American Geographical Society of New York Records, 1723-2010,  (bulk bulk 1854-2000)

Contents List
Container Title
Series: 1. Correspondence, 1945-2013
Box   1
Folder   1
Aa-Ag (miscellaneous)
Aangeenbrug, Robert T., 1989
Abayasekara, W., 1970
Abbott, C., 1991
Able, Edward H., 1992
Academic Press, 1979
Acharya, Krishna Prasad, 2010
Achmatowicz-Otok, Anna, 1987
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1978-1982
Adair, Daryl, 1992-1994
Adam, John F., 1975
Adamchak, Donald J., 1983
Adams, Bruce E., 1967
Adams, George W., 1962
Adams, Paul C., 1997-1998
Adams, Richard N., 1981
Adejuwon, J. Oladipo, 1975-1986
Aderhold, O.C., 1951-1952
Adkins, Greg, 1975
Adkinson, Burton W., 1948
Advertising Research Foundation Inc., 1970
Aganon, Virgilio C., 1970
Agarajan, K.V.N., undated
Agel, Jerome B., 1990
Agnew, Theodore L., 1989
Box   1
Folder   2
Ah-Al (miscellaneous)
Ahlborn, Richard E., 1974-1981
Air Survey Corporation, 1954
Akerman, James R., 1984-1991
Alabama, University Press, 1993
Alba, Richard, 1992
Al-Baghli, Fuad M., 1983
Albanese, Catherine L., 1981-1983
Albaum, Melvin, 1970-1976
Alberg, Sandra L., 1971
Albert, Michael, 1968-1979
Albinski, Henry, 1994
Alderman, Derek, 2003-2008
Alemayehu, Gashaw, 2010
Alexander, Christopher, 1969
Alexander, John, 1954
Algeo, John, 2002-2007
Allen Lane Inc., 1950
Allen Press Inc., 1980
Allen, Barbara, 1992
Allen, Bill, 2001
Allen, Christine, 1983
Allen, David Elliston, 1973-1975
Allen, Henry, 1994-2003
Allis, Sam, 1980
Allman, James, 1971
Almes, June, 1997
Almes, Thomas L., 1965
Alonso, William, 1980
Alster, Carl J., 1953-1954
Alderson & Sessions, 1954
Alvares, Louis, 1983
Box   1
Folder   3
Am-Ap (miscellaneous)
American Antiquarian Society, 1948
American Association of University Professors, 1948
American Automobile Association, 1950
American National Biography, 1995
American Society of Photogrammetry, 1953
American Statistical Association, 1973
Ames, Kenneth L., 1987
Ames, Michael, 1977
Amiran, D.H.K., 1975
Ammerman, Nancy T., 2002-2006
Anderson, Barbara A., 1982
Anderson, Edgar, 1950
Anderson, Eric A., 1990
Anderson, James R., 1980
Anderson, Jeremy, 1967-1978
Anderson, Marc B., 1966
Anderson, Robert, 1973
Anderson, Thomas D., 1973-1974
Anderson, W. Thomas, Jr., 1979
Anthony, Carl, 1977-1978
Antipode, 1976
Antunez de Mayolo R., Santiago E., 1991
Apell, Christina, 1984
Appadurai, Arjun, 1992
Applebaum, William, 1972-1973
Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971
Box   1
Folder   4
Ar-Az (miscellaneous)
Arabian American Oil Company, 1954
Arbingast, Stanley A., 1951
Archer, Alford, 1952-1957
Archer, J. Clark, 2005
Aretê Publishing Company, 1977-1978
Arkansas State Highway Department, 1948
Armour Research Foundation, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1954
Armstrong, R. Warwick, 1981
Arriaga, Eduardo E., 1970
Arthur D. Little Inc., 1954
Arthur, Eric A., 1970-1971
Arundale, Wendy H., 1976
Ashley, Leonard R.N., 1985-1996
Aston, Bonnie Stamslawsky, 1977
Atchison, Phillip, 1997
Atlanta Historical Society, 1952-1953
Atlanta Journal, 1951
Atlantic Monthly, 1967
Atwood, Rollin S., 1961
Aurbach, Herbert A., 1963-1964
Austin, C. Murray, 1977-1981
Austin, Le Roy S., 1965
Australian National University, The, 1991
Azmaz, Adviye, 1991-1992
Box   1
Folder   5
Abler, Ronald F., 1966-2006
Box   1
Folder   6
Ackerman, Edward A., 1959-1973
Box   1
Folder   7
Adams, John S., 1966-2012, undated
Box   1
Folder   8
Agnew, John A., Annals, 1980-1986
Box   1
Folder   9
Aiken, S. Robert, 1967-1985, undated
Box   1
Folder   10
Akatiff, Clark, 1971-2008
Box   1
Folder   11
Albertson, Martha, Metropolitan Planning Commission, 1951-1955
Box   1
Folder   12
Alexander, John W., 1947-1964
Box   16
Folder   1
Alexandersson, Gunnar, 1962-1976
Box   1
Folder   13
Allen, James P., 1967-1998
Box   1
Folder   14
Allyn & Bacon Inc., Frank Ruggirello, 1966-1974
Box   1
Folder   15
American Demographics, 1986-1998
American Geographical Society (AGS)
Box   1
Folder   16
AGS Newsletter and Ubique, 1959-2012
Box   1
Folder   17-18
correspondence, 1947-1988
Box   1
Folder   19
receipts and acknowledgements, 1949-2010
American Name Society
Box   1
Folder   20-22
annual meetings, receipts, and bulletins, 1957-2008
Box   1
Folder   23
correspondence, 1964-2001
Box   1
Folder   24
Arreola, David D., 1982-2001
Box   1
Folder   25
Aschmann, Homer, incl. biography by M.J. Pasqualetti, 1965-1995
Association of American Geographers
Box   1
Folder   26-27
annual meetings and general mailings, 1962-2004
Box   16
Folder   2
copyright and publications, 1971-1992
Box   1
Folder   28
correspondence, 1963-2011
Box   1
Folder   29
journal survey, 2008
Box   1
Folder   30
Augelli, John P., 1961-1978
Box   1
Folder   31
Ayala, Reynaldo, 1964-2007
Box   2
Folder   1
Ba (miscellaneous)
Babchuk, Nicholas, 1970-1973
Bacheller, Martin A., 1953
Badzinski, Diane M., 2010
Baer, Pat, 1986-1990
Baerwold, Thomas J., 1988
Bahlburg, Ronald, 1984
Bahorich, Meredith, 1988
Bailey, Harry P., 1965-1971
Bailey, Guy H., 1992-1996
Bailey, Kenneth D., 1969-1970
Baker, Alan, 1987
Baker, Donald G., 1965-1983
Baker, Felicia B., 1979
Baker, Monty, 1966-1971
Baker, O.E., 1949
Baker, Ronald L., 2007
Baker, S.J.K., 1954
Baker, Susan P., 1989
Baldwin, Wendy, 1975-1984
Bale, John, 1988
Ball, John M., 1970-1973
Banerjee, Swapna, 1975
Banks, Brian, 1989
Bannon, John F., 1949
Barbour, K.M., 1960-1967
Barff, Richard A., 1995-1995
Barlow, Philip L., 1999-2002
Barnard, Robert C., 1955
Barnes, Carleton P., 1959
Barnes, Grant, 1968
Barnett, Larry D., 1983-1990
Barr, Edward M., 1967-1968
Bartle, David, 1982
Barton, Michael, 1982-1985
Bartoo, James B., 1979
Bartsch, Ellen, 1985-1986
Bascom, William R., 1950-1953
Bassett, Thomas J., 1992
Bassols Batalla, Geóg. Angel, 1965
Batschelet, Clarence E., 1958
Bauer, Gabriele, 1989
Baum, Samuel, 1963-1970
Bay, Sally, 1974
Box   2
Folder   2
Be (miscellaneous)
Beadle, Muriel, 1973
Bean, Mark, 1991
Bean, C. Richard, 1973-1992
Bean, Wyont, 1952
Beard, Daniel P., 1975-1976
Beard, C. Randolph, 1982
Beaujeu-Garnier, Jacqueline, 1965-1984
Beauregard, Lisa, 1981
Becker, T.J., 2004-2005
Beckner, Lee, 1999
Bederman, Sanford H., 1987
Beers, Paul B., 1978
Beetschen, P. Elizabeth, 1996
Belcher & Associates Inc., Donald, 1953
Bélisle, François J., 1981
Bell, Martin, 1977-1980
Bell, Michael M., 1998
Bell, Stephen, 1996
Bell, Whitfield J., Jr., 1980
Bell, William H., 1968
Bellmore, Sasanna, 1951
Benfield, Richard W., 1996
Ben-Moshe, Eliahu, 1988
Bennett, D. Gordon, 1971-1973
Bennett, Don C., 1963
Bennett, Doris, 1949-1952
Bennett, John, 1966
Bennett, Sari, 1983
Benson & Benson Inc., 1954
Bentley, Gillian, 1990
Bentley, Harold W., 1953
Berg, Donald J., 2006
Berger, Harlan, 1977
Berger, Marshall D., 1975
Bergman, Charles, 1994
Bergman, Edward F., 1973-2002
Berleant-Schiller, Riva, 1985-1987
Berner, R. Thomas, 1979-1989
Berry, Len, 1982
Beveridge, Ronald M., 1957
Beyer, Jacquelyn L., 1980-1988
Beyers, William B., 1971-1995
Bezy, Judith, 1996-1998
Box   2
Folder   3
Bh-Bl (miscellaneous)
Bhardwaj, Surinder M., 1989-1992
Bhasin, M.G., 1968
Bhatt, Bharat L., 2003
Bhattacharjee, Proneeta, 1985
Bibe, Ilo Maurice, 1991
Bickley, Dane, 1977
Birch, Eugenie L., 2004
Bishop, Barry C., 1973-1992
Bjerre, Arne, 1963
Black, Brian, 1992
Blacker, J.G.C., 1965
Blackett, Richard, 1988
Blackwell, Gordon W., 1948-1952
Blakely, Valerie W., 1991-1992
Blakely, Wayne A., 1967
Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1963
Blangger, Tim, 2002
Blaney, Charles D., 1974
Blaustein, Albert P., 1967
Blevins-Shadrick, Irene, 1993
Blue Earth County Geographical Society, 1971
Blumer, Herbert, 1970
Bloomsburg State College, 1967
Blouet, Brian W., 1977
Box   2
Folder   4
Bo (miscellaneous)
Boal, Frederick W., 1986
Board, Chris, 1985
Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc., 1978
Bobo, Lawrence, 1997
Bode, Carl, 1981
Boesch, Hans, 1970
Böhning, W.R., 1978-1979
Bolam, Andrew, 1992
Bolger, Laura-Lee, 2005
Bolton, Roger, 1989-1991
Bonasewicz, Andrzej, 1973-1977
Bonta, Mark, 1991
Bookchin, Murray, 1979
Boomsma, George L., 1975
Boone, Olga, 954
Booz, Allen & Hamilton, 1954
Borden, Carla M., 1973
Borms, Luc Tayart de, 1983
Borome, Joseph A., 1953
Boswell, Thomas D., 1983-1997
Bouman, Mark J., 2000-2006
Bouvier, Leon F., 1984
Bowen, William, 1976
Boroman, Robert, 1950
Bowles, Gladys K., 1968-1978
Bowles, Shirley Ann, 1991
Boxer, Baruch, 1968-1973
Boyer, Luis, undated
Boyce, Ronald R., 1962
Boyer, Howard, 1973
Bozorgmehr, Mehdi, 1995
Box   2
Folder   5
Bra-Bro (miscellaneous)
Bradford's Survey and Directory of Marketing Research Agencies, 1954
Bradford, Bruce C., 1973-1975
Bradt, Lawrence R., 1974
Brady, David, 1981
Branch, Melville C., 1986
Brand, Donald D., 1950
Brandon, Thomas M., 1993
Brandos, Kate Siegel, 1987
Brassel, Kurt, 1973
Bratten, Marsha, 1966
Breitbart, Myrna, 1978
Brender, Ernst V., 1951
Brereton, Virginia Lieson, 1999
Bressi, Todd W., 1990-1996
Brewer, Cindy, 2005-2008
Brewer, Michael F., 1981
Bridenbaugh, Carl, 1949
Briggs, Ronald, 1981
Brino, Giovanni, 1974-1980
Broadbent, Alison, 1968
Broda, Robert A., 1991-2007
Brodeur, David D., 1965
Brook, Anthony, 1970
Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1976-1977
Brooks, Gregory W., 1988
Brooks, Robert, 2005
Browett, J.G., 1973
Brown, Bryan C., 1984
Brown, David L., 1980-1981
Brown, Lawrence A., 1970-1972
Brown, Marilyn A., 1983
Brown, Paul, United States Congress, 1948
Brown, Richard Maxwell, 1989
Brown, Spencer H., 1968-1976
Brown, William J., 1961
Browne, Ray B., 1990
Browning, Clyde, undated
Box   2
Folder   6
Bru-Bu (miscellaneous)
Brubaker, Jack, 2000
Bruet, E., 1953
Bruman, Henry J., undated
Brunsman, Howard G., 1959
Brunvand, Jan Harold, 1993
Bryant, Edward, 1974
Bryson, Reid A., 1953-1957
Buchanan, Keith, 1966
Buchanan, Ronald A., 1964
Buckalew, Ronald E., 1971
Buckley, Bruce, 1970-1980
Buckley, Patrick, 1980
Buenker, John D., 1990
Buffone, John, 1996
Buford, Joseph C., 1969
Burford, Roger L., 1976
Burke, Terence, 1973
Burns, Leland S., 1971
Burr, Alex C., 1961
Burton, Glenn W., 1952
Burton, Vinston, Jr., 1977
Busacca, Deidre, 1992
Bushong, Allen D., 1973-1983
Business Press Inc., 1955
Butler, James Robert, 1951
Butler-Adam, John, 1977-1978
Buttel, Frederick H., 1979
Butterworths, 1978-1979
Büttner, M., 1974-1987
Butzer, Karl W., 1974-1993
Box   2
Folder   7
Ballas, Donald J., 1973-1989
Box   16
Folder   3
Basil Blackwell Publishing, 1963-1995
Box   2
Folder   8
Bastian, Robert W., 1976-1987
Box   2
Folder   9
Beale, Calvin L., 1960-1985
Box   16
Folder   14
Bedford, R.D., 1971-1973
Belasco, Warren
Box   2
Folder   10
correspondence, 1984-1995
Box   2
Folder   11
proposals, 1980-1990
Box   2
Folder   12
Bencloski, Joseph W., 1975-1980
Box   2
Folder   13
Berger, Jonathan, 1977-1982
Box   2
Folder   14
Berman, Mildred, 1973-1997
Box   2
Folder   15
Berry, Brian J.L., 1964-1980
Box   2
Folder   16
Birdsall, Stephen S., 1992-1995
Box   2
Folder   17
Blaut, James M., 1961-2000
Box   2
Folder   18
Bogue, Donald J., 1955-1968
Box   2
Folder   19
Bohland, James, 1975-1976
Box   16
Folder   5
Bohra, D.M., 1970-1979
Box   2
Folder   20
Borchert, John R., 1950-1987
Box   2
Folder   21
Bowden, Martyn J. and the Eastern Historical Geography Association, 1974-2009
Box   2
Folder   22
Braden, Kathleen E., 1983-2009
Box   2
Folder   23
Britton, Robert, 1979-1983
Box   2
Folder   24
Brodsky, Harold, 1994-2004
Box   2
Folder   25
Broek, Jan O.M., 1950-1970
Box   2
Folder   26
Bronner, Simon J., 1982-2011
Box   2
Folder   27
Brookfield, Harold C., 1961-1991
Box   2
Folder   28
Browning, Harley L., 1964-1975
Box   2
Folder   29
Bruegmann, Robert, 1993-2008
Box   2
Folder   30
Brunn, Stanley D., 1961-2009
Box   2
Folder   31-32
Brush, John E., 1947-2003
Box   2
Folder   33
Buchanan, Keith, 1953-1966
Box   2
Folder   34-35
Bunge, William, 1965-2008, undated
Box   2
Folder   36
Bunkše, Edmunds V., 1984-2008
Box   2
Folder   37
Burnett, K. Pat, 1974-1984
Box   3
Folder   1
Burrill, Meredith F., 1953-1974
Box   3
Folder   2
Burt, Arthur L., 1962-1966
Box   3
Folder   3
Burton, Ian and Lydia, 1970-1987
Box   3
Folder   4
Buttimer, Sister Mary Annette, 1962-2005
Box   3
Folder   5
Ca (miscellaneous)
Cabral, Edward, 1984
Cahiers de Géographie du Québec, 2002
Cahill, Edward E., 1973
Cahill, George F., 1981-1982
Caldwell, Harry H., 1970-1971
Calhoun Company, 1950
Callary, Edward, 1993
Calzonetti, Frank J., 1984
Camara, Youssouf, 1981
Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, 1985
Cambridge University Press, 1980-1986
Campbell, Donald T., 1973
Campbell, Edwina, 1989
Campbell, Ernest Q., 1966
Campbell, J.A., 1975
Campbell, Rex R., 1977
Canada, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1952
Canada, National Research Council, 1958
Canadian Aero Service, 1954
Canadian Geological Survey, 1950
Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 1985
Capital Aerial Surveys, 1954
Caplan, Harry, 1968
Capouya, Emile, 1975
Canterbury, University of, 1971
Carey, Francine, 1993
Carey, George W., 1976-1982
Cargille, Charles M., 1977
Caribbean Commission, 1951
Caribbean Studies, 1961
Carlson, Alvar W., 1976-1990
Carlson, Hans M., 2005
Carlson, Lucile, 1965
Carol, Hans, 1960-1967
Carolan, William B., Jr., 1967
Carpenter, Edwin H., 1978
Carr, William G., 1983
Carroll, Bret, 2000-2001
Carver, Craig, 1982
Carwardine, Richard J., 2010
Casetti, Emilio, 1973-1974
Casselberry, Harold J., Jr., 1969
Cassell (Campbell), Jodi, 1975
Castro, Constancio, 1984
Catapano, Joan, 1994
Cavanaugh, Colm, 1989
Box   3
Folder   6
Ce-Cn (miscellaneous)
Census, U.S. Bureau of, 1955-1993
Centeno, Miguel Angel, 1997
Center for the Study of Contemporary Issues, Eastern Michigan University, 1973
Central Intelligence Agency, 1985
Central States Forest Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1948
Centro Latinoamericano de Demografia, 1967
Cerny, James W., 1968-1980
Chabor, G., 1962
Chadwick, Christine, 1963
Chambers, J.K., 1989
Chambliss, Rollin, 1953
Champion Paper and Fibre Company, 1948
Chandna, R.C., 1980-1982
Chapin, Edward L., Jr., 1969
Chapman, J.D., 1962-1968
Chappelle, Warren A., 1975
Chardon, Roland E., 1961-1965
Charles E. Merrill Books Inc., 1965-1973
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1998-2001
Charles, Ron, 1972
Charlesworth, Andrew, 1989-1996
Chen, Cheng-siang, 1951-1952
Chester County Historical Society, 1994
Chewning, Paul B., 1989
Chiat, Marlyn, 1999
Chicago Aerial Survey Company, 1954
Chicago, University Press, 1948-2007
Chichekian, G., 1976
Chilcote, Bob, 1963-1972
Chojnicki, Zbyszko, 1977
Christensen, David E., 1964-1966
Christensen, Kathleen E., 1982
Christians, William F., 1954
Chrostowski, Marshall S., 1971
Chung, Roy, 1966-1967
Church Membership Study, 1982-1989
Ciciarelli, J.A., 1973
Clark, Gordon L., 1988
Clark, Thomas D., 1950-1952
Clarke, John I., 1961-1993
Claval, Paul, 1972-1976
Clement, Roland C., 1968
Clifton, James A., 1970
Clubb, Jerome, 1981
Cnaan, Ram A., 2003
Box   3
Folder   7
Co (miscellaneous)
Coalition for Population Year, 1974
Coates, Richard, 2007
Coffman, Janis, 1989
Cohen, Mark, 1980
Cohen, Peter, 1994
Cohen, Philippe, 1979-1980
Cohen, Stewart J., 1981
Colbert, L.O., 1948
Colby, Charles C., 1962
Coldwell Banker, 1987
Coleman, Annie Gilbert, 1996
Coles, Robert, 1986
Colker, Susan, 1978
Collier, James E., 1958
Collins, Horace R., 1971
Collins, Walton R., 1990
Collison, Gary L., 2004-2006
Coltharp, Lurline H., 1990-1991
Columbia University Press, 1950
Columbus-Plaza Hotel, 1965
Colwell, Robert N., 1948
Combs, Jerry W., Jr., 1976-1977
Comeaux, Malcolm L., 1987-2013
Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1993
Conklin, Maxwell R., 1955
Conkling, Edgar C., 1981-1984
Connors, Daniel G., 1982
Conservation Foundation, 1953-1965
Conway, Dennis, 1993-1994
Conzen, M.R.G., 1961
Cook, Daniel, 1954-1956
Cook, Robert C., 1968
Coomansingh, Johnny, 2006
Cooper, Sherwin H., 1970
Cooper, Thomas W., 1990-1991
Copp, James H., 1967-1976
Corbitt, D.C., 1962
Corliss, William R., 1974
Cornell University Press, 1950-1980
Corrê Filho, Virgílio, 1966
Corwin, Arthur F., 1964-1968
Cosgrove, Denis, 1994-2005
Costume Society of America, 2002
Cotten, Fred R., 1953-1954
Couch, Donald, 1969
Coulter, E. Merton, 1950-1951
Coulter, J.W., 1959
Council on Foreign Relations Inc., 1970
Court, Arnold, 1973
Cowen, David J., 1972
Cox, Stephen F., 1975
Box   3
Folder   8
Cr-Cy (miscellaneous)
Cramer, Chester D., 1980
Cramer, M. Richard, 1983-1985
Crampton, Jeremy, 1996
Crane, Robert I., 1967
Creese, Walter L., 1953
Cremation Association of North America, 1984-1987
Cresswell, Tim, 1998
Cressy, George B., 1950-1952
Crisler, Robert M., 1950-1961
Crispin, Edwin A., 1979
Crist, Ray, 1967
Cromartie, John, 1993
Cronin, Fergus, 1983
Cronin, Walter F., 1958
Cronon, William, 1991
Crowell, Robert L., 1965
Crump, Caryn, 2005
Cucu, Vasile, 1966
Cuff, David J., 1970-2005
Cumberland, Kenneth B., 1948-1949
Cummings, Robert A., Jr., 1954
Curtis Publishing Company, 1954
Curtis, James R., 1990-1995
Cutler, Preston S., 1972-1981
Cutter, Susan Caris, 1980-1991
Cybriwsky, Roman, 1974-1996
Box   3
Folder   9
Calef, Wesley C., 1956-1971
Box   3
Folder   10
Callary, Edward, 1993-2007
Box   3
Folder   11
Campbell, John S., Geolectic, 1971-1974
Box   3
Folder   12
Campbell, Jon, Board of Geographic Names, 1990-1996
Box   3
Folder   13
Carney, George O., 1975-2004
Box   3
Folder   14
Carter, George F., 1948-1980
Box   3
Folder   15
Caruso, Douglas J., 1971-1975
Box   3
Folder   16
Cassidy, Frederick G., DARE, 1953-2000
Box   3
Folder   17
Cawley, Mary E., 1986-2002
Box   3
Folder   18
Chapman, Murray, 1967-1993
Box   3
Folder   19
Chappell, John E., 1976-1994
Box   3
Folder   20
Chatterjee, S.P., 1953-1962
Box   3
Folder   21
Clark, Andrew H., 1949-1971
Box   3
Folder   22
Clarke, Colin G., 1967-1971
Box   3
Folder   23-25
Clay, Grady, 1964-1994
Box   3
Folder   26
Cohen, Saul B., 1964-1991
Box   3
Folder   27
Colten, Craig E., 1999-2009
Box   3
Folder   28-29
Conzen, Michael P., 1970-2012
Box   3
Folder   30
Cooley, Richard A., 1972-1973
Box   3
Folder   31
Corey, Kenneth E., 1962-1985
Box   3
Folder   32
Cresswell, Catherine, 1997-1999
Box   16
Folder   6
Cribier, Françoise, 1970-1984
Box   3
Folder   33
Da (miscellaneous)
Daggs, Debra, 1986
Dalby, Simon, 1988-1992
Dallas Theological Seminary, 1962-1963
Daly, Dave, 1993
Dambekalns, Lydia, 1993
Dando, William A., 1979-1995
Danforth Foundation, 1961
Darlington, James William, 1981-1996
Darmstadter, Joel, 1976
Datel, Robin and Dennis Dingemans, 1989
Davey, J.C.A., 1983
Davidson, Hugh, 1992-1993
Davie, Grace, 2007
Davies, J.A., 1968
Davies, Ron, 1996
Davis, Dawn, 1984
Davis, Dewitt, Jr., 1987-1988
Davis, Edward H., 1996
Davis, George H., 1967
Davis, Joseph S., 1951
Davis, Lambert, 1952
Davis, Patricia, 1993
Dawson, Bill, 2000-2006
Day & Zimmermann Inc., 1954
Day, Richard L., 1961
Box   3
Folder   34
De-Di (miscellaneous)
Dean, William G., 1981-1982
Dear, Michael, 1988
Debenham, Frank, review, undated
DeBres, Karen, 1976-1978
DeChant, Dell, 2009
Deetz, James, 1967
De Jong, Gordon F., 1978-1995
De Meel, H., 1951-1952
Delaware State Highway Department, 1948
Demmon, E.L., 1951
Denevan, William M., 1978-2002
Denker, Fred H., 1961
Dennis, Holmes M., 1958
Denny's Restaurants, 1977
Denton, Nancy, 1995
DeSantis, Grace, 1992
Desbarats, J.M., 1973
Deshler, Walter, 1969
Design Center Inc., 1951
Deskins, Donald R., Jr., 1970-1975
Dever, G.E. Alan, 1969-1976
Deviney, Claudia Head, 1997
DeVorsey, Louis, 1967-1987
Dewar, Neil, 1976
DeWind, Josh, 2002
DeWit, Cary, 1991-1992
Diamond, Etan, 1999-2000
Dick, Ross S., 1960
Dickens, Dorothy, 1953
Dickinson, Joshua C., 1977
Dickinson, Robert E., 1972
Diettrich, Sigismond, 1949-1952
Digest, 1980-1988
Dilley, Maxx, 1994
DiMartino, David R., 1978-1979
Dingeman, Dennis, 1997
Dinsdale, Evelyn, 1964
Dixon, Benjamin Y., 1998
Dixon, O.M., 1973
Box   3
Folder   35
Do-Dy (miscellaneous)
Dobbins, Bill, 1990
Dobson, Jerome E., 1979
Dobson, Michael W., 1976
Dodd, Lamar, 1949
Dodson, Belinda, 1996
Doeppers, Daniel F., 1974-1987
Doerr, Arthur H., 1968
Dole, Stephen H., 1976
Dollhopf, Kevin J., 1981
Domingo, Vernon, 1987-1988
Donahue, Thomas C., 1949
Donaldson, Fred, 1973
Donaldson, Peter J., 1975
Donnenwerth, Gregory V., 1973
Dooley, Louise, 1986-1987
Dorel, Gerard, 1989
Dorney, Lindsay C., 1972
Dorson, Richard M., 1981
Doucet, Michael J., 1991
Dougherty, Percy H., Jr., 1977-1988
Dowie, J.A., 1974
Dowling, Lorraine, 1997-1998
Dragomirescu, S., 1972
Draper, Dianne L., 1984
Dresch, J., 1950s
Driver, Edwin D., 1969
Drygalski, C.V., 1950
DuBose, Louise Jones, 1953
Duckert, Audrey R., 1954-1956
Ducoff, Louis J., 1957-1964
Duffy, Patrick J., 1978
Duhaime, Paula, 1985
Dulemba, Jean L., 1972
Duncan, James S., 1980-1986
Duncan, Nancy, 1982-1983
Duncan, Wilbur R., 1950-1955
Dunlap, Riley, 1983-1985
Dunlevey, Charles, 1998
Dunn, Bob, 2000
Dunnutt, Thelma T., 2003
Dupuy, Raymond, 1994
Durrenberger, Robert, 1961
Dury, George H., 1973
Duxbury Press, 1976-1979
Dykstra, Ann, 1987
Dyer, Donald R., 1961
Box   4
Folder   1
Dahlberg, Richard E., 1962-1973
Box   4
Folder   2
Dahmann, Donald C., 1976-2000
Box   4
Folder   3
Davis, Kingsley, 1954-1965
Box   4
Folder   4
De Blij, Harm, 1966-1992
Box   4
Folder   5
De Souza, Anthony R., 1982-1994
Box   4
Folder   6
Demko, George J., 1964-1992
Box   4
Folder   7
Denoyer-Geppert Company, 1950-1982
Box   4
Folder   8
Detro, Randall A., 1977-2004
Box   16
Folder   7
Dickenson, John P., 1989-2002, undated
Box   4
Folder   9
Doran, Edwin, 1966-1975
Box   4
Folder   10
Dow, Maynard W., 1984-2004
Box   4
Folder   11
Downs, Roger, 1970-2007
Box   4
Folder   12
Drazniowsky, Roman, 1975-1985
Box   4
Folder   13
Dunbar, Gary S., 1957-2008
Box   4
Folder   14
Duncan, Otis D., 1956-1969
Box   4
Folder   15
Durand, Loyal, 1949-1967
Box   4
Folder   16
Ea-Ei (miscellaneous)
Earickson, Robert, 1971-1972
Earth First, 1985
East-West Center, 1984
Easterlin, Richard A., 1976-1977
Easterling, William E., 2007-2009
Easy, Emma, 2002
Eaton, Theodore H., 1989
Ebersole, Lloyd H., 1966
Ebert, Barbara E., 1986
Eckstein, Peter, 1992
Ekblaw, W. Elmer, 1948-1949
Economic Geography, 1949
Eddy, Edward D., 1982
Eden, M.J., 1966
Eder, Herbert M., 1966-1994
Edgar, Robert W., 1981
Educational Testing Service, 1964-1965
Edwards, Hardy M., Jr., 1975
Edwards, Mickey, 1979
Efron, Ronald, undated
Egan, Catherine M., 1980
Eggleston, Phyllis, 1968
Ehlers, Eckart, 1982
Ehrenreich, John H., 1973
Ehrich, Robert W., 1984
Eidson, John O., 1951-1952
Eighmy, Tom, 1993-1994
Eis, Arlene, 1963
Eisenstein, Virginia, 1963
Box   4
Folder   17
El-En (miscellaneous)
Eldridge, Clyde N., 1948
Eldridge, Hope T., undated
Ellinger, Robert S., 1977
Elliott, Jack D., Jr., 1987
Ellis, George H., 1954
Ellis, Mark, 2000
Elmes, Greg, 1984-1985
Emery, Byron E., 1966
Emmerson, R.C., 1973
Elvehjem, C.A., 1953
El-Zomor, Wafaa, 1977
Emel, Jody, 1998
Encyclopedia Americana, 1969
Enggass, Peter M., 1972-1976
Engineering Service Corporation, 1954
England, Kim, 1987
English, Paul, 1970-1987
Enmals, Peter M., 1967-1994
Enscore, Susan, 1986
Ensminger, Robert F., 1992-1993
Environmental Planning and Information Center, 1971
Box   4
Folder   18
Er-Ey (miscellaneous)
Erickson, Rodney, 1989-1998
Erickson, Ronald D., 1967
Ericson, Mary Alice, 1962
Ernst, Robert, 1975
Espace-Populations-Sociétés, 1983-1989
Espenshade, Edward B., Jr., 1965-1968
Esser, Aristide H., 1968
Estaville, Lawrence E., Jr., 1991
Euwema, Ben, 1964
Evans, Emyr Estyn, 1989
Evans, G., 1969
Evans, Gail, 1987
Evans, Marlene, 1977
Evans, Patricia, 1970
Everett, Harvey A., 1961
Evers, Robert A., 1960
Evon, Susan, 1969
Explorers Club, 1977-1979
Eyles, John, 1984
Eyre, Lawrence Alan, 1968-1970
Eyre, John D., 1977-1978
Eyton, J. Ronald, 1981-1985
Box   4
Folder   19
Earle, Carville V., 1973-1994
Box   4
Folder   20
Eichenbaum, Jack J., 1970-2001
Box   4
Folder   21
Emblen, Roger G., 1977-1978
Box   16
Folder   8
Encyclopædia Britannica, 1970-1976
Box   4
Folder   22
Fa-Fi (miscellaneous)
Facts Incorporated, 1954
Fair, T.J.D., 1962-1976
Fair, Steven, 1990
Fair, Susan W., 1996-1997
Fairbridge, Rhodes W., 1968
Fairclough, G. Thomas, 1974
Faissol, Speridao, 1961
Faith, Andrew D., 1966
Falk, Laurence L., 1961
Farley, Albert L., 1965
Farrell, Bryan H., 1976
Farrow, Steven, 1983-1985
Fatherley, Robert E., Jr., 1964
Faundeen, John L., 1982
Fay, William T., 1965-1970
Feigert, James W., 1974
Feit, David, 1995
Feldman, Jeff, undated
Fellmann, Jerome D., 1960
Fellows, Erwin W., 1952
Fentem, Arlin, 1965
Ferrar, Terry A., 1975
Ferris, William R., 1980-1993
Fiabane, Dino, 1970
Fideler Company, 1961-1962
Field, James A., Jr., 1984-1991
Fielding, Gordon J., 1961-1967
Fifer, J. Valerie, 1987
Fighiera, Gian Carlo, 1991
Finch, V.C., 1949-1951
Findlay, John M., 1985-1996
Findley, Sally E., 1980
Finifter, Ada, 1994
Firebaugh, Glenn, 1997
Firor, J. William, 1950
Fischer, David Hackett, undated
Fischer, Eric, 1960-1961
Fisher, Albert L., 1962
Fisher, Helen, 1977
Fitchen, John F., 1980
Box   4
Folder   23
Fl-Fo (miscellaneous)
Flay, Joseph C., 1974
Fleischer, Carl F., 1949-1950
Flemming, Michael, 1976
Fleure, H.J., 1961
Flint, Colin, 1997-2005
Flint, John T., 1961
Flint, Richard W., 1982
Florida State Highway Department, 1948
Florida, University of, 1953-1977
Floyd, Barry, 1971
Fogel, Robert, 1971-1984
Folklore Forum, undated
Food Research Institute, 1951
Foote, Kenneth, 1997-2003
Forbes, J.D., 1953-1954
Ford Foundation, 1957
Forêt, Philippe, 1998
Forman, Henry Chandlee, 1950-1951
Forstall, Richard L., 1984
Forth, Stuart, 1974-1986
Foster, Gary S., 1994
Foster, Kathleen A., 1993
Foster, Phillips, 1976
Foster, Richard W., 1978
Foster, Richard, 2002
Foster, William H., Jr., 1972
Foulk, Thad S., 1991
Foust, Brady, 1996
Fowler, Gary L., 1980
Fowler, James A., 1967
Fox, David, 2006
Fox, Harold, undated
Fox, John E., 1973
Fox, Michael W., 1976
Box   4
Folder   24
Fr-Fu (miscellaneous)
Frankena, Frederick, 1980
Franklin, Wayne, 1993-1996
Frantz, John B., 1980-1985
Fraser, A.B., undated
Fratkin, Elliot, 1993
Frazer, Timothy C., 1977-1996
Frazier, E. Franklin, 1949
Frederick A. Praeger Inc., 1962
Freedman, Ronald, 1964
Freeman, Lisa, 1993
Freeman, M.J., 1983
Frese, Pam, 1983
Frey, William H., 1979
Friberg, Justin, 1969
Fricke, Werner, 1983
Friedlander, Dov, 1979-1986
Friedman, Judith, 1976
Friedman, Peter, 2002
Friedman, Robin, 2004
Friedman, Ruth L., 1986-1988
Friedmann, John R.P., 1969
Friedmann, John, 1969
Frisch, Michael, 1983-1989
Froehlich, Becky, 1981
Froman, Creel, 1973
Frost, Melvin J., 1963-1964
Fruend, David L., 1987-1988
Fuller, Gary, 1976-1977
Fujimoto, Isao, 1989
Funk Publishers, Wilfrid, 1956
Furmankiewicz, Marek, 2002
Fusch, Richard D., 1978
Fuson, Robert, 1966
Fussell, Paul, 1990
Futagami, Hiromu, 1982
Fairchild, Wilma B., American Geographical Society
Box   4
Folder   25-28
correspondence, 1949-1984
Box   4
Folder   29
Geographical Review manuscripts, undated
Box   4
Folder   30
Ferrario, Franco F., 1977-1980
Box   4
Folder   31
Finke, Roger, 2000-2008
Box   4
Folder   32
Fladd, Harvey K., 1977-2009
Box   4
Folder   33
Flaherty, David H., Centre for American Studies, 1984-1985
Box   4
Folder   34
Florin, John W., 1967-1996
Box   4
Folder   35
Fondersmith, John, 1983-2013
Box   4
Folder   36
Ford, Larry R., 1975-2004
Box   4
Folder   37
Francaviglia, Richard V., 1973-2010
Box   4
Folder   38
Friis, Herman R., 1946-1972
Box   4
Folder   39
Fuchs, Roland J., 1962-1975
Box   4
Folder   40
Fuguitt, Glenn V., 1958-1986
Box   5
Folder   1
Ga (miscellaneous)
Gabaccia, Donna, 1998-1999
Gabler, Robert, 1998
Gade, Daniel W., 1970
Gade, Ole, 1977-1981
Gaffney, Wilbur G., 1971
Gaile, Gary L., 1987-1988
Gaines, E.M., 1976
Gall, Francis, 1964
Galloway, Jock H., 1980-1996
Galneder, Mary, 1964-1965
Galper, Norman, 1989-1998
Gambs, Michelle, 1991
Gamer, John, 1988
Gamerith, Werner, 1996
Gans, Albert T., 1985
Garche, Hans-Martin, 1975
Gardner, Robert W., 1981
Garfinkel, Susan, 1987
Garigue, Philippe, 1957
Garland Publishing Inc., 1990
Garoian, Charles R., 1989
Garon, Anthony, 1953
Garrigus, Woodford, M., 1974
Garvan, Anthony N.B., 1953
Garvey, Timothy J., 1985
Gary, Don L., 1980
Gast, Bert J., 2005
Gasteiner, Ing. H., 1951
Gastil, Raymond D., 1975-1976
Gates, James E., 1951-1952
Gaus, John M., 1951-1954
Gaustad, Edwin S., 1962
Gauter, John, 1985
Gauthier, Howard L., 1969
Gay, John D., undated
Gazillo, Stephen, 1982-1983
Box   5
Folder   2
Ge-Gi (miscellaneous)
Geddes, Arthur, 1962
Gee, Linda, 1973
Gehrle, Willis, 1949
Geipel, Robert, 1986
Gensler, Robert E., 1964
Geoforum, 1983-1984
Geographical Institute, 1960
Geographical Magazine, 1981-1987
Geolinguistic Newsletter, 1992-1994
Geophoto Services Inc., 1954
George, Pierre, 1953-1976
George, Walter F., United States Senate, 1948-1951
Georgia, Department of State, Ben W. Fortson, 1948
Georgia Historical Society, 1951
Georgia Motor Club, 1950
Georgia, University Press, 1952-1986
Geoscience and Man, 1971
Gerhold, Maureen Lynn, 1981
German Marshall Fund of the U.S., 1986-1992
Gersmehl, Philip J., 1987
Gerson, Elihu M., 1970
Getis, Arthur, 1974-2007
Geyer, Hermanus S., 1992-1993
Gibbons, William J., 1967
Gibson, J. Sullivan, 1950-1951
Gibson, James R., 1977
Gifford, Jonathan L., 1993
Gilbert, Allan, 2010
Ginn and Company, 1962-1963
Ginsberg, Benjamin, 1981
Gilchrist, C. Jack, 1978
Gilmore, William J., 1987
Gish, Robert F., 1994
Gisler, Susan, 1985-1990
Box   5
Folder   3
Gl-Go (miscellaneous)
Glassner, Martin, 1971-1974
Gleason, Allan, 2002
Glenn, Norval D., 1968-1969
Glick, Paul C., 1960-1961
Gober, Jack, 1949
Gober-Meyers, Patricia, 1977-1997
Godfrey, Brian, 1993
Golab, Caroline, 1992-1997
Golant, Stephen M., 1973
Gold, Gerald, 1989-1990
Golden, Gerald D., 1994-1995
Goldenberg, David, 1973
Goldstein, Alice, 1987
Goldstein, Sidney, 1978-1981
Gollong, Paul, 1954
Gonen, Amiram, 1996
González Q., Ing. Alberto, 1968
Good, Charles M., 1976
Good, Dorothy, 1961
Good, James K., 1978-1981
Goodey, Brian, 1974
Goodwin, Cecil W., 1974-1996
Gordon, Martin K., 1983
Gordon, Michael H., 1966
Gordon, Neil E., 1972
Gordon, Roni, 1977
Goreham, Gary A., 1995
Gorrie, A.M., 1966
Gottlieb, Peter, 1985-1986
Goudie, Andrew S., 1985
Gouger, James B., 1973
Gould, William T.S., 1996
Gourou, Pierre, 1951-1953
Gowen, Ken, 1996
Box   5
Folder   4
Gr (miscellaneous)
Gradus, Yehuda, 1972
Grand Central Artists Materials, 1952
Grandidier, Guillaume, 1953
Granger, Byrd Howell, 1976
Grant, Neva, 1992
Grauman, John V., 1965
Gravelle, Kent, 1992
Great Lakes Geographer, 1995
Gregg, Tammy, 1991
Green, David R., 1987
Green, Fletcher M., 1952
Green, Harvey, 1981
Green, Howard L., 1954-1973
Greenbaum, John A., 1985
Greenberg, M., 1983
Greenwood, Bart, 1948
Gregor, Howard F., 1968
Gregor, John C., 1974
Grene, David, 1949
Grenier, Alain, 1974
Greve, Frank, 1992
Griffin, Paul F., 1968
Grigg, D.B., 1970
Griggs, Richard, 1985-1986
Grimaud, Michel, 1991-1992
Gritzner, Charles F., 1973-1981
Grogan, Dan, undated
Groom, Paul W., 1949-1950
Gross, Herbert H., 1966
Gross, Larry, 1981-1983
Grossman, James, 2004
Grove, Pearce S., 1987
Growth & Change, 2003
Box   5
Folder   5
Gu-Gy (miscellaneous)
Guay, Lorraine, 1992
Gudde, Erwin G., 1954
Guernsey, Lee, 1961
Guidance Associates, 1974-1975
Guidry, Richard, 1989
Guilford Press, 2007
Gulliford, Andrew, 1983
Guneter, Scot M., 1987-1988
Gunnemark, Erik V., 1990
Gunter, Charles R., Jr., 1968
Gunter, Walter E., 1950
Gurgel, Klaus D., 1976
Gurubatham, Gladstone P., 1975
Gurwit, Robert, 1995-1996
Gutierrez, Paige, 1980
Gutierrez de MacGregor, Maria-Teresa, 1970-2003
Guttenberg, Albert Z., 1976
Gwan, Emmanuel A., 1987
Gypsy Lore Society, Journal of the, 1990
Box   5
Folder   6
Gale, Stephen, 1970-1985
Box   16
Folder   9
Garreau, Joel, 1979-2011
Box   5
Folder   7
Garrison, William L., 1954-1965
Box   5
Folder   8
Gasque, Thomas J., 1987-2007
Box   16
Folder   10
Gedik, Ayse, 1977-2000
Box   16
Folder   11
Gentilli, Joseph, 1949-1996
Box   5
Folder   9
Gerlach, Arch C., 1950-1972
Box   5
Folder   10-11
Ginsburg, Norton S., 1955-1999
Box   5
Folder   12
Glass, Joseph W., 1963-1989
Box   5
Folder   13
Glassie, Henry H., 1967-2006
Box   5
Folder   14
Glennon, Thomas R., 1962-1972
Box   5
Folder   15
Goheen, Peter G., 1974-1996
Box   5
Folder   16
Goodman, Robert J., 1959-1980
Box   5
Folder   17
Gordon, Jeffrey J., 1984-2006
Box   5
Folder   18
Gosal, Gurdev S., 1965-1988
Box   5
Folder   19
Gottmann, Jean, 1952-1994
Box   5
Folder   20
Gould, Peter R., 1966-2000
Box   5
Folder   21
Gowans, Alan, 1981-2007
Box   5
Folder   22
Greiner, Alyson L., 2003-2010
Box   5
Folder   23
Groth, Paul, 1987-2012
Box   5
Folder   24
Gruening, Ernest, 1969
Box   5
Folder   25
Gumprecht, Blake, 1996-2009
Box   16
Folder   12
Gunnemark, Erik V., 1991-1992
Box   5
Folder   26
Haa-Han (miscellaneous)
Haarer, Rebecca, 1990
Haas, Ruth B., 1971
Hagood, Margaret Jarman, 1954
Haines, Lewis F., 1953
Haines, Robert, undated
Hale, Ruth F., 1973-1977
Hall, Joan Houston, 2004-2007
Hall, John W., 1968-1987
Hallett, Robin, 1964
Halpern, Baruch, 1994
Halpern, Joel, 1968
Halvorson, Peter, 1966
Hambly, Wilfrid D., 1952
Hamburg, James F., 1966-1974
Hamilton, Charles V., 1993
Hamilton, Ian, 1970
Hamlett, James C., 1961
Hamm, Charles, 1987
Hammond, Phillip E., 1981
Hamscher, Albert N., 2006
Hance, William A., 1967
Hand, Wayland D., 1975
Hanke, Lewis, 1972
Hanna, J.M., 1972
Hannerz, Ulf, 1992
Hansel, Betsy, 1979
Hanson, Earl P., 1952-1953
Hanson, G.T., 1980-1982
Box   5
Folder   27
Har-Hay (miscellaneous)
Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1959-1976
Hardin, Garrett, undated
Hardwick, Susan W., 1994-2010
Hareven, Tamara K., 1984
Harley, J.B., 1987
Harmer, Walter J., 1950
Harmon, John E., 1984
Harpending, Henry, 1987
Harper, Roland M., 1961
Harper's Magazine, 1967-2005
Harries, Keith D., 1972-1974
Harris, Bill, 1962
Harris, Neil, 1981-1987
Harrison, David A., 1972
Harrison, Helen A., 1983
Harshbarger, Luther H., 1970-1974
Hart, LeRoy C., Jr., 1948-1949
Hart, R.P., 1971
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 1948
Harvard University, 1948-1999
Harvill, Harris, 1955
Hattingh, P.S., 1984-1986
Hawley, Amos H., undated
Hayden, Dolores, 1990
Hayes, Wayland J., 1966
Hayford, Alison, 1972-1973
Haynes, Kingsley E., 1970
Box   5
Folder   28
He-Hi (miscellaneous)
Headley, Kim B., 1974
Hecht, Jacqueline, 1983
Hecht, Melvin E., 1970-1978
Hecht, Susanna B., 1985
Heenan, Karen Maria, 1981
Heenan, L.D.B., 1963-1976
Heer, David M., 1964
Heffer, W. & Sons, 1949
Hegen, Edmund, 1963
Heicklen, J., 1972
Helburn, Nicholas, 1965-1971
Hélin, Etienne, 1980-1981
Helms, Mary W., 1966-1969
Hemmasi, Mohammad, 1999
Henderson, David, 1983
Henderson, Floyd F., 1978-1981
Henderson, Ray, 1993
Henry Ford Museum, 1983
Herbert, Ralph, 1978
Herden, Wolfgang, 1983
Heric, Dawn Davis, 1990
Herman, Lynn B., 1983-1984
Herman, R.D.K., 1998
Herman, Theodore, 1965-1985
Hermitage, Home of Andrew Jackson, 1981-1982
Hernández, Edwin L., 2003
Hernandez, Lic Jacinto, 1993
Herrmann, Carol, 1989-1990
Herskovits, Melville J., 1952-1954
Hertzberg, Hazel, 1965-1966
Hetzel, Frederick A., 1987-1990
Heumann, Karl F., 1980-1987
Hewes, Leslie, 1951
Hewitt, Kenneth, 1974-1991
Hickcox, David H., 1986
Hicks, William T., 1950
Hidore, John J., 1969
Higgs, Robert J., 2009
Higham, John, 1987
Hill, C.R., 1970
Hill, Samuel S., 1980
Hill, Walter B., 1981
Hilliard, Sam Bowers, 1974-1983
Hillman, Felicitas, 2001
Hills, Theo L., 1957-1968
Hinds, L.B., 1986
Hinkle, Douglas, 1963
Hinshaw, Philip L., 1972
Hirsch, Frederich A., 1970-1971
Hirshon, Stephen C., 1983
Historical Geography, 1998
Hively, Robert W., 1972
Box   5
Folder   29
Ho (miscellaneous)
Hobbs, June Hadden, 2008
Hoch, Irving, 1979-1980
Hoshstadt, Steve, 1987
Hodgart, Robert, 1980-2006
Hodge, Robert W., 1962
Hodgin, Jean, 1963
Hoen, A. & Co., 1952
Hoetink, H., 1962
Hoffman, Alice M., 1985
Hoffman, George W., 1951
Hoffman, Morton, 1962
Hoffman, W. Dean, undated
Hoffmeister, Harold A., 1950
Hofmeister, B., 1960-1968
Hogan, Bill, 1989
Hogan, Dennis P., 1995
Hokenson, Richard F., 1989
Holdridge, Leslie R., 1963
Holliday, Albert E., 1977-1978
Holly, Brian P., 1973
Holmberg Aerial Survey Co., 1953
Holmes, Benjamin F., 1964
Holz, Robert K., 1976
Hook, John C., 1957-1962
Hooker, John J., 1961
Hoosier Energy, 1979
Hooson, David J.M., 1959-2001
Hoover, Steven, 1991
Hope, Kenneth, 1982
Hopper, Hilary Lambert, 2001
Horvath, Ronald J., 1973-1974
Horst, Oscar H., 1983-1984
Hoselitz, Bert F., 1961
Hosler, C.L., 1979-1994
Houck, Charles N., 1953
Hough, Richard, 1977
Houk, Richard, 2007
Howard, Donald F., 1963
Howell, E.J., 1954
Howenstine, Erick, 1992-1994
Hoy, Don R. and Roland Chardon, 1961
Box   5
Folder   30
Hs-Hy (miscellaneous)
Hsieh, Chiao-min (Jimmy), 1999-2000
Hsiung, David, 1996
Hsu, Mei-Ling, 1962
Huanyong, Hu and Hu Zongking, 1983
Hubka, Thomas C., 1978-1986
Hudson, James R., 1980
Huether, Carl A., 1970
Huff, James O., 1981
Hughes, George, 1995
Hugill, Peter J., 1987
Hugo, Graeme, 1977-1996
Huke, Robert E., 1967-1996
Hummon, David M., 1988
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1967
Hunker, Henry L., 1954-1956
Hunt, Martin, 1979
Hunt, Roger, 1995-1996
Hunter, Stuart, 1953
Huntingdon County Planning & Development Department, 1990
Hurd, Mark, Aerial Surveys Inc., 1959
Hurt, Douglas, 1996
Hustich, Ilmari, 1970
Hycon Aerial Surveys, 1954
Box   16
Folder   13
Haase, Wolfgang, 1988-1993
Box   16
Folder   14
Hägerstrand, Torsten, 1965-2002
Box   16
Folder   15
Haggett, Peter, 1962-2013
Box   5
Folder   31
Hammond, Edwin H., 1955-1982
Box   5
Folder   32
Hannon, Thomas J., 1973-1990
Box   5
Folder   33
Hanson, Susan E., 1980-1993
Box   6
Folder   1
Harder, Kelsie B., 1960-1994
Box   6
Folder   2
Hare, F. Kenneth, 1952-1989
Box   6
Folder   3
Harper & Row Publishers, 1962-1993
Harper, Robert A.
Box   6
Folder   4
correspondence, 1959-2008
Box   6
Folder   5
newsletters, 1997-2001
Box   6
Folder   6
Harris, Chauncy D., 1949-2004
Box   6
Folder   7
Harris, R. Cole, 1966-2005
Box   6
Folder   8
Harrsion, Richard E., 1949-1994
Box   6
Folder   9-11
Hart, John Fraser, 1950-2001
Box   6
Folder   12
Hartshorne, Richard, 1950-1964
Box   6
Folder   13
Harvey, David, 1967-1994
Box   6
Folder   14
Harvey, Thomas W., 1973-2006
Box   6
Folder   15
Hauser, Philip M., 1958-1965
Box   6
Folder   16
Heath, Douglas E., 1989-1990
Box   16
Folder   16
Henderson-Sellers, Ann, 1978-1981
Box   6
Folder   17
Higbee, Edward, 1960-1971
Box   6
Folder   18
Hitchcock, Charles B., 1949-1967
Box   6
Folder   19
Hodge, David C., 1975-1997
Box   6
Folder   20
Hoelscher, Steven D., 1995-2005
Box   6
Folder   21
Holcomb, Briavel, 1974-1992
Box   6
Folder   22
Holdsworth, Deryck, 1983-1991
Box   16
Folder   17
Holmes, John H., 1967-2007
Box   6
Folder   23
Hornberger, Mark A., 1973-1985
Box   6
Folder   24
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1968-1976
Box   6
Folder   25
Hudson, John C., 1971-1995
Box   6
Folder   26
Humphrey, Craig R., 1973-2000
Box   6
Folder   27
Hurst, Michael E., 1972-1987
Box   6
Folder   28
I (miscellaneous)
Idaho, University of, 1970-1985
Ide, Sachiko, 1975
Illeris, Sven, 1980
Illinois, University of, 1959-1976
Imhof, Ed., 1966
Inbakanan, Robert John, 1976
Indiana Festival Map, Hoosier Energy, 1979
Indiana University, 1967
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1987
Ingraham, Mark H., 1954
Inkeles, Alex, 1984
Innes, Frank C., 1974
Inoue, Shunichi, 1978
Inter American Statistical Institute, 1952
International Union of Official Travel Organizations, 1963
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, 1981
Inujai, Maseko, 1953
Iowa State University, Department of Earth Science, 1973
Iowa, University Press, 2006-2008
Iraqui Geographical Society, 1972-1973
Irby, Joseph K., 1973
Irwin, Daniel R., 1963-1967
Irwin, Leonard G., 1963
Isard, Walter, 1983
Isbell, Eleanor C., 1961
Isom, John E., 1996
Isserman, Andrew M., 1978
Ivan Allen-Marshall Co., 1951
Iwamuro, Renee K., 1992
Box   6
Folder   29
Ioffe, Grigory, 2004-2005
Box   6
Folder   30
Innis, Donald Q., 1967-1998
Box   6
Folder   31
Isaac, Erich, 1961-1970
Box   6
Folder   32
Ja-Joh (miscellaneous)
J. Walter Thompson Company, 1954
Jabbour, Alan, 1983
Jablonski, Nina, 2007
Jackson, C. Ian, 1985
Jackson, Richard H., 1972
Jain, Devendra Kumar, 1973-1974
James W. Sewall Company, 1954
Jamesen, Carl, 1972
Janelle, Don, 1971-1991
Janiskee, Robert L., 1973-1993
Jeane, D. Gregory, 1975-1984
Jeans, Dennis N., 1989
Jedlicka, Davor, 1978
Jenkins, James A., 1950
Jenkins, Nancy Harmon, 1989
Jenkins, Philip, 2002-2004
Jensen, J. Granville, 1966
Jensen, Robert G., 1979-1984
Jett, Stephen C., 1996
Joerg, W.L.G., 1949-1950
Johannessen, Carl L., 1964-1967
John Templeton Foundation, 2006
John, G.E., 1994-1995
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986-2006
Johnson, Daniel Ezra, 2001-2005
Johnson, David R., 2004
Johnson, Douglas L., 1967-2004
Johnson, Hildegard Binder, 1970-1989
Johnson, James H., 1987
Johnson, Jenny Marie, 2004
Johnson, Kenneth M., 1980-1981
Johnson, Kirsten, 1985
Johnson, Paul T., 1962
Johnson, R.J., 1963-1990
Box   6
Folder   33
Jon-Ju (miscellaneous)
Jonas, Susan and Marilyn Nissenson, 1994
Jones, A.M., 1986
Jones, Clarence F., 1961
Jones, David K.C., 1983
Jones, David L., 1975
Jones, Edward V., 1950
Jones, Howard Mumford, 1967
Jones, Huw R., 1992-1996
Jones, Mark C., 1993-1994
Jones, Reece A., 1967
Jones, Richard C., 1983
Jones, Wellington D., 1951-1952
Jordan, Bryce, 1990
Jordan, Tina, 1990
Journal of American History, 1993
Journal of Family History, 1984
Journal of Geography, 1980-1989
Joyce Foundation, 2001
Juergens, George, 1996
Julyan, Robert H., 2007
Jumper, Sidney R., 1983
Jung, Chris L., 1965
Jungwoo, Lee, 1973
Jurey, Philomena, 1987-1988
Box   6
Folder   34-35
Jackson, John B., 1957-1998
Box   6
Folder   36
Jackson, W.A. Douglas, 1965-1970
Box   6
Folder   37
Jakle, John A., 1963-2004
Box   6
Folder   38
James, Preston E., 1953-1978
Box   6
Folder   39
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1953-1990
Box   6
Folder   40
John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1949-1972
Box   6
Folder   41
Johnson, Robert B., 1951-1981
Box   6
Folder   42
Johnson, Warren A., 1972-2005
Box   7
Folder   1
Jones, John Paul, 1985-2001
Box   16
Folder   18
Jones, Roger, George Allen & Unwin, 1980-1991
Box   7
Folder   2
Jones, Stephen B., 1949-1958
Box   7
Folder   3
Jordan, Terry G., 1966-2003
Box   7
Folder   4
Ka (miscellaneous)
Kahler, Herbert, 1952
Kail Associates, Philip B., 1952
Kalbach, Warren, 1983
Kallmeyer, Joan, 1979
Kamkin Inc., Victor, 1963
Kamsky, Leonard, 1963
Kane, Alice, 1990
Kane, Bernard W., 1990
Kansas, University of, 1975
Kansas State University, 2003
Kant, Edgar, 1952-1965
Kaplan, Noel, 1986
Kaplan, Steven L., 1988
Kapter, John D., 1966
Kára, Jan, 1993
Karan, P.P., 1967-1971
Kariel, Herbert G., 1961-1963
Karinen, Arthur E., 1949
Karl, Barry D., 1988
Karnes, Lowry B., 1961
Kashambuzi, Eric, 1968-1969
Kasha, Mike, 1949
Kashyap, Amrita, 1969
Kasofsky Portraits, undated
Kasperson, Roger, 1964-1965
Kasson, Joy, 1977
Kasuga, Shigeo, 1974
Kattenburg, Paul M., 1996
Katz, Alfred H., 1989
Kaups, Matti, 1980-1995
Kay, George, 1965-1976
Kay, Jeanne and Paul, 1988
Box   7
Folder   5
Ke (miscellaneous)
Keane, Linda, 1969
Kearns, Robin A., 1997
Keaton, Charles E., 1967
Keddie, Wells, 1965
Keely, Charles B., 1977-1978
Keezer, Dexter M., 1957
Kehoe-Forutan, Sandra, 1999
Keiffer, Artimus and Chris Mayda, 2004
Kellam, W.P., 1951
Kelley, Eugene J., 1977
Kelley, Patsy A., 1966
Kelly, Arthur R., 1953
Kelly, James, 1977
Kelsey, Hubert P., 1954
Kelsey, Thomas F., 1967
Kemper, Robert V., 1978-1980
Kenny, Joseph W., 1962
Kent, Robert B., 1990
Kentera, Chris, 1988
Kentucky State Highway Department, 1948
Kernfeld, Barry, Grove's Dictionaries of Music Inc., 1988
Kerr, Donald, 1958-1972
Kesseli, John E., 1949-1950
Kester, John G., 1989
Keuffel & Esser Company, 1948
Keur, John Y., 1962
Keyes, Dale L., 1976
Keyes, Scott, 1961
Keyfitz, Nathan, 1971-1989
Box   7
Folder   6
Kh-Kn (miscellaneous)
Khan, Mashal, 1970
Kiang, Ying-cheng, 1972-1973
Kibel, Barry M., 1976
Kiefer, Wayne E., 1974
Wishart, David J., 1990
Kim, Dooil, 1991
Kim, Joochul, 1979
Kimber, Clarissa, 1974
Kimura, Masahi, 1992
King Associates, 1959
King, James F., 1948-1950
King, Leslie J., 1985-1986
Kirby, Russell S., 1981-1982
Kirk, Dudley, 1954-1967
Kirkland, Gordon L., Jr., 1993
Kishimoto, Haruko, 1957
Kishimoto, Minoru, 1962-1966
Kiuchi, Shinzo, 1964-1971
Kiusalaas, Judy, 1985
Kiviesto, Peter, 1993
Klinger, Barbara G., 1996
Kloetzli, Walter, 1961
Knight Center for Specialized Journalism, University of Maryland, 1990
Knight, David B., 1984-1991
Knight, Inez, 1951
Knowles, Anne, 1994
Knyazhinskaya, Larissa A., 1969
Box   7
Folder   7
Ko-Ky (miscellaneous)
Koelsch, William, 1974-1987
Kofman, Eleonora, 1968
Kohnfelder, Earl, undated
Kohlstedt, Sally Gregory, 1985
Kohomban Wickrema, M., 1972
Kok, Pieter Cornelis, 1984-1985
Kokich, George J.V., 1966-1968
Kongstad, Per, 1966
Kontuly, Thomas, 1987
Kook, Rebecca, 1991
Kooser, Jaime C., 1988-1996
Koraak, J., 1966
Korcák, J., 1966
Korotkin, Arnold, 1997
Kosmopoulos, Christine, 2000
Kostelnick, John, 2002-2003
Kovacik, Charles, 1981-1994
Kovel, Joel, 1997
Krader, 1958
Kramer, Fritz, 1960-1968
Kramer, Jerry Lee, 1993
Krase, Jerome, 1997
Krause, John T., 1974
Kraybill, Donald B., 1983
Kremenak, Beverly A., 1980
Kress, Warren D., 1959-1966
Kretzschmar, William A., 1991
Krieger, Martin, 2003
Kromm, David E., 1970-1975
Kron, Sherry, 1984
Krout, John A., 1979
Kruijer, G.J., 1962-1966
Krysah, Maria, 1997
Kucera, Robert H., 1959
Kuhn, P.H., 1977
Kuklinski, Antoni, 1958
Kunze, Donald, 1977-1979
Kurath, Hans, 1949-1950
Kuriyan, George, 1960
Kury, Theodore W., 1970
Kus, Edward, 2004
Kuz, Tony J., 1973
Kwan, Mi Yee, 1982
Kyser, John S., 1951
Box   7
Folder   8
Kammen, Michael, 1981-1992
Box   7
Folder   9
Karaska, Gerald J., 1969-1979
Box   16
Folder   19
Kariel, Herbert G., 1963-1978
Box   7
Folder   10
Kates, Robert W., 1966-1994
Box   7
Folder   11
Kendall, Henry M., 1949-1956
Box   7
Folder   12
Kentucky, University of, 1973-1989
Box   7
Folder   13
Kenzer, Martin S., 1984-1994
Box   7
Folder   14
Kimble, George H.T., 1951-1962
Box   16
Folder   20
King, Russell, 1993-1998
Box   7
Folder   15
Kish, George, 1954-1989
Box   7
Folder   16
Klimm, Lester E., 1949-1958
Box   7
Folder   17
Klove, Robert C., 1958-1963
Box   7
Folder   18
Kniffen, Fred B., 1950-1993
Box   7
Folder   19-20
Knight, C. Gregory, 1970-1996
Box   7
Folder   21
Kohn, Clyde F., 1950-1971
Box   7
Folder   22
Kollmorgen, Walter B., 1950-1970
Box   7
Folder   23
Konrad, Victor A., 1983-1987
Box   16
Folder   21-27
Kosinski, Leszek A., incl. R.M. Prothero, 1961-2013
Box   7
Folder   24
Krim, Arthur J., 1980-2008
Box   7
Folder   25
Krishchyunas, Raymond, 1991-1993
Box   7
Folder   26
La (miscellaneous)
LaBoone, Elizabeth, 1952
Lacey, Michael J., 1993
Laden, H.N., 1962
Lafayette College, 1991-1992
Lagaso, N. Trisha, 2000
Lagoudakis, Charilaos G., 1968-1970
Lai, David Chuenyan, 1990
Lake States Forest Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1948
Lakshmanan, T.R., 1982
Lal, H., 1973
Lambert, Hilary, 1992-1993
LaManna, Terence N., 1970
Land Economics, 1948-1949
Landecker, Heidi, 1990
Landscape Journal, 1982-1995
Lane, Frederic C., 1949
Lange, Charles H., 1962
Langreth, Susan G., 1972
Lanham, Orville, E., 1978
Lankford, Philip M., 1971
Lantis, David W., 1949-1983
Lapierre, Andre, 2007
Large, David C., 1966
Larsen, James A., 1966
Larson, Albert J., 1994
Larson, Dave, 1988
Larson, Olaf F., 1964
Larson, Tom, 1990
Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority, 1993
Lasik, Linda, 1974
Latham, James P., 1963
Lathrop, Barnes F., 1950-1954
Lauria, Mickey, 1987
LaValle, Placido D., 1961
Lavender, Abraham D., 1990
Lavine, Mary Pfau, 1978
Lawrence, Norman, 1970
Lawton, Graham H., 1976
Lawton, Richard, 1965-1978
Layzell, Martin, undated
Box   7
Folder   27
Le (miscellaneous)
Leach, Valerie, 1975
Leary, William J., 1965
LeBar, Frank M., 1959
LeBlanc, Andrea, 1992-1993
LeBlanc, Robert G., 1965
Lebrun, Marc, 1982
Lee, Antionette J., 1985
Lee, Charles E., 1953
Lee, David, 1970
Lee, J. Murray, 1961
Lee, Trevor, 1966
Lee, Tso-Hwa, 1962
Leffler, Kay E., 1973
Leinbach, Thomas R., 1979
Leivick, Daniel, 1956
Lemon, James T., 1968-1977
Lemons, Hoyt, 1953
Leoprapai, Boonlert, 1970
Lerner Group, 1994
Lestrange, Barbara, 1971
Lesure, Alan B., 1968
Levidow, Leslie, 1974
Levine, Gaynell Stone, 1982
Levine, Milton, 1966
Levy, Morton H., 1951
Lewis, Dave, undated
Lewis, G.J., undated
Lewis, James W., 2002
Lewis, John W., 1951
Lewis, Lawrence T., 1971
Lewis, Martin W., 1992-1998
Lewis, Stanley, 1977
Lewis, Thomas R., Jr., 1976
Lewis, William, 1977
Ley, David, 1969-2001
Box   7
Folder   28
Li (miscellaneous)
Li, Wei, 1994-2001
Liaw, Kao-Lee, 1988
Libbee, Michael, 1980
Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, 1952
Lich, Glen E., 1988-1992
Lichter, Daniel T., 1997
Liddell, H.T., 1951
Lieberson, Stanley, 1989-2002
Lieble, Charles L., 1978
Lier, John, 1990
Lilienfeld, Amy R., 2003
Lilomaiava-Doktor, Saili, 1995
Lincoln's Tomb, 1981
Linden-Ward, Blanche, 1985
Lindley, T. Foster, 1976
Lineberry, Robert L., 1994-1995
Linenthal, Edward Tabor, 1989-1990
Linge, G.J.R., 1960
Lister, Ron G., 1968
Livingstone, David N., 1981
Box   7
Folder   29
Lo-Ly (miscellaneous)
Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett Inc., 1950-1953
Loeb, Edwin M., 1953
Loeffler, M. John, 1961
Loewen, Jim, 1999-2003
Lofland, John, 1990
Lofton, John, 1989
Lonergan, S.C., 1981
Long, Larry H., 1970-1985
Long, Robert G., 1950
Longcore, Travis R., 1994
Longman Group Limited, 1973
Longman Inc., 1978
Lonsdale, Richard E., 1973-1978
Lord, J. Dennis, 1992
Lord, Norman W., 1971
Louisiana State Highway Department, 1948
Louisiana State University Press, 1977-1983
Loy, William G., 1982-1996
Lucas, Pam, 1996
Lukermann, Fred E., 1965-1978
Luton, Lawrence S., 1979
Lycan, Richard, 1969
Lydolph, Paul E., 1963
Box   7
Folder   30
Labov, William, 1992-1993
Box   7
Folder   31
Lacoste, Yves, 1966-1968
Box   7
Folder   32
Lahey, James F., 1952-1982
Box   7
Folder   33
Lamme, Ary J., 1977-1995
Box   7
Folder   34
Lane, Charles F., 1951-1972
Box   7
Folder   35
Larimore, Ann E., 1972-1985
Box   7
Folder   36
Lassen, Harry C., 1949-1988
Box   7
Folder   37
Lattimore, Owen W., 1984-1985
Box   16
Folder   28
Laxton, Paul, 1979-2000
Box   7
Folder   38
Laws, Glenda, 1998-2007, undated
Box   7
Folder   39
Lawson, Edwin D., 2003-2005
Box   7
Folder   40
Lee, David R., 1967-1988
Box   7
Folder   41
Lee, Everett S., 1968-1978
Box   7
Folder   42
Leighly, John B., 1948-1988
Box   7
Folder   43
Leppman, Elizabeth J., 1992-2009
Box   16
Folder   29
Lewis, G. Malcolm, 1961-1985
Box   7
Folder   44
Lewis, Peter G., 1986-2004
Box   8
Folder   1-2
Lewis, Pierce F., 1961-2006
Box   8
Folder   3
Livesey, Lowell W., 1999-2007
Box   8
Folder   4
Louder, Dean R., 1976-1982
Box   16
Folder   30
Lowenthal, Bennett Y., 1987-1991
Box   16
Folder   31
Lowenthal, David, 1952-1970
Box   17
Folder   1-2
Lowenthal, David, 1971-2010
Box   8
Folder   5
Lowry, James D., 1995-1999
Box   8
Folder   6
Loyd, Bonnie, 1972-1993, undated
Box   8
Folder   7
Luten, Daniel B., 1968-1988
Box   8
Folder   8
Ma-Map (miscellaneous)
Ma, Laurence J.C., 1984-1985
Mac Aodha, Breandán S., 1978-1979
MacArthur Foundation, The John D. and Catherine T., 1998
MacDonald, Kristin Selindar, 2000
MacDonald, Malcolm M., 1973-1975
MacEachren, Alan M., 1985-1986
Macisco, John J., Jr., 1966-1970
MacIver, K.M., 1954
Mackay, J. Ross, 1967
Mackie, Arthur B., 1958
Maclachlan, John M., 1953
Macleod, Betty, 1970
MacPhail, Donald D., 1963
Macura, Milo, 1966-1970
Madden, Carl, 1956
Madsen, Kenneth, 2000-2002
Madsen, Michael, 2000
Maltzahn, Kraft E. von, 1975
Magner, Thomas F., 1974
Magno, Nanette B., 1969
Mahard, Richard H., 1961
Malsberger, H.J., 1951
Maman, John, 2000
Manco, Jean, 1971
Mandell, Paul I., 1967-1969
Mangou, Patrick, 1979
Mannion, Paul, undated
Manzagol, Claude and Yves Brunet, 1982
Mapes, Carl H., 1957
Box   8
Folder   9
Mar (miscellaneous)
Marburg, Sandra Lin, 1982-1985
March, Andrew L., 1973-1974
Marchioni, Michael, 1966
Marcum, John P., 1989
Marcus, Alan P., 2006
Marcus, M.G., 1978-1986
Margulis, Harry, 1966-1970
Mariner, M.A., 1987
Marinov, Christo, 1962
Mark, David M., 1987
Markers, Richard E. Meyer, 1998-2005
Marking, Kasper C., 1976
Markusen, Ann, 1989-1992
Marotz, Glen A., 1976
Marschner, Francis J., 1952-1960
Marsh, John, 1988-2000
Marshall, George N., 1961
Marshall, Harvey H., Jr., undated
Marshall, Marion Jean, 1959-1960
Marston, Richard A., 2011
Marthelot, P., 1963
Martin, David, 1975
Martin, S. Walter, 1952-1954
Martinson, Tom L., 1976
Martis, Kenneth C., 1984-2005
Martz, John D., 1995
Marvin, Carolyn, 1980-2008
Marx, Leo, 1968
Maryland State Roads Commission, 1948
Maryland, University of, 1974
Box   8
Folder   10
Mas-May (miscellaneous)
Masai, Yasuo, 1956-1957
Mason, Peter F., 2006
Mason, Randy, 1988
Mason, Robert J., 1988-1991
Massachusetts, University of, 1987
Material History of American Religion Project, 1998
Mather, D.B., 1954
Mather, John R., 1992
Mather, William G., 1963
Mathews, Thomas, 1963
Mathiesen, John T., 1953
Mathur, Brijesh Behari, 1979
Mattheus, Antje, 1977
Matthews, Stephen, 1994
Mattingly, Doreen J., 2000
Mattson, Richard, 1981-1982
Mavi, Nirmal Singh, 1968
May, Joseph A., 1971
Mayda, Chris and Artimus Keiffer, 2004-2005
Mayer, Ernst Georg, 1989
Mayer, James, 1986
Mayer, Jonathan D., 1994-1997
Mayfield, Robert C., 1977
Mayo, Jim, 1984
Box   8
Folder   11
Mc (miscellaneous)
McArthur, Lewis L., 2007
McAulay, J.D., 1975
McAvin, Margaret, 1989
McBryde, F. Webster, 1954-1963
McCarthy, Michael P., 1979
McConachie, Jane, 1973
McConnell, James E., 1982-1983
McCullough, Harry E., 1973
McCune, Shannon, 1961-1972
McCurdy, Walter, 1951
McCutchen, Frances, 1967
McDavid, Raven I., Jr., 1953
McDermott, R.E., 1968
McDonald, Douglas B., 1968
McDonald, Forrest and Grady McWhiney, 1982
McDonald, Jerry W., 1975
McEachern, Philip, 2000-2002
McGill, Ralph, 1951
McGoff, Michael F., 1992-2002
McGregor Company, 1951
McGregor, Bruce, 1951
McGregory, Jerrilyn, 1993
McHarg, Ian, 1992
McHeng, undated
McHenry, Stewart G., 1994-1995
McHugh, Kevin E., 1990-2000
McIlwraith, Thomas F., 1997-2011
McInnis, R. Marvin, 1970
McIntire, Elliott, 1987-1988
McIntyre, Terry V., 1993-1995
McKee, Margaret Jean, 1984
McKeever, Ivan, 1966
McKelvey, Douglas, 1975
McKenzie, Lucy, 1997
McKinsey & Company, 1954
McLaughlin, John M., 2011
McMahan, C.A., 1951
McMillan, James B., 1990
McMurray, Terry R., 1970
McMurtrie, D.A., 1974
McNair, Arthur J., 1951-1952
McNairn, Alan D., 1989
McNutt, James C., 1983-1989
McRoberts, Omar, 2001
McSwain, James B., 1993
McWethy, Patricia J., 1979
Box   8
Folder   12
Me (miscellaneous)
Meade, Melinda, 1970
Meagher, Walter L., 1981-1982
Mehan, Judy, 1967
Mehta, Surinder K., 1963-1968
Miedinger, Kurt F., 1996
Meigs, Peveril, 1953
Meiner, David A., 1995
Meisenheimer, Sonia K., 2000
Melamid, Alexander, 1957-1992
Melbourne, University of, B.J. Gleeson, 1991
Mellen, Fred F., 1948
Menchik, Mark D., 1974
Mencken, H.L., 1954
Mendizabal Riera, Enric, 2004
Mendoza, Ofelia, 1964
Menhinick, Howard K., 1951-1954
Menzies, Elizabeth G.C., 1977
Mercer, John, 1981-1991
Mergen, Bernard, 1983
Merrell, John F., 1971
Merrett, Christopher D., 1987
Merritt, Richard L., 1970-1971
Mervine, Jane R., 1969
Metropolis, 1988-1989
Metzgar, John C., 1972
Meyer, Alfred H., 1956
Meyer, David R., 1980-1995
Meyer, Douglas K., 1978-1986
Meyer, Jeffrey F., 2003
Meyer, Morton A., 1973
Box   8
Folder   13
Mi (miscellaneous)
Mick, Stephen, 1998
Micklin, Michael, 1969
Microfilms Inc., 1950
Midwest Research Institute, 1954
Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 1965
Milbauer, John A., 1990
Miller, Clarence E., 1981
Miller, David H., 1975-1994
Miller, George J., 1948
Miller, Mary R., 1982
Miller, Norman N., 1978
Miller, Robert Balstad, 1978
Miller, Steve, 2001
Millman, R. William, 1970
Mills, Edwin S., 1977
Mills, James E., 1999
Millward, Hugh A., 1980-1981
Milone, F., 1951-1952
Milspaw, Yvonne J., 1978
Minghi, Julian V., 1977-1986
Mings, Robert C., 1987
Ministere de la Reconstruction et de L'Urbanisme, 1951
Minkel, C.W., 1966
Minneapolis Area Chamber of Commerce, 1960
Minnesota, Science Museum of, 1979
Mintz, Sidney W., 1962
Miró, Carmen A., 1965-1971
Mississippi, University of, 1987
Mitchell, Bruce, 1984
Mitchell, Donald M., 2005
Mitchell, George S., 1951-1954
Mitchell, J. Clyde, 1965
Mitchell, J.K., 1976
Mitchell, Newell D., 1966-1967
Mitchell, Peter K., 1971
Miyares, Ines M., 1994
Box   8
Folder   14
Mo-My (miscellaneous)
Moch, Leslie Page, 1987
Modarres, Ali, 1993
Moellering, Harold, 1982-1986
Moffet, Barbara S., 1984
Moffson, Steven H., 1998-1999
Moles, Abraham A., 1972
Moline, Norman, 1974-2004
Mollenhoff, Gjore J., 1983
Mollenkopf, John, 1993-1994
Momsen, Janet D., 1980-1981
Monahan, Robert L., 1960
Monash University, 1991
Moncrieff, Bruse, 1952
Monsen Company, 1952
Montgomery, Horace, 1952
Monticello, Home of Thomas Jefferson, 1981
Mook, Maurice A., 1969
Moore, Hugh, 1961
Moore, Tyrel G., 1990-1997
Moorlag, Susan, 1978
Morning Exchange, undated
Morris, James, 1976
Morris, John W., 1961
Morrison, Barrie M., 1971-1972
Morrison, Charles C., Jr., 1960
Morrison, Denton E., 1971-1973
Morrison, Paul C., 1962-1964
Moreno, Franklyn H., 1980
Morin, Alexander J., 1958-1967
Morse, Richard M., 1965
Morse, William Clifford, 1948
Mortimore, Michael, 1965
Morton, Desmond, 1984
Mosse, George L., 1981-1982
Moulton, Benjamin, 1952
Muckleston, Keith W., 1966
Mueller, Willard F., 1963
Mueser, Peter, 1980
Mukerji, A.B., 1972
Mulchansingh, Vernon C., 1967
Muller, David H., 1954
Muller, Elizabeth K., 1983-1984
Mulligan, Gordon, 1985
Munger, Edwin S., 1953-1954
Munson, Paul L., 1974
Muntz, A.P., 1967-1971
Murdock, Karen, 1994
Murdock, Steve H., 1978
Murphey, Rhoads, 1964-1977
Murphy, Alexander B., 2000
Murphy, M. Colman, 1973
Murphy, Marie, 1974
Murphy, Scott, 1980
Murray, Richard, 1983
Mussell, Kay, 1979
Myatt, Marian, 1981
Myers, Leroy O., 1973
Myers, George C., 1966-1968
Myers, Paul F., 1962
Box   8
Folder   15
Mabogunje, Akin L., 1966-1972
Box   8
Folder   16
Macinko, George, 1965-1990
Box   8
Folder   17
MacMillan Publishing Company, 1948-1991
Box   8
Folder   18
Manning, Robert D., 1993-2002
Box   8
Folder   19
Marden, Parker G., 1971-1973
Box   8
Folder   20
Markey, Douglas C., 1980-1996, undated
Box   8
Folder   21
Marsh, David P. (Ben), 1975-2010
Box   8
Folder   22
Martin, Geoffrey J., 1996-2008
Box   8
Folder   23
Marty, Martin E., 2001-2005
Box   8
Folder   24
Mather, Eugene Cotton, 1946-2000
Box   8
Folder   25
Mathewson, Kent, 1973-1995
Box   8
Folder   26
May, Jacques M., 1949-1953
Box   8
Folder   27
Mayer, Harold M., 1954-1994
Box   8
Folder   28
McCarty, Harold H., 1957-1962
Box   17
Folder   3
McCaskill, Murray and Margaret, 1992-1999
Box   17
Folder   4
McGee, Terry G., 1969-1978
Box   8
Folder   29
McIlwraith, Thomas F., 1975-2009
Box   8
Folder   30
McKnight, Tom L., 1964-1990
Box   8
Folder   31-32
McManis, Douglas R., 1975-1996
Box   8
Folder   33-34
McNee, Robert B., 1960-1992
Box   8
Folder   35-37
Meining, Donald W., 1961-2012
Box   9
Folder   1
Merrens, H. Roy, 1964-1972
Box   9
Folder   2
Meyer, Richard E., 1986-2004
Box   9
Folder   3
Mikesell, Marvin W., 1960-1991
Box   9
Folder   4
Miller, E. Willard, 1952-2002
Box   9
Folder   5
Miller, Vincent P., 1971-1987
Box   9
Folder   6
Minnesota, University of, 1980-2008
Box   9
Folder   7
Mitchell, Robert D., 1971-1991
Box   17
Folder   5
Miyazaki, Reijiro, 1975-1976
Box   9
Folder   8
Monk, Janice J., 1978-2008
Box   9
Folder   9
Monmonier, Mark S., 1969-2004
Box   9
Folder   10
Morrill, Richard L., 1969-1986
Box   9
Folder   11
Morrison, Peter A., 1971-1993
Box   9
Folder   12
Mosher, Anne E., 1989-2003
Box   9
Folder   13
Muller, Edward K., 1977-2006
Box   9
Folder   14
Muller, Peter O., 1973-2010
Box   9
Folder   15
Murphy, Raymond E., 1949-1986
Box   9
Folder   16
Murray, Malcolm A., 1960-1981
Box   9
Folder   17
Myers, Sarah Kerr, 1973-2007
Box   9
Folder   18
Na-Ne (miscellaneous)
Nakagawa, Tadashi, 1987
Nam, Charles B., 1963-1981
Namboodiri, N. Krishnan, 1977
Nanfito, Kenneth L., 1989
Narayana Swami, S.S., 1978
Nash, Arnold S., 1974
Nash, Roderick, 1975
Nath, V., 2000