McCormick, Harold Fowler
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Personal letters: Thank you notes.
Personal letters of thanks and correspondence dealing with Harold's activities
during his college career: drama project at Princeton and tennis titles.
Also letter telling of engagement to Edith Rockefeller.
Personal correspondence regarding European honeymoon.
Business career with IHC in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Birth of son, Jack (1897).
Included is a pamphlet on “The End of the Century.” Concern over
mother's health aggravated by Virginia's illness.
Consolidation (1899).
1900-19109 folders Personal correspondence regarding letters to Stanley, concerning his condition and
the question of medical care. Accounts of trips to Europe in 1905, 1910. Business correspondence of IHC matters dealing with organizational policy and
distribution of stock. Letter explaining difference between Robert McCormick and Cyrus McCormick machines
(1910). Also included are letters mentioning the Pure Food Law (1904) and Presidents Taft
and T. Roosevelt (1910). Stanley McCormick affairs. Related material on Biographical Association, Playground Association (1909) and
estate office business. Numerous pledges and bequests to organizations, regarding
Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of Illinois.
Conference with J.J. Glessner on consolidation (1902).
Illness of son Jack (1900). Death of Elizabeth McCormick (daughter of Cyrus,
Adams finance 1906. Estate office business; Malleable Iron situation.
Anti Saloon League of Illinois.
Criticizes school board.
Fowler Estate.
1911-191611 folders Personal correspondence, regarding letters from Europe about Edith and the nature
of the war in Europe (1915). Letters to Stanley. Copy of book, Cash Value of Ultimate Peace Terms.
Business correspondence: Purchase of Leander McCormick's stock (1913). H. F.
McCormick meeting with G.W. Perkins. Discussion of reorganization of IHC;
coordination of administration and organization appointments (1913-1914). Belle City
Malleable Iron Company (1912). IHC foreign business. Hungarian Plant 1913. Letters to Legge, 1913. Also material on aviation, Illinois Hall of Fame, the Playground Association. Opera
backing and subscribers, and Chicago Band Association. Pamphlet on Education issued by Amherst Trustees (1911), written by Parmelee
Prentice. Death of Laura Spellman Rockefeller (Edith McCormick's mother) (1915-1916). Reference to Woodrow Wilson (December 1913). American Child Welfare Association, 1914; outline of plans. Fusion of politics and reorganization; Perkins, Progressive Party; Attitude of
Democrats, July to December 1914.
1917-192314 folders Personal correspondence, regarding letters from Harold's family in Switzerland;
Mathilde and Muriel, daughters. Marriage of Mathilde to Max Oser (1922). Letters
concerning Harold's affection for Ganna Walska and details of their wedding (1923).
Death of Nettie F. McCormick (1923). Account of trip West (1923). Business correspondence, regarding purchase of Leander McCormick stock (1918). IHC
policies on profit sharing (1920), labor (1919), organization (1918-1923). IHC of
New Jersey and IHC-Illinois agreement July 1918. Reports on labor trouble in 1919,
factory by factory. Also material on Harold's works for Peace, “Via Pacis,” and his support
of Medill McCormick for Illinois Senator. Miscellaneous clippings on world politics, U.S.A. victory liberty loan. Articles on the “Cumulative Labor Costs,” and Legge's address on
“Diversification on the Farm.” H.F. McCormick articles on Woodrow Wilson
in Swiss Papers (1917). Babies Free Milk Fund, 1919. Article on “Washington's view of Coolidge.”
1924-192611 folders Death of James Deering, 1925 Personal correspondence, regarding letters from Mathilde and Max Oser in
Switzerland with pictures of child. (1924-25) Letters to Stanley. Pictures of Ganna
Walska and her operatic career. Report on Harold's arthritis (1926). Exciting letter
on camping trip to Adirondack Mountains. Business correspondence: Statement of IHC surplus capital 1913-1923. Papers dealing
with property improvements and Nettie F. McCormick estate. Alexander Legge
“More Diversification on the Farm.” Also reference to League of Nations (1924, 1926), 1924 elections (1924), World
Court (1925), Illinois Hall of Fame, and the McCormick Theological Seminary
(1926). Copy of speech delivered by Harold at Olivet dedication. Bequests: Cyrus and
Stanley McCormick schools. Hampton and Tuskegee. Letter to Senator William McKinley, 1924, and reply. Prison labor and department Manager's Conference. Japan Reconstruction Fund, 1924.
1927-192813 folders Ravinia Opera Personal correspondence regarding letters from family: Mathilde, Muriel and Ganna.
Illness of Peter, Mathilde's son. Business correspondence, regarding pamphlet on “Ethics in Business”
(1928). Letters of this period deal mainly with Stanley McCormick's estate board and
personal care board: Minutes of meetings (1927-1928), N.F. McCormick estate
matters. Hutchinson's continued work on C.H. McCormick biography. McCormick Theological Seminary. Gift to Princeton; Herbert Hoover pamphlet.
1929 January
Correspondence concerning Stanley McCormick. Harold answered Stanley's many
questions but first sent the answers to Dr. Edward Kempf who withheld letters to
Stanley if he thought that they might excite him. Control of Stanley's property
was given to a Board of Conservators. Judge decided he had no jurisdiction over
Stanley's person. Donations of $5,000 and $1,500 were given to Tusculum College
and Olivet Institute. There is also an acknowledgement of support of the Farmer's
Suggestions were offered for a Centennial Celebration of 1931.
Copy of 1927 letter to “Cyrusie” regarding his behavior at company
meetings. He was acting too much like a company “spokesman.”
1929 February
Letters to Stanley McCormick relating progress of legal proceedings to date.
Preparations being made for Santa Barbara guardian case.
Further consideration of the Centennial Celebration, with estimated expense over
Donation of $250 to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital and consideration of donating
to Agricultural Service Foundation. Refusal to change a loan of $25,000 made two
years before to the Farmers Federation to a gift, but offered to consider
extension of loan.
1929 March
Further consideration of Stanley McCormick's Estate. Mrs. Stanley wanted the
handling of the Personal Estate to be taken from Mr. Stone's jurisdiction and
given to a bank.
There is further correspondence dealing with the Centennial Celebration though
nothing definite is decided.
Harold McCormick recommends that he, Anita, and Cyrus join in giving $25,000 to
the Chicago Historical Society. A list of those who had already contributed large
amounts to the Society is included in a letter.
Hutchinson's book is going well.
Reminiscences and books about the invention of the reaper are sent to Stanley
McCormick by Mr. Kellar.
1929 June
Concerning Stanley: More correspondence regarding Stanley's old will, the bank's
handling of the property of the Estate, Belle City Malleable Iron Company, the
Seaboard Securities Company. Judge Gans in California decided there was no reason
for removing Harold and Anita from Board of Conservators over the person of
Stanley. Review given of legal situation up to June.
Arrangements made with Fox Film Company about centennial film. Cyrus comes home
from world tour.
Alexander Legge resigns from IHC to become first chairman of President Hoover's
Federal Farm Board. Herbert Perkins to be temporary president of IHC.
Pamphlet of “Int Har Choral Society, Spring Concert, June 18,
Correspondence on memorial plate for Nettie's chapel.
Arrival in U.S. of Max Oser, Mathilde and children.
Clipping of poem by seventh grader from F.W. Parker School.
1929 July
Concerning Stanley: preparations being made for trial coming in fall in
California. Questions from Stanley sent to Mr. Kellar for answers. Letter to
Stanley describing changes in neighborhood around 675 Rush Street.
Concerning IHC business: Conferences with “Cyrusie” who threatened to
resign if Perkins remains President of IHC for more than one year. Conference
about using the name McCormick on trucks.
Letter of man who worked for twenty-six years for Harvester Company. Mentions the
bonuses given at time of change to IHC and also the stock buying plan.
Draft of article for Harvester World by Cyrus H.
McCormick about the change in leadership at IHC.
Request of Chicago Historical Society for another $25,000 from McCormicks.
“Bert” (Robert R. McCormick) gave $10,000. Mr. Legge trying to raise
$1,000,000 for benefit of housewives on farms. Possibility of donation to Illinois
Mental Association in which Judge Horner is interested.
Horner asks if McCormicks would be interested in taking over the Chicago Evening Journal.
Judson Stone relates account of the beginning of his agency, going back to
Questions about expenditures for Mary Virginia's Santa Monica residence.
Bill for legal services from Amos Miller.
1929 April
Stanley's Estate: Judge Horner in effect said that property control should be
turned over to the Continental Illinois Bank. Consideration was given to the
question of whether Stanley's Estate should be represented on the Harvester Board
of Directors. Also about an allowance for Stanley, and the personal affairs of
Katherine McCormick.
Santa Barbara trial beginning.
There is a great deal of correspondence about interviewing Mrs. W.C. Gray of
Portland, Oregon for the Biographical Department.
Mention is made of the Nettie Fowler Memorial Cottage.
More correspondence regarding the Centennial Celebration which the IHC seems to
look at as a “money earner.”
Newspaper article calling for revision of educational system. Concepts should be
taught, not facts.
Correspondence regarding Judson Stone and the possibility that he would go to
work for the Harvester Company.
Request from William Dodd that Hutchinson be allowed to borrow materials.
1929 March
Concerning Stanley. More correspondence regarding representation for the Estate
on the Harvester Board of Directors. Stanley's stocks to vote through regular
Proxy Committee. Inquiries are made regarding Stanley's will of 1904. Appeal of
Judge Horner's decision of January heard. Letter from Stanley to Harold dated 1906
included with Harold's answer and a telegram of 1906 from
More about Katherine's personal allowance.
Material dealing with Stanley and the Harvester Company before 1900.
Mention is made of the Belle City Malleable Iron Company agreement. Interviews with
Mrs. W.C. Gray.
Anita, Harold, and Cyrus favor removal of historical material to University of
Chicago for Hutchinson's use.
Negotiations under way with Fox Case Company refilming of 1831 field test. Mr.
Kellar giving valuable service.
Mary Virginia's Estate gives $5,000 to Junior Republic. Harold and Cyrus agree to
give $25,000 for the Chicago Historical Society.
Newspaper article about Chicago bridges.
Letter from Sumner Crosby enclosing clipping about electrical unbalance as the
cause of diseases.
Copy of South Coast News of 1929 May 31 in which
Harold McCormick has an article, “The Development of the Study of Human
Relations” [South Coast News subsidized by
Harold Fowler McCormick].
1929 August-September
Visit of Max, Mathilde Oser and Harold F. McCormick to Stanley who has made
“splendid progress.” Renewal of Dr. Kempf's contract for one year.
Correspondence dealing with advisability of having Sumner Crosby serve in some
public relations capacity during trial in California. Also talk of possible visit
of Harold F. to Hearst's home.
Death of Howard Colby.
Recommended extension of loan for one year to McLure of Farmers Federation.
Brief mention of circumstances behind purchase of Belle City Malleable Iron
Donations from Mary Virginia McCormick Estate to National Board of YWCA.
Article from Los Angeles Examiner of 1929 July 16
about Harold McCormick and the South Coast
News clipping that Amos Miller may be made envoy to Cuba.
1929 October-December
Concerning Stanley: California case argued in court. Letters describing the
trial. Clipping from San Francisco, California News
of December 6, about the trial--points out what can be done for seemingly
“incurable” cases. Letters from Katherine to Stanley McCormick. Letter
from Dr. Carl Wickland of National Psychological Institute about Stanley.
Possibility of choosing Mr. Brindel to be Hearst reporter at trial.
Pamphlet by Harold Fowler McCormick, “The Development of the Study of Human
Article by Harold Fowler McCormick in the South Coast
News, October 26, 1928, “Schubert and his Centennial.”
Mention in letter of his articles about Woodrow Wilson.
Copy of Harvester World, 1929 December,
“Christmas Greetings,” by Cyrus McCormick Jr.
Editorial about the farm middlemen in Chicago Journal of
Commerce, December 30, 1929, “In Self Defense.”
Requests for authorizations for purchases for Mary Virginia McCormick
Controversy with Cyrus Bentley.
1930 January
Cross reference to “Work of Three 1930-1933.”
Concerning Stanley: Clipping enclosed in letter describes the judge's decision in
California trial. Mrs. Stanley McCormick lost in attempt to remove Anita and
Harold from Personal Care Board but judge ruled that Dr. Kempf should be taken
off. Also that two people from outside the family would be appointed to Board.
Paul Brindel planning book about Stanley McCormick. Neither “side”
looks with favor on book.
Letter from Dr. Harry Benjamin enclosing newspaper clippings describing the use
of a hormone preparation from animal brains in treating nervous disorders and its
possible use for Stanley. Mrs. Stanley McCormick wants to pay Newton Baker
$1,200,000 for two years legal work and wants money taken out of Stanley
Letters included from Nettie Fowler McCormick written in 1922.
Cyrus suggests that Anita, Harold and he give $300,000 to foundation Legge wants
to start to aid farmers.
Pamphlet included--“Constitution of the Agricultural Service
Foundation”: preliminary draft.
1930 February-March
Concerning Stanley: Two new members appointed to Board of Personal Care in
California, both deans of medical schools: Drs. Ophuls and Porter. Question of
chairmanship of Board arises. Some expenses agreed to for Stanley's residence.
Stanley suggests addition to the book Romance of the
Reaper. Letters from Eleanor N. Petterson which state that she can cure
Stanley if he is surrounded by “spiritual forces.”
Request from Princeton-Yenching School for $100,000 from Cyrus and family for its
school of Public Affairs.
Correspondence regarding Nettie Fowler McCormick and the National Cyclopedia of Biography.
Letters regarding Harriet Blaine Beale's adoption of a child in England and her
advice to a friend of Harold's regarding adoption.
1930 April 1-15
Concerning Stanley: Question of lawyers' fees taken up. Correspondence regarding
movie tone for Stanley. Letters dealing with possible purchase of International
Truck for Stanley residence. Correspondence about payment of doctor's fees.
Conference with F. H. Perkins regarding dissatisfaction with behavior of
Cyrus III writing book about the inventor.
Expenses of maintaining residences for Mary Virginia McCormick.
“Preliminary Announcement First International Congress on Mental
Hygiene,” 1930.
Description of work of Biographical Association from 1900-1905.
Letter about Katherine's Boston house [Mrs. Stanley McCormick].
1930 April 16-30
Concerning Stanley: Meeting of new Personal Care Board set for May.
“Cyrusie” continuing book on the inventor C.H. McCormick. Mention
made also of book by Cyrus Bentley.
Correspondence dealing with election of next president of IHC. Mention of common
stock plan.
Desirability of selling some of Mary Virginia's Estate property. Question of
donating library dealing with Cyrus H. and related topics to the Chicago
Historical Society.
Request for loan of $20,000 by Carroll, brother-in-law of late Senator John M.
1930 May
Concerning Stanley: Notes and correspondence dealing with meetings of new Board
of Guardians (Personal Care Board).
Harvester Company: Harold informs Legge about resolution for resignation from
Chamber of Commerce and also regarding election for next president of IHC.
Miscellaneous: Letter regarding new spirit at Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
Mention of donations to Legge's foundation to aid agriculture. Refusal to lend
Purman $20,000.
Newspaper clipping: “Fox Relates his Version of Film Control
Clipping from South Coast News, 1930 May 9;
article about and picture reproduction of “Old Ironsides.”
Discussion with Dodd regarding giving collection of books, etc. to University of
Hutchinson investigating idea that the use of the reaper affected gold supply of
U.S. and England during Civil War.
Letters on discovery of Kellar about “Leander myth.”
Correspondence concerning Hall of Fame Electors.
1930 June
Report and survey of the McCormick Estates Office for 1929. Director's meeting.
Mention made of Russian credits and of “Cyrusie's” behavior.
Account of Princeton reunion.
Letter of Nettie F. dated 1900, and an old note from 1897.
Mention made of adding Mr. Manning's library to that of McCormick's on
agriculture, etc.
Corrections of notes of meeting of Guardians in May.
Mention of Virginia film.
1930 July-September
Concerning Stanley: Meeting of Guardians. Three physicians appointed by doctors
as board of consultants.
Cyrus McCormick's book finished, The Century of the
Article included written by Cyrus Jr. for the Harvester
Foreman, 1930 June, “The Creative Impulse in Industry.”
Mention of Mr. Bentley's death.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers to award medals each year. Suggestion
that McCormicks give $10,000 for the necessary capital.
Letter of Harold discussing his time away from the IHC.
1930 October
Copies of old letters to Stanley. One from Harriet, 1896, mentions one from J.H.
Thatcher, before 1900, Jacob S. Otto, 1895, and one from Harold, 1896.
Copy of Ridgefield Press, 1930 September 11, with
article circled, “Scripps-Lusk Touring Party.”
Mention made of Cyrus II giving building for YWCA.
Harold's letter describing members of other reaping machine companies before the
Harold doesn't want to give $10,000 to Society of Agricultural Engineers.
1930 November-December
Correspondence regarding Perkins reassuming vice presidency of IHC on return of
Address by Cyrus H. read by Harold to IHC's 4-H Club luncheon, and the
Correspondence with Dr. Porter regarding Stanley's residence.
Discussion of publication of Cyrus Jr.'s book and of Hutchinson's. Correspondence
regarding distribution of Cyrus' book, The Century of
Mention that library of Historical Association might be placed in University of
Chicago. Possible gift of biographical library to University of Chicago.
Mention of possible donations to Mr. Legge's foundation. $25,000 given from Mary
Virginia's Estate for relief of unemployment fund. Money given to 4-H Club.
Clipping from newspaper, “Lucas Thrusts Norris outside Republican
Correspondence dealing with the Reaper Centennial.
Letter mentioning Ogden, Jones, Gorham and Deering Sr.
1931 January 1-12
Two newspaper clippings about Fowler McCormick's promotion to District Sales
Manager of the Northwest District and his move to Chicago.
Copy of newspaper, The Grand Island Daily
Independent, 1930 October 2, Section C, all about the opening of the New
Grand Island Branch of the International Harvester Company.
Telegram from Mary Garden.
1931 January 13-15
Report of Tustin Union High School (Tustin, California) class in Social and Civic
Correspondence regarding distribution of Hutchinson's and Cyrus III's books.
Mary Virginia McCormick affairs.
Letters, reports and requests for decisions on property sales.
Letter describing Harvester Company's entrance into plow manufacture.
Centennial material.
Doesn't think Stanley improving. Letters for Stanley.
1931 January 26
Centennial material.
Portion of Los Angeles Times, 1931 January 4,
article on “Theater of Skies to Rise on Mt. Hollywood” (Planetarium).
Two issues of Better Health, 1928 December and 1930
April, with articles by Dr. Porter.
Description of Stanley's behavior.
1931 January 27-31
Centennial material.
Copy of proposed indemnification agreement between Anita and Cyrus H. regarding
Mary Virginia's Estate.
Question of whether Anita wants a director on the Harvester Board.
1931 February 1-15
Centennial material.
Correspondence on distribution of Hutchinson book.
Further legal developments on Stanley cases.
Katherine McCormick's allowance set.
Weekly report for Stanley, week of January 17-24.
Correspondence dealing with Legge's return to IHC and new officers.
Death of H.B. Utley. Clippings about death.
Cyrus Jr. not making speeches--unfavorable publicity to Company etc.--his divorce
case up at this time?
Notes of Harold's address at McCormick Works Clubhouse, 1931 January 22.
Mention of articles in Fortune and Commerce about McCormick family.
1931 February 16-28
Mention of Stanley's health.
Centennial material. Article from Christian Science
Monitor, 1931 February 17 on invention of reaper. Booklet: “The
Story of Agriculture, A Century of Progress.”
Correspondence about Legge's return to IHC, the new Vice President McAllister,
Perkins' resignation. Clipping from paper, “Welcome Home,” about
Legge's return. Kiplinger Farm Board letter, 1931 February 28, about Legge and his
successor, Stone, on Federal Farm Board, and about latest actions of Board.
1931 March 1-15
Centennial material; correspondence regarding the Dyer Incident? Question of all
Virginia celebration.
Robert McCormick talks about his grandfather Robert McCormick as the father of
the reaper.
More correspondence dealing with the unfavorable article in Fortune magazine.
Mr. Hutchins, President of the University of Chicago, requests endowment for the
increase of Professor Dodd's salary.
Description of the Board of IHC; relates wage cuts.
Correspondence regarding the Estates Office.
Clippings, “Stone Chapel is dedicated,” pictures of Edith Rockefeller
McCormick and others.
Booklets, “Behind the Skyline,” campaign literature for A.J. Cermak
for Mayor of Chicago, “Which--Personal Ambition or a Patriotic Sacrifice for
the Good of Chicago?” Reasons Herman N. Bundesen did not run for mayor of
Description of Stanley's behavior.
1931 March 16-23
List of institutions started by McCormicks, such as Olivet Institute, Parker
School, etc.
More correspondence regarding the Virginia celebration, and possibility of asking
Hoover and some Cabinet members to attend.
Legge returns to company.
Copy of magazine Commerce, 1931 March 21 and of
South Coast News, 1931 March 27.
Copy of letter from Nettie F. to Mr. Utley about the improvements he has made in
all departments [This would have been McCormick Harvester Machine Company
business], undated.
1931 March 24-31
Legge meets with Dr. Richards, Stanley's doctor.
Centennial celebrations; materials concerning Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
Washington and Lee University.
Cyrus Jr.'s book mentioned; also his forthcoming marriage [second marriage].
1931 April 1-15
Weekly reports on Stanley.
Letter dealing with the Estate Office and Mr. Stone's services to the family.
Centennial material concerning participation of Washington and Lee University and
Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
Copy of Harvester World, 1931 April, article by
Harold, “Harvester Leadership.”
$10,000 donation from Cyrus Hall, Anita, and Harold acknowledged by the American
Society of Engineers which is setting up the Cyrus Hall McCormick medal. $10,000
given by Harold to Family Centennial Fund.
Mention made of Stanley starting the McCormick Works fund years ago.
Cyrus Hall's notes on manuscript of Cyrus Bentley on Cyrus Hall McCormick--parts
should be reworded to avoid offending Leander J. McCormick's side of family
Questions regarding Leander J.'s models at the Smithsonian Institute.
1931 April 16-30
Copy of Implement Record Tractors and Farm
Equipment, 1931 April; article about the Centennial dinners given around
Question of giving model of first reaper to Chicago Historical Society.
Copy of expenses of Walnut Grove Farm from 1890 to 1931.
Washington and Lee; centennial material.
Correspondence dealing with Katherine and Anita and Board of Guardians for
Stanley McCormick.
1931 May
Request for money for the Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago, which
is feeling the effects of the depression.
Correspondence regarding Cyrus Bentley's manuscript. Suggestions for the
1931 June
Recent behavior of Stanley noted.
More correspondence regarding the renewal of agreement on medical guardians.
Copies of letters to Stanley from W.V. Couchman sent from McCormick Historical
Association (1900). Section on medicine from Time
Magazine regarding dementia praecox. Copies of letters from Stanley to
Harold sent from McCormick Historical Association (1900).
Correspondence regarding possible publication of Bentley's manuscript. Mention
made of IHC lending money to former employees to tide them over.
Fowler McCormick marries Mrs. Ann Stillman.
1931 July
Agreement to let medical members of Board controlling Stanley's affairs keep
control for one more year.
Address of Cyrus McCormick Jr. at Centennial Dinner in New York City.
Letter from Stanley to Mrs. Algernon Sullivan about his forthcoming marriage
Copies of letters written in 1900 about foreign business and about exposition (1
original letter).
1931 August
Correspondence regarding Legge's Foundation to aid farmers.
Address by Paul B. Jenkins on “The Romance of the Reaper ...”
1931 September-October2 folders Newspaper article, “Chemist Reveals Growth Hormone.” Harold's daughter, Muriel McCormick, marries Mr. Elisha Dyer Hubbard. Correspondence regarding the Board of Conservators for Stanley.
1931 November : Leander McCormick-Goodhart stresses Robert McCormick's role in development of the
1931 December2 folders Memorandum on conflict between Legge and Cyrusie. Copy of Harvester Foreman, Christmas 1931; message
from Legge.
1932 January
Two newspaper articles by Robert McCormick Adams: “Antioch Student Tells
Story of Mounds Pound Near Xenia” and “Museum Exhibition Reveals
Culture of Mound Builders of This Vicinity.” Newspaper article, “S.
McCormick Resumes Rule of His Estate.”
Request from Yerkes Observatory for financial aid.
Mention made of Family Gift Syndicate.
Cyrus III resigns his position at IHC. Account given of other promotions.
Correspondence regarding proposed institute of psychoanalysis.
1932 February
Correspondence regarding Mary Virginia's estate.
Letters describing Stanley's behavior.
Letters regarding formation of Institute for Psychoanalysis.
1932 March
Correspondence on the use of International trucks at Hoover Dam.
Correspondence regarding aid to relatives.
Letter for Sumner Crosby analyzing Stanley's case.
1932 April
Request to endow chair of history at University of Chicago. Request for aid from
relative. Request for loan from Billie Blair for Lee Higginson and Company. Letter
regarding the Seminary and further obligations to it. Depreciation of Mary
Virginia's estate.
Copy of telegram of 1900 regarding possible Legion Honor for Cyrus.
Letter describing some bondholding of Chicago newspapers by McCormick family.
Newspaper article, “Lt. Massie Insane When He Held Gun ...”
Correspondence regarding Boards of Conservators and Guardians.
1932 May
Request for aid, from relatives, Mrs. Tracy, William McCormick II, etc.
Correspondence regarding machines exhibited by Smithsonian Institute.
Correspondence regarding Mary Virginia's Estate.
“Suggested Form of Organization Family Members.”
1932 June
More correspondence regarding aid given to relative Jack Adams.
Much dealing with forthcoming meeting of Board of Guardians. Copy of Annual
Report of IHC, 1931.
1932 July
Letter about Legge's foundation to aid farmers.
First meeting of family representatives (for Harold and Cyrus; Anita has not yet
appointed one).
Letter about medical care of Stanley.
Letter about possible aid for History Department at University of Chicago.
1932 August
Questions regarding the power of the Board of Guardians for Stanley
Progress of Hutchinson with volume two of biography of Cyrus Hall McCormick.
Mention made of gift given toward salary of one of the History Department at
University of Chicago.
Edith sick.
Clipping--“Find Harvester Co. Workers Will Reap Huge Crops.” Letter
regarding sketch of Robert McCormick for the National
Cyclopedia of American Biography.
1932 September
Correspondence regarding Stanley's care.
Aid given to many people, including Evelyn Lawler, Jack Adams.
1932 October
Correspondence regarding Stanley's Estate.
Aid given to many people.
Letters dealing with landslide in Santa Monica.
Donation to First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, Alabama.
Correspondence regarding giving away gold medals for participation in
1932 November-December2 folders Correspondence regarding Robert McCormick sketch for National Cyclopedia of American Biography. Some correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs. Clipping, “Warns of Infected Teeth in Surgery.” Donations to YMCA (one in West Huntsville).
1933 January
Copy of proposed telegram from Legge to F.D. Roosevelt; IHC in accord with goals
of NIRA.
Some correspondence on Stanley's affairs.
Aid given to some people.
Harold has operation.
Judge Horner becomes governor.
Need to curtail budget.
1933 February 1-20
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Harold Fowler McCormick Docket; Family Gifts Syndicate matters.
Clipping, “This is Friendship.”
1933 February 21-28
Some correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Correspondence about aid to Mrs. Edwards (someone connected with Mary Virginia)
and Jack Adams.
Booklet, “Trust Agreement Creating the Farm Foundation,” 1933
February 10.
Request from Hutchinson and Dodd that Hutchinson be allowed access to Nettie
Fowler McCormick's papers.
1933 March 1-15
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Some correspondence regarding Family Gift Syndicate.
Clipping, “Portrait of Mrs. Coleman to be Placed in Board Room of Passavant
George Ranney resigns as Vice President in charge of Sales. Mr. Holahan put in
his place.
Letter dealing with aid to Jack Adams.
1933 March 16-31
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Correspondence dealing with Ranney's resignation.
Material about $1,000,000 fund of IHC to aid employees and former employees of
IHC. Also regarding money for Legge's foundation to aid farmers. Statement by
Harold Fowler McCormick on proposed wage cuts. Memo prepared by W, P. Kelly on
“Relationships Between Dividends and Salaries.”
Includes charts on a) reductions in salaries since 1931, and b) total salary
General Office, 1928-1931, and February 1933, c) analysis of General Office
salaries, December 1918 and February 1933, d) comparison of dividends on Preferred
and Common Stock, 1933 and 1930, and e) brief analysis of 1932 profit and
$38,850 given for landslide protection.
1933 April
Material dealing with Legge's foundation.
Possibility of reducing expenses on Mary Virginia's estate.
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Letter dealing with dedication of Cyrus H. McCormick's bust.
Letter of thanks from Charles D. McCormick for financial aid.
1933 May
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Correspondence regarding statue of Cyrus Hall McCormick in Virginia.
Clipping, “Prof. Ballinger Sees Women's Colleges of Today as 'Factories for
Mention of death of Dr. Ophuls.
1933 June
Correspondence on aid to Jack Adams.
Stanley's affairs.
Letters dealing with fire in barn at Walnut Grove Farm, Virginia.
Docket of matters taken up by Harold, Anita, and Cyrus or their representatives.
Includes General Matters, Mary Virginia McCormick Trustees, McCormick Historical
Association, Nettie Fowler McCormick Biographical Association, and Family Gift
1933 July
Correspondence regarding forthcoming article on IHC in Fortune magazine.
Letters about Stanley's affairs.
Professor Dodd leaves for Berlin, where he will be U.S. Ambassador.
Aid to Jack Adams.
Letters dealing with the burning of the Walnut Grove Farm barn.
Statement by Albert E. Rudge about Cyrus H. McCormick's introduction of his
machine into Europe in 1851.
Correspondence regarding Hutchinson's use of materials in Nettie Fowler
McCormick's Biographical Association.
1933 August
Correspondence on Stanley's affairs.
Letters about the Walnut Grove Farm.
Letter about the division of Nettie McCormick's property at 675 Rush Street and
House-in-the-Woods, Lake Forest.
Letter dealing with gift to Pope Memorial Church.
Talks with Alexander Legge about the signing of the automotive and implement
codes of the NRA.
1933 September 1-20
Correspondence dealing with Dr. and Mrs. Brent Wayman moving to California.
Material dealing with threat of kidnapping of Mary Virginia.
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Correspondence dealing with question of the signing of the codes of the NRA.
1933 September 21-30
Clipping: “Fear of 'Closed Shop' Allayed by NRA Adviser.”
Correspondence on Stanley's affairs and Walnut Grove Farm.
Letters dealing with aid for Mrs. Edwards and for Miss Lawler.
Letter regarding Chicago Historical Society and the replica of 1831 reaper which
they were given.
1933 October
Stanley's affairs.
Mention made of Cyrus H.'s need to sell some Harvester common stock.
Fowler made Trustee of Washington and Lee University.
Correspondence about Jack Adams.
Idea presented of doing book on Robert McCormick.
Mention made of clause 7a of the NRA.
1933 November
Most of correspondence relates to Stanley's affairs.
Letters dealing with desire of Presbyterian Theological Seminary's desire to have
Professor Frost lecture on the Cosmos.
Mention made of possible book about Robert McCormick.
Question as to how much money to donate to Pasadena Community Chest.
Correspondence dealing with an annuity for Mrs. Searson. Gift to Ruth Meeker.
1933 December
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Mention made of pension for Miss Grace Walker. Correspondence on Jack Adams.
Correspondence dealing with Mr. McKinstry, successor to Legge as president of
1934 January
Tributes to Alexander Legge. Letters thanking others for their letters expressing
regret on hearing of the death of Legge.
Letter regarding McKinstry's experience in IHC. Correspondence dealing with
Fowler McCormick and his relation with IHC. Cyrus H. McCormick favors raising
salaries of employees of IHC.
George Ranney mentioned in connection with the chairmanship of the Board of
Continental Illinois Bank.
Clipping, “Shailer Mathews Asks Social Action.”
Short extracts from the diaries of Cyrus H. McCormack referring to Stanley,
Letters concerning representatives of Anita, Harold and Cyrus.
Correspondence dealing with the placing of Nettie Fowler McCormick's library.
Correspondence dealing with replicas of reapers from the Museum of Science and
Industry and the Smithsonian Institute.
1934 February
Harvester World, 1934 January-February, mostly
about Legge.
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Letter dealing with distribution of Nettie Fowler McCormick's books.
Correspondence about the Family Gift Syndicate.
Letters dealing with vacancies on Board of Directors, IHC?
Letters about possible suit for breach of promise to be brought by Mrs. Doubleday
against Harold McCormick.
Letter dealing with reaper models and the Smithsonian Institute.
1934 March
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Leander McCormick-Goodhart working on genealogy.
Correspondence dealing with the health of Mr. McKinstry.
Clipping, “Solomon Smith Made Director of U.S. Gypsum.”
Mention of donation to 4-H Club.
1934 April
Correspondence regarding Stanley.
Mention of proposed changes in the constitution of the Seminary.
Small clipping, “Pick New Mind Expert to Care for S. McCormick.”
Reports of Legge's last illness.
Harold expresses agreement with Roosevelt and the Brain Trust.
1934 May
Correspondence about Stanley's affairs.
Letters which express Harold's desire not to use his influence to have Fowler
advanced in the PIC except on basis of merit as the President would see fit.
Mention of new member of Board of Directors: A.A. Sprague.
Mention of death of Dr. Richards who had been connected with Stanley's care.
1934 June-July2 folders Correspondence on Stanley's affairs. Material dealing with expenses of Mary Virginia's Estate. Donation by the
“Three” of $1,000 to the Virginia Historical Society. Harold thinking of installing pool in residence. Mention of Fowler's “problem” [not defined].
1934 August
Letter describing Harold's connection with the Chicago Grand Opera Company.
Correspondence dealing with forthcoming election in which Judge O'Connell is to
take part.
Booklet reprinting speech made by Walter W. Head, “Have Faith in
Letter dealing with the relationship between the materials in Nettie Fowler
McCormick Biographical Association and those in Historical Association, and also
the relationship between Miss Roderick and Mr. Kellar.
Financial aid given to Jack Adams, Mrs. Robert Lewis Richards (the wife of the
late Dr. Richards), Miss May Morrill Dunn, and Mrs. Ruth Meeker.
Harold becomes a member of the Edith Rockefeller McCormick Trust Committee.
Some pictures of Cooperstown.
1934 September-October
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Question brought up about the division of Nettie Fowler McCormick's library.
An address by Chauncy McCormick on Polish Day.
Retirement of H.E. Daniels.
Mention that Stanley is largest stockholder in IHC.
More correspondence about Judge O'Connell's campaign.
Harold declines to donate to the Robert E. Lee Memorial.
1934 November-December
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Letters dealing with the election of Judge O'Connell.
Correspondence regarding Leander McCormick-Goodhart's genealogy book.
Decision taken not to have Mary Garden sing for Stanley at Christmas.
Letter from Muriel (Harold's daughter) describing some of the relationships with
others in the family.
Mention of the Family Gift Syndicate.
1935 January
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs; includes description of fruit growers
association in California.
Book, The Monterey Wedding of the Overland Voyage of the
“Celtic,” dedicated to Cyrus Hall and Harriet Hammond, about
their wedding.
Clipping from paper, “Me, Us and Company,” by Harold McCormick.
Correspondence regarding Leander's book on genealogy.
Request from Robert McCormick Adams for financial aid to pay expenses of
furthering his archaeology studies in Europe.
Telegrams from Harold to Senators urging joining the World Court and then
expressing regret over failure of the measure.
“Music Views,” by Eugene Stimson about debut of Bernice Higgins, who
was Harold Fowler McCormick's protégée.
1935 February
Correspondence on Stanley's affairs.
Much correspondence dealing with forthcoming retirement of Mr. McKinstry, the
president of IHC and the choice of his possible successor. Item regarding Will
Elliott and his efforts to push himself ahead in IHC.
Mention made of the Alexander Legge Memorial fund.
Clipping, “Bill Seeks to Block Trusts by Taxation,” referred to by
Cyrus H. clipping is enclosed.
1935 March
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Correspondence dealing with the officers of IHC.
Letter from Ambassador Dodd relating to the donation of documents owned by
McCormicks to the University of Chicago.
1935 April
Correspondence on Stanley's affairs.
More correspondence about the successor to Mr. McKinstry.
Article cut from Fortune, “The 'Nervous
Mention of fight in IHC between Sales and Manufacturing.
Correspondence about the purchase of a painting of the McCormick house at 675
Rush Street.
1935 May
Some correspondence about Stanley's affairs.
Correspondence regarding the elections of Fowler and Holahan to the posts of Vice
President and Director. Copy of Proxy vote for the election of six directors.
Correspondence on aid to Robert McCormick Adams.
Material dealing with the Kirk Site and Lake Michigan proper for the IHC.
1935 June
Correspondence on Stanley's affairs and about Robert McCormick Adams.
Letters dealing with the enlargement of the Compensation and Finance Committees
of the IHC.
Copy of Harvester World, 1935 May-June, which has
article by Cyrus H. on S.G. McAllister, the new president.
Letter regarding the action of the Committee of twenty-one electors of the Hall
of Fame.
Correspondence about Cyrus Bentley's records.
1935 July
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Letters dealing with a new Harvester building.
“Material for an Interview on or a Short Story of Grand Opera in
Chicago,” by Harold Fowler McCormick.
Correspondence dealing with the Hall of Fame elections.
Letter offering plan to purchase a building belonging to W.G. McCormick.
1935 August
Mention of Stanley's affairs.
Correspondence on a trip for Augusta Carlson, who had been Nettie McCormick's
Material dealing with a new Harvester building.
Correspondence dealing with the hanging of paintings of important Harvester men
in the Director's room (mention made of Deering and the consolidation).
1935 September
Cyrus H. resigns the chairmanship of the Board of Directors. Harold elected in
his place.
Death of Augusta Carlson.
Letter about Max and Mathilde Oser.
1935 October
Correspondence regarding Robert McCormick Adams.
Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Meeting of the Chicago Plan Society.
1935 November-December
Material dealing with Stanley's affairs, and the Family Gift Syndicate, and the
death of Augusta Carlson.
Three booklets published by IHC: “Young Folks,” “The Story of
Twine,” and “Drive Safely.”
1936 January-April
Two booklets: “Youth and World Cooperation” and “Peace or War A
Challenge to Youth.” The second is an address delivered by Sir Norman
Much material regarding forthcoming election of Directors to Harvester Board.
Action of Proxy Committee. Vote of Harold and Cyrus. Chart giving attendance
record for last three years. Another giving dates of appointments to the
Correspondence regarding Stanley, W.G. McCormick and death of W.G. McCormick's
son, Walter.
Analysis of McCormick interest in IHC and who their representatives are on the
Letters about a new Harvester building.
Visit of Countess Nadeje Ganay to Chicago.
1936 May-June
Correspondence regarding Board of Directors. Ralph Budd elected.
Correspondence about Stanley's affairs. Letters dealing with aid to Robert
McCormick Adams, and Mrs. James W. Adams Jr.
Material dealing with the Family Gift Syndicate. Contribution to 4-H Club
Volume II of Hutchinson's book.
Correspondence about the singing of Bernice Higgins.
Correspondence dealing with the possibility of Sidney McAllister becoming member
of the Commercial Club.
Correspondence dealing with the Compensation Committee.
Independence Day exercises at Monticello.
Speech by F.D. Roosevelt.
Death of Cyrus H. McCormick II.
1936 August
Correspondence on Stanley's affairs.
Clipping about cartoons in Col. Robert McCormick's paper.
Clipping, “What is Fascism?” by Mussolini and “What is
Communism?” by Earl Browder.
Contribution by Harold of $100 to Republican party but says he will probably vote
for F.D. Roosevelt.
Question of giving gift to Professor Dodd ($25,000)?
Question of placing the Cyrus H. McCormick papers.
1936 September-October
Clippings, “Today” by Arthur Brisbane, “It Seems to Me”
by Heywood Broun, about the Vice Presidential candidates.
“Breach in G.O.P. Healed, New Mexico Greets Knox,” other clippings of
pictures of political rallies, etc.
Papers regarding Koch antitoxin treatment for cancer.
List of people to whom Harold sent copies of an address by F.D. Roosevelt.
1936 November-December
Many clippings about the forthcoming election between Landon and Roosevelt.
Harold did not participate in campaign because of his position as chairman of
Board of Directors, but after election wants to share expenses of Anita's part in
Clippings about the King of England's desire to marry Mrs. Simpson.
Copy of “The Alumnae,” 1936 October; St. Luke's Hospital.
1937 January-April
Correspondence on Stanley's affairs.
Correspondence about Board of Directors election. Fear that outside interests
were trying to get control of IHC.
Annual Report of IHC to Employees; notice from president that IHC no longer will
deal with employees elected under Industrial Council Plan.
Clipping, “The Problem of the Holy Shroud.”
Request for donation to Virginia Library of the Presbyterian Theological
Correspondence dealing with Peace Campaigns.
Correspondence dealing with aid to Robert McCormick Adams.
Mention of election of F.D. Roosevelt.
1937 May-September
Correspondence about Stanley's affairs, Robert McCormick Adams, and his
excavation work.
Clipping, “Who is This Man?”
Anita Blaine goes to Europe.
1937 October-December
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Draft and final copy of address by Harold Fowler McCormick--“Thirty Years
in the Harvester Building.” Discusses the old and new buildings, the
formation of the company, foreign business, the trial, labor, etc. George Ranney's
description of the construction of the Harvester Building in 1907.
Extracts from correspondence with Max Oser, 1937 October 3-1938 November 24.
Article by Dr. Edward Kempf (Stanley's former psychoanalyst), “Fundamental
Factors in the Psychopathology and Psychotherapy of Malignant Disorganization
1938 January-February
Article, “Profile of a President” by Gen. Hugh S. Johnson.
Material on Proxy Committee and the election of directors for 1938.
Medical reports on Harold, 1938 January 31-1938 March 2.
1938 March-April : Material dealing with Harold Fowler McCormick's hospitalization. Daily reports
for March 3 to April 30.
1938 May-December
Daily medical reports for May 1 to May 19.
Correspondence dealing with Harold Fowler McCormick's marriage to Adah
Correspondence on Stanley's affairs.
Letter proposing a Peace Plan.
Letter about Bernice Higgins singing in Europe.
1939 January-June
Correspondence about Stanley's affairs.
Material dealing with the division of Nettie Fowler McCormick's effects, Cyrus H.
McCormick material collected for the biography of C.H. McCormick, the Virginia
Farm, the Family Gifts Syndicate, Island Lake Camp, and 675 Rush Street.
Material about an address by the Duke of Windsor; clipping about it.
Mention of the Wisconsin Steel Company.
Suggestion that Anita go on the radio supporting Hull in answer to opposition of
1939 July-December
Copies of letters, telegrams, cablegrams, about the distribution of Nettie Fowler
McCormick's effects.
Administration of Family Gifts Syndicate, McCormick Historical Association.
Letter about a possible new distribution of Via Pacis; cross reference Julius
Letter concerning Harold's resignation from Harvester Board and choice of a new
director, 1939 December 1.
1940 January-May
Telegrams (1939 December 21 and 1940 January 17) about withdrawal of Harold
Fowler McCormick's resignation from Harvester Board. Solicitation of proxies for
1940 stockholders meeting.
Letters declining to lobby for Cyrus Hall I's election to Hall of Fame in
Memoranda on Stanley's affairs: Board of Guardians and Family Gifts
Letter discussing family's control and influence in IHC, April 1.
1940 June-August
Most of the material deals with dividing Nettie Fowler McCormick's effects and
the property at 675 Rush Street.
Letter mentioning the Hall of Fame and a postage stamp with Cyrus H. McCormick's
Correspondence regarding Family Gifts Syndicate.
Letter dealing with yearly payments to Mr. Gorton.
Telegram mentioning advising the government about destroyers.
1940 September-December
The division of Nettie Fowler McCormick's effects and other items.
Correspondence about the Hall of Fame.
Letters dealing with the issuance of a stamp with Cyrus H. McCormick's picture on
Answers by Harold Fowler McCormick to questions asked by Miss Roderick concerning
Nettie's views on education and also about Richfield Springs.
Correspondence regarding Stanley's affairs.
Letters about the Family Gifts Syndicate.
Article, “I'm Getting a New Face.”
Correspondence about a speech by Fowler McCormick.
Anecdotes of Harold's youth.
1941 January-May
Correspondence regarding IHC affairs: death of McKinstry, strikes, election of
Fowler as President of company.
Death of Mary Virginia. Her estate.
Letters dealing with 675 Rush Street.
Stanley's affairs.
Adah McCormick Harold's third wife sitting for portrait by Salvador Dali.
Description of dream by Sumner Crosby.
1941 June-November
Disposition of the McCormick library and possible donation to the University of
Correspondence about 675 Rush Street and the possibility of tearing it down or
renting it.
Stanley's affairs.
Letters dealing with the genealogy of Jerry Hall.
Harold's death. Newspaper clippings. Harvester
World, 1941 November.
Photographs : Almost all are of Harold.
Press clippings, 1916-1952 : Includes one undated clipping in connection with the University of Chicago.