State Historical Society of Wisconsin: Board of Curators Committee Records, 1940-2010

Summary Information

Title: State Historical Society of Wisconsin: Board of Curators Committee Records
Inclusive Dates: 1940-2010

  • State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Call Number: Series 1910; Audio 1643A; 1978/229; 1979/020; 1981/281; 1983/311; 1984/291; 1985/041; 1986/168; 1988/222; 1992/182; 1993/012; 1994/024; 1997/080; 1997/180; 1998/190; 1999/096; 2015/191; 2016/058

Quantity: 7.0 cubic feet (18 archives boxes); plus additions of 32.6 cubic feet and 2 tape recordings

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Files of standing and special committees of the Board of Curators, the governing body of the Historical Society; including committee lists, minutes, correspondence, reports, and recommendations to the Board.


There is a restriction on access to this material; see the Administrative/Restriction Information portion of this finding aid for details.

Language: English

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