Vernon County (Wis.). Treasurer: Tax Rolls, 1859-1990

Summary Information

Title: Vernon County (Wis.). Treasurer: Tax Rolls
Inclusive Dates: 1859-1990

  • Vernon County (Wis.). Treasurer
Call Number: Vernon Series 7

Quantity: 87.3 c.f. (15 archives boxes, 2 flat boxes, and 874 volumes)

Archival Locations:
UW-La Crosse Murphy Library / La Crosse Area Research Ctr. (Map)

Tax Rolls showing name of property owner, legal description of property, assessed valuation, taxes levied, and record of payment. For earlier years, some assessment rolls may be included. All extant rolls dating prior to 1875 were preserved; therafter rolls for every fifth year were selected.

Language: English

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