East Central and Southeastern Illinois Folk Arts Surveys Collection, 1976-2003

Container Title
Box   7
Folder   28
Li (miscellaneous)
Li, Wei, 1994-2001
Liaw, Kao-Lee, 1988
Libbee, Michael, 1980
Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, 1952
Lich, Glen E., 1988-1992
Lichter, Daniel T., 1997
Liddell, H.T., 1951
Lieberson, Stanley, 1989-2002
Lieble, Charles L., 1978
Lier, John, 1990
Lilienfeld, Amy R., 2003
Lilomaiava-Doktor, Saili, 1995
Lincoln's Tomb, 1981
Linden-Ward, Blanche, 1985
Lindley, T. Foster, 1976
Lineberry, Robert L., 1994-1995
Linenthal, Edward Tabor, 1989-1990
Linge, G.J.R., 1960
Lister, Ron G., 1968
Livingstone, David N., 1981