ACT UP Milwaukee Records, 1990-1996

Administrative/Restriction Information

Access Restrictions

The original videotapes and audiotapes are restricted. Researchers must access the digitized versions on the network drive. There are no other access restrictions on the materials, and the collection is open to all members of the public in accordance with state law.

Use Restrictions

The researcher assumes full responsibility for conforming with the laws of libel, privacy, and copyright which may be involved in the use of this collection (Wisconsin Statutes 19.21-19.39).

Acquisition Information

Patrick Flaherty donated this collection in November 2003 (accession 2003-034). Scott Gunkel donated additional material in February 2004 (accession 2003-062). Jamakaya donated some additional materials in June 2008 (accession 2007-066). Dan Fons donated additional materials in March 2011 (accession 2010-041) and January 2012 (accession 2011-056)

Processing Information

Michael Doylen processed the initial accession in November 2003. Sarah Phillips (supervised by Christel Maass) added accession 2007-066 in February 2010. Rachel Curtis (supervised by Bob Jaeger) added accession 2010-041 in November 201l. Michael Doylen added accession 2011-056 in June 2012.

Preservation Information

George Blood L.P digitized the audio cassette recordings in August 2015. Audio preservation master files were created as 96 kHz/24-bit resolution 2 channel broadcast .wav files. Audio access copies were created as 44 kHz/192 kbps bit rate 2 channel .mp3 files.