Blatz Brewing Company Records, 1862-1944

Container Title
Heim, Katharina
Abstract: Katharina Heim was born to a family of farmers in 1934 in Klein Bastei (also known as Mali Bastei, located in present day Croatia), married Walter, a German, in 1954, and immigrated to America in 1961. In the interview Heim recalls her family's self-sufficient and agrarian home life before WWII, the death of her family members and destruction of her village during WWII, her experiences fleeing danger, the various jobs she worked after the war, and life in America.

Listen to this interview and read the transcript online.

Box   2
Audio   13-15
Interview, 1993
Quantity: 3 audio cassettes 
Box   1
Folder   7
Transcript, 1993