The collection consists primarily of reports, research findings, and proposals for projects
sponsored by the Center for Urban Transportation Studies or undertaken by members of the
staff. In most cases, these reports take the form of guidelines for urban transportation for
the city of Milwaukee, such as in the development of the east-west transit corridor and the
exploration of the possibilities of light rail in Milwaukee. The collection also contains a
number of reports from Studies in Urban Transportation, a
research series sponsored by the College of Engineering before the Center for Urban
Transportation Studies was given separate funding in 1976. The Transit Cooperative Research
Program, another series of related reports produced by the Center, is also well-represented,
as are the reports produced as a result of the University of Wisconsin/Wisconsin Department
of Transportation Workshops on the Implications of Social and Technological Change on
Policy, which were held in 1988.
In addition to the formal reports, the collection also contains a small amount of
correspondence relating to the general activities of the center and its long-time director,
Professor Ed Beimborn. There are also a few internal annual reports that summarize the
activities of the center.