This collection contains applications and award information for apprenticeship program funds as well as 35 mm color slides of master-apprentice awardees practicing their artistic traditions.
Apprenticeship application forms often contain traditional artists' personal written accounts of what meaning their art forms have in their lives and the lives of their community. Some accounts detail traditional techniques and explain the tradition and history behind the art form. The application files are arranged in reverse chronological order by year and within each year by master artist. Unsuccessful grant applications were not consistently kept. Occasionally folders contain submitted photographs.
Five binders hold 35 mm color slides of traditional artists taken by Folk and Community Arts Specialist Richard March during site visits. Slides in three of the binders are arranged alphabetically by artist, while two binders require further processing.
Permission forms from the applicants for educational, research, and publicity uses of the application contents are kept in a general permission forms binder at the Arts Board.