The collection's folders contain two interview transcripts, a twenty-four page written essay and four Wilhelm Tell play programs all contributed by Ric Segovia in 1999-2000. He also added twenty-four 4 x 6 color photographs of the 1999 Tell play, four 60-minute micro-cassettes recording interviews with Tell performers, and one mini-VHS documenting the 1999 Wilhelm Tell play. The collection's 39 original VHS video recordings from 1986 and 1987 document over 80 interviews with performers, musicians, local historians, shop keepers, and tourists regarding New Glarus's Swiss festivals; these include Polkafest (polka music and dancing), the Heidi Festival, the Little Switzerland Festival (Swiss folk music and dance), Volksfest (Swiss folk music and dance), the Wilhelm Tell Festival, and Schwingfest (Swiss wrestling, held irregularly, in 1978-1979, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993). The videos also record full versions of the Tell and Heidi plays; Volksfest, the Little Switzerland Festival, and Polkafest's musical performances; and all of the Swiss wrestling matches that occurred during Schwingfest. This collection also includes nine standard audiocassettes that duplicate interviews from video footage.