Contents List
Series: Vietnam Archives Television NewsfilmLive news footage excerpted from the film files of Madison, Wisconsin, television stations WISC, WKOW, and WMTV and from other sources by Glenn Silber and Barry Brown, producers of the Vietnam War protest documentary : The War at Home (Catalyst Films, 1979). The footage focuses on events in the Madison community and on the University of Wisconsin -Madison campus where opposition to the War is documented by film of public hearings, interviews, demonstrations, sit-ins, violence known as the “Dow Chemical riot,” and the aftermath of the bombing of the Army Mathematics Research Center in Sterling Hall. Included is earlier footage on Freedom Rides and local civil rights activities and the 1960 Presidential election campaign, and more extensive information on a Black student strike, draft protests, a journey to North Vietnam by Quaker Betty Boardman, violence at the Mifflin Street Block Party, welfare rights demonstrations, and appearances by Dick Gregory, Hubert Humphrey, General Daniel “Chappie” James, Luci Baines Johnson, Ted Kennedy, William Kunstler, Melvin Laird, Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, Carl McIntire, Charlene Mitchell, Wayne Morse, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Benjamin Spock, and many other national figures.
VNA 1.1
On-site interviews, 1965 0'-36', magnetic, black and white, negative : Blake Kellogg interviews Sauk County Sheriff Merle Spencer on peace march scheduled for the next day at the Badger Army Ammunition Plant.
VNA 1.2
News, 1965 37'-130', silent, black and white, negative : Anti-war protesters outside gates of Badger Army Ammunition Plant. Anti-war signs, protesters seated near gates. Man leads them in singing. Riot police on scene, though protesters are peaceful.
VNA 1.3
News/On-site interviews/Speeches, 1965 February 131'-238', silent and optical, black and white, positive : Protesters picketing with anti-war signs around Library Mall fountain. Protesters going up State Street and at Capitol Square listening to speakers including Maurice Zeitlin. Protesters in front of Lincoln statue. Reporter interviews non-participating students on their reactions.
VNA 1.4
News, 1965 February 238'-262', silent, black and white, negative : Negative film of previous demonstrations.
VNA 1.5
News, 1965 October 19 263'-271', silent, black and white, negative : Protesters attempt to arrest Truax Field base commander for war crimes.
VNA 1.6
Panel discussions, 1965 May 7 272'-311', silent, black and white, negative : “Truth teams” sent to University of Wisconsin (and all American college campuses) by the Johnson administration. Crowd of students in Wisconsin Center hall; “truth team” on stage.
VNA 1.7
On-site interviews, 1965 February 1 311'-336', optical, black and white, positive : More interviews in front of Lincoln statue on Bascom Hill: “I think the majority of the campus backs any decision the President will make.”
VNA 1.8
News, 1965 January 16 337'-356', silent, black and white, positive : Fund drive for CARE.
VNA 1.9
News, 1965 February 357'-373', silent, black and white, positive : Protests (around Library Mall) against U.S. bombing in N. Vietnam.
VNA 1.10
News, 1965 374'-399', silent, black and white, negative : Protesters with “Get out of Vietnam” signs on Bascom Hill. Hubert Humphrey arrives at Memorial Union Theater.
VNA 1.11
News, 1965 February 399'-437', silent, black and white, negative : More shots of anti-bombing demonstration around Library Mall fountain.
VNA 1.12
Press conferences, 1965 May 13 438'-463', optical, black and white, positive : Averill Harriman on unidentified subject; he mentions Organization of American States.
VNA 2.1
Press conferences, 1966 October 0'-16', magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor Fleming apologizes to Sen. Ted Kennedy for the conduct of students at the Senator's recent appearance on campus. Students disrupted speech by Kennedy.
VNA 2.2
Speeches, 1966 October 28 16'-48', magnetic, black and white, negative : Patrick Lucey (in a speech before introducing Ted Kennedy at the Stock Pavilion) says he has no intention of turning “misery of our boys over in Vietnam” into his political advantage in a partisan contest.
VNA 2.3
Press conferences, 1966 49'-56', magnetic, black and white, negative : Continuation of Chancellor Fleming press conference: traditions of University of Wisconsin are “much too precious” to have them put in danger by those afraid to have ideas compete.
VNA 2.4
Press conferences, 1966 October 57'-76', magnetic, black and white, negative : Mayor Otto Festge apologizes to Senator Ted Kennedy for students' behavior.
VNA 2.5
Press conferences, 1966 October 77'-100', magnetic, black and white, negative : Wisconsin Student Association president gives apology to Senator Ted Kennedy for behavior of a “small minority” of students.
VNA 2.6
Speeches, 1966 October 28 101'-124', magnetic, black and white, negative : Continuation of Patrick Lucey speech (Lucey running for governor): he does not intend to make Vietnam War an issue in governor's race.
VNA 2.7
News, 1966 May 125'-170', silent, black and white, negative : “Umbrella March” (by University of Wisconsin faculty members?) on Bascom Hill as a faculty meeting lets out. March was concerned with administration building sit-in.
VNA 2.8
News, 1966 171'-203', silent, black and white, negative : Draft resistance rally at Selective Service office.
VNA 2.9
Speeches, 1966 203'-229', magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor Fleming addresses large crowd of students on Bascom Hill. “We will always try to understand another point of view.”
VNA 2.10
Press conferences, 1966 229'-258', magnetic, black and white, negative : Continuation of Chancellor Fleming press conference. Conflict on campus related to Vietnam War.
VNA 2.11
News, 1966 258'-285', silent, black and white, positive : Draft protest at Field House. Students picket as male students line up at Field House to take “draft tests.” Flunking test meant losing student deferment.
VNA 2.12
News, 1966 May 286'-294', silent, black and white, negative : Draft sit-in at A.W. Peterson Building.
VNA 2.13
Meetings, 1966 May 295'-321', silent, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin faculty meeting to discuss student takeover (sit-in) of administration building.
VNA 2.14
News, 1966 May 322'-340', silent, black and white, negative : Sit-in at administration building continues. Exterior of A.W. Peterson building. Sign: “This is our building.” Cut to large rally on Bascom Hill.
VNA 2.15
News, 1966 February 26 341'-349', silent, black and white, negative : 100 protesters march to Badger Army Ammunition Plant near Baraboo.
VNA 2.16
News/Speeches, 1966 May 352'-401', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Large rally on Bascom Hill after sit-in at administration building. Prof. William A. Williams speaks.
VNA 2.17
News/Speeches, 1966 October 29 402'-450', silent, black and white, negative : Interior of Stock Pavilion, filled to capacity, students giving standing ovation to Ted Kennedy. (Speech by Lucey in VNA 2.2 and VNA 2.6 may have been part of Kennedy's appearance.) Silent shots of Kennedy being introduced and speaking to audience.
VNA 2.18
News, 1966 May 17 450'-461', silent, black and white, negative : Sit-in at administration building to protest draft. Hank Haslach (student leader) at microphone.
VNA 2.19
News/Speeches, 1966 October 28 462'-469', silent, black and white, positive : Senator Ted Kennedy at Stock Pavilion. Student at his side.
VNA 2.20
News/Speeches, 1966 470'-550', silent, black and white, negative : Students entering or leaving Stock Pavilion. Cut to street scene of students (some with signs) crossing street. Cut to students marching up Bascom Hill. Sign: “Sit-in to protest UW cooperation...” Large crowd at top of Bascom Hill. Sign: “End the war in the Administration building.” Cut to students seated in Bascom Hall hallway and a lecture hall where speakers address group.
VNA 2.21
News, 1966 May 551'-563', silent, black and white, negative : Sit-in at A.W. Peterson Building.
VNA 2.22
Speeches, 1966 564'-623', magnetic, black and white, negative : More of Prof. William A. Williams speech at Bascom Hill rally: “I have tremendous respect for your intellectual power...”
VNA 2.23
News/Speeches, 1966 October 28 623'-666', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Stock Pavilion. Patrick Lucey and Ted Kennedy at podium. Shots of protest signs at Kennedy's speech: “Bring the troops home now.” Kennedy and student protester at podium. (Kennedy had invited protester to podium for him to speak on Vietnam.)
VNA 2.24
Meetings, 1966 666'-720', silent, black and white, negative : Wisconsin Student Association meeting on draft sit-in held in lecture hall. Cut to huge rally on Bascom Hill. Sign: “'Beats' [beatniks] are all washed up for Barry” [Barry Goldwater?].
VNA 2.25
Press conferences, 1966 March 26 721'-755', optical, black and white, positive : Prof. Staughton Lynd on his trip to N. Vietnam: N. Vietnam called truce a phony peace attempt because National Liberation Front not directly contacted and also because of steady escalation of troops in the South.
VNA 3.1
On-site interviews, 1967 0'-168', magnetic, black and white, negative : Blake Kellogg interviews Betty Boardman on her mercy mission to N. Vietnam as part of Quaker group. Boardman describes arriving in Haiphong Harbor during air raid.
VNA 3.2
Press conferences, 1967 168'-538', magnetic, black and white, negative : Betty Boardman's pre-voyage press conference. Begins by reading press release regarding trip. Quaker action group will send small boat in February to N. Vietnam. Supplies will go to N. Vietnamese Red Cross to relieve injuries caused by U.S. bombing.
VNA 3.3
Hearings, 1967 October 538'-1006, silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor William Sewell testifies before State Senate hearing on Dow Chemical riots at Commerce Building. Many incomplete questions and answers. Sewell answers questions about specific events that day. Sewell says they did not expect the “massive” resistance to the police that was encountered.
VNA 4.1
Hearings, 1967 October 0'-225', magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor William Sewell continues to testify before State Senate committee hearing on Dow Chemical riots at Commerce Building. One senator asks about upcoming CIA interviews: can University assure State that these interviews will occur? Sewell and Fred Harvey Harrington have assured State. Senator reads document that circulated on campus before riot: students would move to block Dow Chemical from being on campus. Senator asks that since this document was seen by University administration, why wasn't there more preparation for Dow riot? “We did not expect violent resistance to arrest,” says Sewell.
VNA 4.2
News, 1967 November 226'-281', silent, black and white, positive : “Bring the GI's Home Now” rally. Students near top of Bascom Hill. Students outside of Athletic Shell; sign: “Veterans demand: Bring the troops home now.” Sign on Shell door: “Building closed Monday November 20, 1967 except for authorized military interviews. By order of President Fred Harvey Harrington.” Students march on Monroe Street to Selective Service office. Riot police arrive.
VNA 4.3
Hearings, 1967 October 282'-488', magnetic, black and white, negative : More testimony to State Senate committee hearing on Dow Chemical riots. David Goldman (student) refuses to answer many questions. He has brought suit against the committee, questioning its legality. Attorneys have advised him not to answer questions prior to outcome of suit.
VNA 4.4
News, 1967 October 488'-533', silent, black and white, negative : Silent footage of Senate Dow hearing room during a recess.
VNA 4.5
Hearings, 1967 October 533'-682', magnetic, black and white, negative : Continuation of David Goldman testimony. Committee has determined that Goldman has immunity when he answers questions as directed--any testimony he gives cannot be used against him in a Federal prosecution. Goldman begins to answer questions (Lt. Gov. Jack Olson is chairman of committee; he is referred to as “Governor” throughout proceedings.) With each question, Goldman confers with his counsel.
VNA 4.6
On-site interviews, 1967 October 683'-776', magnetic, black and white, positive : Lt. Gov. Jack Olson interviewed on legislative hearing on Dow riot. Hopes to accomplish getting facts; will give status report to Senate.
VNA 4.7
On-site interviews, 1967 777'-914', magnetic, black and white, negative : Attorney General Bronson La Follette regrets deeply charges made against him. Cut to different interview with La Follette who proposes study for events of yesterday (Dow riot?). La Follette says hearings would gather testimony to prevent such violence. Cut to another interview with La Follette on purpose of meeting with Wisconsin Sheriffs' Association which was to clarify statements attributed to La Follette on Dow violence.
VNA 5.1
Hearings, 1967 October 0'-188', magnetic, black and white, negative : Ralph Hanson (chief of University Protection and Security) testifies before Senate Dow Hearings. He is shown pictures of Commerce Building interior during riot and relates what he saw that day.
VNA 5.2
Hearings, 1967 October 188'-226', magnetic, black and white, negative : Person reading off names to Senate Dow hearings (names of demonstrators?).
VNA 5.3
Hearings, 1967 October 227'-249', magnetic, black and white, negative : Student describes what he experienced during Dow riot. Students were linking arms, he says.
VNA 5.4
Meetings, 1967 October 250'-258', silent, black and white, negative : Meeting after Senate Dow hearings.
VNA 5.5
On-site interviews, 1967 258'-286', magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin spokesman (?): University of Wisconsin rated by American Council of Education as one of top 3 graduate schools.
VNA 5.6
Speeches, 1967 286'-495', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin Professor Handley addresses rally: “We are all lower case democrats.” Citizens must exercise responsibility. Student speaks to same rally; another student announces meeting on CIA. Third student speaks on CIA practices in recruiting. Evan Stark congratulates students in their protest.
VNA 5.7
News, 1967 496'-518', silent, black and white, negative : Students on Bascom Hill flying anti-CIA kites.
VNA 5.8
Speeches, 1967 518'-840', magnetic, black and white, negative : Speakers at anti-CIA rally in front of Law School. Male student on CIA interviewing in various countries. Next speaker is black male student from Concerned Black Students (CBS); “The CIA is only an agent of imperialism,” he says. Professor Maurice Zeitlin speaks: “[CIA] is the incarnation and embodiment of the most dangerous forces in the American government.” Another male student speaks on CIA's history of involvement in political overthrow of democratic governments.
VNA 6.1
News/Special reports, 1967 0'-148', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Rally against Dow demonstrations (possibly in Memorial Union Great Hall). Speaker on his opposition to Dow demonstrators' tactics.
VNA 6.2
Speeches, 1967 148'-177', silent, black and white, negative : Speeches at rally before Dow demonstration.
VNA 6.3
Speeches, 1967 178'-218', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Portion of another speech (in Great Hall?) by one of the students against Dow demonstration.
VNA 6.4
Speeches, 1967 219'-430', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Student reads poem on Che Guevarra to anti-Dow rally. Another man: “U.S. is violating international law.” Law school student: “U.S. clearly in violation of international law.” A few silent shots of anti-Dow demonstration followed by silent footage of campus scenes.
VNA 6.5
Press conferences, 1967 430'-584', magnetic, black and white, negative : Governor Warren Knowles reads statement concerning Dow demonstrations. He supports rights of students to protest, but says protest must not interfere with ability of University to function.
VNA 6.6
News, 1967 585'-641', silent, black and white, negative : Unknown rally in lecture hall.
VNA 6.7
News, 1967 February 21 641'-748', silent, black and white, negative : The first Dow Chemical demonstration (Dow I). Students inside of Commerce Building. Students inside unknown hallway. Students marching along campus street. Students inside Commerce Building. Hallway is full of people.
VNA 6.8
Judicial proceedings, 1967 749'-837', silent, black and white, negative : Court hearings after Dow I. Students in hallway of City-County Building.
VNA 7.1
News, 1967 February 23 0'-185', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor Fleming in his office with group of students during Dow I demonstration. Fleming is attempting to talk with students about how job interviews are conducted on campus.
VNA 7.2
Press conferences, 1967 185'-244', magnetic, black and white, negative : Governor Warren Knowles: 30,000 students on campus. 300 involved in demonstration means that 1 percent participated. He doesn't condone “hooliganism.”
VNA 7.3
On-site interviews, 1967 245'-299', magnetic, black and white, negative : Unknown legislator(?): most protesters are from out-of-state. University of Wisconsin budget should be looked at.
VNA 7.4
Press conferences, 1967 299'-315', magnetic, black and white, negative : Governor Warren Knowles (continuation of press conference): if University of Wisconsin wants to continue free speech, it should advise dissenters to be courteous and listen to others.
VNA 7.5
On-site interviews, 1967 316'-385', magnetic, black and white, negative : State legislator Curtis McKay: what is policy of University of Wisconsin, what controls are implemented to enforce policy?
VNA 7.6
Press conferences, 1967 385'-407', magnetic, black and white, negative : Governor Warren Knowles (continuation of press conference): Dow riot does reflect upon University. It also reflects on their funding.
VNA 7.7
Press conferences, 1967 February 408'-588', magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor Fleming press conference on Dow I. He's asked why he bailed students out of jail. There is a precedent for presidents bailing students out; he does not like the “jail technique.” Fleming was told by faculty present at Dow I that there was obstruction of the interviews by the students.
VNA 7.8
On-site interviews, 1967 589'-629', magnetic, black and white, positive : Unidentified man interviewed: it's essential to lay down guidelines. Hopes to establish an advisory committee for Regents. University should be able to hold interviews for both Dow and CIA.
VNA 7.9
Press conferences, 1967 October 630'-666', magnetic, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harvey Harrington on Dow riots. Dow interviews were discontinued today by Chancellor Sewell. He's sure that recruiting will begin again.
VNA 7.10
On-site interviews, 1967 October 666'-707', magnetic, black and white, positive : Lt. Gov. Jack Olson: legislature has determined that there must be hearings on Dow demonstrations. Olson will be chairman of fact-finding Senate committee.
VNA 7.11
On-site interviews, 1967 707'-776', magnetic, black and white, positive : Unidentified man (legislator?): “We're going to do what we have to do [in Vietnam].”
VNA 7.12
On-site interviews, 1967 776'-814', magnetic, black and white, positive : Don Slichter, president Wisconsin Alumni Association, gives alumni's reaction to Dow demonstrations; he's concerned about inability of students to carry on studies unperturbed.
VNA 7.13
On-site interviews, 1967 814'-835', magnetic, black and white, positive : Roger Taylor, an alumnus on Dow demonstrations. He feels these events are very disturbing. Students don't have the right to impede others in their studies, he says.
VNA 8.1
Speeches, 1967 0'-83', silent, black and white, positive : Professor Maurice Zeitlin speaking at rally in Wisconsin Union Theater. Dr. Benjamin Spock also addresses rally.
VNA 8.2
Judicial proceedings, 1967 84'-138', silent, black and white, positive : Students waiting to be admitted to Dow I court hearings. Scene inside court room.
VNA 8.3
News, 1967 October 139'-164', silent, black and white, positive : Rally on Bascom Hill after Dow II. Students picketing with strike signs.
VNA 8.4
News, 1967 165'-199', silent, black and white, positive : Sign: “U.S. out of Vietnam. CIA off campus.” Students picketing against CIA on Bascom Hill. Cut to interior of lecture hall. Cut back to Bascom Hill and picketers.
VNA 8.5
News, 1967 200'-245', silent, black and white, positive : Student march to State Capitol. Students gathered on State Capitol grounds.
VNA 8.6
News, 1967 245'-284', silent, black and white, positive : Crowd of students, one with sign: “We demand the right to man a table.” Students are surrounding Marine recruitment table in Memorial Union.
VNA 8.7
News, 1967 285'-308', silent, black and white, negative : Students boarding Greyhound buses near Memorial Union.
VNA 8.8
On-site interviews, circa 1967 308'-452', magnetic, black and white, negative : Senator Gaylord Nelson: “We have to stop the bombing [of Vietnam] unilaterally.” Opposed to more troop allocations.
VNA 8.9
News, 1967 452'-514', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Students gathered around Marine recruitment table set up in Memorial Union. Marines look on as one student has an argument with other students protesting right of Marine recruiters to be there.
VNA 8.10
Hearings, 1967 October 514'-543', magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin Regent speaking at Senate Dow Hearings. He says attacks on academic freedom usually come from outside the University; this time [Dow riots] it came from a relatively small percentage of students.
VNA 8.11
News, 1967 544'-595', silent, black and white, negative : Students demonstrating on State Street. Police in riot gear.
VNA 8.12
News, 1967 596'-612', magnetic, black and white, negative : Student at Marine recruiting table in Memorial Union: “These people [Marines] are not students and yet they get to man a table at the Union.” Student is with Committee for Direct Action and they want to set up table to raise money for napalmed children in Vietnam.
VNA 8.13
News, 1967 November 613'-627', silent, black and white, negative : Sign on Athletic Shell door: “Building closed Monday November 20, 1967 except for authorized military interviews.”
VNA 8.14
On-site interviews, 1967 627'-707', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor Sewell comments on bringing in approximately 230 police. “I consider it a protective action.” Cut to Fred Harrington: interviews are to be continued.
VNA 8.15
News, 1967 707'-736', silent, black and white, negative : Demonstrations against military interviews. Riot police arriving.
VNA 8.16
News, 1967 736'-774', silent, black and white, negative : More on Marine recruiting table confrontation.
VNA 9.1
News/Speeches, 1967 February 0'-114', silent, black and white, negative : Students march outside of University Club. Cut to Chancellor Fleming and President Harrington leaving Bascom Hall after Dow I arrests. Crowds of students on Bascom Hill to hear Fleming and Harrington. Students in Bascom Hall hallway. Chancellor Fleming with bullhorn addresses student crowd outside Bascom Hall.
VNA 9.2
News, 1967 114'-211', silent, black and white, negative : Students in hallway. Cut to packed lecture hall where man is speaking to students (anti-demonstrators?). Students march on State Street. Man addressing them with bullhorn. Students post something on a door. Shot of City-County Building with banner across front: “United Nations.” Gathering at State Capitol. Cut to student crowds on Bascom Hill. (Same crowd seen from atop Bascom Hall and a shot looking down towards Social Science Building.)
VNA 9.3
News, 1967 212'-239', silent, black and white, negative : Students picketing campus buildings with strike signs.
VNA 9.4
News/Speeches, 1967 240'-296', silent, black and white, negative : Crowded lecture hall. Cut to outside shot of Ralph Hanson (?) in the middle of a student crowd. Cut back to lecture hall; students applauding WSA officers (on stage). Chancellor Fleming addresses group. (Sign: “Withdraw the Viet Cong”)
VNA 9.5
News/Speeches, 1967 297'-334', silent, black and white, negative : Robert Cohen speaks at anti-CIA rally in front of Law School. Professor Maurice Zeitlin addresses same group.
VNA 9.6
News, 1967 339'-360', silent, black and white, negative : Students blocking doorways in classroom building during CIA interviews.
VNA 9.7
News, 1967 361'-492', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Anti-CIA march down Bascom Hill. Chanting: “Stop the war in Vietnam, throw the CIA out.” Cut to Bascom Hill crowd, then cut to marchers going down Bascom Hill. Big banner put up behind Lincoln statue: “U.S. out of Vietnam, CIA off campus.” Speakers in front of Law School.
VNA 9.8
News, 1967 493'-525', silent, black and white, negative : Students blocking classroom doorways during CIA interviews. Cut to demonstrations on Bascom Hill.
VNA 9.9
Hearings, 1967 October 526'-552', silent, black and white, negative : UW student David Goldman testifies before Senate Dow hearings.
VNA 9.10
Unknown, 1967 553'-559', silent, black and white, negative : Image very bad.
VNA 9.11
Press conferences, 1967 560'-628', silent, black and white, negative : Betty Boardman gives press conference prior to N. Vietnam trip.
VNA 9.12
News/Speeches, 1967 629'-768', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin lecture hall. Students giving standing ovation to Chancellor Fleming. Fleming speaks about CIA interviewing on campus: students may make the judgement themselves as to whether or not they want to interview with a certain company. Faculty will be meeting to see if there should be a change to present policy. At same meeting where Fleming speaks, a WSA officer speaks: “No minority can prevent the operation of this university.” Meeting is about to end when anti-Dow demonstrators want to be heard. Cut to WSA officer directly addressing camera: “Vast majority deplore what has happened today. If a student is obstructing functions of campus, he is not acting appropriately.” Cut back to the meeting.
VNA 10.1
On-site interviews, 1967 October 0'-85', magnetic, black and white, negative : Attorney General Bronson La Follette asked his reaction to Dow riot: “Administration was perfectly proper.” “Violence that did occur was almost inevitable.”
VNA 10.2
Hearings, 1967 86'-145', magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin President Harrington testifying before Senate Dow hearings: “CIA interviews are now scheduled this fall.” The “disruptionists” caused the violence and necessitated the use of police force.
VNA 10.3
News, 1967 February 23 146'-391', magnetic, black and white, negative : Students and press crowd into Chancellor Fleming's office. Identified in station finding aids as student takeover of Fleming's office following Dow I. Fleming talks on phone to someone regarding students arrested during Dow I. After he gets off phone, he talks with students about events leading up to the event. Arrested students are now out on bail. Student speaks about students staying in office and possibility of Fleming being taken out of his office by police escort. Fleming warns him that once he's touched, aggravated assault charges may be brought. Robert Cohen, seated next to Fleming, warns students that Fleming is correct. (Sometimes hard to hear, lots of background noise from crowd.)
VNA 10.4
Press conferences, 1967 393'-449', magnetic, black and white, negative : Governor Warren Knowles (in office): “We believe in free speech...Freedom of speech goes both ways.”
VNA 10.5
On-site interviews, 1967 449'-462', magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington: University of Wisconsin has very good record in handling student demonstrations.
VNA 10.6
Hearings, 1967 October 462'-602', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Police Chief Wilbur Emery testifying before Senate Dow Hearings. Students showed “planned organization,” he says.
VNA 10.7
Hearings, 1967 October 603'-712', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington testifies before Senate Dow Hearings. Asked if he would object to the use of force: “I am reluctant to use force” but will use it when free speech is threatened and unlawful assembly occurs.
VNA 10.8
Press conferences, 1967 712'-791', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : David Goldman (UW student) and Robert Cohen (UW teaching assistant) at a press conference on Dow Chemical demonstration. Goldman: “When freedom of speech leads to significant protest, freedom of speech must be curtailed.” “We want to arouse the public.”
VNA 10.9
Press conferences, 1967 791'-859', magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin President Harrington: Evan Stark is “off the payroll.” Robert Cohen also recommended to be fired. “This is the denial of freedom of speech,” Harrington says of protesters.
VNA 10.10
Press conferences, 1967 860'-999', magnetic, black and white, negative : Robert Cohen (at press conference with David Goldman): University of Wisconsin administration “would have you believe that our movement is a small group.”
VNA 11.1
On-site interviews, 1967 0'-73', magnetic, black and white, positive : Wisconsin Alumni Association meeting. Reporter interviews alumnus Bob Gold on his reaction to Dow riots: “We deplore the physical violence.” Reporter interviews another alumnus who displays copy of overseas edition of New York Herald-Tribune with student protest scene on front page.
VNA 11.2
On-site interviews, 1967 October 74'-111', magnetic, black and white, negative : Lt. Gov. Jack Olson: starting Monday morning will call in witnesses on Dow riot. “Not going to be a witch hunt, but it's going to be a very detailed look at the situation.”
VNA 11.3
Hearings, 1967 October 112'-195', magnetic, black and white, negative : Dow Senate Hearings. A legislator lists number and kind of student injuries during Dow. 47 students, 3 non-students of college age injured.
VNA 11.4
News/Speeches, 1967 196'-426', magnetic, black and white, negative : Demonstration and speeches in front of Law School against CIA. Robert Cohen speaks about CIA infiltration of college campuses. Blake Kellogg does voice-over narration for news piece on anti-CIA demonstration on Bascom Hill. Robert Cohen identified as a “familiar protester face.” He leads demonstrators down the hill to the Law School where CIA interviews are conducted. 500 students gather outside Law School. Inside students line hallways where interviews are conducted. Outside demonstrators listen to Law School student John Coatsworth: demonstrations will continue until such agencies as the CIA are denied the right to recruit.
VNA 11.5
Speeches, 1967 432'-519', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Pre-Dow demonstration rally. Professor Maurice Zeitlin addresses crowd: “CIA is an instrument of American foreign policy.” Vet for Peace speaks to rally: “How do we end the war? Maybe 100% tax on war profits.”
VNA 11.6
Hearings, 1967 October 520'-1001', magnetic, black and white, negative : David Goldman and his two legal advisors at Senate hearings on Dow. Goldman declines to answer questions until U.S. court has ruled upon his complaint (repeats this several times). Lt. Gov. Jack Olson directly instructs him to answer a question. Goldman refuses. Later, questioning continues. Goldman asked about a particular meeting (SDS meeting). Goldman says SDS had no hand in events of October 18, 1967 (Dow riot). Counsel raises his objection to whole proceeding, says Goldman will answer questions only about his conduct.
VNA 12.1
Hearings, 1967 October 0'-199', magnetic, black and white, negative : David Goldman continues his testimony to Senate Dow Hearings. Goldman lists his affiliations: member of WSA, Memorial Union, SDS. Questioner stops him when he lists SDS; Goldman refuses to answer question on whether or not he is an officer of SDS.
VNA 12.2
On-site interviews, 1967 200'-260', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Betty Boardman (interviewed by Blake Kellogg) on her trip to North Vietnam. Her passport has been revoked. Interview took place after trip.
VNA 12.3
Press conferences, 1967 261'-522', magnetic, black and white, negative : Betty Boardman at press conference before her trip to North Vietnam. She is not going as an agent of the government. She'll be bringing medical supplies to North Vietnam. Boardman reads statement on trip.
VNA 12.4
On-site interviews, 1967 523'-582', magnetic, black and white, negative : Interview with Senator Gordon Roseleip on articles appearing in University of Wisconsin Daily Cardinal student newspaper. He feels articles damage good name of university.
VNA 12.5
On-site interviews, 1967 582'-607', magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin Regent Walter Renk on demonstrations. University of Wisconsin has a responsibility, in cooperation with the city.
VNA 12.6
On-site interviews, 1967 607'-792', magnetic, black and white, negative : General Stillwell is interviewed by Lyle Stitt. He is convinced that government's Vietnam policy is correct.
VNA 13.1
Press conferences, 1967 0'-64', magnetic, black and white, negative : Gov. Warren Knowles: “Strong disciplinary action should be taken against any student who willfully violates the rules....” Knowles says this should also apply to TA's and professors. A very small minority is interfering with the rights of the majority, he says.
VNA 13.2
On-site interviews, 1967 65'-91', magnetic, black and white, negative : State Senator Gordon Roseleip: J. Edgar Hoover has warned that SDS is an organization which the “communistic” party has working for them. “I'm against any action of the Students for a Democratic Society.”
VNA 13.3
On-site interviews, 1967 91'-155', magnetic, black and white, negative : Woman states that Vietnam can't be won in the same way as World War II was won. “You don't kill communism with bombs.”
VNA 13.4
Press conferences, 1967 February 156'-411', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor Fleming, after Dow I, on arrests of students and his bailing them out of jail. University of Wisconsin policy is that employers may come on the campus and interview students. Companies are not screened. Guest speakers at University are not screened. Fleming provided bail because he did not feel that students and universities should settle differences with arrest.
VNA 13.5
Press conferences, 1967 411'-551', magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor Fleming at another press conference on Dow I. Students voted last night not to block Dow interviews. Fleming reviews what has happened over the last two days. He will be meeting with a faculty committee to update them on the situation. University does not have the manpower to enforce University rules by itself; it would require help from the outside (primarily city).
VNA 13.6
Hearings, 1967 October 551'-718', magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor Sewell before Senate Dow hearing. University of Wisconsin's assumption was that protest would be like others, peaceful. Police were trained that after repeated warnings to protesters, protesters would be arrested.
VNA 14.1
Hearings, 1967 October 0'-483', magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor William Sewell before Senate Dow hearing. Students arrested had refused to identify themselves and refused to leave. Strategy was to start carrying people away from building. Protection and Security Chief Ralph Hanson announced that it was an unlawful assembly. Sewell describes meeting with several students during the Commerce Building incident. The students told him that if he asked Dow interviewers to leave the campus, they would attempt to get students to leave the Commerce Building. Ralph Hanson and Wilbur Emery came into Sewell's office and they discussed removal of students. It was their impression that there would be no resistance. Carrying people out of the building did not work. There was a “terrific and massive resistance.” Sewell says professors can not be screened for political views.
VNA 14.2
News, 1967 484'-527', magnetic, black and white, positive : Possibly a newscast after Dow II. Newscaster: 50 Madison police called to scene and met by “angry, vicious mob” of 300 protesters led by “professionals from out of the city.”
VNA 14.3
News, 1967 528'-622', silent, black and white, negative : Counter-protest (Pro-Dow) on Bascom Hill. Students carry signs “Dow makes soap,” “Why Betray America,” “Don't thumb your nose, picket.”
VNA 14.4
Press conferences, 1967 622'-671', magnetic, black and white, negative : Betty Boardman at a pre-voyage to Vietnam press conference.
VNA 14.5
On-site interviews, 1973 671'-764', silent, black and white, negative : Outside City-County Building, people interviewed about Karleton Armstrong trial. (Described as kinescope material.)
VNA 14.6
Hearings, 1967 October 771'-878', magnetic, black and white, negative : William Bablitch (then a Law School student) testifies at Senate Dow Hearings. He talks about confrontation at Commerce Building: “You could feel the tension mount in the air.” “Let's go in and take a crack at them” were the words Bablitch heard riot police say.
VNA 15.1
Hearings, 1967 October 0'-71', magnetic, black and white, negative : Protection and Security Chief Ralph Hanson testifies before Senate Dow hearings.
VNA 15.2
Hearings, 1967 October 72'-109', magnetic, black and white, negative : Student describes events in Commerce Building hallway that day. Police began pushing crowd back with riot sticks. “They were very definitely hitting people on the head.”
VNA 15.3
Judicial proceedings, 1967 November 13 110'-149', silent, black and white, positive : Students entering courtroom (arraignment hearing?) after Dow riot. District Attorney James Boll seated in courtroom.
VNA 15.4
Press conferences, 1967 October 27 150'-221', magnetic, black and white, positive : Gov. Warren Knowles: actions of chancellor are within his prerogative.
VNA 15.5
Hearings, 1967 April 221'-277', silent and magnetic, color, positive : President Fred Harrington addresses Assembly Budget Committee: University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee will suffer under new budget.
VNA 15.6
Man on the street interviews, 1967 November 5 278'-370', magnetic, black and white, positive : People on street asked how they feel towards Lyndon Johnson.
VNA 15.7
Press conferences, 1967 October 29 371'-456', magnetic, black and white, positive : Warren Knowles: police used force they deemed necessary.
VNA 15.8
Hearings, 1967 October 25 456'-530', magnetic, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington testifies before Senate Dow hearing: problems of last Wednesday not any problem of law.
VNA 15.9
Judicial proceedings, 1967 November 28 531'-610', silent, black and white, positive : Students in court after Dow riot.
VNA 15.10
Hearings, 1967 October 610'-740', magnetic, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington before Senate Dow committee: disruption was planned. University found it necessary to respond with force.
VNA 15.11
Press conferences, 1967 741'-801', magnetic, black and white, positive : Gov. Warren Knowles: fully supports Chancellor William Sewell. Also supports strong rules for University.
VNA 15.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1967 802'-841', silent, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin Homecoming parade around Capitol Square.
VNA 15.13
Press conferences, 1967 November 4 842'-912', magnetic, black and white, positive : U.S. Senator Robert Griffin on Lyndon Johnson. Johnson has “credibility gap.” Supports George Romney for president.
VNA 16.1
Press conferences, 1967: VNA 16 also available online.0'-33', magnetic, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington: Faculty has just adjourned its meeting. Faculty commended Chancellor Sewell in his handling of Dow Chemical demonstration.
VNA 16.2
On-site interviews, 1967 October: VNA 16 also available online.34'-69', magnetic, black and white, positive : Lt. Gov. Jack Olson on Senate Dow hearings which will investigate Dow Chemical demonstrations.
VNA 16.3
Judicial proceedings, 1967: VNA 16 also available online.70'-119', silent, black and white, negative : After Dow II, students before judge in court.
VNA 16.4
News, 1967 November 15: VNA 16 also available online.120'-160', silent, black and white, positive : State Senate chambers (Senators appear to be debating).
VNA 16.5
Press conferences, 1967: VNA 16 also available online.160'-230', magnetic, black and white, positive : Gov. Warren Knowles: “The biggest source of our difficulty is with the young people.” They have easy access to cars; very mobile. They have more money, he says.
VNA 16.6
On-site interviews, 1967: VNA 16 also available online.231'-287', magnetic, black and white, positive : Reporter interviews a police chief on incidents with young people. He feels “outsiders” are responsible for making trouble. Another police chief is interviewed on same subject: something is going to have to be done about problem of students acting up, he says.
VNA 16.7
On-site interviews, 1967: VNA 16 also available online.287'-327', magnetic, black and white, positive : Man on handling rowdy young people/students. Does not suggest using brutal force, but “they have to realize there is some authority.”
VNA 16.8
News, 1967: VNA 16 also available online.328'-348', silent, black and white, positive : Students at courthouse. People outside building being kept out by police.
VNA 16.9
News, 1967 October: VNA 16 also available online.349'-510', silent, black and white, positive : Dow II riot. Students outside Commerce Building. Riot police bringing students out of the building. Students giving Nazi salute to police. Police pushing back students from the entrance of the Commerce Building. Scuffle breaks out; students dragged away. Tear gas clouds and students running from gas. Students filling Observatory Drive, running from tear gas. Cut back to front of Commerce Building. Police trying to clear out students lying on the ground. Students led by “band” marching up Bascom Hill; marchers go to Commerce Building and start going inside. Protesters lining hallways. Outside, more students are coming into the building. Ralph Hanson and riot police enter Commerce Building. Police inside building trying to sweep students out. Students coming out of building after being forced out.
VNA 16.10
VNA 16.11
VNA 16.12
Press conferences, 1967: VNA 16 also available online.579'-621', magnetic, black and white, negative : Betty Boardman's pre-voyage press conference. Boardman is trying to answer a woman's question: what would she say to a serviceman in Vietnam that could be an “answer” for him. Boardman: “The war is wrong.”
VNA 17.1
News, 1967 October: VNA 17 also available online.0'-747', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Dow II demonstration and riot. Begins as small gathering near foot of Bascom Hill. Student with bullhorn addresses crowd. Group starts up hill, chanting “Down with Dow” as they go to Commerce Building. Students enter Commerce Building, filling hallways. Ralph Hanson is on the scene. Outside Commerce, students demonstrating. Riot police enter Commerce as students shout “Dow must go.” Students being arrested. Birds-eye view shot of crowds near Social Science Building; students tear gassed. Large crowd outside main entrance to Commerce Building. Students put into paddy wagons. Police trying to hold back students from Commerce. Robert Cohen addresses students in front of Carillon Tower. At Bascom Hill, students are coming down the hill. (There seem to be some out of sequence shots of demonstration. Students dragged to paddy wagons. Inside Commerce Building, students lining halls. Cut to students having a meeting in unidentified lecture hall. Cut to march along a road, then back to Commerce Building interior with students occupying halls.)
VNA 17.2
News, 1967 February: VNA 17 also available online.748'-797', silent, black and white, negative : Students filling Chancellor Fleming's office during Dow demonstration and lining hallways of Bascom Hall.
VNA 17.3
News, 1967: VNA 17 also available online.797'-912', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Pro-Dow rally on Bascom Hill. Woman holds up picture of napalmed children, someone tears the picture. Cut to student meeting. Cut to Observatory Drive; students gathered near Commerce Building. Robert Cohen addresses students.
VNA 18.1
Speeches/News, 1967 October 0'-60', magnetic, black and white, negative : Law School student Richard Krooth speaks to crowd before Dow II: chemical and biological warfare being conducted in Vietnam, he says.
VNA 18.2
Speeches, 1967 October 61'-98', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Robert Cohen addresses crowd before Dow II: war would come to an end if there wasn't an enemy the government could lean on, namely communism.
VNA 18.3
Hearings, 1967 October 99'-182', magnetic, black and white, negative : Law Student William Bablitch testifying before Senate Dow Committee on conditions inside Commerce Building at the time police moved in. “Pandemonium just broke loose.”
VNA 18.4
Hearings, 1967 October 183'-242', magnetic, black and white, negative : Student recounts his experiences to Senate Dow Hearings. People were being struck; some were resisting the police.
VNA 18.5
Hearings, 1967 October 243'-323', magnetic, black and white, negative : More of William Bablitch testifying to Senate Dow Committee. “There was no violence before the police moved in,” he says.
VNA 18.6
On-site interviews, 1967 October 22 323'-352', magnetic, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin Regent Pasch on Chancellor Sewell's handling of Dow II. Sewell was “forthright.”
VNA 18.7
Press conferences, 1967 353'-617', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive : Professor Maurice Zeitlin at press conference where he announces the anti-war referendum which he wants put on Madison ballot. Referendum states that we want an end to the war. Zeitlin is shown at the City-County Building handing in his petitions for referendum.
VNA 18.8
News, 1967 618'-642', silent, black and white, positive : Bus lane demonstration on University Avenue. Students walk up University in bus lane, confronted by police.
VNA 18.9
Press conferences, 1967 643'-732', magnetic, black and white, positive : Presidential candidate Harold Stassen: Knowles will continue to be neutral in the election until Wisconsin primary is held. Stassen is naming William Dyke to coordinate Wisconsin campaign.
VNA 18.10
News, 1967 732'-764', silent, black and white, positive : Women's march on Capitol. “We want our men alive.” “Women say yes to men who say no.”
VNA 18.11
Hearings, 1967 October 764'-816', silent, black and white, positive : Senate Dow Committee hearings.
VNA 19.1
News, 1967 October: VNA 19 also available online.0'-97', silent, black and white, negative : Dow II demonstration in front of Commerce Building. Students with signs: “Vietnam for the Vietnamese.” Cut to inside Commerce, students seated on floor. Cut back outside Commerce.
VNA 19.2
News, 1967 February: VNA 19 also available online.97'-116', silent, black and white, negative : Dow I demonstration. Interior of Commerce Building. Students hold up pictures of napalmed babies. Man rips one picture.
VNA 19.3
News, 1967: VNA 19 also available online.116'-457', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Students picketing outside Commerce Building.
VNA 19.4
News/Speeches, 1967: VNA 19 also available online.157'-218', magnetic, black and white, negative : “Dow must go” chants. Robert Cohen speaks: “We've got to analyze that society.”
VNA 19.5
Speeches, 1967: VNA 19 also available online.219'-273', magnetic, black and white, negative : Professor Maurice Zeitlin speaks to crowd: transparency of our own government's attempts at overthrow have become clear.
VNA 19.6
News, 1967: VNA 19 also available online.274'-288', magnetic, black and white, negative : By Lincoln statue on Bascom Hill, a bell is tolled: “The bell tolls for us all.”
VNA 19.7
Speeches, 1967: VNA 19 also available online.288'-340', magnetic, black and white, negative : Law Student Richard Krooth: “What you're doing today I feel is right.”
VNA 19.8
News, 1967 October: VNA 19 also available online.340'-428', silent, black and white, positive : Dow II riot shots. Police hitting protesters with night sticks, trying to push crowds away from front of Commerce Building.
VNA 20.1
Studio interviews, 1968 October 0'-58', magnetic, black and white, negative : Interview with two of Milwaukee 14: “People have to wake up...they have to pick sides.” They are accused of burning draft card files.
VNA 20.2
News, 1968 November 58'-97', silent, black and white, positive : Election evening after Richard Nixon's election. Student march from Capitol down State Street.
VNA 20.3
Press conferences, 1968 98'-166', magnetic, black and white, negative : Professor Maurice Zeitlin on proposal to have a city referendum on withdrawal from Vietnam.
VNA 20.4
News, 1968 March 19 167'-185', silent, black and white, negative : Student march up Bascom Hill to office of Chancellor William Sewell. Cross planted in front of his door.
VNA 20.5
News, 1968 September 14 186'-220', silent, black and white, positive : Students march up Bascom Hill with signs; demonstration against ROTC.
VNA 20.6
On-site interviews, 1968 January 20 221'-422', magnetic, black and white, positive : Melvin Laird on what Republicans need to do to win election in 1968. Laird continues interview and talks about “peace feelers” in Vietnam talks. Laird discusses candidacies of George Wallace and Eugene McCarthy.
VNA 20.7
On-site interviews, 1968 September 13 424'-457', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin Chancellor Edwin Young on University of Wisconsin budget: budget looks big, but when you take into account all costs, it doesn't look as large.
VNA 20.8
News, 1968 February 7 459'-494', silent, black and white, positive : Student demonstration against IBM for trading with communist countries; signs read “How do you program treason?”
VNA 20.9
Studio interviews, 1968 February 499'-642', magnetic, black and white, positive : Senator Gaylord Nelson asked if his position on war has changed at all: “I opposed back in 1965...on the grounds that it would develop into a long war.”
VNA 20.10
Press conferences, 1968 642'-669', magnetic, black and white, positive : State Senator Jerris Leonard: “We...have an obligation as a free country to extend a hand...to any country that strives to maintain a free nation.”
VNA 20.11
Man on the street interviews, 1968 September 671'-771', magnetic, black and white, positive : People asked what they think of Nixon-Agnew ticket.
VNA 20.12
Hearings/News, 1968 December 6 773'-872', silent, black and white, positive : State Capitol protest, many people trying to crowd into hearing room. Lots of pushing, windows broken.
VNA 20.13
On-site interviews, 1968 876'-952', magnetic, black and white, positive : Reaction of Professor Armstrong to Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia. He's “horrified.”
VNA 20.14
Man on the street interviews, 1968 September 956'-1030', magnetic, black and white, positive : More reaction to Nixon-Agnew ticket.
VNA 21.1
News, 1968 0'-29', silent, black and white, positive : Professor Maurice Zeitlin turns in petitions for city referendum on Vietnam war.
VNA 21.2
News, 1968 29'-65', silent, black and white, positive : Eugene McCarthy arrives at Dane County Coliseum. Crowds of students coming into Coliseum.
VNA 21.3
News, 1968 October 21 65'-117', silent, black and white, positive : Demonstration up State Street, students fill street, headed for U.S. Army recruiter, student pasting stickers on recruiter's window: “Demonstrate against the war.” Night time demonstration; students on State Street.
VNA 21.4
News, 1968 118'-126', silent, black and white, negative : “Bring Troops Home” rally at Capitol.
VNA 21.5
News, 1968 October 15 126'-161', silent, black and white, negative : “Bring Troops Home” rally at Capitol. Speakers address crowd. March up State Street; crowds in front of U.S. Army recruiter.
VNA 21.6
On-site interviews, 1968 163'-192', magnetic, black and white, negative : Woman on why students might feel draft records need to be destroyed.
VNA 21.7
On-site interviews, 1968 192'-230', magnetic, black and white, negative : Woman on need for open Democratic Party Convention.
VNA 21.8
News/Speeches, 1968 231'-239', silent, black and white, negative : Wisconsin State University (not identified as to which one). Hall filled with students; Richard Nixon at microphone (very briefly).
VNA 21.9
News/Speeches, 1968 239'-330', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Eugene McCarthy rally at Dane County Coliseum.
VNA 21.10
Speeches, 1968 April 1 330'-363', magnetic, black and white, negative : Maurice Zeitlin on LBJ's decision not to run: “Americans do not want continued escalation of war.”
VNA 21.11
Speeches, 1968 364'-405', magnetic, black and white, negative : Mr. Bollenbeck: withdrawal will cause communist takeover in Vietnam.
VNA 21.12
Meetings/News, 1968 405'-509', magnetic, black and white, negative : Meeting at State Capitol concerning black students at Wisconsin State University at Oshkosh. Lee Dreyfus at meeting. Students crowded around meeting table. Students start chanting; Chairman calls for quiet; sound of glass breaking. Students push their way in; Chairman announces that resolution will be presented; students demand more room: “The rotunda's open!”
VNA 21.13
On-site interviews, 1968 September 13 510'-537', magnetic, black and white, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young: “My concern will be primarily with this (Madison) campus, although I will be concerned with the University as a whole.”
VNA 21.14
Press conferences, 1968 February 21 538'-654', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive : Eugene McCarthy: response has been very good to campaign.
VNA 22.1
News, 1968 May 14 0'-39', silent, black and white, negative : “Bring the Troops Home” rally in front of Loraine Hotel. Cut to interior of Loraine ballroom and Rotary Club meeting in progress.
VNA 22.2
Speeches, 1968 May 15 40'-112', magnetic, black and white, negative : Director of Selective Service addressing Rotary Club: “These kids aren't so bad...It's just when they all get together.”
VNA 22.3
On-site interviews, 1968 May 113'-152', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Roy Rogers and Dale Evans arriving in Madison. Roy at Coliseum (riding Trigger?). Roy and Dale being interviewed: “When you lose faith...everything crumbles.”
VNA 22.4
News, 1968 May 153'-205', silent, black and white, negative : Rally on Bascom Hill. Man speaking through bullhorn. Students milling about. Police in front of classroom building.
VNA 22.5
On-site interviews, 1968 May 206'-262', optical, black and white, positive : Senator Gaylord Nelson: we should propose mutual cease fire. Then elections should begin as soon as possible.
VNA 22.6
On-site interviews, 1968 May 263'-331', magnetic, black and white, negative : Senator Gaylord Nelson on negotiations in Paris. We should end bombing of North and offer mutual cease fire.
VNA 22.7
Meetings, 1968 332'-663', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Madison Common Council meeting. Ralph Hanson speaks: “Can't have police behind every tree.” Man and several students testify on causes and concerns about student harassment.
VNA 22.8
Graduation ceremonies, 1968 June 14 663'-809', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin graduation. Warren Knowles makes graduation address. Fred Harrington speaks: “University of Wisconsin will not give way to repression.”
VNA 23.1
On-site interviews, 1968 July 0'-36', magnetic, black and white, negative : Interview with Alderman Leo Cooper on riot equipment for city: “About 19 to 20 votes will be in favor of riot equipment.”
VNA 23.2
On-site interviews, 1968 July 37'-83', optical, black and white, positive : Gaylord Nelson: “Our nation deserves constructive alternatives from both political parties.”
VNA 23.3
Meetings, 1968 August 84'-111', silent, black and white, negative : Madison Common Council. Paul Soglin in attendance.
VNA 23.4
News, 1968 August 112'-139', magnetic, black and white, negative : Eugene McCarthy rally at Dane County Coliseum.
VNA 23.5
On-site interviews, 1968 August 140'-226', magnetic, black and white, negative : Interview with Gerald Ford: “Ours (Republican) was an open convention.” He also talks about Czech crisis.
VNA 23.6
On-site interviews, 1968 August 227'-345', magnetic, black and white, negative : Robert Kastenmeier: “I will support Vice President Humphrey” now that McCarthy is no longer in the race.
VNA 23.7
News, 1968 345'-417', silent, color, positive : Wisconsin Military Academy. Soldiers training in the field. Aerial view of camp.
VNA 23.8
News, 1968 September 4 418'-534', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Spiro Agnew at Dane County Airport. “The Democratic Convention was a strange thing,” he says.
VNA 23.9
News, 1968 September 534'-669', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin campus scenes. Reporter Roger Sutton begins report on University of Wisconsin.
VNA 23.10
Press conferences, 1968 September 669'-713', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington announces Edwin Young is the new University of Wisconsin chancellor. Intercut with silent shots of Board of Regents.
VNA 23.11
News, 1968 September 14 713'-739', silent, black and white, negative : Bascom Hill demonstration. Sign: “No compulsory indoctrination.”
VNA 23.12
Speeches, 1968 September 740'-785', magnetic, black and white, negative : Man giving speech comments on Hubert Humphrey's remark that war could be scaled down now; man calls this comment “dangerous.”
VNA 23.13
News, 1968 785'-804', silent, black and white, negative : Campus demonstration scenes.
VNA 23.14
Press conferences, 1968 804'-899', magnetic, black and white, negative : Fred Harrington: “Students should study hard, debate and demonstrate, provided there is no destruction.”
VNA 24.1
Hearings, 1968 September 0'-92', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Madison Common Council session. Police Chief Emery testifies before Council on police and black community relations.
VNA 24.2
News/Speeches, 1968 92'-112', silent, black and white, negative : Humphrey-Muskie rally at campaign headquarters. Robert Kastenmeier talks to workers. Brief appearance by Bronson La Follette.
VNA 24.3
News, 1968 112'-130', silent, black and white, negative : Wisconsin State Headquarters for Selective Service System after fire or bomb damage.
VNA 24.4
On-site interviews, 1968 131'-171', magnetic, black and white, negative : Man on youths' idea of sexuality.
VNA 24.5
Speeches, 1968 October 172'-252', magnetic, black and white, negative : Man on drug use among young. “There is a psychological dependence....”
VNA 24.6
On-site interviews, 1968 253'-322', magnetic, black and white, negative : Man: “Many young people feel that the cause of their own difficulties lie outside of themselves.” Talks about factors that can lead to “crack up” of teenager.
VNA 24.7
On-site interviews, 1968 323'-392', magnetic, black and white, negative : Reporter interviews Lt. Davenport and Det. McFarland: drug problem is centered around university area. McFarland: biggest drug used is marijuana. Davenport: undercover police infiltrate by imitating the “general slovenly appearance” of drug users.
VNA 24.8
Speeches/On-site interviews, 1968 October 393'-422', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Priest giving speech to group and later interviewed. Students' activity, priest says, points out that they are responsible Americans.
VNA 24.9
Press conferences, 1968 October 423'-481', magnetic, black and white, negative : Melvin Laird: other two candidates (Democrats) “cannot bring unity to the United States of America.” Nixon can, he says.
VNA 24.10
News, 1968 482'-519', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Eugene McCarthy met at airport by Patrick Lucey and Robert Kastenmeier.
VNA 24.11
Press conferences, 1968 October 520'-571', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Dr. Benjamin Spock in Milwaukee (wearing “M-14” button for Milwaukee 14 defendants). “American people are violently opposed to it [war].” War has hurt leadership, he says.
VNA 24.12
News, 1968 October 571'-607', silent, black and white, negative : Eugene McCarthy at rally at Field House.
VNA 24.13
Hearings, 1968 October 608'-779', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Senate Drug Committee hearing testimony on drug use (particularly on campus) by various witnesses, including Lt. Davenport.
VNA 25.1
On-site interviews, 1968 0'-49', magnetic, black and white, negative : Man (author of “Double Agent”): “SDS...heavily connected with the communists.”
VNA 25.2
Political announcements, 1968 49'-76', optical, black and white, positive : Senator William Proxmire on presidential election. Nixon has decided to continue to support LBJ's foreign policy programs. Probably the right decision, but it may not be, he says.
VNA 25.3
News/Meetings, 1968 76'-98', silent, black and white, negative : Students at Madison Common Council meeting holding up signs: “What if they gave a war and nobody came?”
VNA 25.4
Meetings, 1968 98'-133', silent, color, positive : Madison Common Council. Paul Soglin looking through papers.
VNA 25.5
On-site interviews, circa 1969 133'-194', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Man: “White society has had its separate classes for 100 years. They have been developing their truth without the presence of the black man.”
VNA 25.6
Press conferences, circa 1969 194'-254', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young: Wisconsin has moved as fast as any University in meeting needs of blacks. He assumes blacks are not participating in today's demonstration to shut down the University.
VNA 25.7
Press conferences, circa 1969 254'-271', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Black student press conference. “The students have articulated their feelings and it is the responsibility of the University to talk to them directly.”
VNA 25.8
Press conferences, circa 1969 271'-300', silent and magnetic, color, positive : National Guardsman: “Many of our National Guardsmen are actually college students....They have a job to do.”
VNA 25.9
Press conferences, circa 1969 300'-374', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young: programs for blacks are on the campus already. National Guard and city police will be withdrawn from campus immediately.
VNA 25.10
Press conferences, circa 1969 374'-427', silent and magnetic, color, positive : More of a press conference (in a different location) with Chancellor Edwin Young: “The real concern is that students and faculty may attend classes.”
VNA 25.11
Press conferences, circa 1968 427'-483', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Governor Knowles outlines a plan to “ensure a free, but orderly environment on campuses.”
VNA 25.12
On-site interviews, circa 1969 483'-527', magnetic, color, positive : A legislator doesn't favor cutting University of Wisconsin budget to get at demonstrators.
VNA 25.13
On-site interviews, circa 1969 527'-580', magnetic, color, positive : Lt. Gov. Jack Olson: average legislator wants to protect right to dissent.
VNA 25.14
Press conferences, 1968 580'-668', magnetic, black and white, positive : Richard Nixon at Executive Residence with Governor Knowles. Governor is not on record as supporting anyone for presidential nomination.
VNA 26.1
Press conferences, 1968/01 0'-66', magnetic, black and white, negative : Fred Halstead, Socialist candidate for president: “McCarthy hasn't got a chance.” Way to end the war is through an independent anti-war movement, he says.
VNA 26.2
News/Meetings, 1968/01 67'-79', silent, black and white, negative : Students sit in at University of Wisconsin Board of Regents meeting.
VNA 26.3
On-site interviews, 1968/01 80'-202', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Dr. Abraham Quisling becomes new president of Madison Chamber of Commerce. Quisling talks about plans for upcoming year.
VNA 26.4
On-site interviews, 1968/01 202'-266', magnetic, black and white, negative : Two East High School students have organized a group to show support for men fighting in Vietnam. Group has marched in front of Draft Resistance Union.
VNA 26.5
News, 1968/01 267'-310', silent, black and white, negative : Bascom Hall with protesters in front; sign says “We protest Communist piracy. Get the Pueblo back.” Burning of NLF flag.
VNA 26.6
News/Press conferences, 1968 February 311'-496', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Governor George Romney arrives at Dane County Airport and is greeted by supporters. Governor travels around Madison, talking with people. At a press conference he says the conflict will be won in “the hearts and minds” of Vietnamese people.
VNA 26.7
Press conferences, 1968 February 496'-556', magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor William Sewell: Dow chemical interviews and military interviews have been delayed on campus. Ad hoc committee to complete recommendations soon.
VNA 26.8
Press conferences, 1968 February 556'-614', magnetic, black and white, negative : Dick Gregory: Wisconsin has a Father Groppi. It is up to White America to decide if it becomes a violent revolution or if it stays bordering on the non-violent.
VNA 26.9
Speeches, 1968 February 615'-642', magnetic, black and white, negative : Senator Wayne Morse supports no form of disobedience to laws still on the books.
VNA 26.10
On-site interviews, 1968 March 4 643'-743', magnetic, black and white, negative : Male students: students should be able to talk to military on campus, “We don't know what [Merman] report will say.”
VNA 26.11
On-site interviews, 1968 March 4 743'-817', magnetic, black and white, negative : Unidentified hippie: “The new age of peace and light...that time is already here.” Before new age is fully in, there is going to be a lot more trouble.
VNA 26.12
Press conferences, 1968 March 818'-910', magnetic, black and white, negative : Joan Baez: No such thing as personal defense: “We are all gonna lose our lives sometime.” Calls herself a “non-violent soldier.”
VNA 26.13
News, 1968 March 910'-929', silent, black and white, negative : Rally on Bascom Hill. Sign: “Reinstate Zwicker Now.”
VNA 27.1
Candidacy announcements, 1968 0'-25', magnetic, black and white, negative : Vietnam veteran declares himself candidate for governor. Calls on people of Wisconsin to support troops in Vietnam by demanding their withdrawal.
VNA 27.2
News, 1968 26'-46', silent, black and white, negative : Rally on Bascom Hill. Bascom Hall lobby filled with students.
VNA 27.3
Press conferences, 1968 47'-104', silent, black and white, negative : National Commander of AmVets. He's been traveling country to give “true” picture of what's happening in Vietnam.
VNA 27.4
Press conferences, 1968 105'-144', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Spokesman for Veterans for Peace in Vietnam responds to AmVets spokesman: Veterans for Peace are speaking with attorneys to pursue suits of libel.
VNA 27.5
Speeches, 1968 145'-198', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Senator Eugene McCarthy giving a speech at Coliseum. Pan of crowd and students waiting in Coliseum lobby.
VNA 27.6
Speeches, 1968 198'-268', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Vice President Hubert Humphrey speaks to gathering at Wisconsin State University-Stevens Point. (Lee Dreyfus at podium briefly.)
VNA 27.7
News, 1968 268'-312', silent, black and white, negative : Athletic Shell. Sign on door: “This building is closed Sat. March 30, 1968 except for authorized interviews.”
VNA 27.8
News, 1968 313'-343', silent, black and white, negative : Students going to office of U.S. Attorney. Students in office speaking with Attorney.
VNA 27.9
News, 1968 343'-369', silent, black and white, negative : Rally at Capitol. Crowd marches down University Avenue.
VNA 27.10
Press conferences, 1968 370'-430', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Southern legislator(?), using a Civil War analogy, says President Johnson is in effect asking Ho Chi Minh to betray his own people.
VNA 27.11
On-site interviews, 1968 430'-608', magnetic, black and white, negative : Woman on Black Panthers. She describes formation of Black Panthers by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland, California.
VNA 28.1
On-site interviews, 1969 0'-49', magnetic, black and white, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young: University will go to any lengths in order to uphold rules. Use of the National Guard justified in Black Strike.
VNA 28.2
News, 1969 May 50'-94', silent, black and white, negative : Mifflin Street riot. Police put on riot gear and clear away street barricade.
VNA 28.3
Press conferences, 1969 February 94'-118', magnetic, color, positive : Black student spokesman: certain legislative bodies are indulging in vendettas against blacks.
VNA 28.4
News, 1969 119'-151', silent, color, positive : University of Wisconsin Afro-American and Race Relations Center after it was fire bombed.
VNA 28.5
Hearings, 1969 March 151'-216', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington testifying before State Assembly committee on University of Wisconsin security system.
VNA 28.6
Hearings, 1969 March 217'-294', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington (in another part of the same testimony): twelve to twenty students dismissed or Regents' action taken.
VNA 28.7
Hearings, 1969 March 295'-338', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington recommends adding to authority of Board of Regents.
VNA 28.8
Hearings, 1969 338'-366', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin Protection and Security head Ralph Hanson (in testimony before State Assembly Committee): University of Wisconsin is cooperating with other police forces.
VNA 28.9
Hearings, 1969 366'-401', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Mayor Otto Festge testifying before a Senate committee hearing on the city's participation in law enforcement during Dow demonstrations.
VNA 28.10
Hearings, 1969 401'-449', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Police Chief Wilbur Emery testifying before a Senate hearing (same one as in segment 9) in favor of bill to combine city and university security personnel because there are many duplications of efforts.
VNA 28.11
News, 1969 449'-595', silent, color, positive : Pantomime production in front of Memorial Library. Sign: “To be against the war and do nothing is indefensible.” Demonstration by Van Hise Hall. Students walk up Van Hise side of Bascom Hill. Demonstration near Van Hise. Ambulance leaves scene; city bus carrying police in riot gear arrives. National Guard being mobilized. People standing in doorway of Mifflin Street Co-op.
VNA 28.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 596'-645', silent, color, positive : Silent footage of University of Wisconsin campus in late summer. Carillon Tower, Bascom Hill, Van Hise Hall.
VNA 28.13
On-site interviews, 1969 646'-683', magnetic, color, positive : Priest announcing anti-war rally at Field House.
VNA 28.14
Press conferences, 1969 683'-745', magnetic, color, positive : Police Chief Emery: officers did not over-react to demonstration.
VNA 28.15
Press conferences, 1969 745'-816', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke (after Mifflin Street block party): city doesn't want continued confrontation. Madison residents should not drive into student areas.
VNA 29.1
Press conferences, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.0'-21', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young: number of students actually demonstrating is small.
VNA 29.2
News, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.21'-35', magnetic, color, positive : Black Strike demonstration. Students fill street, chanting “On strike, shut it down.” Students gathered outside Social Science Building.
VNA 29.3
Press conferences, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.35'-69', magnetic, color, positive : Black spokesman: the black people of the University are fully in control of the Black Strike.
VNA 29.4
Press conferences, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.69'-87', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young: support for Black Strike has fallen.
VNA 29.5
Press conferences, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.88'-119', magnetic, color, positive : Governor Warren Knowles on Black Strike: education of majority will be interrupted. SDS bent on destroying capitalism and university structure.
VNA 29.6
Hearings, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.120'-148', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington testifies before State Senate committee: “We have reached the point of clear and present danger in our institutions.”
VNA 29.7
Press conferences, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.148'-208', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Black faculty press conference: University of Wisconsin “has failed to face up to conditions of racism.” University of Wisconsin has knocked together a set of ad hoc courses designed for different purposes.
VNA 29.8
Press conferences, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.208'-300', magnetic, color, positive : Black Strike leader: “We will continue to strike.” The Black Caucus is in control of the strike, he says.
VNA 29.9
Speeches/News, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.301'-387', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke goes to Mifflin Street Co-op after Mifflin Street riot to address student community. Dyke speaks to crowd with bullhorn. Crowd heckles him. Dyke promises an investigation.
VNA 29.10
On-site interviews, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.387'-438', magnetic, color, positive : Alderman Eugene Parks feels city is provoking violent confrontation between students and police. “I don't think this community is a repressive community.”
VNA 29.11
Press conferences, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.439'-469', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Chancellor Edwin Young speaking on Black Strike: demonstrations can be a way of attracting attention. He is confident that most students will not tolerate disruption of University of Wisconsin.
VNA 29.12
VNA 29.13
Speeches, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.506'-527', magnetic, black and white, negative : Vietnam veteran at Field House describing situation in Vietnam. Rice crops are destroyed; people have little to eat.
VNA 29.14
Speeches, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.528'-546', magnetic, color, positive : Marge Tabinkin (WSA president) speaking at Library Mall rally; she announces march to start that night.
VNA 29.15
VNA 29.16
VNA 29.17
VNA 29.18
Speeches, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.613'-676', magnetic, color, positive : Gold Star mother at Field House for war moratorium. Tells of her son leaving for Vietnam and his return as a war casualty.
VNA 29.19
VNA 29.20
VNA 29.21
News, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.714'-745', silent, color, positive : Black Strike demonstration. Riot police marching up Bascom Hill. Broken classroom windows. Army ROTC building vandalized.
VNA 29.22
Press conferences, 1969: VNA 29 also available online.746'-757', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke: “These are professional agitators.”
VNA 30.1
Press conferences, 1969: VNA 30 also available online.0'-2', silent, color, positive : Very brief segment of Hubert Humphrey at podium; appears to be press conference.
VNA 30.2
Press conferences, 1969 May: VNA 30 also available online.2'-29', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke and Police Chief Wilbur Emery display items thrown at police during Mifflin Street block party riot.
VNA 30.3
Speeches, 1969 November: VNA 30 also available online.30'-80', magnetic, color, positive : Continuation (from VNA 29.18) of Gold Star mother's speech at Field House: “What did he die for?” she asks.
VNA 30.4
Press conferences, 1969 February: VNA 30 also available online.81'-121', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Governor Warren Knowles: “I deplore the use of violence” in Black Strike. Knowles will call in the National Guard.
VNA 30.5
News, 1969: VNA 30 also available online.122'-136', magnetic, color, positive : Demonstration on University Avenue. Students marching, chanting “On strike, shut it down.” Police in riot gear.
VNA 30.6
Press conferences, 1969: VNA 30 also available online.136'-157', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young on Black Strike: “This university is going to go about its functions.”
VNA 30.7
News, 1969 May: VNA 30 also available online.158'-221', silent, color, positive : Mifflin Street Block Party. Students in the street dancing. Police “riot trucks” coming down street.
VNA 30.8
Man on the street interviews, 1969 October: VNA 30 also available online.222'-245', magnetic, color, positive : Young man asked what he thinks about moratorium: “As far as their marching, I don't go for it....I fully believe in that war in Vietnam.”
VNA 30.9
News, 1969 May: VNA 30 also available online.246'-307', silent, color, positive : Mifflin Street Block Party riot. City bus vandalized. Wounded policeman being helped away. Students being arrested. Night scenes on Mifflin Street.
VNA 30.10
News, 1969 February: VNA 30 also available online.308'-404', silent, color, positive : Black student strike. Students standing and blocking classroom building doorway. Police on Bascom Hill. National Guard troops advancing slowly, with rifles and fixed bayonets. Candlelight march to Capitol led by blacks. Daytime scene: students fighting. Riot police step in. National Guard troops, rifles pointed towards students. Nighttime scenes: students marching with torches on State Street.
VNA 30.11
Speeches, 1969: VNA 30 also available online.404'-455', magnetic, color, positive : Students in Field House listening to war moratorium speakers, including Jim Rowen: “It is up to the people here tonight to organize, propose and enforce a total moratorium....”
VNA 30.12
News, 1969 October: VNA 30 also available online.455'-477', magnetic, color, positive : Candlelight march. Reading names of war dead by candlelight.
VNA 30.13
VNA 30.14
Press conferences, 1969: VNA 30 also available online.509'-534', magnetic, color, positive : WSA vice president Marge Tabinkin: ROTC and Army Math Research Center must be eliminated from campus.
VNA 30.15
Man on the street interviews, 1969: VNA 30 also available online.534'-580'', magnetic, color, positive : People give their opinions of nationwide war moratorium.
VNA 30.16
News, 1969: VNA 30 also available online.580'-606', silent, color, positive : People getting on buses for national moratorium rally in Washington, D.C.
VNA 30.17
News, 1969: VNA 30 also available online.606'-657', silent, color, positive : Coffin carried from St. Paul's Church to Army Math Research Center by priest and students. Signs: “Thou shalt not kill, bomb, maim, rape, defoliate.”
VNA 30.18
News, 1969 October: VNA 30 also available online.657'-677', silent, color, positive : Students arriving at Field House for October Moratorium rally.
VNA 30.19
News, 1969 February: VNA 30 also available online.677'-693', magnetic, color, positive : Students during Black Strike marching, chanting “On strike, shut it down.” Police with nightsticks, riot helmets on. One policeman chasing students out of street.
VNA 30.20
News/Speeches, 1969 February: VNA 30 also available online.693'-735', magnetic, color, positive : Black Strike, nighttime. Black student leader speaking to crowd with bullhorn.
VNA 31.1
News, 1969 May 0'-42', silent, color, positive : Mifflin Street block party aftermath. Debris from blockades being dismantled.
VNA 31.2
News, 1969 October 42'-55', silent, color, positive : Letter-writing headquarters for sending anti-war messages to Nixon, Laird, and congressmen at a church on University Avenue.
VNA 31.3
News, 1969 October 55'-69', silent, color, positive : October Moratorium rally at Library Mall. Sign: “To be against the war and do nothing is indefensible.”
VNA 31.4
News, 1969 October 69'-74', silent, color, positive : October Moratorium. Students entering UW Field House.
VNA 31.5
News, 1969 February 75'-137', silent, color, positive : Student crowd gathers at Library Mall. National Guardsmen as well as police present. Students gathered near Van Hise Hall. Riot police marching up street. National Guardsmen, headed by riot police, march up street (possibly part of Black Strike).
VNA 31.6
News, 1969 February 138'-169', silent, color, positive : National Guard jeeps and trucks leave headquarters.
VNA 31.7
News, 1969 October 169'-200', silent, color, positive : October Moratorium. Marge Tabinkin and other Wisconsin Student Association people organizing letter-writing campaign and getting leaflets ready.
VNA 31.8
News, 1969 February 200'-207', silent, color, positive : National Guardsmen leave for Madison.
VNA 31.9
News, 1969 208'-219', silent, color, positive : Mifflin Street Co-op. Sign in store window: “500 people, mostly children, are in desperate need of breakfast tomorrow morning. Your immediate contribution will feed them.”
VNA 31.10
News, 1969 October 220'-233', silent, color, positive : October Moratorium at Library Mall. Pantomime on Memorial Library steps of U.S. aggression.
VNA 31.11
News, 1969 233'-238', silent, color, positive : Pickets in front of Armory building.
VNA 31.12
News, 1969 238'-247', silent, color, positive : Students passing out leaflets door-to-door off campus.
VNA 31.13
Press conferences, 1969 February 249'-293', magnetic, color, positive : Black Strike spokesman: black students have presented to University of Wisconsin's administration thirteen demands. Demands “must be met.”
VNA 31.14
News, 1969 February 294'-365', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Black Strike demonstration near Van Hise Hall. Riot police arrive in school buses. Police marching up street, breaking into a run. Student being arrested.
VNA 31.15
Press conferences, 1969 February 366'-382', magnetic, color, positive : Black Strike spokesman: National Guard has made many people tense and this is provocation.
VNA 31.16
News, 1969 384'-415', silent, color, positive : National Guardsmen in front of Capitol. Picketing students at Bascom Hall. Statue of Lincoln has “Strike” spray painted at base. Scenes of nighttime rioting on State Street.
VNA 31.17
News, 1969 May 415'-455', silent, color, positive : Mifflin Street block party riot. Student being arrested.
VNA 31.18
News, 1969 February 456'-477', silent, color, positive : Brief shot of nighttime demonstration. Student picketing in front of Science Hall; sign reads: “Support Black Demands.” More demonstrations.
VNA 31.19
News, 1969 February 478'-565', silent, color, positive : Demonstration in front of Bascom Hall during Black Strike. Demonstration near Social Science Building. Large demonstration at intersection of Park Street and University Avenue. Students marching down State Street. Riot police on scene. National Guardsmen on Capitol Square. Students demonstrating in front of Bascom Hall. Demonstrators marching on University Avenue. Traffic piling up. Riot police arrive. National Guard convoy going to Madison.
VNA 31.20
News, 1969 566'-612', silent, color, positive : National Guardsmen welcomed back home by families.
VNA 31.21
News, 1969 613'-633', silent, color, positive : ROTC building fire bombed. Three Army men inspect damage.
VNA 31.22
Speeches, 1969 634'-794', magnetic, color, positive : Vietnam veteran speaking at Field House during war moratorium. “Once I got to Vietnam, my views changed very rapidly.” A woman also speaks: one way out of welfare for blacks is war, she says.
VNA 32.1
Meetings/News, 1969 0'-116', magnetic, color, positive : Madison Common Council; motion to close 500 block of Mifflin Street on May 10, 1969. Paul Soglin rises to speak, but Mayor Dyke calls for city attorney to speak on tabling of motion.
VNA 32.2
Press conferences, 1969 117'-215', magnetic, color, positive : Black Strike spokesman: no violence until National Guardsmen arrived. Guardsmen are a provocative presence.
VNA 32.3
On-site interviews/Press conferences, 1969 216'-282', magnetic, black and white, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young: if legislature is trying to decide how to spend scarce money, it might not spend it here [University of Wisconsin].
VNA 32.4
Press conferences, 1969 283'-369', magnetic, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington is in agreement with Chancellor Young: no expelled Oshkosh students (black strikers) to be admitted to University of Wisconsin--Madison at this time.
VNA 32.5
News, 1969 370'-388', silent, color, positive : Afro-American and Race Relations Center vandalized and fire set.
VNA 32.6
Press conferences, 1969 389'-445', magnetic, color, positive : Governor Knowles announcing actions will be taken against students at public institutions who are convicted of a criminal offense arising out of a campus disturbance.
VNA 32.7
On-site interviews, 1969 446'-546', magnetic, color, positive : Dr. Nellen gives reason for calling executive committee meeting: to consider the impact of proposed budget on University of Wisconsin and to explore proposed curtailment of certain University of Wisconsin programs.
VNA 32.8
On-site interviews, 1969 547'-562', magnetic, color, positive : State legislator talks on “new coalition.”
VNA 32.9
News, 1969 563'-632', silent, color, positive : Plans and model for renovated State Street. Malls are shown.
VNA 32.10
News, 1969 October 9 633'-693', silent, black and white, positive : Army personnel arrive back in Madison.
VNA 32.11
Promotional materials, 1969 October 11 695'-751', silent, color, positive : Air Force public relations film of Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird with Air Force Academy cadets.
VNA 32.12
Promotional materials, 1969 751'-796', optical, color, positive : Army public relations film shot in Vietnam. Soldiers at religious services.
VNA 33.1
Press conferences, 1969 0'-37', magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington on talks with University of Wisconsin Regents and faculty. University will not tolerate obstruction or destruction.
VNA 33.2
News, 1969 37'-62', silent, color, positive : Afro-American Center after fire bombing.
VNA 33.3
Press conferences, 1969 63'-81', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young: substantial portion of deactivation of National Guard has taken place.
VNA 33.4
On-site interviews, 1969 82'-148', magnetic, color, positive : Man on communist activities on college campuses. Communists use the “idealism” of students to convert and manipulate, he says.
VNA 33.5
On-site interviews, 1969 148'-289', magnetic, color, positive : Roger Sutton reports on TAA's activities. TAA threatened to strike if University of Wisconsin cut tuition rebates to out-of-state TA's. TAA is now planning a reorganization. Interview with TAA spokesman who gives short history of TAA.
VNA 33.6
Awards Ceremonies, 1969 289'-303', magnetic, color, positive : Governor Knowles in his office with two military officers.
VNA 33.7
Press conferences, 1969 304'-386', magnetic, color, positive : Governor Knowles: makes no charge of communism against demonstrators, but demonstrators have gone far beyond free speech.
VNA 33.8
News, 1969 386'-422', silent, color, positive : Students near Commerce Building. Workers cleaning up broken window glass.
VNA 33.9
Meetings/Speeches, 1969 423'-451', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young: as long as they [students] are polite and have an appointment, it's his duty to meet with them.
VNA 33.10
Meetings/Speeches, 1969 451'-488', magnetic, color, positive : Man (at same meeting as in previous segment) on question of student discipline.
VNA 33.11
Meetings, 1969 488'-532', silent, color, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington addresses unknown meeting.
VNA 33.12
Meetings, 1969 532'-553', silent, color, positive : University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
VNA 33.13
On-site interviews/Meetings, 1969 553'-642', silent and magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin Regent(?): ID cards with photo needed by faculty and students. Regents have advocated “get tough” policy. Silent shots of Regents meeting. Interview with Attorney General Warren: students charged with expulsion should be aware of charges made against them.
VNA 33.14
Studio interviews, 1969 643'-719', magnetic, color, positive : Israeli gives comparison of Viet Cong and Palestinian terrorists.
VNA 33.15
News, 1969 720'-739', silent, color, positive : Alderman Paul Soglin in city conference room.
VNA 33.16
Press conferences, 1969 739'-785', magnetic, color, positive : Senator Wayne Morse (D-Oregon): Nixon perpetuating old Eisenhower-Nixon-Dulles policy on Vietnam. “We're going to end up in a war with China, which we will never win.”
VNA 33.17
Studio interviews, 1969 786'-825', magnetic, color, positive : Robert Kastenmeier: Administration will need to reassess situation [Vietnam].
VNA 33.18
Man on the street interviews, 1969 825'-904', magnetic, color, positive : People asked about resolutions they have made for 1969.
VNA 34.1
Press conferences, 1969 0'-133', magnetic, color, positive : Governor Warren Knowles comments on problem of ever increasing numbers of out-of-state students. Regents have put a cap on 1969-1970 out-of-state enrollment to 25% of new students.
VNA 34.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 134'-192', silent, color, positive : Car pulls up to building where a group of men are waiting. Three men, one Gov. Warren Knowles, get out of gull-wing door. St. Patrick's Day celebration starts.
VNA 34.3
On-site interviews, 1969 192'-208', magnetic, color, positive : Man on contract (possibly a labor contract) with City of Madison.
VNA 34.4
On-site interviews, 1969 209'-288', magnetic, color, positive : Mr. Brusky (interviewed by Jerry Deane) on new taxpayers' organization. His group is made up of Madison people unhappy with tax situation.
VNA 34.5
On-site interviews, 1969 288'-424', magnetic, color, positive : Eugene Parks (interviewed by Jerry Deane) on creation of Afro-American Center. Center is creating a library dealing with experiences of black people.
VNA 34.6
Promotional materials, 1969 424'-534', silent, color, positive : U.S. Army film shows officer going on inspection tour of Army hospital.
VNA 34.7
On-site interviews, 1969 534'-548', magnetic, color, positive : City official on leasing air park (Truax Field).
VNA 34.8
Press conferences, 1969 February 25 549'-620', magnetic, color, positive : Man on new attitudes in black community which is seeking to develop its own institutions.
VNA 34.9
News, 1969 June 14 620'-674', silent, color, positive : Truax Field Air Force Base. Military personnel boarding plane and taking off.
VNA 34.10
News, 1969 June 23 674'-773', silent, color, positive : U.S. Army training. Troops shown how to throw grenades.
VNA 35.1
News/Speeches, 1969 April 29 0'-27', silent, color, positive : Student rally in front of Law School. Speaker addresses small crowd.
VNA 35.2
Press conferences, 1969 27'-86', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Student on reprisals after Black Strike; calls actions a “witch hunt.”
VNA 35.3
Press conferences, 1969 May 86'-155', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke and Police Chief Wilbur Emery display examples of items (knives, etc.) thrown at the police during Mifflin Street Block Party riot.
VNA 35.4
News, 1969 155'-188', silent, color, positive : Student rally at Library Mall. Police in riot gear inside City-County Building; police come out of building and move students away.
VNA 35.5
Press conferences, 1969 May 188'-227', magnetic, black and white, negative : Mayor William Dyke declares gathering in Mifflin-Bassett area an unlawful assembly.
VNA 35.6
Press conferences, 1969 May 227'-266', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke supports ordinance for block party permits suggested by City-University Coordinating Committee.
VNA 35.7
News, 1969 266'-298', silent, color, positive : Students gather on Mifflin and Bassett Streets.
VNA 35.8
Meetings, 1969 298'-317', silent, color, positive : Madison Common Council. Alderman Eugene Parks speaking from his desk; students view the proceedings.
VNA 35.9
Press conferences, 1969 318'-400', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Wisconsin Student Association officers comment on the University's part in the ROTC and the role of Students for a Democratic Society in demonstrations.
VNA 35.10
News, 1969 400'-409', silent, color, positive : Interior of vandalized building.
VNA 35.11
News/Meetings, 1969 409'-445', silent, black and white, negative : Police guarding entrance to Madison Common Council meeting.
VNA 35.12
Press conferences, 1969 445'-506', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke: “This is a total community.” He displays stack of phone messages (on his handling of Mifflin Street Block Party?).
VNA 35:13
Meetings, 1969 507'-522', silent, black and white, negative : Madison Common Council.
VNA 35.14
Meetings/Hearings, 1969 523'-680', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Man testifying before Madison Common Council: “Government should be at the lowest level feasible.” Other citizens comment on need for regulations concerning block parties.
VNA 35.15
On-site interviews, 1969 680'-776', magnetic, color, positive : Assembly Speaker Harold Froehlich on floor action in the Assembly to ease backlog of bills.
VNA 35.16
Promotional materials, 1969 776'-811', optical, color, positive : Military band playing for schoolchildren. U.S. Army film.
VNA 36.1
News, 1969 May 0'-35', silent, color, positive : James Rector Memorial Park created on Mifflin Street.
VNA 36.2
News, 1969 September 35'-79', silent, black and white, negative : Exterior of Memorial Union Theater. Student crowds in lobby; police on the scene.
VNA 36.3
News, 1969 80'-105', silent, color, positive : Exterior of Memorial Union Theater as man (Dean Rusk?) enters stage door. Interior shot of theater with clapping crowd.
VNA 36.4
On-site interviews, 1969 105'-203', magnetic, color, positive : Police Chief Wilbur Emery on Safe Streets Act program which would increase training of all law enforcement personnel in the handling of civil disobedience.
VNA 36.5
Press conferences, 1969 204'-285', magnetic, color, positive : Attorney General Robert Warren on statutory changes for new administrative rules at University of Wisconsin, including the power of the chancellor to declare the campus “off limits.”
VNA 36.6
News, 1969 October 285'-317', silent, color, positive : Brief shot of the State Capitol and National Guardsmen.
VNA 36.7
On-site interviews, 1969 317'-346', magnetic, color, positive : Roger Sutton interviews a priest on anti-war demonstrators.
VNA 37.1
On-site interviews, 1970 March: VNA 37 also available online.0'-23', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young (during Teaching Assistants Association strike): “We tend to carry on school as usual.”
VNA 37.2
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 37 also available online.24'-94', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Teaching Assistants Association spokesman: “Teaching assistants are not teacher's aides.”
VNA 37.3
News, 1970: VNA 37 also available online.94'-397', silent, color, positive : Scenes around University of Wisconsin campus of striking teaching assistants. Includes shots of WARF building under construction and TA's picketing construction site.
VNA 37.4
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 37 also available online.397'-412', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young: University of Wisconsin would have had agreement with TAA (Teaching Assistants Association) long ago if organization had been an experienced labor union.
VNA 37.5
VNA 37.6
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 37 also available online.424'-487', silent and magnetic, color, positive : TAA spokesman: recent University of Wisconsin proposal to TA's not acceptable.
VNA 37.7
News, 1970: VNA 37 also available online.487'-502', silent, color, positive : University of Wisconsin Armory building (Old Red Gym) fire bombed by New Year's Gang.
VNA 37.8
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 37 also available online.502'-523', magnetic, color, positive : Attorney General Robert Warren (commenting on Army Math Research Center bombing): not only has there been a murder, but millions in property damage.
VNA 37.9
News, 1970 May: VNA 37 also available online.524'-538', silent, color, positive : Kroger's Supermarket fire bombed. Police and fire fighters on the scene.
VNA 37.10
News, 1970: VNA 37 also available online.538'-599', silent, color, positive : Nighttime riots on State Street. Fire fighters at fire-bombed Department of Educational Psychology Building. Tear gas clouds near Memorial Union and scenes driving up State Street.
VNA 37.11
News, 1970 May: VNA 37 also available online.599'-649', silent, color, positive : Campus riots on Bascom Hill after Kent State University killings.
VNA 37.12
VNA 37.13
VNA 37.14
VNA 37.15
VNA 37.16
Meetings, 1970: VNA 37 also available online.745'-763', silent, color, positive : Student meeting on Memorial Union Terrace after Kent State University killings.
VNA 37.17
VNA 37.18
Meetings, 1970: VNA 37 also available online.792'-827', silent, color, positive : Student meeting on Memorial Union Terrace after Kent State University killings.
VNA 38.1
News, 1970 0'-32', silent, color, positive : Student demonstration beginning at Library Mall and marching up to the State Capitol. Banner reads “Free Ollie.”
VNA 38.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 32'-65', magnetic, color, positive : Scenes on Langdon Street on a sunny day as students mill about.
VNA 38.3
News, 1970 66'-89', silent, color, positive : Student march up State Street.
VNA 38.4
Press conferences, 1970 89'-155', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young concurs with the decision to alert the National Guard during student strike.
VNA 38.5
Features (News, film), 1970 155'-176', silent, color, positive : University of Wisconsin scenes: Memorial Union Terrace, Science Hall, Bascom Hill.
VNA 38.6
Press conferences, 1970 177'-229', magnetic, color, positive : Wisconsin Student Association president: students have done peaceful work to end war with no result, so now they resort to violence.
VNA 38.7
Press conferences, 1970 229'-312', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young: decision to call National Guard was made by group of which he was a member.
VNA 38.8
News, 1970 313'-348', silent, color, positive : Interior of fire-bombed office. Shots of fire-bombed Kroger's Supermarket.
VNA 38.9
On-site interviews, 1970 349'-406', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young (interviewed by Bryan Brosamle) would have advised the TAA not to form a union; however, he will now recognize them as a union.
VNA 38.10
News, 1970 407'-434', “silent, color, positive : University of Wisconsin classroom building with TAA pickets in front. Students having book bags checked by National Guardsmen.
VNA 38.11
Press conferences, 1970 434'-528', silent and magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington announces he'll resign as of fall 1970.
VNA 38.12
News, 1970 528'-615', silent, color, positive : Peace vigil on Bascom Hill. National Guard present.
VNA 38.13
Press conferences, 1970 617'-633', magnetic, color, positive : Wisconsin Student Association president: people have to take a stand now against war and put their studies aside.
VNA 38.14
News, 1970 634'-651', silent, color, positive : Emergency van for first aid during riots. Shots of a demonstration on campus and a rally on the Memorial Union Terrace.
VNA 38.15
News, 1970 651'-663', silent, color, positive : House fire bombed.
VNA 38.16
News, 1970 663'-677', silent, color, positive : Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Training Center fire bombed. Exterior of Kroger's Supermarket after fire-bombing.
VNA 38.17
Press conferences, 1970 677'-695', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young declares situation of immediate danger on University of Wisconsin campus.
VNA 38.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 695'-742', magnetic, color, positive : Veterans of Foreign Wars wreath laying ceremony at Dane County Coliseum.
VNA 38.19
On-site interviews, 1970 742'-789', magnetic, color, positive : Man critical of Governor Patrick Lucey spending time on international matters such as Vietnam War.
VNA 39.1
Candidacy announcements, 1970 0'-59', magnetic, color, positive : Patrick Lucey running for Governor; speaks against the high cost of the Vietnam War.
VNA 39.2
On-site interviews, 1970 60'-111', magnetic, color, positive : Lt. Gov. Jack Olson backs up Nixon's war policy, opposes Patrick Lucey. Patrick Lucey remarks: “Vietnamization is a fraud.”
VNA 39.3
Press conferences, 1970 112'-135', silent, color, positive : Betty Boardman speaks at Wisconsin Alliance headquarters.
VNA 39.4
Press conferences, 1970 136'-191', magnetic, color, positive : Margaret Mead on violence on television. Violent events get television coverage, non-violent events do not.
VNA 39.5
News, 1970 192'-225', magnetic, color, positive : Rally at City-County Building to oppose the procedures for conducting the Chicago 7 trial.
VNA 39.6
News, 1970 226'-247', magnetic, color, positive : Rally at Library Mall: Marge Tabinkin tells people to go to the Field House.
VNA 39.7
News, 1970 247'-315', silent, color, positive : March outside of Selective Service office.
VNA 39.8
Press conferences, 1970 October 316'-477', magnetic, color, positive : Marge Tabinkin and others on Moratorium Day; priest speaks on Madison Area Peace Action Council's role.
VNA 39.9
News, 1970 479'-493', silent, color, positive : Overturned cars at corner of Mifflin and Broom Streets.
VNA 39.10
On-site interviews, 1970 494'-572', magnetic, color, positive : Man on Nixon's decision to bomb Cambodia and the effects of this decision on Wisconsin.
VNA 39.11
News, 1970 573'-688', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Scenes of broken windows on State Street, police march down Johnson Street. Football practice shown. Rally at Library Mall, march around Capitol Square.
VNA 40.1
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 40 also available online.0'-57', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young on student/faculty disputes then and now; believes students are happy to break laws.
VNA 40.2
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 40 also available online.58'-88', magnetic, color, positive : Priest on our support of dictatorships in South Vietnam; Vietnamization won't work, he says.
VNA 40.3
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 40 also available online.89'-143', magnetic, color, positive : U.S. Senator Bob Packwood predicts U.S. will be out of war by 1971: Nixon is the answer, he says.
VNA 40.4
News, 1970: VNA 40 also available online.144'-155', silent, color, positive : Windows broken in the A.W. Peterson Building on University of Wisconsin campus.
VNA 40.5
News, 1970: VNA 40 also available online.156'-250', magnetic, color, positive : Students march from University of Wisconsin to Post Office. Law student condemns the legal system that cracks down on dissent. Police Chief Emery debates with students.
VNA 40.6
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 40 also available online.251'-331', magnetic, color, positive : William Dyke claims police are too restrained in combating protests.
VNA 40.7
VNA 40.8
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 40 also available online.411'-523', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Edwin Young, William Dyke, Warren Knowles, and Robert Warren on the Army Math Research Center bombing.
VNA 40.9
On-site interviews, 1970: VNA 40 also available online.524'-566', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington on campus security and catching the people who bombed the Army Math Research Center.
VNA 40.10
VNA 40.11
VNA 40.12
Press conferences/News, 1970: VNA 40 also available online.616'-681', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Bomb damage to Army Math Research Center. Warren Knowles blames S.D.S., Weathermen, and Black Panthers.
VNA 40.13
On-site interviews, 1970: VNA 40 also available online.683'-714', magnetic, color, positive : Police Chief Emery claims $5-7 million in damage to the Army Math Research Center.
VNA 41.1
News/Speeches, 1970: VNA 41 also available online.0'-55', magnetic, color, positive : Women's rights demonstration at City-County Building. Speaker demands equal opportunity in job market, access to abortions, birth control, and day care centers.
VNA 41.2
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 41 also available online.55'-102', magnetic, color, positive : Police Chief Emery on discovering car linked to Army Math Research Center bombing.
VNA 41.3
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 41 also available online.102'-129', magnetic, color, positive : Paul Soglin derides William Dyke's comment that “hippies on Mifflin Street danced” when they heard of the Army Math Research Center bombing.
VNA 41.4
VNA 41.5
VNA 41.6
On-site interviews, 1970: VNA 41 also available online.263'-312', magnetic, color, positive : Chancellor Edwin Young on campus terrorism and the need to keep up security.
VNA 41.7
Press conferences, -1970: VNA 41 also available online.313'-354', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington steps down as president.
VNA 41.8
Candidacy announcements, 1970: VNA 41 also available online.355'-402', magnetic, color, positive : Betty Boardman announces her candidacy for office.
VNA 41.9
VNA 41.10
VNA 41.11
VNA 41.12
VNA 41.13
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 41 also available online.583'-690', magnetic, color, positive : Madison Chamber of Commerce presents anti-war petitions to Gov. Warren Knowles.
VNA 42.1
News, 1970 0'-18', silent, color, positive : Wisconsin Student Association is headquarters for student strike.
VNA 42.2
News, 1970 18'-47', silent, color, positive : Fire fighters clean up fire started by homemade bomb(?).
VNA 42.3
On-site interviews, 1970 48'-175', magnetic, color, positive : William Dyke and Robert Warren on strengthening police power to crack down on student protesters.
VNA 42.4
News, 1970 175'-207', silent, color, positive : Fire-bombed home.
VNA 42.5
On-site interviews, 1970 207'-239', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington on university presidents' meeting with President Nixon.
VNA 42.6
Press conferences, 1970 240'-270', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin administrator denies UW Regents took a poll on the desirability of Fred Harrington's resignation.
VNA 42.7
Press conferences, 1970 271'-318', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin dean asks faculty members to invite students over to talk about what's going on.
VNA 42.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 318'-353', silent, color, positive : Downtown Madison at night.
VNA 42.9
News/Meetings, 1970 354'-377', silent, color, positive : Protest outside of City-County Building during Madison Common Council meeting.
VNA 42.10
Press conferences, 1970 378'-467', magnetic, color, positive : Governor Warren Knowles thinks students should go home.
VNA 42.11
News, 1970 468'-500', silent, color, positive : People in suits and dresses outside City-County Building (pro-Nixon rally?).
VNA 42.12
News, 1970 500'-517', silent, color, positive : National Guard on campus; tent city and march up Bascom Hill.
VNA 42.13
Press conferences, 1970 518'-554', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington is retiring and will not be taking another presidency elsewhere.
VNA 42.14
On-site interviews, 1970 555'-625', magnetic, color, positive : Man on opium production in Burma, Laos, and North Vietnam and profits it brings to the Mafia.
VNA 42.15
Press conferences, 1970 626'-651', magnetic, color, positive : Governor Patrick Lucey on need for discussion on Vietnam; peaceful protest can work, he says.
VNA 42.16
On-site interviews, 1970 651'-689', magnetic, color, positive : Man on his trust in President Nixon.
VNA 42.17
On-site interviews, 1970 690'-733', magnetic, color, positive : Lt. Gov. Jack Olson at Republican State Convention. Campus unrest does produce changes, but these take time, he says.
VNA 43.1
Press conferences, 1970 0'-35', magnetic, color, positive : Campus security spokesman on increased protection in wake of fire bombings.
VNA 43.2
Press conferences, 1970 35'-56', magnetic, color, positive : William Dyke on the need to protect installations from what he terms “madmen.”
VNA 43.3
Political announcements, 1970 56'-81', optical, color, positive : William Proxmire supports the Senate's Mansfield Resolution on withdrawing troops from Europe.
VNA 43.4
On-site interviews, 1970 81'-100', magnetic, color, positive : Edwin Young thanks Police Chief Emery and Sheriff Jack Leslie for their help during student unrest.
VNA 43.5
On-site interviews, 1970 101'-120', magnetic, color, positive : Madison Chamber of Commerce member on riots.
VNA 43.6
On-site interviews, 1970 121'-156', magnetic, color, positive : Edwin Young suspends two students involved in General Electric demonstrations.
VNA 43.7
On-site interviews, 1970 157'-173', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington on the General Electric demonstrations.
VNA 43.8
Press conferences, 1970 173'-204', magnetic, color, positive : Cartoonist Al Capp believes in immediate expulsion for students who break windows or occupy buildings.
VNA 43.9
Press conferences, 1970 205'-253', magnetic, color, positive : Students call for General Electric recruiters to be taken off campus.
VNA 44.1
Meetings/Speeches, 1971: VNA 44 also available online.0'-47', silent, color, positive : Students and faculty meet after invasion of Laos. UW President John Weaver and Edwin Young at the podium.
VNA 44.2
VNA 44.3
VNA 44.4
VNA 44.5
Press conferences, 1971 May 8: VNA 44 also available online.172'-239', -magnetic, color, positive : Mifflin Street residents on police raid of Mifflin Street Co-op.
VNA 44.6
News, 1971: VNA 44 also available online.239'-319', magnetic, color, positive : Radio evangelist Dr. Carl McIntire sponsors a rally on Capitol Square.
VNA 44.7
VNA 44.8
Political announcements, 1971: VNA 44 also available online.360'-404', magnetic, color, positive : Mary Ann Rice urges a yes vote on immediate withdrawal referendum supported by Patrick Lucey, Robert Kastenmeier, and others.
VNA 44.9
Press conferences, 1971: VNA 44 also available online.405'-445', magnetic, color, positive : Madison Area Peace Action Council wants people to come to Capitol Square for an anti-war rally.
VNA 44.10
On-site interviews, 1971: VNA 44 also available online.445'-479', magnetic, color, positive : Ethiopian on President Nixon's war on small countries.
VNA 44.11
VNA 44.12
VNA 44.13
VNA 45.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971: VNA 45 also available online.0'-48', silent, color, positive : University of Wisconsin campus and State Street in winter.
VNA 45.2
Press conferences, 1971: VNA 45 also available online.49'-67', magnetic, color, positive : William Dyke believes protesters have no foundation for their protest.
VNA 45.3
VNA 45.4
VNA 45.5
VNA 45.6
VNA 45.7
Banquets/Speeches/News, 1971: VNA 45 also available online.230'-297', magnetic, color, positive : General Daniel “Chappie” James addresses Inter-Service Club luncheon on the need to fight all enemies “foreign and domestic.” Outside, students protest.
VNA 45.8
VNA 45.9
Banquets/Speeches, 1971: VNA 45 also available online.330'-401', magnetic, color, positive : Patrick Lucey on the destruction of the Vietnamese environment as we destroy our own.
VNA 45.10
VNA 45.11
VNA 45.12
VNA 45.13
VNA 45.14
News, 1971: VNA 45 also available online.545'-580', silent, color, positive : Rally in support of the Camp McCoy 3 in front of the City-County Building.
VNA 45.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971: VNA 45 also available online.581'-623', silent, color, positive : Sterling Hall open house (after renovations because of bombing).
VNA 45.16
Banquets/News/Speeches, 1971: VNA 45 also available online.624'-761', magnetic, color, positive : Student march from Humanities Building to the Field House. Shots of the wait staff at the Inter-Service Club luncheon wearing “peace now” uniforms. Edwin Young and General Chappie James address the luncheon.
VNA 45.17
VNA 46.1
News, 1971 0'-70', magnetic, color, positive : Demonstration for the creation of State Street mall. Paul Soglin appears briefly.
VNA 46.2
Hearings, 1971 70'-181', magnetic, color, positive : State Senator Gordon Roseleip commends Lt. William Calley (defendant in My Lai massacre). Others discuss whether or not he is guilty.
VNA 46.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 181'-231', silent, color, positive : Students go to Hamm's Brewery for beer for Mifflin Street Block Party.
VNA 46.4
Hearings, 1971 232'-271', silent, color, positive : Draft lottery hearing.
VNA 46.5
News/On-site interviews, 1971 272'-348', magnetic, color, positive : Woman “chains” herself to war with paper chain (in protest of war games convention). Interviews with war game convention attenders.
VNA 46.6
Press conferences, 1971 348'-395', silent, color, positive : Veterans for Peace prepare to hold a march.
VNA 46.7
News, 1971 May 396'-473', magnetic, color, positive : Memorial Day service at Veterans of Foreign Wars post named for a Vietnam veteran.
VNA 46.8
On-site interviews, 1971 473'-549', magnetic, color, positive : Babe Rohr of the Building Trades Council on William Proxmire's and President Nixon's plans for more jobs. He's very critical of their plans.
VNA 47.1
Meetings, 1971 March 6: VNA 47 also available online.0'-10', silent, color, positive : Shots of women talking to each other; possibly women's rights meeting.
VNA 47.2
On-site interviews, 1971 April 5: VNA 47 also available online.10'-105', magnetic, color, positive : Police Chief Wilbur Emery on Yippie National Conference in Madison and resulting Mifflin St. Block Party and riot.
VNA 47.3
On-site interviews, 1971 April 5: VNA 47 also available online.106'-146', magnetic, color, positive : Eldon Hoel shows sample ballot for spring elections.
VNA 47.4
On-site interviews, 1971 March 26: VNA 47 also available online.147'-207', magnetic, color, positive : Man speaks against. referendum #2 (U.S. out of Southeast Asia). He scorns “intellectuals” who ignored Viet Cong atrocities against U.S. troops.
VNA 47.5
VNA 47.6
Public announcements, 1971 May: VNA 47 also available online.237'-302', magnetic, color, positive : Alicia Ashman reads Madison Common Council resolution making Memorial Day “day to ponder the wasted human potential in the Vietnam War.”
VNA 47.7
On-site interviews, 1971 July 21: VNA 47 also available online.302'-365', magnetic, color, positive : Frank Mankiewicz states Vietnam War is the issue for the U.S. Outlines George McGovern's plan to help the economy by pulling back our overseas troops.
VNA 48.1
News, 1972 0'-193', magnetic, color, positive : George and Eleanor McGovern campaign at University of Wisconsin.
VNA 48.2
News, 1972 194'-202', silent, color, positive : Anti-war rally at Capitol.
VNA 48.3
Speeches, 1971 203'-288', silent, color, positive : George McGovern speaks to big crowd at Vilas Park.
VNA 48.4
Press conferences, 1972 February 3 288'-322', magnetic, color, positive : Edmund Muskie faces questions on his Vietnam policy.
VNA 48.5
Press conferences, 1972 323'-366', magnetic, color, positive : State of Wisconsin attorney on Karleton Armstrong being charged with second degree murder.
VNA 48.6
Speeches, 1972 368'-383', silent, color, positive : William Kunstler and others speak at Mifflin St. Block Party.
VNA 48.7
Meetings, 1972 384'-485', magnetic, color, positive : Wisconsin Amnesty Conference: Midge Miller talks about who is involved in amnesty program.
VNA 48.8
On-site interviews, 1972 486'-569', magnetic, color, positive : Tepee on Bascom Hill. Interview with a man who built it.
VNA 48.9
Graduation ceremonies, 1972 570'-598', silent, color, positive : University of Wisconsin graduation and night street scenes.
VNA 48.10
News, 1972 599'-624', silent, color, positive : “Burying” the anti-war movement; digging holes and putting small boxes in Bascom Hill.
VNA 48.11
On-site interviews, 1972 May 624'-750', magnetic, color, positive : “A Weekend of Women in Action: Shortening the Longest Revolution”: a conference to be held at Union South. Athena Bathrick, Ann Higgins-Frank, and Shelly Colton talk about setting up workshops. Jill Giesler reports.
VNA 48.12
Man on the street interviews, 1972 751'-845', magnetic, color, positive : Larry Saunders asks, “What do you think of the demonstrations?”
VNA 49.1
Press conferences, 1972 0'-22', magnetic, color, positive : William Kunstler on trying the case of the Vietnam War along with the trial of Karleton Armstrong.
VNA 49.2
Press conferences, 1972 23'-81', silent, color, positive : State's attorneys are satisfied with Karleton Armstrong's 23-year sentence.
VNA 49.3
On-site interviews, 1972 81'-105', magnetic, color, positive : William Kunstler's experience in Karleton Armstrong trial has made him more upset than ever before about the Vietnam War.
VNA 49.4
News, 1972 106'-152', silent, color, positive : Boarded up windows at IBM, Madison Gas and Electric, Wisconsin Telephone Company, Ella's Deli, Pic-a-Book, other State Street stores.
VNA 49.5
Press conferences, 1972 153'-231', magnetic, color, positive : Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda talk about Karleton Armstrong's trial as hypocritical in the context of U.S. backed war.
VNA 49.6
News, 1972 232'-250', silent, color, positive : Riot on State Street intercut with stock footage of bombs dropping.
VNA 49.7
News, 1972 251'-270', silent, color, positive : Women's Action Movement march to Capitol.
VNA 49.8
News, 1972 271'-330', silent, color, positive : Nighttime “Free Karl” rally on State St. Daytime protests shown as well.
VNA 49.9
News, 1972 February 3 331'-596', magnetic, color, positive : Edmund Muskie campaigns at the Union; he ignores hecklers.
VNA 49.10
On-site interviews, 1972 597'-643', magnetic, color, positive : Midge Miller on amnesty for draft dodgers.
VNA 49.11
Speeches, 1972 February 21 643'-668', magnetic, color, positive : John Lindsay speaks at East High School against Nixon's 8-point program to end the Vietnam War.
VNA 49.12
On-site interviews, 1972 May 10 668'-712', magnetic, color, positive : Students from Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and Brazil discuss U.S. policy in Southeast Asia.
VNA 49.13
Press conferences, 1972 712'-725', silent, color, positive : Patrick Lucey talks to students.
VNA 49.14
Press conferences, 1972 April 18 726'-768', magnetic, color, positive : Gaylord Nelson speaks on Vietnamization.
VNA 49.15
Meetings, 1972 769'-791', silent, color, positive : Madison Area Peace Action Council.
VNA 50.1
On-site interviews, 1972 0'-39', magnetic, color, positive : George and Eleanor McGovern campaigning in Wisconsin. McGovern speaks on his pro-farmer position.
VNA 50.2
News, 1972 39'-79', silent, color, positive : Armed Forces Recruiting Center in Washington Square Building.
VNA 50.3
On-site interviews, 1972 80'-116', magnetic, color, positive : George McGovern on the military-industrial complex.
VNA 50.4
News, 1972 117'-171', magnetic, color, positive : Madison Veterans Against the War march to State Capitol. Lt. Gov. Martin Schreiber speaks to them.
VNA 50.5
News, 1972 172'-184', silent, color, positive : Protest at Gisholt Machine Company.
VNA 50.6
News/Speeches, 1972 184'-259', magnetic, color, positive : George McGovern speaks on University of Wisconsin campus about ITT tax dodge.
VNA 50.7
Press conferences, 1972 260'-343', magnetic, color, positive : Gaylord Nelson on Vietnam War, the environment, and the presidential primaries.
VNA 50.8
Press conferences, 1972 344'-356', magnetic, color, positive : Man on bringing troops back to Upper Midwest(?).
VNA 50.9
Press conferences, 1972 356'-391', magnetic, color, positive : Patrick Lucey endorses George McGovern due to Vietnam War escalation.
VNA 50.10
News, 1972 392'-516', silent, color, positive : March around Capitol Square for moratorium on work.
VNA 50.11
Speeches, 1972 517'-546', magnetic, color, positive : Man quotes “Joanne” [Joan] Baez on abolishing police.
VNA 51.1
Political announcements, 1960 : First section of film is silent, followed by magnetic full coat sound.
0'-422', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy presidential campaign ads.
VNA 51.2
News, undated 432'-453', silent, black and white, negative : Ban the bomb rally on State Street.
VNA 51.3
News, undated 453'-507', silent, black and white, negative : Draft resistance and a riot breaks out on Langdon Street.
VNA 51.4
Speeches, 1961/01 508'-520', optical, black and white, positive : John F. Kennedy's inaugural address.
VNA 51.5
News, 1965 520'-544', optical, black and white, positive : Maurice Zeitlin speaks at a U.S. out of Santo Domingo rally on the State Capitol steps.
VNA 51.6
Press conferences, undated 544'-572', optical, black and white, negative : Averill Harriman on the intelligence of college students.
VNA 51.7
Speeches, 1961/01 573'-607', silent, black and white, positive : More of John F. Kennedy's inaugural address.
VNA 51.8
On-site interviews, undated 608'-659', magnetic, black and white, negative : “Peace Pilgrim” is walking 25,000 miles for world peace.
VNA 51.9
Candidacy announcements, 1968 660'-691', magnetic, black and white, positive : Eugene McCarthy announces his candidacy for president in Madison, Wisconsin.
VNA 51.10
Press conferences, circa 1973 693'-942', silent, black and white, negative : Senator Ernest Gruening of Alaska speaking on Karleton Armstrong trial.
VNA 52.1
Speeches/Celebrity visits, undated 0'-24', magnetic, black and white, positive : Dr. Benjamin Spock speaks out against the war.
VNA 52.2
On-site interviews, 1965 26'-238', magnetic, black and white, negative : Vietnamese ambassador speaks about the overthrow of the Diem regime and his future in South Vietnamese politics.
VNA 52.3
On-site interviews, undated 239'-299', magnetic, black and white, negative : William Sloane Coffin talks about the war and the destruction of civilian targets. He wonders why we haven't considered Edward Kennedy for president.
VNA 52.4
On-site interviews, undated 300'-339', magnetic, black and white, negative : Lawrence Gruman asks churches to promote discussion of the war.
VNA 52.5
On-site interviews, undated 340'-382', magnetic, black and white, negative : Man talks about Vietnam being a bipartisan war.
VNA 52.6
On-site interviews, undated 383'-459', magnetic, black and white, negative : A clergyman on Madison clergy's visit to Vietnam and subsequent meetings with U.S. congressmen.
VNA 52.7
Press conferences, undated 460'-524', magnetic, black and white, negative : Warren Knowles talks about Grant Sawyer's resolution at Governors' Conference to support LBJ's Vietnam policy.
VNA 52.8
Press conferences, undated 525'-569', magnetic, black and white, negative : William Proxmire comments on the S. Vietnamese voting.
VNA 52.9
Press conferences, undated 569'-613', magnetic, black and white, negative : Warren and Dorothy Knowles on their trip to Vietnam.
VNA 52.10
Press conferences, undated 613'-632', magnetic, black and white, negative : National VFW commander Andy Borg advocates stepping up the war.
VNA 52.11
Speeches, undated 633'-649', magnetic, black and white, negative : Richard Nixon wants to step up the war.
VNA 52.12
On-site interviews, undated 649'-689', magnetic, black and white, negative : Military doctor says that military's hands are tied in Vietnam.
VNA 53.1
Press conferences, undated 0'-94', magnetic, black and white, negative : Henry Kissinger on U.S. opposition to the use of revolution in Vietnam.
VNA 53.2
On-site interviews, undated 95'-197', magnetic, black and white, negative : Man on why he left “the movement” (i.e., the Left).
VNA 53.3
Meetings, undated 198'-212', magnetic, black and white, negative : Conrad Orth, Lionel Beggs, and Harold Froehlich meet VFW Commander Fry.
VNA 53.4
Press conferences, undated 213'-280', magnetic, black and white, negative : Henry Kissinger on changing foreign policy.
VNA 53.5
News, 1964 281'-368', silent, black and white, negative : Hubert Humphrey arrives in Madison during presidential campaign.
VNA 53.6
Press conferences, undated 369'-433', magnetic, black and white, negative : Henry Kissinger sometimes disagrees with U.S. foreign policy, but calling U.S. leaders criminals is going too far (referring to charges made by anti-war movement).
VNA 53.7
Press conferences, 1968 February 435'-745', magnetic, black and white, negative : Wayne Morse on U.S. scuttling of Geneva Accords. Ho Chi Minh was on our side in World War II, he says.
VNA 53.8
News, 1964 746'-846', magnetic, black and white, negative : Barry Goldwater visits Madison.
VNA 53.9
News, 1960 847'-872', silent, black and white, negative : John F. Kennedy in Madison.
VNA 54.1
On-site interviews, undated 0'-34', magnetic, black and white, negative : Interview with wounded soldier back from Vietnam. Morale was good, but demonstrations hurt, he says.
VNA 54.2
Studio interviews, undated 38'-64', magnetic, black and white, negative : VFW Commander Andy Borg acknowledges the right to dissent, but he can't stand to see it.
VNA 54.3
News, undated 65'-82', silent, black and white, negative : Student Tenant Union sets up a tent city on Capitol lawn.
VNA 54.4
On-site interviews, undated 84'-129', magnetic, black and white, negative : A VFW member believes that laws should be passed restricting demonstration.
VNA 54.5
Press conferences, undated 130'-201', magnetic, black and white, negative : Wayne Morse talks about Eugene McCarthy's refusal to take the hard line in voting against the war.
VNA 54.6
Hearings, undated 202'-225', magnetic, black and white, negative : Robert Kastenmeier, along with Rep. Ben Rosenthal, proposes hearings on the Vietnam War to be held in home districts.
VNA 54.7
News, undated 226'-252', silent, black and white, negative : Committee of Resistance anti-war rally on State St. Also participating, University of Wisconsin chapter of Young Socialist Alliance.
VNA 54.8
Press conferences, 1968 253'-282', magnetic, black and white, negative : Charlene Mitchell, Communist party candidate for president, on the lack of difference between Nixon and Humphrey.
VNA 54.9
Press conferences, 1968 282'-326', magnetic, black and white, negative : Richard Nixon on Johnson's politics and diplomacy.
VNA 54.10
Studio interviews, undated 327'-413', magnetic, black and white, negative : Mark Lane on Lee Harvey Oswald's lack of rights.
VNA 54.11
Studio interviews, undated 414'-506', magnetic, black and white, positive : Dr. Meyer on his trip to Vietnam to check on conditions in civilian hospitals.
VNA 54.12
Hearings, undated 508'-544', magnetic, black and white, positive : Hearing on something that happened July 4, 1966 in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
VNA 54.13
Studio interviews, undated 544'-608', magnetic, black and white, positive : Marine general on morale of troops after battle for hill #881 near Khe Sanh.
VNA 54.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1964 609'-700', optical, black and white, positive : Luci Baines Johnson visits University of Wisconsin.
VNA 54.15
Studio interviews, 1967 700'-776', magnetic, black and white, negative : “Singing Captain” goes to remote areas of Vietnam, playing for troops. He sings “The Proud American.”
VNA 54.16
Press conferences, undated 777'-806', magnetic, black and white, negative : Wayne Morse talks about Dean Rusk's testimony before the Senate.
VNA 55.1
News, undated 0'-54', silent, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin students hold rally at Library Mall.
VNA 55.2
Press conferences, undated 55'-116', magnetic, black and white, positive : Gov. John Reynolds on agricultural production and the need to end the war.
VNA 55.3
On-site interviews, undated 117'-185', magnetic, black and white, positive : Man says U.S. forces are not in Vietnam for war; they want to help South Vietnamese.
VNA 55.4
Press conferences, undated 186'-237', magnetic, black and white, positive : Returned Peace Corps, AFS, Frontier Interns (of Presbyterian Church) and Teachers for East Africa members have formed a committee opposing the war.
VNA 55.5
Press conferences, 1968 238'-289', magnetic, black and white, positive : Eugene McCarthy is against escalating the war.
VNA 55.6
News, undated 290'-311', silent, black and white, negative : Protest at Field House during basketball game.
VNA 55.7
News, 1968 311'-342', silent, black and white, negative : Anti-Humphrey demonstration at Humphrey for President Headquarters. A bystander attacks protesters.
VNA 55.8
News, undated 342'-374', silent, black and white, negative : Rally in front of the Post Office supporting the Chicago 7.
VNA 55.9
News, undated 374'-389', silent, black and white, negative : Mifflin St. Block Party.
VNA 55.10
Awards Ceremonies, 1972 389'-438', magnetic, color, positive : Herman Thomas awarded 1972 Police Officer of the Year by the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce.
VNA 55.11
On-site interviews, 1972 438'-475', magnetic, color, positive : Vietnamese woman asks the U.S. to stop the war.
VNA 55.12
News, 1972 475'-530', magnetic, color, positive : School of Education students sponsor postcard-writing campaign to Nixon.
VNA 55.13
News, 1972 530'-597', magnetic, color, positive : Rally at Library Mall to get ROTC and Army Math Research Center off campus. Rally turns into march to Post Office.
VNA 55.14
News, 1974 May 597'-712', magnetic, color, positive : Memorial Day anti-rally at Capitol and Post Office.
VNA 55.15
News, 1970 713'-769', silent, color, positive : Vandalized Selective Service office.
VNA 55.16
Features (Newsfilm), undated 769-811', silent, color, positive : Memorial Day parade around Capitol Square.
VNA 55.17
Political announcements, undated 812'-862', optical, color, positive : Senator William Proxmire: Melvin Laird's trip to Vietnam signals peace.
VNA 56.1
VNA 56.2
On-site interviews, undated: VNA 56 also available online.21'-92', magnetic, color, positive : Edwin Young on recent property destruction; outlines plan for cooperating with Police and Fire Departments.
VNA 56.3
On-site interviews, undated: VNA 56 also available online.93'-117', magnetic, color, positive : Man says that broken windows are a symbol of imperialism and violence in America.
VNA 56.4
VNA 56.5
VNA 56.6
News, undated: VNA 56 also available online.163'-180', silent, color, positive : Students walk down Wisconsin Avenue and State Street; demonstration followed by police.
VNA 56.7
VNA 56.8
News, undated: VNA 56 also available online.224'-296', silent, color, positive : Anti-bombing rallies at Post Office and Library Mall. Betty Boardman appears.
VNA 56.9
News, undated: VNA 56 also available online.296'-371', silent, color, positive : Protesters march into First Wisconsin Bank lobby and Anchor Savings and Loan lobby.
VNA 56.10
VNA 56.11
VNA 56.12
News, 1971: VNA 56 also available online.403'-456', silent, color, positive : Big parade around Capitol. Women's Action Movement and Madison Area Peace Action Council lead parade.
VNA 56.13
VNA 56.14
VNA 56.15
VNA 56.16
News, 1970 May: VNA 56 also available online.569'-729', silent, color, positive : Demonstrations and National Guard occupation of campus after Kent State protester deaths.
VNA 57.1
Promotional materials, 1968 0'-177', silent, color, positive : U.S. Air Force promotional film of Southeast Asia, 1967. Shows planes flying, dropping bombs and herbicide, performing rescues, taking off and landing.
VNA 57.2
Promotional materials, undated 177'-467', silent, color, positive : More wartime footage...smiling wounded soldiers, bombing raids, views of bombing taken through gun sights, shots of Khe Sanh, goods shipped to South Vietnamese, etc.
VNA 57.3
Promotional materials, undated 469'-622', silent, color, positive : More Air Force war footage, including General Westmoreland conferring with troops.
VNA 58.1
Wire service, 1962 0'-16', silent, black and white, positive : John and Jacqueline Kennedy greet former President and Mrs. Harry Truman and Margaret Truman at White House.
VNA 58.2
Sports, 1962 16'-54', silent, black and white, positive : Football, Colorado University vs. University of Oklahoma.
VNA 58.3
Wire service, 1962 54'-123', silent, black and white, positive : A look back at Franklin D. Roosevelt and family celebrating inauguration. Alf Landon shown as well.
VNA 58.4
Wire service, 1962 124'-156', silent, black and white, positive : Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip welcome King Olav V of Norway.
VNA 58.5
Wire service, 1962 156'-188', silent, black and white, positive : Japan's crown princess celebrates her birthday.
VNA 58.6
Sports, 1962 188'-231', silent, black and white, positive : Football, University of Texas vs. University of Arkansas.
VNA 58.7
Wire service/Sports, 1962 238'-470', magnetic, N/A,N/A : This footage is full-coat magnetic track sound for VNA 58.1-6.
VNA 58.8
Wire service, undated 479'-568', silent, black and white, positive : Jean Louis, Hollywood film designer, and his new collections. Sandra Dee models.
VNA 58.9
Wire service, undated 577'-667', magnetic, N/A,N/A : This footage is full-coat magnetic track sound for VNA 58.8.
VNA 58.10
Sports, 1962 697'-746', silent, black and white, positive : UCLA beats University of Michigan in NCAA championship.
VNA 58.11
Sports, 1962 751'-800', magnetic, N/A,N/A : This footage is full-coat magnetic track sound for VNA 58.10.
VNA 59.1
News, undated 0'-44', silent, black and white, negative : Faculty wives demonstrating at Library Mall for peace in Vietnam.
VNA 59.2
News, undated 48'-69', silent, black and white, negative : Troops board plane.
VNA 59.3
Speeches, undated 69'-88', silent, black and white, negative : President Lyndon Johnson speaks to Congress.
VNA 59.4
Candidacy announcements, 1968 91'-240', magnetic, black and white, positive : Eugene McCarthy announces his candidacy for president in Madison, Wisconsin.
VNA 59.5
Wire service, 1963 241'-302', optical, color, positive : Wire service footage of “Red China's” support of the Viet Cong. Footage of John Kennedy's funeral also shown.
VNA 59.6
News, undated 303'-315', silent, black and white, positive : Troops boarding plane.
VNA 59.7
Speeches, undated 315'-330', silent, black and white, positive : President Lyndon Johnson addresses Congress.
VNA 59.8
Promotional materials, undated 330'-375', silent, color, positive : U.S. Army film: rescue at sea.
VNA 59.9
News, undated 376'-396', silent, black and white, positive : Troops board plane.
VNA 59.10
Speeches, undated 396'-416', silent, black and white, positive : President Lyndon Johnson addresses Congress.
VNA 59.11
Press conferences, circa 1960 417'-444', optical, black and white, positive : President John F. Kennedy on Vietnam.
VNA 59.12
Political announcements, 1963 445'-474', optical, black and white, positive : William Proxmire on what kind of president Lyndon Johnson will be.
VNA 59.13
News, undated 474'-553', silent, black and white, positive : Student demonstrations at University of Wisconsin.
VNA 59.14
Wire service, undated 554'-657', silent, black and white, positive : Footage of Lyndon Johnson, troop movements, and war casualties.
VNA 59.15
Unknown, circa 1975 657'-739', silent, color, positive : Fraternite Vietnam (French organization) presents a film on the liberation of Saigon.
VNA 59.16
News, 1964 739'-758', silent, black and white, negative : Barry Goldwater campaigns for president in Wisconsin.
News/Speeches, undated 759'-781', silent, black and white, negative : Lyndon Johnson speech and Vietnam War scenes.
VNA 60.1
News, circa 1960 0'-174', magnetic, black and white, negative : Ken Knutson attempts to publicly burn parking tickets, littering warnings, and IRS forms.
VNA 60.2
Press conferences, 1966 175'-237', magnetic, black and white, positive : Eugene McCarthy on the manner in which the Administration talks about Vietnam War. He urges troop reductions.
VNA 60.3
News, 1963 238'-316', silent, color, negative : Abraham Zapruder's footage of John F. Kennedy's assassination.
VNA 60.4
Press conferences, circa 1960 348'-375', silent, black and white, negative : U.S. State Dept. spokesman (?) on the invasion of Cambodia.
VNA 60.5
Speeches/News, circa 1960 376'-448', silent, black and white, negative : Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara speak; intercut with scenes of Vietnam War.
VNA 60.6
Meetings, 1965 448'-499', silent, black and white, negative : “Truth teams” talk to students and faculty on Vietnam War.
VNA 60.7
News, circa 1960 501'-575', silent, black and white, negative : John F. Kennedy campaigning in Wisconsin for the presidency.
VNA 60.8
News, circa 1960 575'-689', magnetic, black and white, negative : Ken Knutson sets his IRS check on fire.
VNA 60.9
News, 1963 November 690'-724', silent, black and white, negative : John F. Kennedy's funeral procession.
VNA 61.1
Hearings, circa 1960 0'-264', silent, black and white, positive : Robert Kastenmeier holds public hearings on the Vietnam War.
VNA 61.2
Unknown, circa 1960 272'-283', silent, black and white, positive : Map of Southeast Asia.
VNA 61.3
News, 1963 November 284'-299', silent, black and white, positive : John F. Kennedy's funeral procession.
VNA 61.4
Press conferences, circa 1960 303'-331', silent, black and white, positive : John F. Kennedy gives press conference.
VNA 61.5
News, circa 1960 333'-364', silent, black and white, positive : Disarmament march to Capitol Square.
VNA 61.6
News, 1963 October 365'-390', silent, black and white, positive : The first anti-war demonstration at the University of Wisconsin (on Memorial Union steps).
VNA 61.7
Wire service, circa 1960 391'-423', silent, black and white, positive : Universal Newsreel of planes taking off, missile launchings, battleships, etc.
VNA 61.8
Press conferences, circa 1970 424'-679', silent, black and white, positive : Senator Ernest Gruening speaks on Karleton Armstrong (?) trial.
VNA 61.9
Press conferences/News, circa 1960 680'-701', silent, black and white, positive : Lyndon Johnson press conference intercut with Vietnam War footage.
VNA 61.10
News, 1964 702'-783', silent, black and white, positive : Barry Goldwater campaigning in Wisconsin; protesters are also present.
VNA 61.11
Meetings, circa 1960 785'-820', silent, black and white, positive : “Truth teams” meet with students and faculty.
VNA 61.12
News, circa 1960 821'-866', silent, black and white, positive : “Arrest” of Truax Field base commander.
VNA 61.13
Political announcements, 1963 869'-897', silent, black and white, positive : William Proxmire praises Lyndon Johnson.
VNA 61.14
News, 1965 February 899'-923', silent, black and white, positive : March to Capitol Square in wake of bombings in Vietnam.
VNA 61.15
Press conferences, circa 1960 933'-1002', silent, black and white, positive : Maurice Zeitlin on referendum to stop the war.
VNA 61.16
On-site interviews, undated 1002'-1036', silent, black and white, positive : Interviews with wounded Vietnam veterans.
VNA 62.1
Hearings, undated 0'-630', silent, black and white, negative : Congressman Robert Kastenmeier's Vietnam War Hearings. Several speakers testify.
VNA 63.1
News, undated 0'-172', silent, color, positive : “Milwaukee 14” burn bags of draft files on traffic island in Milwaukee. The 14 are arrested.
VNA 63.2
News, undated 173'-181', silent, black and white, negative : Combat troops in Vietnam.
VNA 63.3
On-site interviews, undated 181'-510', silent, black and white, negative : Interviews shot by Glenn Silber during Karleton Armstrong's mitigation hearings (material is described as “videotape to kinescope”).
VNA 63.4
News, 1965 February 510'-561', silent, color, negative : Bombings of Vietnam. Viet Cong fighting on the ground.
VNA 63.5
Press conferences, undated 561'-592', silent, black and white, negative : President John F. Kennedy.
VNA 63.6
News, undated 592'-635', silent, color, positive : Vietnam combat. Soldiers piling bodies.
VNA 64.1
News, 1965 0'-13', silent, black and white, positive : Demonstration at Library Mall after February bombings.
VNA 64.2
News, 1967 14'-59', silent, black and white, positive : Student protest march to Engineering Building and Camp Randall; protesting military interviews.
VNA 64.3
Speeches, circa 1970 60'-104', silent, black and white, positive : Senator Edward Kennedy arrives in Madison and gives speech on behalf of Patrick Lucey's campaign for governor. He confronts a heckler during speech.
VNA 64.4
Meetings, undated 105'-138', silent, black and white, positive : Faculty meeting in response to student draft sit-in.
VNA 64.5
Meetings/News, undated 139'-193', silent, black and white, positive : Wisconsin Student Association meeting on draft sit-in and draft card burning at Library Mall.
VNA 64.6
News, 1966 193'-256' silent, black and white, positive : Sit-in by students at the A.W. Peterson Administration Building to protest the draft.
VNA 64.7
Speeches, undated 257'-403', silent, color, negative : Los Angeles district attorney speech.
VNA 64.8
News, undated 403'-426', silent, color, negative : Anti-Vietnam War protest in Berlin, Germany.
VNA 64.9
News, undated 426'-441', silent, color, negative : Black Panther solidarity and anti-war rally.
VNA 64.10
Unknown, undated 441'-553' silent, color, negative : From documentary, “To Our Common Good.” Scenes from Vietnam War.
VNA 64.11
News, 1968 553'-598', silent, black and white, negative : American and Vietnamese soldiers fight during Tet Offensive.
VNA 64.12
News, undated 599'-085', silent, black and white, positive : Funeral for unknown American soldier.
VNA 64.13
News, undated 686'-704', silent, color, positive : View from bomb bay during aerial bombings of Vietnam.
VNA 65.1
Speeches, undated 0'-33', magnetic, color, positive : Senator Gaylord Nelson on destruction U.S. troops have caused in South Vietnam.
VNA 65.2
Speeches, circa 1971 33'-84', magnetic, color, positive : Anti-war rally at State Capitol. Speaker on Vietnamization.
VNA 65.3
News, circa 1971 85'-91', magnetic, color, positive : Demonstration at IBM Building. Banner reads: “For the love of life--end war.”
VNA 65.4
Promotional materials, undated 91'-129', silent, color, positive : Bombing runs over Vietnam. Film produced by United States Air Force.
VNA 65.5
News, circa 1971 129'-176', silent and magnetic, color, pos : Anti-war rally at Capitol on Memorial Day.
VNA 65.6
News, undated 176'-194', silent, color, positive : Anti-war rally on Library Mall.
VNA 65.7
Features (Newsfilm), undated 194'-242', silent, color, positive : People buying food at Mifflin Street Co-op.
VNA 65.8
News, undated 242'-300', magnetic, color, positive : Memorial Day wreath laying ceremonies at cemetery.
VNA 65.9
News, undated 300'-319', magnetic, color, positive : Anti-war Memorial Day march around Capitol Square.
VNA 65.10
News, undated 319'-348', magnetic, color, positive : “Free Karl (Karleton Armstrong) Now” rally at State Capitol.
VNA 65.11
News, undated 349'-399', silent, color, positive : Rally and march down Bascom Hill to University Avenue.
VNA 65.12
News, undated 400'-418', silent, color, positive : Demonstration at Capitol to mourn 37,812 American soldiers killed.
VNA 65.13
News, undated 418'-445', silent, color, positive : Rally at Library Mall. March down State Street.
VNA 65.14
News, undated 445'-458', silent, color, positive : Candlelight march.
VNA 65.15
News, undated 458'-479', silent, color, positive : Student demonstration on Bascom Hill tear gassed by police.
VNA 65.16
Speeches, undated 479'-721', magnetic, color, positive : State Senator Fred Risser on bill to establish Wisconsin state policy against the war.
VNA 65.17
On-site interviews, undated 722'-794', magnetic, color, positive : Student on positive response to Madison Tenant Union. Tenants and small homeowners have a common issue in property tax, he says.
VNA 65.18
Press conferences, undated 797'-856', magnetic, color, positive : Madison Area Peace Action Council (MAPAC), a coalition of 40 anti-war groups. Priest reads coalition demands: withdrawal of all troops from Vietnam and self determination for South Vietnam.
VNA 66.1
Press conferences, undated 0'-53', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on city budget, input of Madison citizens in process, and planning a taxpayers committee.
VNA 66.2
News, undated 54'-108', silent, color, positive : Wisconsin Center vandalized with red paint.
VNA 66.3
News, undated 109'-136', silent, black and white, positive : Building construction.
VNA 66.4
Press conferences, circa 1967 137'-170', magnetic, black and white, positive : Melvin Laird speaks about bombing in North Vietnam and credibility of Johnson administration.
VNA 66.5
Press conferences, undated 179'-219', magnetic, black and white, positive : Mayor William Dyke cites University of Wisconsin President Fred Harvey Harrington and Chancellor Edwin Young in banning party gathering at Mifflin and Bassett Streets.
VNA 66.6
Press conferences, circa 1968 220'-279', magnetic, black and white, positive : Melvin Laird promotes Nelson Rockefeller as best answer to President Johnson unless Richard Nixon's primary campaign picks up steam.
VNA 66.7
Meetings, circa 1967 280'-316', silent, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin Regents. Students are gathered on the floor.
VNA 66.8
Press conferences, circa 1967 317'-408', magnetic, color, positive : Red Cross unsuccessful in freeing prisoners, but it does set up package delivery to people in the service.
VNA 66.9
Meetings, circa 1967 409'-504', magnetic, color, positive : Mr. Fagan on “hippies” vs. “activists” as parts of the youth revolt.
VNA 66.10
Speeches/News, 1968 505'-592', silent, black and white, positive : Eugene McCarthy speaks at University of Wisconsin Field House. Patrick Lucey meets him at Dane County Airport.
VNA 66.11
Press conferences, circa 1968 593'-680', magnetic, black and white, negative : Communist Party candidate for president on George Wallace's racism, black militancy, and women's traditional role as budget-keepers.
VNA 67.1
Hearings, undated 0'-14', magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin Regent Kenneth Greenquist testifies to committee on replacement of University staff.
VNA 67.2
News, undated 14'-34', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Milk tanker truck arrives. Farmers gather around tanker truck. (Milk strike?)
VNA 67.3
News, undated 34'-40', magnetic, black and white, negative : News report on deaths of nine high school students from Juda, Wisconsin.
VNA 67.4
Speeches, undated 40'-83', magnetic, black and white, negative : Hubert Humphrey on Gaylord Nelson's commitment to the environment. Speech in Clear Lake, Wisconsin (Nelson's home town).
VNA 67.5
Speeches, circa 1968 83'-106', magnetic, black and white, negative : Richard Nixon on his 1968 presidential candidacy and the importance of proving himself in primary contests.
VNA 67.6
News, undated 106'-114', magnetic, black and white, negative : Milk or other liquid running out of truck onto ground (milk dumping protest?).
VNA 67.7
Awards ceremonies, undated 114'-120', silent, black and white, negative : Man signing Bucky Badger award.
VNA 67.8
News, undated 120'-138', magnetic, black and white, negative : News report on deaths of high school seniors from Juda, Wisconsin. Students were on a school trip to New Orleans.
VNA 67.9
News, undated 138'-152', silent, black and white, negative : Storm damage in Wautoma, Wisconsin.
VNA 67.10
Speeches, circa 1968 153'-223', magnetic, black and white, negative : Senator Eugene McCarthy at Dane County Coliseum talks about preparing for Wisconsin primary.
VNA 67.11
Speeches, circa 1968 224'-263', magnetic, black and white, negative : Richard Nixon campaigning at Wisconsin State University at Stevens Point answers questions on Vietnam War.
VNA 67.12
Press conferences, circa 1968 263'-316', magnetic, black and white, negative : Representative Gerald Ford (R-Mich) on the 1st ballot selection of Nixon at Republican convention in Miami Beach.
VNA 67.13
News, 1969 316'-324', silent, color, positive : Police march up Bascom Hill during Black Strike at University of Wisconsin.
VNA 67.14
News, circa 1968 324'-329', silent, color, positive : Richard Nixon shaking hands at airport.
VNA 67.15
News, 1972 330'-338', magnetic, color, positive : Students march up State Street chanting “Ho Chi Minh is gonna win.”
VNA 67.16
News, 1969 338'-380', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Black Strike. Students confront police.
VNA 67.17
News, 1970 May 380'-389', silent, color, positive : On Memorial Union Terrace, students mourn after deaths at Kent State.
VNA 67.18
News, 1970 May 389'-394', silent, color, positive : Tear gas disperses demonstrators on Bascom Hill.
VNA 67.19
News, 1965 February 395'-407', silent, black and white, positive : Demonstration at Library Mall. March down State Street to State Capitol.
VNA 67.20
Press conferences, undated 408'-436', silent, black and white, positive : President John Kennedy press conference.
VNA 67.21
Press conferences, undated 437'-445', silent, black and white, positive : President Lyndon Johnson press conference.
VNA 67.22
Promotional materials, undated 445'-519', silent, color, positive : U.S. Army produced film on evacuating injured soldiers from Vietnam.
VNA 67.23
On-site interviews, circa 1968 519'-555', magnetic, black and white, positive : Mr. and Mrs. Ted Finman, Eugene McCarthy supporters in Madison, on McCarthy vote going to support George Wallace.
VNA 67.24
News, 1965 February 556'-573', silent, black and white, negative : Anti-war demonstration at State Capitol.
VNA 67.25
News, circa 1956 573'-591', silent, black and white, positive : Anti-war demonstration at Library Mall and march up State Street.
VNA 67.26
News, 1956 591'-602', silent, black and white, negative : Demonstration at Badger Army Ammunition Plant in Baraboo, Wisconsin.
VNA 67.27
Speeches, circa 1968 603'-619', silent, black and white, negative : Eugene McCarthy is introduced and speaks.
VNA 67.28
Press conferences, 1968 620'-651', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Eugene McCarthy on his run as an independent for president.
VNA 67.29
Hearings, circa 1956 653'-723', optical, black and white, positive : Robert Kastenmeier and Congressman Ben Rosenthal hold hearings on withdrawal from Vietnam.
VNA 67.30
Hearings, circa 1956 729'-741', silent, black and white, negative : Robert Kastenmeier and Congressman Ben Rosenthal hold public hearings on Vietnam situation.
VNA 68.1
News, undated 0'-13, silent, black and white, positive : Army helicopters prepare to take off.
VNA 68.2
Press conferences, undated 13'-47', magnetic, black and white, negative : Clergy against war referendum. Clergy discuss letting Asians settle war for themselves.
VNA 68.3
On-site interviews, undated 47'-70', magnetic, black and white, negative : Three wounded vets asked if they would go back to Vietnam. They all answer yes.
VNA 68.4
Press conferences, undated 70'-209', magnetic, black and white, negative : Dick Gregory running for president. His position is as a statesman, not a politician.
VNA 68.5
Press conferences, 1968 209'-305', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Charlene Mitchell, American Communist Party, on how socialism must be based on democratic traditions.
VNA 68.6
Press conferences, undated 305'-508', magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin Chancellor Edwin Young on student activism, responsibilities of chancellor, and faculty-student committees.
VNA 69.1
Speeches/News, circa 1968 0',-62', silent, black and white, positive : Eugene McCarthy for President rally at Dane County Coliseum.
VNA 69.2
News, 1967 63'-79', silent, black and white, positive : Violent student demonstrations protesting Dow Chemical Company interviews on University of Wisconsin campus.
VNA 69.3
Hearings, 1967 79'-638', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Police Chief Wilbur Emery on University of Wisconsin security problems and the dispersal of students occupying Commerce Building during Dow demonstration.
VNA 69.4
On-site interviews, 1969 April 639'-709', magnetic, color, positive : U.S. Senator Wayne Morse (D-Ore) on Nixon's lack of movement to get out of Vietnam.
VNA 70.1
News, circa 1967: VNA 70 also available online.0'-199', silent, black and white, negative : Women for Peace march to State Capitol and Selective Service office. Man burns draft card.
VNA 70.2
News, 1967: VNA 70 also available online.200'-415', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Violent anti-Dow demonstration at Commerce Building.
VNA 70.3
Speeches, circa 1967: VNA 70 also available online.415'-461', magnetic, black and white, negative : Hubert Humphrey on problems of withdrawal from Vietnam. Protesters do not offer alternatives, he says.
VNA 70.4
Press conferences, circa 1967: VNA 70 also available online.461'-505', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Eugene McCarthy on his longtime opposition to war.
VNA 70.5
Press conferences, circa 1967: VNA 70 also available online.506'-600', magnetic, black and white, negative : Dr. Benjamin Spock on immorality of war. War is not winnable. U.S. has put itself into opposition with the world, he says.
VNA 70.6
News/Speeches, undated: VNA 70 also available online.600'-644', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Crowd milling about watching man chant and play finger bells. Same man later giving speech in auditorium.
VNA 71.1
Hearings, circa 1967 0'-618', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin Regent Kenneth Greenquist testifies on problems with striking professors and TA's on campus. Governor Warren Knowles attends a University of Wisconsin Board of Regents meeting.
VNA 72.1
Hearings, 1967 0'-1085', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative : Disciplinary hearings and press conferences on University of Wisconsin Dow demonstrations. Defendants, including Robert Cohen, walk out of courtroom to protest Chancellor Edwin Young's private meeting with prosecutors. Judge James Doyle to preside over hearings. Robert Cohen, former law school student, is interviewed.
VNA 73.1
Hearings, 1967 0'-1181', magnetic, black and white, negative : Testimony before Senate committee formed to investigate Dow riots. UW President Fred Harvey Harrington speaks on preventing another Dow riot. He discusses freedom of speech vs. unlawful assembly. Harrington outlines the roles of the Board of Regents and those of the chancellor and president. Harrington also discusses CIA recruitment on campus.
VNA 74.1
Press conferences, 1970: VNA 74 also available online.0'-40', magnetic, color, positive : Paul Soglin contends that there is a right-wing group at the base of the anti-bombing backlash.
VNA 74.2
News/Speeches, 1967: VNA 74 also available online.41'-56', silent, black and white, negative : Huge rally after Dow riot. Paul Soglin is one of the speakers.
VNA 74.3
VNA 74.4
Press conferences, 1972 March 18: VNA 74 also available online.72'-100', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on Madison Common Council application for U.S. Department of Transportation funding.
VNA 74.5
On-site interviews, 1972 December 25: VNA 74 also available online.101'-139', magnetic, color, positive : Otto Festge on Dane County Planning Commission considering zoning changes.
VNA 74.6
On-site interviews, 1972 December 11: VNA 74 also available online.139'-172', magnetic, color, positive : Atty. Gen. Robert Warren on nude bar rulings.
VNA 74.7
Press conferences, 1972 December 20: VNA 74 also available online.173'-225', magnetic, color, positive : David Stewart, candidate for Madison mayor, on need for public transit and downtown renewal.
VNA 74.8
On-site interviews, 1973 March 18: VNA 74 also available online.226'-246', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on Smile Program for the elderly.
VNA 74.9
Press conferences, 1972 December 5: VNA 74 also available online.247'-348', magnetic, color, positive : Mike Birkley, Madison mayoral candidate, on taxes, downtown renewal, Civic Center, public transportation, etc.
VNA 74.10
Press conferences, and: VNA 74 also available online.349'-438', magnetic, color, positive : Paul Soglin on heroin usage in the city. Outlines educational program to deal with drugs. Discusses bus system and the need for inter-neighborhood bus routes.
VNA 74.11
Press conferences, and: VNA 74 also available online.438'-472', magnetic, color, positive : Paul Soglin on what Madison will be like if he is not elected mayor.
VNA 74.12
VNA 74.13
VNA 74.14
Press conferences, undated: VNA 74 also available online.536'-605', magnetic, color, positive : Paul Soglin on appointing a diverse group of people to city office.
VNA 74.15
On-site interviews, undated: VNA 74 also available online.606'-689', magnetic, color, positive : Paul Soglin on Mifflin and Bassett Streets anti-block party ordinance.
VNA 74.16
News/Press conferences, undated: VNA 74 also available online.690'-731', magnetic, color, positive : Paul Soglin and city officials sworn in; Soglin fields questions.
VNA 74.17
On-site interviews, undated: VNA 74 also available online.731'-786', magnetic, color, positive : Candidate for mayor Paul Soglin won't allow his opponent to set the terms of debate. He admits conservatives won't vote for him.
VNA 74.18
News, 1969: VNA 74 also available online.787'-828', magnetic, color, positive : Alderman Paul Soglin upset about being cut off on debate over Mifflin Street Block Party through a parliamentary procedure.
VNA 74.19
VNA 74.20
News/Speeches, undated: VNA 74 also available online.857'-892', magnetic, color, positive : Paul Soglin speaking at Library Mall on the State Street mall boycott.
VNA 74.21
VNA 75.1
Studio interviews, undated 0'-71', magnetic, black and white, negative : Mr. Hamilton reports on civil rights march in Washington, D.C.
VNA 75.2
Studio interviews, undated 71'-108', magnetic, black and white, negative : Clergyman on slow moral reaction of the Church. Church lags behind secular organizations in terms of segregation, he says.
VNA 75.3
News, undated 108'-159', silent, black and white, negative : People leaving to attend march in Washington, D.C. Sign reads “Civil Rights: 150 years overdue.”
VNA 75.4
Studio interviews, undated 159'-211', magnetic, black and white, negative : City Council member on hearing to discuss new Madison open housing bill.
VNA 75.5
Speeches, undated 212'-242', magnetic, black and white, negative : University of Wisconsin spokesman on death of civil rights leader, probably Martin Luther King.
VNA 75.6
Speeches, undated 243'-628', magnetic, black and white, negative : Man from Alabama speaks at Freedom Now! rally on rights for blacks and the oppression he has faced.
VNA 75.7
Wire service, undated 629'-718', optical, black and white, positive : Freedom rider is interviewed in hospital after getting beaten by policeman in Montgomery, Alabama.
VNA 75.8
Wire service, undated 718'-766', silent, black and white, positive : Freedom Rider entering and being ejected from white waiting room/restaurant in an Alabama bus station.
VNA 75.9
News, undated 766'-812', silent, black and white, negative : Pickets at Sears in Madison protesting segregation at Sears and calling for a boycott.
VNA 76.1
News, undated: VNA 76 also available online.0'-43', silent, black and white, negative : Pickets protest Jim Crow laws as they march in front of the State Capitol.
VNA 76.2
News, undated: VNA 76 also available online.44'-70', silent, black and white, negative : Civil rights pickets at Union Bus Station and the Court House in Madison.
VNA 76.3
VNA 76.4
On-site interviews, undated: VNA 76 also available online.116'-169', magnetic, black and white, negative : Jackie Robinson on rioting St. Louis and San Francisco. He defines black power as voting power.
VNA 76.5
On-site interviews, undated: VNA 76 also available online.170'-224', optical, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin freedom rider on going to Selma, Alabama.
VNA 76.6
News, undated: VNA 76 also available online.224'-326', silent, black and white, negative : Buses prepare to leave for Washington, D.C. for civil rights march.
VNA 76.7
Wire service, 1964: VNA 76 also available online.327'-416', silent, black and white, negative : UPI piece on hospitalized freedom rider in Selma, Alabama.
VNA 76.8
On-site interviews, undated: VNA 76 also available online.417'-488', magnetic, black and white, negative : Professor on Northern hypocrisy in race relations angering the South.
VNA 76.9
On-site interviews, undated: VNA 76 also available online.489'-520', magnetic, black and white, negative : Reverend James Bevel becomes involved in ending the Vietnam War in order to concentrate on ending poverty, exploitation, etc., in America.
VNA 76.10
On-site interviews, undated: VNA 76 also available online.521'-583', magnetic, black and white, negative : Black Power defined as the American Dream.
VNA 76.11
News, undated: VNA 76 also available online.588'-613', silent, black and white, negative : Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) stages protest for school integration.
VNA 76.12
Press conferences, undated: VNA 76 also available online.614'-657', magnetic, black and white, negative : Black leader on Father Groppi's attitude helping race relations. Says his death would touch off riots in the black community; Robert Kennedy's death did not.
VNA 76.13
News, undated: VNA 76 also available online.662'-748', silent, black and white, negative : Summary of civil rights action: march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama; integrating W.T. Grant Co. lunch counter; Fisk University; interviews with counter help; sit-down protester roughed up.
VNA 77.1
Press conferences, undated: VNA 77 also available online.0'-102', magnetic, black and white, positive : Father James Groppi on Milwaukee NAACP Youth Council demonstrations.
VNA 77.2
Press conferences, undated: VNA 77 also available online.105'-183', magnetic, black and white, positive : Father James Groppi on the need for Milwaukee Mayor Henry Maier to support a fair housing ordinance.
VNA 77.3
Press conferences, undated: VNA 77 also available online.193'-234', magnetic, black and white, positive : Father James Groppi on the failure of non-violence among Milwaukee blacks. He calls someone an “Uncle Tom.”
VNA 77.4
VNA 77.5
On-site interviews, undated: VNA 77 also available online.272'-312', optical, black and white, positive : Leader of school boycott of Milwaukee Public Schools talks about its success.
VNA 77.6
News, undated: VNA 77 also available online.312'-401', magnetic, color : Protesters stage welfare rights sit-in at State Capitol. Father James Groppi speaks; crowd shouts down state legislator and sings “We Shall Overcome.”
VNA 77.7
News, undated: VNA 77 also available online.401'-486', silent, color, positive : Welfare rights protest lead by Father James Groppi at Executive Residence.
VNA 77.8
Wire service, 1964: VNA 77 also available online.487'-527', silent, black and white, positive : Newsreel footage of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Selma, Alabama march.
VNA 77.9
VNA 77.10
News, undated: VNA 77 also available online.547'-653', silent, color, positive : People protesting on State Capitol steps; National Guard present; Father James Groppi speaks.
VNA 77.11
VNA 77.12
News/Speeches, undated: VNA 77 also available online.696'-731', silent, color, positive : Welfare rights demonstrators occupy State Capitol; Father James Groppi speaks and leads nighttime march.
VNA 77.13
News, undated: VNA 77 also available online.731'-751', silent, color, positive : March in downtown Madison to State Capitol culminates in stand-off between protesters and police.
VNA 77.14
VNA 77.15
VNA 77.16
VNA 78.1
News, circa 1971 0'-226', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Aerial views of river flooding. Patrick Lucey talks to volunteers stacking sandbags.
VNA 78.2
Press conferences, circa 1971 226'-289', magnetic, color, positive : Patrick Lucey contrasts revenue sharing in Wisconsin to President Nixon's national revenue sharing plan.
VNA 78.3
Speeches, circa 1971 290'-369', magnetic, color, positive : Patrick Lucey speaks on consolidation of University of Wisconsin and State University systems.
VNA 78.4
Press conferences, circa 1971 370'-604', magnetic, color, positive : Patrick Lucey appoints John M. Lavine and Bertram N. McNamara to Wisconsin State Universities Board of Regents.
VNA 78.5
Speeches, circa 1971 608'-767', magnetic, color, positive : Patrick Lucey speaks on the need for environmental conservation.
VNA 78.6
Features (Newsfilm), circa 1971 768'-902', magnetic, color, positive : Religious(?) service attended by Patrick Lucey in State Capitol.
Series: WISC Television Newsfilm : Live footage shot by Madison station WISC for its daily news coverage. After editing, parts of this footage appeared on evening news broadcasts. Also present is a small amount of footage distributed by the networks or wire services, occasional promotional or public affairs spots, and a few complete documentaries and edited features. Subjects include of Madison local news as well as coverage of state political and legislative events, the University of Wisconsin, comments on national events by Wisconsin members of Congress, activity generated by local, state, and national election campaigns, and public support and opposition to the Vietnam War.
WISC 200.1
On-site interviews, 1968 October 2 0'-40', magnetic, black and white, positive : District Attorney James Boll on part his office plays in the prosecution of drug cases.
WISC 200.2
On-site interviews, 1968 October 2 42'-110', magnetic, black and white, positive : Doctor on how parents should teach their children about drugs. He also speaks on likelihood of marijuana being legalized.
WISC 200.3
Sports, 1968 October 13 112'-157', silent, black and white, positive : Wisconsin vs. Utah State football game.
WISC 200.4
On-site interviews, 1968 October 17 158'-187', magnetic, black and white, positive : Civil defense directors on upcoming disaster simulation.
WISC 200.5
On-site interviews, 1968 October 18 188'-228', magnetic, black and white, positive : Senator Charles H. Percy of Illinois on the Nixon presidential campaign. He predicts Nixon will win.
WISC 200.6
Awards ceremonies, 1968 October 19 229'-276', silent, black and white, positive : Governor Warren Knowles giving awards at Executive Residence.
WISC 200.7
On-site interviews, 1968 October 18 279'-322', magnetic, black and white, positive : Jerris Leonard gives his position on presidential debates. He feels debates should be not be “three-sided”; they should not include George Wallace.
WISC 200.8
Press conferences, 1968 October 21 324'-379', magnetic, black and white, positive : Mayor Otto Festge on his submission of 1969 city budget. He calls budget an “extremely tight” one.
WISC 200.9
Press conferences, 1968 October 22 381'-418', magnetic, black and white, positive : Dick Gregory speculating on an Illinois presidential primary win by George Wallace and on corruptness of American system.
WISC 200.10
Press conferences, 1968 October 22 422'-478', magnetic, black and white, positive : Mayor Otto Festge on proposals for added city revenues including city vehicle registration fees and motel/hotel room taxes.
WISC 200.11
Press conferences, 1968 October 25 479'-545', magnetic, black and white, positive : John Gronouski, spokesman for Hubert Humphrey's campaign, on how Humphrey would push hard for peace in Vietnam.
WISC 200.12
Traffic accident reports, 1968 October 29 546'-578', silent, black and white, positive : Beltline accident.
WISC 200.13
Press conferences, 1968 October 579'-641', magnetic, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin professor; winner of a Nobel Prize for his work at the Institute for Enzyme Research, thanks University administration for their support of his research.
WISC 200.14
Studio interviews, 1968 October 641'-693', magnetic, black and white, positive : Lt. Governor Jack Olson defends the Wisconsin trade delegation to Europe after Bronson La Follette's charges of wastefulness.
WISC 200.15
Public announcements, 1968 October 695'-746', magnetic, black and white, positive : Mayor Otto Festge announces the signing of city contracts with the police union.
WISC 200.16
On-site interviews, 1968 October 747'-803', magnetic, black and white, positive : Fire fighter Ed Durkin on continuing negotiations with city for fire fighters contracts. He feels strike vote could be authorized.
WISC 200.17
Press conferences/News, 1968 October 805'-875', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive : Senator Charles Percy campaigns for Murray for Congress. Percy comments on George Wallace's campaign and his administration in Alabama.
WISC 201.1
On-site interviews, 1968 October 0'-55', magnetic, black and white, positive : District Attorney James Boll on obscenity charges against nude production of Peter Pan.
WISC 201.2
On-site interviews, 1969 October 4 57'-97', magnetic, black and white, positive : Woman on VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) program.
WISC 201.3
Press conferences, 1968 October 12 99'-195', magnetic, black and white, positive : Bronson La Follette on lifting prohibition on write-in votes in presidential primary.
WISC 201.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October 8 197'-256', silent, black and white, positive : Cooking demonstration at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 201.5
News/Speeches, 1968 October 21 257'-411', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive : Eugene McCarthy campaigns for Robert Kastenmeier. Robert Kastenmeier introduces McCarthy.
WISC 201.6
Public announcements, 1968 October 21 413'-484', magnetic, black and white, positive : Mayor Otto Festge defends his proposed city budget, saying it is balanced.
WISC 201.7
On-site interviews, 1968 October 31 486'-521', magnetic, black and white, positive : Jerry Deane interviews Fire fighter Ed Durkin on labor dispute with city of Madison. Durkin contends fire fighter pay should be equal to that of police officers.
WISC 201.8
Openings/Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October 31 522'-612', silent, black and white, positive : Opening section of Interstate 94 in Central Wisconsin. Governor Warren Knowles attends.
WISC 201.9
News, 1968 October 613'-666', silent, black and white, positive : Outdoor Republican political rally. Warren Knowles, Robert Warren, and James Boll attend.
WISC 201.10
Press conferences, 1968 October 667'-703', magnetic, black and white, positive : Dick Gregory (running for president) on his presidential ticket. He is running a write-in campaign for president.
WISC 201.11
Features (Newsfilm)/Openings, 1968 October 31 705'-786', silent, black and white, positive : Governor Warren Knowles opens section of Interstate 94.
WISC 201.12
Press conferences, 1968 October 12 787'-829', magnetic, black and white, positive : Bronson La Follette announcing that write-in votes will now be tabulated in Wisconsin elections.
WISC 201.13
Press conferences, 1968 October 831'-910', magnetic, black and white, positive : John Gronouski on why he left his post as ambassador to Poland and became Hubert Humphrey's campaign manager.
WISC 201.14
On-site interviews, 1968 October 4 911'-956', magnetic, black and white, positive : VISTA volunteer on his work rehabilitating young boys.
WISC 201.15
Celebrity visits, 1968 October 20 957'-1019', silent, black and white, positive : Danny Kaye visits Madison.
WISC 202.1
Sports, 1968 October 6 0'-95', silent, black and white, positive : Wisconsin vs. Michigan State football game.
WISC 202.2
Press conferences, 1968 October 15 97'-150', magnetic, black and white, positive : Attorney General Bronson La Follette criticizing State trade mission to Europe. He cites mission's failure to achieve sales goals.
WISC 202.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October 15 151'-211', silent, black and white, positive : Animals unloaded from Ringling Bros. circus train and walked across John Nolen Drive causeway to Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 202.4
Groundbreakings, 1968 October 16 213'-259', silent, black and white, positive : Hebron Hall cornerstone laying.
WISC 202.5
Political announcements, 1968 October 16 261'-300', magnetic, black and white, positive : Lt. Gov. Jack Olson responds to Bronson La Follette's charges of wastefulness during the Wisconsin trade mission to Europe.
WISC 202.6
Openings, 1968 October 31 302'-341', silent, black and white, positive : Warren Knowles dedicates globe outside Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 202.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October 342'-429', silent, black and white, positive : Wick Building System. Interior of plant showing pre-fabricated homes being constructed.
WISC 202.8
Press conferences, 1968 October 430'-474', magnetic, black and white, positive : Spokesman announces labor agreement reached between the City of Madison and the Madison Professional Policemen's Association; people are shown signing the agreement.
WISC 202.9
Press conferences, 1968 October 476'-512', magnetic, black and white, positive : Woman (Communist running for office?) on communists working for change in the U.S., not for the violent overthrow of the country.
WISC 202.10
Press conferences, 1968 October 513'-594', magnetic, black and white, positive : Nobel Prize winner from the University of Wisconsin Enzyme Research Institute on how his work built on the work of others.
WISC 202.11
Press conferences, 1968 October 596'-620', magnetic, black and white, positive : Presidential candidate Dick Gregory on suits he has in progress to get write-in candidates accepted in certain states, including Wisconsin.
WISC 300.1
Press conferences, 1968 May 28 0'-148', magnetic, black and white, positive : Participants in Poor People's March on Washington speak on their experiences.
WISC 300.2
News, 1968 September 6 149'-173', silent, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin--Baraboo Campus nearing completion.
WISC 300.3
Traffic accident reports, 1968 173'-222', silent, black and white, positive : Car-train collision.
WISC 300.4
Sports, 1967 October 8 223'-344', silent, black and white, positive : Green Bay Packers vs. Detroit Lions in football.
WISC 300.5
News, 1968 December 18 345'-399', silent, color, positive : Apartment building fire; Red Cross helping residents.
WISC 300.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December 18 400'-459', silent, color, positive : Christmas tree in Capitol rotunda; choir singing.
WISC 300.7
News, 1968 461'-498', silent, black and white, positive : Wisconsin Supreme Court chambers. Chief Justice E. Harold Hallows and Justice Robert W. Hanson are sworn in.
WISC 300.8
Meetings, 1968 499'-547', silent, black and white, positive : Madison Common Council.
WISC 300.9
Graduation ceremonies, 1968 548'-597', silent, black and white, positive : Edgewood College.
WISC 300.10
House fires, 1968 598'-655', silent, black and white, positive : Evergreen and Sommers Avenue.
WISC 300.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 656'-749', silent, black and white, positive : Playboy bunny (Playboy Club at Lake Geneva?). Woman seems to be interviewing for position.
WISC 300.12
Speeches, 1968 750'-826', magnetic, black and white, negative : Warren Knowles addresses State Legislature on education, highway safety, and constitutional reform.
WISC 300.13
Press conferences, 1968 827'-873', magnetic, black and white, positive : Warren Knowles on Wisconsin presidential primary.
WISC 300.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 874'-921', silent, black and white, positive : Christmas celebration for migrant workers' children.
WISC 300.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 921'-951', silent, black and white, positive : Rodeo promotion; man on horseback in bar.
WISC 300.16
Political announcements, 1968 952'-982', optical, black and white, positive : Robert Kastenmeier announces passage of Wild Rivers Bill.
WISC 300.17
Studio interviews, 1968 983'-1085', magnetic, black and white, positive : Jerry Deane interviews Keith A. Hinsman on “Wonderful Wisconsin Week,” a tourism promotion.
WISC 300.18
On-site interviews, 1968 1086'-1131', magnetic, black and white, positive : Jerry Deane interviews Mrs. Eikenberry on special Dane County census.
WISC 300.19
On-site interviews/Sports, 1968 1132'-1222', magnetic, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin football player on Wisconsin football.
WISC 301.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 0'-81', silent, black and white, positive : Rodeo rehearsal at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 301.2
Meetings, 1968 82'-117', silent, black and white, positive
WISC 301.3
Openings, 1968 118'-180', silent, black and white, positive : Warren Knowles at opening of University of Wisconsin--Richland Center campus.
WISC 301.4
Openings, 1968 180'-236', silent, black and white, positive : Otto Festge opens John Nolen Drive Causeway.
WISC 301.5
Candidacy announcements, 1968 236'-272', magnetic, black and white, positive : Bronson La Follette announces his candidacy for governor of Wisconsin.
WISC 301.6
Press conferences, 1968 273'-324', magnetic, black and white, positive : Governor Warren Knowles on Jerris Leonard's candidacy for U.S. Senate.
WISC 301.7
News, 1968 325'-395', silent, black and white, positive : Presidential candidate George Romney campaigning in Madison.
WISC 301.8
On-site interviews, 1968 May 30 397'-444', magnetic, black and white, positive : Police Chief Wilbur Emery on increase of campus violence.
WISC 301.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 445'-497', silent, black and white, positive : Parade on Capitol Square.
WISC 301.10
On-site interviews, 1968 499'-578', magnetic, black and white, positive : Man on public hearings regarding legislative ethics.
WISC 301.11
On-site interviews, 1968 579'-621', magnetic, black and white, positive : Bronson La Follette on legislative code of ethics.
WISC 301.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 621'-698', silent, black and white, positive : Holiday on Ice rehearsals at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 301.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 699'-761', silent, black and white, positive : Speed boats on display.
WISC 301.14
On-site interviews, 1968 762'-811', magnetic, black and white, positive : State chairman of Wisconsin Students for Rockefeller on presidential campaigning.
WISC 301.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 811'-912', silent, black and white, positive : Wisconsin Dells tourist attractions.
WISC 301.16
On-site interviews, 1968 912'-984', magnetic, black and white, positive : Man comments on his libel suit against Bronson La Follette (claims he was forced out of a civil service position).
WISC 302.1
Banquets/Promotional materials, 1968 April 3 0'-33', silent, black and white, positive : Warren Knowles and Alice in Dairyland at June Is Dairy Month kick-off banquet.
WISC 302.2
House fires, 1968 April 7 35'-68', silent, black and white, positive : Bram Street.
WISC 302.3
Groundbreakings, 1968 May 28 69'-89', silent, black and white, positive : Airport groundbreaking.
WISC 302.4
News, 1968 June 3 90'-124', silent, black and white, positive : Nelson Rockefeller arrives in Madison for presidential campaign tour.
WISC 302.5
On-site interviews/Openings, 1968 June 4 125'-267', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive : West side YMCA opens. Jesse Owens, guest at the opening, is interviewed on impact West YMCA will have on community.
WISC 302.6
Studio interviews, 1968 268'-291', magnetic, black and white, positive : Man on Wisconsin promotional “We like it here” campaign.
WISC 302.7
On-site interviews, 1968 292'-324', optical, black and white, positive : Gaylord Nelson on outcome of conference held on Great Lakes pollution.
WISC 302.8
Political announcements, 1968 325'-349', optical, black and white, positive : Gaylord Nelson on malnutrition in U.S. He announces study to look at problem.
WISC 302.9
Political announcements, 1968 350'-387', optical, color, positive : Gaylord Nelson on Congress's approval of National Scenic and Wild River System. Shots of St. Croix, Namekagon and Wolf Rivers shown.
WISC 302.10
Celebrity visits, 1968 388'-443', silent, black and white, positive : Andy Williams visits Madison.
WISC 302.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 444'-542', silent, black and white, positive : Census forms arriving at Post Office.
WISC 302.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 544'-581', silent, black and white, positive : Parade in New Glarus (?)
WISC 302.13
News, 1968 582'-799', silent, black and white, negative : Monroe, Wisconsin tornado aftermath: damaged buildings, houses, utility repairs.
WISC 302.14
Sports, 1968 800'-898', silent, color, positive : University of Wisconsin vs. Indiana in football.
WISC 302.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 900'-996', silent, black and white, positive : Capitol rotunda repairs.
WISC 302.16
Sports/Studio interviews, 1968 998'-1092', magnetic, black and white, positive : New Green Bay Packers head coach Phil Bengston on upcoming season.
WISC 302.17
Press conferences/Sports, 1968 1094'-1139', magnetic, black and white, positive : Vince Lombardi, General Manager of Green Bay Packers, on late opening of Packers training camp.
WISC 302.18
Press conferences/Sports, 1968 1140'-1381', magnetic, black and white, positive : Vince Lombardi on football training, televised games, the new extra point rule, rookies, etc.
WISC 302.19
Features (Newsfilm)/Openings, 1968 1383'-1447', silent, black and white, positive : State Historical Society Museum (in basement) opens.
WISC 302.20
News, 1968 1448'-1523', silent, black and white, negative : Fire at Madison Gas and Electric offices.
WISC 303.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June 30 0'-17', silent, black and white, positive : Dog show at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 303.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June 30 19'-70', silent, black and white, positive : Soap box derby racing.
WISC 303.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July 3 71'-117', silent, black and white, positive : Madison summer scenes: people at the beach, picnicking, canoeing, Vilas Park.
WISC 303.4
On-site interviews, 1968 July 6 118'-151', magnetic, black and white, positive : Congressman Vernon W. Thomson on gun control: the matter needs “further study.”
WISC 303.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July 6 152'-188', silent, black and white, positive : Naval Reserves dress inspection.
WISC 303.6
Celebrity visits, 1968 189'-218', magnetic, black and white, positive : Roy Rogers and Dale Evans visit Madison.
WISC 303.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 219'-258', silent, black and white, negative : Mapleside Home exterior.
WISC 303.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May 13 259'-305', silent, black and white, positive : Girls' pony tail contest.
WISC 303.9
News, 1968 306'-362', silent, black and white, positive : John Lindsay, campaigning for Nelson Rockefeller, arrives in Madison.
WISC 303.10
Sports, 1968 363'-434', silent, black and white, positive : Wisconsin vs. Ohio State basketball game.
WISC 303.11
Openings/Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July 12 435'-476', silent, black and white, positive : Julie Nixon Eisenhower and Tricia Nixon dedicate a covered bridge.
WISC 303.12
On-site interviews/News, 1968 478'-508', magnetic, black and white, positive : Police official asking public to come forward with any information they may have on rape that occurred near Sterling Hall.
WISC 303.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May 13 509'-554', silent, black and white, positive : Warren Knowles bringing in fishing catch and scenes of fish boil.
WISC 303.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 554'-617', silent, black and white, positive : Middleton parade.
WISC 303.15
News, 1968 617'-715', silent, black and white, negative : Downtown Madison (?) fire.
WISC 303.16
Speeches/News, 1968 716'-755', silent, black and white, positive : Presidential candidate Harold Stassen speaks to small crowd gathered on State Capitol grounds.
WISC 303.17
News, 1968 757'-812', silent, black and white, positive : Plymouth Congregational Church fire.
WISC 303.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 813'-885', silent, black and white, positive : Big Brothers rodeo at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 303.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 887'-970', silent, black and white, negative : Gardner's Baking Co. 40th anniversary party.
WISC 303.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 971'-1072', silent, color, positive : Stage Coach Players production.
WISC 304.1
News, 1968 March 21 0'-25', silent, black and white, positive : Mr. Hormel arrested; police lead Hormel away as he sticks out his tongue.
WISC 304.2
News, 1968 August 15 26'-63', silent, black and white, positive : Capitol renovation.
WISC 304.3
Political announcements, 1968 August 30 64'-87', optical, black and white, positive : Gaylord Nelson on his proposal to evaluate political convention system and feasibility of nationwide presidential primary.
WISC 304.4
Meetings, 1968 August 30 88'-126', silent, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WISC 304.5
News, 1968 October 5 127'-200', silent, black and white, negative : Mock school bus accident exercise in Baraboo, Wisconsin.
WISC 304.6
News, 1968 201'-255', silent, black and white, negative : House trailer fire.
WISC 304.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 256'-303', silent, black and white, positive : Beauty contest winner crowned.
WISC 304.8
News, 1968 304'-341', silent, black and white, negative : Brinkman led into courtroom.
WISC 304.9
Banquets, 1968 342'-441', silent, black and white, negative : Jimmy Demetral, former middle and light heavyweight champion, honored at banquet.
WISC 304.10
News/Judicial proceedings, 1968 443'-468', silent, black and white, negative : Service station murder; four men brought into court.
WISC 304.11
House fires, 1968 469'-490', silent, black and white, negative : Rouderause house fire.
WISC 304.12
News, 1968 492'-511', silent, black and white, positive : Norby and Bakke leave for Olympic Games.
WISC 304.13
News, 1968 512'-566', silent, black and white, negative : Madison Mayor Otto Festge and William Wesley Peters of Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation reach settlement on Monona Terrace Project.
WISC 304.14
News, 1968 567'-605', silent, black and white, negative : Lake Mendota pollution.
WISC 304.15
News, 1968 606'-619', silent, black and white, negative : Service station murder scene.
WISC 304.16
News, 1968 620'-657', silent, black and white, negative : Pro-United Nations rally at Memorial Union.
WISC 304.17
Traffic accident reports, 1968 658'-701', silent, black and white, negative : Esther Beach Road.
WISC 304.18
Dedications, 1968 702'-761', silent, black and white, negative : Spring Green Bridge.
WISC 305
[unidentified film], 1964?
WISC 307.1
News, 1968 0'-82', silent, black and white, negative : Students marching from Beloit to Madison in sympathy with Selma, Alabama marchers.
WISC 307.2
News, 1968 82'-139', silent, black and white, positive : Poor People's March up State Street to State Capitol. Otto Festge addresses marchers.
WISC 307.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 140'-181', silent, black and white, positive : Art week feature highlights Aaron Bohrod's studio.
WISC 307.4
Traffic accident reports, 1968 182'-202', silent, black and white, negative : School bus.
WISC 307.5
Press conferences, 1968 203'-233', magnetic, black and white, negative : Averill Harriman on Organization of American States.
WISC 307.6
Candidacy announcements, 1968 234'-317', magnetic, black and white, positive : Warren Knowles will run for reelection as governor.
WISC 307.7
On-site interviews, 1968 318'-374', magnetic, black and white, negative : Alderman Harrison retiring from city government.
WISC 307.8
Speeches, 1968 376'-429', silent, black and white, negative : Thurston Morton campaigning for Wilbur Renk for U.S. Senate.
WISC 307.9
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1968 430'-522', silent, black and white, negative : Madison Junior Chamber of Commerce.
WISC 307.10
News, 1968 524'-547', silent, black and white, negative : Murder suspects returned from Virginia.
WISC 307.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 548'-606', silent, black and white, positive : German festival.
WISC 307.12
Political announcements, 1968 608'-635', optical, black and white, positive : William Proxmire on Lyndon Johnson's nomination of Abe Fortas to Supreme Court.
WISC 309.1
On-site interviews, 1969 June 2 0'-123', magnetic, color, positive : Two men on “Hospitality Unlimited,” a statewide convention for tourist travel groups.
WISC 309.2
On-site interviews, 1969 June 10 124'-257', magnetic, color, positive : Jerry Deane interviews Harold Froehlich on Warren Knowles' proposed state budget.
WISC 309.3
Promotional materials, 1969 June 10 259'-328', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Calf brought into Secretary of State Robert Zimmerman's office as part of promotion for “June Is Dairy Month.” Zimmerman, Wilber Renk, and Will McCarroll comment on Dairy Month.
WISC 309.4
Promotional materials/On-site interviews, 1969 June 20 329'-380', magnetic, color, positive : “Miss Wool” of Wisconsin on getting ready for the Miss Wool Pageant.
WISC 309.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 20 381'-408', silent, color, positive : American Legion flag parade with period costumes.
WISC 309.6
News, 1969 June 22 409'-442', silent, color, positive : University of Wisconsin construction sites.
WISC 309.7
On-site interviews, 1969 June 23 443'-626', magnetic, color, positive : Mr. Ferris on interest rate jump.
WISC 309.8
On-site interviews, 1969 June 25 627'-757', magnetic, color, positive : Man on Wisconsin Education Association.
WISC 309.9
Hearings, 1969 June 27 759'-847', magnetic, color, positive : Man on “one man, one vote” and recent Supreme Court decision to base both houses of state legislatures on population.
WISC 309.10
On-site interviews, 1969 June 29 848'-889', magnetic, color, positive : Jerry Deane interviews a Mr. Joyce on employment in Madison area.
WISC 310.1
On-site interviews, 1969 June 6 0'-131', magnetic, color, positive : Mr. Rothwell on legislative committee which oversees growth of Wisconsin higher education.
WISC 310.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 6 132'-192', silent, color, positive : Henry Vilas Zoo benefit gala.
WISC 310.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 6 194'-240', silent, color, positive : Elementary school flag ceremony with Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.
WISC 310.4
Graduation ceremonies, 1969 June 9 241'-296', silent, color, positive : University of Wisconsin.
WISC 310.5
On-site interviews, 1969 June 10 297'-354', magnetic, color, positive : Man on NAACP membership.
WISC 310.6
Celebrity visits/On-site interviews, 1969 June 12 355'-568', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Glen Campbell at Cherokee Country Club and interview with Jerry Deane.
WISC 310.7
Studio interviews, 1969 June 16 569'-662', magnetic, color, positive : Man on emergency communications system used during University of Wisconsin disturbances.
WISC 310.8
Promotional materials, 1969 June 17 633'-701', silent, color, positive : “June Is Dairy Month” promotion with Warren Knowles milking a cow.
WISC 310.9
On-site interviews, 1969 June 24 704'-797', magnetic, color, positive : Man on Senator Everett Dirksen's amendment for changes in electoral representation.
WISC 310.10
On-site interviews, 1969 June 24 798'-886', magnetic, color, positive : Mr. Joyce on employment of “vacation” workers and women's employment.
WISC 310.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 888'-954', silent, color, positive : Dog show.
WISC 310.12
Political announcements, 1969 June 956'-981', optical, color, positive : William Proxmire on cutting military waste.
WISC 311.1
Openings, 1969 June 6 0'-40', silent, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke opens Parade of Homes.
WISC 311.2
On-site interviews, 1969 June 6 41'-116', magnetic, color, positive : Jerry Deane interviews Harold Froehlich on state budget.
WISC 311.3
Graduation ceremonies, 1969 June 9 117'-184', silent, color, positive : James Madison Memorial High School.
WISC 311.4
On-site interviews, 1969 June 14 185'-253', magnetic, color, positive : Jerry Deane interviews Dr. Calloway on becoming president of NAACP Madison chapter.
WISC 311.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 15 254'-307', silent, color, positive : Construction site fence with graffiti on it.
WISC 311.6
On-site interviews, 1969 June 16 308'-363', magnetic, color, positive : State senator on Dirksen Amendment to base one house of a state legislature on something other than population.
WISC 311.7
On-site interviews, 1969 June 18 366'-407', magnetic, color, positive : Politician on number of delegates expected at state Democratic Convention.
WISC 311.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 21 408'-488', silent, color, positive : Marching band and singers performing at Hilldale Shopping Center.
WISC 311.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 23 489'-547', silent, color, positive : UW summer school registration at Peterson Building.
WISC 311.10
On-site interviews, 1969 June 24 548'-668', magnetic, color, positive : Union spokesman on brewery dispute.
WISC 311.11
On-site interviews, 1969 June 28 669'-746', magnetic, color, positive : Banking spokesman on consumer credit laws.
WISC 311.12
Openings, 1969 June 30 747'-783', silent, color, positive : American Exchange Bank's and West Branch's openings.
WISC 311.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 30 785'-820', silent, color, positive : Dog show.
WISC 311.14
Sports, 1969 821'-854', silent, color, positive : Women's golf tournament.
WISC 311.15
On-site interviews, 1969 June 855'-892', magnetic, color, positive : Job Service spokesman on Youth Opportunity Center, a placement service.
WISC 312A.1
On-site interviews, 1969 July 1 0'-84', magnetic, color, positive : Lt. Governor Jack Olson (as Acting Governor) declaring disaster areas in Darlington and South Wayne communities and Green and Lafayette Counties.
WISC 312A.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 1 85'-137', silent, color, positive : Circus train.
WISC 312A.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 7 138'-241', silent, color, positive : African rhythm band.
WISC 312A.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 8 242'-287', silent, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke inspects Madison Public Library Bookmobile.
WISC 312A.5
On-site interviews, 1969 July 8 289'-330', magnetic, color, positive : Speaker of the House Harold Froehlich on governor's proposed budget.
WISC 312A.6
Hearings, 1969 July 10 331'-400', magnetic, color, positive : Two citizens give testimony on constitutional amendment (Dirksen amendment) to change political representation.
WISC 312A.7
On-site interviews, 1969 July 10 401'-572', magnetic, color, positive : Man on probate reform.
WISC 312A.8
Hearings, 1969 July 10 573'-660', magnetic, color, positive : Citizens on constitutional amendment (Dirksen amendment) to change political representation.
WISC 312A.9
On-site interviews, 1969 July 11 662'-732', magnetic, color, positive : Speaker of the House Harold Froehlich on state budget.
WISC 312A.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 11 733'-781', silent, color, positive : Sailboats launched.
WISC 312B.1
On-site interviews/Meetings, 1969 July 17 0'-203', magnetic, color, positive : Jerry Deane interviews Mayor William Dyke and others during mayors' conference. Two participants discuss waste disposal and landfills.
WISC 312B.2
Hearings, 1969 July 18 205'-359', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Citizens on constitutional amendment (Dirksen amendment) to change political representation.
WISC 312B.3
Man on the street interviews, 1969 July 18 360'-614', magnetic, color, positive : Reaction to Apollo 11 moon shot.
WISC 312B.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 22 616'-780', silent and magnetic, color, positive : “America Sings” travelling show sponsored by Hamm's Brewery.
WISC 312B.5
On-site interviews, 1969 July 24 782'-992', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin geology professor Cameron on Apollo 11 moon rocks.
WISC 312B.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 26 993'-1030', silent, color, positive : Bands.
WISC 312C.1
News, 1969 July 29 0'-109', silent, color, positive : Fire fighters training.
WISC 312C.2
On-site interviews, 1969 July 29 110'-338', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor Chase of Sun Prairie on future of city.
WISC 312C.3
Studio interviews, 1969 July 29 339'-384', magnetic, color, positive : UW Board of Regents President James Nellen on length of appointments for University of Wisconsin Regents.
WISC 312C.4
Traffic accident reports, 1969 July 29 385'-418', silent, color, positive : Car and bicycle.
WISC 312C.5
On-site interviews, 1969 July 30 419'-500', magnetic, color, positive : Spokesman for Madison Area Technical College.
WISC 312C.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 501'-555', silent, color, positive : Playboy bunny greeting passengers aboard Lear jet.
WISC 313.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 29 0'-99', silent, color, positive : School children at Randall School.
WISC 313.2
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 29 101'-241', magnetic, color, positive : No Oaks Rodeo (sponsored by George Holmes Tire).
WISC 313.3
News, 1969 July 4 242'-295', magnetic, color, positive : Reporter on state government reorganization and budget tax bill.
WISC 313.4
On-site interviews, 1969 July 22 296'-364', magnetic, color, positive : State Senator Norman Anderson on vote to outlaw sale of DDT.
WISC 313.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 18 365'-413', silent, color, positive : 4-H livestock exhibition.
WISC 313.6
Man on the street interviews, 1969 July 16 414'-512', magnetic, color, positive : Reaction to Apollo 11 moon shot.
WISC 313.7
Awards ceremonies, 1969 July 28 512'-547', silent, color, positive : American Red Cross awards.
WISC 313.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 8 548'-607', silent, color, positive : Water skiing show.
WISC 313.9
News, 1969 July 8 608'-650', silent, color, positive : Small plane crash.
WISC 313.10
Man on the street interviews, 1969 July 22 651'-725', magnetic, color, positive : Reaction to Apollo 11 moon landing.
WISC 313.11
Political announcements, 1969 July 10 726'-752', optical, color, positive : William Proxmire on waste in military spending.
WISC 313.12
On-site interviews, 1969 July 10 753'-790', magnetic, color, positive : Harold Froehlich on state sales tax extension.
WISC 313.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 26 791'-812', silent, color, positive : Log rolling and lumberjack contests.
WISC 313.14
Openings, 1969 July 3 813'-848', silent, color, positive : First Wisconsin National Bank (Madison, Wisconsin).
WISC 313.15
Groundbreakings, 1969 July 3 849'-889', silent, color, positive : Wisconsin Life Insurance Company building addition.
WISC 313.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 890'-924', silent, color, positive : Jazz combo playing on Memorial Union Terrace.
WISC 313.17
On-site interviews, 1969 July 22 925'-957', magnetic, color, positive : State Senator Norman Anderson on DDT insecticide ban.
WISC 313.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 2 957'-995', silent, color, positive : Rodeo promotional with actor Ken Curtis (Festus in Gunsmoke).
WISC 314.1
Meetings, 1969 August 1 0'-48', silent, color, positive : Legislative finance committee.
WISC 314.2
On-site interviews, 1969 August 1 49'-110', magnetic, color, positive : Mr. McPhee on “pay as you go” plan for college fees.
WISC 314.3
Meetings, 1969 August 1 111'-220', magnetic, color, positive : Madison Common Council. Woman discusses group called Citizens for Civic Peace, organized to ease racial tension.
WISC 314.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 5 221'-271', silent, color, positive : Japan World Exposition visits Madison.
WISC 314.5
On-site interviews, 1969 August 5 271'-459', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on Madison's rapid growth.
WISC 314.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 11 460'-535', silent, black and white, positive : Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis, Wisconsin.
WISC 314.7
On-site interviews, 1969 August 13 536'-676',- magnetic, color, positive : “Up with People” performers.
WISC 314.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 15 677'-772', silent, color, positive : Hot air balloon ascent from Law Park.
WISC 314.9
Public announcements, 1969 August 17 773'-844', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on joint resolution to have Equal Opportunity Commission report used as a basis for city policy, and his recognition of tensions between blacks and city police.
WISC 314.10
On-site interviews, 1969 August 20 846'-975', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on negotiations with Madison Bus Company.
WISC 314.11
Public announcements, 1969 August 25 977'-1077', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on city buy-out of Madison Bus Company.
WISC 314.12
On-site interviews, 1969 July 29 1079'-1315', magnetic, color, positive : International Air Force cadet exchange program. German cadets interviewed.
WISC 315.1
On-site interviews, 1969 August 1 0'-80', magnetic, color, positive : Mr. McPhee on “pay as you go” plan for state colleges.
WISC 315.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 5 81'-138', silent, color, positive : Henry Vilas Zoo; Children's Zoo under construction.
WISC 315.3
Studio interviews, 1969 August 5 140'-228', magnetic, color, positive : Man on major causes of traffic accidents--drinking and drugs.
WISC 315.4
News, 1969 August 7 230'-318', magnetic, color, positive : Governor Warren Knowles (with Attorney General Robert Warren) signs drug bill.
WISC 315.5
News, 1969 August 8 319'-358', silent, color, positive : Seat belt demonstration.
WISC 315.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 14 359'-407', silent, color, positive : “Up With People” performance on Capitol steps.
WISC 315.7
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews/Awards ceremonies, 1969 August 14 408'-448', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Golf interviews.
WISC 315.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 18 450'-546', silent, color, positive : Farm Progress Days.
WISC 315.9
On-site interviews, 1969 August 21 547'-612', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on pollution.
WISC 315.10
On-site interviews, 1969 August 22 613'-709', magnetic, color, positive : Red Cross spokesman on donations for disaster relief.
WISC 315.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 22 710'-752', silent, color, negative : Shriners' motorcycle drill team.
WISC 315.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 22 752'-853', silent, color, positive : Boscobel 4-H parade.
WISC 315.13
On-site interviews, 1969 August 27 857'-985', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Doctor on legal aspects of emergency medical care (shot at Wisconsin Center Alumni House). Demonstration of lake rescue.
WISC 315.14
On-site interviews, 1969 August 27 987'-1064', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on Madison's buy-out of bus company and its complications.
WISC 315.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 1065'-1132', silent, color, positive : Zor Shriners' parade on Capitol Square.
WISC 315.16
On-site interviews, 1969 August 1133'-1169', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on bus ridership.
WISC 315.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 1170'-1227', silent, color, positive : Hairstyling demonstration.
WISC 315.18
On-site interviews, 1969 August 1228'-1260', magnetic, color, positive : Harold Froehlich on progress of budget approval.
WISC 316.1
On-site interviews, 1969 August 5 0'-37', magnetic, color, positive : Robert T. Huber on need for annual state budget sessions.
WISC 316.2
On-site interviews, 1969 August 8 38'-107', magnetic, color, positive : Assemblyman John C. Shabaz on proposed state budgets.
WISC 316.3
Sports, 1969 August 19 108'-127', silent, color, positive : Women practicing fast-pitch softball.
WISC 316.4
Sports/On-site interviews, 1969 August 11 128'-174', magnetic, color, positive : University of Wisconsin Athletic Director Elroy Hirsch on high school scouting.
WISC 316.5
Press conferences, 1969 August 13 175'-248', magnetic, color, positive : Mrs. Craig urging Madison Common Council to act to buy Madison Bus Company.
WISC 316.6
On-site interviews, 1969 August 14 249'-389', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on federal grant application for buying Madison Bus Company.
WISC 316.7
On-site interviews, 1969 August 14 390'-429', magnetic, color, positive : Mayor William Dyke on metropolitan area conferences.
WISC 316.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 15 430'-473', silent, color, positive : Parade on Capitol Square.
WISC 316.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 21 474'-518', silent, color, positive : Warren Knowles views workers collating budget documents.
WISC 316.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 23 519'-578', silent, color, positive : Zor Shriners.
WISC 316.11
News, 1969 August 22 579'-636', silent, color, positive : Camp McCoy war games.
WISC 316.12
On-site interviews, 1969 August 29 638'-717', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Man on first aid seminar. Demonstration of car accident rescue techniques held outside Alumni House.
WISC 316.13
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969 August 27 718'-790', magnetic, color, positive : Boy Scouts interviewed after bike trip to Door County.
WISC 316.14
News, 1969 August 791'-818', silent, color, positive : Fire at 228 State Street.
WISC 316.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 819'-856', silent, color, positive : Middleton Festival. Men and women in 18th century dress board Tilt-a-Whirl.
WISC 316.16
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969 August 29 856'-951', silent and magnetic, color, positive : Man on first aid seminar at Alumni House. Demonstration of first aid techniques.
WISC 317.1
Studio interviews, 1968 November 2 0'-92', magnetic, black and white, positive : Godfrey Cambridge on student dissent (most of interview is unintelligible due to sound track damage). He also comments on his new television show.
WISC 317.2
News, 1968 November 5 93'-197', silent, black and white, positive : Voting machine demonstration.
WISC 317.3
News, 1968 198'-255', silent, black and white, positive : Milwaukee riot damage.
WISC 317.4
On-site interviews, 1968 November 13 256'-305', magnetic, black and white, positive : Man on ORAP (Outdoor Recreation Act Program), a program to acquire public lands for recreational use.
WISC 317.5
On-site interviews, 1968 November 13 306'-438', magnetic, black and white, positive : Legislator on bonding money for municipalities, another legislator on ORAP, and Warren Knowles also commenting on ORAP.
WISC 317.6
Features (Newsfilm)/Studio interviews, 1968 November 15 439'-518', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive : Ken Curtis, Festus on Gunsmoke, in Madison for rodeo.
WISC 317.7
Sports, 1968 November 15 519'-586', silent, black and white, positive : University of Wisconsin hockey.