La Pointe (Wis.: Town). Clerk: Records
- La Pointe (Wis.: Town). Clerk
Ashland Micro Series 2
4 reels of microfilm (35 mm)
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center / Ashland Area Research Ctr.
Town record books and volumes of meeting minutes. Town record books include proceedings of meetings of the town board and of the annual town meeting, election results, lists of town officers, oaths and bonds, record of chattel mortgages, licenses granted, and financial records. Separate volumes also contain minutes of the board of supervisors, highway commissioners, school commissioners, board of review, and annual town meetings. This series includes Board of Health minutes, 1922-1943.
This series is available only on microfilm. Originals are at the La Pointe Town Hall, La Pointe, Wisconsin.
There are two reels labeled “1.”