Audio 1035A
Series: Audio Recordings
Interview between Hyams and Wanger, undated
Council of Motion Picture Organizations Inc., 1951 July 26 : Original: Disc 195A/1
Robert Wise: Thoughts on Trial Scenes; and Wanger Letters, 1958 March? : Original: Disc 195A/2
Side 1, circa 1961 : Cable to Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Cleofox Rome, assigning responsibility for the marking
and correction of script for Cleopatra, and to include sharp notes on the script pages
126-180; conversation with Peter Levathes and Spyros Skouras mentioned, both in
agreement for providing "anything toward the ease of... responsibility" for
Side 1, circa 1961 : Cable to Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Cleofox Rome, mentions "Merman matter", recites dates
for the execution, sketches, fitting, and shipping of costumes by Irene Sharaff for
Cleopatra, ordering of more costumes for Elizabeth Taylor mentioned; recites dates for
Leon Shamroy.
Side 2, 1961 April 26 : Personal errands as well as errands and appointments for Shelley Wanger. Scheduling
and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Cable to Sid Rogell in London: asks for
"Bougerelli" arrival. Notes discussions with Al Hayes and Ed Henry. Long note to
[Joseph L.] Mankiewicz: situation on writers, Ernie Lehman, John Patrick, Ted Strauss,
and Al Hayes. Talks about MCA, Al Hayes treatment and looking for another writer and
about talking to Irene Sharaff and Jess Dean; Mike Kidd also interested in working
with Mankiewicz.
Side 2, 1961 April 26 : Long letter to Sid Rogell in London mentioning Rogell's son Tony; unrest on the lot;
[Robert] Goldstein, Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Fisher, Joe Mankiewicz, and Donahue; Leo
McCarey having great ideas for his picture and the cameraman situation; David
Hempstead over the production, looking to get a top choreographer and costume
designer; congratulates him on a production. Written on disc: Rogell London.
Side 1, 1961 April 27 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls, including with accountant
Jess Morgan to discuss his will and taxes. Long letter to Gilbert Miller mentioning
plans for exterior and interior shooting of Cleopatra, congratulates him for a theatre
production [Dolce Vita] and its reception. Short note to Sid Rogell about Skouras not
listening to Wanger. Letter to New York Times publisher Arthur Hayes Sulzberger on his
resignation as editor/publisher, mentioning old-fashioned thinking of the majority of
newspapers in the country, and agreeing with his attitude toward youth. Asks for
synopsis on book titled "A Heartless Light" by Gerald Green to speak to Mr. Strauss
about it.
Side 1, 1961 April 28 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments, phone calls, and errands, including with
accountant Jess Morgan. Short letter to Martin Gang, to meet with him. Short letter to
Edward Beddington-Behrens, regarding Buckhol situation for English and American
publication. Letter to Sid Rogell in London, having talked with Rogell's son Tony;
talked about big meeting with Merman and Goldstein deciding for travel to Italy first,
then Egypt, then back to the US. Notes to speak with Hyman and Stillman. Short thank
you note to Ingo Preminger. Short note to Stephanie Wanger.
Side 1, 1961 May 1 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Personal expenses
mentioned. Long letter to daughter Stephanie [Wanger], mentioning a soon to be made
decision on a house with Shelley [Wanger]; a possible trip to Italy; travel to
Hartford for Stephanie's commencement in about six weeks; advice toward someone named
Henrietta; to attach a New York Times article to the letter; and a quote in the letter
"there is nothing definite in the world of Fox". Short letter to Sol Lesser. Short
letter to Ms. Ruby. Other short correspondences.
Side 1, 1961 May 2 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. A short personal letter to
Mrs. Daphne Megus. Short personal note to Judy McHugh. A long letter to Sid [Rogell],
about the Raimundo family and issues with the house and expenses, insurance figures
and getting losses organized to the proper sum; mentions Cleopatra, trying to get
things organized for interior and exterior locations, exterior location to be setup in
Italy, then travel to Egypt after; Skouras mentioned, giving him "the same treatment";
big news about Peter Levathes being put in charge of physical operation "whatever that
means" he says; mentions visiting Jack Gold; mentions Carlo Ponti's production Madam
Sanjay and Peter Finch; Mrs Romando production; Tony & his life; David Hempstead.
Other short correspondences.
Side 1, 1961 May 3 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls, including with Woody Irwin.
Long letter to Sid Rogell mentioning Peter Levathes to be in charge of physical
operations speculating that this is a possible step toward showing the board of
directors and the shareholders that Skouras is doing something to strengthen the
studio operation that lost $15,000,000; discusses a meeting with Skouras and Levathes
regarding shooting schedule; mentions current proposed schedule for Cleopatra during
the months of July to December; travel to Rome in September is mentioned, then to
Egypt, than back to the US studios; mentions morale of studios is terrible. Schedule
appointment with Irene Sharaff. Short letter to Kenneth Hyman mentions Ray Stark and a
meeting about the next two and a half years.
Side 2, 1961 May 3 : Letter for Helen in London about completing letters, expense book, and appreciation
for service.
Side 2, 1961 May 4 : Note to Jess Morgan, thanking him for checks, including a check to Elizabeth Taylor.
Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls, including MCA regarding
Peter Ustinov, Irene Sharaff, Jack Gold, and others. Mentions his taking of a house,
and to move soon. Long letter to Sid Rogell recited, mentioning that life is better in
London; mentions big meeting with producers Robert Goldstein introducing Peter
Levathes on Cleopatra; Spyros Skouras "railroading" them to start the picture and his
disappointment, "tremendous pressure being put on Skouras" by board to begin picture;
mentions that he has taken up a house so that Shelley Wanger doesn't stay at a hotel;
mentions Berman and new wardrobe for Elizabeth Taylor; mentions that "Joe" is on
treatment. Letter about putting a book to picture.
Side 2, 1961 May 5 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls, including Johnny Johnston.
Note to Mortimer Hall congratulating him on recent production success. Short letter to
Paul Shyre congratulating him on production. Elizabeth Taylor mentioned twice.
Side 1, 1961 May 8 : Personal letter to Joan Bennett recited, describing house and living; talking of
daughters; mentions "studio situation"; also describes film shoot in Italy &
Egypt. Letter to Ms. Fergusen recited about Stephanie Wanger. Written on disc: Mozs
Side 1, 1961 May 8 : Personal scheduling about house and cleaning tasks. Asks to call Walt Disney
secretary, about Gerald Durrell books, specifically My Family and Other Animals by
Gerald Durell, and The Ring of Bright Water by Gavin Maxwell. Scheduling and reminders
for appointments and phone calls, including Woody Irwin and Susan Hayward. Personal
expenses mentioned. Note to speak to Owen Mclean about various actors and parts.
Scheduling of various business discussions and appointments, among them Charles
Feldman, Irene Sharaff, John Michael, and Jess Morgan. Wire to Stephanie Wanger
recited. Short note to Joan Bennett recited. Also includes request for copy of "Not to
the Sweet", a short story by Tristan Caughan (sp?)
Side 1, 1961 May 9 : Talks about purchase of a car. Letter to Joseph Mankiewiez recited about Cleopatra
wardrobe and expenses for Irene Sharaff.
Side 2, 1961 May 9 : Notes to take to Woody Irwin about Elizabeth Taylor deal. Scheduling and reminder of
appointments and phone calls, including with Jerry Ward, Peter Levathes, Joseph L.
Mankiewicz. Memo on scheduling for the trip East for Stephanie's commencement in
Hartford and travel plans. Letter to Stephanie recited about speech and honors. Letter
to Ms. Fergusen about Stephanie Wanger. Short note to Lou Greenspan.
Side 1, 1961 May 10 : Short memo to Mankiewicz regarding meeting.
Side 1, 1961 May 10 : Various personal notes and appointments scheduled. Shelley Wanger appointment noted.
Note to Ted Strauss about possible production for "Eye Witness" by Jon Stephen
Strange. Scheduling of appointments, including Mankiewicz about script. Letter to
Hella about accounts book.
Side 1, 1961 May 11 : Scheduling of appointments and phone calls, including Peter Levathes, Ranald
MacDougall; "Man with Miraculous Hands" for possible production. Short letter to Y.
Frank Freeman recited, Cleopatra mentioned.
Side 2, 1961 May 12 : Scheduling of appointments and phone calls. Personal letter to Stephanie Wanger
recited; mentions Elizabeth and Eddie's second anniversary party. Mentions Shelley
Wanger. Personal expenses mentioned. Note to send memo to Ted Strauss. Letter to
Edward Beddington-Behrens recited. Long letter to Sid Rogell recited, mentioning
"Night Out" film production, mentioning a lot about Peter Levathes' installation,
production of Mrs. Raimondo; "Leo McCarey situation" mentioned, "David Hempstead
Side 1, 1961 May 12 : Continuation of letter to Sid Rogell, mentioning Shelley Wanger. Also notes a couple
of personal and business expenses.
Side 1, 1961 May 12 : Memorandum to Ted Strauss about script regarding Ranald MacDougall deal and Ed Henry.
Memorandum to Peter Levathes recited about Irene Sharaff deal for costumes. Written on
disc: M + T.
Side 2, 1961 May 15 : Telegram to Peter Levathes recited about 20th Century Fox proposing theater be
erected in 1964 for world's fair. Written on disc: P.L.
Side 1, 1961 May 15 : Short note to Martin Quigley recited, mentioning Joan of Arc situation. Scheduling of
appointments and phone calls, including Z Wayne Griffin about tickets, Gary Cooper
funeral plans and note to call Groucho Marx. Personal expenses mentioned. Short note
to James A. FitzPatrick recited. Letter to Hela recited. Other short correspondences,
production location of Cleopatra mentioned. Notes to call Dick Dittinger, Richard A.
McGee, and Dr. Frimm.
Side 1, 1961 May 16 : Scheduling of appointments. Letter to John Wayne recited, mentioning The Economist,
American trailblazers. Discusses possible film projects. Notes on personal errands.
Letter to Susan recited. Short note to John McCure recited.
Side 1, 1961 May 17 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Personal expenses
mentioned. Traveling to Las Vegas trip for Eddie Fisher "opening". Letter to Joan
Bennett recited. Letter to Stephanie recited.
Side 1, 1961 May 18 : Letter to Spyros Skouras recited, about Fox meeting and Cleopatra. Letter to Sid
Rogell recited, about Las Vegas trip, about Cleopatra including the film shooting and
Irene Sharraff for costumes, "the Berman situation", and Fox meeting. Scheduling.
Side 1, 1961 May 19 : Insurance book for Mrs. Wanger mentioned, needed for appraisal meeting. Bookings for
New York and Connecticut trip for Stephanie's commencement. Scheduling of appointments
and discussions, including Ranald MacDougall and Jess Morgan. Letter to Ms. Ferguson
about Stephanie's illness. Wire to Stephanie regarding illness. Meeting with Kellogg
and Ranald MacDougall for sketches. Scheduling production meeting with Elliot Brown,
Ed Graves, Herman Blumenthal, and Bill Abbott. Personal letter to Mrs. May Raimundo
recited. Cleopatra scenes and costuming talked about briefly, to discuss.
Side 1, 1961 May 19 : Letter to hosts of a party, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrera, recited. Note to Eddie Fisher
recited congratulating him for his work. Note to Eddie Reuben recited. Bookings for
New York and Connecticut for commencement in June. Letter to Lee Steiner, putting in a
good word for editor and producer David Hempstead, to help in Italy.
Side 1, 1961 May 22 : Expenses about clothes fitting and Sid Rogell bill. Scheduling and reminder of
appointments for phone calls and meetings, including Martin Gang and Harold Anderson.
Randy (Ranald) MacDougall contract for dates on script mentioned. Personal letters.
Short letter to Lawrence Durrell recited about Cleopatra picture in Italy and notes.
Memo to wardrobe department about costuming for Elizabeth Taylor. Recites list of
films to watch, including Julius Caesar, Psycho, and Town Without Pity. To talk to Mr.
Wolf about "Man with the Miraculous Hands". Letter to Susan Hayward, talking about
make-up for Elizabeth Taylor on Cleopatra. Polio booster shot for Stephanie. Expenses
for Elizabeth Taylor. Personal errands recited. Enlargements made for Mankiewicz.
Side 1, 1961 May 22 : Letter to Martin Quigley recited, about Skouras' Fox meeting; about Sid Rogell,
Cleopatra; about Joan of Arc. Short letter to Alec Waugh. Short note to Paul Shyre.
Short note to Howard Dimsdale. Short letter to a university press. Other short
correspondences. Written on disc: A+T.
Side 2, 1961 May 23 : Notes on purchasing furniture for Shelley Wanger. Plans for Stephanie Wanger's
Side 2, 1961 May 23 : Letter to Stephanie Wanger recited, about college and home visit. Short note to Jack
Gold recited. Note to Harry Wanger recited, briefly talking about Cleopatra: "I think
it will be one of the greatest pictures ever made". Short letter to Irene Sharaff
recited, mentioning arrangement for Elizabeth Taylor. Other short correspondences.
Side 1, 1961 May 24 : Letter to Sid Rogell recited about Cleopatra, mentioning shooting schedule and
Elizabeth Taylor's health. Mentions "American Service Friends Committee", a charitable
organization. Letter to Anne Moore, mentioning Arthur Wagner's book. Short letter to
Martin Quigley about Joan of Arc. Letter to Spyros Skouras recited regarding the "Man
with the Miraculous Hands", defending greatly the story. Other short
Side 2, 1961 May 26 : Memorandum to Ted Strauss recited about "A Shooting Star". Note to Mrs. Wanger
recited about Shelley Wanger. Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone
Side 1, 1961 May 26 : Short letter to Martin Quigley recited. Letter to Stephanie recited, Tom Mankiewicz
mentioned. Letter regarding the JBS movement. Personal errands mentioned. Written on
disc: (2).
Side 1, 1961 May 29 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Personal expenses
mentioned. Notes to Randy [Ranald MacDougall] recited. Short note to Ms. Ferguson
recited. Letter about a book that deals with the legal aspects of a war criminal.
Reminder to schedule appointment for Stephanie to take driving lessons.
Side 1, 1961 May 31 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Mentions that he made a
call to Governor Brown. Notes to Ranald MacDougall recited. Note to Marty Durow. Note
to Sid Rogell. Other short correspondences.
Side 2, 1961 June 1 : Letter to Mrs. May Raimundo recited, regarding plans to go to Italy. Letter to Sid
Side 1, 1961 June 5 : Confirmation of flights and transportation for Hartford commencement for Shelley and
Mrs. Wanger. Note about car repair. Note to Pete Montimuros (?) regarding Mrs. Wanger.
Wire of condolences to George S. Carlton recited.
Side 1, 1961 June 5 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone call. Note to Owen Mclean recited,
regarding the need for English actors and a casting director in London.
Side 1, 1961 June 5 : Telegram to C.D. Jackson recited, congratulating him.
Side 2, 1961 June 5 : Letter to Richard McGee recited, regarding ideas for a television program. Letter to
Shirley Anne Field recited, complementing her and talking about her career. Note to
Jess Morgan recited, regarding finances. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1961 June 7 : Long letter to Joseph L. Mankiewicz recited, regarding script and going through
scenes that could be eliminated; mentions MacDougall and Skouras; change of plans for
Elizabeth Taylor along with Eddie Fisher; question of who will play Caesar; regarding
casting, Mclean mentioned. Personal scheduling and appointments mentioned.
Side 1, 1961 June 8 : Note to Ranald MacDougall recited regarding finishing script through to
"assassination" scene. Note to Spyros Skouras recited regarding the story "Shooting
Star" for Joanne Woodward. Personal expenses mentioned. Personal scheduling.
Side 1, 1961 June 13 : correspondences. Scheduling and reminders of appointments, including with MacDougall
& Mankiewicz.
Side 1, 1961 June 13 : Memorandum to Peter Levathes recited regarding the proposed international convention.
Written on disc: P. Levathes.
Side 2, 1961 June 14 : Talks about convention, the event, and proposes his ideas for the film industry.
Side 1, 1961 June 14 : Continues talking about his ideas for the film industry regarding the convention.
Written on disc: convention.
Side 1, 1961 June 15 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Note to Doc Merman recited,
Mankiewicz and Leon Shamroy mentioned.
Side 1, 1961 June 16 : Family situations. Personal expenses mentioned. Scheduling and reminders of
appointments and phone calls. Letter to Ted Halworth recited.
Side 2, 1961 June 16 : Letter to Dr. Wallace Sterling at Stanford University, regarding Stephanie Wanger and
future educational plans. Written on disc: Stanford.
Side 1, 1961 June 19 : Short letter to Y. Frank Freeman recited. Scheduling and reminders of appointments
and phone calls. Personal expenses mentioned. Short thank you letters regarding
Father's day.
Side 1, 1961 June 19 : Letter to Mrs. Kenneth Tyman regarding film screening. Other short correspondence.
Written on disc: eve.
Side 1, 1961 June 20 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Personal expenses
mentioned. Short letter to Heller about Dictaphone and some finances.
Side 1, 1961 June 21 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls.
Side 1, 1961 June 22 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Personal expenses
mentioned. Short note to Owen Mclean recited regarding casting. List of people for
casting mentioned. Short note to Peter Levathes recited.
Side 1, 1961 June 23 : Notes for Cleopatra recited - Irene Sharaff for costumes, also recites schedule for
Cleopatra staff and cast, including accommodations for Egypt & Rome. Short memo to
Owen McLean recited. Short note to Ted Strauss recited regarding script synopsis.
Short note to Peter Levathes recited. Errands and appointments noted.
Side 1, 1961 June 26 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Short letter to Mrs.
Raimundo recited. Short note to Spyros Skouras regarding publicity director.
Side 1, 1961 June 27 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls, including Jack Smith about
convention, Eddie Fisher meeting. Letter to Christian A. Herter at Atlantic Council
recited about helping out in some way. Letter to Henry Mayers regarding the Cold War
Side 2, 1961 June 28 : Personal expenses mentioned. Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone
calls. Memorandum to Ted Strauss recited regarding a synopsis for "Spirit Lake" motion
picture. Mentions "The Changeling" play.
Side 1, 1961 June 30 : Daughters talked about. Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls.
Personal letter to Mr. & Mrs. Luthie recited regarding their hosting of Stephanie
Wanger. Note to Peter Levathes about studio organization.
Side 1, 1961 July 3 : Memorandum to Joseph L. Mankiewicz recited, material in the book "Slaves of Timbuktu"
talked about as possibility to put to picture or play. Letter mentioning Peter
Levathes as a "man of integrity" and "able to do what is necessary", Goldstein's
"complete elimination", and Moskowitz being "a cancer" and "a menace to any progress";
mentions scheduling and expenses of Cleopatra.
Side 1, 1961 July 5 : Short letter to Denny Morrison regarding casting. Scheduling and reminders of
appointments and phone calls. Letter to Kenneth Hyman recited, talks about production
plans for Cleopatra, and good word about Peter Levathes. Note to Peter Levathes
recited. Personal expenses mentioned.
Side 1, 1961 July 5 : Personal expenses mentioned. Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone
calls, including John Michael.
Side 1, 1961 July 6 : Letter to Bernie recited.
Side 2, 1961 July 7 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls, including with Mr.
Weinstein and Arthur Jacobs. Letter to Johnny Johnston recited regarding Cleopatra
costume and casting organization, and accommodations in Rome. Notes to himself
Side 1, 1961 July 7 : Letter to Jerry Wald recited. Letter to Mrs. Raimundo.
Side 1, 1961 July 10 : Notes for Roddy McDowall recited, on Cleopatra including specific scenes. Short
letter to Frank Cooper. Short note to Henry Ginsberg. Other correspondences. Letter to
John Peticari regarding plans for accommodations in Italy, and college plans for
Side 1, 1961 July 10 : Letter to Johnny [Johnston] recited, concerning money in Rome, mentioning costumes in
Cleopatra. Short letter to Sid Rogell recited. Letter to Shirley Anne Field. Written
on disc: AFT.
Side 1, 1961 July 11 : Personal letter to Ella Wanger and Harry Wagner (brother and sister) recited.
Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls, including Jess Morgan and
Martin Gang. Expenses mentioned.
Side 2, 1961 July 12 : Thank you letters recited for Birthday wishes, including to Elizabeth Fitzgerald and
Justine [Wanger].
Side 1, 1961 July 12 : Memo to Ted Strauss
Side 1, 1961 July 12 : Thank you letters recited for Birthday wishes. Long memorandum to Peter Levathes,
mentioning campaigning for Cleopatra, Charles Einfeld mentioned in relation to Ms.
Weber. Written on disc: AFT.
Side 1, 1961 July 13 : Scheduling and reminders.
Side 1, 1961 July 14 : Personal expenses mentioned. Scheduling and reminders of errands, appointments and
phone calls. Note to Pete Montemuros recited regarding air conditioner.
Side 2, 1961 July 14 : Letter to Ted Strauss recited, mentioning shooting in Italy. Short note to Dorothy
Spencer recited.
Side 1, 1961 July 14 : Letter to Peter Levathes to discuss the preliminary advertising plans for Cleopatra,
production to be taking place soon, also preliminary announcements to discuss
Side 1, 1961 July 17 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Personal expenses recited.
Notes. Schedule planning for Cleopatra. Letter to president of national television
company. Letter about new Dictaphone. Letter to Bert Clarke recited, bringing a
picture to his attention. Letter to Thomas Stanford recited, mentioning setup for
Cleopatra. Letter to Edward Beddington-Behrens. Note to Edgar A. Manning Jr. on status
of Joan of Arc. Letter about production in Pakistan. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1961 July 17 : Letter recited about cast for Cleopatra. Scheduling and reminder of appointments and
phone calls.
Side 1, 1961 July 18 : Short letter to Mrs. Raimundo recited. Notes on [Irene] Sharaff and costumes talked
about. Cable to Johnson at Cleofox Rome about villas for the Fishers. Letter to Israel
Sieff recited, asking about role for Caesar, and a book to set to film.
Side 1, 1961 July 20 : Notes regarding conversation with Joseph Mankiewicz about Waxman deal, casting issues
and publicity for Cleopatra. Letter to Julio Pascarelli about Cleopatra merchandising
in Rome.
Side 2, 1961 July 20 : Short personal notes to Siegi Sessler, Babett Green, Nicholas Damascus and Maurice
Newton recited. Letter to Al Matthews. Scheduling of appointments and phone calls.
Side 1, 1961 July 24 : Long letter to Joseph Mankiewicz recited discussing Cleopatra, including costumes,
dates, casting.
Side 1, 1961 July 25 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Funds to Dartmouth. Note to
Johnny Johnston recited. Other short correspondences.
Side 2, 1961 July 26 : Letter to Giuseppe Amato regarding shooting of picture in Rome, and congratulations
on La Dolca Vita. Letter to Carl Beier regarding possible upcoming film project. Other
short correspondences recited.
Side 1, 1961 July 27 : Long letter to Joseph L. Mankiewicz recited about Cleopatra, regarding script draft
changes, discussion of actors for parts, shooting dates, budgets, progress of
costuming, and storyboarding.
Side 1, 1961 July 28 : Letter to Gilbert Miller recited regarding progress of Cleopatra. Other short
Side 2, 1961 July 31 : Personal letter to Eddie Fisher recited. Letter to Edward Beddington-Behrens.
Personal expenses mentioned. Plans for personal care in Rome. Scheduling and reminders
of appointments and phone calls. Other correspondences.
Side 2, 1961 August 1 : Letter to Joseph L. Mankiewicz about casting for Eiras role.
Side 1, 1961 August 1 : Short letter to Joseph L. Mankiewicz (abruptly ends).
Side 1, 1961 August 7 : Letter to Julio recited regarding travel plans to Rome and acquiring a
Side 2, 1961 August 7 : Plans and arrangements for travel to Rome. Memorandum to Peter Levathus recited,
about doctors to accommodate Elizabeth Taylor.
Side 1, 1961 August 7 : Personal Scheduling
Side 2, 1961 August 7 : Plans for travel to Rome. Synopsis for books. Memorandum to Ted Strauss recited about
a subject to put to picture. Memorandum to Eddie Fisher about trip to Rome. Reminders.
Scheduling of appointments and phone calls.
Side 2, 1961 August 8 : Letter about Stephanie and Shelley Wanger recited. Written on disc: Mozsul.
Side 1, 1961 August 8 : Scheduling of appointments. Personal correspondence.
Side 1, 1961 August 8 : Plans and arrangements for shipping belongings to Rome.
Side 1, 1961 August : Long letter to Joseph L. Mankiewicz recited about Mankiewicz's interview; publicity
about picture; Einfield mentioned along with new members of the board; also about
costumes; dates of people getting to Rome for Cleopatra; costumes for Burton; about
script; script persued by Peter Levathes; Levathus is also money conscious due to
board members who have an "orthodox view about the operation"; Skouras mentioned.
Side 1, 1961 August 8 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Reminder to call about
Elizabeth Taylor costumer fitting. Letter to Peter Levathes recited about script, and
upcoming work to reduce script to 220 pages.
Side 1, 1961 August 9 : Long letter to Joseph L. Mankiewicz recited, expressing his opinions on characters
and script for Cleopatra; updates on expenses for costumes. Gould is out of chairman
of operating committee.
Side 2, 1961 August 9 : Personal expenses. Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls.
Side 1, 1961 August 10 : Treves speaking about how to benefit Fox better.
Side 2, 1961 August 10 : Note to Arthur Jacobs recited, talking about discontent on biography. Long letter to
Joseph L. Mankiewicz recited about the Cleopatra script, going through details of what
Wanger would like changed.
Side 2, 1961 August 10 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Notes to write down,
including concern about publicity. Other correspondences recited, including letter to
Ms. Hariet, Meg about Ms. Fisher
Side 2, 1961 August 11 : Personal expenses recited. Letter to Mr. John recited about promotional items. Other
Side 1, 1961 August 11 : Asking for file about Elizabeth Taylor's fittings.
Side 1, 1961 August 14 : Note to Gore Vidal recited. Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls.
Long letter to Peter Levathes recited about company negotiations on Hayley Mills
upcoming pictures; about company distribution; about ideal changes to both Fox's
internal dealings and its dealings with actors; calling for more honesty and respect.
Indicated on disc: Part I.
Side 1, 1961 August 14 : Notes for errands. Notes for Peter Levathes recited. Long letter to [Peter] Levathes
recited about Cleopatra in Egypt and how to protect members financially. Note to
Joseph L. Mankiewicz recited about script. Indicated on disc: Part II.
Side 1, 1961 August 15 : Note to Owen McLean recited. Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone
Side 1, 1961 August 15 : Scheduling, arrangements, and notes.
Side 1, 1961 August 15 : Letter regarding arrangement for Dictaphone machine recited.
Side 1, 1961 August 16 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls, as well as errands. Short
letter to Martin Quigley recited regarding an audience with the Pope while in Rome.
Note to Peter Levathes recited on Cleopatra.
Side 1, 1961 August 17 : Short notes to write down, travel and accomodation arrangements.
Side 1, 1961 August 18 : Short notes, and scheduling of appointments.
Side 2, 1961 August 18 : Letter to Joseph L. Mankiewicz recited regarding script and shooting timetable, talks
of Irene Sharaff (good words); discusses some casting issues, and speaks of Rogell to
represent the company.
Side 1, 1961 August 21 : Letter to Joseph L. Mankiewicz about not depending on Egypt.
Side 2, 1961 August 21 : Arrangements and errands for travel to Rome. Review of conversation with Mankiewicz
regarding accommodations in Rome for John Campbell, Harry Martin, Rex Harrison and
others. Reminder of discussion with Jess Morgan.
Side 2, 1961 August 23 : Note for errands.
Side 1, 1961 August 23 : Short correspondence.
Side 1, 1961 August 24 : Arrangements and personal expenses mentioned. Short note to Ted Strauss about
returned scripts. Letter to David Selznick recited about possible director for
picture. Other short correspondences.
Side 1, circa 1961 : Letter to Newton Thompson about Stephanie Wanger's travels. Letter to Andrew Martom
about letter to Sid Rogell. Scheduling and reminders of phone calls. Letter about an
author from Pakistan. Other correspondences.
circa 1962
Side 2, circa 1955 : Short letter to William C. McMillan recited. Scheduling and reminders of appointments
and phone calls. Short letter to Senator Richard Neuberger recited. Letter to C.J.
Latta recited regarding upcoming science fiction picture.
Side 1, circa 1955 : Short letter to Richard McGee recited. Short letter to Kay Lanard recited. Scheduling
and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Short note to Archie "the bear"
recited. Letter to Jack [Lewis?] recited. Other correspondences.
Side 1, circa 1955 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Notes about scripts for Mr.
Side 2, circa 1955 : Short note recited to Clem Post regarding Ms. Bennett. Letter to James Brewster
regarding movie reviews and visit. Letter to Mr. Newsom recited. Letter to "Susan"
regarding personal issues recited. Letter to Mr. Nations recited. Personal expenses
mentioned. Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Other
Side 2, circa 1955 : Note to brother Harry Wanger recited. Note to Dana Tasca recited. Note to Weldon
Beckett. Wire sent to Gordon Knox. Note to Bill Rosenson recited. Note to Paige "Gus"
Brown recited. Letter to Carminn Jones. Note recited to Ed Ainsworth at the Los
Angeles Times. Letter to Senator Richard Neuberger recited. Note recited for Robin
Moore about project. Letter to someone at Rockefeller center. Other
Side 2, 1955 May 5 : Letter to Walt Disney recited. Notes. Scheduling and reminders of appointments and
phone calls. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1955 May 10 : Letter to Spyros Skouras recited, Marilyn Monroe picture negotiation situation
mentioned. Letter recited to Paul Nations. Letter to Mrs. Harry Wanger recited
regarding her recent hospital visit and ideas.
Side 1, 1955 May 19 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Memorandum to Jess Morgan
recited, expenses mentioned, as well as upcoming stories and scripts. Letter to
Dorothy McCann recited. Short note to John Crosby. Other correspondences. Note to Etta
and Harry Wanger recited. Other notes recited.
Side 2, 1955 May 23 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls. Request to send script to
Dick Hermance. Letter recited to Dorothy McCann regarding recently watched picture.
Note to Harry Bolillis at General Mills recited regarding speech. Letter to James
Duffy, Jr. recited. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1955 May 16 : Scheduling and reminders. Short letter recited to Dr. Jack Smith thanking him for his
thoughts during his illness. Letter to John O'Hara about recent work. Short letter to
General Sarnoff recited. Short letter to Walter Winchell. Letter to Don Siegel recited
regarding music deal. Letter recited to Sergio Valencia. Letter recited to Kevin
McCarthy. Letter to John Daly. Letter to Paul Palmer recited. Letter recited to H.
Bruce McClain. Other correspondences.
Side 2, 1955 May 20 : Scheduling and reminders. Note recited to Jess Morgan. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1955 May 27 : Notes. Letter to Ann Watkins recited. Letter to Alex Par recited. Note to Chet
Huntley recited. Letter to Bill Rosenson recited. Other correspondences.
Side 2, 1955 May 25 : Notes. [content inaudible]
Side 1, 1955 May 24 : Letter to Mr. Goldsmith recited regarding obtaining perfumed flannels from Europe.
Note to David Sarnoff's secretary. Telegram to Judith Gardan. Appointments and
errands. Letter recited by Mrs. Wanger "to Charvet et Fils" inc. Letter recited to
Allen Mobry regarding script. Other correspondences.
Side 2, 1955 May 26 : Note to Paul Palmer recited. Letter to Jim Riley recited. Notes, errands, and other
Side 1, 1955 May 29 : Notes. Scheduling and reminders of phone calls. Expenses mentioned. Letter recited
regarding "The Queen of the Universe" and its development of the television series as
"Out of this World". Letter to Dick [Richard] Hermance recited. Letter to Jess Morgan
recited. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1955 June 7 : Letter to Helen Morgan recited. Letter to Harriet S. Keith recited. Letter to Norman
Chandler recited. Notes for speech to be given in St. Paul - on moral leadership and
industry development, politics. Other correspondences.
Side 2, 1955 June 6 : Cannot determine what is being said up until 00:04:09. Letter about TV program.
Letter to Warner Bros. studios. Errands. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1955 June 10 : Cannot determine what is being said up until 00:02:12. Letter to Bill [unidentified] recited regarding resignation. Scheduling and reminders of phone calls,
appointments and correspondences. Other correspondences.
Side 2, 1955 June 8 : Recites parts of final draft of speech to be given at St. Paul, Minnesota.
Side 1, 2015 June 15 : Scheduling and reminders of appointments and phone calls with Walter Mirisch, Sam
Jaffee, and others. Note to Greg Boucher. Errands. Correspondences.
Side 2, 1955 June 13 : Long personal letter to Ella and Harry in England recited. Letter to George [Seaten?]
recited. Harriet S. Keith mentioned about speech in St. Paul, Minnesota. Letter to
Maxwell shoe company recited. Letter of resignation of director to Milton [Mount?].
Letter to E.F. McDonald recited. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1955 June 22 : Cannot determine what is being said up until 00:02:20. Letter to Jules [Raucourt?]
recited. Other short correspondences.
Side 2, 1955 June 14 : Letter to Dr. Cole in California recited. Letter to Chet [Huntley?] recited. Letter
to David [Lawrence?] recited. Letter about a new picture. Letter to Harry [Ackerman?]
at CBS recited. Notes about his "War of the Worlds" broadcast. Letter to Dr. Peter
Winter recited. Other correspondences.
Side 1, circa 1955 : Notes about screenplay. Scheduling. Memorandums. Notes.
Side 2, 1955 May 9 : Speech notes for St. Paul, Minnesota. Written on disc: June 19th Speech Notes.
Side 1, 1955 June 27 : Letter to Alex [Par?] recited. Letter to Charles [Ward?] recited. Scheduling and
reminders. Letter to D.B. [Thornburn?] at JWT company recited. Letter to Chet
[Huntley?] recited. Short letter to John Flinn recited. Short letter to Carl Byoir
recited. Expenses briefly mentioned for trip to St. Paul, Minnesota. Other
Side 2, 1955 June 24 : Multiple letters of appreciation recited about the meeting in St. Paul Minnesota,
including letter to [Page] "Gus" Browne.
Side 1, 1955 July 5 : Cannot determine what is being said up until 00:02:11. Scheduling and reminders.
Notes. Letter to Henry [Ginsberg?] recited. Other correspondences.
Side 2, 1955 July 11 : Multiple letters of appreciation on his Birthday wishes. Note to Henry [Taylor?]
recited. Letter to Bill [Rosenson?] recited. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1955 July 13 : Note to Paul [Palmer?] recited. Note to Bruce [Barton?] recited. Letter to General
Paul [Zuckerman?] recited. Note to Victor [Rissel?] recited. Note to Maurice [Newton?]
recited. Other correspondences.
Side 2, 1955 July 5 : Memorandum regarding "The Body Snatchers" recited, mentioning re-editing, retakes,
refinements, changing music segments, campaigning etc. Written on disc: Body Snatchers
Side 1, 1955 July 14-15
Side 2, 1955 July 18 : Letter to [J.D.?] Danforth recited regarding closed-circuit television. Notes.
Expenses briefly mentioned. Letter to Phil [Murdock?] recited. Letter to Walter
[Mirisch?] recited. Letter to Frank [Wilson?]. Long note recited to Harry
Side 1, 1955 July 20 : Letter to Lou [Shriver?] at Fox recited. Memorandum about John Cameron Swayze.
Scheduling and reminders of phone calls. Note to Bill [Rosenson?] recited. Cable
recited to James [Wolf?]. Note to Walt Disney recited. Leonard Goldenson head of
Side 2, 1955 July 21 : Note to Carroll Righter recited. Note to Dr. Arthur [Kunz?] recited. Letter to Bill
[unidentified] recited. Note to Bruce [Barton?]. Note to Bill [Rosenson?]
recited. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1955 July 24 : Letter to Page Browne recited. Note to Jess Morgan recited. Other
Side 2, circa 1955 : Very short memo.
Side 2, 1955 July 26 : Letter to Paul [Coates?] recited. Letter to [Lowell?] Thomas recited. Letter to
[Norton?] [Richie?] regarding "Body Snatchers". Letter to "Research Institute of
America" recited. Letter to Leo Cherne recited, head of Research Institute of America.
Letter to Charles A. Ward recited. Letter to [Marshal E.?] [Johnson?] at Green Acres
Inc. Letter to [Hirosi?] [Karawatsky?] recited. Teletype to [Rosenson?] recited.
Side 1, 1955 July 26 : Joan Bennett reciting letters; to Mr. Jerry Pickman at Paramount Pictures Inc., to
Howard [Hayne?] at Paramount Pictures Inc., to Arnold Van Leer at Paramount Film
distributing center, to Ralph Buring at Paramount Film Distribution Corporation, to
Page Browne. Written on disc: Mrs. Wanger. Paramount and Page Browne.
Side 2, 1955 August 2 : Personal expenses briefly mentioned. Letter to Israel [Seith?] recited. Letter to
[Jim Brewster?]. Letter to H.W. [Morrison?] recited. Note to Hilton recited. Other
Side 1, 1955 August 11 : Notes regarding "Jack and the Beanstalk". Letter to Mr. [Ward?].
Side 2, 1955 August 8 : Notes. Note to Spyros Skouras recited. Letter to [Bill Rosenson?] recited. Note to
Jerry [Wahls?] recited. Note to Harry [Lou?] recited. Letter to Arthur [Kunz?]
recited. Letter to Will [Turnberg?] recited. Letter to George [Sharp?] recited. Letter
to brother recited. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1955 August 11 : Letter to Eddie [Arbenson?] recited. Letter to Anne [Baxter?] recited. Scheduling and
reminders of appointments and phone calls. Note to Jim [Molvy?] recited. Long letter
to "Gus" regarding the planning of lectures and Philadelphia hotel.
Side 2, 1955 August 9 : Notes about lectures and "Notradame games", mentioning Page Browne. Letter to Page
Browne recited. Other correspondences.
Side 1, 1955 August 16 : Financial notes. Letter to Paul [Cinque?] at Paramount. Letter to Frank Folsom
negotiating projectors. Letter of condolence to Martin Quigley. Letter to [Laurel
Thomas?]. Notes to Daphne about Henry Lewis and [the Paulies?]. Message for Johnny
Joseph. Letter to brother Harry [Wanger?] to say thank you for gifts and discuss
finances. Letter to Marion Davies. Letter to Ralph [Austria?] regarding the electronic
hand and vitascan. Letter to Robert [Hajag?]. Letter to Page Browne regarding Tony
Martin's possible performance at the Flamingo Hotel on New Year's Eve. Letter to
William Rosensohn regarding brochure design and closed circuit television.
Side 1, 1955 August 16 : Financial notes regarding phone call to Bill Rosensohn. Letter to David Niven
pitching television show. Letter to [Les Sampson?] regarding navy film. Letter to Mr.
and Mrs. Wanger to say thank you for gifts. Letter to Paul Garrett suggesting use of
Sheraton closed circuit television for Motorama. Letter to Carlisle "Mack"
Side 2, 1955 August 18 : Letter to Carl [Dentz?] regarding Interlochen. Letter to [Jeff/Jess?] regarding taxes
and stocks. Letter to Robert Schmelzer of BBDO about brochure design. Letter to
Rosensohn about brochure design. Letter to Henry [Lesser?]. Letter to Jimmy Wolf
discussing "women" pictures. Letter to [Ori Gould?]. Letter to Mrs. [McGonagill?],
secretary of [Mr. Ward?]. Letter to Myron Kirk. Requests address for Preston
Hitchcock. Letter to brother.
Side 1, 1955 August 22 : Letter to Bill Rosensohn discussing RCA color broadcasting deal. Letter to Carl
discussing a deal between Reader's Digest and Sheraton. Letter to Beatrice [Cardon?]
to say Joan Bennett does not have any relatives in England. Requests contact
information for the Edinburgh Film Festival.
Side 2, 1955 August 19 : Letter to Bernard Baruch. Letter to Bill Rosensohn regarding NBC's color broadcasting
experiment. Letter to Will [Turnbladt?]. Letter to Paul Palmer. Letter to George
Gallup regarding Sheraton closed circuit television.
Side 1, 1955 August 29 : Notes on rights to Tangier. Note to Bill Ransom. Call to Wanda regarding bills.
Letter to Martin. Letter and memo to Steve [Brody?]. Letter to Bill Rosensohn. Call to
Hoffman Factory Service. Letter to Stuart Heisler. Note to William B. Miller. Note to
Richard Carrington. Scheduling calls to Mary Baker and Frankie.
Side 2, 1955 September 5 : Financial notes. Note to Mrs. Putnam. Letter to [DeBon?]. Mentions [Pay As You Exit?]
script. Errands and bills. Letter to Max [Sheranstein?]. Notes on Body Snatchers.
Scheduling calls to Bob [Schwartz?], [BoDean?] and Henry Lewis. Letter to American
Council to Improve Our Neighborhoods. Letter to Dr. Nathan M. Pusey. Letter to
Theodore [Seivrt?]. Letter to Ben Benjamin pitching a project for Burt Lancaster.
Telegram to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lloyd. Letter to Max [Youngstein?] mentioning
Underworld, U.S.A. Scheduling calls to Henry [Rogers?], [Preminger?] and [Swanee?].
Letter to Rosensohn. Notes on Body Snatchers. Shelley dictates a message to [Daphne?].
Notes to Rosensohn.
Side 1, 1955 August 24 : Note to Jennifer Jones regarding Love is a Many-Splendored Thing. Letter to Ilya
Lopert regarding Summertime. Letter to Steve Broidy Letter to Martin. Note on
Side 2, 1955 August 31 : Letter to Dick [Hermantz?]. Letter to Melinda. Scheduling of calls to Curtis Brown
and the William Morris office.
Side 1, 1955 August 25 : Notes on Better Off Dead. Scheduling of personal appointments. Scheduling calls to
Alfred Knopf and [Bodean?]. Letter to [Neil F. Parks?]. Letter to Jim Brewster. Letter
to Senator Richard Neuberger. Letter to Morgan. Memo to [myself?] regarding Body
Snatchers. Addition to memo to Morgan [Marie?].
Side 2, 1955 August 31 : Letter to Bruce Barton regarding Anne Lindbergh's Gift from the Sea. Letter to Howard
[Quintin?]. Note to Paul Gregory. Note to [Ivan?]. Note to Preston Hotchkiss. Call to
Dick [Herbertz?]. Note to George [Yarsley?].
Side 1, 1955 September 9 : Call Morgan office. Financials and scheduling. Send a note to [Hermantz?] regarding
Ray Bradbury and Orson Welles. Letter to [Don Siegel?]. Letter to Giorgio [Usieli?].
Letter to Mr. [Nations?]. Financials to Jess Morgan. Note to Henry Lewis. Note to
Steve Broidy. Note to Mrs. Herbert [Baird?]. Note to Jack Wrather. Note to Martin
Side 2, undated : Note to Frank Folsom. Telegram to Paul Muni. Note to Jack Fox. Letter to Richard H.
[Pathe?]. Letter to Ralph [Austrium?]. Letter to Mr. [Grierman?]. Letter to H.M.
Side 1, 1955 September 26 : Scheduling. Mentions Underworld, U.S.A and Mother, Sir! Note to Dore Schary mentions
Trial and The [Neuberger?] Story. Memo to Morgan Maree mentions Joan of Arc. Note to
Chief W.H. Parker. Letter to Alan C. Collins mentions Underworld, U.S.A. Note to
Charles Ward. Note to Sam Engel. Wire to Maurice Newton. Wire to A.L. Bienstock.
Side 2, 1955 September 14 : Details of Dozier contract. Letter to Jerry Wald. Wire to Frank Freeman. Letter to
[Alma Rodan?]. Letter to Ivan [M?]. Forward Steve Broidy memo. Letter to Carl. Call to
Max Youngstein.
Side 1, 1955 September 15 : Articles for Rosensohn. Telegram to George [Usieli?]. Letter to Mrs. Sam Genis.
Letter to Ginger Rogers. Letter to George Murphy. Letter to Richard [Neuberger?]. Note
to Jason Lindsey. Letter to Charles Ward.
Side 2, 1955 September 19 : Letter to George Stevens. Letter to Major Alexander Peter DeSeversky. Letter to John
Juedel. Note to Mr. [Levy?]. Letter to J Davis Danforth. Letter to Page Brown.
Register the title Cavalcade of Crime.
Side 1, 1955 September 20 : Letter to John Dickey. Letter to Carl Detzer. Letter to [Lord R. Sever?]. Telegram to
Frank Sinatra.
Side 2, 1955 September 23 : Mentions book to give the art director of Mother, Sir! Letter to Bob. Send a copy of
the letter to Bill Dozier and Steve Broidy. Letter to Raoul Walsh. Letter to Sergeant
Side 1, 1955 September 22 : Call to Walter Mirisch's secretary regarding the Dozier project. Call to Leo Jaffe.
Call to Dore Schary. Send Edinburgh Festival material to Sam Engel. Telegram to Mrs.
Robert Riskin. Note to Mr. [Nations?]. Call Pittinger's office.
Side 2, 1955 September 16 : Letter to Ernest [Scanlon?]. Letter to Palmer Hoyt. Call Barron Hilton and Russell
Side 1, 1955 October 4 : Letter to Bill Rosensohn. Letter to Alan Collins mentions Underworld, U.S.A. Letter
to Gus. Note to Ralph [Austin?]. Letter to Senator Dick Neuberger. Letter to Ilka
Chase. Letter to Maurice.
Side 2, 1955 September 26 : Letter to Walter mentions titles registered as alternates for Invasion of the Body
Snatchers. Send copies of letter to Harold Mirisch and Steve Broidy. Memo to Jess
Side 1, 1955 October 5 : Memo to Dr. Frem. Notes for bookseller speech. Send President Dickey's speech to
Harold Mirisch. Note to Helen Morgan. Letter to Bill Rosensohn. Letter to Abe
Schneider. Letter to Goldstein. Letter to [Dore?]. Letter to President John Dickey.
Letter to [Gene?]. Letter to Norton [Richie?]. Copy to be sent to Steve Broidy.
Side 2, 1955 October 10 : Call Cole Porter. Call to Ben Hecht. Call to Beverly Hills Hardware Store. Letter to
Bill Rosensohn. Inquire about Robert E. Young and Shelley Jackson for Mother, Sir!
Call Lewis Milestone and Dorsey Miller. Note to Page Brown. Letter to Buddy Adler
regarding a potential projects for Marilyn Monroe, including Queen of the Universe.
Forward article to Bill Rosensohn.
Side 1, 1955 October 14 : Letter to [Abe?]. Letter to Humphrey Bogart, Morgan Maree and John Flynn regarding a
possible preface for a book. Letter to Ms. [Alvinita?] Parker.
Side 2, undated : Scheduling calls to Ingo Preminger, Dave Selznick's Office, and Buddy Adler in
regards to Queen of the Universe, Frank Tashlin. Letter from Joan Bennett to Johnny
Robinson of Lewiston, Maine. Letter to Bill Rosensohn. Letter to Bill Henry.
Scheduling calls to [Wes Haden?] and Lewis Milestone. Letter to [Hammerson Fitch
Armstrong?]. Scheduling call to Irving Lazar.
Side 1, 1955 October 19 : Letter to Joseph F. Dinneen. Letter to Jim [B?] mentions Body Snatchers, Mother,
Sir!, Underworld, U.S.A. Letter to Billy Wilder regarding DuMont camera. Letter to
Ilka Chase regarding her manuscript. Letter to [unidentified] Meter Company. Letter to
Carl. Letter to Helen [Fishbrook?] Hector mentioning "Gift of the Sea" by Anne
Lindbergh. Letter to William McMillan.
Side 2, 1955 October 24 : Errands and scheduling, meeting with [Les Sampson?] to discuss Body Snatchers. Script
changes to Japan film. Letter to Stanley High. Letter to Buddy regarding Jane Eyre
film. Letter to Maurice Evans regarding Alice in Wonderland. Letter to Cathryn Roberts
Side 1, 1955 October 20 : Note to Sam Engel. Note to Jack Garber. Letter to Page. Letter to H.M. Smith. Note to
Bill Rosensohn. Condolence wire to family of John Hodiak. Scheduling calls to Larry
Harvey, Preminger and Steve [Chiling?].
Side 2, 1955 October 25 : Note to Dore Schary. Scheduling. Letter to John [Rose?]. Letter to Goodman Ace
regarding his The Book of Little Knowledge.
Side 1, 1955 October 29 : Memo regarding Ray Lindsey and the Japan film. Scheduling calls with [Ren Kube?],
Joel Sayre, Mary Baker and Mike Todd's office.
Side 2, 1955 October 26 : Financials and scheduling. Letter to Alan Collins mentions Mother, Sir! Call
Side 1, 1955 October 30 : Scheduling. Get Underworld, U.S.A. script back from Mary Baker. Wire to Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Shamroy. Call Rod Serling. Call Wineberg's secretary. Letter to Page Brown.
Letter to Joan Williams. Letter to Bill Rosensohn. Letter to David Stillman regarding
potential film with Bette Davis and Deborah Kerr.
Side 2, 1955 November 1 : Letter to Ilka. Letter to Mrs. Henry Wanger mentions Mother, Sir! Call to Mr.
[Rifkin?]. Note to Walter Mirisch. Call to Jess Morgan. Memo to Steve Broidy, Harold
Mirisch and Walter Mirisch regarding Sergeant Reckless. Teletype and letter to Bill
Side 1, 1955 November 8 : Letter to Florabel Muir. Scheduling calls. Letter to Zizi.
Side 2, undated : Letter to Gus.
Side 1, 1955 November 7 : Letter to Harry. Letter of reference for Hoffman. File church bulletin with
Underworld, U.S.A. materials. Letter to Mr. [Maurry?]. Note to David Stillman. Letter
from Joan Bennett to Henri Bendel. Card to Jason Lindsey. Note to Weed Espy. Letter to
Madame Claudia M. [Deju?].
Side 2, 1955 November 1 : Continuation of letter to Bill Rosensohn?
Side 1, 1955 November 10 : Letter to John [unidentified]. Letter to Bill Rosensohn. Changes to letter to
Gus Brown. Telegram to William Dozier.
Side 2, undated : Letter to Weed.
Side 1, 1955 November 16 : New York Times clippings in the Body Snatchers file. Note to Humphrey Bogart. Note to
Jerry [Wald?]. Forward weekly progress to Dr. Frem. Contact the church about flowers.
Note to Milton Pickman. Note to Mary Baker regarding Jack and the Beanstalk. Note to
Jess Morgan mentions Mother, Sir! Mentions Underworld, U.S.A.
Side 2, 1955 November 12 : Financials. Letter to [Zachary Lys?] Alan. Scheduling. Send Body Snatchers review to
John Flynn. Note to Alan Curtis. Note to Eddie Dmytryk.
Side 1, 1955 November 22 : Continuation of previous letter.
Side 2, 1955 November 29 : Memo to John Flynn. Letter to Mr. McDonald. Another note to John Flynn regarding Body
Snatchers. Letter to Dick. Letter to [Burt Wells?]. The end of this recording is
particularly distorted.
Side 1, 1955 November 30 : Scheduling. Request for past correspondence with Jess Morgan. Call to Mr. Ellis about
car repair. Note to Don Hoffman.
Side 2, 1955 November 28 : Financial notes. Flowers sent to Mrs. John Wayne. Call Burt [Wells?]. Letter to
[Bacall?]. Letter to [Carl Lapham?]. Letter to Victor Rosen. Wire to Mr. Hutchins.
Memo to Jess Morgan and Steve Broidy regarding Reckless. Letter to Jerry [Wall?].
Letter to Page. Letter to Carl [Detson?].
Side 1, 1955 December 5 : Letter to [Ira Hope?]. Letter to Merle Reeves. Letter to Burt Hendrickson regarding
Mother, Sir! Letter to Maria [Donovan?]. Letter to Ted [Mofkin?]. Letter to Joe
[Rifkin?] regarding Mother, Sir! Scheduling calls to Ned [Baum?] and Dore Schary.
Letter to George Allen. Letter to Bill Rosensohn.
Side 2, 1955 December 5 : Telegram to Committee on Water Resources and Power. Materials to be filed regarding
Underworld, U.S.A. Call to Dr. [Hutchins?]. Mentions Blockade script. Letter to Eddie
Dmytryk. Letter to Gary Merrill. Letter to Graham [Kissingberry?], mentions Mother,
Sir! Scheduling. Note to Henry J. Taylor. Call to [Jay and Arnold Wells?]. Scheduling
of a screening. Letter to Bill Rosensohn. Teletype to Page Browne. Letter to Gary
Merrill, mentions Mother, Sir! Letter to Judy. Letter to Maurice Manson. Letter to
Shirley Yamaguchi. Form letter to John Craven, Carol Veazie and Robert Nichols. Letter
to Jason Lindsey regarding Mother, Sir! Letter to Ed Burns. Letter to [Al?] regarding
Mother, Sir! Letter to Rex Bailey. Letter to Buddy [Gergin?]. Letters to Eddie Mayer
Jr., Howard Joslin, Ned Dobson, Lt. Commander [unidentified], Charles [Bohard?], Dave
Milton, construction, set decorator, lead man, lighting, script girl, and
Side 1, 1955 December 12 : Note to Freeman [Bosman?]. Call to Bob Hutchins office. Call to [Wineberg?] regarding
the Reckless contract. Call to Mr. Otto at the Wiltern Theater. Letter to George
Allen. Note to Bill Rosensohn. Letter to Richard Murphy c/o Harold Rose at Famous
Artists. Note to Freedman at Jaffe office. Teletype to Rosensohn. Letter to Bill
Henry. Updating of Christmas list. Letter to [Gene Frankie?]. Addition to Rosensohn
Side 2, 1955 December 14 : Letter to Page Browne. Scheduling. Letter to Loyd Wright.
Side 1, 1955 December 9 : Memo to Walter Mirisch, with a copy to Harold Mirisch and Steve Broidy, regarding
Invasion of the Body Snatchers. This memo also mentions Riot.
Side 2, 1955 December 15 : Note to Jess Morgan regarding Body Snatchers. Scheduling. Letter to Robert S.
[Schlek?]. Letter to Page Browne. Note to [Robert Moore?] mentioning Underworld and
Reckless. Note to Allen [Collin?] regarding Underworld and Reckless, with copies to
Steve Broidy and [Wineberg?]. Letter to Frank [unidentified]. Scheduling and
finances. Teletype to brother. Memo to Jess Morgan. Wire to Bing Crosby, Ed
[Crowley?], Joe [Rifkin?] and Barbara Stanwyck. Letter to CJ [Latter?]. Letter to John
and James Wolf. Letter to [Joel Sayre?]. Wire to Spyros Skouras.
Side 1, 1956 January 11 : Note to Walt Disney. Note to John Flynn regarding Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Call to [Hermance?]. Scheduling. Calls to Eddie Lasky and Wes Haden. Note to Marvin
[Skenk?] regarding Bad Day at Black Rock. Call to Harold [Hecht?] and [Alma
Side 2, 1956 January 13 : Finances. Note to Norman Wilson at the Edinburgh Film Festival. Letter to Dick
Pittinger. Scheduling to contact Mike Curtiz, Bill [Schiffen?] and Mr. Birdwell.
Side 1, 1956 January 31 : Letter to Gilbert Miller. Letter to Leslie Paffrath. Letter to Dr. James T. Shotwell.
Copy of Paffrath letter sent to Rosensohn. Letter to Alec [Audre?]. Letter to [Eivan
Goldsmith?]. Letter to Bishop [Sheehan?]. Letter to Charlie Schwartz. Letter to [S
Huart?]. Letter to Terence Rattigan. Letter to Ernest Henderson. Note to Page Browne.
Side 2, 1956 January 31 : Note to Page Browne continued from side one.
Side 1, undated : Mentions Underdog manuscript. Note to Page Browne. Letter to [DeForge Mills?].
Scheduling. Note to William [unidentified]. Letter to George M. [Spidell?].
Letter to Bruce [Campell?]. Teletype to Sheraton. Letter to Shawn [Meanie?]. Letter to
Abe Bienstock. Letter to Ed Harris. Letter to Dr. Karl Menninger regarding his article
A Letter to Men in Prison.
Side 2, 1956 February 6 : Wire to Ms. Higginbottom at Photoplay. Note to Alistair Cooke. Mentions invitation to
Carousel opening. Finances regarding Mother, Sir! Book review sent to [Joel Sayre?].
Letter to Darryl Zanuck. Scheduling call to William Joyce. Finances. Scheduling call
to Eva Marie Saint. Mentions While the City Sleeps and Inside Detroit. Letter to Tony
Martin. Letter to Ted [Bonay?]. Return script to Frank Cooper. Letter to [Baron
Polan?]. Letter to Bernie [Fines?]. Scheduling calls to Dr. [Frem?] and Judge
[Pecht?]. Letter to Buddy Adler. Letter to Ed Murrow. Scheduling call to Ed
Side 1, 1956 February 14 : Call Ford dealer. Letter to Ilya Lopert regarding Richard the Third. Mentions
Carousel opening. Letter to Bill Dozier. Note to Carol [Case?]. Note to [Werner
Johnson?]. Mentions filing Underworld, U.S.A. materials. Call John Flynn regarding
Body Snatchers. Mentions While the City Sleeps and Inside Detroit. Wire to Ernest
Heyn. Note to [Philip Wiley?]. Letter to [Jess?]. Letter to Sam Goldwyn Jr.
Side 2, 1956 February 13 : Financials. Letter to [Edward T. Curtis?]. Call Mr. Richardson. Call Ernest Heyn.
Call Mrs. Kirk Douglas. Call Sam Jaffe about Mark Robeson. Make an appointment with
Joel Sayre. Note to Graham Kissingberry. Letter to Mrs. [Blaine?]. Letter to Samuel D.
[unidentified]. Letter to Michael Sheraton. Letter to Bill. Call to Phil
Side 1, 1956 February 24 : Letter to Dan E Kimball. Letter to Nat Goldstone mentions The Actor and To Walk the
Night. Errands. Letter to George Fox Jr. Scheduling. Letter to Sam Burkett. Forwarding
of letters to Greg [Bartzer?] and Dr. Marcel [Frem?].
Side 2, 1956 February 22 : Calls to Sandy Abrams and Russell Birdwell. Note to Alfred Knopf pitching Henry
Mencken picture and mentioning The Underdog. Letter to [Kirsch?]. Letter to William G
[Cochren?]. Call to MCA.
Side 1, 1956 February 27 : Scheduling call to William Joyce. Letter to Edward Robinson at the ANTA Theater.
Letter to James F Real. Letter to Robert D [Loken?]. Letter to William Joyce. Letter
to Bill Rosensohn. Call to John Wayne's office. Letter to Edward [Lasker?]. Letter to
Ben Duffy. Letter to Dave Danforth. Letter to Oscar Levant.
Side 2, 1956 March 2 : Letter to Robert Moore Jr. Letter to Helen Morgan mentions Invasion of the Body
Snatchers. Letter to George [Burroughs?] mentions Body Snatchers. Copy of Bob
[Lochen?] letter forwarded to Rosensohn. Letter to Bob [Loken?] mentions Contrary
Pleasure and Crime in the Streets. Note to Mr. Browne's secretary. Financial notes.
Wire to Bogart.
Side 1, 1956 March 5 : Note to Bill Dozier mentions The Day They Gave Babies Away. Note to Bill Rosensohn.
Scheduling call to Ed [Crowley?]. Scheduling. Meeting with Mr. Real. Scheduling call
to Skouras. Letter to brother. Letter to Mr. [Poster?]. Note to [Nat and Richie?].
Letter to Jerry. Scheduling calls to Russell Birdwell and Elizabeth [McCloy?].
Side 2, 1956 February 29 : Letter to Bill mentions The Day They Gave Babies Away and Tangier Story. Letter to
Seymour Stern mentions Rebel Without a Cause. Note to Bill Rosensohn. Call to Henry
Costa. Letter to Harry Wanger. Memo to Bill Rosensohn. Call to [Max Mellinkoff?].
Letter to [Baron Poe?]. Letter to [Mr. Ramington Good?]. Letter to Miles Connolly.
Note to Al Bloomingdale.
Side 1, 1956 March 12 : Telegram to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pickman. Call to Al Horowitz. Scheduling. Mention of
Dorothy Thompson's Dawn's Early Light. Letter to Bill. Call to the Occidental
librarian. Letter to Ed Hartman. Letter to Page Browne. Letter to Alfred Knopf in
reference to the Henry Mencken picture. Letter to [Bill Nut?] mentions The Man Who
Rocked the Boat. Letter to James Reston. Letter to Bill Dozier. Financial notes.
Scheduling calls to Allied Artists and [Ed Crowley?].
Side 2, 1956 March 9 : Letter to Malcolm Stewart. Note to Ingo Preminger. Call to Dr. Frank Williams. Letter
to Harold Quinton. Letter to Ted Stauffer. Letter to brother. Scheduling. Letter to
[Elsie Lee?]. Note to Max [unidentified]. Mentions Joel Sayre and the Underworld
U.S.A. treatment. Note to [Flora Scheffield?]. Note to Robert D [Loken?]. Note to
Albert [Yaeger?].
Side 1, 1956 March 15 : Letter to brother Harry. Letter to Ed Morrow. Letter to Mrs. Walter [Stettheimer?].
Letter to [unidentified]. Letter to Bill Rosensohn. Scheduling.
Side 2, 1956 March 14 : Letter to Bill Rosensohn. Letter to Gifts by Jill. Letter to Abraham L Bienstock.
Call to Mrs. Kirk Douglas. Letter to Andrew Stone mentions Terror in the Night. Call
to Columbia. Addition to the Bill Rosensohn letter. Letter to Charlie Feldman. Letter
to Dorothy Thompson. Call to Mr. Burkett. Scheduling.
Side 1, 1956 April 9 : First dictation after suffering a heart attack. Filing of Body Snatchers clippings.
Note to Ed [Rowley?]. Note to Bill Rosensohn. Note to Neil H McElroy. Note asking to
will his eyes to a hospital. Financials. Note to brother and sister. Letter to A.L.
Side 2, 1956 March 19 : Letter to brother Harry. Letter to Bill Rosensohn. Errands and scheduling. Call to
Richardson. Call to Miss. [McCloy?]. Call to [Hanley?]. Requests price for the book
Birdman of Alcatraz. Letter to [Wilkinson?]. Scheduling including tickets for
Alexander the Great. Letter to Bill Dozier. Letter to Mr. Quinton. Announcement of the
securing of film rights to Henry J. Taylor's play The Empress.
Side 1, undated : Note to William Nutt mentions Flower Pride. Note to Ned Brown. Call to John
[Moffat?]. Call to Santa Monica Courthouse. Letter to [Allen Bernheim?]. Letter to
Jack Freeman. Letter to Harry [Alms?]. Letter to Betsy Allen. Letter to Mary [Moran?].
Letter to Pat [Mcphee?] at the Missouri Penitentiary. Letter to Scotty. Letter to Mr.
Quinton. Letter to [Robin?]. Note to Bill Rosensohn. Letter to Mr. [Mason?]. Note to
Mr. [Strabit?]. Calls and scheduling.
Side 2, 1956 March 20 : Letter to George Fox Jr. Letter to Ralph [Dorman?]. Note to [Sara Jane Farley?],
[Loken's?] secretary. Errands. Letter to Henry J. Taylor. Letter to Ralph Austriam.
Letter to Katharine Hepburn regarding the Henry Mencken picture. Letter to Frank
Borzage. Letter of Frank Borzage letter to be sent to Dozier. Letter to Ted Leitzell.
Letter to brother Harry.
Side 1, 1956 April 13 : Note to Mr. [Loris Rubin?]. Note to Mrs. Humphrey Bogart mentioning Body Snatchers,
Holiday Four and Waterfront. Note to [unidentified]. Note to Aileen Brennan. Letter to Jim
Reilly. Note to the [Unsens?]. Call George Cukor.
Side 2, 1956 April 10 : Request for book synopsis of Heaven and Hell and The Beauty Queen Killer. Financials.
Mention of the Underworld script. Call to Jerry Wald. Note to Eddie [Blum?]. Call to
John Flynn.
Side 1, 1956 April 13 : Letter to [Van Kubay?]. Send notes to Rosensohn. Note to Herbert [Swoop?] Jr.
Side 2, 1956 April 16 : Note to Pete Daily. Send reprint to Ed Paulie. Note to Robin Moore. Note to [C Pete
Davis?]. Note to Harold [Hector?]. Note to [Natalie Johnson?]. Letter to James
"Scotty" Reston. Mentions books The Lady with the Swan's Down Bottom and Kinderspiel.
Notes regarding Underworld, U.S.A. Call to Mike [Connelly?], [Carolyn Bomden?] and
Dolores Rubin. Thank you to George Murphy.
Side 1, 1956 April 25 : Cancel the letter to the Shamroy's. Call Ed [Paulie's] secretary. Call William Joyce.
Note to Bill [Nutt?]. Sent NY Times article to Joel Sayre. Return synopsis to Quinn
Martin. Financials. Note to John Hoffman. Decline invitation to Louella Parson's
party. Note to [Jess Morgan?] mentioning Body Snatchers. Note to Alan [unidentified]. Note to [unidentified]. Letter to David Stillman. Letter to [CJ Lapham?]. Note to
Madge Hall. Note to Bob [Earl?]. Letter to Cy [unidentified]. Note to Ned Brown
regarding Empress. Note to William G Cochren. Note to Harold [unidentified]. Call
to Malcolm Stewart and Jason [Linzy?]. Note to Robin L Moore Jr. Letter to Page
Side 2, 1956 April 18 : Edit letters to Pete Davis and Reston, fix the book title previously mentioned to
Lady with the Swan's Down Seat. Note to [unidentified]. Note to David [Fernly?] mentions
Lights Along the Shore.
Side 1, 1956 April 27 : Call to Mrs. [Van Kubay?]. Call to Mr. Frankie. Note to Edward Arnold family. Note to
Carl Detzer. Note to George [Surkozky?]. Note to Dorothy Thompson. Call to [unidentified].
Note Herman [unidentified]. Scheduling. Letter to Robert D [Luken?].
Side 2, 1956 April 11 : Send advertisement for Imperial Woman to Mr. Frankie. Letter to Bob [Loken?].
Mentions Underdog. Call to the [Unsens?]. Call to Dr. Frem and [Mrs. Van Kubay?]. Note
to Frank [Stanton?]. Memo to Bill [Nutt?]. Letter to Edgar Hoover regarding
Underworld, U.S.A. Note to Mr. Real.
Side 1, 1956 April 30 : Letter to [Jess Morgan?]. Note to Don Siegel regarding Body Snatchers. Letter to
Russell Birdwell. Scheduling. Note to Mrs. Stuart Chevalier. Note to Dr. Marcel Frem.
Return synopsis and galleys for I Don't Want to Die to Bill Nutt. Note to Fred Lee Jr.
Call Ed [Crawley?]. Letter to Paul Smith. Letter to [Res Murray Goldstein?] mentions
Body Snatchers, Mother, Sir! and Navy Wife. Call Ed Paulie's secretary. Note to Robin
Side 2, 1956 April 26 : Letter to Steve Broidy mentions Mother, Sir!, Crime in the Streets and Family
Persuasion. Letter to Tex McCrary. Mentions book synopsis for Rogues March and Spiked
Heel. Letter to Abraham L. Bienstock. Letter to John Nelson. Call to David March. Note
to William Dozier. Note to [unidentified] sister. Letter to Paul S Zuckerman.
Side 1, undated : Memo to Eddie Blum. Copy to [Matt?] Goldstein. Were books returned to Eddie Demetric?
Note to Billy Graham. Letter to head of Cannes Film Festival. Note to William [Einsen
Lee?]. Letter to Alfred Knopf regarding Mencken film. Letter to Ernest [Braund?]. Note
to Jerry Wald. Letter to James Z Lee. Letter to George Kennnan. Note to Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Shamroy.
Side 2, 1956 May 2 : Letter to Mr. [Hidenberger?]. Letter to Dr. Shotwell. Letter to Richard Salant.
Letter to Eddie Blum. Note to Danny O'Shea regarding Joan of Arc. Note to [unidentified].
Letter to Hal Herman. Note to Bill Nutt. Letter to Bill [Bilox?] regarding Underworld,
U.S.A. book review. Letter to Eugene [Wafer?]. Cancel memo to Eddie Blum.
Correspondence Dictabelts
before 1961 December 12 : Talks of a wire and various gifts sent to Mr. and Mrs. James Mason and others and asks if all have received these wires. He then goes on about Justine Wanger. Says he hears she is going to be out of town on a trip around the world, but that if she is in town to send her the usual kind of gift basket and her whereabouts can be found via her lawyer. Imagines perfume would be the best option for a gift. He says he is currently handling the European wires and that he can do them from "here". Regarding the local wires he indicates he is sending back their list with his markings. Says he will look after the English, French and Italian tables from his end and that if there are any problems to write him right away. Requests the receiver of the wire to send the usual "season's greetings" wire. Mentions the head of publicity at Metro as a resource for contacting a Mr. and Mrs. Tasker(?) Tells recipient to send wires to various people. Then he addresses his daughter Shelley and says that he enjoyed her letter very much. Stephanie is back at the hotel after having her operation. Says he will be leaving for New York to see her (Shelley) in about 2 weeks. Mentions that he and Stephanie are going to the embassy to have lunch with the American ambassador's wife and her children. Briefly discusses the weather. Requests recipient to send a Christmas card to Father Barney and Reverend Harris in London. Sends all of his love to "mom and yourself" indicating he must be addressing his father. Note to Jess Morgan; asks her to send a gift to someone after the Sturman(?) situation. Thanks Ted for his letter and mentions the moving of bookshelves. Doesn't want to discuss anything about the letter yet. Sends good wishes.
before 1961 December 12 : Starts by saying he heard the name of a constructor a few nights prior at Silhoeutto's and also that a Princess Arietti(?) wanted to talk. Gives the recipient the name of the constructor and says to call and give it to her (princess?). Says to take a letter to [unidentified] indicating that he (Wanger) has received the person's letter on 10/26/1961 and if he wishes to communicate further he can. Wants a letter written to William Sachs thanking him for his letter and that even if he hasn't yet received the $20 million he would be happy to hear back from him. Letter to Steve Brody thanking him for his letter and regarding Joe Mankiewicz: he is a resident of New York so there is no use approaching him regarding the "drive"? Wanger says he is a non-resident at the moment and in order to establish his foreign status he isn't making any American contributions, but tells recipient to leave out the last part. Says the picture is going very well, despite many problems. Thinks it will be a tremendous attraction. Note to Alex talking about how he was very nice in San Diego and that he had disposed of his house about a year and a half prior. Thanks Ms. Fitch(?) for her letter. Mentions the picture, says he thinks it’ll be great and the cast is superb. Talks about payments of some sort, then mentions charges to Fox. Addresses Ms. Raimondo in London thanking her for her letter. Goes on about the fire that burnt down his house. Says Shelley is not with him in Rome, but with her mother in New York. Steph is in France. Doesn’t know how much longer he will be in Rome or if he will move to London after, depends on whether or not he can make arrangements with the landlady. Letter to Harry Brandt(?) at 20th century fox. Says they have 5,000 stills so far and they and the cast are tremendous. Weather has been holding up the production. Morale is great on the set, and Wanger thinks the scenes are playing beautifully. Thinks if things keep up the way they are going that they will end up with the greatest attraction of all time. Mentions a Newsweek article, captain of the Rutgers football team and his senior thesis. Thinks they can use him in connection with the picture. Wants Harry to send him a letter. Addresses Steph, says he is enclosing two articles. Letter to Charles K. says he hears his picture is going well and then mentions how his own films' production is going. Mentions a few setbacks due to the size/scale of the picture, but also says that Joe (director) has been doing great despite the pressure and the morale on the set is great. Says Liz [Taylor] is also doing very well in her scenes and that the picture will make Richard Burton a star. Predicts that the picture will be an enormous success. Talks about how South Pacific (film) has already made $22-23 million as a musical film even after it was said that no one wants musicals anymore and that a $10 million budget is absurd and impossible for Cleopatra. Says that with a cast/campaign like they have it should make 3 times as much as South Pacific and the company will get $20 million back in distribution alone. Thinks they should be more worried about selling the film instead of trying to correct morale by making cuts which aren't bright for that time. Admits money has been wasted during the planning due to the pressure surrounding the film. Says there is a lot of interest in the public surrounding the film with the Queen of Denmark, King of Sweden and the Infanta of Spain having already requested to see it.
before 1961 December 12 : Letter to his brother, Harry: Says he is extremely busy, wishes he would've been there (where? mentions the Rhine) 6 months earlier because he could've saved the movie a few million dollars. Says picture is going great and can't wait to see the family at Christmas. Letter to Gisele: He and the studio would be happy to see her again. Wants a letter sent to [unidentified] in London: mentions a robe needed for a Christmas gift. Addresses Steph, talks about a clipping from the New York Times and her weekend arrangements with an Italian(?) family. Note to Gregor(?) talks about his house that burned down a year and half prior. Letter to Charles Cannon in the London office: sending him two small bills to be paid off. Says he's currently in California. New letter to [unidentified]: wants them to have his doctor send him Nitroglycerine/Coumadin by airmail. Wants to call Dr. Cohen and go over his production papers, dinner plans for that evening.
before 1961 December 12 : Letter to John M: Wanger is returning to Manhattan with his script. Says Pete Levathes is interested in seeing the picture when it is finished, but not interested in making any deals at the time. Note to Paul Lazar: says he hasn't heard from him for several months, inquires about a bonus he was supposed to receive. Note to a Mrs. Decorever(?): thanks her for her letter. Makes small talk about his daughter Stephanie and her recent case of appendicitis. Asks if she is coming to visit at all. Letter to Vincent Lebella (man from office "here in town"): Says he appreciates his kindness in getting the rosary and diploma for sisters Georgia and Marie. Letter to Jen(?): Makes small talk about Stephanie and her recent illness and the weather. Says he is looking forward to the holidays in New York. Is glad she is having a good time with "Ma" (end letter). Wants a talk with Kurt [unidentified] from Hollywood. Wants a talk with jack smith.
before 1961 December 12 : Letter to Doc Merman: thanks him for his call. Wants to call him again. Letter to Jess Morgan: Wants the Stillman(?) situation to be cleared by the 1st of the year so he can make advances to his lawyers. Sends her $150 to cover clinic expenses (presumably for Stephanie). Mentions an Italian film called "Theodora". Wants to see the design to know the publishers. Letter to Ma: Talks about Stephanie and their lunch with the ambassador's family, also addresses her recent illness. Letter to Harry: Talks about dinner with Italians from Cairo the night prior. Says he has been very busy because of the holidays and Stephanie's illness. Says the picture is progressing slowly and expensively, but also magnificently. Thinks it will make a new record in the industry. Says director and stars are doing great. Letter to Charles cannon in London: Asks him to charge the enclosed bill to his account. Letter to Mrs. Fitch: thanks her for the letter, is interested in her remarks about the showings. Would appreciate hearing from her in the future (end letter). Talks about his Christmas list and what he wants sent to everyone.
before 1961 December 12 : Memorandum to Mr. Rogell: Decided to discontinue certain takes in Rome, says the studio can make its own choice of what they require in order to check the quality. Doesn't know where to find Christmas cards in Italy, asks Brad(?) to get quite a few for him. Mentions lunch and dinner plans for that day. Wants to talk to Richards in accounting about his hotel. Says that this is not the first picture that Fox has made not on location and that there should not have been problems with it. Talks about lack of management. Nothing was done by the studio organization to smooth the process on the job. *To Shell* Talks about the weather and school and how he wants a gift sent to her and that he can't wait to see her.
before 1961 December 12 : Letter to Abraham L.: Talks about a will and thinks it should be changed, wants to know what he thinks. Mentions Stephanie and her operation. Says the pressure for the picture is enormous. Talks about Levathes and a script he has sent. Wants the number for the American embassy included in the letter. Letter to Levathes (but says not to send it?): Says he spoke to Figs(?) and they came to agreement about something on the payroll concerning Elizabeth Taylor. Waiting to hear back from him regarding other matters [Levathes]. Telegram to Kurt F.: Confirming that Elizabeth has agreed to start at 9:30 instead of 10 for a period of about 8 weeks. Letter to Greg (one of Wanger's lawyers at the coast): Says the pressure on him is great so he has not been able to write sooner. Gives him a brief rundown on the status of the picture and talks about Stephanie. Wants him and his wife to come to visit. Complains about how difficult it is to keep the picture private. The press won't leave them alone. Thinks Fox needs to figure out how to merchandise the film so they can get back on their feet.
before 1961 December 12 : Enclosing a letter from the doctor on set containing the names of medicines he needs. Wants them airmailed. Letter to Charles [unidentified] at 20th century fox in London: asks for his bill for 1 pound paid and charged to his LA account. Letter to martin (Marty): mentions the house fire from the year prior. Mentions good results for the picture so far, despite bad weather. Wire to [unidentified]: Talks about money spent on costumes. Mentions a Mr. Oliver Messel who wants to redesign the clothes for the picture because he is dissatisfied with the picture so far. Wanger says there was no talk of compensation for Messel's work until the work was completed and then someone close to Messel approached Wanger asking for him to be compensated for his work. Wanger says he made no commitment to Messel and explained this to Mr. Messel’s solicitors that the corporation had no obligation to Mr. Messel and that he was well-paid, but nothing beyond the contractual obligation would be granted to Mr. Messel. Wanger says Messel has been giving statements to the press that are critical of the new costumes and detrimental to the cooperation he received at the hands of the corporation (20th century fox). Wanger personally feels the company is under no obligation to compensate Messel financially. Letter to Mrs. Fitch: thanks her for letter #21. Doesn't care about the titles. Says his only concern is the weather. Letter to Joe [unidentified]: Appreciates his letter, says everyone on the set got a great kick out of it and that they don't get much info on Hollywood where they are. Says only current major problem is the weather. Talks about the actors and the problems with costumes/Oliver Messel. Note to Jess Morgan: wants status on Stillman and what she is doing to solve the issue.
before 1961 December 12 : November 6, 1961: Apologizes to Stephanie for not getting back to her sooner. Says he has been sick. Talks about her boy situation. Mentions the death of a Mr. Cook. Talks about how Shelley has been helping him. Talks about school and college in the future.
before 1961 December 12 : Thanks Mr. Saurat(?) for his kind letter. Says that unfortunately he disposed of his house a year and a half prior. Letter to Hal [unidentified]: apologizes about the house. Talks about note regarding Clifford. Letter to Shirley M. Field(?): apologizes that she is suffering from nerves. Letter to Laura(?): mentions the house fire, wants to hear back from her. Letter to Jerry: Has heard rumors that he is coming over, but has since learned he won't be coming. Talks about the actors in the picture and the weather. Says Skouras and Levathes are very worried about the costs. Points to "south Pacific" and its success as an example of why the execs should stop bothering him. Is confident his picture can do better. Letter to John Ditty(?): Talks about a fire, wants to know more about it. Takes it that John has been very busy. Says he is isolated and the weather has been bad so they have to shoot interior shots, but still thinks the picture will be great. Letter to Mrs. Fitch: Wants her to find about the size clothes a friend's kid wears so he can send some. Notes to brad to put in a name: Ted Sandler. Alsohas him note a few telephone numbers.
before 1961 December 12 : Letter to Jess Morgan: thanks her for the Christmas books, says he'll get to work on them and get back to her soon. Note to Miss Hyle(?): Looking forward to hearing from her. Wants to know what she is doing in Barcelona and requests that she sends pictures to put on file since she is student acting. Letter to Jerry: Thanks him for his letter, says everyone is enjoying it. Letter to Dot: Talks about correspondence concerning interviews with Elizabeth. Thinks the picture will be one of the greatest of all time. Letter to harry: Says personal matters are making things kind of difficult, but he is delighted with masterminding the picture. Letter to Jess Morgan(?): talks about bills for Stephanie's surgery and the Oliver Messel compensation situation, saying he has no intention of paying him. Letter to Doctor: thanks him for helping Shelley with her teeth.
before 1961 December 12 : Memo: Talks about time to prepare for certain sets and various problems on the set. Mentioned: Anthony's bedroom, two days; Richard Burton, 2; the Senate, the cast problem, 2 days for Caesar’s death; MGM set, how much time to prepare and cast problem; new plans for mausoleum; Cleopatra's sketch.
before 1961 December 12 : Has a letter sent to the Sheraton in NYC requesting the manager to get him a room for December 22. Letter to martin: Says things are progressing well. Letter to Bill Benton: Says he is in the middle of making Cleopatra. Thinks his picture will have great historical value. Wants to meet him for a conference on world affairs. Letter to Doc Bishop(?) at 20th century fox Beverly Hills: A Henry [unidentified] visited last week and thinks his visit turned out better than anticipated. Thinks Henry understood the caliber of the picture being made. Hopes that what Henry has written will be constructive and in the interest of the picture and 20th century fox. Letter to David Raphael at 20th century fox: wants a couple bottles of perfume sent to his Pan Am airplane. Mentions that the picture is going along wonderfully, but slowly and that the end result will be great.
before 1961 December 12 : Asks a Mrs. Van Buren(?) to add the telephone number of a woman named Katherine Bradford’s to his book. Then asks for a letter to be sent to Burt Stern in NY; in the letter he asks what has happened to the fortune idea, says he is writing in particular to see that Irene Sharaff (costume designer) gets credit for the clothes she has designed for Cleopatra (Liz Taylor). Wants to see a profile/article about it in Vogue magazine (which he says Burt controls). Compliments Irene on her work. Mentions the Oliver Messel controversy with the London production and the abandonment of all his designs. Thinks Irene deserves to win an Oscar. Mentions Kathy Bradford’s and how he hopes she can be developed into a major fashion figure. Talks about where they are at in the film, mentions the Sphinx. Letter to Jess Morgan: Thanks her for her letter regarding Stillman and (?) pictures. Says he is amazed by the letter from Woodson Wallace and thinks they have been as cooperative as possible when looking at the extra taxes/insurance policy payments that they paid. Asks if there is a way to arrange an advancement of the four months payment. Then asks about Justine Wanger, thinks it seems like she’s gone on a royal cruise. Says he wants to be cooperative but his own obligations between the government are enough to keep him busy. Doesn't think that this note is consistent with their past correspondence and their attempt to be cooperative. *NEW NOTE* mentions his Sunday expenses (lunch, tape, barbershop, supper). wants to look at his expense book because he says he'll probably have to put some additions in.
before 1961 December 12 : Notes for the day: says he and Mr. Levathes have arranged an appointment to meet with Mr. Monaco at his office. Then says he is supposed to meet that morning with Mr. Deliani(?) And Mr. Roddell. Mentions a lunch he had the day prior with Mr. Ginsberg and his party in which he gave them 6,000 lira? Is supposed to make a report on the story illicit for Mr. Levathes and another report on the reorganization of the picture for Levathes. Wants to the see the pictures that Mr. smith brought back and wants to go to the projection room to see some film that was taken by Mr. Shamroy. Wants to order a dressing gown for Mr. Mankiewicz for Christmas (wants Levathes to do it). Wants to write letters to Charles Schwartz, Joe Rosenberg and Charlie Feldman. Wants to speak to Annalena Linetani the following week at the office. Says on Sunday he is going to be called by a production manager. Wants to talk to Kurt Freens(?) about the carpet situation and the photos that Mrs. Fischer. Wants to look at the production board. Wants to check on a girl named Maggie Sanchez who is in Spain. Wants to talk to Irene and about Rex Harrison's clothes. Wants to talk find out about his blood test from Dr. Cohen. Wants to talk to Paul Fox about the carpet situation.
before 1961 December 12 : Note #1: Says he has spoken to John Mather(?) and has arranged for you(?) to meet with him to discuss the possibility of making a picture with Marilyn [Monroe?]. Note #2: appointment on Monday at noon with Monaco at his office. Note #3: Regarding treatment illicit; thinks their current work is the basis for a very excellent entertainment and that if properly done the picture should succeed all over the world. Sees no reason for changing the local of the picture from Greece to Italy, as he sees enormous interest in Greece and the shipping tycoons. Says there are quite a few things that worry him about the treatment of the picture. First thing is the business and he thinks that the Americans treated him in a very old-fashioned manner, and thinks the business background should be made more intelligent and human in order to match with the Greek partners. Feels that the characters are not developed by what happens to them, which seems obligatory; they are the same in the end as they were in the beginning. Thinks it’s important in order to justify the break between the couple; the girl blossoms mentally and physically on her travels abroad. Says this is logical and will be a great interest to all American woman who "just look at television and lean over a washing machine" and that there is a great fascination in the first trip to Europe and it usually has a telling effect on the individual. Says the wife in the beginning is a very different woman after she meets Hercules and has seen all of the beauties, luxuries, manners and culture of Europe. Thinks this is the pivot from making this picture more than a one-gag comedy. Thinks Hercules is much too smart and has too much experience with women not to expect something, doesn't want him to be more suspicious than he is. Thinks the husband’s sacrifice of his wife for his business success is something that can be deftly handled and should allow for many good comedy situations and some dramatic ones. Says there should also be a great suspicion on the husband’s part that he has a real competitor in Hercules and how he can cope with him. Can see possibilities of the husband ending up with the other girl who is also an adventurous European type. Objects to the undramatic way Hercules sulks and leaves after he finds the husband coming out of the bedroom. Thinks Hercules would be much more skillful in his plan to get this girl. Thinks they have all the ingredients for a hit, a roman holiday only with more substance. Thinks the script needs to be well-developed. Asks Mrs. Van Buren to find out what time the film that was taken yesterday will be ready. Tells her to take a note to Julia [unidentified] regarding the policing of photographers and press for the shooting of the procession so as to make sure there are no problems.
before 1961 December 12 : Note to Mrs. Van Buren: speaks of yesterday’s lunch with the Mr. Amerson from the embassy and a man from TIME. Last night’s supper with Stephanie. Wants to talk to [unidentified] about policing the crowds. Wants to talk to Irene Sharaff about Rex Harrison. Letter to Mr. Denieli(?): mentions the conference Mr. Denieli had with Mr. Rodell the day prior and that Rodell is being appointed the direct contact between him (Mr. Denieli) and the production. Letter to Mr. Marley(?): Reminds him that he (Wanger) is in charge of the production and that any memos regarding the picture need to be cc’ed to him. Note to Johnny [unidentified]: wants a weekly cost sheet for the production. Letter to Mrs. Fitch: says he is enclosing a bill that he wants to make sure is paid. Says there are some problems, but they are working hard.
before 1961 December 12 : Letter to Mrs. Francis… (Italian director of Stephanie's school): Thanks her for her letter and sends his regards for her late husband (who Wanger knew apparently). He discusses chaperonage for a trip of some kind. Letter to Stephanie: Hopes to see a letter back from her describing all the things she sees on her trips. Misses her very much. Lists various expenses for the previous couple of days. Letter to Jess Morgan: Says he will do something about the English situation (?). Says the work has been back-breaking, working seven days a week and long hours. So far the rushes(?) have been very satisfactory. Mentions reimbursements for some of his family's expenses, wants those messages to be sent directly to Jess to speed up the process. Letter to Mr. Eller (unsure of the spelling): Doesn't know what to tell him as there has recently been a re-organization, but he would love to meet him (Eller) for a drink sometime soon. Letter to Jimmy Wolf: Thinks there is chance for a great success in London and New York with his current project. Is delighted to hear how well his (wolf's) picture is doing. Wants to meet with him soon, says he feels isolated. Thinks wolf will love the picture. Letter to Mrs. [unidentified]: Thanks her for her letter to Steph. Letter to John Michael: thinks John should revert to his longhand letters but says he understands why not (John is unable to dictate to his secretary). Says the weather has been fine, but he's been very busy. Hopes to get some of the big scenes out of the way soon. Letter to Jerry: Says Buerates(?) has been very helpful on set and Wanger hopes he gets the authority he deserves in order to make things move properly for everyone. Talks about how busy things have been, thinks the rushes have been very good and that Liz Taylor is doing fantastic. Hopes to see him soon to tell him more about the picture. Letter to Gilbert Miller: Is delighted to know the caretaker is doing well and that he has a hit to start the season, also he is pleased to see Miller in the film business again. Warns him to not overdo it, thinks he should take care of his health. Wants to know when he feels better so he can come and visit. Says he has been working hard, but it has been fun. Letter to Harry Brandt: Is glad he likes the rushes, thinks Liz will be sensational in the picture. Mentions it's been very hard work, but that the picture will justify the efforts.
before 1961 December 12 : Starts with a list of recent expenses. Asks for a letter to be taken to Molly Manderville at the studio: Thanks her for sending the script. Says things have been progressing well, but slowly and that Liz is in great form. Letter to Joseph Rosenberg in Los Angeles: Says Henry Ginsberg is there and is glad he's on the team. Thinks they are on the road to a great success. P.S: Bobby Leven was there and was impressed by the sets. Thinks that bobby is backing the wrong people at Fox and that he should back Pete Levathes instead. Letter to Harry Brandt: thanks him for his notes. Hopes he is seeing the film as it comes as it should be to his liking. Thinks they will the most tremendous box office success in many decades, but also thinks their big problem is making publicity last over years, not just months. Letter to Dr. Merman(?): Thinks he should come to the set, as it will pep up the “boys from home” and give him a better idea of the scope of problems they are dealing with. Says they have a great picture on their hands and the morale is high. Note to Frank Komite(?): Talks about cars, wonders if he wants to send any of the bills. Letter to Charles Schwartz, lawyer in NYC: Says Henry Ginsberg is here and that he saw you (Ginsberg). Says he was glad to see him last year in London, but he is sorry that things didn't turn out better. Says the picture will be one of the greatest of all time. Letter to Charles K. Feldman: Says things are coming along slow, but yell. Thinks it will be great they just have to sell it and handle it properly and it will turn out fine. Says Joe and the cast are doing superb, the sets are great as well. The only problem so far has been the weather, but Liz is doing great. Excited to see his play is at the Lion. Says they've been working very hard to smooth out their problems. Note to Bowring Arundel & Co. in London: asks to order a suit, will have London office send them the payment. Letter to Mrs. Lea de Cordova: Thanks her for the medicine she sent. Says the weather has been marvelous until today when it messed up their processions. Has great faith they will come through with a marvelous picture as they have been working very hard and overcoming problems in the process. Asks how her family is doing and is grateful for her kindnesses. Letter to Madame Pavlacini: Apologizes for not being able to attend her cocktail party as he was working very late. Appreciates her kindness to his daughter. Would like to have drinks with her and her husband sometime.
before 1961 December 12 : (Not sure who he is addressing, possibly Shelly in NYC), Says they started shooting the procession, but the rain has put a halt to that. Elizabeth looks wonderful and has lost a great deal of weight. She has been rehearsing her entrance to Rome on a sphinx pulled by 800 Egyptian slaves. Asks how she is doing in NY. Says Levathes and his family are going back to NY for week. Letter to Gisile Galwar(?) Says he's checked with the casting department and would like to have her come back, but he doesn't know the dates because they have been slightly delayed. Would like to have her in their picture if the proper part can be found. Letter to [Skouras, President of Fox?] Says they are going to do everything they can to make this picture in the most efficient manner possible. Mentions the inclement weather, but that they have shot two days of the procession scenes and that the studio will be impressed with it. Mentions the hard work and cooperative spirits of Elizabeth and Joe (director). Says Levathes has been of great help in organizing things. Above all, they have been working long hours, seven days a week to smooth out any problems that come along with making picture of that size. Letter to Mr. Capodano, director of the Bank of America: Hopes that Cilio will be able to come out to the studio. Would like to get lunch sometime soon. Would like to deposit $150 every month into Steph's checking account. Wants to send a postcard to Shelly with Russian stamps in it.
before 1961 December 12 : Letter to Levathes in LA: Hopes he knows how constructive his visit to Rome was and was sorry to see him go. Regarding his telephone call to him (Levathes) about the Warner contract, all demands that Warner objected to were dropped because of the good terms of the contract. However he (Wanger) is not certain Warner isn't trying to get out of the deal. Says Eddie has the option on the Gouffe case. Kurt Fring has called him (Wanger) to set up a deal for Audrey Hepburn to be in "Justine". John Maither called him (Wanger) from Paris the night prior. Says he (Maither) found a book he wants to play, but that he needs Marilyn Monroe to be in it. Says the biggest hitch is that the picture couldn't be done before next spring as there is no script. Says he gave Levathes the wrong name of the book, it is actually called "Catch 22". Says Joe Demiro(?) arrived the day prior and that he will be a tremendous help (he has been helping with all of the contract issues). Says there has been two days of no activities due to the rain, but that Joe has finally started on act and he (Wanger) thinks it will be easier than act 1. He (Wanger) and Joe had a good talk a few days prior and Joe was most receptive to it. Says he has talked with Charlie Townsend and Sid Rogell the matter of not putting so much responsibility on Kellogg’s and that Kellogg’s should just focus on acting. Wants to get things rolling with the procession scenes so they can cut the payroll as they are currently employing a lot of people in connection with the sequence and that after they can have a more compact organization for the picture. Says he is still concerned with the exteriors of Alexandria. After the procession scenes and Alexandria exteriors are done, they will be able to see the light. Everyone's morale is high on the artistic side and they think they will deliver the best picture ever. As they soon as they get more material underway they might be able to start selling tickets. Pressure for material from the press from all over the world continues. Wants Levathes to read a book that is comparable to Breakfast at Tiffany's, but although it is of the same genre it is no competition for it. Wants him to look for script writers in London to write a script as he thinks they are good at writing comedies.
before 1961 December 12 : Letter to Levathes: Wishes for him and his wife to come back soon, says he is sorely missed. Is enclosing a clipping from the London observer written by London's top film critic, thinks it’s very interesting. Has something to do with a film that Wanger thinks could work well with a director he knows from the Blake Edward's School. Talks about the film's progress. Says they are in the midst of the procession, thinks it looks tremendous. Morale is high on set and he hopes they can finish it by the following week. First act of the picture is complete and he thinks Joe (director) has done a great job with it. Says he was worried about the Roman sequences because they were quite complicated and could be dull, but Joe did a fine job making them. Admits that he was more moved by the first act of the script than he has been in years. They are getting really good reports from the studio. Wants a few shots of Egypt to be sent near the end of filming. Wants Kellogg to finish on a Battle scene. Is going to write Levathes a letter sometime in the next week that includes work on finding someone new to do merchandising for the film. Talks about work that needs to be done with cover sets. Says the organization dealing with the 3-4 thousands extras has been working better than he's ever seen happen before. Mentions some concern over contracts. Is enclosing a letter from Bert Stern, the photographer. Says Johnny Johnson has made a revised schedule that has Elizabeth being done by January, but Wanger thinks this is optimistic. P.S. to Levathes: Mentions Sheila Graham, a columnist, who has been causing trouble with the picture's publicity. Says she is blackmailing them. But Wanger thinks he was able to calm her down a bit after meeting with her.
before 1961 December 12 : Letter to Harry: Talks about Shelley, the weather in Iscia(?) and the possibility of shooting down there. Picture is going well, studio is excited. Letter to Burt Stern: Talks briefly about progress of procession scenes with Liz (Taylor). Letter to Mrs. Fitch: Regarding the rushes, he suggests she see Doc Merman. Things are progressing well. Note to Ted Kane at the Studio in Hollywood: The track sheets, music and instructions have arrived and they are planning to have 20 in the choir, are trying currently to cast the girls for it. Expresses enthusiasm for the picture. Letter to Jerry: Talks about shooting of procession, hopes to finish it within a week. Thinks studio is impressed with the rushes. Is keeping in close touch with Pavlicini as he been seeing him around a lot. Mentions the previous day’s events with Harrison and Burton's first scenes being shot. Wants him to come visit. Letter to Arthur Jacobs; is very pleased that the Walter Wanger film festival is underway, wants to know about dates as he will be occupied with the shooting of the picture until spring. Mentions how busy he has been. Says publicity surrounding the picture is absurd; they are having to fight off the press rather than plant material, has never known anything like the pressure for information like on this picture. Excitement surrounds the rushes. Thinks Publicity/propaganda campaign should last five years. Letter to Sal: Thinks he has done a tremendous job (on what?). Is interested on his educational approach and its importance to the industry. Talks briefly about the picture. Letter to Jess Morgan: Picture is progressing slowly, but he still thinks it will succeed all over the world. Mentions that in one more year his contract will be up (the following October 20th). Letter to shelly: is enclosing some tickets for a raffle that is being given at the Grand Hotel [Waldorf Astoria], hopes she wins a prize. Anxious to hear from her. Wants to know if she has made up her mind about what she wants for Christmas. Letter to Mrs. Levathes: Thanks her for her note. Hopes all is well with her and her family.
before 1961 December 12 : Letter to Shelly: Congratulates her on her report card. Says he is dying to see Breakfast at Tiffany’s, but he has seen Camelot. Is going to see an Italian musical comedy that night and if it is good he is going to try and send it to New York. Thinks the picture will be a great success. Letter to Mrs. Wanger (Ma): Was delighted to receive her note. Would like to hear what's going from both of them. Says he has never worked harder in his whole life than he is now. Has only finished 1/2 of the screenplay. Millions of dollars at stake every time he looks around. Thinks they'll be alright if they gross $150 million.
before 1961 December 12 : Letter to Jess: Is concerned that she did not mention Sturman in her last letter. Wants to know what is going with that situation. Wants to call the colonel at the embassy to see if he is back. Wants to call the ambassador, Ryan Howard. Wants to write a letter to Pete Levathes about publicity. Wants to find out what happened with the test on Ramus on Saturday. Wants to write a letter to the cast about the shooting schedule.
after 1961 December 11 : [content inaudible] Mentions of the things to take place in the following spring and summer. Possibly talking to Shelly in one part. Mentions Pete Levathes at one point.
after 1961 December 11 : Letter/memo to Peter (Pete Levathes?): Says that their previous talk on the phone has him (Wanger) concerned that Peter is under great pressure from external sources, guesses that this is why he made some of the statements that he did concerning Burton being in New York and the bonus he was given, among other things such as asking what the crew does on their weekends and saying that him (Wanger) and Joe (director) are unconcerned with the cost of the picture. Wanger says this is quite untrue and that he expects the picture to exceed all expectations. Praises Joe for the scenes he has written for Liz Taylor and Burton. Says there are many sequences which are being improvised in order to save the studio a lot of money. Mentions second-unit situation, Kellogg situation, set dressing and Walder Scott, fittings regarding Liz. Says they are working on an open-end budget, nobody has any sense of responsibility and everyone blames everything else. Asks when there will be a definitive budget for the picture. He (Wanger) just wants to make a great picture regardless of the budget. Letter to Jessica and Hugh(?) Cronon. Letter to [unidentified]: thanks him for a poster and his tailor's address. Says he is looking for an artist to make a trademark poster for the film and asks if he or anyone else he knows could do it. Letter to Jess Morgan: Says picture is progressing slowly, but material is wonderful and hopefully it will make over $100 million. Added notes to Levathes letter/memo: says one of the first things he did when he arrived was to stop the “deploreless” studio deal with the location and building of the ship. Letter to Maurice Newton: Says he misses their telephone calls from California to New York. Hopes to talk to him on the telephone when he is back in New York. Mentions he is in the midst of a big picture. Talks about Stephanie. Hopes he and his wife are in the best of health.
after 1961 December 11 : Letter to Spiros: Writing in response to Spiros' letter of Dec. 13th* [content inaudible] Mentions of Joe's great work as director of the picture. Letter to Jerry: [content inaudible] Hopes to see him when he is back in NY for the holidays. Very impressed with Jerry's newsletter and its mention of Cleopatra. Says he shares Jerry's opinion completely and wishes the studio would do the same. Says Joe has been doing a miraculous job. Is sure the picture will achieve a victory, but he sees a long year still head that will be spent preparing it. New letter to [unidentified]: [content inaudible]
after 1961 December 11 : Letter to Martin J(?): [content inaudible] Mentions British/French outfits? Letter to Harry: [content inaudible] Letter to Jess Morgan: Says he got a letter from Stanley Grainger. Talks about expenses, an address in London, and expenses for the previous fall season. Asks if she has heard anything about the Sturman situation. Letter to Blake Edwards: Says he was thrilled to see Breakfast at Tiffany's. Thinks everything was amazing. Says it was one of the first modern pictures he had seen in years. Mentions his dinner with Audrey Hepburn and Ingrid Bergman the previous night. Congratulates him again on his achievement. Letter to Abraham: is grateful for his council. Regarding wills he has asked Jess Morgan to fill him on his will.
after 1961 December 11 : [content inaudible at start] Mentions script, someone coming from London. Says Rex Harrison, Liz Taylor and Joe (director) are all doing wonderful jobs. Thinks it will continue this way as long as Skouras (Pres of 20th century Fox) keeps his fingers out of it. Says expenses will be great, but that he believes the gross and profits will be also. Letter to Charles Feldman: Writing to let him know that he has seen about three quarters of an hour of Joe's first cut and it is "absolutely out of this world. It has depth, quality, great humor, wonderful dramatics and some of the best performances I have ever seen in my life". Thinks it should gross 100 million. Talks about going back to NYC to be with his family over the holidays. Couldn’t be more enthusiastic at the moment, not so sure how the company is feeling. If South Pacific can do 30 million they can certainly more than better than that. Says everyone thinks it is worth the money except 20th century fox. Wants the following to be added to a letter to john wolf: he has heard of a story that might interest jack clayton and if he (wolf) likes it then it could become a joint Italian/English project. Wants to see if they can have him and clayton meet to try and get this going. [content inaudible again]. Letter to Deliani: Talks about getting lunch to talk about what can and can't be done in order to garner commercial success.
after 1961 December 11 : Letter to [unidentified]: Talks about dinner he had the other day with this person and it was nice to see him again. Hopes 1962 will be a more peaceful and prosperous year. Letter to Mrs. Anderson(?): Thanks her for her letter and gift. Wishes her and her family well. Letter to Jack Anderson: Sends him well wishes. Letter to Mrs. Fitch: thanks her for her gift. Is very enthusiastic about how the film looks and thinks it should be done sometime in the spring. Thinks it will be a great spectacle. Letter to another couple Donna and Greg M.: Says Charles Feldman and Pete Levathes are coming in as they are having an unusual crisis at the moment, but the film is looking magnificent. Taylor, Burton and Rex Harrison are doing great work and that everyone will be proud of Joe Mankiewicz's work on the picture. Letter to George C: Says the picture is moving along slowly, but beautifully. Praises Taylor and Joe for their great work in the movie so far. Note to John Michael: thanks him for his greeting. Wants him to come visit so he can get away from 'those Hollywood intellectuals'.
after 1961 December 11 : Says memos (?) of January 10th were very helpful as they are now reorganizing the production set-up and appraising the whole Cleopatra project to a realistic completion date while Peter (Levathes) is there. The major priority is to get a script completed so they will soon be in a position to appraise the entire enterprise. It is essential to accelerate the shooting of the film with a 2nd unit filming. Shortly they hope to present a schedule of activities for the second unit. A 3rd unit might even be needed. At this time the question of length should be reviewed due to the universal criticism of the length of Ben-Hur, Exodus and Spartacus, they should aim for the 3 hours and Pete confirms this as an ideal length. If this is to be the length they must eliminate the telescope scenes in the script. At their current rate the final cut would be 6 hours. We know that time is our biggest problem. Certain cuts will be made to the script for scenes 6/7. Same goes for scene 29 and 8. *continues talking about which cuts will be made to the script*. Regarding shooting time, if you have a properly organized day you can shoot 2.5 pages with ease, but this has not been the case up to date. the removal of non-obligatory scenes, optimization of time, the use of a 2nd unit and the 1st unit doing 2.5 pages/day is the only way to be finished shooting in Rome by mid-April. *New heading* Unanswered questions: We are still looking for locations, expect to have answers in the coming 10 days. IN his opinion, in consideration of the excitement/publicity surrounding the film, the opening will be disappointing for the audience. The only advantage is showing Antony. Is worried that the film will be jumpy and incoherent, suggests that it should start in Cleopatra's temple. Thinks Caesar’s introduction after Cleopatra would be much better and the only loss would be Antony's introduction. Goes on about various aspects of the film's scenes and his suggestions/plans for them (2nd unit projects, battle scenes, art department). Says going to Egypt for a few scenes is still a possibility.
after 1961 December 11 : Letter to his mother. [content inaudible]
after 1961 December 11In Italian
after 1961 December 11 : [content inaudible]
after 1961 December 11 : Letter to Oliver M. Brooks: Thanks him for the bottle of brandy. Letter to Harold L(?): thanks him for his letter, was glad to hear from him. Letter to Mrs. Romundo: thanks her for her letter. Talks about his daughters and their plans. Wire to Charles Feldman: Asks how long he will be in Paris. Letter to Margaret L: Was delighted to read her notices for her play. Hopes she is doing well in New York. Hopes to finish the film one day, but the going is slow.
after 1961 December 11 : Night cable to Pogana: Please meet after arrival of Pan-Am flight. Wants to see if new scripts have been sent to New York.
after 1961 December 11 : Letter to Nina; Thanks her for her letter, has received the photographs he asked her to send. The purpose of the letter is to introduce a very good friend, Ted Lewan(?) One of the most attractive, entertaining men he knows. Letter to 21 Brands(?): *reads addresses off*
after 1961 December 11 : Wants to get in touch with the American school in Rome. *Shelley speaks about an award she is trying to apply for*.
1962 January 29 : Letter to Jess Morgan: Received her letter. Wants to comment on some points in the letter. Talks about the alimony situation with Justine Wanger. Talks about Steph and Shelley’s situation (trust fund, education expenses, etc.). Mentions Allied artists, wants to know if there are any statements from them.
1962 February 1 : Asks to make the following notes about production: Doc Erickson about a costume coordinator, Irene Shariff about tosses (?), dining arrangements for the following days, wants to talk to publicity department, wants to arrange to look at cut stuff with Mr. Feldman, planning to write a book, wants to talk to Stuart Lyons about actors for barge scene, letter to Pete Levathes. Letter to Jess Morgan: Mentions information received by Mr. English among other things regarding expenses and production. Letter to Arthur Jacobs: Will stand by his decision in which he doesn't wish to continue any publicity actions at this time. Letter to Alec (Last name?): Appreciates his thoughts, thinks his New York trip will be very successful. *new note* wants to talk to Mr. Rogell about the Irene Shariff situation.
1962 February 5 : Note to Arthur and wife: discusses the movie's stills, says he will forward them as soon as he gets them. Thinks the movie will hopefully be done by spring. Mentions a special addition and a paperback for children in many languages. Thinks Charlie Einfeld(?) should be contacted. Note: wants to talk to the American Embassy about Robert Kennedy's trip to Rome. Is expecting a note from Liz Taylor in Paris. Note to Patty [unidentified] in New York: Asks her about Lewis and Aphrodite and if she's ever seen it because he thinks it would make a good film script.
1962 February 5 : Letter to Mel F.: Jerry is much better and back at work. Has been in touch with Bob Panero and told him how interested they are in getting the real estate set up properly. Talks about a prospectus on United States company called U.S. Enterprises who specializes in electronic education and another company interested in building hotels called Winston Muss who has a lot of capital and might be interested in joining up with their enterprise. Says they shouldn't forget.
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