Archival Resources in Wisconsin: Descriptive Finding Aids
Highlander Research and Education Center Records, 1917-2017
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About this Finding Aid
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Contents List
Part 1 (Mss 265, Micro 795, Micro 846, Audio 515A/1-243): Original Collection, 1917-1973
Administrative Files
General Correspondence
Subject Files
Publications, A-Z
Audio Recordings
Part 2 (Mss 265, Micro 795, Audio 807A): 1977 Additions, 1936-1978
Early Records
Administrative Files
General Correspondence
Subject Files
Audio Recordings
Part 3 (PH 4260): Additions, Photographs, circa 1935-1965
Part 4 (M83-030): Additions, 1972-1976
Part 5 (M84-213): Addition, 1984
Part 6 (M88-362): Additions, circa 1988
Part 7 (M90-345, Audio 1450A/6): Additions, 1965-1987
Part 8 (M99-039): Additions, 1957
Part 9 (M99-091): Additions, 1948-1967
Part 10 (M2000-186, Audio 1450A/1978-1983): Additions, 1969-1999
Administrative Files
Cultural Programs
Rural Programs
Social Action
Subject Files
Workshops and Conferences
Youth Programs
Southern Appalachian Leadership Training (SALT)
Audio Recordings
Part 11 (M2004-203, Audio 1450A/1-5, 7-1516): Additions, 1935-1998
Highlander 50th Anniversary
Sue Thrasher Files
Juliet Merrifield Files
John Gaventa Files
Board Materials
Bill Horton files
Myles Horton Files
Highlander Archive
Subject Files
Southern Appalachian Leadership Training (SALT)/Rural Coalition
Zilphia Horton Materials
Miscellaneous Files
Audio Recordings
Conference and Discussions
Workshops and Training
Photographs and Transparencies
Films and Videos
Part 12 (M2008-091): Additions, 1945-1946
Part 13 (M2010-108, Audio 515A/244): Additions, 1932-2005
Articles and Publications
Farmers Union Materials
Interview Materials
Audio Recording
Part 14 (M2019-039; Audio 515A/245): Additions: Highlander Education and Research Center Archives, 1931-1997
HREC-0001 Highlander Center Collections
I: Administrative Records
II: Program Papers
III: Subject Files
IV: Articles and Speeches
V: Newsletters
VI: Publications, Pamphlets, and Printed Matter
HREC-0002 Myles Horton Papers
1: Subject Files
2: Articles and Clippings
3: Books
4A: Writings by Myles Horton (additions of December 2010)
4B: Writings by Others (additions of December 2010)
5: News Clippings and Printed Materials (addition of December 2010)
6: Highlander Center (additions of December 2010)
7: Conferences, Reports, and Events (addition of December 2010)
8: Personal (addition of December 2010)
HREC-0003 Mike Clark Papers
I: Correspondence
II: Subject Files
HREC-0004 Emil Willimetz Papers
HREC-0005 Olive Stone Papers
HREC-0006 Beth Bingman Papers
HREC-0007 Rich Kirby Papers
HREC-0008 Helen Lewis Papers
HREC-0009 Highlander Center Photograph Collection
I: People
II: Highlander Folk School, Monteagle, Tennessee
III: Highlander Workcamps, Conferences, Special Projects
IV: Workshops
V: Highlander Research and Education Center, Knoxville and New Market, Tennessee
VI: Labor Unions
VII: Miscellaneous
VIII: Highlander Research and Education Center, Chronological Photos
HREC-0010 Weaving Our Lives Slideshow
HREC-0011 Summer Youth Workshop Slideshow
HREC-0012 Myles Horton Memorial Slideshow
HREC-0013 Highlander Cultural Program Slideshow
HREC-0014 Nicaragua Slides
HREC-0015 Yellow Creek Hearing Slides
HREC-0016 Jobs With Justice Slideshow
HREC-0017 Central American Slides
HREC-0023 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Records
HREC-0024 Myles Horton Collection of Folk School Records
HREC-0025 Lanie (Elaine Van Brink) Melamed Papers
HREC-0026 Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) Records
HREC-0029 Welsh Coal Miners Photograph Collection
HREC-0030 Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Records
HREC-0031 Sunflower County Election Organizing Records
HREC-0032 Environmental Research Files
1: Bumpass Cove, Tennessee
2: Oak Ridge, Tennessee: Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS)
3: Erwin, Tennessee: Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS)
4: Pigeon River, Tennessee: Champion Paper Company
5: Yellow Creek, Kentucky
HREC-0033 Appalachian Land Ownership Study Records
HREC-0035 Highlander Research and Education Center Photograph Collection
1: Workshops and Events
2: Staff, Board, and Funders
3: Buildings and Grounds
4: Programs
5: Travel
6: Miscellaneous
7: Collections by Photographer
8: Oversize Materials
9: Unincorporated photographs, negatives and scrapbook
HREC-0036 Women's Workshop Records
HREC-0037 Candie Carawan Education Coordinator Papers
HREC-0039 Poor People's Campaign Records
Part 15 (M2021-023, Audio 1540A/1517-1977, video call numbers): Additions, 1936-2017
Bhopal disaster, India
Candie and Guy Carawan Files
Democracy school
ELAN (Economic Literacy Action Network)
Education Team
Suzanne Pharr Education Files
Popular Education
LWWC (Low Wage Workers Conference)
Myles Horton's Files
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
Non-Highlander Labor Curriculum
Senate Resolution 266
Southern Progress
SRDI (Southern Rural Development Initiative)
TERN (Tennessee Economic Renewal Network)-TIRN (Tennessee Industrial Renewal Network)
UNCED (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development)
Other Subject Files
Audio Recordings
Photographs and Posters
Part 16 (M2022-018): Additions, 1933-2003
Michael "Mike" Clark files
Youth Programs
Box 26
Folder 15
Slater, James H. 1961-1963