The collection consists of minutes, newsletters, print and near-print materials concerning the Women's Coalition's activities, projects, and member organizations. The Coalition sponsored such projects as “Take Back the Night” rallies, the Displaced Homemaker's Task Project, and a Preventative Education Project, and helped to form a sexual assault treatment center. Other projects developed into member groups, including the Women's Crisis Line, Task Force on Battered Women, Task Force on Prostitution/Myriad, and the Women's Graphic Arts Project. During varying periods the Coalition included up to 15 member groups. These groups included National Organization for Women chapters, Amazon Collective, Grapevine, Sojourner Truth House, Women Pro Se, Coalition for Right to Choice, and Wisconsin Women in the Arts. Records on these activities and groups comprise the OFFICE FILES.
In addition to records of these groups and projects, the collection also includes SUBJECT FILES on topics such as women's health issues, the Equal Rights Amendment, sex role stereotyping, legal issues and pornography.