Series: 9/25/10-2: Organizations, Committees
View digitized contents of this series. This series includes correspondence and other documents (c. 1929-48) pertaining to
professional societies, committees, conservation organizations, government agencies,
research stations, conferences, consultant positions, magazines, and journals. Mr.
Leopold was actively involved in some official capacity with virtually all of these; for
most, he prepared reports, memoranda, or articles. The papers contain many instances of
Mr. Leopold's conservation philosophy in practice. Equivalent materials from the years prior to 1928 were probably not as voluminous, and
some may have been lost. Others may be found, however, with the professional
correspondence that Mr. Leopold kept at his home (9/25/10-8 001 001), and also scattered
throughout the species and subject files. Papers are generally arranged in reverse chronological order; but within this general
framework it is clear that AL clipped together some batches of correspondence
box 001
box 001
folder 001
American Forestry Association, 1928-1947
View digitized contents of this folder. Most correspondence up to 1934 is with Ovid Butler of the American Forestry
Association, concerning issues and articles for publication. 25 letters
box 001
folder 002
American Game Association, Game Policy Committee, 1930-1932
View digitized contents of this folder. AL chaired this committee and wrote most of its reports, including the "Game
Policy" adopted by the American Game Conference, 2 December 1930. A rough draft of
the 1929 report dated 15 July 1929 is the only material present for 1929, when the
initial policy report was drafted. The American Game Association ceased to exist
in 1936, when it was absorbed by the new American Wildlife Institute (AWI). 120 letters, reports, and articles
box 001
folder 003
American Game Conference, 1933
View digitized contents of this folder. The 19th American Game Conference authorized a committee, chaired by Arthur L.
Clark, to consider an "American Standard of Perfection for Game Birds." In January
1933 AL accepted a position on an advisory council to this committee. Included is
a resolution to establish a Modern Game Breeding Law Committee, with AL as
chairman. 5 letters and statements
box 001
folder 004
American Jacksnipe Society, November 1931
View digitized contents of this folder. Includes a copy of AL's "The Proposed American Jacksnipe Society" and comments by
nine men. (See also Burr G. Lichty, "The American Jacksnipe Society," American
Field, CXX:48, 2 December 1933, l.) 10 letters
box 001
folder 005
American Ornithologists' Union, 1929-1947
View digitized contents of this folder. Most of the correspondence concerns reports of the Committee on Bird Protection,
which AL co-authored with Victor Cahalane, William L. Finley, and Clarence Cottam,
1938-1942. AL was elected an associate of the Union in 1929 and a member in
1935. ca. 35 letters
box 001
folder 006
American Society of Mammalogists, 1930-1941
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains annual meeting programs, 1930-1932; 3 letters regarding legislation,
1931; and a memo to AL as member of an editorial committee and reply, 1941. 8 items
box 001
folder 007
American Society of Mammalogists, Mammals committee (Committee on
Conservation of Land Mammals) 1941-1942
View digitized contents of this folder. : Material relates to wolf policy in the lake states, including studies by William
Feeney, and a reference by Elliott Barker to the remnant population of grizzly
bears in New Mexico.
box 001
folder 008
American Wildlife Institute
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence concerns wildlife conference suggestions, articles for American Wildlife , and a job with the Institute. Also
included is a 1946 Wildlife Management Institute report. 10 letters, 1935-1939
box 001
folder 009
AWI, Technical Committee 1935(6?)-1939
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence regarding the background of Pittmann-Robertson (P-R)
funds (October 1936); the relative roles of the United States Biological Surveyand
universities; and projects, project reports (e.g., wildlife crops), and research
proposals (e.g., cycles, jacksnipe, deer, farm conservation). AL was chairman of
the AWI Technical Committee, which also included Herb Stoddard, Gardiner Bump,
George C. Embody, Carl L. Hubbs, and possibly others. The function of the
committee was to pass on grants of research funds made by the Institute and to
review the research work of the recipients, ten in number by 1940, including units
working at the Delta Duck Station and in Michigan, Missouri, Idaho, etc. 75 letters, misc.
box 001
folder 010
box 001
folder 011
AWI, Technical Committee, 1941
View digitized contents of this folder. Includes general correspondence and material relating to AL's visit to research
units in Utah and Oregon, a pole-trapping incident (including American
Ornithologists' Union materials), and an Ohio pheasant manuscript on which AL
commented. 40 letters
box 001
folder 012
AWI, Technical Committee, 1942-1946
View digitized contents of this folder. Half of the correspondence (1941-1942) concerns an introduction by AL to F. H.
Kortright's "Ducks, Geese, and Swans of North America" and publication of the
manuscript, ultimately undertaken by AWI. The remainder relates generally to
wartime curtailment of technical committee work. 40 letters
box 001
folder 013
Arctic Institute of North America
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was invited to become an associate of the Arctic Institute of North America in
1948, but declined because he opposed the objective of development of the
Arctic. 7 letters, 2 pamphlets, 1946-1948
box 002
box 002
folder 001
Boone and Crockett Club
View digitized contents of this folder. About 25 letters (c. 1922-1930) with George Bird Grinnell, Robert Ferguson,
Kermit Roosevelt, et al., concern big game policy in National Forests and Parks,
including the Kaibab. The remainder date from 1945-1948. AL was elected associate
member of the club in 1923. 35 letters, 1922-1948
box 002
folder 002
Bright Land Farm Waterfowl Experiment Station
View digitized contents of this folder. This station at Barrington, Illinois, was organized on 15 November 1940, with AL
and Miles D. Pirnie as advisors. Lyle Sowls and William Elder were also
involved. 6 letters, organizational report, 1940-1941
box 002
folder 003
Brule Project
View digitized contents of this folder. Materials concern a Brule River survey that involved AL in his role as
Conservation Commissioner. Norman Fassett, Arthur Hasler, et al. were also
involved. 4 items, 1944-1945
box 002
folder 004
Chautauqua Conservation Week
View digitized contents of this folder. Jay Darling had been in charge of this program, scheduled for July 14-19, 1941,
but due to illness he asked AL to take over in November 1940. H. H. Bennett, C. E.
Rachford, Paul Sears, Ira Gabrielson, and H. W. Thompson had been selected as
participants when the program was finally cancelled in March 1941. 25 letters, 1940-1941
box 002
folder 005
Conservation Foundation
View digitized contents of this folder. Materials from 1947 include several prospectuses and approximately 20 letters
concerning establishment of the Conservation Foundation, especially with George
Brewer and Fairfield Osborn of the New York Zoological Society, the sponsoring
organization. Correspondence for 1948 deals with meetings of the advisory council,
which included AL, Charles Elton, G. Evelyn Hutchinson, William Vogt, Alexander
Wetmore, and others. 30 letters, misc., 1947-1948
box 002
folder 006
Cooper Ornithological Club
View digitized contents of this folder. : Contains copy of the 1912 Constitution and a 1929 mimeo letter concerning
investigation of problems of bird conservation in California.
box 002
folder 007
Deer Irruption Study (& Richard Costley)
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence with Richard Costley, Ira Gabrielson, H. L. Shantz,
William Feeney, et al., and 3 drafts of AL's "Deer Irruption Study" with
correspondence regarding prospects for government support. Richard Costley, a
student of V. E. Shelford with an abortive fellowship at the University of
Wisconsin, was encouraged by AL to do a study of deer, probably in undisturbed
Northern Mexico. In January 1943, Richard Costley was made chairman of a
subcommittee (Ecological Society of America, Committee for the Study of Plant and
Animal Communities) to handle the problem of over-utilization of natural areas by
deer, etc. 20 letters, misc., 1941-1943
box 002
folder 008
Ducks Unlimited
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence for 1939-1940 that concerns organization, policy, and
leadership of the Canadian restoration program and the US lobby. Correspondence
with Tom Main, M. W. Smith, B. W. Cartwright, C. A. Gross, Albert Hochbaum, et al.
during 1946-1947 concerns Ducks Unlimited policy, AL's hopes for a reorientation,
and the withdrawal of his membership in July 1947. 20 letters, 1939-1940; 90 letters,
box 002
folder 009
Ecological Society of America (ESA)
View digitized contents of this folder. Reprints and mimeos, 1932-1939, concern the Committee for the Study of Plant and
Animal Communities and the Committee on the Preservation of Plant and Animal
Communities, of which AL may have ceased to be a member about 1933. Five letters
in 1936 concern the possibility of Ecology serving as
the official organ for the recently organized Society of Wildlife Managers. AL was
appointed in 1944 to the Preservation Committee for Wisconsin, with T. M. Sperry
and C. B. Terrell. Seventeen letters concern AL's election In 1946 as
vice-president of the Society. 40 items, 1936-1950
box 002
folder 010
ESA, 1947
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence concerns business of the Ecological Society of America (ESA),
especially appointments to committees. AL was elected president for 1947. Several
letters concern AL's posthumous address as past president of the Society, for
which Mr. Hickey suggested using "The Land Ethic." 80 letters, 1947-1948
box 002
folder 011
ESA, Life Histories Committee -- file for President
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence concerns establishment of the committee. (This material is
partially duplicated in the ESA 1947 folder.) 15 letters, 1947
box 002
folder 012
ESA, Symposium, December 1947
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence with participants in a round table discussion of animal
population mechanisms, chaired by AL. Also included are AL's introduction (pencil,
mimeo, and typed revision) and manuscripts of McCabe and Buss, Hawkins and
Bellrose, Beer, and Errington. 25 letters, misc., 1947
box 002
folder 013
box 003
Organizations, Committees: Delta [Duck Station -- Manitoba]
View digitized contents of this box. Box 003 continues Leopold's "organization and committee" files. AL's relationship
to Albert Hochbaum's waterfowl research at the Delta Duck Station, Delta, Manitoba,
was organizationally complex. Delta was one of the research units financed by the
American Wildlife Institute, under supervision of its Technical Committee, chaired
by AL (see AWI folders, Box 001). Among other duties, AL apparently handled Delta
financial arrangements for the Institute. Hochbaum was AL's student at the time he
began his research at Delta in 1938, and later received his master's degree from the
University of Wisconsin for a thesis based on early Delta findings. Miles D. Pirnie
of Michigan, however, was to supervise Hochbaum's research work at Delta while AL
was to serve as a policy adviser. Along with Pirnie and William Rowan, AL was appointed to a Delta Board of Advisors,
created in 1940 by the Cooperators (James Ford Bell and AWI), and it was apparently
in this capacity that he undertook to edit Hochbaum's "Bulletin No. l," published as
"Canvasback on a Prairie Marsh" in 1944. After 1942, AL apparently had no official
connection with the station; correspondence thereafter is with Hochbaum as a
professional and friend.
box 003
folder 001
box 003
folder 002
box 003
folder 003
box 003
folder 004
Delta, 1941
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence concerns the origins of AWI support of research work at Delta,
with AL in his role as chairman of the Institute's Technical Committee; Delta
finances; administrative matters pertaining to Hochbaum as University of Wisconsin
student; policy discussions with Pirnie, Rowan, et al.; and preparation of Delta
reports, especially "Bulletin No. l." 100 letters
box 003
folder 005
box 003
folder 006
Delta, April 1943-1948
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence between AL and Hochbaum concerns new ideas on traditions of
waterfowl, activities of Ducks Unlimited, etc. 50 letters, 1943-1948
box 003
folder 007
Leopold-Hochbaum Correspondence
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains handwritten letters from AL, copies of which were not in AL's own files
(Folder 006). Hochbaum deposited this folder in the UW-Madison Archives on 4 March
1968. In July 2007, Dr. Susan Flader deposited several letters between AL and
Hochbaum, dated 6 May 1942. 35 letters, 1939-1948
box 003
folder 008
box 003
folder 009
Delta Bulletin No. 1
View digitized contents of this folder. Most of this correspondence dates from October 1941-November 1942 and concerns
AL's editing of Hochbaum's manuscript. A few letters concern the book in proofs
(October-November 1943) and published (March-November 1944). 65 letters, 1941-1944
box 003
folder 010
box 004
box 004
folder 001
Farm Foundation
View digitized contents of this folder. Alexander Legge established the Foundation in 1933 to promote "the general
welfare of the rural population of the United States ... in such ways as the Board
of Trustees may from time to time determine." AL was asked to make a study for the
trustees. Included here are AL's "Proposed Survey for the Farm Foundation" and
"The Farm Foundation and Land Conservation." AL's study was made in April-May
1935. See "Report to the Farm Foundation on the Role of Conservation in Farm Life"
in Leopold folder, Dean's Personnel File, 9/1/1-9, Box 002. 2 manuscripts 1934(?)
box 004
folder 002
Florida Deer-Tick Controversy
View digitized contents of this folder. AL acted as the Audubon Society's representative in an investigation by Roy
Komarek (preliminary study by Herbert Stoddard, E. V. Komarek, and Roy Komarek) of
the biological facts in the controversy between federal departments over
extermination of deer on the Seminole Reservation in the interest of cattle fever
tick control. In addition to AL's correspondence on the issue, this folder
contains carbon copies of correspondence and memoranda between John Baker, Herbert
Stoddard, the Komareks, and various government officials. Also included are about
11 exhibits, consisting of correspondence and statements. 60 letters and misc., 11 exhibits, 1940-1941
box 004
folder 003
Florida Deer-Tick Controversy
View digitized contents of this folder. A copy of the first draft of Roy Komarek's "An Investigation of the South Florida
Deer Cattle Fever Tick Situation" (50 pp) is included. 80 items, 1942-1944
box 004
folder 004
View digitized contents of this folder. According to the letterhead, this was "a nation-wide organization dedicated to
the production of wood for war and peace without devastating forests or the land
on which they grow." AL recommended personnel, but apparently he held no official
position. 2 letters and map, 1943
box 004
folder 005
Foundation for the Study of Cycles
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was nominated (in 1943?) as an associate of the Foundation for the Study of
Cycles, which apparently was an outgrowth of the Matamek Conference. One of the
letters is from Ellsworth Huntington. 3 letters, 1943; mimeo, 1949
box 004
folder 006
Friends of the Land
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains several prospectuses and correspondence with Russell Lord, editor of
The Land . AL was asked to serve on the Board of
Directors for Friends of the Land, organized in March 1940. He also suggested Carl
Sauer. AL was elected one of 8 vice-presidents for a 4-year term, and in 1943 was
elected an honorary member. 30 letters, February 1940-1941; a few items,
box 004
folder 007
View digitized contents of this folder. This was a local Madison group to which AL was elected a member in 1930, and of
which he was the head, or "Cookee," in 1946-1947. For a nearly complete set of the
elegantly fashioned log of the Getaways, including a few talks by AL, see the H.
L. Russell papers, UW-Madison Archives, 9/1/1/22-3, Boxes 001-002. Papers here are copies deposited by Roark and Meine. 10 letters and membership lists, 1944-1948
box 004
folder 008
Getaways -- Selected Entries from the Log Book
View digitized contents of this folder. 1926-1949 Includes Xerox copies of various entries concerning AL, from the Log of the
Getaways. These copies were compiled by Bill Roark, son of AL's friend and fellow
Getaway member Ray Roark, in January 1988, and deposited in the Leopold archives
in November 1988.
box 004
folder 009
William T. Hornaday Memorial Foundation
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence with John Ripley Forbes in 1938 describes AL's acceptance of a
position on the sponsoring committee for the William T. Hornaday Memorial Fund.
The foundation was established in 1943. Included here are Hornaday Fund data,
three publications, and six letters, 1946-47, when AL asked to be taken off the
committee (no action indicated). 15 items, 1938-1947
box 004
folder 010
Huron Mountain Club
View digitized contents of this folder. The club had 15,000 acres of hemlock-hardwood forest west of Marquette, Michigan.
Dr. William P. Harris Jr. asked AL to make recommendations concerning land
management for the club's forests, wildlife, and aesthetic values, and potential
research projects. AL made a preliminary report in June 1938 after a short visit,
and another trip (and report?) in August 1938. He continued as advisor to the club
and to Richard H. Manville, who was investigator in wildlife research at the club,
from 1939-1942(?). See printed pamphlet, "Report on Huron Mountain Club" (1938?),
in 9/25/10-6. 80 letters and reports, 1937-1940
box 004
folder 011
Inter-American Conference on Conservation of Renewable Natural Resources
(Denver, Colorado, 7-20 September 1948)
View digitized contents of this folder. Had he lived, AL might have attended the Inter-American Conference on
Conservation of Renewable Natural Resources (Denver, Colorado, 7-20 September
1948). William Vogt, as secretary-general for the conference, had invited AL to
act as discussion leader of the education section, but AL died before the
conference was held. (Mr. Hickey apparently attended.) Correspondence and several
prospectuses are included. 18 letters, misc., 1946-1948
box 004
folder 012
Interstate Prairie Grouse Project
View digitized contents of this folder. AL proposed the Interstate Prairie Grouse Project in December 1946, while at the
same time, Walter A. Gresh of the US Fish and Wildlife Service was planning a
prairie grouse conference. Contents of this folder do not indicate subsequent
developments. 10 letters, 1946-1947
box 004
folder 013
Isle Royale
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains AL's correspondence with Victor Cahalane, Sigurd Olsen, Olaus Murie,
Charles E. Shevlin, et al., about a Park Service study concerning excess moose and
beaver on Isle Royale and the possibility of introducing wolves there. Eye trouble
prevented Leopold from making the trip. 25 letters, 1946-1947
box 004
folder 014
Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA) -- National, 1931
View digitized contents of this folder. AL served for a time as chairman of the Izaak Walton League of America's
Committee on National Projects in Conservation. Included are an undated committee
report; miscellaneous materials related to a report on IWLA which AL prepared for
the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (SAAMI) in 1931 (see
copy in 9/25/10-6, Box 016); and correspondence for the years during which AL was
conservation consultant to the Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA), ca.
1938-1948. 40 letters, 1937-1948
box 004
folder 015
IWLA -- Wisconsin
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains additional IWLA materials. A batch of letters from 1925-1930 relates
largely to the Conservation Bill (1927) that established the Wisconsin
Conservation Department. AL (along with William Aberg) belonged to the IWLA
Legislative Committee that played a major role in the drafting and passage of the
bill. AL was also a state IWLA director, 1932-(?). Correspondence between
1932-1934 concerns troubles of the Wisconsin chapter, which may have become
defunct for a time. AL was vice-president for the Mendota District from 1940-48,
when correspondence covers conservation issues. misc., 1925-1930; 10 letters, 1932-1934;
30 letters 1940-1948
box 004
folder 016
Kumlien Club
View digitized contents of this folder. Letters, membership lists, and manuscripts of the Kumlien Club (a local
ornithological club organized by many friends and students of AL) are included.
Leopold was on the club's project committee (1937), membership committee, and
program committee(?). See also Kumlien Club minutes in Robert McCabe Files,
9/25/11. 15 items, 1937-1945
box 004
folder 017
box 005
box 005
folder 001
Madison and Wisconsin Foundation, Tree Committee
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains material related to the Madison and Wisconsin Foundation's Tree
Committee. This committee was appointed in 1939 to recommend a program for Madison
street trees. The folder contains one report, which indicates AL was a committee
member. 1939
box 005
folder 002
Matamek Conference on Biological Cycles, June 1931
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence, clippings, and notes regarding the Matamek Conference on
Biological Cycles, June 1931. A bound set of AL's pencil notes on speeches given
at the conference is also included. This conference, among the most significant AL
ever attended, was financed by Copley Amory and attended by Charles Elton,
Ellsworth Huntington, Alfred O. Gross, et al. 30 items, 1931-1934
box 005
folder 003
Midwest Wildlife Conference
View digitized contents of this folder. Programs and some correspondence relating to Midwest Wildlife Conferences from
the years 1936, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1946, and 1948. 1936-1948
box 005
folder 004
More Game Birds in America Foundation
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence with Joseph P. Knapp of the More Game Birds In America
Foundation concerning AL's criticism of the organization's prospectus. 4 letters, September 1930
box 005
folder 005
National Association of Audubon Societies
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence from 1935-1940, mostly with Executive Director Baker and
dealing mainly with issues and policy. AL may have been on the board of this
organization (see AL to John Baker, 6 October 1941, regarding dropping from
director spot in Audubon Society, in Florida deer-tick folder, Box 004 002
above). 60 letters, 1935-1940
box 005
folder 006
National Association of Audubon Societies
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence from 1941-1948, mostly with Baker and Richard H. Pough,
and carbons sent to AL for his information. 45 letters, 1941-1948
box 005
folder 007
National Audubon, War-Meat Discussion
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence with Baker, December 1942-February 1943, is followed by
correspondence with David Thompson and the National Research Council,
February-April 1943, concerning meat hunting during wartime. December 1942-April 1943
box 005
folder 008
National Association of Conservation Education and Publicity
View digitized contents of this folder. In 1948 AL served as judge for an award to be given by the National Association
of Conservation Education and Publicity. He wanted to nominate Roberts Mann. 8 letters, 1948
box 005
folder 009
National Council of State Garden Clubs
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was asked to serve on the National Advisory Committee of the National Council
of State Garden Clubs. 7 letters, 1947-1948
box 005
folder 010
National Deer Committee (Walter Taylor, Chairman)
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains materials concerning the National Deer Committee, chaired by Walter
Taylor. This committee of three--AL, Taylor, and Thomas Schroeder--was organized
in 1944 at the 9th North American Wildlife Conference; a prepared statement was
signed by 17 scientists across the nation. Correspondence from 1947 concerns a
"Committee on Deer Monograph," composed of Einarson, Gabrielson, and AL, with
Taylor as chairman and editor. It is not clear whether this was an extension of
the 1944 committee or a committee of an organization (e.g., WMI or WLS, Box 009).
AL was to contribute a chapter on Wisconsin, but it was not in the book as
published (Taylor, ed., The Deer of North America ,
1956). 12 letters and statements, 1944; 12 letters,
box 005
folder 011
National Land Use Planning Committee, Technical Advisory Committee No. V,
"Forests, parks, recreation and wildlife areas"
View digitized contents of this folder. This group was chaired successively by E. A. Sherman(?), Fred Morrell, and L. F.
Kneipp. AL was an out-of-town member, along with Zon, Dana, Storer, Grange,
Stoddard, Dixon, et al. 10 letters and 10 drafts or mimeo reports, February[?]
box 005
folder 012
National Park Service (NPS)
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains two batches of letters concerning the National Park Service.
Correspondence from the early period (1934-1936) involves positions offered to AL
and conservation issues. During the later period (1944-1948), correspondence deals
with issues such as wolves of Mt. McKinley, the Tioga Road in Yosemite, and the
wolves of Isle Royale. 20 letters, 1934-1936; 20 letters,
box 005
folder 013
NPS, Yellowstone Elk Survey
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was asked by NPS in 1943 and again in 1944 to undertake an overall review of
the bison and elk situation in Yellowstone, but he declined both times--too busy.
His appointment as collaborator, NPS, 7 October 1943 is enclosed. 25 letters, 1942-1944
box 005
folder 014
National Wildlife Federation (Conservation Education Program? Publication
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence with Rudolf Bennitt of the National Wildlife Federation concerns
the establishment of an advisory committee. Also in this folder is 1941
correspondence with Mary Melrose, Supervisor of Elementary Science, Cleveland
Board of Education, regarding texts for school conservation education, for which
AL was on an advisory committee. It is not clear whether the 1939 and 1941
materials are related. 4 letters, March 1939; 6 letters,
box 005
folder 015
North American Wildlife Conference
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence, papers, and clippings regarding the 12th (1947) and 13th
(1948) North American Wildlife Conferences. Included is a corrected carbon of the
summary AL gave at the 12th conference. At the 13th, Robert McCabe presented AL's
"Why and How Research." Mimeos are in the file. 10 letters, misc., ms., 1946-1948
box 006
Organizations, Committees: NRC Committees
View digitized contents of this box. : Box 006 continues organizational and committee records, specifically those of the
National Research Council. AL was a member and chairman of at least two committees
of the council: the Committee on Wild Life, 1931-1936, and the Committee on Aircraft
vs. Wilderness, 1945-1947. (He was also apparently a member of a forestry committee
in the late 1920s, but no records have been found.) Materials in this box consist of
two folders from AL's own files, one on each committee, and a number of folders with
correspondence and reports Xeroxed in September 1968 from committee folders in the
files of the NRC Division of Biology and Agriculture, located in the archives of the
National Academy of Sciences. The latter appear to be files of the chairman of the
Division, Ivey F. Lewis et al. (1931-1936), and Robert F. Griggs (1945-1947).
box 006
folder 001
National Research Council, Wild Life Committee
View digitized contents of this folder. This folder is AL's file, with a notation in his hand, "culled 12/38." Included
are minutes of an organizational meeting in which AL participated; AL's "Proposed
Game Survey," 1931; "Function of the Wildlife Committee" by AL, 1932; his undated
"Proposal for a Conservation Inventory of Threatened Species;" a committee report
drafted by AL "On the proposed wildlife research program of the USBS," 1935; AL's
report for 1935; and other items. Most of these reports were not in the committee
files in the NAS Archives (see paragraph above), but have since been supplied. 9 reports, 1931-1936
box 006
folder 002
Committee on Wild Life: General
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains mostly correspondence, with a few memoranda and reports, concerning
general affairs of the committee from its inception following the suggestion of AL
and L. J. Cole in a letter of 6 June 1930, to its termination following AL's March
1936 request to be relieved of the chairmanship (in order to avoid conflict with
his chairmanship of the AWI Technical Committee). Members of the committee as
organized December 1931 were John C. Merriam (chairman), Charles C. Adams, H. E.
Anthony, Harold C. Bryant, E. A. Goldman, AL, and V. E. Shelford. Included here
are meeting minutes; discussion of the functions of the committee; correspondence
concerning AL's appointment as chairman in June 1934; discussion concerning
coordination with other organizations and agencies; and discussions about the
preservation of rare and endangered species. 123 pp, 1930-1936 (NAS Archives)
box 006
folder 003
Committee on Wild Life: Subcommittee on Training Men for Administrative and
Educational Work in Wildlife Problems
View digitized contents of this folder. AL and P. S. Lovejoy were members of this subcommittee, which was chaired by A.
G. Ruthven. Correspondence concerns subcommittee reports and discussion of same
among members of the Committee on Wild Life. 22 pp, 1933-1935 (NAS Archives)
box 006
folder 004
Committee on Wild Life: Biological Survey Research Units
View digitized contents of this folder. The Committee on Wild Life had been asked by J. N. Darling, Chief of the USBS, to
provide advice on a proposed game research program of the USBS. Correspondence in
this folder concerns a draft report prepared by AL. 46 pp, April-August1935 (NAS Archives)
box 006
folder 005
National Research Council, Aircraft Committee
View digitized contents of this folder. This folder is AL's own file; it contains committee correspondence, memos, and
reports for the period after he relinquished the chairmanship to Olaus Murie until
the committee made its final report (copy enclosed) and was disbanded. The
committee had been organized in May 1945 in response to a request from Chief
Forester Lyle F. Watts of the United States Forest Service for advice concerning
the proper control of the use of airplanes over wilderness areas. Committee
members were AL (chairman), Shirley W. Allen, John H. Baker, Frederick Law
Olmstead, and Kenneth A. Reid, with Olaus Murie and W. J. P. Aberg added later.
When AL stepped down as chairman (due to the press of graduate students at the
University of Wisconsin), he apparently sent his entire file to Mr. Murie. 20 items, March 1946-April 1947
box 006
folder 006
Committee on Aircraft vs. Wilderness
View digitized contents of this folder. Materials here were also photocopied from the NAS Archives. Included is Robert
Griggs' correspondence concerning nomination of members for the committee, in
addition to general committee correspondence. Apparently included in the material
AL sent to Murie, but not present in this folder, were preliminary reports from
individual members of the committee and AL's rough manuscript draft of a
report. 118 pp (NAS Archives) 1945-1947
box 007
box 007
folder 001
Oberlaender Trust
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence concerning AL's trip to Germany in August-November 1935,
financed by the Oberlaender Trust, and subsequent articles and follow-up. Adalbert
Ebner correspondence is also included. 30 letters, 1935-1942
box 007
folder 002
Oberlaender Trust -- German Trip
View digitized contents of this folder. Included are further items relating to the 1935 German trip: L. Kneipp's daily
itinerary, with entries from 2 August-3 November; miscellaneous notes on German
forestry from Kneipp's notebook; correspondence between members of the group (all
copied from Kneipp Papers at the Arizona Historical Society); and an excerpt from
transcript of interview with C. L. Forsling (from Forest Products Laboratory
Library). 4 letters, 4 misc.
box 007
folder 003
Outdoor Life
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was on the advisory board of Outdoor Life .
Included here is correspondence with Harry McGuire, editor, et al., concerning the
bag limit issue, 1930. AL served on the awards committee and also received the
Outdoor Life Conservation Medal for 1930. 20 letters, 1929-1932
box 007
folder 004
Pelee Island
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was on the Board of Supervisors of the Ontario Pheasant Demonstration, located
on Pelee Island in Lake Erie. The demonstration was a cooperative venture of the
University of Wisconsin (through Allen Stokes of UW, in cooperation with the
Wisconsin Conservation Department), the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests,
and the Wildlife Management Institute. Correspondence with Stokes, Gutermuth of
WMI, et al., and pheasant data are included. 50 letters, 1947-1948
box 007
folder 005
Porcupine Wilderness Area
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence, heaviest in 1941-1942, is between AL, Philip Miles, and H. C.
Bradley, concerns an informal association to preserve the Porcupine Mountains
Area. The folder also contains reprints, maps, etc. 50 letters, misc., 1941-1945
box 007
folder 006
President's Committee on Wild Life Restoration
View digitized contents of this folder. In early 1934 AL served on the President's Committee on Wild Life Restoration
with Jay N. Darling and Thomas H. Beck (chairman). Correspondence concerns the
committee report, and was Xeroxed from originals on file in offices of the US Fish
and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C., on 31 May 1966. Also in the folder is AL's
typescript copy of the report, dated 8 February 1934. The Archives collection does
not contain the printed version of the report. 5 letters, report, January-February 1934
box 007
folder 007
View digitized contents of this folder. Folders 007 and 007a contain correspondence related to the Quetico-Superior area.
These letters, many of them several single-spaced pages in length, include a
number of carbons, some going back to 1934, sent to AL by H. H. Chapman to keep
him informed. The folders also contain correspondence with Ernest Oberholtzer
(President, Quetico-Superior Council, of which AL was representative or advisory
member), Jay Price, Ovid Butler, Robert F. Griggs (NRC), W. S. Cooper, Chester S.
Wilson (Minnesota Commissioner of Conservation), Kenneth Reid (IWLA), Frederick
Winston, Otto Doering, Olaus Murie, et al. AL's connection is not obvious --
probably personal interest -- but the Q-S Council, Wisconsin Conservation
Commission, Ecological Society of America, National Research Council, and other
organizations may have contributed to his involvement. 1934-1944
box 007
folder 007a
box 007
folder 008
Remington Game Club
View digitized contents of this folder. Included is the verbatim transcript (53 pp) of a meeting of the club held at
Babcock, Wisconsin, on 31 Jan. 1942. It includes a speech by Wallace Grange on the
Sandhill game farm and the deer problem, and in the discussion a statement by
Clarence Searles in defense of his position regarding a deer-tight fence. AL was a
friend of both men. transcript, 1942
box 007
folder 009
Resettlement Administration
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains letters, memos, and reports on projects in Wisconsin on which AL was
asked to consult, including introduction of snowshoe hares, timber on flowages,
and the Greendale Project Area. 10 items, 1936-1937
box 007
folder 010
Rockford Deer Area -- Paul B. Riis
View digitized contents of this folder. : Paul B. Riis was superintendent for Howard D. Colman, who owned forest land near
Rockford and retained AL as consultant. AL made 2 reports, 1936 and 1937, but most
of the later correspondence is with Riis, who was doing browse studies. In the
early 1950s, these materials were lent to Lyle R. Pietsch who wrote a deer report,
in part dealing with the work of Riis.
box 008
box 008
folder 001
Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute, Research
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was a member of SAAMI's Committee on Restoration and Protection of Game and
was employed by the Institute from 1928-1932 to conduct game surveys and to
supervise several game research fellowships financed by SAAMI. Game survey and
fellowship correspondence may be found in the state files, species and subject
files, and writings (9/25/10-6, Box 003). This folder contains a "Prospectus for a
Demonstration in Natural Quail Farming" (7 pp mimeo, perhaps by AL, ca. 1928)
which indicates that the SAAMI fellowships, an outgrowth of the game survey, were
to be modeled on the Georgia Quail Investigations. Also included are four
memoranda of agreement between SAAMI, the USBS, and the Universities of Wisconsin,
Michigan, Minnesota, and Arizona; and an "Outline of Proposed International
Migratory Bird Study," 1931, which may also have been prepared by AL. 6 items, 1928-1931
box 008
folder 002
Sigma Xi
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence concerns AL's nominations of Stoddard, Errington, Hickey, Buss,
McCabe, and Hochbaum for membership. 10 letters, 1929-1930, 1943-1944
box 008
folder 003
Society of American Foresters
View digitized contents of this folder. In 1934 the Society of American Foresters established a Committee on Forest Game
Policy, with AL serving as chairman until December 1937. About 80 letters,
1934-1937, are correspondence with committee members: Ralph T. King (University of
Minnesota), P. S. Lovejoy (Michigan Conservation Dept), C. E. Rachford (Assistant
Forester, United States Forest Service), Walter P. Taylor (USBS, Texas Cooperative
Wildlife Service) and H. H. Chapman (ex-officio as President of the Society).
There is 1 letter, c. 1945, indicating AL was associate editor for wildlife
management for the Journal of Forestry. AL was elected fellow of the society in
1945. There are 8 letters concerning other fellows, 1947. AL was a member of the
Committee on Forestry Award, 1944-1947, for which there are 17 letters; G. A.
Pearson was chairman. There are also 7 miscellaneous letters, 1945-47, and 5
letters, 1948, concerning posthumous publication of AL's "Why and How Research." 120 letters, 1934-1948
box 008
folder 004
Soil Conservation Society of America
View digitized contents of this folder. AL joined the Soil Conservation Society of America in August 1947, and asked to
receive the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
which began publication in July 1946. The national secretary, Melville H. Cohee,
was an associate of AL's on the Coon Valley project (see Folder 013 below). 3 letters, 1947-1948
box 008
folder 005
United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of
View digitized contents of this folder. On 27 February 1948 AL was invited by J. A. Krug, Secretary of the Interior, to
be on an advisory committee on American participation in the United Nations
Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources. AL's death
came before he was able to take part in the conference. 5 letters and mimeos, 1948
box 008
folder 006
US Biological Survey
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence, especially concerning SAAMI game fellowships, with Paul
Redington (Chief of the USBS, 1928-1933), W. B. Bell, W. L. McAtee, and Ira
Gabrielson (Chief, 1935-?). Stoddard supervised the fellowships for the United
States Biological Survey until 1930, after which W.B. Grange took over. AL was a
US deputy game warden (USBS) until 1936 (see Official Federal Personnel Record,
9/25/10-11, MF1), but there is no record of any activity. This folder also
contains letters and comments concerning several manuscripts: "Conservation
Economics" (AL, 1934), "The Forester's Role in Game Management" (1930), McAtee's
alternate report on wildlife restoration (1934), and "The Biological Survey in
Relation to Game Management" (1934). 85 letters, ms., 1928-1936
box 008
folder 007
US Forest Service (USFS)
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence concerns the Pisgah (North Carolina) public shooting ground, AL's
memo on the Copeland Resolution and "Plan for Revenue-Producing Conservation on
Mixed Lands in Wisconsin," and a "position" for AL. A 1947 letter to Senator
McCarthy opposes removal of the Wildlife Management Division of the United States
Forest Service. See also the United States Forest Service Records series
(9/25/10-11). 10 letters, 1932; 1 letter, 1947
box 008
folder 008
USFS -- Milwaukee Office
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains correspondence with R. E. Trippensee (Technical Supervisor, Fish and
Game), Albert Van S. Pulling (Technician), Earl S. Pierce (Assistant Regional
Forester), et al., mostly concerning policy and game activities in Wisconsin,
especially deer management and soil erosion control. Several USFS mimeos
concerning game are also included. 35 letters, misc., 1934-1935
box 008
folder 009
USFS -- Erosion Control Work, Region 3
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was asked to inspect conservation camps in the Southwest, May-July 1933, with
respect to soil erosion. Contents include a map of camps and erosion areas; AL's
digests of several relevant publications; records of percolation studies on sample
plots; ca. 10 bulletins, memos, or releases of USFS, several with sections by AL;
and AL's "Erosion Theory for the Southwest" (December 1935). 25 items, 1933
box 008
folder 010
USFS, Erosion Control [Service?], Wisconsin
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains blueprints of farm plans, including one by AL; AL's "Memo on Vegetation
for Erosion Control -- Wisconsin Energy Conservation Work (ECW) Camps"; M. E.
Deters' "Report of Inspection on ECW Flood Control Camps, 9/24/1933"; and 2
letters. blueprints, reports, 2 letters, 1933
box 008
folder 011
US Senate Committee on Conservation of Wildlife
View digitized contents of this folder. In May 1930, the United States Senate established a Committee on Conservation of
Wild Life, which included Senators Frederick C. Walcott, Harry B. Hawes, Key
Pittman, Charles L. McNary, and Peter Norbeck. Senator Hawes wrote the first
general report on 21 Jan 1931, apparently incorporating suggestions made by AL (in
a statement for Senator Hawes dated 19 December 1930; see Writings, 9/25/10-6, Box
016). 25 letters, misc., 1930-1934; 1 letter, 1935;
2 letters, 1940
box 008
folder 012
US Soil Erosion Service (US-SES)
View digitized contents of this folder. Ten letters (1934) concern AL's statement of opposition to Harold Icke's
abandonment of game management on SES projects. The remaining correspondence, with
H. H. Bennitt, W. C. Lowdermilk, and Charles C. Collier, all of the SES, concerns
policy and the role of the University of Wisconsin in research. 25 letters, 1934-1935
box 008
folder 013
US-SES, Coon Valley
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains several notes from AL's visits to Coon Valley, 1933-1934, and copies of
game censuses by Starker Leopold, 1934-1935. It is extremely unfortunate that
there is not more material on Coon Valley in AL's files, since documentation of
the nationally significant developments there seems generally to have been
destroyed. There is, however, a small quantity of material on Coon Valley in
General Files, O. R. Zeasman, 9/22/10, Box 001. 1933-1935
box 008
folder 014
US Soil Conservation Service
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence for 1936 involves proposals for a wildlife project at the
Wisconsin Erosion Experiment Station and discussion of Van Dersal's "Handbook of
Native Woody Plants," in which AL would have liked more attention given to
ecology. The foregoing may have been related to AL's appointment as Collaborator,
SCS, on 6 September 1939. Correspondence and mimeo in 1940 concern wildlife and
soil conservation in Wisconsin. 20 letters, 1936-1940
box 008
folder 015
UW Committees
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains requests to serve on various university committees, but no record of
action: 1941, Committee on Limnology; 1943, Committee to select Wisconsin Alumni
Research Foundation visiting lecturers; 1944, Lecture and Forum Committee of the
University Club; 1947, Conservation Major advisory committee; 1947, University
Committee on Lake and Stream Investigations; 1948, Arboretum Committee. 1941-1948
box 008
folder 016
University Committee on Recreation Curriculum (President's Committee on
Major in Community Leadership in Recreation)
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was a member of an advisory group to this body in 1945. The folder contains
mostly mimeos concerning proposed curriculum. 1945
box 008
folder 017
UW College of Agriculture Post-War Planning Committee -- Subcommittee on
National and State Policies Affecting Wisconsin Agriculture
View digitized contents of this folder. This group was a subset of the College of Agriculture's Post-War Planning
Committee, chaired by R. K. Froker. Included are several drafts of a report on
public policies for Wisconsin, including rewrites of the conservation section by
AL in several drafts, and other related papers and correspondence. 1944-1945
box 009
box 009
folder 001
The Wilderness Society (WS), 1934-1940
View digitized contents of this folder. In 1934, Robert Marshall, Harvey Broome, Benton MacKaye, and Jerome Frank asked
AL and five others to serve as an organizing committee; AL accepted. On 27 March
1935 he was asked to be the first president, but declined, feeling that the
president ought to live in Washington, D.C. He was on the Council from the start
until his death. Correspondence, mostly with Marshall and Robert Sterling Yard, is heaviest during
1934-36 and concerns Society policy and issues, including the Green Mountain
Parkway, Okeefenokee Swamp, Porcupine Mountains, Gila Wilderness, and Escalante
Wilderness. Materials in the folder run through June 1940--up to the death of Bob
Marshall and the Marshall Commemorative Issue of The Living Wilderness. 125 letters, 1934-1940
box 009
folder 002
box 009
folder 003
WS, July 1945-1947
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was elected vice president of the Wilderness Society in July 1945.
Correspondents include Howard Zahniser (executive secretary), MacKaye (president),
Olaus Murie (director), Harvey Broome, and Ernest Griffith. 90 letters, July 1945-1947
box 009
folder 004
(WS), Robert Marshall Wilderness Fund
View digitized contents of this folder. Robert Marshall's will established the fund in 1939 to provide continuing support
for Wilderness Society activities. AL was selected as trustee to take Yard's place
in 1945. Official correspondence, memos to trustees, auditors' reports, and
financial reports are included. 1945-1948
box 009
folder 005
Wildlife Management Institute
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence, mostly with C.R. Gutermuth (vice president), concerns AL's
summarization of the 12th North American Wildlife Conference (see Box 005, folder
005), fellowships, and positions for students, etc. 20 letters, 1947-1948
box 009
folder 006
The Wildlife Society (WLS)
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence and papers concerning the organization of the society (established
1936) indicate that AL was a councillor, chairman of the names and purposes
committee, and member of the committee on qualifications for affiliation.
Permanent organization was completed in Feb. 1937. AL was on the Advisory
Committee. Correspondence with Ralph King, Stoddard, McAtee, Bennitt, et al., concerns the
Journal of Wildlife Management , members, etc. 60 items, 1936-1940; 35 items,
box 009
folder 006a
The Wildlife Society 1938-earlier
View digitized contents of this folder. Includes pre-1938 correspondence of the Wildlife Society. During the 2007 digitization process, folder 006 was split in due to its sheer
box 009
folder 007
WLS, Awards Committee
View digitized contents of this folder. The committee was established in 1940, with Ward McAtee, editor of the Journal of Wildlife Management , as chairman (later
Storer, et al.). AL was a member. Correspondence, mostly with McAtee, concerns
policy and criticism of various publications being considered for awards. Fred
Hamerstrom took over during 1940-47 due to AL's bad eyes. 40 letters, 1940-1947
box 009
folder 008
WLS, Committee on Foreign Relations
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was chairman and Charles Elton, et al., were members of this committee
(established 1946). Correspondence deals with policy on foreign memberships and
cooperation. AL's "Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations" is included. 25 letters, 1946-1947
box 009
folder 009
WLS, Committee on Professional Standards
View digitized contents of this folder. This committee was established in 1938 with Rudolf Bennitt as chairman. AL, who
had been on the original Qualifications for Membership Committee, would have been
chairman but for his bad eyes. He may have been in charge, however, of a
subcommittee to draft a statement. Included are discussions on "What is a wild life manager?" and the evolution of
AL's manuscript, "Academic and Professional Training in Wildlife Work," with
comments on various drafts by Stoddard. Correspondents include Taylor, Bennitt,
Elton, et al. 70 items, 1938-1939; 15 items,
box 010
box 010
folder 001
Wilson Ornithological Club
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence concerns a proposed symposium on wildlife management to be chaired
by AL at the annual meeting, 1940. (Did it occur?) In 1948, AL was appointed to a
conservation committee chaired by Hochbaum and a committee chaired by Emlen for
the meeting of the WOC in Madison. Much of the correspondence is with Olin S.
Pettingell, Jr., who was secretary in 1940 and president in 1948. 30 letters, 1928-1948
box 010
folder 002
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters -- Natural Resources
View digitized contents of this folder. This committee was established in 1942 with AL as chairman and Norman Fassett and
E.F. Bean as members. Included is correspondence on the deer issue; manuscripts of
"Deer Irruptions;" and a few items relating to Subcommittees on Distribution of
Wisconsin Trees (Fassett, chairman) and Ecology of the Wolf in Wisconsin (Feeney
as chairman, Clarence Searles, Ernest Swift). 35 letters, 1942-1944
box 010
folder 003
Wisconsin Conservation League
View digitized contents of this folder. The League was organized in 1940. AL was member at large on the Executive
Committee and a member of the Public Relations and Education Committees (1941). He
resigned as member at large in 1942, disapproving of President Radke's aggressive
and political policy in the Catlin-Heil affair. Two letters in 1947 concern AL's
suggestion for a committee to map the future of the League. 23 letters, 1940-1942; 2 letters,
box 010
folder 004
Wisconsin (Geological and) Natural History Survey
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was a member of the Faculty Division of Biological Sciences committee on the
organization and function of a revived Natural History Survey. Correspondence,
reports, and AL's proposals for publications are included. 6 items, 1946-1947
box 010
folder 005
Wisconsin Society for Ornithology
View digitized contents of this folder. Correspondence with Walter Scott concerns honorary membership for AL in 1942 and
the Passenger Pigeon Monument in 1947. 2 letters, 1942; 3 [letters], 1947
box 010
folder 006
Wisconsin Conservation (Commission) Department
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was employed by the WCD during parts of 1932-33 to survey game management and
public hunting areas. There are about 30 reports and letters, including a "Report
on game management demonstration." In 1933 AL was appointed to the newly established Game Committee (with Grimmer as
chairman, and MacKenzie) and also to the Fisheries Committee. The folder contains
correspondence with General Ralph Immell (WCD Director), MacKenzie, Grimmer, et
al. Also included are materials concerning UW-WCD cooperation on game management,
including trapping and banding permits and a proposal for wildlife research under
the Federal Aid to Wildlife Restoration Act. 30 items, 1932-1933; 80 items,
box 010
folder 007
box 010
folder 008
Wisconsin Conservation Commission -- Correspondence
View digitized contents of this folder. AL was appointed Conservation Commissioner as of 21 June 1943. Correspondence is
with department officials, other commissioners, and citizens around the state,
mostly concerning deer. There is some correspondence with WCD from AL in his role
as professor regarding UW-WCD cooperation in game management. 135 letters, 1943-1948
box 010
folder 009
WCC Minutes
View digitized contents of this folder. Contains Xerox copies from bound volumes of WCC minutes in the Wisconsin State
Archives, WSHS. Portions selected include speeches or comments by AL (quoted,
paraphrased, or simply reported) on Commission matters with which he was
particularly concerned, including deer management, waterfowl regulations, etc.
Minutes of certain meetings during 1943-44 were too light to be xeroxed. 1943-1948
box 010
folder 010
box 010
folder 011
(WCD) Citizen's Deer Committee
View digitized contents of this folder. This committee was appointed by the commission in Fall 1942. AL was selected as
chairman. A June 1943 report, largely written by AL, and a May 1944 report not
signed by AL, are included. (A note on the folder says, "Rest of material sent
Jacobson when he was made new chairman," perhaps when AL was appointed to the
commission.) 8 letters and statements, 1942-1944
box 010
folder 012
(WCD) Wisconsin Committee on Natural Areas
View digitized contents of this folder. AL wrote a Conservation Commission resolution of 13 Feb. 1945 creating this
committee. He was chosen to represent the WCD (as temporary chairman?), Fassett
the UW, and Albert Fuller the Milwaukee Public Museum. Discussions concern
Cedarburg Bog, Faville Grove, and Parfrey's Glen. 20 letters, 1945-1946
box 010
folder 013