Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Publications, 1946-2019

Summary Information
Contents List

Summary Information

Title: Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Publications
Inclusive Dates: 1946-2019

Call Number: M2013-012; M2013-165; M2014-006; M2014-020; M2014-106; M2015-128; M2015-135; M2015-139; M2015-143; M2015-151; M2016-010; M2016-035; M2016-092; M2017-004; M2017-065; M2017-087; M2018-024; M2018-026; M2018-037; M2018-050; M2018-071; M2022-032; M2022-035; M2022-042; M2023-066

Quantity: 28.4 cubic feet and 31.7 megabytes

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Periodicals and other published materials relating to organic and sustainable agriculture separated from other collections in the Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Collection. Dates represent issues from years indicated, but are usually not complete runs. Some of these materials may be available online.


The Archives established a separate, artificial collection of Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Publications, in order to ensure continuing user access to relevant periodicals, conference proceedings, and other published materials that represent separations from other collections of personal papers or organizational records in the Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Collection.

Forms part of the Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Collection.

Language: English

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