Milwaukee Journal Stations Records
- Milwaukee Journal Stations
Milwaukee Mss 203; Audio 1639A; WTMJ Film
24.4 cubic feet (60 archives boxes), 150 audio recordings, and 6310
canisters of film (16 mm)
UW-Milwaukee Libraries, Archives / Milwaukee Area Research Ctr.
Materials pertaining to the Milwaukee radio and television stations owned by the
Journal Company (now Journal Communications Inc.). The stations operated for many years
under the call letters WTMJ. The paper records include scripts for editorials read on radio
and television, audience surveys, photographs, promotional materials, scripts for newscasts,
as well as materials pertaining to the personnel, history, and operation of the radio and
television stations. The approximately 2 million feet of 16 mm newsfilm is the original
edited footage used on the air to illustrate news stories from 1950 to 1980. The collection
includes footage of the Milwaukee Braves; the civil rights movement in Milwaukee during the
1960s; local businesses such as Allis-Chalmers, the Pabst, Schlitz, and Miller Breweries;
and national and international politicians and celebrities who visited Milwaukee.
There is a restriction on access to and use of this material; see the
Administrative/Restriction Information portion of this finding aid for details.