Organized in three series: 1B: Outgoing Correspondence, 1843-1923 and undated; 2B: Incoming Correspondence, 1775-1939 and undated; 3B: Subject File Composed Primarily of Incoming Letters, Clippings, Statements, and Other Materials, 1860-1926 and undated.
Series 1B: chronological by year and month, and thereunder alphabetical by subject or author.
Series 2B: chronological by year, and thereunder alphabetical by subject or author.
Series 3B: chronological order by year.
Each series is arranged by year and thereunder alphabetical by correspondent or subject. Undated or unidentified correspondence appears at the end of each series. There is a separate alphabetical card index for each series.
Some folders have a note indicating they contain items “from the acquired file.” While the nature of the acquired file is not entirely clear, it appears to be a reference made by the original archivist to outgoing correspondence by Nettie Fowler McCormick which was gathered after it was sent and received, copied, and then returned to the original recipient. The typewritten copies are in these files, and the original outgoing correspondence does not appear to have been retained.