Summary Information
UW-Milwaukee Office of the Chancellor Records 1933-2017
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Office of the
UWM Archival Collection 46; Accession 2012-003; Accession 2012-054; Accession 2014-005
- 220.8 cubic ft. (225 boxes)
- 1 oversize folder
- 2 film reels
- 13,027 digital files (112.57 GB)
- approximately 274 web captures
- plus additions of 2.2 cubic ft. (3 boxes)
UW-Milwaukee Libraries, Archives / Milwaukee Area Research Ctr. (Map)
The chancellor is the chief administrative officer for the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) campus, and the collection documents the
chancellor's responsibility for overseeing UWM's administrative offices, centers, colleges,
and schools. The records concern topics such as accreditation, general policy issues,
funding, new courses, organizational structure, plans for expansion, staffing, and other
administrative affairs. The collection contains records from Chancellors J. Martin Klotsche
(1956-1973); Werner Baum (1973-1979); Frank Horton (1980-1985); Clifford Smith (1986-1990);
John Schroeder (1990-1998); Nancy Zimpher (1998-2003); Carlos Santiago (2004-2010); and
Acting Chancellors Leon Schur (1979-1980); Norma Rees (1985-1986); and Michael Lovell
(2010-2014). The few records predating UWM's founding in 1956 were created or compiled by
Dr. Klotsche and consist largely of faculty memoranda and miscellaneous subject files from
his tenure as president of the Wisconsin State College, Milwaukee.
The files
contain copies of correspondence, reports, and background materials either created by the
chancellors or sent to them by other offices. The files also contain agendas, minutes, and
supporting materials from departmental and college or school standing or ad hoc committees.
In many cases, correspondence between the chancellor and the deans or department heads found
in the respective files also provides useful documentation.
The UWM units best
documented in the collection include: Academic Affairs; Administrative Affairs; Athletics;
the Center for Great Lakes Studies; College of Engineering and Applied Science; College of
Letters & Science; Golda Meir Library; Graduate School; School of Allied Health
Professions; School of Architecture and Urban Planning; School of Business Administration;
School of Education; School of Fine Arts; School of Library and Information Science; School
of Nursing; and School of Social Welfare. English