Milwaukee Repertory Theater Records, 1953-1987

Summary Information

Title: Milwaukee Repertory Theater Records
Inclusive Dates: 1953-1987

  • Milwaukee Repertory Theater
Call Number: Milwaukee Mss 95

Quantity: 81.0 cubic feet (1 record center carton, 152 archives boxes, and 48 oversize boxes)

Archival Locations:
UW-Milwaukee Libraries, Archives / Milwaukee Area Research Ctr. (Map)
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Records of a professional repertory company (1953- ), begun as a community theater. Included are correspondence, legal and financial records, operational files, photographs of performers and of plays, and a small amount of technical production materials and scripts pertaining to Milwaukee Repertory Theater and to Drama Inc., its parent corporation. Also present are similar records for the Fred Miller Theatre League, a women's support group, and the company's School of Professional Arts. The records document the problems that beset a local theater while building an audience, maintaining good relations with the community, achieving financial solvency, and attaining administrative and artistic stability. The records of individual performances are limited to financial records, programs, reviews, scripts, and photographs.


There are restrictions on access and use of this material; see the Administrative/Restriction Information portion of this finding aid for details.

Language: English

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