Several witnesses are questioned about the school's
programs and politics, and May Justus reads her statement concerning the
contributions Highlander has made to the community.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
1959 November
May Justus is questioned concerning the support for communist philosophy,
management of the funds and property of Highlander, and the reputation of the
school. She is asked about the details of a statement she had read earlier
(see 515A/38) about Highlander's contributions to the community.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Myles Horton comments, 1962
Horton comments on the closing of the Highlander Folk School and development of
the Highlander Research and Education Center.
Approximate running time: 10 minutes.
Address by Mr. Gough, 1963 July 29
In an anti-communist, racially-biased address delivered at Knoxville,
Tennessee, Mr. Gough asserts that communism is operating in America through the
civil rights movement, that the United States has helped the "Negro" more than
any other nation, and that the people of Africa became civilized only through
help from white men. He comments on the Black Muslims and the NAACP, accuses
Highlander of providing a training ground for communist agitators, condemns the
activities of Myles Horton, Don West, John Butler, and Aubrey Williams, and
calls for an investigation and the arrest of the Highlander staff.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Sam Clark and Thorsten Horton report on the North-South Smoky Mountain
Work Camp, 1963 July
Horton explains how the idea for the camp originated. Clark describes the
activities and atmosphere at the camp.
Approximate running time: 15 minutes.
Citizenship program
Meeting at Septima Clark's home, 1955
At a meeting in the home of Septima Clark, a discussion is conducted concerning
the harassment of NAACP members, the lack of police protection for
African-Americans, the need to unite and fight back, and the power that could be
gained by getting African-Americans to register and vote.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Meeting at Septima Clark's home, 1957 July
At Septima Clark's home, a discussion is held about the adult school on Johns
Island, students' opinions of the school, and plans for future operation. (Also
letters dictated by Myles Horton.)
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Planning session for Voter Registration workshop in the Sea
Islands, 1958 September 22
Myles Horton, Septima Clark, and Mrs. Davis discuss when to hold classes and
varying sessions to avoid repeating any one class. They praise the work of Mrs.
Brewer on Edisto Island, plan a staffing workshop and the invitation of white
people to the session. A discussion arises concerning where to meet so that an
integrated audience may attend.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Report on the Sea Islands Project, 1959 May 17Myles Horton, Septima Clark, Judge Polier, and others report on Johns Island;
Bernice Robinson mentioned as doing a good job of teaching in the Islands;
comments on Highlander purchasing law books to be used all over Charleston and
Sea Islands; discussion of how many voters registered in the area; comments on
types of classes held in literacy schools. Favorable mention of Matthew Perry, a
civil rights lawyer in Greensburg, comments on Dr. Wil Lou Gray who was pioneer
in adult education and better race relations in the Charleston area. Horton
comments on how adults are taught to read, write, and vote. S. Clark comments on
getting every segment of the community into the schools. Larry Atkins, social
worker from West Virginia, comes in and is introduced to other members. Horton
comments on the Highlander method of adult education and discussion of various
personalities in the civil rights and adult education fields. Horton comments on
labor movement and how Highlander was involved; comments on moral support given
by professors and students at the University of the South. Discussion of work
being done by Bernice Robinson in the Sea Islands; discussion of organization
and future plans for Sea Islands project; comments on type of person needed to
teach in literacy schools. Approximate running time: 80 minutes. : See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
Literacy School Class Meeting (Sea Islands), 1960 January 7
Mrs. Allene Brewer teaching students to fill out registration forms. Introduces
Septima Clark, Alice Cobb, Dorcas Ruthenburg, and Myles Horton.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Report on the Civil Rights Act of 1960 and training of Citizenship
School teachers, 1960
1960 July: William P. Mitchell discusses role of federal judges in enforcement
of the law; Myles Horton comments on how to speed up the act and to test the
law; discussion of issuing a statement on the act; attempts to circumvent the
act; civil rights in West Tennessee; Horton comments on the civil rights law as
a political tool and predicts more enforcement in the election year.
1960 November: Rev. Reddick, Mr. and Mrs. Lassiter, Septima Clark, Myles
Horton, and others. Rev. Reddick discusses role of Christianity and civil rights
movement. Discussion of Fayette County registration drive and adult education
program; comments on need for more civil rights legislation and problem of
getting legislation through conservative coalition in Congress; comments on
civil rights and world opinion; comments on black supremacy and the Muslim
movement. Septima Clark comments on emotional appeal of Bishop Grace in South
Carolina, and comments on a Muslim family who stopped at Highlander.
Approximate running time: 90 minutes.
Training workshops
1961 August 5-6
Wyatt Walker tells of integration drive in Petersburg, Virginia, use of
barber shops to spread movement and recruit for citizenship schools, role of
teachers in movement, role of African-American doctors; comments on pressure
against teachers who speak out for the movement; comments on Fayette County
voter registration drive; comments on Haywood County; discussion of voter
registration forms, problems of registration, and the need for more
organization in West Tennessee. Septima Clark gives approximate cost for
running a training school, outlines the responsibilities of teachers, and
joins in a discussion of local elections.
Approximate running time: 85 minutes.
1961 August 5-6 (continued)
Mr. Porter, from West Tennessee, joins the discussion. Comments are made on
Fayette and Haywood Counties, teaching methods in Petersburg, Virginia,
factionalism in Fayette County, and a listing of various groups working in the
county. Panel discussion of Highlander's role in the new South.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
1961 August 8Septima Clark gives instructions on conducting the first session of a
citizenship training school including discussion of the purpose of the school,
the history and philosophy of the sponsoring organization, the sacredness of
the individual, and belief in America; discussion of responsibility for
injustices, the Black Muslim movement, Highlander's legal battles, and the
role of the church in society; demonstrations of assigning homework for
citizenship school pupils, enrollment procedures, and grouping of
students. Approximate running time: 60 minutes. : See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
1961 August 9
Septima Clark and Bernice Robinson lead a discussion on setting up a
citizenship school; topics include when to hold classes, organizing class
schedules, and obtaining and using materials.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
1961 August 9 (continued)
Citizenship training session including discussion of the importance of
various documents (birth certificate, social security card, etc.) to persons
moving to a different state, duties and responsibilities of supervisors and
teachers of citizenship schools, and record keeping. The children of the Rev.
Fred Shuttleworth describe how they were arrested for refusing to move to the
rear of a bus (also on 515A/212).
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
1961 August 10
Citizenship training session including a demonstration of teaching reading
and writing, comments on and criticisms of methods used in the demonstration,
discussion of procedures employed in grouping students and selecting teachers
for the schools; responsibilities of supervisors and teachers.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
1961 August 10 and 12
Session opens with song and prayer; Septima Clark leads discussion on
organizing a citizenship school including when to meet and the assignment of
homework; two demonstrations on how to conduct the first session including
introduction of students and discussion of the purpose and history of the
schools, welfare, and social services, sponsoring organizations, sacredness of
the individual, and belief in America; comments on the Black Muslim movement;
students evaluate the two demonstrations presented earlier.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Life on the Sea Islands, 1961
Esau Jenkins comments on African-American spirituals, hard times,
transportation, property ownership, organizations, etc. in the Sea Islands.
Discussion of citizenship schools in the Islands. Introduction of Myles and
Aimee Horton and Guy and Candie Carawan. Jenkins comments on early schools in the
Approximate running time: 40 minutes.
Life on the Sea Islands (continued), 1961
Esau Jenkins tells of his early life, days on the farm, and his education;
comments on illiterate African-Americans being cheated by merchants and on the
way in which spirituals provide a driving force.
Approximate running time: 10 minutes.
Various discussions on Money, Property, Politics, and
Citizenship 1965 August 26, September
Mr. Mack talks about controlling the money in politics, the problem of
African-Americans losing their property for failure to pay taxes, and how to
become involved in government at the precinct level. Bernice Robinson leads a
discussion of using newspapers as teaching aids. Septima Clark demonstrates
filling out a citizenship school report form and talks about influencing the
community. Mr. Mack speaks on holding the interest of a class, African-American
history in America, and changing trends in politics. A discussion of banking
techniques is conducted and consideration is given to the questions of why
African-Americans don't get an equal share of the nation's wealth and how to
deal with unemployment and consumer problems.
Approximate running time: 180 minutes.
Citizenship School training session, undated
Septima Clark leads a citizenship school training session on conducting the
first lesson including discussion on enrollment, grouping students, encouraging
participation and discussing current issues. Students engage in role playing
exercises and reading sections of the citizenship school work-book. Bernice
Robinson demonstrates conducting a reading lesson. Students discuss the meaning
of "program," "political machine," and "pressure groups" in the context of voter
education. Dorothy Cotton leads a discussion of individual community problems
and the problem solving process, the meaning of citizenship, the right to march,
and the Constitution.
Approximate running time: 240 minutes.
Report on Raising Funds for the Sea Islands, undated : See 515A/65 under "Fundraising."
Community Leadership program
Planning session for the Sevier and Knoxville Counties Weekend
Residential program, 1956 October 6
Participants discuss the choice of location and facilities, basic structure of
the program, inviting participants and speakers, scheduling activities,
combining rural and city programs and planning dates for the programs.
Approximate running time: 50 minutes.
Discussion of events in and around Anderson County and
Clinton, undated
Discussion of White Citizens Council in Anderson County and Clinton, and
comments on Rev. Turner being mobbed in Clinton. Rev. Houts tells of a meeting
of Farmers Union and Miners at Gatlinburg; plans for an adult education center
for Knox, Sevier, and Lake counties; segregation in Knoxville. Plans to invite
Clinton children to a Christmas party at Highlander. (Also report on Camp
Approximate running time: 50 minutes.
Farmers Union
Zilphia Horton, 1956 February 16At the Montana Farmers Union School Zilphia Horton speaks about her travels
across the country, the variation in culture and music she has observed, and the
meaning behind the songs she sings. Approximate running time: 30 minutes. : Content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
Zilphia Horton (continued)
At the Montana Farmers Union School, Zilphia Horton talks about folk music,
leads group singing, and, discusses the history of folk singing and the
appreciation of cowboy as part of the western culture.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Group singing session, 1956 February 16?
Zilphia Horton leads group singing at the Montana Farmers Union School.
Approximate running time: 10 minutes.
Group singing session, 1956 February 17?
Zilphia Horton sings folk and labor union songs and leads group singing.
Approximate running time: 40 minutes.
Farmers Union planning session, 1956 April 7
At a Farmers Union Planning session, participants discuss establishing and
financing medical facilities in small communities through a welfare corporation,
and obtaining the support of the public and local ministers and politicians;
comments are made on current health programs and subsistence farming.
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
Letters dictated by Myles Horton, 1955
Includes an appeal for contributions which provides information about
Highlander's 25th anniversary celebration. (Also other letters and a meeting
concerning the adult school on Johns Island.)
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Report on Fundraising Trip to New York, undated
Septima Clark tells about trying to raise funds for the Sea Islands project,
visiting the Henry Street Settlement House and visiting with Margaret Lamont,
Stuart Meacham, A. Philip Randolph, and Myra Market.
Approximate running time: 10 minutes.
Harlan, Kentucky, Coal strike
Friends World Institute meeting, 1966 May 30
Sam and Florence Reese talked about their experiences in organizing a union for
coal miners in 1931 in the face of violent opposition. Group singing.
Approximate running time: 80 minutes.
Mining discussion, 1968 June
Sam and Florence Reese. Con Browne and others discuss mining in Harlan County
and how the miners' union was organized. Florence sings some original songs, and
a former miner reads poetry he had written.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Singing and discussions on Coal mining and Democratic Convention in
Chicago, 1968 August 31
Peter and Polly Gott, Randy Ihara, and Florence Reese singing. Sam and Florence
Reese talk about Harlan County in the 1920s and 1930s, the organization of a
coal miners' union, and the violent tactics used by mine owners trying to
destroy the union. The Reeses, Myles Horton, and Conrad Browne discuss the
Democratic Convention in Chicago, poverty, war, and organizing mine workers.
Approximate running time: 100 minutes.
Coal mining discussion, 1969 May 1
Sam Reese talks about working in the coal mines in Harlan County, organizing a
miners' union, and violent opposition from mine owners. He recalls instances in
which union organizers were threatened, harassed by "thugs," and murdered.
Working conditions in the mines are discussed. Florence Reese talks about the
hardships imposed upon the families of the union men and sings, "Which Side are
You On?," a song she wrote during the union struggles. Discussion of the history
of the mines.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Inter-American Adult Education Seminar
Adult Education Statement, 1962 DecemberIn Spanish with
translation into English. A statement is read outlining the basic purposes of an adult education program
and describing some of the problems faced by such a program, barriers to be
avoided or overcome, vocational training programs, the threat of technology
destroying human values, the importance of educating the workers, the need for
good teachers and professors, the adult education program in Mexico,
international objectives, and the role of recreation in education. The seminar
is summarized. Approximate running time: 100 minutes.
Koinonia Farm
Camp Koinonia-Highlander, 1957
Children singing and telling what they did at camp; Guy Carawan talks with the
children. (Also discussion of segregation in various communities.)
Approximate running time: 35 minutes.
Koinonia Camp Talent Show, 1957
Children singing, playing records, and performing skits.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Report on Koinonia Farms, 1960 March
Dorothy Swisshelm discusses history of the settlement, violence against farms,
boycott of the farms, why she came to Koinonia, and requirements for joining the
group; question and answer session. (Also poems by John Beecher.)
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Labor workshops
CIO School, 1953 June 26
Discussion about the Volunteer Ordnance Works in Chattanooga and problems of
organization at the plant; an African-American named Mr. Smith speaks of going
to a white school in 1897 Moscow, Tennessee.
Approximate running time: 35 minutes.
CIO workshop, undated
Discussion of contracts and wage increases.
Approximate running time: 10 minutes.
Union discrimination and wage discussion, undatedDiscussion of discrimination against union workers, comparative wages in North
and South, and guaranteed annual wage. Approximate running time: 30 minutes. : See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
Union operation and wage discussions, undated
Paul Christopher explains union operations at Milan, Tennessee, and lists
demands; lists organizers and director of Milan project. Discussion of film
center at Highlander, comparison of wages and prices in Memphis and Milan, equal
pay for women, production speed-ups, and dangers of speed-ups in powder
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
United Furniture Workers workshop, undated
Robert Torrence, North Carolina union leaders, Floyd Buckner, Vice-President
and Southern Director of UFW, speaks; Myles Horton comments on fear due to
McCarthyism; President of UFW presents awards and certificates to graduates of
Highlander workshop; singing "Gimme that Old Union Spirit."
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
United Packinghouse Workers workshop, undated
Lyle Cooper leads discussion of seasonal unemployment and effect on union
organization, and labor costs in the packing industry in comparison to other
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
United Packinghouse Workers workshop, undated
Workers discuss discrimination in hiring practices and segregated working
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
United Packinghouse Workers workshop, undated
Film center report, making of movie at Sizzle Ranch in Texas, working with
oyster workers in New Jersey, filmstrips used in Chicago, and use of filmstrips
at Highlander for unions.
Approximate running time: 10 minutes.
United Packinghouse Workers workshop, undated
Lyle Cooper leads discussion of democracy in industrial unions, profits in the
packing industries.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Discussion of India, 1956
Dr. Stewart Meacham tells of Indian government, problems of the Indian people,
standard of living, village life, and religion in India.
Approximate running time: 25 minutes.
Integration kit (excerpts), 1957 February 16Zilphia Horton singing; Myles Horton introduces Septima Clark, George Mitchell,
and Rosa Parks; Horton and Esau Jenkins discuss the Sea Islands; Septima Clark
tells of work in Charleston; L.A. Blackman tells of integration in Elloree,
South Carolina; a union organizer tells of labor organization in West
Tennessee. Approximate running time: 25 minutes. : See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
Impressions of the South by Ella Jones, 1957
Ella Jones gives her impressions of conditions of African-Americans in
Chattanooga, Atlanta, and Chattsworth and Thomasville, Georgia; comments on
school system in the deep South and the boom in building African-American
schools; and compares Georgia with Florida.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Meeting at Septima Clark's home, 1959 February 17
Discussion of integration; discussion of red-baiting; Esau Jenkins tells of
threats on Martin Luther King's life; comments on voter registration and the
economic aspects of breaking down segregation. Discussion of the 1959 raid on
Approximate running time: 25 minutes.
Citizens Committee meeting, Charleston, South Carolina 1960 January 19
John B. Thompson discusses progress in the South, Highlander's role, and
comments on white reactionaries. Mr. Gadshaw comments on the strike against a
Charleston bakery. Mrs. Ruth Bishop tells of her arrest and of Esau Jenkins
bailing her out. Mr. Wrighten, a lawyer, makes a statement about the case and
comments on the difficulties of African-American lawyers in the South.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Arrest of Rev. Fred Shuttleworth's children, 1960 August 20
Fredrickia tells of leaving Highlander on a bus and refusing to move to the
rear. Patricia tells of arrest in Alabama and of Fredrickia and Fred Jr. being
hit by a policeman. Mrs. Shuttlesworth tells about making bond for the children.
Rev. Shuttlesworth tells of going to get the children out of jail. (Also opening
session of New Leadership workshop.)
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Aimee Horton interviews Buford Posey about his views on Politics and
Civil Rights, 1964 May 3
Posey describes how he was threatened and ostracized in his home of
Philadelphia, Mississippi for refusing to join the Ku Klux Klan.
Approximate running time: 21 minutes.
Walter Cronkite interviews Buford Posey, 1964 July 2
Walter Cronkite interviews Posey by telephone concerning the disappearance of
three civil rights workers in Philadelphia, Mississippi. In another telephone
conversation, Posey talks with an unknown party about the same subject.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
David Welsh interviews Buford Posey for the Civil Rights Information
Service, 1964 July 22 copies with same call number. Posey is asked about the disappearance and suspected murder of three civil
rights workers in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Myles Horton summarizes Posey's
involvement in the case. Approximate running time: 27 minutes.
Buford Posey and Myles Horton interviews, 1964, 1965
Buford Posey describes four incidents of interracial confrontation from his
early life and tells how he was changed from an advocate of white supremacy to a
civil rights worker. Excerpts from an interview with Myles Horton about the
Highlander Research and Education Center.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Discussions on the Poor, Labor Unions, and Government 1968 October 30-31Discussion of helping the poor help themselves; comments on the National
Association for Community Development's poor people's lobby and ways to train
and organize leaders. Myles Horton stresses the importance of letting the people
run the programs themselves, and the difference between formulating theories and
applying them to actual situations. Discussion of progress and policies in the
labor unions, working through county government, and the accomplishments of
certain individuals. Participants include Myles Horton, Frank Adams, Jack
Minnis, and B. Lloyd. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
Filmstrip presentation on Segregation, undated
Robbie Fichman shows a filmstrip and comments on each frame.
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
Goals of the civil rights movement, undated
Discussion of the goals of the civil rights movement, the willingness to lose a
job or to die to achieve those goals, the movement's relationship to
Christianity, the quality of white and African-American schools, priorities of
the educational system, student involvement in the movement, and some reasons
why people join the cause.
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
Satires on the Southern way of life, undated
Satires on the southern way of life showing the degradation, inhumanity, and
stupidity of bigotry. Attacks are aimed at the White Citizens Council,
hypocritical preachers, southern justice, and poor living conditions.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Discussion of Fisk Race Relations Institute, undated
Statements are made that segregation means talent lost, income never earned,
and a blot on the United States. Favorable mention is made of Ralph Helstein,
Packinghouse Workers leader.
Approximate running time: 10 minutes.
Debate on the film Operation
Abolition, circa 1960
Debate at the University of the South between Professor Delks and Fulton Lewis
Jr.; Delks comments on errors in the film and concludes that the student riots
were communist-led; question and answer session. (Also excerpts from the United
Nations workshop.)
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Discussion of “The Fluid South,” undated
Panel discussion on integration; reports on the Charleston-Sea Islands area,
Atlanta, and Columbia, South Carolina; comments on political action, law making,
and enforcement.
Approximate running time: 40 minutes.
Discussion on rights of citizens, undated
Discussion of the importance of citizens knowing their rights and plans for
establishing and financing a poor people's legal aid program for Appalachia.
Group singing of protest and folk songs.
Approximate running time: 300 minutes.
Dr. Otto Hoiberg reports on an International Residential Adult
Education Conference held in Canada, undated
Hoiberg describes the purpose and structure of the program and talks about the
goals of adult education, atmosphere, administration, teaching aids and methods,
and program evaluation. Hoiberg and Myles Horton answer questions about the
conference and the Highlander Folk School and lead a discussion on adult
education. Plans are discussed for a Canadian-American conference to be held at
Highlander and a Liberal Arts College Conference to be held at Goddard
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
May Justus sings, 1953 Summer
May Justus sings lullabies, ballads, mountain folk songs, and some original
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Roving singers at the Highlander Folk School, 1953
Guy Carawan sings "Three Little Pigs," "Charlie," and "Brazos." Jack Elliot
sings "T for Texas," "Slip Knot," and "Railroad Bill." Frank Hamilton sings
"South Coast," two versions of "Brazos," and "Lowland-Low." All sing together
"Hard, Ain't It Hard."
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Zilphia Horton sings and leads group singing, 1956 February 16-17 : See 515A/60-63 under "Farmers Union."
Pete Seeger sings, 1957
Pete Seeger sings folk, blues, and labor union songs and discusses their value,
origin and meaning.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes
Group singing led by Guy Carawan at the Edisto Island Literacy
School, 1960 January 7
Songs include “Give Me That Old Highlander Spirit,” “We Shall Overcome,”
“Michael, Row the Boat Ashore,” “When the Saints Go Marching In,” “Drinking of
the Wine,” “Jesus Is Real to Me,” and “My Life Will Be Sweeter Someday.”
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
515A/101 (continued)
Group singing at meeting of the Friends World Institute, 1966 May 30 : See also 515A/66 under "Harlan, Kentucky, Coal strike."
Mountain Music Festival, 1967 August 26
Mountain Music Festival featuring Peter and David Gott, Guy Carawan, Tucker,
the Davises, and the Hickey Sisters.
Approximate running time: 90 minutes.
Mountain Music Festival, 1967 August 26 (continued)
Guy Carawan and others lead group singing including the singing of the
Highlander theme song, "We Shall Overcome."
Approximate running time: 20 minutes.
515A/103 (continued)
Florence Reese Sings, 1968 June, August 31, and 1969 May 1 : Florence Reese sings folk songs and several labor songs which she wrote during
the organization of a miners' union. : See also 515A/67-69 under "Harlan, Kentucky, Coal strike."
Highlander Music Night, 1968 August 30
Folk songs performed by Peter and Polly Gott, Rob Walsh, Brenda Jones, Randy
Ihara, Conrad Browne, and people from Knoxville.
Approximate running time: 90 minutes.
Music Festival at Highlander, 1968 August 30
Songs performed by Rob Walsh, Peter and Polly Gott, Brenda Jones, Randy Ihara,
and people from Knoxville.
Approximate running time: 90 minutes.
515A/105 (continued)
Music by Peter and Polly Gott and by Randy Ihara, 1968 August 31 : See also 515A/68 under "Harlan, Kentucky, Coal strike."
Brenda Jones music and singing, 1968 September 19
Brenda Jones plays the guitar and sings with Conrad and Harriet Browne, with Al
Bradford on the flute.
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
Instrumental music by Seeger and Hamilton, undated : Approximate running time: 100 minutes
Music tests and music for “Selling the Sizzle,” undated : Approximate running time: 60 minutes
Zilphia Horton learning African folk songs, undated
Someone from Africa teaching songs to Mrs. Horton; English translations--"Peace
Is Good," "As I Was Traveling Along," and "Anger." Zilphia sings an American
Negro spiritual, "He Took My Sins Away."
Approximate running time: 50 minutes.
Zilphia Horton leads group singing of spirituals and freedom
songs, undated : Approximate running time: 15 minutes.
Soul Roots Blues Night, undated
Vocal and instrumental music.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Blues and Soul Music session featuring vocal and instrumental
music, undated : Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
Community children singing and instrumental music, undated : Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Appalachian folk songs, undated
Music group session featuring Guy and Candie Carawan and Peter and Polly Gott
singing Appalachian folk songs.
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
Poetry reading, 1961 AprilJohn Beecher reads two poems he wrote while at Highlander, "The Seed of Fire"
and "Down By the Riverside." Approximate running time: 5 minutes. : See also report on Koinonia Farms.
515A/73 (continued)
SNCC student poetry, 1965 May 27 : See SNCC Poetry workshop, 515A/239 under "Workshops."
Highlander Story '53 : film, 1952
Tape used in film Highlander Story '53 with
Zilphia Horton leading the singing of spirituals and freedom songs including "We
Shall Overcome"
Approximate running time (of whole tape): 20 minutes.
515A/115 (continued)
Esau Jenkins, 1957? : Esau Jenkins talking about discrimination in the Sea Islands area.
“The Highlander Story,” 1959
Myles Horton talks about the background and purpose of the Highlander Folk
School, Septima Clark discusses the program of adult residential workshops, and
Esau Jenkins tells about the beginning of adult education programs on the Sea
Islands of South Carolina. Excerpts from several workshops and the court hearing
of September 19, 1959 are presented, and Horton relates the history of
Highlander's legal problems.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
“The Highlander Story,” 1959 (continued)
Excerpts of testimony against the faculty and students of Highlander Folk
School given during the court hearings of September 1959.
Approximate running time: 20 minutes.
“The Highlander Story,” 1959 (continued)
Excerpts of testimony made in defense of the Highlander Folk School during the
court hearings of September 1959, the prosecution's closing remarks, and
comments on the judge's ruling and later legal battles.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes
“The Highlander Story,” 1959 (continued)
Excerpts from the testimony of Myles Horton at the court hearings of November
1959. Horton describes the effects the hearings have had on Highlander and
Septima Clark comments on dedication to freedom.
Approximate running time: 10 minutes.
Broadcast material ("The Highlander Story"), 1960 January 8
In broadcast over California radio station, Alice Cobb introduces Myles Horton,
discussion of Highlander's background; Septima Clark introduced; Esau Jenkins,
Bernice Robinson, Guy Carawan, and Alice Cobb all speak; Horton tells of attacks
on the school; Septima Clark tells of raid on Highlander in 1959.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Broadcast material on Highlander (excerpts), 1960
Myles Horton introduces Dorcus Ruthenberg; appeal for aid to keep Highlander
open; Septima Clark speaks; song "We Shall Overcome."
Approximate running time: 8 minutes.
Broadcast material, 1960?
Singing, “We Shall Overcome”; Myles Horton discusses history and policy of the
school; Septima Clark describes a typical workshop; Esau Jenkins comments on the
Sea Islands project and how Highlander became involved; Allene Brewer tells
about Edisto Island Citizenship School; Guy Carawan leads singing "We Shall Not
Be Moved," followed by a prayer; Myles Horton tells about attacks on the school;
Dorcus Ruthenberg relates more about the investigation; Ike Church being
questioned by A.B. Sloan and Cecil Branstetter at the trial.
Approximate running time: 35 minutes.
“The Durable Mr. Horton,” 1964 January 14
Myles Horton is interviewed by Trevor Thomas about the closing of the
Highlander Folk School, the new Highlander Research and Education Center,
programs like Highlander's, justice in southern courts, and the history of the
song "We Shall Overcome."
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Myles Horton interview, 1964 February 7
Myles Horton is interviewed by Paul Sheats at the Sheats home. Horton describes
the Highlander Research and Education Center, its programs and goals. Recent
activities and workshops are discussed. Horton explains Highlander's leadership
training programs, expansion of activities, acceptance of the programs by the
white and African-American communities, opposition to the work carried on there.
Abbot Kaplan praises the efforts of Myles Horton and Highlander.
Approximate running time: 50 minutes.
John Thompson interview, 1964 February 21 : Interview with John Thompson about the Highlander Folk School. Topics discussed
include the development of the program, the goals of the school, and the extent
to which they've been achieved, selection of staff and students, sources of
support and opposition, and the effects of recent legal battles on the school
and the country. Thompson describes the contributions made by Highlander to
other institutions and movements, compares Highlander to other southern schools,
and talks about the school's relationship to the community. : See content notes are in Box 110 (Part 2).
Myles Horton interview, 1965 February
Myles Horton, in a radio interview by Ben Sweet talks about the background of
the Highlander Research and Education Center, its objectives, programs, and
approaches to various problems facing the South. Horton discusses the importance
of music to the school's program, sources of support and opposition, financing
the programs, and the outlook for the future. Horton explains his personal
philosophy of belief in people and developing the leaders of a movement.
Approximate running time: 50 minutes.
“The New Highlander,” 1966 April 9
Myles Horton and Esau Jenkins are interviewed by Elsa Thompson. Jenkins talks
about the origin of the Sea Islands Citizenship Schools. Horton describes the
programs and objectives of Highlander. They discuss progress made in voter
registration and interracial relations in recent years and the outlook for the
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
Interview with Myles Horton, 1967 February 23
Shelley Burton and Sophie Stein talk with Myles Horton about the history and
philosophy of the Highlander Research and Education Center. Horton tells about
attacks on the Center and his hopes for the future of the civil rights
Approximate running time: 23 minutes.
“The Highlander Controversy,” undated
A Knoxville City Councilman tells why he thinks the Highlander Research and
Education Center should be investigated. A summary of Highlander's history and
current objectives is given by Myles Horton and Conrad Browne. The accusation of
sympathizing with communism is discussed. Arguments in favor of and in
opposition to the investigation are presented.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Sea Islands : See "Citizenship program."
Miscellaneous and unidentified
Regarding voting, undated
Discussion of voter registration, the role of the church in encouraging
people to vote, learning about the working of the political structure,
literacy schools; stimulating interest in voting, African-Americans working
within precincts, sending delegates to the county convention, the power of the
vote, and political education. Question and answer session.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Myles Horton workshop discussion, undated
Myles Horton conducts a workshop discussion on organizing community action
groups, developing leaders, and utilizing volunteer help.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Supreme Court decision and the Public Schools
Discussion of Integration in Illinois, 1953 July 13
Dr. William Van Til tells of Illinois Interracial Council, role of Governor
Adlai Stevenson in desegregating the state, segregation in East St. Louis and
problems of desegregation in Alton, Illinois.
Approximate running time: 35 minutes.
Discussion of integration in Illinois, 1953 July 13 (continued)
Dr. William Van Til discusses opposition to school integration in Alton,
Illinois and answers questions on the leadership role of Catholic Church,
problems of leadership in Illinois, and school protests in Illinois; Myles
Horton comments on African-American leadership in their own movement.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Discussion of integration in Illinois, 1953 July 13 (continued)
Discussion of leadership in the desegregation movement. Dr. William Van Til
answers questions about integration in East St. Louis and Alton, Illinois;
effect of the movement on school children; letter read from Russell Babcock of
the Illinois Commission on Human Relations; general discussion of segregation
in Illinois.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Washington report, 1953 July 15
Irene Osborne describes the unique situations and problems of schools in
Washington, D.C., conditions prior to the 1950s, and organizations involved in
the struggle to desegregate the schools.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Washington report, 1953 July 15 (continued)
Irene Osborne describes the Joint Committee on Education in the District of
Columbia, lists member organizations, and discusses the attitudes of teachers
on integrating the schools.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Washington report, 1953 July 15 (continued)
Irene Osborne discusses policies of the Joint Committee, views of member
organizations, the Committee's effect on public opinion, integration of
restaurants, and tactics used by opponents of desegregation.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Washington report, 1953 July 15 (continued)
Irene Osborne tells of the Joint Committee's efforts to work with the
administration on desegregation of the schools, and discusses individual
members of the Board of Education.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Washington report, 1953 July 15 (continued)
Irene Osborne comments on the attitudes of teachers toward integration of
schools; Myles Horton urges study of Washington as a model city in race
relations; summary of discussion on the approach to the problem of school
desegregation; Osborne answers questions.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Discussion on democracy, 1953 July 22
Ted Brameld discusses philosophy of democracy and civil rights; open
discussion of democracy and opposing systems.
Approximate running time: 50 minutes.
Discussion on democracy, 1953 July 22 (continued)
Myles Horton and Ted Brameld discuss with students Highlander's role in a
democracy and integration in schools and organizations.
Approximate running time: 40 minutes.
Discussion on democracy, 1953 July 22 (continued)
Myles Horton, Ted Brameld, and students discuss the extent to which high
schools accept the responsibility of informing students and preparing them to
become good citizens; Horton comments on lack of concern by labor leaders for
the civil rights movement.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Oak Ridge school system, 1953 August 2
Discussion of Oak Ridge school system and the problems involved with
Approximate running time: 35 minutes.
Segregation discussion, 1954 June 29Myles Horton tells group not to be critical of persons who are not free to
join the movement, comments on the role of the churches, segregation in
Knoxville, segregation in blood banks, Episcopal church and segregation. Approximate running time: 60 minutes : See content notes are in Box 110 (Part 2).
Segregation discussion (continued), 1954 June 30-July 1
Group singing role of good discussion leaders in a workshop, comments on
African-American doctors in the civil rights movement; discussion of future
workshops on the United Nations; Julia Mabee leads a general discussion on the
purpose of a good workshop, guidelines for a workshop, and how a workshop is
set up. Dean Brazeal discusses African-American teachers in white schools,
teachers' roles in political action, dangers of destroying cultural core of
African-American community by allowing African-American teachers to speak out
too freely and being fired; discussion of Farmers Union in Carroll County,
Tennessee, whose leaders studied at Highlander; comments on some break down of
segregation barriers in Jackson, Tennessee.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
United Nations (U.N.) workshops
U.N. workshop, 1954 August 2-3
Purpose of the workshop; American Legion's opposition to the U.N.;
segregation and world opinion; Myles Horton tells of interview with Eleanor
Roosevelt, Reis Williams mentioned as making headway on U.N. discussions in
Charleston, South Carolina; Esau Jenkins discusses the Sea Islands and
Charleston area, makeup of population in Islands, economic problems and how
Sea Islands relate to the U.N. Fred Bennett discusses the Supreme Court and
problems of small farmers in Alabama; housing problems for African-Americans
in Crosset, Arkansas; praise for unions in Crosset; difficulty of getting
credit for African-Americans; unemployment in Bristol, Tennessee;
industrialization in the South; unionism in Florida; economic problems of
Cumberland County, Tennessee; right to work laws and political action. Avraham
Mezerik discusses background and politics involved in running the U.N.;
Security Council.
Approximate running time: 150 minutes.
U.N. workshop, 1954 August 3-4Discussion on Korea and collective action by U.N., race discrimination in
South Africa, Economic and Social Council, Trustee Council, and India's moral
force in the world; Myles Horton tells of Coal Creek Rebellion and of later
efforts to organize in Tracy City and La Follette, Tennessee. Helen Boughton
discusses Economic and Social Council of the U.N.; difficulty in getting State
Dept. clearance for delegates to international organizations and conferences,
how Farm Agricultural Organization works, selection of delegates to U.N.
organizations. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/146.
U.N. workshop, 1954 August 4-5The class is divided into panels to discuss race relations, Korea and China,
disarmament and underdeveloped nations; A. Mezerik discusses world currency
and the world market, International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, peace
keeping and brush fire wars, loyalty of delegates to U.N. and home country,
conversation with Ralph Bunche, and discrimination against U.N. in the United
States. Panel discussion on forced labor, South Africa, Korea, and China; new
students introduced, small farmer problems discussed, discussion of
Charleston, South Carolina, Port Authority and unionism in Charleston. Group
singing--"Same Boat, Brother" and "I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray." Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/147.
U.N. workshop, 1954 August 5-6Discussion of political action and the U.N.; problems of getting Congress to
vote for U.N. support; comments on effectiveness of writing to Congressmen.
Myles Horton explains the Democratic primary in Tennessee that was held the
previous day, comments on victory of Frank Clement and Estes Kefauver as
victories for the civil rights movement in Tennessee. (Also Debate on the film
Operation Abolition.) Approximate running time: 45 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/148.
U.N. workshop, 1954 August 6-7Helene Boughton discusses practical work for U.N. in the community, lists
organizations that are interested in the U.N., comments on problems of
segregation in the Charleston chapter of the American Association for the
U.N., methods of creating interest in the U.N. in the local area and how
nongovernment organizations can get hearings in the U.N.; Margaret Lamont
leads discussion on history and members of the Trustee Council; lists Trustee
areas, explains philosophy behind the U.N. Myles Horton asks students for a
decision on whether to hold silent prayer as the U.N. does; discussion of
Meditation Room at the U.N.; A. Mezerik discusses China and the U.N., politics
involved in refusal to admit Communist China. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/149.
U.N. workshop, 1954 August 6
Myles Horton discusses with Esau Jenkins the Charleston and Sea Islands area;
Anna Kelly tells about integration moves in Charleston; Horton comments on
right wing opposition to integration and the U.N.; Septima Clark tells how she
recruited Esau Jenkins to come to the workshop; Horton stresses the need for
working through existing organizations; Fred Bennett and Helene Boughton begin
role playing debating the U.N.; Nancy Gough comments on ways to increase
attendance at U.N. meetings; Beulah Johnson discusses Tuskegee Civic
Association; Horton comments on some failures of Highlander, the labor
movement, and plans for future.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Continuation of 515A/150.
See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
U.N. workshop, 1954 August 7Discussion of the military aspects of non-recognition, economic aspects of
non-recognition, China and the Korean War, possibility of war with China,
China and Tibet, and lack of civil liberties in Communist China; Horton gives
his views on communism and world peace, coexistence, compares communism and
democracy, warns that civil rights leaders will be called communists, comments
on nonviolence as a tool of use to the civil rights movement, and points out
that Highlander is breaking the law of the state by integrating students;
Septima Clark leads discussion of how to further the U.N. in local communities
and lists groups that are interested in U.N. in Knoxville. Approximate running time: 145 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/151.
U.N. workshop, 1954 August 8Discussion prior to opening of last session about lack of colleges that will
allow interracial conferences; silent prayer or meditation; Myles Horton
comments on his belief in worship; Barbara Reynolds gives summary of small
group discussions; Horton tells students how to help one another when they get
back home and lists various groups that have been to Highlander and will help,
comments on his philosophy of developing leadership, tells of non-segregated
union he organized in South Carolina during the 1930s. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/152.
U.N. workshop highlights, 1954 August 1-8
Myles Horton discusses integration and the U.N., working through local
leaders, involving as many people as possible in local leadership, developing
new leadership, establishing clear-cut goals, and leadership in local
communities. Group singing including "Same Boat Brother" and "Couldn't Hear
Nobody Pray."
Approximate running time: 90 minutes.
U.N. workshop excerpts, 1954 August 6-8Myles Horton discusses leadership training programs, the importance on
conviction and motivation, effective use of a combination of local leaders
with outside advising, ways to develop new leaders and the need for a
clear-cut challenging goal. Approximate running time: 25 minutes. : See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
Avraham Mezerik discussion, 1955
Avraham Mezerik discusses local and United Nations problems including the
necessity of international cooperation in solving problems, the pressure from
world opinion as an aid to the civil rights movement, and the need to overcome
fear of being labelled a communist for advocating integration.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
The South prepares to carry out the Supreme Court decision outlawing
segregation in public schools
Integration in the Oak Ridge school system, 1955
Tom Dunigan, principal of the Oak Ridge, Tennessee High School talks about
integration in the Oak Ridge school system, the history and progress of
desegregation of the schools, public opinion, integrating the public swimming
pool, and the policy of hiring African-American teachers.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Integration in the Oak Ridge school system (continued), 1955
Tom Dunigan talks about faculty and student reactions to integration, the
relationship established in an interracial student body, and parents'
reactions. During a question and answer period topics treated include reasons
for following a particular course in desegregating a school, integrating
athletics, housing, social affairs, and the administrative structure, and the
possibility of African-Americans "taking over" an area or facility.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Community leadership training
Education in Sweden and Nigeria, 1955
Seven Sundin speaks on adult education in Sweden, and the history, structure,
and programs of the Swedish folk high schools. Ogba Agba Okarie reports on
education in Nigeria including the history, development, and structure of
schools, and the way in which leadership is developed.
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
Discussion of integration movement, 1955
Irene Osborne and Myles Horton discuss organizing the integration movement,
developing leadership, planning programs in local communities, school
desegregation, distributing information, and working to gain public
acceptance. Horton gives a review of the discussion.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Folk schools in Germany and Holland, undated
Elisabeth Brinkman talks about folk schools (i.e. adult education) in
Germany, their function and goals, programs and teaching methods, means for
developing leadership, and attempts to reach people of all ages, classes, and
religions. Oscar Guermondprez talks about the function of folk schools in
Holland, dealing with social problems, educational methods, and leadership
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
College workshops
College weekend workshop, 1957 January 7
Reports of committees: comments on building a movement without hate; how to
stop bias on a personal level; compromising of ideals to society, and the
movement in Montgomery; evaluation of workshop and suggestions for future
Approximate running time: 130 minutes.
College workshop, 1958 March 28
Rev. John B. Thompson discusses freedom of thought in colleges; comments on
science and communism, red baiters, students' role in freedom of thought, role
of whites in the integration movement, and responsibility for making democracy
Approximate running time: 110 minutes.
College workshop, 1958 March 29 (continued)
General discussion of communication of social issues through the arts.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
College workshop, 1960 April 1
Nashville leader of student sit-ins comments on the students and the
African-American community; comments on plans for economic boycott in
Nashville; Tom Tucker, Yale student, tells of sympathy protests against
ten-cent stores in his area; Horton offers services of Highlander to the
students; students introduce themselves.
Approximate running time: 20 minutes.
College workshop, 1960 April (continued)
Dr. Herman Long discusses non-violence, comments on whether adults should be
brought into sit-in movement, and discusses involvement of community; Guy
Carawan comments on degree of unification of students; discussion of moral vs.
legal issue; comments on Nashville Banner and
Tennessean; comments on power struggle going on between old and new
Approximate running time: 45 minutes.
College workshop, 1960 April (continued)
Dr. Long compares non-violence in India with the American civil rights
movement, comments on sit-ins as a part of the total integration movement, and
discusses steps to take while waiting for sit-ins to take effect.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
College workshop, 1960 April (continued)
Dr. Long discusses student movement and plays devil's advocate to stimulate
students; comments that adults would not have started the movement because of
economic, social, and political pressures; comments on leadership of the
movement, response of white community to movement; Long says students guilty
of bad public relations and questions use of term non-violence instead of
peaceful protest. (Also correspondence dictated by Myles Horton).
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Singing, poetry readings, and discussion 1960 April 3
Guy Carawan leads singing "How Can I Keep From Singing" and "Faith of Our
Fathers"; Carawan reads poems and selections from the Bible; Myles Horton asks
questions of students, plays devil's advocate and argues legal aspects rather
than moral; session becomes heated as students and Horton argue; discussion of
Rev. James Lawson's being ousted from Vanderbilt; statements read by persons
involved in the Lawson affair.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Public school integration workshops
Report on the Southern Mountains, 1956 August 9
Middle of discussion on integration in the Southern mountains; Septima Clark
introduces visitors. (Also panel discussion on desegregation.)
Approximate running time: 15 minutes.
Social and economic changes in the South, 1956 August 8
Fred Routh discusses recent social and economic changes in the South, lists
influences upon changing South, comments on NAACP's battle to end white
primacy, gives opinion on each of the Southern states as to how they will
accept the 1954 Supreme Court ruling, comments on Jim Folsom of Alabama,
comments on hate organizations and overlapping membership, lists groups
favorable to the integration movement, comments on Orangeburg, South Carolina,
explains "Doctrine of Hard Choice," use of domestic workers to spread
propaganda among white population, exploitation of African-Americans by other
African-Americans, Martin Luther King Jr.'s role in reviving church
leadership, Alabama's record in race relations, role of passive resistance and
court battles, and comments on the use of the boycott.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Church integration, 1956 August 20
Rev. Robert C. Palmer speaks on integration in the churches, praises
Methodist church, comments on gradual change as young ministers replace older
ones, and reads a 1955 report of the Fisk Race Relations Institute.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Protests and action in Montgomery, Alabama 1956 August 21Montgomery bus boycott is discussed by participants; Rosa Parks comments on
her arrest and events leading up to the boycott; Rev. James E. Pierce comments
on the beginning of protests in Montgomery, formation of the Montgomery
Improvement Association, resolutions of the Association, and King's rise as
leader of the Association; Rev. Robert Graetz comments on attitudes of
non-violence, attitudes of white churches in Montgomery, and comments on his
arrest for taking part in the boycott; question and answer session. Approximate running time: 60 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/172.
Race relations in Elloree, South Carolina 1956 August 23L.A. Blackman tells of Elloree, South Carolina; comments on African-Americans
being fired for signing petitions in favor of integrating schools, pressure on
African-Americans, movement of the KKK in the area, some problems faced by
Blackman personally, ways African-Americans fought back, fundraising to aid
African-Americans, plight of white farmers who fired African-Americans and
then had no one to harvest the crops. Approximate running time: 60 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/173.
Status of integration in various cities, 1956 AugustSummary of gains and losses in various cities--Washington, Knoxville,
Charleston, Birmingham; comments on integration as a fight for democracy;
discussion of integration of West Virginia State College by white students,
African-Americans' suspicions of white students, economic problems of the
school, discussion of interracial dating. Approximate running time: 180 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/174.
Desegregation in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and comments on
Highlander's training program and workshops 1956 August 25
Cortez Puryear tells of desegregation in Winston-Salem, North Carolina--ball
park, golf course, courthouse, buses, etc. Evaluations of workshop and plans
for future workshops, Myles Horton, Septima Clark, C.E. Parrish, and Irene
Osborne participating; comments on Highlander's policy of training rank and
file members of movement instead of old leaders and discussion of ways to save
time and make workshops more compact.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Continuation of 515A/175.
See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
Discussion of the Orangeburg, South Carolina boycott 1956
Rev. Henry Parker tells of students' boycott, reads lists of grievances,
comments on students' feelings toward the college president, comments on
expulsion of Fred Moore, leader of the students; Myles Horton comments on the
boycott as a sign of the times; comments on protests being triggered by the
Supreme Court decision of 1954.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Registration and voting
Voter registration workshop, 1954
Discussion by someone from Pennsylvania on the use of political action to
gain civil rights legislation. Discussion of the place of the white Southerner
in the current struggle for justice.
Approximate running time: 40 minutes.
Voter registration workshop (evaluations), 1958 June 20
Students identify themselves and report on what they learned at the
Approximate running time: 40 minutes.
Voter registration workshop, 1958
Charles Gomillion speaking; Walter B. Jones comments on trial of NAACP
members in Alabama; Eleanor Roosevelt and Harry Golden come in and are
introduced by Myles Horton; discussion of voter registration in South
Carolina, Chattanooga, and Alabama; comments on pattern of registration and
delay tactics used in Williamsburg County, South Carolina; Harry Golden
comments on his area in North Carolina; comments on questions asked of
African-American voters when they try to register, and publicity for voter
registration; Mrs. Israel reports on good voting record in her area;
registration in Charleston, South Carolina; Mr. Robinson comments on voter
difficulty in Tennessee and voter drives in Memphis, West Tennessee,
Nashville, and Chattanooga; comments on pattern of the African-American vote,
discussion of Chattanooga Voters' League and its control by political bosses;
role of ministers in voter registration drives; incentives for
registration--block voter drives, rallies, honor roll in church, etc.
Approximate running time: 130 minutes.
Panel discussion of desegregation, 1960 November 19
Mr. Adams, Rev. Newbern, B. Robinson, Septima Clark, and others; discussion
of publicity; registration and voting, poll tax; equal opportunity in state
and federal civil service, barriers to African-American voting; comments on
states rights; increased civil rights legislation; practical politics and
politicians; report on Civic and Welfare League in Brownsville, Tennessee;
comments on Fayette County, voting barriers in Haywood County, and need for
investigation into voting restrictions in Haywood County. (Also report on the
Southern Mountains.)
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Savannah's plan for voter registration, 1960
Director of county organization tells of getting aid from NAACP to coordinate
voter registration drive; purpose of drive outlined, where meetings held,
financing drive, selection of candidates in Savannah and rest of state;
discussion of whether to endorse candidates; Fletcher Robinson comments on
influencing voters in Charleston; discussion of NAACP's drive to register
African-Americans in the South; comments on county unit system in Georgia.
Approximate running time: 75 minutes.
Discussion on registration and voting, undated
Discussion of voting irregularities, selecting a candidate, New York and
Philadelphia politics, issues in a campaign, public meetings, and contacts
with state agencies. (Also discussion from the Experimental workshop on Adult
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
The South Thinking Ahead (25th anniversary seminar)
Religious services, 1957
Prayer by John B. Thompson; Guy Carawan leads singing of "Joyful, Joyful";
sermon by Thompson; Carawan sings "Faith of Our Fathers"; sermon by Bishop
Nichols on dangers of conformity. Discussion of the place of the white
Southerner in the current struggle for justice.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Martin Luther King Jr. speech, 1957
At Highlander's 25th anniversary celebration, Martin Luther King Jr. speaks
on "The Look to the Future." He gives a summary of the history of race
relations, talks about the Ku Klux Klan and White Citizens' Council opposing
integration, and predicts the eventual triumph of desegregation through
economic pressure, Supreme Court rulings, the activities of human relations
agencies, the Christian church, and the determination of African-Americans to
be recognized as equal.
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Community services and segregation
Planning session, 1958 March 28
Planning session for community services and segregation workshop in May 1958.
Scope and purpose of social workers workshop; comments on school bombing in
Nashville; discussion of closing schools and its effect on the alliance of
African-Americans and poor whites.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Planning session, 1958 March 28 (continued)
Discussion of who will be coming to the 1958 workshops; discussion of Junior
Leagues in Nashville and elsewhere in the state; role of doctors in the civil
rights movement; praise for Vanderbilt Hospital in working to end
discrimination; Myles Horton tells of cooperation of Paul Savage, Commissioner
of Welfare, during the 1930s.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Community Services and Segregation workshop, 1958 May 2
Septima Clark welcomes students; students identify themselves; discussion of
types of human relations organizations, breaking down barriers on the
professional level, pressure groups and segregation, poor leadership by
African-American ministers, eliminating barriers between whites and
African-Americans, de facto segregation in the border states, and social work
and segregation; summary of day's session; comments on danger of state
officials losing their jobs if they become involved in the integration
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Community Services and Segregation workshop (continued), 1958 May 3
Group singing--"Lord, Make Me More Holy," "We Shall Walk Through the Valley
in Peace," "One Finger, One Thumb"; discussion of people and the professions;
excerpt read from American Bar Association report on the Supreme Court; legal
and moral aspects of segregation; Horton comments on morals and the law;
statement of the American Association of University Professors read; statement
of the Methodist General Council read; discussion of value of these
statements; Horton discusses labor unions and segregation; statement by
Association of Social Workers; statement about leadership in the integration
movement by social workers in Nashville; Dr. Lewis Jones discusses migration,
comments on rural and urban life, comments on white Southern mountaineer who
migrates to the North or West; comments on civil rights fight and aid of
Approximate running time: 145 minutes.
Community Services and Segregation workshop (continued), 1958 May 4-5
Anne Braden reports on work of the Southern Conference Educational Fund;
Horton gives a brief history of the organization; someone from Ghana tells of
discrimination against him in the United States because of his color; Horton
discusses voting and registration; comments on progress in Tennessee; comments
on the African-American vote; evaluation of the workshop; discussion of
various sessions of the workshop; Lewis Jones comments on a white teacher,
Mrs. Scribner, who taught him at Fisk, calls for moral reinforcement of whites
who aid the integration movement, comments on pressure put on whites who aid
the movement.
Approximate running time: 115 minutes.
Discussion on rural Mexico, undated
Discussion of community development in rural Mexican areas with comments on
the poor conditions in Mexican villages, belief and superstitions,
institutions and technicians working in rural communities, the basic needs of
all communities, projects for aiding in community development and economic
assistance, the need to alter the beliefs and attitudes, and the local power
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Discussion on rural Mexico, undated (continued)
Conclusion of the discussion on rural Mexico. Presentation on community
development among the indigenous peoples of Mexico including discussion on
organizing and financing programs, working with the people, developing local
leadership, and the ultimate goal of establishing a stable civic organization
for community development. Discussion of the social role of teachers.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Teacher role in community development, undatedDiscussion of the role of the teacher in community development programs. Approximate running time: 15 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/188.
Adult literacy discussion, undated
In a discussion on adult literacy, presentations are given on adult education
programs in Mexico and southern United States.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Community program establishment discussion, undated
Discussion of establishing a program in a community, organizing projects with
community support, motivating local action, and developing leadership.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Conference on the problems of migrants
Migration problems, 1958 September 16
Don Fessler, Myles Horton, Lewis Jones, and others talk about raising funds
for an education program in Charleston and the Sea Islands; Don Fessler
comments on how careful Mountain Workers Conference is about working with
African-Americans; comments on human resources being based on potential not
race; discussion of limiting concern to the South and letting the North worry
about its own problems; discussion of industrialization of the South and the
skills involved; problems of northern workers who come South and how they tend
to live in the same community; problem of Old Guard not accepting the incoming
northerners; discussion of migration and and the voting laws, difficulty of
maintaining voting status in a mobile society; comments on unions in the South
and how McClellen is trying to weaken them; discussion of a report on
migration and comments on how such a report would affect a community such as
Edisto Island; comments from someone from the Netherlands.
Approximate running time: 90 minutes.
Migration problems, 1958 September 16 (continued)
Don Fessler, Dr. Lanier, Myles Horton, and others; Horton comments on
teen-age gangs in the North; discussion of migration from the Sea Islands;
Horton comments on present day pattern of working in cities and living in the
country; problem of racial integration in neighborhoods; discussion of Sea
Islands and of a pilot project planned to improve the area; comments on
Schwartzhaupt Foundation supplying money for literacy in the Islands. Rev.
Williams discusses total non-resistance, comments on non-violence as being in
opposition to Darwin's theory of natural selection, comments on basis for
non-violence, non-violence as an offense as well as a defense; role of Martin
Luther King as student of non-violence, and comments on King's home being
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
The Place of the White Southerner in the Current Struggle for
Changing patterns of desegregation, 1969Myles Horton discusses changing pattern of desegregation; comments on
changing leadership in the movement, sit-ins as a factor in shift in
leadership from whites to African-Americans, difficulty of communication
between older members of movement and demonstrators, whites' desire for
gradual change and African-Americans' demand for immediate action. (Also
religious services at 25th anniversary.) Approximate running time: 30 minutes. : See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
Role of whites in desegregation, 1960 May
Rev. Shuttlesworth, presiding, reads letter from 15-year-old white girl in
Birmingham who wants to join movement; sit-in leader from Atlanta discusses
role of whites in civil rights movement, tells of refusal to take orders from
white sit-in leader, and being rebuffed by other African-Americans for it;
comments on what white students have to gain by entering the movement; Horton
warns that movement could be hurt by using whites at the wrong time; Lewis
Jones tells students not to be afraid of "red-baiting" but to expel any
persons who refuse to follow democratic methods; discussion of "red-baiting"
and labeling. (Also literacy school class meeting in Sea IslandS.)
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Role of whites in desegregation, 1960 May 25
Group singing “We Shall Overcome,” "I'll Sit at the Welcome Table," "Michael,
Row the Boat Ashore," "I Am a Weary and Lonesome Traveler," "The Ink is
Black"; Horton welcomes students, tells them what to expect from the session,
and comments on the background of Highlander Folk School and civil rights
fight; Septima Clark relates some of her background; students introduce
themselves and tell of their experience in the movement.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Role of whites in desegregation, 1960 May 25Discussion of integrated staff on Concern
magazine; Guy Carawan tells of his background and of trying to
bridge the gap between whites and African-Americans through music. News
reports from Radio Press in New York. Approximate running time: 15 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/196.
Role of whites in desegregation, 1960 May 26Anne Braden gives summary of discussions on May 25; new students introduce
themselves and give their backgrounds; speakers for session introduced;
Washington Butler discusses cooperation on the political level; Mrs. Allene
Brewer and Ross Anderson discuss personal and social level cooperation; U.Z.
McKennan discusses working together in committees; comments on role of labor
unions in the integration movement. (Also discussion from a CIO labor union
workshop.) Approximate running time: 60 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/197.
Role of whites in desegregation, 1960 May 26
Myles Horton presiding; discussion of Nashville sit-ins; Marion Barry
discusses law and sit-ins; comments on white aid in Nashville sit-ins;
comments on different tactics used in different areas; Anne Braden leads
discussion on how whites can be used most effectively in the movement; Myles
Horton discusses St. Louis swim-ins; Septima Clark discusses equal pay for
African-American teachers in South Carolina; discussion of separate but equal
schools. (Also discussion from a voter registration workshop.)
Approximate running time: 80 minutes.
Continuation of 515A/196.
See content notes are in Box 110 (Part 2).
Role of whites in desegregation, 1960 May 26Further discussion of Nashville sit-ins and what African-Americans expect of
whites; comments on the bombing of Z. Alexander Looby's home in Nashville. Approximate running time: 60 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/199.
Role of whites in desegregation, 1960 May 26Alice Cobb discusses the church and race relations; Miss Louise Young speaks
on Councils on Human Relations in Tennessee; Dr. Phillip C. Sotong discusses
communications between whites and African-Americans in Chattanooga; discussion
of conformity and the social structure in Chattanooga; Mrs. Anna Kelly
comments on working with volunteer organizations; Miss Kay Jones comments on
government agencies and segregation; question and answer session. Anne Braden,
Myles Horton, Guy Carawan, Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, Rita Sanders, Washington
Butler, and others discuss white and African-American leadership; Mr. Butler
tells of integration in Oak Ridge; Horton comments on lack of personal contact
between whites and African-Americans; discussion of Little Rock school
desegregation and efforts of some whites to keep schools open; discussion of
breaking down segregation laws before integration movement becomes a reality;
summation of the day's session. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/200.
Role of whites in desegregation, 1960 May 27Mrs. Lois Reeves, presiding; reports of small committees; Rosa Parks reports
on Politics and Organizations, comments on world peace as the next major
reform movement, praise for League of Women Voters, comments on youths
arrested in protest demonstrations; Myles Horton makes general comments on
integration; Jim Massingill reports on social and personal relations, comments
that African-Americans suspect all whites; Mrs. Reeves reports on role of the
church organizations and other groups who are willing to help; Ed Wright and
James Bevel report on additional efforts in the future movement; discussion of
demonstrations in Huntsville, Alabama; summary of discussions on sit-ins. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/201.
Role of whites in desegregation, 1960 May 27-28Dr. Viola Bernard, Lewis Jones, and others discuss early ideas of human
relationships; report on social and personal relations between whites and
African-Americans; Dr. Bernard suggests more tolerance for white liberals;
report on "red-baiting" and labeling; comments on overusing white liberals and
destroying their usefulness to the movement. Horton gives summary of the
session; Septima Clark makes a few closing remarks; member of Southern
Christian Leadership Conference outlines objectives of the organization. Approximate running time: 70 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/202.
Role of whites in desegregation, 1960 May 28Dr. Bernard speaks on integration and "red-baiting"; comments on "lunatic
fringe" who are anti-civil rights, and anti-Semitic, and anti-progress. Approximate running time: 20 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/203.
Political Education and Community Development workshop
Report on the Civil Rights Act of 1960, 1960 July
William P. Mitchell discusses role of federal judges in enforcement of the
law; Myles Horton comments on how to speed up the act and test the law;
discussion of issuing a statement on the act; attempts to circumvent the act;
civil rights in West Tennessee; Horton comments on the civil rights law as a
political tool and predicts more enforcement in the election year. (Also
training class for citizenship school teachers.)
Approximate running time: 30 minutes.
Experimental workshop on Adult Education
Adult Education workshop, 1961 January 20
Students introduce themselves and tell of previous experiences; Emogen
Stroman tells about Savannah boycott, A. and I. professor tells about sit-ins
in Nashville; Septima Clark demonstrates teaching methods used in literacy
school, comments on grouping students, how to teach writing, teaching the
writing of numbers, and class programming. (Also discussion from workshop on
Approximate running time: 40 minutes.
Adult Education workshop, 1961 January 21Septima Clark discusses eviction of tenant farmers in West Tennessee;
comments on transition of tenant farmers to truck farmers in Sea Islands and
suggests same for West Tennessee; comments on plans to send Lane College
students into West Tennessee to run education program; importance of voter
registration in adult education schools; evaluations of citizenship schools;
influence of citizenship schools on voter registration; comments on what
subjects to take up in class; reports from teachers in citizenship schools;
aid to citizenship schools by churches; keeping records on individual
students; purpose of citizenship schools. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/205.
Adult Education workshop, 1961 January 21
Discussion of African-American goals and working with whites; Beaufort, North
Carolina, cited as ideal town for interracial relations; Myles Horton explains
his guiding philosophy and what kind of world he is working for; Septima Clark
discusses Highlander's plans for training new leaders; Myles Horton outlines
extension facilities and financing of programs by Highlander. (Also discussion
on Registration and voting.)
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Continuation of 515A/206.
See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
New alliances in the South
Comments on the integration movement, 1961 February 23
Myles Horton comments on integration movement; comments on Haywood County
Civic and Welfare League; background of registration and voting in Haywood
County; discusses Crusade for Voters in Savannah; Horton explains his
philosophy; discussion of Madison County, Alabama; background and purposes of
Alabama Human Relations Council; Horton comments on white involvement in the
movement; comments on sit-ins and race relations in Nashville, Knoxville, and
Huntsville; background of sit-ins and Student Non-violent Coordinating
Committee; Ross Anderson tells more about sit-ins; Horton comments on jail as
a status symbol; Horton summarizes the day's session and ties in discussion
with the overall movement; Horton comments on the joining of old and new
Approximate running time: 90 minutes.
Comments on the integration movement, 1961 February 24Wyatt T. Walker discusses background and purpose of integration drive in
Petersburg, Virginia, with emphasis upon keeping interest in movement going,
cooperation of various groups in Petersburg, and development of student
organization, discussion of Savannah boycott, use of mass media for movement,
establishing a broad base in the community, and student movement in Savannah;
segregation of public facilities in Huntsville; obtaining state charters for
organizations. Methods of desegregating public libraries; primary function of
various African-American groups; comments on citizenship schools; problem of
apathy among African-Americans in Huntsville; problem of maintaining secrecy
in planned marches, etc.; summation of session. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/208.
Comments on the integration movement, 1961 February 24Wyatt T. Walker discusses the background of demonstrations in Nashville;
comments on history of African-American movements from 19th century; Alice
Cobb tells why sit-ins were necessary and comments on the role of Nashville
Community Relations Conference in the movement; Rev. C.T. Vivian speaks on
role of churches in Nashville movement, comments on James Lawson, and
background leading up to sit-ins; John Lewis speaks on role of students from
Nashville colleges, arrest of students; Lester Carr speaks on psychological
impact of the sit-ins; question and answer session; comments on demonstrations
in Savannah, demonstrations in Atlanta, and bombing of Z. Alexander Looby's
home in Nashville; Horton comments on taking advantage of white violence;
violence in Nashville and impact upon merchants; role of Nashville
African-American minister in the movement. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/209.
Comments on the integration movement, 1961 February 25Dr. Lewis Jones discusses group movements and organizations, questions
survival of integration organizations with no long range goals, comments on
Tuskegee Civic Association as a dying mass movement, comments on lawyers and
civil rights cases, comments on Democratic Party in the South, and comments on
New England schoolteachers who came South; Horton takes over remainder of the
session; steering committee nominated; informal discussion after session is
over, comments on sending out a leaflet to college students outlining the
session at Highlander. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/210.
New Leadership workshop
New Leadership workshop, 1961 March 14
Students introduce themselves and tell why they came to Highlander; singing.
Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth's children tell of being arrested for refusing to move
to the back of the bus.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
New Leadership workshop, 1961 March 15Rev. Major Jones discusses responsible African-American leadership,
Montgomery boycott and role of Martin Luther King Jr., role of the sit-ins in
bringing out the best and worst among African-American leaders, destruction of
old leadership by the student movement; role of the new leaders; question and
answer session; comments on African-American ministers as leaders; comments on
"Atlanta Compromise"; comments on survival of sit-in movement; discussion of
Black Muslim movement. (Also evaluation of youth camp.) Approximate running time: 15 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/212.
New Leadership workshop, 1961 March 16Discussion of Black Muslims and efforts to combat the movement. (Also youth
camp student council meeting.) Approximate running time: 15 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/213.
The New Agenda for the Southerner
Discussion of “The Fluid South,” 1961 May 6
James Woods discusses background of social attitudes in the South, economic
background of change, population shift from rural to urban, political factor
in change, social or cultural factor of the African American, influence of
communism and black nationalism, the movement, comments on Marcus Garvey and
Father Divine, voting potential of African-Americans; question and answer
session; discussion of Muslim movement, failure of Muslims in Atlanta, and use
of name “X”; Horton comments on Muslims. (Also panel discussion on
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Panel discussion on Highlander's Role in the New South, undatedMyles Horton, Lewis Jones, Septima Clark, and others, discuss employment of
African-Americans, need for skilled tradesman, impact of new industry in the
South, power elite in the South; Horton recalls starting integration workshops
in 1953; Jones predicts more segregation in housing in the nearfuture;
discussion of African-Americans in unions. (Also discussion from a citizenship
training workshop.) Approximate running time: 50 minutes. : See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
Beauticians' workshops on leadership
New leadership responsibilities, 1962 October 29
Lillian Robinson, discussion leader, and Lewis Jones, consultant; discussion
of leadership responsibilities in training African-Americans for job
opportunities; Mrs. Ruth Griffin speaks on leadership responsibility in voter
education. Aimee Horton conducts skits on an effective democratic society;
Myles Horton gives summary of the session; discussion of ideas for future
voter education drives; Bernice Robinson offers Highlander's help in future
Approximate running time: 110 minutes.
Leadership responsibilities, 1963 January 21
Dr. Lewis Jones speaks to a group of beauticians in Chattanooga on leadership
responsibilities and better job opportunities for African-Americans, number of
top jobs available, need for more technical and vocational schools, civil
service, unions and apprenticeship training programs, employment of
African-Americans in various branches of government; question and answer
session; discussion of test cases and resulting loss of jobs; comments on lack
of interest in better schools for African-Americans.
Approximate running time: 100 minutes.
Voter Education workshops
Votes Education, 1962 June 4-5
Students singing “Keep Your Eyes on the Prize,” “Soldiers of Freedom,” “If I
Had A Hammer,” “Oh, Freedom,” and “We Shall Overcome”; Bernice Robinson asks
students to introduce themselves and tell of their experiences; evaluation of
plans to be used in the drive; plans for organizing Greenwood and Vicksburg,
Mississippi; methods used by students in voter education drive in Cleveland,
Mississippi; Hosea Williams speaks to the students on organizing and gives
background of drive in Savannah, Georgia; comments on registration and voting
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Voter education, 1962 June 5Hosea Williams speaks to students on working with local politicians,
difficulty of organizing rural areas, use of singing in the movement; question
and answer session; new students introduce themselves; Miss Edna Smyre speaks
on voter registration in Knoxville. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/219.
Voter education, 1962 June 5-6Lewis Jones comments on Knoxville drive; Miss Smyre urges the use of all
members of community no matter what their status; Lewis Jones and a student
have a heated exchange over use of certain methods; value of stressing the
drive and not the sponsoring organization; Hosea Williams expresses fear of
factionalism among African-Americans and warns students to hold their tempers;
Bernice Robinson comments on Highlander's role in the labor and integration
movements and stresses idea of the program coming before the organization;
discussion of how closely to identify with local organizations; Williams warns
students not to become involved with local controversies; Williams urges
African-Americans to run for office wherever possible; Lewis Jones tells of
African-American organizations that worked for Wendell Willkie in 1940;
discussion of corrupt politics and politicians. Washington Butler speaks on
evaluation of candidates and comments on issues on the city level; Horton
defines purpose of workshop; Butler and Horton lead discussion of issues and
candidates; Butler comments on African-American community in Oak Ridge. Approximate running time: 180 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/220.
Voter education, 1962 June 6Myles Horton comments on power structure in the South and old
African-American leadership; Butler discusses the use of power structure to
African-Americans' advantage; power structure in Albany, Georgia; discussion
of delivering the vote; Butler comments on effectiveness of League of Women
Voters, campaign contributions, factionalism among African-Americans, ethics
in politics, and comments on Frank Clement and machine politics in
Tennessee. Approximate running time: 165 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/221.
Voter Education, 1962 June 7Esau Jenkins discusses background and purpose of the Palmetto State Voters
Association, political organization,on Johns Island, comments on "Uncle Tom's"
and vested interest groups among African-Americans, use of economic pressure
in Charleston to get more jobs for African-Americans, and comments on
political power of the vote; question and answer session; comments on
evaluation of candidates; role of teachers in the movement; political
appointment of African-American teachers; ministers who refuse to help;
background of citizenship committee in Charleston area; comments on mixed
neighborhoods in Charleston; problem of maintaining a unified movement;
comments on police discrimination in Charleston and how citizenship committee
works for arrested African-Americans; comments on newspapers and the movement;
comments on making inroads in a local area. Approximate running time: 180 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/222.
Voter education, 1962 June 7-8Esau Jenkins comments on making inroads in a local area; Bernice Robinson
gives a summary of the day's session and gives students some general advice;
discussion of two party system in the South; Esau comments on 1960 election,
the vote on Edisto Island, and faith of adults in the student movement.
Charles Sherrod discusses drawing up guidelines to be used by future workers
in voter registration drives; Bernice Robinson takes students to task for lack
of seriousness; outline or code of conduct for workers while in the field;
discussion of plans for summer program of voter registration. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/223.
Voter education, 1962 June 8Students participate in a discussion of individual plans for summer programs;
Bernice Robinson tells of teaching in Sea Islands and discusses citizenship
schools in general; Horton urges students to formulate plans for specific
period of time, comments on use of churches for meetings; Horton and students
discuss the Albany, Georgia movement and use of new concepts in the movement;
discussion of symbolism in the movement. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/224.
Voter education, 1962 June 8-9
Myles Horton leads a discussion of the need to work on key counties to be
used as a symbol of success, and comments on "Freedom Rides" as a symbol; he
leads discussion of evaluation of the workshop; opinions of students on
purpose of the workshop; Horton sums up what has been attempted in the
workshop and suggests that students help set up a workshop for Tougaloo,
Mississippi; discusses financing Highlander's operations and comments on how
the school can help future drives; students offer suggestions for future
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Continuation of 515A/225.
See content notes in Box 110 (Part 2).
Voter Education workshop (Tougaloo, Mississippi) 1962 June 18
Students introduce themselves, tell of past experiences and future plans;
discussion of registration barriers in Mississippi, contacts in local areas,
role playing as part of a workshop, sponsoring organizations, and plans for
long range voter education drives in Mississippi; Rev. R.L.T. Smith comments
on voter registration drive as akin to missionary work; Professor Yates
comments on practical aspects of registration drive; comments on poll tax in
Mississippi; Highlander staff member gives background of the school in labor
and race relations; closing remarks by Myles Horton.
Approximate running time: 95 minutes.
Voter Education workshop (Mississippi), 1962 July 2
Kenneth Kemper discusses role of government and its branches, power of
governor and how his power is used to maintain segregation, role of state
legislature in Mississippi, judicial branch of government; Peter Gilbert
discusses registration requirements in Mississippi; literacy tests and voting
restrictions in Mississippi; comments on voting restrictions in South
Carolina; comments on backing of Justice Dept. and Civil Rights
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Voter Education workshop (Mississippi), 1962 July 2Bernice Robinson, Kenneth Kemper, and Peter Gilbert give summary of session;
discussion of lack of favorable publicity in Mississippi, role playing in
voter registration, discussion of African-American life in Mississippi, role
of ministers in the movement, and comments on fears of African-Americans in
the South. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/228.
Voter Education workshop (Mississippi), 1962 July 3Peter Gilbert discusses registration forms, outlines answers to each of the
questions, and stresses importance of each question; discussion of question on
interpretation of Mississippi constitution; Bob Johnson discusses poll tax,
exemptions to poll tax, primary and general elections, choosing a candidate
and the power of the African-American to vote; discussion of voter
registration in Jackson, Mississippi; comments on structure of the Democratic
Party in Mississippi; review of the session. Approximate running time: 160 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/229.
Voter Education workshop (Mississippi), 1962 July 4Students reading and interpreting the Mississippi constitution. Bob Johnson
discusses running for office and electioneering, Democratic Party on the local
and national level, and power of the African-American vote in the South; role
playing on running for office; Amzie Moore and John Hodges make mock political
speeches. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/230.
Voter Education workshop (Mississippi), 1962 July 4Following mock political speeches by Amzie Moore and John Hodges, students
participate in questioning of the "candidates," and general comments on both
speeches; skits on voter registration. Kenneth Kemper speaking on branches of
national government; discussion of federal courts and regulatory agencies;
Peter Gilbert discusses federal protection for civil rights workers and what
to do if arrested. Approximate running time: 120 minutes : Continuation of 515A/231.
Voter Education workshop (Mississippi), 1962 July 5Peter Gilbert comments on favorable publicity, election pressure, running
African-American candidates, and block voting; summary of voting and
registration; procedure for getting African-American students registered in
white schools; student evaluations of session from (in order) James Jones,
John Hodges, Bob Moses, Susie Williams, Carolyn Redd, Robert Talbert, Minnie
McCoy, Willie Mae Foster, Carnell Lowe, Bobbie Robinson, Alice Peck, Remlie
Johnson, and Amzie Moore. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. : Continuation of 515A/232.
The Role of the Church and the Place of Non-violence in the Civil
Rights Struggle
Voter Education workshop (Mississippi), 1964 February: All or part has been digitized and is available online: Part 1 of 2 and Part 2 of 2. Group singing of freedom songs followed by a discussion of why Christian
people are reluctant to involve themselves in the civil rights movement, how
to encourage participation, and how God works in the movement. C.T. Vivian
speaks about justice and equal opportunity in America, repenting for the
apathy of the past, hardships to be faced in the future, and the need for
leadership. C.L. Jordan speaks on organizing a movement and using Jesus as a
model teacher. Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Church and non-violence in civil rights, 1964 February 4
Discussion of involuntary military service; constitutionality of alternative
service, the biblical story of escape from bondage, non-violence, God's will
for man, and the relevancy of religion to life today. C.L. Jordan tells the
story of John the Baptist's life as if it were part of the civil rights
movement in the South. C.T. Vivian talks about the scope of the movement and
some of the problems it faces.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Church and non-violence in civil rights, 1964 February
Singing. C.T. Vivian gives a review of the program on the non-violent
revolution including issues raised, participants, tactics, goals, and the
necessity of dealing with basic issues from a radical approach with masses of
people, gaining allies outside the African-American population, and dealing
with fears. In a Bible session, C.L. Jordan interprets passages from John and
Matthew in contemporary terms depicting Jesus as a leader of a movement.
Discussion of why people are reluctant to participate in the civil rights
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Church and non-violence in civil rights, 1964 February
Interpretation and discussion of Biblical passages; children perform a skit
about the lost continent of Atlantis; C.T. Vivian leads a discussion on the
civil rights movement emphasizing the need to win allies such as among
African-Americans, civil rights groups, student groups and American Indians,
by raising the issues of housing, jobs, and the right to vote.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Church and non-violence in civil rights, undated
Review of the discussions on 515A/235 and 236. Discussion of productive
non-violence and the role of the church in race relations; comments on how the
church can work for the solution of the problems of poor housing,
unemployment, and discrimination. Plans for integrating churches are
Approximate running time: 90 minutes.
SNCC Poetry workshop
Poetry workshop, 1965 May 27
Students at lunch talking about relationships between men and women and their
rights and duties. Students read poems they have written on a wide variety of
subjects ranging from love to racial problems.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Louisiana Citizenship and Voter Education workshop, New Orleans,
Citizenship and voter education, 1966 February 2-3
Discussion of civil rights, freedom of speech, voting, the power structure,
educating the people, establishing a third political party, writing the party
platform, and gaining public support, comments on the African-American as part
of American culture, equal opportunity for African-Americans, and distrust of
the press; discussion of various periodicals and newspapers and of social
conditions in South Africa Ben Smith talks about African-Americans in
Approximate running time: 240 minutes.
Appalachian Leadership workshop
Excerpts from discussions of community problems in Kentucky and West
Virginia, 1967 October 6-9
Myles Horton, speaking to a group of VISTA workers, gives advice on how to
help the mountain people.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Youth Project
Youth camp, 1960 August
Staff evaluation of the individual campers, how each one responds to camp,
other children, authority, etc. (Also New Leadership workshop discussion.)
Approximate running time: 60 minutes.
Youth camp (continued), 1960 August 10
Student council meeting; 214 discussion of way to make future camps better;
discussion of one girl who left camp; problem of recruiting; evaluations of camp
by students.
Approximate running time: 50 minutes.
Youth camp (continued), 1960 August 15
Panel discussion on integration; Septima Clark comments on Nashville PTA;
comments on changing conservative thinking in community; reason why some
African-Americans do not assert their rights; NAACP boycott in Savannah
discussed, how boycott enforced, and exploitation of African-Americans by other
African-Americans; comments on Charlotte, North Carolina; unification of
African-American community; difficulty of organizing for equal education;
opinions of students on school integration, quality of schools, and ministers
who refuse to aid movement; comments on Tuskegee and African-American community
there; school integration in Louisville, Kentucky; voter registration and
integration of schools in Knoxville; reasons why some African-Americans don't
want to go to white schools; qualifications of African-American students; some
advantages to a grade-a-year plan integration.
Approximate running time: 120 minutes.
Evaluation of Summer Youth Project, undated
Participants comment on the things they have learned through the project. Group
singing led by Guy Carawan.
Approximate running time: 45 minutes