In Tune With Tradition: Wisconsin Folk Musical Instruments Project Collection, circa 1986-1992

Container Title
Note: Images taken from subject folders and placed in an unnumbered photo box.
No.   P1-P44a
No.   1
Woman with banjo
No.   2-27
stand-alone photos found in a box
No.   28-29
Czech images
No.   30
Gatten, Jesse image
No.   31-54
Palmquist images
No.   55-63
Duluth images
No.   64-65
Edgell images
No.   66-69
Fiddler images
No.   70-103
Fiddle-Lake Superior Fiddle Contest images
No.   104-105
French images
No.   106
Grussendorf image
No.   107-107a
Indian Fiddler images
No.   108
Instrument image
No.   109-122
Iron Range images
No.   123-124
Jackpine Guitar images
No.   125-128c
Famous Lashua images
No.   129-130
LaPlant images
No.   131-134
Lumberjack images
No.   135
Mager Music Co. image
No.   136
McCann, Gordon image
No.   137-142
Miscellaneous images
No.   143-174
Northland Hoedown images
No.   175-180
Outing History images
No.   181
Frances Perry image
No.   182
Nature image
No.   183
Plehal Bros. image
No.   184
Polish accordion image
No.   185-186
Sorenson family images
No.   187
Viola Turpeinen image
No.   188-189
WEBC and Arrowhead network images
No.   190
No.   191
No.   192-213
Scandinavian images
No.   214
Miscellaneous image
No.   215-233
Otto Rindlisbacher; The Lumberjacks
Miscellaneous unnumbered negatives (12) and rolls of negatives (3)
Framed images
Photograph labeled “olle i stratthults bondkomik orchestra” [Olle i Stratthult's peasant comic orchestra])
Physical Description: 49 x 44 cm 
Photograph of Famous Lashua and his band from the radio show Corn's a'poppin' on KDAL in Duluth, Minnesota, circa mid-1940s
Physical Description: 59 x 42 cm