Summary Information
Lincoln Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation Records 1987-1996
- Lincoln Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation (Milwaukee,
UWM Manuscript Collection 95
1.2 cubic ft. (2 boxes)
UW-Milwaukee Libraries, Archives / Milwaukee Area Research Ctr. (Map)
Records of the Lincoln Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation,
a non-profit community development corporation, mostly dating from the 1990s. The collection
documents neighborhood improvements, renovation projects, and assistance provided to area
residents and businesses. Included are files concerning the establishment of a business
improvement district, community development block grants, community reinvestment act
matters, including performance evaluations and activity reports, and financial information.
Also included in the collection are files documenting the St. Josaphat Basilica square
capital improvement project and the Kosciusko Park Lagoon restoration project, as well as
photographs documenting renovation projects and the Lincoln Avenue neighborhood. English