Field Name
Field Content
Serial Number |
Original number (or range of numbers) assigned by Pohlman. |
Date |
Date the photograph was taken or developed. |
Company/Advertising Agency Name |
This information was taken directly from the photograph sleeve. One asterisk
(*) sometimes follows an advertising agency's name, e.g. Bader-Rutter. It means
that the photograph was viewed but the name of the manufacturer of the product was
not evident. Two asterisks (**) follow a company name when that information did
not appear on the sleeve, but was discernible when viewing the photograph. |
Additional Information |
Information that either appeared on the photograph sleeve or was added by
processing archivists. |
Box Number |
Number of the box in which items are housed. |
Form |
The form (physical media) of the photograph or photographs (e.g., safety film
negatives, nitrate negatives, lantern slides, photographic prints). |