Larry Shue Papers, 1968-1985

Summary Information

Title: Larry Shue Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1968-1985

  • Shue, Larry
Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 63

  • 5.2 cubic ft. (10 boxes)
  • 1 audio cassette
  • 57 safety film negatives

Archival Location:
UW-Milwaukee Libraries, Archives / Milwaukee Area Research Ctr. (Map)

Miscellaneous papers of a noted Milwaukee, Wisconsin playwright and actor. The collection includes drafts, scripts, news clippings, and publicity materials for Shue's plays, poems, and writings, including The Foreigner, Grandma Duck is Dead, The Nerd, and Wenceslas Square. Includes an extensive number of Shue's letters to and from colleagues and friends concerning personal matters and their careers, heavily annotated scripts of productions in which Shue acted, and Shue's score for My Emperor's Clothes. Of particular interest are Shue's diaries, dating from 1958 to 1985. Paintings and drawings, done by Shue or by his friends and family for him, are included. Also included is the Chicago Report, a family newsletter written by Shue's father, providing details on the family's activities, careers, and travels especially to the Far East. The collection contains a recording of the memorial service at the Todd Wehr Theater following Shue's September 1985 death in a plane crash. A book of tribute put together by Shue's family, as well as letters to the family after Shue's death, are included in the collection.

Language: English

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