Paul Vanderbilt Papers, 1942-1990 (bulk 1954-1990)

Summary Information

Title: Paul Vanderbilt Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1942-1990 (bulk 1954-1990)

  • Vanderbilt, Paul
Call Number: Mss 1168; PH 6789; Audio 1133A; PH 2068; PH 2214 (3); PH 2350 (3); PH 2382 (3); PH 2476 (3); PH 2520; PH 2528; PH 2539; PH 2563; PH 2666 (5); PH 2684; PH 2760; PH 2770; PH 2824; PH 2843; PH 2854; PH 2862; PH 2878; PH 2896; PH 2934; PH 2995; PH 3010; PH 3144; PH 3145; PH 3439; PH 3445; PH 3474; PH 3592; PH 3792; PH 4061 (3); PH 4177; PH 4356; PH 5001 (3); PH 5002 (5); PH 5003; M2012-045; M2014-087

Quantity: 1.0 cubic foot (5 archives boxes), 0.3 cubic feet of photographs (1 archives box and 1 oversize folder), and 10 4 x 8-feet panels in 2 oversize cases; plus additions of 17 oversize folders, 4 tape recordings, 1969 photographs, 6.3 cubic feet of photographs (11 flat boxes), 368 negatives, 0.4 cubic feet of negatives, 111 frames of 35 mm negatives and contact sheets, 394 transparencies, and 2 photographs

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Papers, 1942-1990 (bulk 1954-1990), of curator, photographer, and author Paul Vanderbilt, consisting of photocopies of his journals, 1954-1990, including lectures, book reviews, essays, technical guides, and a manuscript of “Wisconsin: A Pictorial History” compiled by Vanderbilt, 1974-1976, for Charles Scribner's Sons. Also included are materials relating to exhibits of his photographs, an honorary doctorate granted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a conference held in his honor at the Wisconsin Historical Society, correspondence, news clippings, and published photographs. Included are photographs from projects done by Vanderbilt in his position as curator of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin's photograph collections.


There is a restriction on use of this material; see the Administrative/Restriction Information portion of this finding aid for details.

Language: English

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