Series: 13 BB (Volume 13)Original manuscripts, 1780-1839. Among these are seven documents signed by Simon Kenton; two are notes (1801) for payments to John Cleves Symmes for Ohio land parcels; other signers on Kenton documents include John Cameron, Joseph McClintock, Robert Renick, and Joel Walker. Single letters were written by several of Kenton's contemporaries: John Brown to John Preston (1787); John Edwards to Isaac Shelby (1793); Benjamin Harrison to Charles Scott (1793); John McKinney to Shelby (1796); John Edgar (1798); William Hubbell (1802); A.L. Johnston (1824); John Kenton (1827); William Owens (1833); John G. Parkison (1823); and E. Stockton (1823). A few personal family letters in the 1830s were composed by Elizabeth, Sarah M., Simon, and William M. Kenton; William Jarboe; and other relatives. Also found in the volume are birth records for members of the Cleland family and death records for members of the Jarboe family; a document (1786) concerning the sale of a Negro woman in Kentucky by Timothy Downing; a land indenture (1801) involving Nathaniel Massie, his wife Susan Massie, and John Brown; and miscellaneous Kentucky land surveys and other business papers.